Tomba! Special Edition Review
The Baconator Returns

HIGH It’s endlessly charming. The new soundtrack is fantastic.
LOW The extra features are not explained. The museum lacks polish.
WTF Tomba keeps items in his stomach, like Snake did with cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid…
Tomba! Special Edition is a reminder of the bygone days of the PS1, when developers took experimental approaches to the then-new Sony console. Tomba!, a 2.5D game from 1997, defied the logic that 3D was where every developer should be heading. What resulted was an experience that still looks beautiful, has a ton of charm, a cult following, and remains enjoyable more than 20 years after its debut.
Tomba! Special Edition is an action-platformer with light RPG elements. The titular character must defeat the evil Koma Pigs to recover his stolen bracelet. Along the way, Tomba will encounter and befriend many creatures and people who need help, while also carrying out objectives to advance the story, finding ways to the evil pigs’ lairs, or opening new pathways to needed items in this fairly non-linear adventure.
The characters are all endearing and charming in their own way. From standard fantasy dwarves to wilder fare like mouse cowboys, each area was packed with unique and colorful characters. Each map is bright and picturesque, and the music has been wonderfully enhanced with a remastered soundtrack that pops.

Looking at the gameplay, platforming is the star of the show here, as Tomba is given various methods to traverse the world, such as a parasol for slowing down his fall rate or a grapple line to grab and swing from various objects. The 2.5D aspect also allows Tomba to go into the background and play in a different part of some levels. This was a pretty clever way to add… depth…. to platformers, which often didn’t use background layers like this. In this aspect, Tomba! excels.
To dispatch enemies, Tomba must jump and grab onto them, so that he can then fling them. Sometimes stunning them is necessary first, and combat never became dull since different enemies required unique strategies. The boss pigs in particular were a highlight, as each has their own arena where the objective is to throw them into an Evil Pig Bag. (Yes, it’s called that.)
As Tomba! Special Edition is an updated release, there are some great quality-of-life features that I found incredibly helpful during my time playing. For starters, there’s a helpful rewind feature that allowed me to move the game back anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. This allowed me to retry difficult platforming sections without losing progress or health. There’s also a way to save at any time, which made the challenge even more friendly to new players of the series, like myself.

In addition, a museum feature allowed me to view art and documents, such as advertisements and manuals. There were also videos with Tokuro Fujiwara (director and creator of the series) about the development process of the original Tomba! and a music player where any of the tracks can be listened to.
While this new version of an old classic seems great as I’ve described it so far, there are a few issues with both the game and the supplementary material.
For example, with the historical videos, there’s no way to rewind or even pause the playback. This seems like a pretty standard feature in 2024, and the omission of any controls here is pretty annoying.

In regards to the game itself, it suffers from long load times between areas. In many cases, this isn’t really noticeable, but when having to many between short screens in succession, it became an annoyance. There’s also noticeable frame juddering, particularly when weather effects are present.
Also annoying is that the rewind and save features are not explained to the player beforehand. I figured them out by pressing random buttons, which is hardly optimal. New features like these need to be explained, so people will know exactly how to take full advantage of them. (The music also cuts out for a few seconds when using rewind, taking me out of the mood.)
Mechanically, Tomba! Special Edition suffers from some wonky physics, although these issues were present in the original. When swinging between platforms, it’s common to miss the next one due to how easy it is to overshoot an object and how little time to correct there is. Jumping also feels imprecise, often feeling too floaty.

Finally, mission design is often a bit too obtuse for its own good. For example, sometimes it’s necessary to talk to unassuming NPCs several times despite not having any reason to do so. There’s also a good deal of backtracking to be done, and sometimes I felt frustrated wasting time looking for answers, only to find that something else needed to be done first. Clearly, we’ve learned a lot about signposting and quest structure since the game was originally designed.
Tomba! Special Edition is a charming reminder of the experimental days of the PS1 era, and the cute characters and wonderful soundtrack still appeal. However, the flaws in this port and some of the game’s original issues might make it a bit tough for newcomers to fully embrace this beloved cult classic.
Rating: 7 out of 10
Disclosures: This version of Tomba! is developed and published by Limited Run Games. It is currently available on PS4/5, XBO/X/S, Switch and PC. This copy of the game was obtained via publisher and reviewed on PS5. Approximately 8 hours was devoted to the game, and it was not completed. There is no multiplayer mode.
Parents: This game has an ESRB rating of E10+ rating for Alcohol Reference, Crude Humor, and Mild Fantasy Violence. The ESRB rating states: “This is an adventure platformer in which players follow a hero (Tomba) attempting to retrieve a stolen keepsake from evil pigs. From a side-scrolling perspective, players traverse whimsical environments while collecting fruit, performing quests, and defeating animal/monster enemies. Players use a spiked ball to knock out enemies; player can also grab and toss pigs into other characters. One mission involves fixing a pump to provide wine for a village. One level depicts pixelated cherub characters urinating on the ground; the cartoony cherubs’ pelvic regions and buttocks are briefly depicted. ”
Colorblind Modes: There are no colorblind options.
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: The game offers subtitles, but only during gameplay. Subtitles cannot be resized. (See example above.) This game is not accessible, due to a lack of subtitles during voiced cutscenes.
Remappable Controls: No, this game’s controls are not remappable. A screen will appear before the game is started that explains the controls. On PS5, circle attacks with the equipped weapon, X is for jumping and can be used to scroll through text, square is for interacting with objects and NPCs, triangle opens up the items menu, the touchpad opens the entire menu, L2 opens the rewind menu, and R2 opens the emulation menu. The first areas of the game will also explain them. However, there is no way to reference most of these controls without either restarting the game (since backing out to the main menu is not possible) or going back to the tutorial areas. The rewind and save anywhere features are not explained at all.