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Etherscape Climbs Epic Game Store Charts, Rivals Top Titles
Etherscape, developed by solo creator SamTheBay, has secured the 5th position on the Epic Game Store, trailing just behind powerhouse “Fortnite.” This rogue-lite multiplayer online action RPG competes with and surpasses established franchises like Warhammer, Jurassic World, and Dragon Age. Etherscape introduces a novel twist to the gaming industry by integrating blockchain technology into its […]
- - P2E NFT Games Portal
Epic Games Debuts iOS Store in Europe and Android Store Worldwide
Epic Games, the interactive entertainment company, announced the release of its Epic Games Store on mobile devices. The store is now available on Android devices globally and iOS within the European Union (EU). This expansion lets users access popular titles like Fortnite, Fall Guys, and Rocket League Sideswipe on their mobile phones. As part of […]
Epic Games Debuts iOS Store in Europe and Android Store Worldwide
- Latest Articles Feed
Epic Games' free game giveaways have been "magical" for user acquisition
Epic Games' Tim Sweeney has admitted that whilst its free game giveaways have been good for business, many of its exclusivity deals were "not good investments."In a recent press call, Epic CEO Sweeney talked candidly about Epic Games Store's user acquisition methods, but acknowledged that whilst "a few of [its EGS exclusives] worked extremely well", "a lot of them were not good investments."Conversely, Sweeney said its free games program has been "just magical" and "very economical," even thoug
Epic Games' free game giveaways have been "magical" for user acquisition

Epic Games' Tim Sweeney has admitted that whilst its free game giveaways have been good for business, many of its exclusivity deals were "not good investments."
In a recent press call, Epic CEO Sweeney talked candidly about Epic Games Store's user acquisition methods, but acknowledged that whilst "a few of [its EGS exclusives] worked extremely well", "a lot of them were not good investments."
Conversely, Sweeney said its free games program has been "just magical" and "very economical," even though the idea of giving away its games may seem "counterintuitive" at first.
Massively Overpowered
Paragon successor Predecessor officially launches today as a F2P MOBA on PC and console
At this afternoon’s Gamescom Opening Night Live, the indie team at Omeda Studios formally launched Predecessor, one of multiple MOBAs spawned from the remains of Epic Games’ open-sourced MOBA Paragon. “Today, players will be able to dive into version 1.0 on PC via Steam, Epic Games Store; and on console via PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox […]
Paragon successor Predecessor officially launches today as a F2P MOBA on PC and console

Epic Games Store goes mobile, brings Fortnite and other games to iPhones (in the EU) and Android (around the world)
Six years ago Epic Games launched mobile versions of popular game Fortnite for Android and iOS. And two years later the company intentionally violated the rules for Apple and Google’s mobile app stores by offering an alternate payment method. Both Apple and Google kicked Fortnite out of their respective app stores, and a long-running legal […] The post Epic Games Store goes mobile, brings Fortnite and other games to iPhones (in the EU) and Android (around the world) appeared first on Liliputing.
Epic Games Store goes mobile, brings Fortnite and other games to iPhones (in the EU) and Android (around the world)
Six years ago Epic Games launched mobile versions of popular game Fortnite for Android and iOS. And two years later the company intentionally violated the rules for Apple and Google’s mobile app stores by offering an alternate payment method. Both Apple and Google kicked Fortnite out of their respective app stores, and a long-running legal […]
The post Epic Games Store goes mobile, brings Fortnite and other games to iPhones (in the EU) and Android (around the world) appeared first on Liliputing.
Game Rant
Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
There are only four different playable classes in Earth Defense Force 6, but they all have a very unique playstyle that separates them from the rest. These classes include the Ranger, the Air Raider, the Wing Diver, and the Fencer. Each playable class has their own gimmicks, their own specialized weaponry, their own unique systems, and their own pros/cons. The Fencer, for example, is Earth Defense Force 6's 'tank class' with a lot of heavy weaponry and close-range options.
Earth Defense Force 6: Best Solo Class
There are only four different playable classes in Earth Defense Force 6, but they all have a very unique playstyle that separates them from the rest. These classes include the Ranger, the Air Raider, the Wing Diver, and the Fencer. Each playable class has their own gimmicks, their own specialized weaponry, their own unique systems, and their own pros/cons. The Fencer, for example, is Earth Defense Force 6's 'tank class' with a lot of heavy weaponry and close-range options.
ISK Mogul Adventures
Elite Dangerous dates Update 16 for August 1, bringing new launcher and more
If you happen to like internet spaceships, the devs behind Elite Dangerous have some good news for you. Last year when Frontier finished off the... The post Elite Dangerous dates Update 16 for August 1, bringing new launcher and more appeared first on ISK Mogul Adventures. Written by .
Elite Dangerous dates Update 16 for August 1, bringing new launcher and more
If you happen to like internet spaceships, the devs behind Elite Dangerous have some good news for you. Last year when Frontier finished off the...
The post Elite Dangerous dates Update 16 for August 1, bringing new launcher and more appeared first on ISK Mogul Adventures. Written by .
Huge Epic Games Store database leak reveals dozens of unannounced games from multiple publishers, including a new Turok
Dozens of unannounced games have been leaked from the Epic Games Store, sparking the interest of Internet detectives everywhere.
Huge Epic Games Store database leak reveals dozens of unannounced games from multiple publishers, including a new Turok
Kingdom Hearts, As Told By Steam Reviews
Kingdom Hearts fans waited nearly 20 years for Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s adventures through Disney worlds to come to PC, which they finally did back in 2021 via the Epic Games Store. But some fans waited even longer for most of the series to come to Steam on June 13. Whatever floats your steamboat, PC players. Use…Read more...
Kingdom Hearts, As Told By Steam Reviews

Kingdom Hearts fans waited nearly 20 years for Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s adventures through Disney worlds to come to PC, which they finally did back in 2021 via the Epic Games Store. But some fans waited even longer for most of the series to come to Steam on June 13. Whatever floats your steamboat, PC players. Use…
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN
Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN

Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.
Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.
Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like Steam and Green Man Gaming have either decided – or been instructed to – automatically refund pre-orders from people who live in territories where players cannot legally sign up for PSN.
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN
Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN

Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.
Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.
Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like Steam and Green Man Gaming have either decided – or been instructed to – automatically refund pre-orders from people who live in territories where players cannot legally sign up for PSN.
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN
Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like
Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut PC players are getting auto-refunds if they cannot legally sign up for PSN

Steam is auto-refunding players who bought Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut in countries where PSN isn't available.
Last week – around the same time Helldivers 2 was being pulled from sale in 177 countries following the disastrous rollout of mandatory PSN linking – Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch confirmed that Steam players were not required to sign up to PSN if they only wanted to play the Director's Cut's singleplayer campaign on Steam.
Now, however, it seems digital storefronts like Steam and Green Man Gaming have either decided – or been instructed to – automatically refund pre-orders from people who live in territories where players cannot legally sign up for PSN.
Generální ředitel společnosti Microsoft Gaming diskutuje o potenciálním obchodu Epic Games Store a dalších obchodech na Xboxu
Společnost Microsoft v těchto dnech rozjíždí zajímavou multiplatformní strategii a její dříve exkluzivní first-party tituly jako Hi-Fi Rush a Pentiment jsou k dispozici na PS5 a Nintendo Switch. Výkonný ředitel herního oddělení Microsoftu Phil Spencer prohlásil, že by herní průmysl neměl vylučovat žádný titul na jiných platformách, ale má zájem tuto filozofii rozšířit i na další obchody. V rozhovoru pro server Polygon během konference GDC 2024 Spencer vyjádřil přesvědčení, že v budoucnu by na Xb
Generální ředitel společnosti Microsoft Gaming diskutuje o potenciálním obchodu Epic Games Store a dalších obchodech na Xboxu
Společnost Microsoft v těchto dnech rozjíždí zajímavou multiplatformní strategii a její dříve exkluzivní first-party tituly jako Hi-Fi Rush a Pentiment jsou k dispozici na PS5 a Nintendo Switch.
Výkonný ředitel herního oddělení Microsoftu Phil Spencer prohlásil, že by herní průmysl neměl vylučovat žádný titul na jiných platformách, ale má zájem tuto filozofii rozšířit i na další obchody.
V rozhovoru pro server Polygon během konference GDC 2024 Spencer vyjádřil přesvědčení, že v budoucnu by na Xboxu mohly být k dispozici obchody Epic Games Store a „Vezměte si naši historii jako společnosti se systémem Windows. Nikdo by ani nemrkl, kdybych řekl: ‚Hele, když používáš PC, můžeš rozhodovat o typu zážitku tím, že si vybereš, kde si koupíš hry. V tom je skutečná hodnota.“ Tato svoboda by mohla být výhodná pro výrobce konzolí, včetně Microsoftu.
Když mluvil o současné generaci, Spencer poznamenal: „Moorův zákon se zpomalil. Ceny komponent konzolí neklesají tak rychle jako v předchozích generacích.“ Trh s konzolemi také zřejmě nezaznamenal radikální růst ve srovnání s PC a handheldy.
„Dotování hardwaru je v dnešním světě stále náročnější. A řeknu, a možná to bude vypadat příliš altruisticky, že nevím, jestli to přispívá k růstu odvětví. Takže si myslím, jaké jsou překážky? Co jsou věci, které v dnešním světě vytvářejí třecí plochy pro tvůrce a hráče? A jak se můžeme podílet na otevření tohoto modelu?“
Méně exkluzivity pro tituly pro Xbox je jedním z kroků, ale rozšiřuje se také na prodejny, kde se tituly prodávají. „Pokud chci hrát na herním počítači, pak se cítím být více kontinuální součástí herního ekosystému jako celku. Na rozdíl od hraní na konzolích je mé hraní tak trochu roztříštěné – abych použil herní termín – na základě těchto různých uzavřených ekosystémů, napříč kterými musím hrát.“
Samozřejmě se teprve uvidí, zda budou chtít být na platformách Xbox, PlayStation nebo dokonce Nintendo k dispozici i další obchody. Vzhledem k tomu, že Steam překročil hranici 36 milionů souběžně hrajících hráčů a nevykazuje žádné známky zpomalení, může být spokojen s tím, že si udrží své dominantní postavení v oblasti PC her.
Microsoft přinese Grounded na PS4, PS5 a Nintendo Switch 16. dubna a Sea of Thieves na PS5 30. dubna. Zda budou následovat i další tituly, se teprve uvidí, i když zprávy tvrdí, že „většina“ z nich se v určitém okamžiku na PlayStation 5 objeví. Do té doby zůstaňte naladěni na aktualizace.
Článek Generální ředitel společnosti Microsoft Gaming diskutuje o potenciálním obchodu Epic Games Store a dalších obchodech na Xboxu se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed
If I never write about video games ever again, let this be my final plea
When I tick the box telling your unwanted launcher to remember my password, make it remember my chuffing password. Read more
If I never write about video games ever again, let this be my final plea

When I tick the box telling your unwanted launcher to remember my password, make it remember my chuffing password.
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be free to keep from Epic Games Store next week
With reports that Embracer Group allegedly cancelled an upcoming Deus Ex game, hopes of a return to the series have been fading. The industry is in a sad state now, so if you want to cheer yourself up with a dose of Adam Jensen, you can pick up Mankind Divided for free next week. That's one of the titles being given away over on Epic Games Store. The other is an indie puzzle from 2013 called The Bridge. Both will be available between March 14 and March 21. They will be replacing the sci-fi c
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be free to keep from Epic Games Store next week
With reports that Embracer Group allegedly cancelled an upcoming Deus Ex game, hopes of a return to the series have been fading. The industry is in a sad state now, so if you want to cheer yourself up with a dose of Adam Jensen, you can pick up Mankind Divided for free next week.
That's one of the titles being given away over on Epic Games Store. The other is an indie puzzle from 2013 called The Bridge. Both will be available between March 14 and March 21. They will be replacing the sci-fi combat game Astro Duel 2.
While it may not be the most lauded Deus Ex entry out there, it's still a nice little freebie for those who have yet to play it.
You can't resist all that sincere moping
Things are so up in the air for Eidos-Montreal's celebrated series. With voice actor Elias Toufexis being told to stop talking so much about Adam Jensen, there's definitely a sense that we won't ever get to see a follow-up to Mankind Divided.
It's a story we're all getting sick of hearing, no doubt. The video game industry is in dire straits at the moment, as huge publishers issue redundancies and studio closures. Eidos was one of those recently, which effectively put a nail in the Deus Ex coffin. Honestly, it's hard to keep up with the amount of job losses that have occurred these past 12 months or so.
While we won't likely get to see a new Deus Ex entry, maybe take some comfort in being able to get a copy of the latest installment for free. Sorry, didn't mean to bring the mood down there.
The post Deus Ex: Mankind Divided will be free to keep from Epic Games Store next week appeared first on Destructoid.
The Epic Games version of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was wildly an ‘incomplete’ build
The remaster of the original three Tomb Raider games was released not that long ago. For PC users, there was a choice between purchasing it on Steam or Epic Games Store. However, there seemed to be some notable differences between the two versions, which the developer has now acknowledged. According to a post from The Gamer a couple of days ago, fans began to notice that Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was different on EGS than on Steam. For starters, the Epic Games version had different skybox
The Epic Games version of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was wildly an ‘incomplete’ build
The remaster of the original three Tomb Raider games was released not that long ago. For PC users, there was a choice between purchasing it on Steam or Epic Games Store. However, there seemed to be some notable differences between the two versions, which the developer has now acknowledged.
According to a post from The Gamer a couple of days ago, fans began to notice that Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was different on EGS than on Steam. For starters, the Epic Games version had different skyboxes in places like the Colosseum, and the Greece levels had "new light holes."
Since then, a post on the Steam page has noted that EGS had a build of the remaster that had "incomplete assets," and the download contained "some work-in-progress materials" that weren't meant for public consumption.
Update also imminent
Aspyr has now fixed the problem, uploading the correct version to Epic. However, some – such as a reporter from Eurogamer and the aforementioned The Gamer article – have noted this incomplete build had better-looking assets than the Steam version. This could suggest that the two downloads are not evenly matched, for whatever reason.
That aside, Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is also getting its first update soon. In the same Steam post, the developer thanked fans for their "continued support, shares, and feedback" on the games, with an update said to be in the works.
We don't exactly know what's coming, but the studio says it anticipates sending this update out "in the next few weeks."
The post The Epic Games version of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was wildly an ‘incomplete’ build appeared first on Destructoid.
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed
Spending on third-party games via the Epic Games Store fell 13% in 2023
Epic have outlined their 2024 plans for the Epic Games Store, which includes a new download manager, a proper offline mode, pre-loading of games, and a focus on game discovery in general. These plans were outlined in the store's 2023 year-in-review, which paints a mixed picture of Epic's storefront's growth over the past 12 months. Read more
Spending on third-party games via the Epic Games Store fell 13% in 2023

Epic have outlined their 2024 plans for the Epic Games Store, which includes a new download manager, a proper offline mode, pre-loading of games, and a focus on game discovery in general.
These plans were outlined in the store's 2023 year-in-review, which paints a mixed picture of Epic's storefront's growth over the past 12 months.