NPC Studio has revealed an Early Access roadmap for Fields of Mistria, a farming/life sim that released on Aug. 5.
Posted to Steam, the roadmap teases a major update at some point in Q4 2024, which means it’ll hit sometime between October and December, though the studio notes the timeline is subject to change. The additions at that time will increase the number of Heart events for romanceable NPCs, add more dialogue, and add new events, enemies, cosmetics, rewards, and even a festival. Here’s
NPC Studio has revealed an Early Access roadmap for Fields of Mistria, a farming/life sim that released on Aug. 5.
Posted to Steam, the roadmap teases a major update at some point in Q4 2024, which means it’ll hit sometime between October and December, though the studio notes the timeline is subject to change. The additions at that time will increase the number of Heart events for romanceable NPCs, add more dialogue, and add new events, enemies, cosmetics, rewards, and even a festival. Here’s the full list:
“Villagers & Romance
NPC heart progression cap raised from 4 to 6 hearts.
6 Heart events for dateable NPCs.
Additional NPC dialogue.
Mines & Dungeon
New enemies added.
New cosmetic drops from monsters.
Town & Renown
Renown level cap raised by 20 levels.
Additional renown rewards.
Additional board requests.
Additional museum content and rewards.
A new festival.
Skills & Perks
Skill caps raised from lvl 30 to lvl 45.
Additional skill perks.
Customization & Cosmetics
Additional home upgrades.
Additional player and animal cosmetics.
Additional furniture and decor.
… and more!”
After that, there will be future updates that increase the Heart cap to 8 and then 10 (with special events for those levels), add marriage and children and add more Saturday Market vendors.
The mines and dungeon areas will get more biomes, unlockable spells, and even events.
The town itself will get an increase to its level cap and more quests and requests. The skill cap will also raise, with more perks being available as well.
There will also be more home and farmland upgrades coming to the game, alongside player and animal cosmetics, furniture and decor, pets, and the ability to ride animals.
At the time of writing, the game doesn’t have Steam achievements, but those are coming as well, alongside some other unspecified additions. Additional fixes and patches will also be released for the game.
If you’re looking for a guide on how to unlock and upgrade all the tools in Fields of Mistria, you’ve come to the right place, because I’ve got the goods you need to keep on farming.
How to Unlock All Tools in Fields of Mistria
There are several tools that you’ll start with in Fields of Mistria, including the Sword, which substitutes in for the Scythe in other games and can be used to cut grass and weeds. It, of course, also allows players to defeat enemies. In the table below, you’ll
If you’re looking for a guide on how to unlock and upgrade all the tools in Fields of Mistria, you’ve come to the right place, because I’ve got the goods you need to keep on farming.
How to Unlock All Tools in Fields of Mistria
There are several tools that you’ll start with in Fields of Mistria, including the Sword, which substitutes in for the Scythe in other games and can be used to cut grass and weeds. It, of course, also allows players to defeat enemies. In the table below, you’ll find how to unlock all the tools in Fields of Mistria.
How to Unlock
Automatically Unlocked
Automatically Unlocked
Watering Can
Automatically Unlocked
Automatically Unlocked (Spring 2)
Request Board Quest from Olric (Spring 2)
Fishing Rod
Terethia’s Shop (500t)
General Store (500t)
Bug Net
Request Board Quest from Luc (Spring 4)
How to Upgrade Tools in Fields of Mistria
There are two major ways to get upgraded tools in Fields of Mistria. The easiest is to simply spend your hard earned money to by the upgrade, though not all upgrades are available to purchase from the beginning. Depending on season and progression in the mines, not everything is necessarily available to start with.
With that in mind, this table breaks down all of the upgraded tools in Fields of Mistria as I know how to get them right now and their abilities. Please note that, at the time of writing, I haven’t unlocked the Silver level in the store, so my information there is my best guess in terms of cost. I also presume that, in the future, higher level tools will be released, so keep that in mind.
Tool Name
Cost to Forge
Required Level to Forge
Cost to Buy
Copper Hoe
4 Copper Ingot
Charge to till 3 tiles in a row.
Iron Hoe
4 Iron Ingot
Charge to till 3×3 area.
Silver Hoe
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Charge to till 3×6 area.
Copper Axe
4 Copper Ingot
Charge to chop 3 tiles in a row.
Iron Axe
4 Iron Ingot
Charge to chop 3×3 area.
Silver Axe
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Charge to chop 3×6 area.
Copper Pickaxe
4 Copper Ingot
Charge to strike 3 tiles in a row.
Iron Pickaxe
4 Iron Ingot
Charge to strike 3×3 area.
Silver Pickaxe
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Charge to strike 3×6 area.
Copper Shovel
4 Copper Ingot
Charge to dig 3 tiles in a row.
Iron Shovel
4 Iron Ingot
Charge to dig 3×3 area.
Silver Shovel
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Charge to dig 3×6 area.
Copper Watering Can
4 Copper Ingot
Charge to water 3 tiles in a row.
Iron Watering Can
4 Iron Ingot
Charge to water 3×3 area.
Silver Watering Can
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Charge to water 3×6 area.
Copper Fishing Rod
4 Copper Ingot
Cast range of 8.
Iron Fishing Rod
4 Iron Ingot
2000t (likely)
Cast range of 10.
Silver Fishing Rod
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
Cast Range of 12.
Copper Sword
4 Copper Ingot
8 Attack.
Iron Sword
4 Iron Ingot
12 Attack.
Silver Sword
4 Silver Ingot
16 Attack.
Copper Net
4 Copper Ingot
No Effect. Aesthetic Change Only.
Iron Net
4 Iron Ingot
No Effect. Aesthetic Change Only.
Silver Net
4 Silver Ingot
3000t (likely)
No Effect. Aesthetic Change Only.
NOTE: The above game is currently in Early Access. The above information is accurate as of version 0.11.3.
Everyone in my personal life better get ready for me not to shut up about Fields of Mistria, because I absolutely love it.
What Is Fields of Mistria
Promotional image of Fields of Mistria via Steam.
Developed by NPC Studio, Fields of Mistria is a farming/life sim in the vein of Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley. In the game, you take on the role of an adventurer lured to the small, rural town of Mistria to help them stockpile food in case of a disaster and with a revitaliz
Everyone in my personal life better get ready for me not to shut up about Fields of Mistria, because I absolutely love it.
What Is Fields of Mistria
Promotional image of Fields of Mistria via Steam.
Developed by NPC Studio, Fields of Mistria is a farming/life sim in the vein of Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley. In the game, you take on the role of an adventurer lured to the small, rural town of Mistria to help them stockpile food in case of a disaster and with a revitalization project. Along the way, you unpack the history of Mistria and discover a mystery lurking in the old mines just outside of the town.
How Much of Fields of Mistria Did I Play
Promotional image of Fields of Mistria via Steam.
Although there’s more to the game during Early Access, I underestimated just how much there was to do in Fields of Mistria. I put in more than ten hours and only got through the first season. I absolutely loved my time with the game, though. When I wasn’t playing Fields of Mistria, I kept wanting to pick it back up. If I didn’t have to write this review and do my job, I would be playing Fields of Mistria right now. I didn’t stop because I wanted to. I stopped because time exists.
What’s the Gameplay Like?
Promotional image of Fields of Mistria via Steam.
Since Stardew Valley launched, a lot of games have tried to capture what made it successful by blending the farming/life sim with some other genre, or even just copying it relatively outright but with a different coat of paint. There have been some really good ones, but most have failed to capture what really made Stardew Valley work.
What Stardew Valley did that was so special was take Harvest Moon formula and add some spice to it in the form of deep lore, excellent characters, and some new gameplay elements like combat to break up the monotony. The game was such a tectonic change for the genre that it made the Harvest Moon, later Story of Seasons, franchise basically irrelevant. Stardew Valley had, after all, done everything they’d done but better.
Fields of Mistria plays really similarly to Stardew Valley, though with a beautiful ’90s-style pixel art aesthetic. The game sees you farming, fishing, mining, fighting, and befriending villagers in an attempt to help a struggling town rebuild.
I’m not sure if Fields of Mistria re-invents the genre quite as much as Stardew Valley did, or at least not yet, but it does feel like it’s refined that game in some key ways.
The fishing, farming, mining, and combat in Fields of Mistria all feel like a finely tuned version of those in Stardew Valley. They’re well-designed, and the game is a bit more explicit with how things work and what to do. Most of the time, I appreciate this extra guidance, since it cut through some of the confusion that makes starting Stardew Valley a bit hard, though at the same time, I can see why that might not appeal to some folks, especially since Fields of Mistria does, right now, feel a fair bit easier. Still, it’s enjoyable to play, and the gameplay loop is addictive and fun. I never found myself bored.
Crafting does definitely feel more important in Fields of Mistria than it does in other games. Although you can just buy upgraded tools, you can also forge them yourself by gathering the right ingredients, which is a great way to encourage people to actually use the crafting system. Crafting also takes time. You don’t just go into your inventory and instantaneously come out having made a hundred fence posts. It adds a nice dynamic to the time management aspect of the game.
Cooking feels more necessary in Fields of Mistria than a lot of games as well. Stamina is in relatively short supply, and the best way to regain it is to eat food that you’ve made. Going into the mines without a good supply of food is a massive mistake, and I really liked that the game made me actually prepare. A lot of the crafting that can feel extraneous in other games, or like flavor during the endgame. In Fields of Mistria, crafting and cooking feel immediately and obviously necessary.
It’s in the character interactions that Fields of Mistria really shines, though. I can’t get over how much dialogue there is in the game. Normally, the farming/life sim genre has a problem of character dialogue looping relatively quickly. Characters in Fields of Mistria seem to react relatively dynamically to what’s going on in the world around them. They comment on things that you’ve done, the nearness to a seasonal change, and other small details that makes the world feel alive.
There’s also a sense that characters in the game know each other in a deeper way. For example, every Friday night, all of the villagers gather at the local inn. One group samples fine wine, one group players cards, and another plays a version of Dungeons & Dragons. Each of the groups has their own little storyline running through the time. Everyone in Fields of Mistria feels not only absurdly well flushed out, but like a real member of a community. And when the game’s themes focus so much on the power of community, it’s an absolutely brilliant choice.
Even though Fields of Mistria does involve a lot of “the player character is responsible for doing everything and saving everyone,” the game does a wonderful job of making it feel like you’re playing a role in a larger community project by having other people actually do things in the revitalization cutscenes. It’s such a small detail, and where Fields of Mistria excels most is in that attention to detail. The game is clearly a well-crafted, well-thought out labor of love.
The incredible sense of community in the game makes the plot even more interesting. I want to keep improving the town and exploring the mines to make things better. At the heart of Fields of Mistria are the game’s characters, and the game’s charactersare good and worth working hard for.
I don’t really have any major negatives for Fields of Mistria. The map feels a bit large at times. There’s virtually always something to do when you’re going from point a to point b, though, so it’s not that much of a problem. Considering the game is in Early Access, I expected something a fair bit rougher. I had two crashes that didn’t affect my progress in any significant way. That’s about it.
Verdict: Highly Recommended
I love Fields of Mistria. It’s the best new farming/life sim that I’ve played in years. It understood what worked about Stardew Valley and introduced a bunch of really nice quality-of-life improvements that help make the gameplay feel smooth. At the same time, the characters are genuinely some of the best to ever be in the genre. Since it’s an Early Access game, that means this is likely only the beginning for Fields of Mistria, and I genuinely cannot wait to see how the team behind it keeps improving on it.
Fields of Mistria is on sale now. A review code for the game was provided by the publisher.
The latest PC farming and life sim is now available to play, as Fields of Mistria launched on early access. To go along with that, there’s a launch trailer highlighting what people can expect from the title. In addition, many of the available songs from the Fields of Mistria soundtrack ended up shared online.
Here’s the Fields of Mistria early access launch trailer. It begins with general farming footage. People can watch as someone tends crops. From there, we get to meet some of the people
The latest PC farming and life sim is now available to play, as Fields of Mistria launched on early access. To go along with that, there’s a launch trailer highlighting what people can expect from the title. In addition, many of the available songs from the Fields of Mistria soundtrack ended up shared online.
Here’s the Fields of Mistria early access launch trailer. It begins with general farming footage. People can watch as someone tends crops. From there, we get to meet some of the people living in the nearby village. Hayden shows up first, alongside some of the animals you can buy from them. From there, portraits of 10 of the 12 marriage candidates show up. Two remain as secret silhouettes in the video. After that, we see what it’s like to explore the mines and the enemies inside one. Collecting elements for the town museum come up as well. Early access will last for a year, new content will be added as time goes on, and the team says it currently doesn’t expect the price to change from $13.99.
Here’s the full Fields of Mistria gameplay footage:
In addition to the launch trailer, 52 songs off of the Fields of Mistria soundtrack are now available on the official YouTube channel for the game. They’re composed by Hidehito Ikumo. Here’s the full list of the tracks released so far:
The latest PC farming and life sim is now available to play, as Fields of Mistria launched on early access. To go along with that, there’s a launch trailer highlighting what people can expect from the title. In addition, many of the available songs from the Fields of Mistria soundtrack ended up shared online.
Here’s the Fields of Mistria early access launch trailer. It begins with general farming footage. People can watch as someone tends crops. From there, we get to meet some of the people
The latest PC farming and life sim is now available to play, as Fields of Mistria launched on early access. To go along with that, there’s a launch trailer highlighting what people can expect from the title. In addition, many of the available songs from the Fields of Mistria soundtrack ended up shared online.
Here’s the Fields of Mistria early access launch trailer. It begins with general farming footage. People can watch as someone tends crops. From there, we get to meet some of the people living in the nearby village. Hayden shows up first, alongside some of the animals you can buy from them. From there, portraits of 10 of the 12 marriage candidates show up. Two remain as secret silhouettes in the video. After that, we see what it’s like to explore the mines and the enemies inside one. Collecting elements for the town museum come up as well. Early access will last for a year, new content will be added as time goes on, and the team says it currently doesn’t expect the price to change from $13.99.
Here’s the full Fields of Mistria gameplay footage:
In addition to the launch trailer, 52 songs off of the Fields of Mistria soundtrack are now available on the official YouTube channel for the game. They’re composed by Hidehito Ikumo. Here’s the full list of the tracks released so far:
Unlike some farming sims, Fields of Mistria doesn't immediately give you all the required equipment. Some items will be provided later in the story, while others can only be found in the shop. To get the entire package, here's how to unlock all tools in Fields of Mistria.
All Fields of Mistria tools and how to unlock them
You can unlock the following tools through these specific tasks in Fields of Mistria:
How to unlock
Provided to you upon start
Given to you b
Unlike some farming sims, Fields of Mistria doesn't immediately give you all the required equipment. Some items will be provided later in the story, while others can only be found in the shop. To get the entire package, here's how to unlock all tools in Fields of Mistria.
All Fields of Mistria tools and how to unlock them
You can unlock the following tools through these specific tasks in Fields of Mistria:
Earned from the Do Bro a Favor mission via the Request Board (Spring 2)
Bug Net
Earned from Something's Bugging Me Request (Spring 4)
The sword is among the first tools given to you, allowing you to slice up enemies and grass. Shortly after one of the first cutscenes concludes, you'll then earn the hoe and watering can for farming.
If you want other free tools, you'll need to wait a short while for specific days and missions. Begin Spring 2 to commence a cutscene with Eiland, who will teach you how to swing the axe for wood. Next, go to the Request Board to pick up the Pickaxe from the character Olric.
Earn enough Tessarae from these missions to purchase the shovel and the fishing rod. As you may expect, the fishing rod can be used whenever there are fish shadows are in the water. You can also expand your farming plot with the shovel, providing more seed locations.
Screenshot by Destructoid
The Bug Net is one of the last tools you can earn in Fields of Mistria, specifically from Luc. It won't be available until the fourth day of Spring. Speak to Luc at the Inn, and he'll give it to you to start your bug-collecting journey.
To obtain valuable resources, you can upgrade each tool with various ore. Go to the blacksmith to forge some new equipment, including ingots of copper, iron, and silver.
If you've just begun a new game of Fields of Mistria, you're going to have a lot of quests to complete in the coming in-game days. There's definitely no shortage of things for you to do, but first and foremost, the bridge needs to be fixed.
After Balor guides you over the broken bridge and into town as you first arrive, you'll have a few days to settle into your new farm home before the residents of Mistria arrive with their first big request. They need to repair the bridge in order to enab
If you've just begun a new game of Fields of Mistria, you're going to have a lot of quests to complete in the coming in-game days. There's definitely no shortage of things for you to do, but first and foremost, the bridge needs to be fixed.
After Balor guides you over the broken bridge and into town as you first arrive, you'll have a few days to settle into your new farm home before the residents of Mistria arrive with their first big request. They need to repair the bridge in order to enable travel in and out of Mistria, and as a perk of this, the Saturday Market can begin being held again.
How to get a Pickaxe and repair the bridge in Fields of Mistria
Screenshot by Destructoid
At some point in the first week of your new life in Mistria, you'll receive a letter in the mail from Adeline, asking you to aid in repairing the bridge. After receiving this letter, head east to the bridge in order to trigger a cutscene.
After this cutscene, a donation box will appear next to the bridge, and you'll need to donate the following resources:
60 Wood
60 Stone
You should already have an Axe to gather the needed Wood, thanks to an early morning meeting with Eiland, when you discovered the statue of Caldarus behind a tree on your farm. He'll give you the Worn Axe as a reward, and you can then use it to gather the 60 required Wood.
To get a Pickaxe, you'll need to pick up a quest from the Request Board in town. The quest you need is called ‘Do a Bro a Favor’, and simply requires you to head to the Blacksmiths and talk to Olric. When you speak to him, he’ll give you an Worn Pickaxe which you can then use to mine any small rock and get between one and two Stone.
Once you've got 60 wood and 60 Stone, you can head back to the bridge and place the resources into the box. Then all that's left to do is head back to Adeline to hand in the quest, triggering another cutscene and successfully repairing the bridge.
The life of a farmer can get pretty lonely, especially if you've got a big ole' plot of land with no one to share it with. Fortunately, thanks to the lineup of Mistria's eligible bachelorettes and bachelors, you don't have to go at it alone. So, if you're ready to put yourself out there, here are all the romance options in Fields of Mistria.
Romance characters and gift preferences in Fields of Mistria, explained
Step into the dating world of Mistria with the various single and ready-to-min
The life of a farmer can get pretty lonely, especially if you've got a big ole' plot of land with no one to share it with. Fortunately, thanks to the lineup of Mistria's eligible bachelorettes and bachelors, you don't have to go at it alone. So, if you're ready to put yourself out there, here are all the romance options in Fields of Mistria.
Romance characters and gift preferences in Fields of Mistria, explained
Step into the dating world of Mistria with the various single and ready-to-mingle characters. Currently, 10 bachelors and bachelorettes are available upon start, with two more who have yet to make their mark.
Although the two characters haven't been revealed, it could have something to do with Caldarus, the Guardian of Mistria. This character, in particular, has a heart symbol in its dialogue, which typically links to a romanceable option. I'm still working my way through the story, but I'll be sure to update this guide once I've gotten deeper into the narrative. However, the two mystery dates could also be a part of a later patch, given that Fields of Mistria is still in Early Access.
We'll break down each romanceable character in Fields of Mistria, including their gift preferences.
Screenshot by Destructoid
Meet Mistria's first bachelorette, Adeline, one of the first romanceable characters you'll come across. As the town leader, she'll handle a lot of your quests, giving you ample time to win her over.
Love Gifts
Tea with Lemon
Lemon Pie
Peaches and Cream
Perfect Pink Diamond
Plum Blossom
Pumpkin Pie
Liked Gifts:
Candied Lemon Peel
Lemon Cake
Pink Diamond
Pineshrom Toast
Pumpkin Stew
Red Wine
Spicy Cheddar Biscuit
Smoken Trout Soup
White Wine
Wild Berry Pie
Wild Berry Scone
Screenshot by Destructoid
The traveling merchant Balor is the next marriage candidate in Fields of Mistria. He'll always stop by to pick up your goods, providing you with some much-needed gold.
Loved Gifts
Alda Gem Bracelet
Apple Honey Curry
Chili Coconut Curry
Deluxe Curry
Family Crest Pendant
Perfect Diamond
Perfect Emerald
Perfect Pink Diamond
Perfect Ruby
Perfect Sapphire
Liked Gifts:
Cauliflower Curry
Chickpea Curry
Crystal Rose
Fog Orchid
Frost Lily
Gold Ingot
Gold Ore
Golden Cookies
Perfect Gold Ore
Pink Diamond
Rusted Treasure Chest
Sapphire Betta
Snowdrop Anemone
Screenshot by Destructoid
Looking for some neighborly love? Romance Celine, the part-time gardener who's always there to lend a hand in Fields of Mistria.
Loved Gifts:
Crystal Rose
Frost Lily
Plum Blossom
Snowdrop Anemone
Spring Galette
Liked Gifts:
Rose Tea
Spring Salad
Screenshot by Destructoid
Eiland plays the dual roles of the head of the Historical Society and Mistria's Archaeologist. He's perfect for those who want to learn more about the village's past, uncovering its secrets through mining.
Loved Gifts
Coconut Cream Pie
Glowberry Cookies
Golden Cookies
Ice Cream Sundae
Pumpkin Pie
Spell Fruit Parfait
Strawberry Shortcake
Liked Gifts:
Apple Pie
Berries and Cream
Candied Lemon Peel
Candied Strawberries
Carmalized Moon Fruit
Caramel Candy
Cherry Cobbler
Cherry Tart
Crystal Berry Pie
Lemon Pie
Lemon Cake
Peaches and Cream
Pomegranate Sorbet
Roasted Rich Tea
Strawberries and Cream
Wild Berry Pie
Sweet Sesame Balls
Wintergreen Ice Cream
Screenshot by Destructoid
Apart from Adeline, Hayden is another character you'll meet during the Field of Mistria's beginning stages. He'll sweep you off your feet with his majestic horse, where you'll often find him at Sweetwater Farm.
Loved Gifts
Golden Duck Egg
Golden Milk
Stone Horse
Vegetable Quiche
Liked Gifts:
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Coconut Cream Pie
Crystal Berry Pie
Duck Egg
Duck Mayonnaise
Chicken Egg
Lemon Pie
Loaded Baked Potato
Mushroom Steak Dinner
Pumpkin Stew
Sweet Potato Pie
Tea with Lemon
Vegetable Pot Pie
Wild Berry Pie
Screenshot by Destructoid
Take a dip into love with Mistria's Bathhouse employee, Juniper. Those who enjoy the mystical arts should shoot their shot at this sorceress, who can unlock new spells and potions.
Loved Gifts
Ancient Royal Scepter
Black Tablet
Crystal Rose
Fish Tacos
Golden Cookies
Hardened Essence
Moon Fruit Cake
Spell Fruit Parfait
Liked Gifts:
Crunchy Chickpeas
Fog Orchid
Morel Mushroom
Night Queen
Red Toadstool
Red Wine
Shadow Flower
Toasted Sunflower Seeds
Water Chestnut Fritters
White Wine
Screenshot by Destructoid
If you are interested in local bad boys, the Blacksmith March is your man. Although he'll give you the cold shoulder initially, you can make like the forge and warm your way to his heart.
Loved Gifts
Dragon-Forged Bracelet
Perfect Copper Ore
Perfect Golden Ore
Perfect Iron Ore
Perfect Mistril Ore
Perfect Silver Ore
Sushi Platter
Gold Ingot
Liked Gifts:
Chocolate Cake
Copper Ingot
Copper Ore
Gold Ore
Grilled Eel Rice Bowl
Hot Chocolate
Iron Ingot
Mistril Ore
Perch Risotto
Sesame Tuna Bowl
Silver Ingot
Silver Ore
Spicy Crab Sushi
Screenshot by Destructoid
Food lovers can win the heart of Reina, the Head Cook at the Sleeping Dragon Inn. Her gift preferences are also in line with a ton of meal recipes and valuable ingredients.
Loved Gifts
Apple Honey Curry
Breaded Catfish
Cabbage Stew
Ice Cream Sundae
Incredibly Hot Pot
Rosemary Garlic Noodles
Seafood Boil
Seafood Snow Pea Noodles
Spell Fruit Parfait
Sushi Platter
Liked Gifts:
Cauliflower Curry
Cod with Thyme
Iced Coffee
Crystal Berry Pie
Garlic Bread
Spicy Cheddar Biscuit
Turnip and Potato Gratin
Upper Mines Mushroom
Wild Berry Pie
Screenshot by Destructoid
Ryis is Mistria's friendly carpenter who can help you with crafting recipes. Build up your relationship with him from the ground-up to romance this eligible bachelor.
Loved Gifts:
Lobster Roll
Golden Bristle
Golden Cheesecake
Veggie Sub Sandwich
Golden Cookies
Golden Duck Feather
Golden Rooster Feather
Golden Horse Hair
Liked Gifts:
Bull Horn
Cranberry Orange Scone
Duck Feather
Rooster Feather
Garlic Bread
Glowberry Cookies
Horse Hair
Iced Coffee
Strawberry Shortcake
Screenshot by Destructoid
Have a case of the lovebug? Get a check-up with Mistria's town doctor, Valen. She'll be there to help you with anything from additional buffs to fainting in the mines.
Loved Gifts
Beet Salad
Beet Soup
Dragon Scale
Harvest Plate
Rosemary Garlic Noodles
Summer Salad
Sushi Platter
Vegetable Soup
Liked Gifts:
Cucumber Salad
Green Tea
Herb Salad
Pan-Fried Salmon
Red Wine
Rose Hip
Rose Hip Jam
Seaweed Salad
White Wine
There are sure to be more romance options and gift preferences in Fields of Mistria, so I'll update this guide the more I play through the game.
One of the best ways to streamline your gameplay in Fields of Mistria is by unlocking new skills and perks. However, doing this requires you to earn an almost-currency outside of Tesserae — Essence.
Once you’ve removed the tree from in front of Caldarus’ statue and replaced his head, he’ll come to you in a dream and tell you about Essence and how to get it, but it may be a little unclear from his description, so I’ve got you covered.
How to get Essence in Fields of Mistria
Screenshot b
One of the best ways to streamline your gameplay in Fields of Mistria is by unlocking new skills and perks. However, doing this requires you to earn an almost-currency outside of Tesserae — Essence.
Once you’ve removed the tree from in front of Caldarus’ statue and replaced his head, he’ll come to you in a dream and tell you about Essence and how to get it, but it may be a little unclear from his description, so I’ve got you covered.
How to get Essence in Fields of Mistria
Screenshot by Destructoid
Once you’ve unlocked the ability to get it, Essence can appear randomly from many daily activities, including:
You’ll automatically absorb these Essences, so they’re easy to miss, but to see how many you have, simply check the UI. Essence appears just under your Tesserae, displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
How to spend Essence in Fields of Mistria
Once you’ve stacked up some Essence, you can spend it by approaching Caldarus’ statue and pressing Q. After doing this, you’ll be able to select one of the disciplines with skills and perks to unlock:
Screenshot by Destructoid
Select an area in which you’d like to improve, and you’ll be given a list of available skills and perks. Clicking on each of them will tell you what it does, and the amount of Essence it costs is shown underneath.
Screenshot by Destructoid
As you increase your level in each skill, you'll be able to unlock more useful perks and better skills to use.
A quaint town sits nestled among mountains and green hills. Colorful birds flit from tree to tree, and fish swim up rivers of sapphire blue water. The citizens of Mistria go about their days, wandering from shop to shop, each a colorful character in their own right. And while Fields of Mistria may look like your run-of-the-mill farming simulator, it seems to be much, much more than that.
The genre Fields of Mistria occupies is undoubtedly one of my favorite in games. I became enchanted with
A quaint town sits nestled among mountains and green hills. Colorful birds flit from tree to tree, and fish swim up rivers of sapphire blue water. The citizens of Mistria go about their days, wandering from shop to shop, each a colorful character in their own right. And while Fields of Mistria may look like your run-of-the-mill farming simulator, it seems to be much, much more than that.
The genre Fields of Mistria occupies is undoubtedly one of my favorite in games. I became enchanted with the Harvest Moon series through Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life as a child, and dabbled in the likes of Stardew Valley, Rune Factory, Palia, and more. When Fields of Mistria crossed my radar a few years ago, I was immediately intrigued, even if it was just a few bits of character artwork here and there. Because while these games are functionally the same in their mechanics, nothing quite looks like Fields of Mistria.
Image via NPC Studio
The sprite work for the characters is deliciously detailed and remind me of when I used to comb through Yuu Watase manga like Imadoki! or Alice 19th. It has that mid-90's to early 2000's appeal, and isn't afraid to wear these inspirations on its sleeve. Juniper, the resident bathhouse owner, who's laugh is a direct reference to a popular trope, that you'd see in a series like Sailor Moon or other popular shoujo manga and anime of that time. Fields of Mistria seems to embrace these aesthetics and weave them into the game, with characters fulfilling specific archetypes. And because it doesn't shy away from that, it makes Fields of Mistria all the stronger.
You more or less know what you're going to get with each character, as their personalities generally correspond with their looks. At least based on what I experienced. And there isn't anything wrong with that. These "anime" archetypes exist for a reason, and are popular. Olric is a part-time shop assistant, which is evident by his character portrait, whereas March the blacksmith immediately reads as standoffish with his tilted head and frown. There's something appealing to this, mostly because it feels familiar. It could turn off some that are looking for something that might subvert those expectations, but because these things are so immediately nostalgic for me, I can't help but be sucked in.
Even small social interactions with characters feel fresh and fun. This is because characters in Fields of Mistria interact with one another in casual conversations. When you approach NPCs standing around each other, there is a chance that they'll be chatting among themselves. On Friday, the local tavern has the residents of Mistria piling in to drink and play card games, and this makes the town feel alive. Everyone has their own habits, but relationships with each other that exist outside of you. However, I did wish the dialogue options you could pick for your responses wouldn't bounce between an extreme over-eagerness or "sassy" responses that come off as a little corny.
Image via Siliconera
Because even if the first few hours of Fields of Mistria are somewhat slow, with you needing to progress through several days and a myriad of side quests to actually gain access to all of your tools, the game is oddly comfortable. The characters, predictable as they are, are fun to talk to, and the general game flow is slow but steady. It's clear the developers want you take your time, as interacting with the world and all of its systems, like farming and fishing and gathering materials, net you essence. Essence is used to unlock skills in a skill tree, which is an interesting implementation, but some of these passives are great for restoring stamina without forcing the player to cook dishes or call it a day early.
You can of course, do a plethora of things during the day and even the night. There are collectables you can turn into the museum to unlock additional cosmetics. You can fish and farm to your heart's content. You can rear animals and craft furniture and other things to help out on your farm. All of these things exist in other farming simulators, but Fields of Mistria does have some ease of access when it comes to checking what items you've donated to the museum or what each crop sells for. There is also a cave you can explore if you'd rather do away with farming for the day. But all of these things come together in a way that makes the time management of Fields of Mistria fun, and not too overwhelming. You don't need to min-max your day to have a good time, and requests from NPCs aren't timed. Which means you aren't frantically trying to collect whatever the local innkeeper or carpenter is yearning for on a random Tuesday.
There is enough iteration on the formula to make Fields of Mistria interesting and engaging. And while I am only in the first ten or so hours of the game, I've grown to really like it after getting over that initial hurdle. I can't wait to spend more hours just fiddling with these systems and unlocking more cooking recipes and fishing while curled up under my blankets with my Steam Deck in my hands. (Yes, Fields of Mistria works on Steam Deck, and has controller support.) And I especially can't wait to see what the developers have cooked up and will include in the game once it eventually releases in full.
Fields of Mistria will enter Early Access on August 5, 2024. It will release on PC through Steam.