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  • ✇TheSixthAxis
  • See the first gameplay trailer for Titan Quest 2Stefan L
    The first gameplay for Titan Quest 2 has been showcased by THQ Nordic and developer Grimlore Games, revealing how the sequel to the 2006 action RPG will look on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC… but stopping short of giving a release date. Announced this time last year, Titan Quest 2 will be a true action RPG in the same vein as the original Titan Quest and the genre’s dominant series, Diablo. Still set within ancient Greek mythology, the game will feature its adventuring within picturesque open wor

See the first gameplay trailer for Titan Quest 2

Od: Stefan L
2. Srpen 2024 v 21:33

The first gameplay for Titan Quest 2 has been showcased by THQ Nordic and developer Grimlore Games, revealing how the sequel to the 2006 action RPG will look on PS5Xbox Series X|S and PC… but stopping short of giving a release date.

Announced this time last year, Titan Quest 2 will be a true action RPG in the same vein as the original Titan Quest and the genre’s dominant series, Diablo. Still set within ancient Greek mythology, the game will feature its adventuring within picturesque open world environments, while battling everything from the Stymphalian birds to giant crabs.

Grimlore Games has been crafting the game with hand-composed enemies encounters, designing enemy types to have complimentary attacks and abilities, and then placing them together in ways that they can use actual tactics to come and have a go at you. Boss fights will then be unique encounters that challenge you with individual abilities and tactics.

You’ll have to create your own character class, almost, through the Masteries system and synergies. When creating your character, you’ll select two Masteries, with the abilities that these unlock potentially having synergies between them to give amplifying new effects to your attacks and powers. In the trailer it looked like the magic wielder was combining ice and lightning, I think.

Best known as the developers of SpellForce 3, Titan Quest 2 will be a slightly different challenge for Grimlore Games, and while it might not exactly be directly applicable here, why not look back on what they last made?

In our SpellForce 3 review, Gamoc said, “Spellforce 3 Reforced is a relatively successful combination of two genres. Though each of them separately might be a bit too simplified to please die hard fans of them, they complement each other well. They also tell an interesting story in a world that’s pretty interesting, even if it isn’t that novel. If you’re in need of an RTS/RPG on console, you could do much worse than Spellforce 3. If you’ve got a PC though, you’re probably better off playing on there.”

  • ✇
  • Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcaseMatt Wales
    Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (

Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcase

2. Srpen 2024 v 21:35

Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (as has a new Darksiders), while strikingly animated platforming adventure The Eternal Life of Goldman looks like a real gem.

So if you didn't catch the showcase and are curious to see what you missed, you'll find a full round-up - augmented by a few additional details from an earlier press briefing - below.

We were big fans of 2018 demolition derby racer Wreckfest ("Wreckfest offers primal pleasures," wrote Martin Robinson, "with little by way of pretension), and developer Bugbear Entertainment is ready to do it all over again in the newly announced Wreckfest 2. Details are relatively scant at this early juncture, but it promises "unmatched deformation and physical damage models" as its high-octane single-player and multiplayer racing unfolds.

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  • ✇
  • Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcaseMatt Wales
    Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (

Wreckfest 2, Darksiders tease, Gothic 1 Remake gameplay, and everything else from THQ Nordic's showcase

2. Srpen 2024 v 21:35

Somehow, it's that time of the year again already! THQ Nordic's annual gaming showcase has returned to offer a look at its upcoming slate of releases, both previously known and newly announced. This time around, the long-awaited Gothic 1 Remake and Titan Quest 2 both got gameplay reveals, and Epic Mickey: Rebrushed popped up to remind us all it's coming out relatively soon. As for the new stuff, Wreckfest is getting a sequel, Little Nightmares studio Tarsier's creepy new game has been teased (as has a new Darksiders), while strikingly animated platforming adventure The Eternal Life of Goldman looks like a real gem.

So if you didn't catch the showcase and are curious to see what you missed, you'll find a full round-up - augmented by a few additional details from an earlier press briefing - below.

We were big fans of 2018 demolition derby racer Wreckfest ("Wreckfest offers primal pleasures," wrote Martin Robinson, "with little by way of pretension), and developer Bugbear Entertainment is ready to do it all over again in the newly announced Wreckfest 2. Details are relatively scant at this early juncture, but it promises "unmatched deformation and physical damage models" as its high-octane single-player and multiplayer racing unfolds.

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  • Řecká mytologie se utká s Diablem 4 ve hře Titan Quest 2 - INDIANMichal Burian
    Společnost THQ Nordic přináší první záběry z hraní izometrického RPG titulu Titan Quest 2, pokračování oblíbeného hack and slash se postaví Diablu 4 od Blizzardu. Dnes se můžeme podívat na průzkum světa inspirovaného řeckou mytologií, na boj a vývoj postavy.Ve fantasy verzi starověkého Řecka se utkáme s legendárními nestvůrami i klasickými příšerami z prvního dílu, včetně rybolidí, kentaurů, satyrů, harpyjí, sirén, gryfů a spousty dalších. Hra je zaměřena na průzkum různorodého světa, od malebný

Řecká mytologie se utká s Diablem 4 ve hře Titan Quest 2 - INDIAN

3. Srpen 2024 v 09:22

Společnost THQ Nordic přináší první záběry z hraní izometrického RPG titulu Titan Quest 2, pokračování oblíbeného hack and slash se postaví Diablu 4 od Blizzardu. Dnes se můžeme podívat na průzkum světa inspirovaného řeckou mytologií, na boj a vývoj postavy.

Ve fantasy verzi starověkého Řecka se utkáme s legendárními nestvůrami i klasickými příšerami z prvního dílu, včetně rybolidí, kentaurů, satyrů, harpyjí, sirén, gryfů a spousty dalších. Hra je zaměřena na průzkum různorodého světa, od malebných pláží až po poklidné řecké chrámy a místa, kam se ještě žádný smrtelník nevydal – včetně záhadné říše samotných Moir.

Je nutné mít na paměti, že nepřátelé utvářejí frakce a spolupracují, přičemž kombinují své jedinečné schopnosti a dovednosti, aby vám dali zabrat. Každý střet s protivníky měl být ručně navržen. Naštěstí pomocí propracovaného systému tvorby postav a všech dostupných schopností je zlikvidujte. V Titan Questu 2 totiž máte kontrolu nad svým osudem.

„Upravte si hrdinu a pak si vytvořte vlastní třídu, která kombinuje dvě mistrovství. Vybudujte si postavu podle předností a slabin obou mistrovství a objevte různé kombinace modifikátorů schopností, atributů a předmětů. Vytvořte si vlastní hybridní třídu a najděte si vlastní oblíbený styl hry. Rozvíjejte svou sílu od mladého smrtelníka po hrdinu, který se vyrovná samotným bohům!“ lákají autoři.

Každý předmět má svou funkci a každá třída postavy má spoustu možností, pokud jde o nalezení dokonalého vybavení. I to nejobyčejnější kopí lze vylepšit a díky správným surovinám si můžete vyrobit jedinečný předmět, o kterém se mluví jen v legendách.

Datum vydání odhaleno nebylo. Titan Quest 2 je ve vývoji pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S.

Titan Quest 2 sure looks like that brighter, breezier action-RPG you Diablo 4 haters were gunning for

Titan Quest 2! Now there's a name you can set your watch by. No colons, no bespoke jargon, no tortuous subtitles like "Gaia's B.O.U.N.T.Y." or "Hyperion's Wild Rumpus" - just the steadying prospect of a titanic quest that, who knows, may involve actual titans. The action-RPG beneath the moniker appears similarly straightforward: it's about following a plot thread through a mythological world in top-down view, smashing Ancient Greek giga-crabs and the like to obtain shinier, pointier varieties of gear. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there's an endgame in which you farm monsters for crafting materials.

Like Pandora opening her box, but without the accompanying tidal wave of sickness, curses and death, THQ Nordic have released a new trailer that talks you though all of this in detail. Here it is...

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Titan Quest 2 sure looks like that brighter, breezier action-RPG you Diablo 4 haters were gunning for

2. Srpen 2024 v 21:30

Titan Quest 2! Now there's a name you can set your watch by. No colons, no bespoke jargon, no tortuous subtitles like "Gaia's B.O.U.N.T.Y." or "Hyperion's Wild Rumpus" - just the steadying prospect of a titanic quest that, who knows, may involve actual titans. The action-RPG beneath the moniker appears similarly straightforward: it's about following a plot thread through a mythological world in top-down view, smashing Ancient Greek giga-crabs and the like to obtain shinier, pointier varieties of gear. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there's an endgame in which you farm monsters for crafting materials.

Like Pandora opening her box, but without the accompanying tidal wave of sickness, curses and death, THQ Nordic have released a new trailer that talks you though all of this in detail. Here it is...

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  • ✇
  • Gothic 1 remake, Titan Quest 2 headlining THQ Nordic's August showcaseMatt Wales
    As the season of summer showcases creeps ever closer, THQ Nordic has announced its annual digital event will be returning this August with a look at its upcoming games, including the Gothic 1 remake and Titan Quest 2. Specifically, the THQ Nordic Showcase 2024, as it's imaginatively being called, airs from 8pm BST on Friday, 2nd August - or 9pm CEST/12pm PDT/3pm EDT if you live elsewhere - and will be streamed via YouTube, Twitch, and Steam. As for what we can expect to see, THQ Nordic is be

Gothic 1 remake, Titan Quest 2 headlining THQ Nordic's August showcase

2. Květen 2024 v 19:06

As the season of summer showcases creeps ever closer, THQ Nordic has announced its annual digital event will be returning this August with a look at its upcoming games, including the Gothic 1 remake and Titan Quest 2.

Specifically, the THQ Nordic Showcase 2024, as it's imaginatively being called, airs from 8pm BST on Friday, 2nd August - or 9pm CEST/12pm PDT/3pm EDT if you live elsewhere - and will be streamed via YouTube, Twitch, and Steam.

As for what we can expect to see, THQ Nordic is being relatively coy, only confirming appearances from its Gothic 1 Remake (which was confirmed to be in development all the way back in February 2020), alongside Titan Quest 2, and "much more".

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  • Šance ukázat Gothic a Titan Quest 2. V THQ Nordic naplánovali prezentaci - INDIANMichal Burian
    THQ Nordic potvrdila návrat své letní akce. Rakouská vydavatelská a vývojářská společnost plánuje ukázat své připravované hry, kterými bude chtít v následujících měsících potěšit hráče na počítačích a konzolích.THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 se uskuteční v pátek 2. srpna od 21:00 středoevropského času. Předtím bude mít svou část HandyGames. Doprovodný příspěvek na sociálních sítích potvrdil, že se můžeme těšit na Gothic 1 Remake a Titan Quest 2. Mezitím má být spousta dalších titulů.The same p

Šance ukázat Gothic a Titan Quest 2. V THQ Nordic naplánovali prezentaci - INDIAN

2. Květen 2024 v 19:58

THQ Nordic potvrdila návrat své letní akce. Rakouská vydavatelská a vývojářská společnost plánuje ukázat své připravované hry, kterými bude chtít v následujících měsících potěšit hráče na počítačích a konzolích.

THQ Nordic Digital Showcase 2024 se uskuteční v pátek 2. srpna od 21:00 středoevropského času. Předtím bude mít svou část HandyGames. Doprovodný příspěvek na sociálních sítích potvrdil, že se můžeme těšit na Gothic 1 Remake a Titan Quest 2. Mezitím má být spousta dalších titulů.

The same procedure as last year? Our annual THQ Nordic Digital Showcase returns on August 2, 2024!

Join us for new announcements, exciting updates on Gothic 1 Remake, Titan Quest II and much more.#THQNordic2024

— THQ Nordic (@THQNordic) May 2, 2024
