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  • ✇The Ancient Gaming Noob
  • The State of the Twitter Alternatives in Mid 2024Wilhelm Arcturus
    I will now admit that Twitter is dead.  I have reached the acceptance stage of my grief. I still refer to as Twitter out of habit, but the spirit of my refusing to call it… despite the obvious ridiculousness of the name… lived in the hope that Elon was running a business and would make sound business decisions, that perhaps he wouldn’t be a complete tool and ruin a good thing just to stroke his own ego and promote his favorite flavors of white nationalist rhetoric… or possibly just t

The State of the Twitter Alternatives in Mid 2024

8. Červen 2024 v 17:15

I will now admit that Twitter is dead.  I have reached the acceptance stage of my grief.

I still refer to as Twitter out of habit, but the spirit of my refusing to call it… despite the obvious ridiculousness of the name… lived in the hope that Elon was running a business and would make sound business decisions, that perhaps he wouldn’t be a complete tool and ruin a good thing just to stroke his own ego and promote his favorite flavors of white nationalist rhetoric… or possibly just to stop that one guy from tracking his private jet.

There is no going back.  That particularly racist white toothpaste isn’t going back into the tube.

So that brings me back to another episode of how things are going in the land of things that once were, or would like to be, Twitter.  For Twitter is still the ideal, the archetype, the goal for all of them, though the road to getting there looks very different for each.

Anyway, I looked at Twitter alternatives a year ago, let’s see how I feel about them today.

  • – Now Actually Rated X!

Elon previously suggested in a post that Instagram was like a strip club… and he’s not wrong on that at least.  But suggesting that our family photos belong on his site then turning around and changing the rules to allow porn?  All in a day’s work for Chief Hypocrite and King of the Incels Elon Musk!

Yes, is now a strip club by design.

I am told Elon picked this logo so he could wear his jacket with it does keep booming, at least relative to its chief rivals.  Or so it seems.  Both Elon and Zuck fudge their numbers, so it is hard to tell.  Meanwhile Elon stooge Linda Yaccarino has to keep claiming progress for the site so has gone all 1984 on us and has started posting about how before Elon the site could only be accessed via Gopher and all messages were in Morse code so can look good via the false comparison… I mean, when she can stop promoting Tesla.  You might wonder who is paying her… but then they aren’t looting Twitter to fund Elon’s AI venture the way they are Tesla.

If I could get maybe 15-20 accounts to move to another service… and halt the flow of people wandering back… I could leave behind.  Yes, I have 10x more followers on than any competitor, and I get more every day.  But most of my old followers are inactive accounts and most of the news ones have *N*U*D*E*S**I*N**B*I*O*.

Though I guess with the rule change they can just say “NUDES IN BIO” without trying to dodge the censors.  As Kurt Vonnegut repeated so often in Breakfast of Champions, “Wide open beavers”… or whatever it was.  I read it back in the 80s, leave me alone.

On my desktop, in Firefox, with uBlock Origin running, and staying strictly in the Following tab, is usable and gets me the info I am looking for.  I even see people I follow who have sworn off back and posting, because it is hard to give up the level of engagement and followers.  And in that state I can pretend it is still Twitter if I squint my eyes and stay away from replies by Blue Checkmarks.

And then I am sitting on the couch and look at it on my iPad in Elon’s app and… Good Lord, what is going on in there?!  Ads for crypto, white nationalism, and Trump have supplanted Cheech & Chong edibles, block no longer blocks people but is just a soft mute that lets them continue to harass you, you can no longer block noxious advertisers at all, and the algorithm pushes all the most noxious content straight at you, with Elon the king of the shit pile.

I mean, followers and engagement are cool and all, and it is fun to watch Liam Nissan troll the Nazis… oh, and Tom Nichols is back… but it has also broken some people.  There are a few people I had to unfollow because they clearly felt was reality and had to fight every battle.  The block button is there for a reason people… oh, wait, they broke that, didn’t they?

Anyway, the grand unifying conspiracy theory about right now is that Elon, already an emerald mine racist nepo baby, is going all in on Trump support on the site to woo Trump’s favor in the hope of getting pardons when the time comes… for things like looting Tesla to fund his AI venture.  The one thing that is for sure is that the only speech Elon was ever interested in was his own.

In spite of all that, some pundits have declared is still the center of the debate, and it is hard to gainsay their point.  Plus… you know… porn.  Porn always wins in the end.

  • BlueSky  – As Bad as 2010 Twitter?

Perpetual pedantic grump Tom Nichols, who as noted above has been spotted back on, suggested the other the day that BlueSky was as bad as Twitter… but specifically 2010 Twitter, which is one of those very Tom Nichols things where he has an extremely narrow and specific meaning and context in his head that he won’t share, that nobody else could possibly understand, and that becomes a hill he plans to die on.  This habit was probably best exemplified when Tom spent several years fighting against calling Trump a Fascist because real Fascism must come from the Fascismo-Romagna region of Italy, otherwise it is merely Sparkling Totalitarianism.  But I digress.

Bluesky?  I don’t think this is the logo anymore…

I wish BlueSky was as bad as 2010 Twitter, because 2010 Twitter was pretty fun in my memory… a lot more fun than BlueSky.  Even Jack Dorsey says BlueSky is making all the same mistakes as early Twitter… we should be so lucky… but it just can’t quite become Twitter.

Also, Jack left the BlueSky board and is also on buying in on whatever Elon is selling because whatever worm was eating RFK Jr.’s brain has apparently afflicted him as well.

Instead BlueSky is where the very serious people have gone to escape the other sites, but where they all can’t stop talking about those other sites.  Seriously, I swear if mentioning or posting pictures from was banned, half the posts would disappear and we’d be left with complaints about Threads and Mastodon.  Nobody takes Threads seriously on BlueSky and everybody apparently was stridently lectured once too often about some aspect of Fediverse etiquette on Mastodon and left in a huff because… their sarcasm and wit were not up to the challenge?  They couldn’t figure out how to block people?  They too have feet of clay?  Anyway, they seem to be universally upset at not being welcomed by a cheering crowd for having deigned to join.

Still, for the slim thread of content that isn’t complaining about or reacting to content on the other sites, BlueSky is pretty good.  It is can go very heavy on politics with very little interest in entertainment, so lacks the diversity of topics that made Twitter great somewhere between 2010 and Elon, but it could get there.

And some people are trying to help get it there… though I am not sure their efforts are all that effective.  I call this the “Neil Gaiman Problem.”  I like Neil Gaiman.  He is interesting and on BlueSky, so I followed him.  Neil Gaiman would very much like BlueSky to succeed so is putting in the effort by interacting with his followers.  That means I can look at BlueSky and see 47 messages in a row that are Neil Gaiman replying with a bland pleasantry to every person who responded to something he posted.  That, I fear, does not make BlueSky very interesting.

Basically, BlueSky could be good at some point, but it is still getting there.

  • Threads – Ending is better than mending

Happily news free content since May 2024!

I know this isn’t the Threads logo anymore

Threads is not being taken seriously for good reason.  To start with, it is very much Instagram for words, with the same sort of algorithm where you see something in you feed, but if you somehow refresh you’ll never find it again unless you are following the person who posted it and go to their profile.  But most of the stuff in your feed is from randos that the algorithm throws at you… and all of it is brands and cat pictures and light, happy fare.

None of it is news, however.  The head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, is on Threads telling people that they are actively suppressing news content, and especially politically focused news content, because it makes people unhappy and distracts from the capitalism and the absolute need to foster desire for luxury goods and expensive vacations.  He much prefers content from creatives and you should too!  (Also, this might be Zuck’s trying to duck the election influence issue since that would cost money he could otherwise be throwing at the Metaverse or AI or whatever he is on about lately.)

Just to make things even more banal, Threads is planning a swipe left/right option for content… Tinder for cat pictures and luxury goods… though I can’t remember which way means what and it likely won’t work correctly in the browser for another year if history is any guide.

But my greatest issues with Threads is that they only have a phone app that scales up badly to my iPad and that they took the adequate initial web version and forced it to look like and behave like the phone app so it is freaking awful to use now.  JFC, these people.

  • Mastodon – Still the Linux of Social Media

Still the refuge you’re looking for if you want no algorithm and a quiet little silo of people to interact with.  Is that social media though?  Is there such a thing as anti-social media?  Limited social media?  Siloed social media?

This can’t possible be the Mastodon logo, can it?

The reputation it has for being filled with strident rule makers who will lecture you about how you violated their internal belief system with something you did or did not do is overblown, but not entirely undeserved.  I find that the block button works… in both directions… so that takes care of you intruding on somebody else’s curated reality.

It is the site where, as a percentage, I interact with more of my actual followers… once we pare down the count from all the multiple follows from people who have changed servers… than any other of the Twitter pretenders.

But that number seems to be about six.  Six people make for a pretty quiet Discord server, much less a social media experience.

Yeah, I follow other people, lots of people, often people I follow on the other sites because I am not alone on spreading my bets in the hope of finding the Twitter replacement that best suits me.  That means I see a lot of things on multiple sites… and my followers who do the same see my stuff in multiple locations.  You know who you are.  I like your stuff here and then over on BlueSky and sometimes again on

This situation stops at Threads because, as noted, nobody takes Threads seriously.  Well, nobody who follows me elsewhere does.  Molly Jong-Fast is trying to take Threads seriously for all of us… but it isn’t working.  It is cat pictures and luxury goods and stolen memes all the way down.

And it probably says something about Mastodon that in the middle of writing about it I went off on Threads again.  It is also dull, in its own special algorithm free way.  If that is what you like, you have found your place.

  • Spoutible – When One Topic is Enough

As a site Spoutible has some technical issues… I could never stay logged in and the site totally started breaking in Firefox, another victim of the “everybody uses Chrome” mentality of so many developers… so I eventually gave up on it.

One of these must have been the logo at some point, right?

But my persistence there for about 8 months was not rewarded by very much in the way of engagement.  There was no room for video games, or entertainment in general, on Spoutible.

Instead it was all political… which wouldn’t be bad, but it was all very much anti-Trump memes.  And, while I can very much get behind the sentiment, believing as I do that another term as president would be the end of democracy in the United States, I am not sure that goal is moved forward by participating in an echo chamber.  An echo chamber with the right message is still an echo chamber, and I am already on board so don’t need constant reinforcement and reassurance.

  • – Ex Post Facto

Post News is dead, having failed to make the cut.  It will be remembered as more dull than Mastodon and falling over literally any time Elon sneezed and half a dozen people tried to jump ship.

The logo is in there somewhere I think…

It was not ready for prime time and now it never will be.

  • Other Outliers

At one point Automattic was trying to promote Tumblr as a possible inheritor of the Twitter crown.  I feel like anybody suggesting that had either never used Twitter or never used Tumblr.  Also, one follower on Mastodon also follows me on Tumblr where my post go automatically because the same people who own WordPress own Tumblr as well… a fact which might point to the third alternative explanation; lack of a grip on reality.

Substack Notes… well, my opinion there hasn’t changed in a year.  It sucked then, existing only as a way to promote your substack and I suspect it sucks now.

So that gets me through the options and… I feel like the only appropriate response is a standard internet meme.

I too do not know what I expected

I just wanted one platform to win out… one that wasn’t run by a horrible racist.  But you don’t always get what you want.  So it goes.

  • ✇Boing Boing
  • Follow the Random Restaurant Bot for random restaurants from around the worldRuben Bolling
    I really enjoy following the Random Restaurant Bot account ( on the BlueSky social media app. Every half hour or so, it posts to your feed the name and address of a randomly chosen restaurant from somewhere in the world, along with the first four pictures in its Google Maps entry. — Read the rest The post Follow the Random Restaurant Bot for random restaurants from around the world appeared first on Boing Boing.

Follow the Random Restaurant Bot for random restaurants from around the world

1. Březen 2024 v 19:25

I really enjoy following the Random Restaurant Bot account ( on the BlueSky social media app.

Every half hour or so, it posts to your feed the name and address of a randomly chosen restaurant from somewhere in the world, along with the first four pictures in its Google Maps entry. — Read the rest

The post Follow the Random Restaurant Bot for random restaurants from around the world appeared first on Boing Boing.

  • ✇The Ancient Gaming Noob
  • Twitter and the Unleashing of the Great Blue HopeWilhelm Arcturus
    Twitter abides still despite Elon Musk’s best efforts to tank the place.  I summed up the story so far at the one year mark back in October, and it hasn’t gotten any better since… but neither has it gotten that much worse. Sure, he has driven the valuation down to $12.5 billion from the $44 billion he paid for it… and evidence has come out that the real reason he bought the place was to shut down the Elon Jet Twitter account that tracked the movements of his private jet via publicly available da

Twitter and the Unleashing of the Great Blue Hope

10. Únor 2024 v 17:15

Twitter abides still despite Elon Musk’s best efforts to tank the place.  I summed up the story so far at the one year mark back in October, and it hasn’t gotten any better since… but neither has it gotten that much worse.

Sure, he has driven the valuation down to $12.5 billion from the $44 billion he paid for it… and evidence has come out that the real reason he bought the place was to shut down the Elon Jet Twitter account that tracked the movements of his private jet via publicly available data, announcing how much pollution he was discharging into the atmosphere….  Musk banned the account when he took control of Twitter…  but it remains more alive and popular than any of its competitors and I am still hanging around because groups there that I follow and interact with remain.

Yes, Musk is a nazi supporting, great replacement theory spouting nut case who went as far as turning off community notes on his posts as the community took great joy in pointing out what an ignorant shitheel he really is.

Here is the thing; blocking people liberally and sticking to the “following” tab on Twitter… and nobody ever calls it “X” except in an apologetic “my editor made me call it that” sort of way… makes it a reasonably tolerable experience.  I can still read posts from the game devs and companies I follow, still stay tuned into the arms control and entertainment feeds I enjoy, and Elmo…. oh, poor Elmo.

Elmo checking in…

That tweet seemed to tap into the universal angst and elicited a storm of responses, not all kind, in something a cathartic knee-jerk reaction to arguably the most annoying muppet, enough so that Elmo’s tweet ended up with mainstream media coverage.  That, in turn, led to a muppets-wide set of responses supporting emotional well being since we’re all pretty wound up it seems.

As for Elon, more annoying than even peak cloying Elmo, I blocked him long ago… him and his fan boys and much that was objectionable in an attempt to cleanse my little corner of that site.  I have to work at it.  I remember a time when I felt it was slightly uncouth to block accounts, but now I do so with abandon.  It works for me.

Honestly, if I want to read about what Elon is up to I have to go to BlueSky or Threads, both of which have loud groups there that pick apart his foibles with glee… only taking time out to shame people still on Twitter even as they can’t stop going on about Twitter.  And you can find some classics on those sites.

I never thought he was the first… but I knew people at PayPal so had the inside scoop

I mentioned the ongoing dominance of Twitter… and I think that the fact that it is a prime topic on other services serves as evidence towards that, along with the large number of people who still cross post to Twitter and one of the pretenders to the Twitter throne… but there are arguments to be made that Threads is approaching for sheer numbers of users.  Threads fans on Threads are always there to let us all know that Threads was in the top ten downloaded apps in the Apple Store or wherever (though Twitter topped the charts again on news of Drake nudes being posted there… a moderation error or not?) and the user/traffic numbers seem impressive.

But it also seems like the most likely place show up at accidently.  When I am on Istragram with my personal account, scrolling through classic cars, cats, airplanes, and model trains, it will stick posts from Threads in there… and then I find out I have an account there because if you have an Instagram account you have a Threads account.  I guess, on the plus side, you can now at least access Threads via a web browser.

And Threads could get even more reach through integration with ActivityPub, which will link it to the Fediverse, previously the domain largely dominated by Mastodon.

Mastodon server admins natually greeted this validation of their vision of a unified yet independent network of social media domains with enthusiasm and rolled out the welcome mat for Threads and its users!

Haha, just kidding.  The universal reaction seems to be to pull up the drawbridges and premptiely block any Threads content from polluting the purity of their vision.  I have said that Mastodon is the Linux of social media sites, and here they are rejecting Threads the way the core Linux community rejects anything beyond a command line interface when it comes to UI.

Which brings us back to something I have mentioned before, which is that if there is something partisans of the new sites seem to hate more than Twitter, it is the other sites trying to be Twitter.

So when this past week, when BlueSky finally lifted its “invite only” policy on new users… I guess nobody needs my invite codes now… the joy of that unleashing was not universal.  So, for example, the avacado toast lady, between posts asking people to subscribe to her YouTube channel, had words.

BlueSky bad, posted on Threads

Saying that BlueSky is the worst on security features… and people on Mastodon have been vocal on that front… seems to have some basis in fact.  At least somebody there had a long list of grievences to fling at me when I mentioned having access keys.

Having any sort of monopoly on insufferable users however… hooo boy.  Each of what I think of as the “big three” outside of Twitter has that issue, and nobody is more likely to call out that sort of thing than those who have moved from one of those services to another.  Lectures, gate keeping, shaming, and a ceaseless obsession with Twitter seems par for the course.

Meanwhile over at Spoutible, which I am not sure why I bother posting to as literally nobody who followed me early on seems active any more… well, their external API was happy enough to cough up all the information you would want about accounts if you asked nicely.  This would probably be a big deal if somebody cared.  I went and changed my password.

It is enough to make one wish a plague on all of their houses.  But then what would be spend our time scrolling through?

I, for one, would not mind somebody other than Twitter being the top of the heap, to see one of the pretenders to the throne surpass Elon, if only to see Elon taken down another notch or two.

But the reality is that content is king.  I go where my interests are best served, something that Twitter has a decade advantage on over the other sites.  Looking at ManicTime, it is clear which site holds my eyeballs.  Here is my breakdown of time spent on social media sites over the last six months:

  • Twitter – 62.28%
  • Mastodon – 11.79%
  • Reddit – 10.45%
  • BlueSky – 9.36%
  • Threads – 2.37%
  • Spoutible – 2.18%
  • Facebook – 1.57%

I will say that my BlueSky time has been trending up some… though there is still a lot of cross posting… and Threads wasn’t even available in a browser for that whole period of time.  But, in the end, Twitter is where I go.

And at least the Cheech & Chong edibles ads are back on Twitter.

Calling out Idaho

They might be the least objectionable advertiser on the site some days.  But, like Elon, you can just block those noxious ads and move on.

  • ✇The Ancient Gaming Noob
  • Twitter and the Unleashing of the Great Blue HopeWilhelm Arcturus
    Twitter abides still despite Elon Musk’s best efforts to tank the place.  I summed up the story so far at the one year mark back in October, and it hasn’t gotten any better since… but neither has it gotten that much worse. Sure, he has driven the valuation down to $12.5 billion from the $44 billion he paid for it… and evidence has come out that the real reason he bought the place was to shut down the Elon Jet Twitter account that tracked the movements of his private jet via publicly available da

Twitter and the Unleashing of the Great Blue Hope

10. Únor 2024 v 17:15

Twitter abides still despite Elon Musk’s best efforts to tank the place.  I summed up the story so far at the one year mark back in October, and it hasn’t gotten any better since… but neither has it gotten that much worse.

Sure, he has driven the valuation down to $12.5 billion from the $44 billion he paid for it… and evidence has come out that the real reason he bought the place was to shut down the Elon Jet Twitter account that tracked the movements of his private jet via publicly available data, announcing how much pollution he was discharging into the atmosphere….  Musk banned the account when he took control of Twitter…  but it remains more alive and popular than any of its competitors and I am still hanging around because groups there that I follow and interact with remain.

Yes, Musk is a nazi supporting, great replacement theory spouting nut case who went as far as turning off community notes on his posts as the community took great joy in pointing out what an ignorant shitheel he really is.

Here is the thing; blocking people liberally and sticking to the “following” tab on Twitter… and nobody ever calls it “X” except in an apologetic “my editor made me call it that” sort of way… makes it a reasonably tolerable experience.  I can still read posts from the game devs and companies I follow, still stay tuned into the arms control and entertainment feeds I enjoy, and Elmo…. oh, poor Elmo.

Elmo checking in…

That tweet seemed to tap into the universal angst and elicited a storm of responses, not all kind, in something a cathartic knee-jerk reaction to arguably the most annoying muppet, enough so that Elmo’s tweet ended up with mainstream media coverage.  That, in turn, led to a muppets-wide set of responses supporting emotional well being since we’re all pretty wound up it seems.

As for Elon, more annoying than even peak cloying Elmo, I blocked him long ago… him and his fan boys and much that was objectionable in an attempt to cleanse my little corner of that site.  I have to work at it.  I remember a time when I felt it was slightly uncouth to block accounts, but now I do so with abandon.  It works for me.

Honestly, if I want to read about what Elon is up to I have to go to BlueSky or Threads, both of which have loud groups there that pick apart his foibles with glee… only taking time out to shame people still on Twitter even as they can’t stop going on about Twitter.  And you can find some classics on those sites.

I never thought he was the first… but I knew people at PayPal so had the inside scoop

I mentioned the ongoing dominance of Twitter… and I think that the fact that it is a prime topic on other services serves as evidence towards that, along with the large number of people who still cross post to Twitter and one of the pretenders to the Twitter throne… but there are arguments to be made that Threads is approaching for sheer numbers of users.  Threads fans on Threads are always there to let us all know that Threads was in the top ten downloaded apps in the Apple Store or wherever (though Twitter topped the charts again on news of Drake nudes being posted there… a moderation error or not?) and the user/traffic numbers seem impressive.

But it also seems like the most likely place show up at accidently.  When I am on Istragram with my personal account, scrolling through classic cars, cats, airplanes, and model trains, it will stick posts from Threads in there… and then I find out I have an account there because if you have an Instagram account you have a Threads account.  I guess, on the plus side, you can now at least access Threads via a web browser.

And Threads could get even more reach through integration with ActivityPub, which will link it to the Fediverse, previously the domain largely dominated by Mastodon.

Mastodon server admins natually greeted this validation of their vision of a unified yet independent network of social media domains with enthusiasm and rolled out the welcome mat for Threads and its users!

Haha, just kidding.  The universal reaction seems to be to pull up the drawbridges and premptiely block any Threads content from polluting the purity of their vision.  I have said that Mastodon is the Linux of social media sites, and here they are rejecting Threads the way the core Linux community rejects anything beyond a command line interface when it comes to UI.

Which brings us back to something I have mentioned before, which is that if there is something partisans of the new sites seem to hate more than Twitter, it is the other sites trying to be Twitter.

So when this past week, when BlueSky finally lifted its “invite only” policy on new users… I guess nobody needs my invite codes now… the joy of that unleashing was not universal.  So, for example, the avacado toast lady, between posts asking people to subscribe to her YouTube channel, had words.

BlueSky bad, posted on Threads

Saying that BlueSky is the worst on security features… and people on Mastodon have been vocal on that front… seems to have some basis in fact.  At least somebody there had a long list of grievences to fling at me when I mentioned having access keys.

Having any sort of monopoly on insufferable users however… hooo boy.  Each of what I think of as the “big three” outside of Twitter has that issue, and nobody is more likely to call out that sort of thing than those who have moved from one of those services to another.  Lectures, gate keeping, shaming, and a ceaseless obsession with Twitter seems par for the course.

Meanwhile over at Spoutible, which I am not sure why I bother posting to as literally nobody who followed me early on seems active any more… well, their external API was happy enough to cough up all the information you would want about accounts if you asked nicely.  This would probably be a big deal if somebody cared.  I went and changed my password.

It is enough to make one wish a plague on all of their houses.  But then what would be spend our time scrolling through?

I, for one, would not mind somebody other than Twitter being the top of the heap, to see one of the pretenders to the throne surpass Elon, if only to see Elon taken down another notch or two.

But the reality is that content is king.  I go where my interests are best served, something that Twitter has a decade advantage on over the other sites.  Looking at ManicTime, it is clear which site holds my eyeballs.  Here is my breakdown of time spent on social media sites over the last six months:

  • Twitter – 62.28%
  • Mastodon – 11.79%
  • Reddit – 10.45%
  • BlueSky – 9.36%
  • Threads – 2.37%
  • Spoutible – 2.18%
  • Facebook – 1.57%

I will say that my BlueSky time has been trending up some… though there is still a lot of cross posting… and Threads wasn’t even available in a browser for that whole period of time.  But, in the end, Twitter is where I go.

And at least the Cheech & Chong edibles ads are back on Twitter.

Calling out Idaho

They might be the least objectionable advertiser on the site some days.  But, like Elon, you can just block those noxious ads and move on.
