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  • Top 5 Things You Need to Make Millions in GTA 5Amphitrite
    GTA 5’s online popularity is the cause why Microsoft and Sony have assured the fans to release a new version of it on the Xbox. It is one of the most anticipated releases of 2021. It is the only game millions of GTA fans crave due to its brilliant features, continuous updates, and dramatic role-playing scenes. GTA modded accounts provide different and interesting mods. After gaining so much popularity and attention from all gamers, it is still taking place in the heart and devices of three conso

Top 5 Things You Need to Make Millions in GTA 5

11. Říjen 2021 v 19:22

GTA 5’s online popularity is the cause why Microsoft and Sony have assured the fans to release a new version of it on the Xbox. It is one of the most anticipated releases of 2021. It is the only game millions of GTA fans crave due to its brilliant features, continuous updates, and dramatic role-playing scenes. GTA modded accounts provide different and interesting mods. After gaining so much popularity and attention from all gamers, it is still taking place in the heart and devices of three console generations. This game is the combination of GTA all the previous titles and addressed fab complaints.

Beyond the fun and adventure, there are plenty of ways to make money in the game. To make GTA Money in the game, the players must buy vehicles, weapons, clothes, and other things. The cost and amount of all these things have increased substantially since its release. Here is the list of things you should buy to make millions in GTA 5 online. It will make you better at playing the game and add more fun to it.

Kosatka submarine (Cayo Perico heist)

The Cayo Perico heist performs a pivotal part in making money in GTA 5 online. So all the players who’re beginners are required to collect the $2.2 million to buy a Kosatka submarine.

At the casino, players need to rush into the Music Locker and meet Miguel Madrazo. Then you’re allowed to purchase the Kosatka submarine. Then, from the SecuroServ option in the interaction menu, start an organization as a VIP or CEO. By going into your Kosatka, start the heist from the panning board. Gather Intel on the island. Complete prep missions and finally do the theft. The time of completion from starting the Intel to finishing the heist is about 45 minutes to one hour after a few times trying it. The potential profit for this is $1.5 million per hour.

It is profitable to do it solo while there is both the option of solo and private lobby. You can go through different videos and written guides online that can assist you in focusing on factors that are required for success. Make sure to start your heist 48 minutes after the previous one to get a 10% bonus and set on hard mode.

Bunker (Gunrunning)

Stealing supplies and buying supplies can make you millions in GTA 5, but it is only possible with using a bunker. The cost of this bunker is $1.2 million. But this purchase can be the best one for some players. It is more valuable than owning an Orbital Cannon. Because it is passive money-making and has excellent Research unlockables, you can operate this bunker by using a laptop that is placed inside it. Then you can go underground by going to the Disruption Logistics, refill supplies and sell stolen weapons. It can earn you the potential profit of $80K per hour while doing other stuff. You can buy and steal supplies by using bunkers. Still, it is preferable to purchase supplies because it is more time-effective. It can increase your passive income while making the active income from other methods. For selling missions, you require friends in case there are multiple vehicles.

Arcade (Diamond Casino heist)

Purchasing an arcade in GTA 5 online is not complicated. Hence, it is quite profitable as it can make you earn millions in the game. You need to do a meeting with Lester Crest in Mirror Park. Rush to the Fore Closures Mazebank to purchase an arcade. It will give you access to the plan’s details to rob Diamond casino as a VIP, CEO, or MC president. It’s a time-consuming activity, but once you own all the arcade machinery, it offers the best rewards as you can generate $400k per hour. After buying the arcade, completing mandatory missions, there are also prep missions you need to complete with your friends. Always try to achieve the mission with a fewer number of people. While attempting to escape, it is advisable to go into nearby tunnels to evade cops more efficiently.

Hanger (Air Freight Cargo)

Hanger is unquestionably the best one to own in GTA 5 online. The purpose of buying it is to store aircraft and allow you to get rich by smuggling. Even if the plane is not robust and valuable, it is still the best place to keep them safe. The minimum cost is $1.2 million, and it can be as expensive as $3.0 million. The hangers are pretty costly. So you need to be wise while buying one for yourself because it is not advisable to spend all your money purchasing the hanger. The potential profit of buying it is $150K per hour. There are types of cargo you can source. Still, it is advisable to stick to only one kind of cargo and make it medical, chemicals, or narcotics supplies. By executing so, you can take a 35% reward for selling the 25 crates and 75% on selling all 50 containers.

Grotto Italia Rsx (Multiple heists)

Being the second fastest car, it has 135 miles per hour speed and excellent acceleration of 0 to 60 in two seconds. That is insanely amazing. You can get this car for $3.4 million. You can get this money on motorsports. It’s a bonus point that you can unlock its trading price by doing the moody man missions; you can get this for 2.6 million. It is a vehicle you should own, even if you only do drag races. It can beat the fastest cars like Ocelot Pariah in GTA 5 online. Owning high-speed vehicles allows the player to survive and outrun angry cops. It would be best if you were wise while choosing a car because these will help you when the stakes are too high.

The Bottom line

GTA 5 online has been the most popular game since its release. To make millions in GTA 5, you can purchase various kinds of vehicles, apartments, and warehouses, etc., and other things. All these entities will help you to escape from the cops and start up new businesses to make gta money.

  • Grand Theft Auto V má brzy zamířit do PC verze Game PassuAdam Jacik
    Únik tez2 od Rockstar Games sdělil, že Grand Theft Auto V může být brzy spuštěno v PC Game Passu. Hra byla dříve na Xbox Game Pass, ale pouze pro konzole; na PC by to bylo poprvé. Přestože je přidání takto prestižní hry vždy vítáno, lze pochybovat, že by ji mnoho hráčů potřebovalo využít. Grand Theft Auto V vyšlo na PC 14. dubna 2015, tedy téměř dva roky po svém debutu na PlayStation 3 a Xbox 360. Hra byla k dispozici více než devět let v různých obchodech, jako je Steam, Epic Games Store (kde b

Grand Theft Auto V má brzy zamířit do PC verze Game Passu

30. Červenec 2024 v 07:09

GTA V cover

Únik tez2 od Rockstar Games sdělil, že Grand Theft Auto V může být brzy spuštěno v PC Game Passu. Hra byla dříve na Xbox Game Pass, ale pouze pro konzole; na PC by to bylo poprvé.

Přestože je přidání takto prestižní hry vždy vítáno, lze pochybovat, že by ji mnoho hráčů potřebovalo využít. Grand Theft Auto V vyšlo na PC 14. dubna 2015, tedy téměř dva roky po svém debutu na PlayStation 3 a Xbox 360. Hra byla k dispozici více než devět let v různých obchodech, jako je Steam, Epic Games Store (kde byla v roce 2020 po omezenou dobu také k dispozici zdarma) a na vlastním launcheru společnosti Rockstar. V současné době navíc stojí pouhých 15 dolarů. PC verze také stále zaostává za verzí pro konzole nové generace, která byla před časem vylepšena o ray tracing ambient occlusion a stíny.

Grand Theft Auto V je v současnosti druhou nejprodávanější prémiovou hrou všech dob a nedávno překonala hranici 200 milionů prodaných kusů. Nad ní je pouze Minecraft s odhadovanými 300 miliony prodaných kusů; ten má ovšem mnohem větší cílovou skupinu než hra od Rockstaru s ratingem M.

Na rozdíl od svého předchůdce se Grand Theft Auto V nedočkalo žádných DLC pro jednoho hráče. Ve výrobě bylo alespoň jedno s postavou Trevora, ale to bylo odloženo ve prospěch podpory GTA Online, jakmile si společnost Rockstar všimla neuvěřitelné popularity režimu pro více hráčů.

Samotné GTA Online je dodnes pravidelně aktualizováno. Minulý měsíc vydala společnost Rockstar aktualizaci Bottom Dollar Bounties a v průběhu léta se chystají další. Co se týče Grand Theft Auto VI, dlouho očekávané pokračování by mělo vyjít na podzim 2025 pro PlayStation 5 a Xbox řady S|X, zatímco PC verze se pravděpodobně objeví zhruba o rok až rok a půl později.

Článek Grand Theft Auto V má brzy zamířit do PC verze Game Passu se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
