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Skyrim, Protection Guaranteed » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: The Thieves Guild is running a protection scheme in Riften. Some of the business owners were delinquent from paying their protection fees. It's time to collect the money and give them some reminders. With no protection fee, there is no protection from the ones protecting them.

Protection Guaranteed

In the cobblestone-laden city of Riften, a silent pact binds the shadows to the marketplace. The Thieves Guild, cloaked in secrecy, orchestrates a protection racket that weaves through the city’s commerce like a hidden thread. Yet, whispers of dissent have begun to stir; some business owners have faltered in their payments, their contributions to the Guild’s coffers waning like the waning moon.

The time has come to reaffirm the unspoken agreement, to remind the merchants of the delicate balance that holds their world together. Without the Guild’s discreet vigilance, the safety they have grown accustomed to would dissipate into the night air, leaving them vulnerable to the very dangers from which they sought refuge.

The Guild’s envoys move through the city with purpose, their presence a subtle reminder of obligations unmet. They are not brutes or thugs; they are the unseen guardians, the silent sentinels who demand respect, not through fear, but through the certainty of their protection. Their approach is not one of menace, but of a stern reminder that the shield they provide is not without its price.

As they visit each establishment, their message is clear: the Guild’s protection is a privilege, a safeguard against the chaos that lurks beyond the city’s walls. It is a service rendered, a shield against the unpredictable tides of fortune that could, at any moment, sweep through their doors. The fee is not a burden, but an investment in the continuity of their prosperity.

Yet, the Guild’s methods are not without compassion. They understand the ebb and flow of commerce, the trials that each season brings. Their reminders are not threats, but prompts to uphold a mutual understanding. For those who have simply forgotten, a gentle nudge suffices. For the truly delinquent, a firmer hand is employed, not to harm, but to impress upon them the gravity of their oversight.

The Guild does not seek to rule through fear, but to offer a bastion of stability in a world riddled with uncertainty. They are the unseen weavers of safety, the quiet architects of a peace that allows the city to thrive. Their protection is an invisible barrier, a ward against the darkness that would otherwise consume the light of commerce and community.

In the end, the collection of the protection fees is not a mere transaction; it is the renewal of a covenant between the Guild and the heartbeat of Riften’s economy. It is an affirmation that the Guild’s shadowy embrace is a mantle of security, a guarantee that the merchants’ wares and livelihoods will continue to flourish under their watchful gaze.

And so, the cycle continues, the dance of shadow and coin playing out beneath the surface of Riften’s bustling life. The Thieves Guild remains a force unseen, yet ever-present, a reminder that in the intricate tapestry of the city’s existence, every thread has its place, every merchant their role. With each coin collected, the silent symphony of protection weaves on, a harmony of assurance that resonates through the stone and timber of Riften’s storied streets.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim

Skyrim, Protection Guaranteed » Kabalyero

Skyrim, The Ragged Flagon » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: The objective was to survive the Rat Way and find the Ragged Flagon. It's the hideout of the Thieves Guild and it's in Riften's sewers.

The Ragged Flaggon

In the shadowy underbelly of Riften, a network of tunnels known as the Rat Way sprawls like the roots of an ancient tree. It is here that one must venture with a singular goal: to endure the labyrinthine passageways and locate the elusive Ragged Flagon. This clandestine tavern, shrouded in secrecy, serves as the sanctuary for the infamous Thieves Guild.

The journey is not for the faint of heart. The Rat Way is a treacherous maze, its corridors echoing with the whispers of the past and the scurrying of unseen creatures. The air hangs heavy with dampness, the walls slick with the city’s forgotten stories. To navigate this subterranean world requires more than mere courage; it demands cunning, stealth, and an unwavering resolve.

As one delves deeper into the Rat Way, the darkness seems to press in from all sides. Torches flicker, casting long shadows that dance with the rhythm of an unseen danger. The path is fraught with traps and pitfalls, remnants of the Guild’s ingenuity to deter unwelcome visitors. Each step must be measured, each breath calculated, for the slightest misstep could lead to a swift and silent end.

Yet, amidst the peril, there is a pulse of life that thrums through the tunnels. The Thieves Guild, a brotherhood bound by secrecy and survival, thrives in the depths. Their whispers carry tales of heists and escapades, of treasures won and lost. They are the unseen architects of the city’s fortunes, the silent movers of fate’s threads.

To find the Ragged Flagon is to discover the heart of this hidden world. It is said that the tavern’s lanterns burn with a light that is not of this realm, casting a warm glow that beckons the weary traveler. Inside, the air is thick with the scent of spiced mead and the murmur of hushed conversations. The patrons, a tapestry of faces marked by time and toil, share their stories in the currency of trust.

The Ragged Flagon is more than a mere meeting place; it is a testament to the resilience of those who dwell in the shadows. It is a haven where alliances are forged, where the currency of secrets holds more value than gold. Here, in the embrace of the Guild, one can find a peculiar sense of belonging—a fellowship forged in the crucible of the Rat Way’s trials.

To emerge victorious from the Rat Way, to stand within the Ragged Flagon’s storied walls, is to claim a place among legends. It is to join the ranks of those who walk the fine line between the seen and unseen, between the law and the lore. For in the end, the journey through the Rat Way is not just about survival—it is about discovering the indomitable spirit that resides within, the unquenchable thirst for adventure that defines the essence of the Thieves Guild.

And so, the quest beckons: to brave the darkness, to unravel the enigma of the Rat Way, and to uncover the secrets that lie within the Ragged Flagon. For those who dare to answer the call, the path ahead is rife with danger and discovery. But for those who succeed, the reward is a story etched in the annals of Riften—a tale of cunning, camaraderie, and the unyielding pursuit of the shadows’ embrace.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim

Skyrim, The Ragged Flagon » Kabalyero

Skyrim, Shadr's Debt To Sapphire Paid » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: Sapphire was speaking to Shadr. She was collecting her money from Shadr but Shadr was not able to pay Sapphire because Sapphire did something bad that affected Shadr's financial status.

In the dimly lit room, Sapphire faced Shadr with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. The air was thick with tension, as the moment of reckoning had arrived. Sapphire, with her hands clasped tightly in front of her, was there to collect the debt owed to her, a sum that had been agreed upon under much different circumstances.

Shadr, on the other hand, sat slumped in his chair, his eyes avoiding Sapphire's steady gaze. The room was silent except for the ticking of the clock, marking the seconds that felt like hours to both of them. Shadr's financial situation had taken a turn for the worse, a direct consequence of an indiscretion committed by Sapphire. It was an act that she had thought inconsequential at the time, but its ripples had extended far and wide, eventually crashing into Shadr's life with the force of a tsunami.

The money that Sapphire sought was no longer within Shadr's grasp. His business, once thriving and prosperous, was now a shadow of its former self. The clients had disappeared, the contracts had been canceled, and the steady stream of income had dried up to nothing more than a trickle. All because Sapphire, in a moment of weakness, had made a choice that now haunted both their lives.

Sapphire remembered the day all too well. It was a decision made in haste, a solution to a problem that seemed insurmountable at the time. But the solution had been a poison, one that had seeped into the foundation of Shadr's enterprise and eroded it from within. She had not meant to cause harm, yet the damage was done, and the cost was more than just monetary.

As they sat in silence, the weight of guilt pressed heavily on Sapphire's shoulders. She knew that demanding payment from Shadr was futile, yet she was bound by her own needs, her own debts that clamored for attention. The cycle of cause and effect, of action and consequence, was playing out before her, and she was powerless to stop it.

Shadr finally looked up, his eyes meeting Sapphire's. There was no anger there, only resignation and a deep, unspoken understanding. Words were unnecessary; their shared history spoke volumes more than any conversation could. Sapphire slowly unclasped her hands and placed them on her lap, her posture softening.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, the words barely audible. It was an apology for more than just the current predicament. It was an acknowledgment of the pain she had caused, the trust she had broken, and the friendship she had jeopardized.

Shadr nodded, a gesture of forgiveness that was as much for himself as it was for Sapphire. They both knew that some debts went beyond money, beyond the tangible. They were debts of the heart, of the soul, and those were the ones that took the longest to repay.

In the end, Sapphire left without the money she had come for, but with something much more valuable. She left with the hope of redemption and the possibility of rebuilding what had been broken. And as she stepped out into the fading light of the day, she made a silent vow to right the wrongs of the past, not with words, but with actions.

For Shadr, the path ahead was uncertain, but he was not alone. The bonds that had been strained were not broken, and in the darkness that surrounded him, he found a glimmer of light. It was the light of forgiveness, of second chances, and of new beginnings. And with that light to guide him, he knew that the road to recovery, though long and arduous, was one he was ready to travel.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim

Skyrim, Shadr's Debt To Sapphire Paid » Kabalyero

Skyrim, Speaking With Mjoll The Lioness » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: Saw Mjoll speaking with Aerin. After they spoke, had a chat with Mjoll about what's happening in Riften.

In the bustling city of Riften, a place teeming with intrigue and clandestine affairs, I observed Mjoll the Lioness engaged in a deep conversation with Aerin. Their exchange seemed earnest and hushed, as if the walls themselves were eavesdropping. Once their dialogue concluded, I approached Mjoll, a warrior whose reputation for bravery and justice precedes her, to inquire about the current state of affairs within the city's limits.

Mjoll, with her usual candor, began to unravel the tapestry of events that had been unfolding in Riften. She spoke of the city's underbelly, a network of thieves and scoundrels that lurk in the shadows, preying on the innocent and unwary. The Thieves Guild, she explained, had tightened its grip on the city, their influence seeping into every corner like a pervasive fog. Despite the efforts of the city guard, these rogues remained elusive, their schemes as intricate as the webs of frost spiders.

As Mjoll recounted her tales, it became clear that her heart ached for the city she called home. She lamented the corruption that had taken root within the city's leadership, a rot that allowed the Thieves Guild to flourish. Her eyes, usually filled with the fire of determination, now flickered with a hint of sorrow for the citizens caught in this struggle between power and righteousness.

Yet, amidst the turmoil, Mjoll's resolve remained unshaken. She spoke of her own endeavors to combat the criminal elements, her every patrol a defiant stand against the tide of lawlessness. With Aerin by her side, a loyal friend and confidant, she continued to fight for the soul of Riften, her spirit as indomitable as the mountains that cradle the city.

Our conversation then turned to the future, to the hope that one day Riften would be free from the clutches of the Guild. Mjoll's vision was one of peace and prosperity, where honest folk could walk the streets without fear, and where justice would be more than just a whispered dream. It was a future she was willing to fight for, to lay down her life if necessary, to ensure that the generations to come would inherit a city worthy of its name.

As we parted ways, Mjoll's words lingered in the air, a solemn vow to restore Riften to its former glory. And though the path ahead was fraught with peril, her unwavering spirit was a beacon of hope in the encroaching darkness. For in the heart of Mjoll the Lioness, the flame of Riften's future burned bright, a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim

Skyrim, Speaking With Mjoll The Lioness » Kabalyero

Skyrim, The Shakedown Riften's Gate » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: Arrived at Riften and upon entering one of the guards wanted something but got nothing.

The Shakedown Riften's Gate

As the gates of Riften loomed before me, their towering presence a stark reminder of the city’s storied past, I was greeted not by the welcoming smiles of merchants or the playful banter of children, but by the stern visage of a city guard. His armor gleamed dully in the fading light, and his hand, outstretched with an air of expectancy, spoke of a tradition as old as the city itself.

“Welcome to Riften, traveler,” he intoned, his voice betraying a hint of weariness. “The roads are fraught with danger, and the city’s peace is a precious commodity. A small offering to ensure your safety within these walls would not go amiss.” The implication was clear: this was no mere suggestion, but a thinly veiled demand for a toll.

Yet, as I stood before this sentinel of stone and steel, I felt a resolve stir within me. I had journeyed far, through valleys shrouded in mist and over mountains crowned with snow, and not once had I yielded to the whims of those who sought to profit from my passage. With a polite shake of my head, I offered the guard nothing but a smile, a silent rebuke to his unsanctioned toll.

The guard’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of surprise—or was it respect?—passing fleetingly across his features. He stepped aside, albeit reluctantly, and I passed through the gates of Riften unburdened by tribute. The guard remained at his post, his hand still empty, a silent witness to the fact that not all who wander are lost, and not all who resist are without cause.

Within the city’s embrace, I found a tapestry of life rich with color and complexity. The market square buzzed with the energy of commerce, the docks whispered of secrets and smugglers, and the alleys echoed with the footsteps of those who moved in the shadows. Riften was a city of layers, each one peeling back to reveal a new story, a new challenge.

As night descended upon the city, wrapping its cloak of stars tightly around the sleeping buildings, I reflected on the day’s encounter. The guard had sought to take something from me, but in the end, he had received nothing. It was a small victory, perhaps, but one that spoke volumes of the journey I had undertaken—a journey not just of distance, but of principle.

For in the grand tapestry of Skyrim, every thread has its place, every weave its purpose. And as I settled into the rhythm of Riften’s heartbeat, I knew that my own thread, though once solitary and unassuming, was now interwoven with the vibrant, enduring fabric of this city. And so, with a heart unburdened and a spirit unchained, I embraced the adventures that awaited, under the watchful gaze of the guard who wanted something but got nothing.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim 

Skyrim, The Shakedown Riften's Gate » Kabalyero

  • ✇KABALYERO • Gamer, Streamer, Blogger, Husband and Father!
  • Skyrim, Lucia Thankful » (Unknown)
    IN THIS VIDEO: Lucia was thankful for her new home and wanted to share her treasures as a way of saying "thank you". Lucia ThankfulIn the mystical realm of Skyrim, Lucia found herself enveloped in the warmth of a new beginning. Her journey had been fraught with peril, but it had led her to a place she could finally call home. The quaint cottage, nestled amidst the whispering pines and overlooking the serene waters of Lake Ilinalta, was more than just a shelter; it was a sanctuary, a tangib

Skyrim, Lucia Thankful » Kabalyero

IN THIS VIDEO: Lucia was thankful for her new home and wanted to share her treasures as a way of saying "thank you".

Lucia Thankful

In the mystical realm of Skyrim, Lucia found herself enveloped in the warmth of a new beginning. Her journey had been fraught with peril, but it had led her to a place she could finally call home. The quaint cottage, nestled amidst the whispering pines and overlooking the serene waters of Lake Ilinalta, was more than just a shelter; it was a sanctuary, a tangible testament to the kindness she had encountered on her path.

Lucia’s heart swelled with gratitude, and she knew she could not keep this joy to herself. The treasures she had amassed during her adventures – gleaming gemstones, ancient artifacts, and enchanted armaments – were not merely to adorn her dwelling or to serve as reminders of her trials. They were symbols of her perseverance, her victories, and the friendships forged in the fires of adversity.

With a resolve as steadfast as the mountains surrounding her, Lucia decided to share her bounty. She organized a gathering, inviting the very souls who had aided her, those who had offered a helping hand when the shadows of her past loomed large. The townsfolk of Riverwood, the wandering bards who had sung tales of hope, the brave companions who had stood by her side in battle – all were welcome.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the land, Lucia’s home came alive with laughter and camaraderie. The tables were laden with the finest fare from the reaches of Whiterun to the shores of Solitude. Mead flowed freely, sweet as the honey from the apiaries of Riften, and the air was filled with melodies that danced on the breeze.

Each guest was presented with a token, a piece of Lucia’s treasure, carefully chosen and imbued with her deepest appreciation. To some, she gave jewels that sparkled like the stars that guided nocturnal travelers. To others, she bestowed weapons, each with a tale as sharp as their blades. And to the children, she offered trinkets of wonder, sparking imaginations and dreams of their own quests.

The night grew long, and the fire’s glow waned, but the warmth within Lucia’s home never faltered. She watched as her guests departed, each carrying a piece of her legacy, a fragment of her story. In their smiles, she saw reflections of her own contentment, and in their eyes, the promise of enduring bonds.

Lucia’s act of sharing was more than a gesture of thanks; it was a declaration of unity, a celebration of life’s interwoven tapestry. Her treasures, once hidden away, now found new purpose, kindling joy in the hearts of others. And as the moon ascended to its throne in the heavens, Lucia retired to her hearth, her spirit as serene as the lake outside her window.

For in giving, she had received the greatest gift of all – the affirmation that in the world of Skyrim, where dragons soared and magic coursed through the very air, kindness was the most powerful force, one that could transform a house of stone and wood into a true home. And Lucia, once a solitary wanderer, had found her place not just in the landscape, but in the tapestry of lives that made Skyrim a land worth fighting for.

Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!

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PC Specs

• CPU » AMD Ryzen 5 3400G
• GPU » NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
• RAM » 16 GB Generic Memory

FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.

#skyrim #skyrimle #oldrim

Skyrim, Lucia Thankful » Kabalyero
