Final Fantasy 16 will launch on PC on 17th September across both the Epic Games Store and Steam.
The PC version has been long-awaited since the game was released as a PS5 console exclusive last year.
Today's news comes with a new PC specific trailer, see below. A demo is available to try out now.
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Square Enix have announced that Final Fantasy XVI will be coming to both Steam and the Epic Game Store on September 19th 2024. The whet your appetitive there is a free demo available right now on both stores, here’s the link for EGS, and here’s the link for Steam.
As usual there are a couple of variations of the release. Final Fantasy XVI Standard Edition includes the base game, or the Complete Edition includes the exciting DLC chapters “Echoes of the Fallen” and “The Rising Tide” at a disc
Square Enix have announced that Final Fantasy XVI will be coming to both Steam and the Epic Game Store on September 19th 2024. The whet your appetitive there is a free demo available right now on both stores, here’s the link for EGS, and here’s the link for Steam.
As usual there are a couple of variations of the release. Final Fantasy XVI Standard Edition includes the base game, or the Complete Edition includes the exciting DLC chapters “Echoes of the Fallen” and “The Rising Tide” at a discounted price. You can also buy the DLC chapters individually or as part of the Final Fantasy XVI Expansion Pass, which includes both chapters. All of these will be available on launch day.
If you pre-oder the game on either Steam or the Epic Games Store will also receive the following in-game DLC items:
Brave Blade Weapon
Cait Sith Charm (Gil Boost Accessory)
“Sixteen Bells” Orchestrion Roll
The game originally launched in June 2023 on PlayStation 5 and we gave it a whopping 9/10 in our review. “If you’re a fan of strong narrative experiences, Final Fantasy lore, breath-taking graphics and a particularly sassy Moogle, and you don’t mind a sprinkling of The Witcher, The Handmaids Tale and the many accents of Old Blighty, then Final Fantasy XVI is the game for you,” said Nic. “Heck, it might just be the best Final Fantasy yet!”
“Final Fantasy XVI is very different to its predecessors. First and foremost, it’s a lot more grown up, with the sex, swearing and everything else that its muse, Game of Thrones, offers. Then there’s the set-piece Eikonic battles, where players duke it out as the Summons the franchise is famed for. It looks and sounds utterly spectacular.”
“This game is a must-play for all action-RPG fans who want something a little more grown up. It shines for its lore and its lack of exposition for the sake of it, with reams of backstory hidden just a button-press away, offering a flow that feels more natural than any other Final Fantasy game to date. Its characters are fantastic, and as you grow to love them, their moments of sacrifice hit in a way unfelt since the likes of Final Fantasy X.”
Final Fantasy XVI will soon be getting a new weapon on PS5 in the form of the Brave Blade. The weapon, which was first seen in Final Fantasy V, is currently available as a pre-order bonus for the PC version of the game, although PS5 players have been reassured that the weapon will also be available for them in the future.
When will the Brave Blade come to Final Fantasy XVI on PS5?
The Brave Blade will be available for PC players when the game is released on September 17. Square Enix has s
Final Fantasy XVI will soon be getting a new weapon on PS5 in the form of the Brave Blade. The weapon, which was first seen in Final Fantasy V, is currently available as a pre-order bonus for the PC version of the game, although PS5 players have been reassured that the weapon will also be available for them in the future.
When will the Brave Blade come to Final Fantasy XVI on PS5?
The Brave Blade will be available for PC players when the game is released on September 17. Square Enix has said that “it will be added to the PS5 version at a later date,” although they haven’t clarified exactly when that “later date” will be.
The Brave Blade may look familiar to Final Fantasy V fans…
Pre-purchase Final Fantasy XVI on PC to receive yours at launch on September 17th. It will be added to the PS5 version at a later date.
Other PC pre-order bonuses include the Cait Sith Charm (Gil Boost Accessory) and the “Sixteen Bells” Orchestrion Roll. Both of these are already available in the console version. The charm was available to PS5 players who pre-ordered the game. Meanwhile, the Orchestrion Roll was available as a promo code from a Taco Bell promotion.
The PC version of Final Fantasy 16 will finally be available more than a year after the game’s release on PS5. However, staggered releases may become consigned to history as Square Enix aims to “aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs.” The aim is that more players can enjoy its major franchises and AAA titles.
FF16 director Hiroshi Takai also told GamesRadar+ that “I think it’s possible – probably even likely” that future Final Fantasy games could see a day-one release on multiple platforms. However, he did add that “the team in charge of each project gets to decide its own policy, so this is just my personal opinion.”
Please lock your Chocobos to attack position and set your Phoenix Downs to stun: Square Enix have released fresh details of Final Fantasy 16's PC port, which has now been dated for launch on 17th September. They've also shared a little about why it's taken so long to arrive - the (generally decent) action-RPG hit PS5 over a year ago, back when I was still some filthy console-playing freelancer.
According to director Hiroshi Takai, it was "impossible" to create the PC and PS5 versions at the sam
Please lock your Chocobos to attack position and set your Phoenix Downs to stun: Square Enix have released fresh details of Final Fantasy 16's PC port, which has now been dated for launch on 17th September. They've also shared a little about why it's taken so long to arrive - the (generally decent) action-RPG hit PS5 over a year ago, back when I was still some filthy console-playing freelancer.
According to director Hiroshi Takai, it was "impossible" to create the PC and PS5 versions at the same time, even if Square Enix hadn't been restrained by a timed exclusivity clause. He also thinks that the Final Fantasy series faces no "existential risk" right now, despite lower-than-hoped returns from both Final Fantasy 16 and, going by Square Enix's latest financial reports, the more recent and currently PS5-only Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Please lock your Chocobos to attack position and set your Phoenix Downs to stun: Square Enix have released fresh details of Final Fantasy 16's PC port, which has now been dated for launch on 17th September. They've also shared a little about why it's taken so long to arrive - the (generally decent) action-RPG hit PS5 over a year ago, back when I was still some filthy console-playing freelancer.
According to director Hiroshi Takai, it was "impossible" to create the PC and PS5 versions at the sam
Please lock your Chocobos to attack position and set your Phoenix Downs to stun: Square Enix have released fresh details of Final Fantasy 16's PC port, which has now been dated for launch on 17th September. They've also shared a little about why it's taken so long to arrive - the (generally decent) action-RPG hit PS5 over a year ago, back when I was still some filthy console-playing freelancer.
According to director Hiroshi Takai, it was "impossible" to create the PC and PS5 versions at the same time, even if Square Enix hadn't been restrained by a timed exclusivity clause. He also thinks that the Final Fantasy series faces no "existential risk" right now, despite lower-than-hoped returns from both Final Fantasy 16 and, going by Square Enix's latest financial reports, the more recent and currently PS5-only Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
This Square Enix RPG is one of the best-lookers of this generation, so brace yourself for the Final Fantasy 16 PC system requirements. Even the minimum specs need 16GB of memory and an SSD.
The minimum Final Fantasy 16 PC system requirements you need
In order to play this epic adventure with Clive and crew, you'll need some beefy PC system requirements just to run the game at 720p with 30 frames per second. The Steam page lists the following:
OS: Windows 10 / 11 64-bit
Processor: AMD
This Square Enix RPG is one of the best-lookers of this generation, so brace yourself for the Final Fantasy 16 PC system requirements. Even the minimum specs need 16GB of memory and an SSD.
The minimum Final Fantasy 16 PC system requirements you need
In order to play this epic adventure with Clive and crew, you'll need some beefy PC system requirements just to run the game at 720p with 30 frames per second. The Steam page lists the following:
Final Fantasy 16 is a huge game, so it will require 170GB of available space on an SSD, no less. That is far bigger than another Square Enix game Kingdom Hearts 3, which only requires 75GB. Another action RPG from this generation Wild Heartsalso only needed 80GB.
Final Fantasy 16 recommended specs, listed
To play Final Fantasy 16 with 60 frames per second at a 1080p resolution, you'll need the following specs in your PC:
If you need to test your rig and see if the game will work on your PC, there's thankfully a free demo available on Steam. It contains the first few hours of the experience, and you can carry on your save progress into the full game. Neat! Hopefully, your PC won't need a Phoenix Down after running (or attempting to run) Final Fantasy 16.
Všichni, kteří očekávají PC verzi Final Fantasy XVI, tak se dočkají po letních prázdninách. Společnost Square Enix dnes oznámila datum vydání a přinesla nový trailer. Vše doplňují minimální a doporučené systémové požadavky.Final Fantasy XVI na počítače vyjde 17. 9. letošního roku. Prodávat se bude na Steamu a Epic Games Store ve dvou edicích: standardní za 1150 Kč a kompletní za 1600 Kč. Ta obsahuje navíc dva dodatečné balíčky s příběhovými úkoly Echoes of the Fallen a The Rising Tide.Pokud jste
Všichni, kteří očekávají PC verzi Final Fantasy XVI, tak se dočkají po letních prázdninách. Společnost Square Enix dnes oznámila datum vydání a přinesla nový trailer. Vše doplňují minimální a doporučené systémové požadavky.
Final Fantasy XVI na počítače vyjde 17. 9. letošního roku. Prodávat se bude na Steamu a Epic Games Store ve dvou edicích: standardní za 1150 Kč a kompletní za 1600 Kč. Ta obsahuje navíc dva dodatečné balíčky s příběhovými úkoly Echoes of the Fallen a The Rising Tide.
Pokud jste netrpěliví, tak si zatím můžete zahrát demoverzi s úvodní částí hry. Uložená data lze přenést do plné verze. Demo poslouží také k tomu, abyste zjistili, jak vám Final Fantasy XVI na počítači poběží. Níže HW nároky.
After rebooting Final Fantasy 7 as the trilogy of Remake, Rebirth and Really, You Went With That? (TBC), Square Enix are now planning to reboot themselves. Among the publishers’ revamped approach to making money - following a recent drop in profits, per their latest financials - is a more “aggressive” approach to bringing their games to more platforms than specific consoles (in other words, PlayStation) as exclusives, with a particular focus on “win[ning] over PC users”.
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After rebooting Final Fantasy 7 as the trilogy of Remake, Rebirth and Really, You Went With That? (TBC), Square Enix are now planning to reboot themselves. Among the publishers’ revamped approach to making money - following a recent drop in profits, per their latest financials - is a more “aggressive” approach to bringing their games to more platforms than specific consoles (in other words, PlayStation) as exclusives, with a particular focus on “win[ning] over PC users”.
A year and two DLC releases later, Tonberries have finally arrived in Final Fantasy XVI. These Final Fantasy staples have grown in notoriety over the years, and those in the know are aware they serve a dark King. Here's how to challenge the monarchy and topple the Tonberry King.
Where to find the Tonberry King in Final Fantasy 16
After reaching the hidden town of Haven in Mysidia, Clive and crew will be tasked with unraveling the mystery surrounding Leviathan. As such, that quest line will
A year and two DLC releases later, Tonberries have finally arrived in Final Fantasy XVI. These Final Fantasy staples have grown in notoriety over the years, and those in the know are aware they serve a dark King. Here's how to challenge the monarchy and topple the Tonberry King.
Where to find the Tonberry King in Final Fantasy 16
After reaching the hidden town of Haven in Mysidia, Clive and crew will be tasked with unraveling the mystery surrounding Leviathan. As such, that quest line will take priority until you complete your first interaction with the sea serpent. Upon returning to the town and getting some more exposition, you'll be able to pick up the short chain of side quests leading to the Tonberry King.
Quest - What Ails You
Speak with Fanet in town to obtain the "What Ails You" quest. After getting some clues from another local, you'll be tasked with tracking down a Tonberry site in Father's Fell. After slaying the little cultists and recovering the necklace, you'll need to return to Fanet.
Screenshot by Destructoid
Quest - Reign of Pain
After surviving the gauntlet that is the final Leviathan encounter you'll head back to Haven, where the second Tonberry quest will now be available. Our ailing resident's pain is only getting worse, which suggests to Fanet that Clive will need to take down the Tonberry King to break the curse.
As you head up to the Cloak, there will be several groups of Tonberries to be dispatched. Along the way, the land rumbles and shakes as if a Kaiju has emerged. Sadly, after finding the Tonberry King, you'll realize that he isn't Ifrit-sized, but is nonetheless imposing with his gigantic kitchen knife.
General tips
Stock up on potions before seeking out the Tonberry King. He's a surprisingly fast foe and packs a punch.
Much like the Timekeeper fight, using the Serpent's Cry ability from the Leviathan kit is extremely useful, as it makes Clive equally nimble and able to attack at a distance.
While Everyone's Grudge is active, prioritize the elimination of the minions or you'll be quickly overrun.
General attacks
Unlike the other Tonberries, the King moves quite quickly and will frequently teleport around the arena.
After teleporting, the Tonberry King will make several swipes with his kitchen knife before teleporting away like a reptilian Nightcrawler.
The Tonberry King's lantern can be used to summon several spots of dark energy on the ground that will explode. Keep moving to avoid being hit.
Another move used after teleporting is the King impaling the ground with his kitchen knife, unleashing a large AoE of dark energy.
While swinging his kitchen knife, the Tonberry King will rarely unleash an attack not unlike Guile's Sonic Boom.
Everyone's Grudge
The Tonberry King summons several allies called Tonberry Shadowers. Individually they're not a threat, but the King will quickly summon a veritable army if you don't cull them quickly enough. These little guys will brandish their knives and dash towards Clive, dealing a moderate amount of damage.
At about 20% life, the Tonberry King will trigger Desoul. This chain of attacks has the regal reptilian glowing red as he teleports about the arena, swinging his kitchen knife, before plunging it into the ground and summoning several dark energy AoE spots.
Reward - Tonberry Knife
As you complete the various quests in Mysidia, you'll gather the materials necessary for crafting the Tonberry Knife weapon. These are:
1x Notched Tang
1x Aqueous Membrane
2x Orichalcum
2x Fool's Gold
Screenshot by Destructoid
While the attack power isn't the best at 350, it's the absolutely bonkers 700 Stagger that makes this weapon shine. It's nearly 300 Stagger higher than the Omega Weapon and is like a cheat code for melting stamina bars and then doing tremendous amounts of damage.
Square Enix has released patch notes for update 1.31 of Final Fantasy 16, which will arrive alongside The Rising Tide DLC on 18th April.
There's a long list of changes, mostly related to balance tweaks of Clive's various Eikon abilities - as well as a boost to their accompanying accessories.
More interesting are the changes to the controls, though. With this update, players will be able to save five skill sets meaning Eikon abilities won't need to be swapped in and out individually. Furthe
Square Enix has released patch notes for update 1.31 of Final Fantasy 16, which will arrive alongside The Rising Tide DLC on 18th April.
There's a long list of changes, mostly related to balance tweaks of Clive's various Eikon abilities - as well as a boost to their accompanying accessories.
More interesting are the changes to the controls, though. With this update, players will be able to save five skill sets meaning Eikon abilities won't need to be swapped in and out individually. Further, a new "Custom" controller type will be added allowing free assignment of all buttons - an essential accessibility option.
It’s not every day two genre-defining RPGs release back to back, but it’s even rarer to see two top-caliber Final Fantasy games release within a year of each other. And yet, that’s exactly what’s happened with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Final Fantasy XVI.
This, of course, has led many to ask which is the better Final Fantasy game. Even if they have very different themes and tones, they’re still the exemplars of the series’ current trajectory and what we can expect from it moving forward.
It’s not every day two genre-defining RPGs release back to back, but it’s even rarer to see two top-caliber Final Fantasy games release within a year of each other. And yet, that’s exactly what’s happened with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Final Fantasy XVI.
This, of course, has led many to ask which is the better Final Fantasy game. Even if they have very different themes and tones, they’re still the exemplars of the series’ current trajectory and what we can expect from it moving forward.