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  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Sora and Roxas: Hearts DividedFinding God in Video Games
    Sora and Roxas exist in a unique duality in the Kingdom Hearts series… two distinct beings originally connected by a single heart and seeking control of their own destiny. As the “Nobody” that was created when Sora briefly became a Heartless, Roxas simply wanted to live his own life in his own way… but his will was at odds with the destiny Sora possessed. It was only when Roxas chose to yield his body and be absorbed into Sora’s purpose that he finally found what he was looking for… a life and m

Sora and Roxas: Hearts Divided

Sora and Roxas exist in a unique duality in the Kingdom Hearts series… two distinct beings originally connected by a single heart and seeking control of their own destiny. As the “Nobody” that was created when Sora briefly became a Heartless, Roxas simply wanted to live his own life in his own way… but his will was at odds with the destiny Sora possessed. It was only when Roxas chose to yield his body and be absorbed into Sora’s purpose that he finally found what he was looking for… a life and meaning beyond simply existing.

Much like the struggle between Sora and Roxas, we will all find a war within us each day for control of our thoughts and actions, and this duality can make us feel like competing minds in one body trying to live two different lives. Fighting a war from within may seem impossible to win, and without the power of Christ it is a battle we are doomed to lose. But when we willingly submit our minds and bodies to the will of Christ in these times of conflict, a solution can be found… only by bending our knee to His Spirit and denying our desires do we become who we were truly meant to be.

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? James 4:1

I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:21-25

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

How to get consistent collision impulse values for colliding rigid bodies in Godot?

I'm writing a game where you can pick and throw objects and depending on the force of the impact they break.

Using the get_contact_impulse method to calculate the breaking point gives me very consistent results, but only for a single rigid body. When two rigid bodies collide, one of them reports the correct impulse, the other reports really low values, close to 0.

As an example, this is the same collision being reported by both objects:

SimpleCube_A2 collide with SimpleCube_A force 18.338762
SimpleCube_A collide with SimpleCube_A2 force 0.0180135

I believe this happens because once the second object runs its IntegratePhysics, the impact has already been solved by the first object (but this is just a guess).

I could just call a method on the second object, but since both objects will be reacting to the impact, I would have to add some bookkeeping to make sure the calls don't get recursive, nothing difficult but could be more error prone.

So I'm wondering if there's a solution where both objects can detect the "same" impulse, but without talking to each other. I don't mind having to calculate the impact myself or something like that, as long as it's reliable enough.

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Rigidbody Simulated vs Static vs noneCheckerT
    I am confused about the usage of static / not simulated rigidbodies. I get that it is better to disable simulated to temporarily stop a rigidbody rather than deleting and recreating it, especially because all references wont get destroyed, but why are there two options to stop it? What is the difference between a static rigidbody and a not simulated rigidbody? Also I have heard that peoplre create a lot of colliders with static/not simulated colliders. Why bother to create rigidbodies at all if

Rigidbody Simulated vs Static vs none

I am confused about the usage of static / not simulated rigidbodies.

I get that it is better to disable simulated to temporarily stop a rigidbody rather than deleting and recreating it, especially because all references wont get destroyed, but why are there two options to stop it? What is the difference between a static rigidbody and a not simulated rigidbody?

Also I have heard that peoplre create a lot of colliders with static/not simulated colliders. Why bother to create rigidbodies at all if the gameObject is never meant to move? Doesn't this just waste processing power to a thing that is completely unnecessary?

Why do I have to freeze my player's x and z rotation to make my player movement work and why does my camera stutter when colliding with things?

So I have an empty object called player with the PlayerMovement script and a rigidbody. I have the main camera and player visual as childs of it. The movement works fine as long as I freeze the rigidbody's x and z rotation, but why is that? Here is my player code (minus a couple of things that would just make it harder for you to help me):

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private float speed = 5f;

    private float xLook;
    private float yLook;

    [SerializeField] private float _mouseSensitivity;
    [SerializeField] private float _upAndDownMax;

    [SerializeField] private Rigidbody rb;
    private Camera _camera;

    private Vector3 movement;

    void Start()
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        _camera = Camera.main;

    void Update()
     private void HandleMoveInput()
        float hor = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
        float ver = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");

        Vector3 moveInput = new Vector3(hor, 0, ver);
        moveInput = transform.forward * moveInput.z + transform.right * moveInput.x;
        movement = moveInput * speed;
    private void HandleLookInput()
        xLook += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * _mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
        //  transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, xLook, 0);
        rb.MoveRotation(Quaternion.Euler(0, xLook, 0));

        yLook -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * _mouseSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
        yLook = Mathf.Clamp(yLook, -_upAndDownMax, _upAndDownMax);
        _camera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(yLook, 0, 0);

    void FixedUpdate()
       // LookPlayer();
    private void MovePlayer()
        Vector3 currentVelocity = rb.velocity;
        Vector3 targetVelocity = new Vector3(movement.x, currentVelocity.y, movement.z);

        Vector3 force = targetVelocity - currentVelocity;
        force.y = 0; 

        rb.AddForce(force, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

So I am guessing the problem is inside HandleMoveInput but I am not sure. I am just wondering why I have to freeze the rotation of z and x to make it work.

The second problem is that the camera sometimes start to stutter when colliding with things. I tested and I believe its because of the freeze problem and that its a child of the player. Because it does not happen when its not a child. Is it a bad idea to make the camera I child of the player?

If it's of any help: Editor screenshot

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Why is my player not colliding with animated obstacles?Ivan
    I can't figure this out. My obstacles have a basic box collider on them and my player has a rigidbody based controller and collsion detection is set to Continous and when obstacle hits him it just passes trough the player. Belowe is my player rigidbody and collider settings Update: Ok so I found out the following things: Player do seem to react a little when I add a rigidbody to the obstacle, set it to kinematic with continuous collision detection, and I increase player size (this is the most im

Why is my player not colliding with animated obstacles?

I can't figure this out. My obstacles have a basic box collider on them and my player has a rigidbody based controller and collsion detection is set to Continous and when obstacle hits him it just passes trough the player. Belowe is my player rigidbody and collider settings


Ok so I found out the following things: Player do seem to react a little when I add a rigidbody to the obstacle, set it to kinematic with continuous collision detection, and I increase player size (this is the most important change). Still it only moves slightly and obstacle passes trough the player.

enter image description here

  • DESKOVKA: Dorfromantik – Večery ve dvou při stavbě vesničky? Proč ne…Miloš Jedlička
    Dorfromantik, jak krásné to místo plné svěžích luk, průzračné vody, voňavých lesů a klidného sousedství. Digitální verze této hry sklízí jedno ocenění za druhým, a tak jsme se dočkali i deskové verze, která je tak perfektně zpracována, že získala ocenění Spiel des Jahres 2023. Jestli se dá o nějaké hře, kdy říct, že způsobuje duševní satisfakci, tak je to právě tato. Posezení u večerního stolku s partnerem, či partnerkou a vytváření malebné vesničky, přináší potěšení nejenom pro duši, ale i

DESKOVKA: Dorfromantik – Večery ve dvou při stavbě vesničky? Proč ne…

8. Duben 2024 v 14:13

Dorfromantik, jak krásné to místo plné svěžích luk, průzračné vody, voňavých lesů a klidného sousedství. Digitální verze této hry sklízí jedno ocenění za druhým, a tak jsme se dočkali i deskové verze, která je tak perfektně zpracována, že získala ocenění Spiel des Jahres 2023.

Jestli se dá o nějaké hře, kdy říct, že způsobuje duševní satisfakci, tak je to právě tato. Posezení u večerního stolku s partnerem, či partnerkou a vytváření malebné vesničky, přináší potěšení nejenom pro duši, ale i pro oko. Žádný zbytečný text, krátká pravidla a hurá na hraní.

Princip je skutečně jednoduchý na pochopení, ale zároveň příjemně komplexní pro nahrání co nejvíce bodů. Stejně jako v digitální verzi, máte k dispozici určitý počet hexů, obsahující různé druhy krajiny, které se snažíte propojit mezi sebou podobně jako Domino. Jak ale asi tušíte, nic není jenom tak. Kromě malebné vesničky s přírodou, obsahují některé destičky potoky a koleje, které musí vždy navazovat na sebe. Dostáváte se tak do situací, kdy by se některé na sebe fakt hodili, ale potůček vám kazí vaše plány. Aby toho nebylo málo, tak ještě navíc plníte úkoly, které tvoří většinu bodů. Tyto drobné „questíky“ způsobují notnou dávku adrenalinu, jelikož Vás motivují ke specifické velikosti dané krajiny. Pokud tak vytáhnete úkol, aby kolejiště mělo přesně pět dílků, tak zaměření je jasné, pořádně se připravit a doufat, že to pěkně přijde.

A teď za nás to nejlepší. Prvek objevování. Kromě samotné hry, která je perfektně vybalancovaná, neuvěřitelně zábavná, když si chcete užít klidný večer a nepotřebujete potit mozky, hra obsahuje uzavřené krabičky „s překvapením“. Většina z Vás už asi tuší, že pro jejich otevření je potřeba splnit specifické úspěchy (achievementy), které Vás budou provázet od začátku do konce průchodu hrou. Sice se nejedná o legacy opus (legacy = po dohrání už nelze ve hře pokračovat), nicméně její nejzajímavější prvek už prostě nebude k dispozici. Ačkoliv každá partie trvá i se setupem přibližně 20 minut, na otevření všech úspěchů Vám nebude stačit ani 10 hodin.

Když to tedy shrneme. Dostali jsme na stůl hru, která je věrnou kopií digitální verze, ze které vychází. Je svižná, jednoduchá na pochopení, komplexní na získání co nejvíce bodů. S legacy prvky jako je odemykání úspěchů a krabiček, avšak i po odemčení všeho je hra bez problémů hratelná. Kvalitní materiál, nádherný design a… já už nevím, potřebujete vědět víc? Plný počet.

CZ Distributor: TLAMA Games

Počet hráčů: 1–6 (doporučujeme hraní ve dvou)

Přibližná herní doba: 60 minut (počítejte max. 30 minut)

Doporučený věk: 8+

Článek DESKOVKA: Dorfromantik – Večery ve dvou při stavbě vesničky? Proč ne… se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
