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  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Predicting And Preventing Process DriftGregory Haley
    Increasingly tight tolerances and rigorous demands for quality are forcing chipmakers and equipment manufacturers to ferret out minor process variances, which can create significant anomalies in device behavior and render a device non-functional. In the past, many of these variances were ignored. But for a growing number of applications, that’s no longer possible. Even minor fluctuations in deposition rates during a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, for example, can lead to inconsistencie

Predicting And Preventing Process Drift

22. Duben 2024 v 09:05

Increasingly tight tolerances and rigorous demands for quality are forcing chipmakers and equipment manufacturers to ferret out minor process variances, which can create significant anomalies in device behavior and render a device non-functional.

In the past, many of these variances were ignored. But for a growing number of applications, that’s no longer possible. Even minor fluctuations in deposition rates during a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process, for example, can lead to inconsistencies in layer uniformity, which can impact the electrical isolation properties essential for reliable circuit operation. Similarly, slight variations in a photolithography step can cause alignment issues between layers, leading to shorts or open circuits in the final device.

Some of these variances can be attributed to process error, but more frequently they stem from process drift — the gradual deviation of process parameters from their set points. Drift can occur in any of the hundreds of process steps involved in manufacturing a single wafer, subtly altering the electrical properties of chips and leading to functional and reliability issues. In highly complex and sensitive ICs, even the slightest deviations can cause defects in the end product.

“All fabs already know drift. They understand drift. They would just like a better way to deal with drift,” said David Park, vice president of marketing at Tignis. “It doesn’t matter whether it’s lithography, CMP (chemical mechanical polishing), CVD or PVD (chemical/physical vapor deposition), they’re all going to have drift. And it’s all going to happen at various rates because they are different process steps.”

At advanced nodes and in dense advanced packages, where a nanometer can be critical, controlling process drift is vital for maintaining high yield and ensuring profitability. By rigorously monitoring and correcting for drift, engineers can ensure that production consistently meets quality standards, thereby maximizing yield and minimizing waste.

“Monitoring and controlling hundreds of thousands of sensors in a typical fab requires the ability to handle petabytes of real-time data from a large variety of tools,” said Vivek Jain, principal product manager, smart manufacturing at Synopsys. “Fabs can only control parameters or behaviors they can measure and analyze. They use statistical analysis and error budget breakdowns to define upper control limits (UCLs) and lower control limits (LCLs) to monitor the stability of measured process parameters and behaviors.”

Dialing in legacy fabs
In legacy fabs — primarily 200mm — most of the chips use 180nm or older process technology, so process drift does not need to be as precisely monitored as in the more advanced 300mm counterparts. Nonetheless, significant divergence can lead to disparities in device performance and reliability, creating a cascade of operational challenges.

Manufacturers operating at older technology nodes might lack the sophisticated, real-time monitoring and control methods that are standard in cutting-edge fabs. While the latter have embraced ML to predict and correct for drift, many legacy operations still rely heavily on periodic manual checks and adjustments. Thus, the management of process drift in these settings is reactive rather than proactive, making changes after problems are detected rather than preventing them.

“There is a separation between 300-millimeter and 200-millimeter fabs,” said Park. “The 300-millimeter guys are all doing some version of machine learning. Sometimes it’s called advanced process control, and sometimes it’s actually AI-powered process control. For some of the 200-millimeter fabs with more mature process nodes, they basically have a recipe they set and a bunch of technicians looking at machines and looking at the CDs. When the drift happens, they go through their process recipe and manually adjust for the out-of-control processes, and that’s just what they’ve always done. It works for them.”

For these older fabs, however, the repercussions of process drift can be substantial. Minor deviations in process parameters, such as temperature or pressure during the deposition or etching phases, gradually can lead to changes in the physical structure of the semiconductor devices. Over time, these minute alterations can compound, resulting in layers of materials that deviate from their intended characteristics. Such deviations affect critical dimensions and ultimately can compromise the electrical performance of the chip, leading to slower processing speeds, higher power consumption, or outright device failure.

The reliability equation is equally impacted by process drift. Chips are expected to operate consistently over extended periods, often under a range of environmental conditions. However, when process-induced variability can weaken the device’s resilience, precipitating early wear-out mechanisms and reducing its lifetime. In situations where dependability is non-negotiable, such as in automotive or medical applications, those variations can have dire consequences.

But with hundreds of process steps for a typical IC, eliminating all variability in fabs is simply not feasible.

“Process drift is never going to not happen, because the processes are going to have some sort of side effect,” Park said. “The machines go out of spec and things like pumps and valves and all sorts of things need to be replaced. You’re still going to have preventive maintenance (PM). But if the critical dimensions are being managed correctly, which is typically what triggers the drift, you can go a longer period of time between cleanings or the scheduled PMs and get more capacity.”

Process drift pitfalls
Managing process drift in semiconductor manufacturing presents several complex challenges. Hysteresis, for example, is a phenomenon where the output of a process varies not solely because of current input conditions, but also based on the history of the states through which the process already has passed. This memory effect can significantly complicate precision control, as materials and equipment might not reset to a baseline state after each operational cycle. Consequently, adjustments that were effective in previous cycles may not yield the same outcomes due to accumulated discrepancies.

One common cause of hysteresis is thermal cycling, where repeated heating and cooling create mechanical stresses. Those stresses can be additive, releasing inconsistently based on temperature history.  That, in turn, can lead to permanent changes in the output of a circuit, such as a voltage reference, which affects its precision and stability.

In many field-effect transistors (FETs), hysteresis also can occur due to charge trapping. This happens when charges are captured in ‘trap states’ within the semiconductor material or at the interface with another material, such as an oxide layer. The trapped charges then can modulate the threshold voltage of the device over time and under different electrical biases, potentially leading to operational instability and variability in device performance.

Human factors also play a critical role in process drift, with errors stemming from incorrect settings adjustments, mishandling of materials, misinterpretation of operational data, or delayed responses to process anomalies. Such errors, though often minor, can lead to substantial variations in manufacturing processes, impacting the consistency and reliability of semiconductor devices.

“Once in production, the biggest source of variability is human error or inconsistency during maintenance,” said Russell Dover, general manager of service product line at Lam Research. “Wet clean optimization (WCO) and machine learning through equipment intelligence solutions can help address this.”

The integration of new equipment into existing production lines introduces additional complexities. New machinery often features increased speed, throughput, and tighter tolerances, but it must be integrated thoughtfully to maintain the stringent specifications required by existing product lines. This is primarily because the specifications and performance metrics of legacy chips have been long established and are deeply integrated into various applications with pre-existing datasheets.

“From an equipment supplier perspective, we focus on tool matching,” said Dover. “That includes manufacturing and installing tools to be identical within specification, ensuring they are set up and running identically — and then bringing to bear systems, tooling, software and domain knowledge to ensure they are maintained and remain as identical as possible.”

The inherent variability of new equipment, even those with advanced capabilities, requires careful calibration and standardization.

“Some equipment, like transmission electron microscopes, are incredibly powerful,” said Jian-Min Zuo, a materials science and engineering professor at the University of Illinois’ Grainger College of Engineering. “But they are also very finicky, depending on how you tune the machine. How you set it up under specific conditions may vary slightly every time. So there are a number of things that can be done when you try to standardize those procedures, and also standardize the equipment. One example is to generate a curate, like a certain type of test case, where you can collect data from different settings and make sure you’re taking into account the variability in the instruments.”

Process drift solutions
As semiconductor manufacturers grapple with the complexities of process drift, a diverse array of strategies and tools has emerged to address the problem. Advanced process control (APC) systems equipped with real-time monitoring capabilities can extract patterns and predictive insights from massive data sets gathered from various sensors throughout the manufacturing process.

By understanding the relationships between different process variables, APC can predict potential deviations before they result in defects. This predictive capability enables the system to make autonomous adjustments to process parameters in real-time, ensuring that each process step remains within the defined control limits. Essentially, APC acts as a dynamic feedback mechanism that continuously fine-tunes the production process.

Fig. 1: Reduced process drift with AI/ML advanced process control. Source: Tignis

Fig. 1: Reduced process drift with AI/ML advanced process control. Source: Tignis

While APC proactively manages and optimizes the process to prevent deviations, fault detection and classification (FDC) reacts to deviations by detecting and classifying any faults that still occur.

FDC data serves as an advanced early-warning system. This system monitors the myriad parameters and signals during the chip fabrication process, rapidly detecting any variances that could indicate a malfunction or defect in the production line. The classification component of FDC is particularly crucial, as it does more than just flag potential issues. It categorizes each detected fault based on its characteristics and probable causes, vastly simplifying the trouble-shooting process. This allows engineers to swiftly pinpoint the type of intervention needed, whether it’s recalibrating instruments, altering processing recipes, or conducting maintenance repairs.

Statistical process control (SPC) is primarily focused on monitoring and controlling process variations using statistical methods to ensure the process operates efficiently and produces output that meets quality standards. SPC involves plotting data in real-time against control limits on control charts, which are statistically determined to represent the expected normal process behavior. When process measurements stray outside these control limits, it signals that the process may be out of control due to special causes of variation, requiring investigation and correction. SPC is inherently proactive and preventive, aiming to detect potential problems before they result in product defects.

“Statistical process control (SPC) has been a fundamental methodology for the semiconductor industry almost from its very foundation, as there are two core factors supporting the need,” said Dover. “The first is the need for consistent quality, meaning every product needs to be as near identical as possible, and second, the very high manufacturing volume of chips produced creates an excellent workspace for statistical techniques.”

While SPC, FDC, and APC might seem to serve different purposes, they are deeply interconnected. SPC provides the baseline by monitoring process stability and quality over time, setting the stage for effective process control. FDC complements SPC by providing the tools to quickly detect and address anomalies and faults that occur despite the preventive measures put in place by SPC. APC takes insights from both SPC and FDC to adjust process parameters proactively, not just to correct deviations but also to optimize process performance continually.

Despite their benefits, integrating SPC, FDC and APC systems into existing semiconductor manufacturing environments can pose challenges. These systems require extensive configuration and tuning to adapt to specific manufacturing conditions and to interface effectively with other process control systems. Additionally, the success of these systems depends on the quality and granularity of the data they receive, necessitating high-fidelity sensors and a robust data management infrastructure.

“For SPC to be effective you need tight control limits,” adds Dover. “A common trap in the world of SPC is to keep adding control charts (by adding new signals or statistics) during a process ramp, or maybe inheriting old practices from prior nodes without validating their relevance. The result can be millions of control charts running in parallel. It is not a stretch to state that if you are managing a million control charts you are not really controlling much, as it is humanly impossible to synthesize and react to a million control charts on a daily basis.”

This is where AI/ML becomes invaluable, because it can monitor the performance and sustainability of the new equipment more efficiently than traditional methods. By analyzing data from the new machinery, AI/ML can confirm observations, such as reduced accumulation, allowing for adjustments to preventive maintenance schedules that differ from older equipment. This capability not only helps in maintaining the new equipment more effectively but also in optimizing the manufacturing process to take full advantage of the technological upgrades.

AI/ML also facilitate a smoother transition when integrating new equipment, particularly in scenarios involving ‘copy exact’ processes where the goal is to replicate production conditions across different equipment setups. AI and ML can analyze the specific outputs and performance variations of the new equipment compared to the established systems, reducing the time and effort required to achieve optimal settings while ensuring that the new machinery enhances production without compromising the quality and reliability of the legacy chips being produced.

Being more proactive in identifying drift and adjusting parameters in real-time is a necessity. With a very accurate model of the process, you can tune your recipe to minimize that variability and improve both quality and yield.

“The ability to quickly visualize a month’s worth of data in seconds, and be able to look at windows of time, is a huge cost savings because it’s a lot more involved to get data for the technicians or their process engineers to try and figure out what’s wrong,” said Park. “AI/ML has a twofold effect, where you have fewer false alarms, and just fewer alarms in general. So you’re not wasting time looking at things that you shouldn’t have to look at in the first place. But when you do find issues, AI/ML can help you get to the root cause in the diagnostics associated with that much more quickly.”

When there is a real alert, AI/ML offers the ability to correlate multiple parameters and inputs that are driving that alert.

“Traditional process control systems monitor each parameter separately or perform multivariate analysis for key parameters that require significant effort from fab engineers,” adds Jain. “With the amount of fab data scaling exponentially, it is becoming humanly impossible to extract all the actionable insights from the data. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can handle big data generated within a fab to provide effective process control with minimal oversight.”

AI/ML also can look for more other ways of predicting when the drift is going to take your process out of specification. Those correlations can be bivariate and multivariate, as well as univariate. And a machine learning engine that is able to sift through tremendous amounts of data and a larger number of variables than most humans also can turn up some interesting correlations.

“Another benefit of AI/ML is troubleshooting when something does trigger an alarm or alert,” adds Park. “You’ve got SPC and FDC that people are using, and a lot of them have false positives, or false alerts. In some cases, it’s as high as 40% of the alerts that you get are not relevant for what you’re doing. This is where AI/ML becomes vital. It’s never going to take false alerts to zero, but it can significantly reduce the amount of false alerts that you have.”

Engaging with these modern drift solutions, such as AI/ML-based systems, is not mere adherence to industry trends but an essential step towards sustainable semiconductor production. Going beyond the mere mitigation of process drift, these technologies empower manufacturers to optimize operations and maintain the consistency of critical dimensions, allowed by the intelligent analysis of extensive data and automation of complex control processes.

Monitoring process drift is essential for maintaining quality of the device being manufactured, but it also can ensure that the entire fabrication lifecycle operates at peak efficiency. Detecting and managing process drift is a significant challenge in volume production because these variables can be subtle and may compound over time. This makes identifying the root cause of any drift difficult, particularly when measurements are only taken at the end of the production process.

Combating these challenges requires a vigilant approach to process control, regular equipment servicing, and the implementation of AI/ML algorithms that can assist in predicting and correcting for drift. In addition, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and technological adaptation is crucial. Manufacturers must embrace a mindset that prioritizes not only reactive measures, but also proactive strategies to anticipate and mitigate process drift before it affects the production line. This includes training personnel to handle new technologies effectively and to understand the dynamics of process control deeply. Such education enables staff to better recognize early signs of drift and respond swiftly and accurately.

Moreover, the integration of comprehensive data analytics platforms can revolutionize how fabs monitor and analyze the vast amounts of data they generate. These platforms can aggregate data from multiple sources, providing a holistic view of the manufacturing process that is not possible with isolated measurements. With these insights, engineers can refine their process models, enhance predictive maintenance schedules, and optimize the entire production flow to reduce waste and improve yields.

Related Reading
Tackling Variability With AI-Based Process Control
How AI in advanced process control reduces equipment variability and corrects for process drift.

The post Predicting And Preventing Process Drift appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Enabling Advanced Devices With Atomic Layer ProcessesKatherine Derbyshire
    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) used to be considered too slow to be of practical use in semiconductor manufacturing, but it has emerged as a critical tool for both transistor and interconnect fabrication at the most advanced nodes. ALD can be speeded up somewhat, but the real shift is the rising value of precise composition and thickness control at the most advanced nodes, which makes the extra time spent on deposition worthwhile. ALD is a close cousin of chemical vapor deposition, initially intr

Enabling Advanced Devices With Atomic Layer Processes

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) used to be considered too slow to be of practical use in semiconductor manufacturing, but it has emerged as a critical tool for both transistor and interconnect fabrication at the most advanced nodes.

ALD can be speeded up somewhat, but the real shift is the rising value of precise composition and thickness control at the most advanced nodes, which makes the extra time spent on deposition worthwhile.

ALD is a close cousin of chemical vapor deposition, initially introduced in high volume to the semiconductor industry for hafnium oxide (high-k) gate dielectrics. Both CVD and ALD are inherently conformal processes. Deposition occurs on all surfaces exposed to a precursor gas. In ALD, though, the reaction is self-limiting.

The process works like this: First, a precursor gas (A) is introduced into the process chamber, where it adsorbs onto all available substrate sites. No further adsorption occurs once all surface sites are occupied. An inert purge gas, typically nitrogen or argon, flushes out any remaining precursor gas, then a second precursor (B) is introduced. Precursor B reacts with the chemisorbed precursor A to produce the desired film. Once all of the adsorbed molecules are consumed, the reaction stops. After a second purge step, the cycle repeats.

ALD opportunities expand as features shrink
The step-by-step nature of ALD is both its strength and its weakness. Depositing one monolayer at a time gives manufacturers extremely precise thickness control. Using different precursor gases in different ratios can tune the film composition. Unfortunately, the repeated precursor/purge gas cycles take a lot of time. In an interview, CEA-Leti researcher Rémy Gassilloud estimated that in a single wafer process, two minutes per wafer is the maximum cost-effective process time. But two minutes is only enough time to deposit about a 2nm-thick film.

Some process adjustments can improve throughput. Silicon dioxide ALD often uses large furnaces to process many wafers at once. Plasma activation can ionize reagents and accelerate film formation. Still, Gassilloud estimates that 10nm is the maximum practical thickness for ALD films.

As transistors shrink, though, the number of layers in that thickness range is increasing. Transistor structures also are becoming more complex, requiring deposition on vertical surfaces, into deep trenches, and other places not readily accessible by line-of-sight PVD methods. Replacement gates for gate-all-around transistors, for instance, need a process that can fill nanometer-scale cavities.

As noted above, HfO2 was the first successful application of ALD in semiconductor manufacturing. Its precursors, HfCl4 and water, are both chemically simple small molecules, whose by-products are volatile and easily removed. Such simple chemistries are the exception, though. ALD of silicon dioxide typically uses aminosilane precursors.⁠[1] Metal nitrides often have complex metal-organic precursor gases. Gassilloud noted that ligands might be added to a precursor molecule to change its vapor pressure or reactivity, or to facilitate adhesion to the substrate. In selective deposition processes, discussed below, ligands might improve selectivity between growth and non-growth surfaces. These larger molecules can be difficult to insinuate into smaller features, and byproducts can be difficult to remove. Complex byproducts can also become a contamination source.

One of the advantages of ALD is its very low process temperature, typically between 200°C and 300°C. It is thermally compatible with both transistor and interconnect processes in CMOS, as well as with deposition on plastic and other novel substrates. Even so, Aditya Kumar and colleagues at GlobalFoundries showed that precise temperature control is important.[2] TDMAT (tetrakis- dimethylamino titanium) condensation in a TiN deposition process was a significant source of particle defects. To maintain the desired process temperature, both the precursor and purge gas temperatures matter. Introducing cold purge gas into a warm process chamber can cause rapid condensation.

As ALD has become a mainstream process, the industry has found applications for it beyond core device materials, in a variety of sacrificial and spacer layers. For example, double- and quadruple-patterning schemes often use ALD for “pitch-doubling.” By depositing a spacer material on either side of a patterned “mandrel,” then removing the mandrel, the process can cut the original pitch in half without the need for an additional, more costly lithography step.[3]

Fig. 1: Self-aligned double patterning with ALD spacers. Source: IOPScience

Fig. 1: Self-aligned double patterning with ALD spacers. Source: Creative Commons

Depositing a doped oxide on the vertical silicon fins of a finFET device is a less directional and less damaging alternative to ion implantation.[4]

Selective deposition brings lateral control
These last two examples depend on surface characteristics to mediate deposition. A precursor might adhere more readily to a hard mask than to the underlying material. The vertical face of a silicon fin might offer more (or fewer) adsorption sites than the horizontal face. Selective deposition on more complicated structures may require a pre-deposited growth template, functionalizing substrate regions to encourage or discourage growth. Selective deposition is especially important in interconnect applications. In general, though, a comprehensive review by Rong Chen and colleagues at Huazhong University of Science and Technology explained that selective deposition methods need to replenish the template material as the film grows while needing a mechanism to selectively remove the unwanted material.⁠[5]

For example, tungsten preferentially deposits on silicon relative to SiO2, but the selectivity diminishes after only a few cycles. Researchers at North Carolina State University successfully re-passivated the oxide by incorporating hydrogen into the tungsten precursor.[⁠6] Similarly, a group at Eindhoven University of Technology found that SiO2 preferentially deposited on SiO2 relative to other oxides for only 10 to 15 cycles. A so-called ABC-cycle — adding acetylacetone (“Inhibitor A”) as an inhibitor every 5 to 10 cycles — restored selectivity.⁠[7]

Alternatively, or in addition, atomic layer etching (ALE) might be used to remove unwanted material. ALE operates in the same step-by-step manner as ALD. The first half of a cycle reacts with the existing surface, weakening the bond to the underlying material. Then, a second step — typically ion bombardment — removes the weakened layer. For example, in ALE etching of silicon, chlorine gas reacts with the surface to form various SiClx compounds. The chlorination process weakens the inter-silicon bonds between the surface and the bulk, and the chlorinated layer is easily sputtered away. The layer-by-layer nature of ALE depends on preferential removal of the surface material relative to the bulk (SiClx vs. Si in this case). The “ALE window” is the combination of energy and temperature at which the surface layer is completely removed without damaging the underlying material.

Somewhat counter-intuitively, Keren Kanarik and colleagues at Lam Research found that higher ion energies actually expanded the ALE window for silicon etching. High ion energies with short exposure times delayed the onset of silicon sputtering relative to conventional RIE.[8]

Adding and subtracting, one atomic layer at a time
For a long time, the semiconductor industry has been looking for alternatives to process schemes that deposit material, pattern it, then etch most of it away. Wouldn’t it be simpler to only deposit the material we will ultimately need? Meanwhile, atomic layer deposition has been filling the spaces under nanosheets and inside cavities. Bulk deposition and etch tools are still with us, and will be for the foreseeable future. In more and more cases, though, those tools provide the frame while ALD and ALE processes fill in the details.

Correction: Corrected attribution of the work on ABC cycles and selective deposition of SiO2.


  1. Wenling Li, et al., “Impact of aminosilane and silanol precursor structure on atomic layer deposition process,”Applied Surface Science, Vol 621, 2023,156869,
  2. Kumar, et al., “ALD TiN Surface Defect Reduction for 12nm and Beyond Technologies,” 2020 31st Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ASMC49169.2020.9185271.
  3. Shohei Yamauchi, et al., “Extendibility of self-aligned type multiple patterning for further scaling”, Proc. SPIE 8682, Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXX, 86821D (29 March 2013);
  4. Kalkofen, et al., “Atomic layer deposition of phosphorus oxide films as solid sources for doping of semiconductor structures,” 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), Cork, Ireland, 2018, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/NANO.2018.8626235.
  5. Rong Chen et al., “Atomic level deposition to extend Moore’s law and beyond,” 2020 Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 2 022002 DOI 10.1088/2631-7990/ab83e0
  6. B Kalanyan, et al., “Using hydrogen to expand the inherent substrate selectivity window during tungsten atomic layer deposition,” 2016 Chem. Mater. 28 117–26
  7. Alfredo Mameli et al., “Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of SiO2 Using Acetylacetone as a Chemoselective Inhibitor in an ABC-Type Cycle” ACS Nano 2017, 11, 9, 9303–9311.
  8. Keren J. Kanarik, et al., “Universal scaling relationship for atomic layer etching,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 39, 010401 (2021); doi: 10.1116/6.0000762

The post Enabling Advanced Devices With Atomic Layer Processes appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Enabling Advanced Devices With Atomic Layer ProcessesKatherine Derbyshire
    Atomic layer deposition (ALD) used to be considered too slow to be of practical use in semiconductor manufacturing, but it has emerged as a critical tool for both transistor and interconnect fabrication at the most advanced nodes. ALD can be speeded up somewhat, but the real shift is the rising value of precise composition and thickness control at the most advanced nodes, which makes the extra time spent on deposition worthwhile. ALD is a close cousin of chemical vapor deposition, initially intr

Enabling Advanced Devices With Atomic Layer Processes

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) used to be considered too slow to be of practical use in semiconductor manufacturing, but it has emerged as a critical tool for both transistor and interconnect fabrication at the most advanced nodes.

ALD can be speeded up somewhat, but the real shift is the rising value of precise composition and thickness control at the most advanced nodes, which makes the extra time spent on deposition worthwhile.

ALD is a close cousin of chemical vapor deposition, initially introduced in high volume to the semiconductor industry for hafnium oxide (high-k) gate dielectrics. Both CVD and ALD are inherently conformal processes. Deposition occurs on all surfaces exposed to a precursor gas. In ALD, though, the reaction is self-limiting.

The process works like this: First, a precursor gas (A) is introduced into the process chamber, where it adsorbs onto all available substrate sites. No further adsorption occurs once all surface sites are occupied. An inert purge gas, typically nitrogen or argon, flushes out any remaining precursor gas, then a second precursor (B) is introduced. Precursor B reacts with the chemisorbed precursor A to produce the desired film. Once all of the adsorbed molecules are consumed, the reaction stops. After a second purge step, the cycle repeats.

ALD opportunities expand as features shrink
The step-by-step nature of ALD is both its strength and its weakness. Depositing one monolayer at a time gives manufacturers extremely precise thickness control. Using different precursor gases in different ratios can tune the film composition. Unfortunately, the repeated precursor/purge gas cycles take a lot of time. In an interview, CEA-Leti researcher Rémy Gassilloud estimated that in a single wafer process, two minutes per wafer is the maximum cost-effective process time. But two minutes is only enough time to deposit about a 2nm-thick film.

Some process adjustments can improve throughput. Silicon dioxide ALD often uses large furnaces to process many wafers at once. Plasma activation can ionize reagents and accelerate film formation. Still, Gassilloud estimates that 10nm is the maximum practical thickness for ALD films.

As transistors shrink, though, the number of layers in that thickness range is increasing. Transistor structures also are becoming more complex, requiring deposition on vertical surfaces, into deep trenches, and other places not readily accessible by line-of-sight PVD methods. Replacement gates for gate-all-around transistors, for instance, need a process that can fill nanometer-scale cavities.

As noted above, HfO2 was the first successful application of ALD in semiconductor manufacturing. Its precursors, HfCl4 and water, are both chemically simple small molecules, whose by-products are volatile and easily removed. Such simple chemistries are the exception, though. ALD of silicon dioxide typically uses aminosilane precursors.⁠[1] Metal nitrides often have complex metal-organic precursor gases. Gassilloud noted that ligands might be added to a precursor molecule to change its vapor pressure or reactivity, or to facilitate adhesion to the substrate. In selective deposition processes, discussed below, ligands might improve selectivity between growth and non-growth surfaces. These larger molecules can be difficult to insinuate into smaller features, and byproducts can be difficult to remove. Complex byproducts can also become a contamination source.

One of the advantages of ALD is its very low process temperature, typically between 200°C and 300°C. It is thermally compatible with both transistor and interconnect processes in CMOS, as well as with deposition on plastic and other novel substrates. Even so, Aditya Kumar and colleagues at GlobalFoundries showed that precise temperature control is important.[2] TDMAT (tetrakis- dimethylamino titanium) condensation in a TiN deposition process was a significant source of particle defects. To maintain the desired process temperature, both the precursor and purge gas temperatures matter. Introducing cold purge gas into a warm process chamber can cause rapid condensation.

As ALD has become a mainstream process, the industry has found applications for it beyond core device materials, in a variety of sacrificial and spacer layers. For example, double- and quadruple-patterning schemes often use ALD for “pitch-doubling.” By depositing a spacer material on either side of a patterned “mandrel,” then removing the mandrel, the process can cut the original pitch in half without the need for an additional, more costly lithography step.[3]

Fig. 1: Self-aligned double patterning with ALD spacers. Source: IOPScience

Fig. 1: Self-aligned double patterning with ALD spacers. Source: Creative Commons

Depositing a doped oxide on the vertical silicon fins of a finFET device is a less directional and less damaging alternative to ion implantation.[4]

Selective deposition brings lateral control
These last two examples depend on surface characteristics to mediate deposition. A precursor might adhere more readily to a hard mask than to the underlying material. The vertical face of a silicon fin might offer more (or fewer) adsorption sites than the horizontal face. Selective deposition on more complicated structures may require a pre-deposited growth template, functionalizing substrate regions to encourage or discourage growth. Selective deposition is especially important in interconnect applications. In general, though, a comprehensive review by Rong Chen and colleagues at Huazhong University of Science and Technology explained that selective deposition methods need to replenish the template material as the film grows while needing a mechanism to selectively remove the unwanted material.⁠[5]

For example, tungsten preferentially deposits on silicon relative to SiO2, but the selectivity diminishes after only a few cycles. Researchers at North Carolina State University successfully re-passivated the oxide by incorporating hydrogen into the tungsten precursor.[⁠6] Similarly, a group at Argonne National Laboratory found that SiO2 preferentially deposited on SiO2 relative to other oxides for only 10 to 15 cycles. Adding acetylacetone (“Precursor C”) as an inhibitor every 5 to 10 cycles — restored selectivity.⁠[7]

Alternatively, or in addition, atomic layer etching (ALE) might be used to remove unwanted material. ALE operates in the same step-by-step manner as ALD. The first half of a cycle reacts with the existing surface, weakening the bond to the underlying material. Then, a second step — typically ion bombardment — removes the weakened layer. For example, in ALE etching of silicon, chlorine gas reacts with the surface to form various SiClx compounds. The chlorination process weakens the inter-silicon bonds between the surface and the bulk, and the chlorinated layer is easily sputtered away. The layer-by-layer nature of ALE depends on preferential removal of the surface material relative to the bulk (SiClx vs. Si in this case). The “ALE window” is the combination of energy and temperature at which the surface layer is completely removed without damaging the underlying material.

Somewhat counter-intuitively, Keren Kanarik and colleagues at Lam Research found that higher ion energies actually expanded the ALE window for silicon etching. High ion energies with short exposure times delayed the onset of silicon sputtering relative to conventional RIE.[8]

Adding and subtracting, one atomic layer at a time
For a long time, the semiconductor industry has been looking for alternatives to process schemes that deposit material, pattern it, then etch most of it away. Wouldn’t it be simpler to only deposit the material we will ultimately need? Meanwhile, atomic layer deposition has been filling the spaces under nanosheets and inside cavities. Bulk deposition and etch tools are still with us, and will be for the foreseeable future. In more and more cases, though, those tools provide the frame while ALD and ALE processes fill in the details.


  1. Wenling Li, et al., “Impact of aminosilane and silanol precursor structure on atomic layer deposition process,”Applied Surface Science, Vol 621, 2023,156869,
  2. Kumar, et al., “ALD TiN Surface Defect Reduction for 12nm and Beyond Technologies,” 2020 31st Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ASMC49169.2020.9185271.
  3. Shohei Yamauchi, et al., “Extendibility of self-aligned type multiple patterning for further scaling”, Proc. SPIE 8682, Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXX, 86821D (29 March 2013);
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  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Tackling Variability With AI-based Process ControlAnne Meixner
    Jon Herlocker, co-founder and CEO of Tignis, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about how AI in advanced process control reduces equipment variability and corrects for process drift. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: How is AI being used in semiconductor manufacturing and what will the impact be? Herlocker: AI is going to create a completely different factory. The real change is going to happen when AI gets integrated, from the design side all the way through the m

Tackling Variability With AI-based Process Control

22. Únor 2024 v 09:01

Jon Herlocker, co-founder and CEO of Tignis, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about how AI in advanced process control reduces equipment variability and corrects for process drift. What follows are excerpts of that conversation.

SE: How is AI being used in semiconductor manufacturing and what will the impact be?

Herlocker: AI is going to create a completely different factory. The real change is going to happen when AI gets integrated, from the design side all the way through the manufacturing side. We are just starting to see the beginnings of this integration right now. One of the biggest challenges in the semiconductor industry is it can take years from the time an engineer designs a new device to that device reaching high-volume production. Machine learning is going to cut that to half, or even a quarter. The AI technology that Tignis offers today accelerates that very last step — high-volume manufacturing. Our customers want to know how to tune their tools so that every time they process a wafer the process is in control. Traditionally, device makers get the hardware that meets their specifications from the equipment manufacturer, and then the fab team gets their process recipes working. Depending on the size of the fab, they try to physically replicate that process in a ‘copy exact’ manner, which can take a lot of time and effort. But now device makers can use machine learning (ML) models to autonomously compensate for the differences in equipment variation to produce the exact same outcome, but with significantly less effort by process engineers and equipment technicians.

SE: How is this typically done?

Herlocker: A classic APC system on the floor today might model three input parameters using linear models. But if you need to model 20 or 30 parameters, these linear models don’t work very well. With AI controllers and non-linear models, customers can ingest all of their rich sensor data that shows what is happening in the chamber, and optimally modulate the recipe settings to ensure that the outcome is on-target. AI tools such as our PAICe Maker solution can control any complex process with a greater degree of precision.

SE: So, the adjustments AI process control software makes is to tweak inputs to provide consistent outputs?

Herlocker: Yes, I preach this all the time. By letting AI automate the tasks that were traditionally very manual and time-consuming, engineers and technicians in the fab can remove a lot of the manual precision tasks they needed to do to control their equipment, significantly reducing module operating costs. AI algorithms also can help identify integration issues — interacting effects between tools that are causing variability. We look at process control from two angles. Software can autonomously control the tool by modulating the recipe parameters in response to sensor readings and metrology. But your autonomous control cannot control the process if your equipment is not doing what it is supposed to do, so we developed a separate AI learning platform that ensures equipment is performing to specification. It brings together all the different data silos across the fab – the FDC trace data, metrology data, test data, equipment data, and maintenance data. The aggregation of all that data is critical to understanding the causes of a variation in equipment. This is where ML algorithms can automatically sift through massive amount of data to help process engineers and data scientists determine what parameters are most influencing their process outcomes.

SE: Which process tools benefit the most from AI modeling of advanced process control?

Herlocker: We see the most interest in thin film deposition tools. The physics involved in plasma etching and plasma-enhanced CVD are non-linear processes. That is why you can get much better control with ML modeling. You also can model how the process and equipment evolves over time. For example, every time you run a batch through the PECVD chamber you get some amount of material accumulation on the chamber walls, and that changes the physics and chemistry of the process. AI can build a predictive model of that chamber. In addition to reacting to what it sees in the chamber, it also can predict what the chamber is going to look like for the next run, and now the ML model can tweak the input parameters before you even see the feedback.

SE: How do engineers react to the idea that the AI will be shifting the tool recipe?

Herlocker: That is a good question. Depending on the customer, they have different levels of comfort about how frequently things should change, and how much human oversight there needs to be for that change. We have seen everything from, ‘Just make a recommendation and one of our engineers will decide whether or not to accept that recommendation,’ to adjusting the recipe once a day, to autonomously adjusting for every run. The whole idea behind these adjustments is for variability reduction and drift management, and customers weigh the targeted results versus the perceived risk of taking a novel approach.

SE: Does this involve building confidence in AI-based approaches?

Herlocker: Absolutely, and our systems have a large number of fail-safes, and some limits are hard-coded. We have people with PhDs in chemical engineering and material science who have operated these tools for years. These experts understand the physics of what is happening in these tools, and they have the practical experience to know what level of change can be expected or not.

SE: How much of your modeling is physics-based?

Herlocker: In the beginning, all of our modeling was physics-based, because we were working with equipment makers on their next-generation tools. But now we are also bringing our technology to device makers, where we can also deliver a lot of value by squeezing the most juice out of a data-driven approach. The main challenge with physics models is they are usually IP-protected. When we work with equipment makers, they typically pay us to build those physics-based models so they cannot be shared with other customers.

SE: So are your target customers the toolmakers or the fabs?

Herlocker: They are both our target customers. Most of our sales and marketing efforts are focused on device makers with legacy fabs. In most cases, the fab manager has us engage with their team members to do an assessment. Frequently, that team includes a cross section of automation, process, and equipment teams. The automation team is most interested in reducing the time to detect some sort of deviation that is going to cause yield loss, scrap, or tool downtime. The process and equipment engineers are interested in reducing variability or controlling drift, which also increases chamber life.

For example, let’s consider a PECVD tool. As I mentioned, every time you run the process, byproducts such as polymer materials build up on the chamber walls. You want a thickness of x in your deposition, but you are getting a slightly different wafer thickness uniformity due to drift of that chamber because of plasma confinement changes. Eventually, you must shut down the tool, wet clean the chamber, replace the preventive maintenance kit parts, and send them through the cleaning loop (i.e., to the cleaning vendor shop). Then you need to season the chamber and bring it back online. By controlling the process better, the PECVD team does not have to vent the chamber as often to clean parts. Just a 5% increase in chamber life can be quite significant from a maintenance cost reduction perspective (e.g., parts spend, refurb spend, cleaning spend, etc.). Reducing variability has a similarly large impact, particularly if it is a bottleneck tool, because then that reduction directly contributes to higher or more stable yields via more ‘sweet spot’ processing time, and sometimes better wafer throughput due to the longer chamber lifetime. The ROI story is more nuanced on non-bottleneck tools because they don’t modulate fab revenue, but the ROI there is still there. It is just more about chamber life stability.

SE: Where does this go next?

Herlocker: We also are working with OEMs on next-generation toolsets. Using AI/ML as the core of process control enables equipment makers to control processes that are impossible to implement with existing control strategies and software. For example, imagine on each process step there are a million different parameters that you can control. Further imagine that changing any one parameter has a global effect on all the other parameters, and only by co-varying all the million parameters in just the right way will you get the ideal outcome. And to further complicate things, toss in run-to-run variance, so that the right solution continues to change over time. And then there is the need to do this more than 200 times per hour to support high-volume manufacturing. AI/ML enables this kind of process control, which in turn will enable a step function increase in the ability to produce more complex devices more reliably.

SE: What additional changes do you see from AI-based algorithms?

Herlocker: Machine learning will dramatically improve the agility and productivity of the facility broadly. For example, process engineers will spend less time chasing issues and have more time to implement continuous improvement. Maintenance engineers will have time to do more preventive maintenance. Agility and resiliency — the ability to rapidly adjust to or maintain operations, despite disturbances in the factory or market — will increase. If you look at ML combined with upcoming generative AI capabilities, within a year or two we are going to have agents that effectively will understand many aspects of how equipment or a process works. These agents will make good engineers great, and enable better capture, aggregation, and transfer of manufacturing knowledge. In fact, we have some early examples of this running in our labs. These ML agents capture and ingest knowledge very quickly. So when it comes to implementing the vision of smart factories, machine learning automation will have a massive impact on manufacturing in the future.

The post Tackling Variability With AI-based Process Control appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.
