Pax Dei’s next major update will feature prettier crafting materials and crafted goods

Acquiring resources and crafting items is one of the core aspects of Pax Dei. Most of the game revolves around progressing your game by learning new crafting Skills. There are a ton of valuable resources that you will need to have in Pax Dei, some rarer than others.
One of the most valuable resources that you can get in this game is Animal Hide. Animal Hide is used to craft items all throughout the game, so you will always need to have it on hand. We will be looking at how you can get Animal Hide in Pax Dei.
As of now, Animal Hide is one of the hardest resources to stack up on. The main way to get Animal Hide in Pax Dei is by killing animals found in the wild. You can get Animal Hide by killing creatures like Direwolves, Grand Old Boars, and Growlers.
Ideally, you will want to find spawn locations for these creatures, as this will allow you to farm them better. These creatures can be pretty tough to take down, especially when playing solo. Check out our guide on how to level up weapons fast in Pax Dei to make it easier to kill these enemies.
You will need a ton of Animal Hide all throughout the game. Animal Hide is a raw resource in Pax Dei. Most crafting recipes will require you to tan the hide using a Tanning Rack before you can use it to craft items.
Most actions related to Animal Hides will increase your Leatherworking level. Higher Leatherworking levels will allow you to craft more items and workbenches that will let you do even more with the Animal Hide that you get.
So there you have it, the best way to get Animal Hide in Pax Dei. If you are still new to the game, make sure you check out our complete beginner’s guide for Pax Dei to help you get started.
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As soon as you start your journey in Pax Dei, one of the first things you’ll notice is how annoying melee combat can be in this game. It is very hard to take on multiple enemies at the same time, and a lot of mobs can deal a ton of damage.
Fortunately, you do not have to play the game as a pure melee character as the game also lets you use magic. We will be looking at how you can get fire magic in Pax Dei. Fire magic in this game will allow you to burn down your enemies from a long way away.
To use magic abilities in Pax Dei, you will need to craft gear with a certain ability attached to it.
The best way to unlock fire magic fairly early on in Pax Dei is by crafting the Demon Seeker’s Bracer. This item has the Pilgrim’s Fire I ability attached to it, and wearing the bracer will allow you to cast the ability.
The Pilgrim’s Fire is a very handy spell to have on you. It allows you to hurl fireballs at enemies from a good distance. You can combine this with other magic abilities in this game and make the spell much stronger. Check out our guide on how to get magic in Pax Dei for more on that.
You can craft the Demon Seeker’s Bracer at the Leatherworking Table. Additionally, you will also need to be at least level 10 in Leatherworking to craft the item.
The ingredients needed to craft the item are:
Most of the items needed to craft the Demon Seeker’s Bracer are pretty standard items that you will need for a lot of different items. The 2 more difficult-to-find items are “To Eradicate, Abstract iv” and the Cracked Lockets. Fortunately, both of these can be found by killing the same type of enemies.
You will need to take down names mobs to get spells and Cracked Lockets. The image above shows an ideal location where you can get the spell required for the bracer and the Cracked Lockets.
Named mobs are generally harder to find and drops from them aren’t always guaranteed. Scan the whole area for named mobs to increase your chances of getting the items you want.
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Crafting is something that you will always need to do in Pax Dei, as it is one of the game’s core mechanics. Most of the items in this game can only be crafted using workbenches. You will need different workbenches for different types of items.
Once you get a workbench for a certain Skill, you can start leveling up that Skill and craft more items. Eventually, though, you will need higher-tier workbenches to craft additional items. We will be looking at how you can unlock tier 2 workbenches in Pax Dei.
To upgrade your workbench, you will need to craft tools through the basic version of your workbench.
So if you want to make the tier 2 Carpenters Workbench, you need to craft Carpenters Tools through your Basic Carpenter Workbench. The Basic Carpenter Workbench is the tier 1 workbench for the Carpentry Skill. Tools for other Skills can be crafter similarly.
All tools will require you to have a certain Wrought Iron ingredient, and Rawhide. For the Carpenter’s Tools, we will need
Once you have the Carpenter’s Tools you can use them to make the Carpenters Workbench. The recipe for the Carpenters Workbench is:
For workbenches of other Skills, just replace the Carpenter’s Tools with tools for that Skill. The other 3 ingredients will be the same.
Other than the tools, there are 5 other ingredients that you will need.
All of the tools will require a certain Wrought Iron component to craft them. For example, the Carpenter’s Tools require Wrought Iron Nails. You can get Wrought Iron components by going over to the Basic Forge and crafting the component you need. The image above shows this.
Wrought Iron is the tier 2 Iron in Pax Dei. Make sure you check out our guide on where to find Wrought Iron in Pax Dei for the exact location.
You can craft Rawhide through the Simple Tanning Rack. Crafting Rawhide will require you to have Large Rough Animal Hide.
Both the Fine Wooden Beam and Fine Wooden Plank can be crafted using Heartwood. Heartwood is the tier 2 wood that you can get in Pax Dei. Check out our guide on how to unlock Heartwood in Pax Dei for more on that.
You can craft the Heartwood items using the Wood Chopping Block.
Lastly, you will also need to have 20x Wooden Pegs for each workbench. To craft Wooden Pegs, you will need Sapwood instead of Heartwood. Sapwood is the tier 1 wood in Pax Dei, and it is the basic wood most players will have a lot of early on in the game.
Like the Fine Wood Beam and Fine Wooden Plank, Wooden Pegs can also be crafted using the Wood Chopping Block.
Once you have all the ingredients on hand, you can start upgrading your workbenches to craft more items. Alongside the tier 2 workbenches, level up your Skills as that will allow you to craft even more items.
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There are tons of different Skills that you will need to utilize when playing Pax Dei. All of your Skills will have a level attached to them, and this level will basically show your proficiency at that Skill. Higher levels will allow you to craft additional items using that Skill.
One of the most important Skills in Pax Dei is Cooking, as it allows you to craft food. While Pax Dei doesn’t require eating food to stay alive, you can use food to gain some valuable bonuses. We will be looking at the fastest way to level up Cooking in this game.
The best way to level up any Skill in Pax Dei is by using it. Cooking is the same, as leveling it up will require you to cook plenty of different items. The more items you cook, the more your level increases.
You will need to have various cooking benches at your base that will allow you to cook food. The Cooking benches that you will need are:
Additionally, you will also need to have a few Water Wells nearby, as Cooking in this game will require a ton of water. Cooking benches also have higher-tier upgrades that will allow you to unlock different Cooking recipes.
Having multiple Cooking benches will let you cook different food at the same time. This will help speed up your Cooking level much faster.
Pax Dei is a multiplayer game, and other than playing solo, you can also play the game alongside other players. For your Skills, having teammates with you will allow each player in your clan to master different Skills and focus on leveling that Skill only.
So if you are your clan’s designated cook, you can solely focus on leveling up Cooking. You can also level up complementary Skills like Charcuterie when working on Cooking. Focusing on a few Skills will make leveling up those Skills much easier and faster.
Having multiple people focusing on different Skills will help your clan enjoy the benefits of a bunch of different Skills. Check out our guide on the best early-game Professions in Pax Dei to help you find the best Skills to focus on.
Other than that, having a clan will also make it easier for you to get more ingredients. You will need a lot of different ingredients when cooking, and collecting these ingredients can take a lot of time. Having a full clan that can help you gather ingredients will make the whole process much easier.
When Cooking, you will always want to cook food that is useful to you or to your clan. Cooking food that isn’t very valuable will increase your Cooking level, but the food you get won’t be that valuable. Focusing on useful food will let you use the food you cook and at the same time, increase your Cooking level.
What’s useful will depend on what you or your clan need. There are loads of useful items in Pax Dei, but it’s important to consider if they are useful to you. Other than that you should also look at how many resources go into making that item.
Grape Syrup for example takes very little ingredients to make and gives pretty valuable boosts. Food made through animal carcasses is also very useful, and animal carcasses can naturally be harvested whenever you run into that animal when exploring.
For more on that, check out our guide on the best foods to use in Pax Dei. This guide should help you find plenty of different useful food items that you can make and eat to gain their benefits and level up your Cooking.
The post Pax Dei: How to Level Cooking Fast appeared first on Games Fuze.
There are tons of different resources that you can find in Pax Dei, with some more rare than others. Wood is the most important resource that you can get in Pax Dei. It is used to craft and build a number of different things, so you will need to have a lot of it.
For our guide, we will be looking at how to unlock Heartwood. Heartwood is the better version of the normal wood that you can find all across Pax Dei. As you progress through the game, you will naturally need more Hardwood to build better structures and craft better items.
Heartwood can be harvested through medium-sized trees. These trees are rarer than regular trees, but they can still be found all across the map.
The highlighted region in the image above shows an area where you can find medium-sized trees. To cut down these trees, you will need to have an Iron Picaxe. If you haven’t unlocked it yet, don’t worry as we will cover exactly what you need to do to unlock it.
You will need a lot of Iron to unlock the Iron Pickaxe. Make sure you check out our guide on where to find Iron in Pax Dei to get all the Iron that you will need.
In order to craft the Iron Pickaxe, you will need to have:
We will be looking at how you can craft all 3 of these workbenches in Pax Dei.
For the Iron Pickaxe, You will need to have a Basic Carpenting Workbench present in your base. The Basic Carpenting Workbench can be crafted using
All of these ingredients can be made at a Wood Chopping Block using Sapwood, the tier 1 wood in this game.
Once you’ve made the Basic Carpenting Workbench, you can use it to craft the Basic Blacksmithing Tools. The ingredients for crafting the Basic Blacksmithing Bench are:
All 3 of these ingredients can be crafted using iron at the Stone Anvil.
Once you have the Basic Blacksmithing Tools in your inventory, they can be used to craft a Basic Blacksmith Workbench. You can craft the Basic Blacksmith Workbench using the same recipe as the Carpentry one plus the Basic Blacksmithing Tools.
Next, use the Basic Blacksmith Workbench to make Basic Weapon Smithing Tools. You can craft the tools using:
Like the other 2 tools, you can craft the Basic Weapon Smithing Tools using ingredients that can be made using a Stone Anvil or a Wood Chopping Block.
Lastly, use the Basic Weapon Smithing Tools to make a Basic Weaponsmith Workbench. After you place the workbench at your base, use it to craft the Iron Chopping Axe. For the pickaxe, you will need
Additionally, you will also need to have level 10 Weapon Smithing. Crafting various items will help you level up Weapon Smithing. The best way to do this is by crafting low-level items that don’t use up a lot of resources.
With the Iron Pickaxe now in your inventory, you can start chopping down medium-sized trees to get Heartwood.
The post Pax Dei: How to Unlock Tier 2 Wood – Heartwood | Fine Wood appeared first on Games Fuze.
Summer is Coming!
I live in California, so I don’t worry too much about winter as even when it is bad… storms and rain… that is generally good for us. Summer though… it is going to be a hot one. It was already up in the 90s this week and the first official day of summer, June 20th, hasn’t even arrived yet.
On the good news front, we got a heat pump central forced air system for the house, so after 17 years in our place we will have air conditioning in the summer. We’ll be getting solar installed at last early next month so we’ll have the electricity to drive the heat pump which, while it is energy efficient, still draws power.
But that is neither here nor there for this post. I wanted to list out some things coming up in June. I know, isn’t that what the “Coming Up” section of my month in review post is for? Sure, but I forgot some things, found out about some new things, and I’ll put pictures and links in this post. So let’s go!
Yeah, that was Wednesday, but you’re not too late if you want to participate. There is a whole page dedicated to the beta, what content will be available, and how to join here.
The War Within is, of course, the next expansion due later this year for retail WoW. Being somewhat divorced from retail since early in Shadowlands, I have some mild interest in the expansion, but going to retail these days is like going to a foreign country… they do all the same stuff as us… or classic… but it is all slightly different and awkward for a naive traveler like myself. But I’ve been over all of that already, haven’t I?
But a beta… I haven’t done a retail WoW beta since Cataclysm, and we saw how that went.
2021’s huge indy survival success, Valheim, will be making the move to MacOS as the developers look for new markets to conquer.
I guess it will be on Steam. Does Microsoft Games even support MacOS? Maybe? I don’t know.
But Iron Gate assures us that it will support cross-play, so if you setup a server for you PC buddies and a friend with a Mac shows up, they can play too. I don’t have a Mac anymore… I mean, technically there are at least three MacOS computers in the house as I write this, but I do not actively work or play on the Mac these days.
I suppose if I am listing things out I need to include this. The big old Equinox expansion is coming on Tuesday.
We shall see then who exactly is seizing control and whether or not null sec will be upended or if it is a great big nothing burger. The ship SKINR should be neat, depending on how they plan to tax people to use it.
The jump back to a more authentic 2006 experience with the EverQuest II Anashti Sul Origins Server is slated to land this month. The beta is slated to end on June 13th… so maybe the following Tuesday, the 18th? Or maybe the 14th? We’ll have to see.
It may seem a bit odd to go back 18 years for a 20th anniversary celebration, but the 2006 experience marks the settling point for the game, where it finally decided what it was for the moment and moved forward with content. I wrote my views on this decision a while back, and plan to give it a peek when it shows up.
Pax Dei is entering Early Access. What does that mean? All sorts of things I suppose and they have a whole post about it.
As a title it has been kind of on my watch list… I subscribe to their Discord server news channel so updates there show up in the blog’s Discord server… you can join if you like here… but given all the other stuff I have on my list for June, I feel like Pax Dei might not make the cut… especially since they want $40 to be a founder. I already have $40 unplayed games in Steam, I am not sure I need another.
Also, there will be pwipes. I don’t have time for that. Call me when it ships.
The first day of summer, the summer solstice, and Steam is usually pretty good about kicking off the Steam Summer Sale on that day.
Will I buy anything? That is always the question. As noted above, I have my share of unplayed titles already, and I bought a bunch over the Winter Sale… and then ended up playing Valheim.
You can see your own Steam stats over at SteamDB.
Also, as it came out last week, when you cannot pass on your Steam titles. You die, your account is dead… unless your give your kids your password and have family sharing on or something. I am sure there is a work around, but it is just a reminder that nothing “digital” you buy is actually yours. (Word is might let you pass things on to your heirs, but there is paperwork involved.)
You want to have access to something it needs a physical… though even that isn’t a guarantee. Sonus loves to brick their older sound systems and Spotify is bricking their car player later this year… though you might get a refund after a lot of outrage at their “fuck you” attitude about the whole thing… and all sorts of “smart” home devices end up getting bricked by Google or whoever buys the company then discontinues them.
Anyway, side rant there. But for our new heat pump I got a dumb Honeywell thermostat. No Wi-Fi, no Bluetooth, no other connectivity or ability to host Russian bot nets, and no way for Honeywell to shut it down without showing up at my doorstep.
Tarisland, Tencent’s everybody-says-it-is-a-WoW-knockoff MMORPG title is set to go live on Windows, Android, and iOS on the second day of summer.
Tencent is promising all the things, diverse classes, challenging raids, a flexible talent system, excellent graphics, all in a free to play package with a cash shop that I am sure will have all the usual items in it.
Still, it is the first MMORPG from a big player to hit our market since maybe Lost Ark.
As with everything Tencent has a big post about joining in on the fun. We’ll see if I can find the time for it come launch day.
Children of the 90s… or maybe those of us who were young-ish adults of the 90s… hear me and weep. What might have been the first instant messenger platform I ever used, ICQ, is going away on June 26th!
This was one of those one-two punch bits of news where I was saddened to find that ICQ was going away, but first I was surprised it was even still around.
What to say? Way back in the day we used to use it to tell people to log in for a zone in TorilMUD. I kept the login going well into the 2000s with Trillian. Somewhere along the line I let it go, forgot the password, couldn’t remember my number, and basically moved on.
Still, it was quite a thing back in the day. I told somebody I had a 5 digit ICQ number… but it might have been a 6 digit number. This was like 25 years ago or more, right? I had it before I had a Yahoo account, and they sent me a 25 year anniversary notice last year. (I noted the 24th anniversary message they sent me, but decided that didn’t have to be an EVERY year thing.)
Anyway, that was all I had for June. Did I miss anything? I mean, at least anything there is a chance I might play? I am not really primed for things like the Elden Ring expansion of whatever is going on in FFXIV.