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  • EA Sports College Football 25 ReviewBrad Bortone
    The Best “Back To School” Since Rodney Dangerfield HIGH That moment when your old dorm is accurately represented in a videogame. LOW Mode selection is a little lackluster. WTF Academic performance tracking is my weekly nightmare come to life. I don’t remember exactly where I was the last time I played a new college football game but I’m sure the scene involved me, my couch, and a noticeable cushion dent from hours of endless play. It’s not a pretty picture, but it is an accur

EA Sports College Football 25 Review

13. Srpen 2024 v 13:00

The Best “Back To School” Since Rodney Dangerfield

HIGH That moment when your old dorm is accurately represented in a videogame.

LOW Mode selection is a little lackluster.

WTF Academic performance tracking is my weekly nightmare come to life.

I don’t remember exactly where I was the last time I played a new college football game but I’m sure the scene involved me, my couch, and a noticeable cushion dent from hours of endless play. It’s not a pretty picture, but it is an accurate one. Now, after nearly 11 years away from digital collegiate gridiron, I was skeptical that EA Sports would be able to recapture that “just one more game” feeling.

Oh, EA Sports proved me wrong in so many wonderful ways.

College Football 25 (No “NCAA” this time around) is an outstanding, immersive, nostalgic title that quickly carves out its own identity against the inevitable Madden comparisons. Yes, those familiar with EA’s pro title will easily adapt to College Football 25’s controls and gameplay, but those — ahem — schooled in collegiate strategy and atmosphere will find themselves with a notable advantage.

The unparalleled college vibe is one of the biggest surprises after more than a decade away. The old NCAA series always did a solid job of emulating stadiums and crowd noise, but modern technology has allowed them to recreate the unique environments that each home school provides.

Fans of major programs like Clemson and Alabama will lose themselves in how seamlessly the designers implemented mascots, in-game chants, student traditions, and more. There’s even a noise meter that shakes the screen and affects playcalling, giving home teams a distinct advantage in competitive situations. Small, moderately successful schools might trigger the needle a little, but big schools with bigger money programs will regularly reap the rewards of the home field.

It even showed for my alma mater, the University of Maryland, which may not be a top-tier football school among its peers in the Big Ten Conference, but we did have an original set of chants and music to accompany our team. Sure enough, when in a crucial in-game situation, the students reacted accordingly, elevating the atmosphere tenfold. All of it was flawlessly represented alongside the nuances that made our school stand apart. And no, this level of detail isn’t exclusive to bigger schools — even the smaller programs receive the same level of detail and unique presentation.

Of course, none of this matters if the on-field visuals are lackluster. Thankfully, EA Sports made the most of its 11-year respite — every player on the field demonstrates a unique look and feel. Linemen seem a little jumpier than their professional counterparts. Defensive secondaries find themselves scrambling a little more before the snap. Quarterbacks don’t appear quite as composed. In other words, they seem like young adults tasked with handling some immense, big-game pressure. Plus, the player models are (generally) a little smaller and less monstrous than professional players. These details are subtle but add so much in helping College Football 25 stand apart from its more established big brother.

Another exciting aspect of the college game is that not every player is awesome. Deep pass plays are riskier, and big running gains are more likely against suspect defenses. Where Madden has its handful of top-rated receivers who seem to have glue on their gloves, the college level reflects teams of players who are still learning as they go, and that means nothing is “automatic.” When big plays happen, they just seem to mean more to the player.

That said, CF25 acknowledges those who take time to learn. (This is a college game, after all.) While smaller programs might not see initial success against juggernauts and experience some initial frustration, growth is earned and learning how to maximize each player’s skill set is a rewarding experience from season to season.

My only complaint about College Football 25‘s gameplay is the same I’ve made for most football titles — there continue to be plays and moves that are simply too easy to spam. (Just check YouTube for some of the spin move “highlights.”) Good players will always find a way to adjust, but newcomers online might find themselves stopped before they even get started. I was fortunate to not see many people abusing these quirks, but over time, I anticipate steeper beginner learning curves.

Since launch, I’ve seen a lot of online chatter about College Football 25’s “thin” and “disappointing” selection of modes and features, but I see this as a positive because I think it was vital for the developers to focus more on developing unique, rewarding on-field gameplay, and it seems they agreed. Of course, it doesn’t exactly lack variety with a solid selection of the modes we’ve come to expect from EA Sports titles.

For those looking to spend significant time in the trenches, Dynasty mode is far more rewarding than its professional counterpart, mostly because the focus is on winning, player development, and team success, rather than keeping high-profile players satisfied season over season. Here, users can help a struggling program methodically improve and find intermittent successes along the way. Maybe it’s getting close to being ranked among the top 25. Maybe it’s knocking off a top-ranked opponent. Maybe it’s being considered for a coveted bowl game. Minor, moral victories seem to matter more at the collegiate level since there’s just so much more to aim for than one solitary trophy.

Unfortunately, the touted Road to Glory mode, while more streamlined than Dynasty, doesn’t give users enough to do over its shorter career span. At first, this exercise of allocating experience points to improve on-field performance seems enjoyable. But tasks like improving academics and resting injuries quickly become a week-to-week slog, more busywork than play. Likewise, the limited Road to the CFP mode will appeal to those who want bragging rights, but there’s little to do beyond seeing a name on leaderboards. With more attention, this could become a legitimate mode for those seeking to achieve online immortality, but there’s still room to expand it into something deeper than just a ranking.

As expected, College Football 25 features its own Ultimate Team mode, which is identical to the countless revisions we’ve seen in Madden over the years. For users into card collecting, trading, and yes, spending to build an unbeatable squad there are no surprises to be had, other than some moderate challenges to break up the grind. While I probably need to get with the times and accept these modes as part of gaming reality, here it seems redundant, rather than necessary.

Online, the game performed flawlessly during my testing, with no lag or latency. Lobbies were easy to navigate, and games started quickly. It allowed me to recreate my favorite college matchups, playing with my favorite college roommate. Only now, 1,300 miles separated us, even though the conversations and laughs remained the same.

And that perfectly illustrates the bigger point. To fans like me, College Football 25 is about as pure a gaming experience as there is. It wasn’t an online leaderboard or card-collecting mode that made fans beg EA Sports to bring back college football. It was the memories of trash talking on the couch, and recreating a rivalry. It was figuring out those spam plays and finally shutting them down. It was a throwback to gaming’s roots when higher scores were all people needed to enjoy themselves.

I could belabor this review with more examples, but in the end, there’s only one key takeaway — College Football 25 delivers on the memories I just listed, alongside countless others. And I can’t wait to see where the series goes from here.

Score: 9 out of 10

Disclosures: This game is published by EA Sports and developed by EA Orlando. It is available on XBX/S and PS5. This game copy was obtained via publisher and reviewed on the XBX. Approximately 15 hours of play were devoted to the single-player mode, and the game was not completed. Approximately 5 hours of play were devoted to online multiplayer.

Parents: According to the ESRB, this game is rated E. This is a realistic representation of full-contact college football, and some tackling animations and injuries may concern some parents.

Colorblind Modes: Colorblind modes are available in the Game Settings menu.

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Gamers: College Football 25 features subtitles, speech-to-text, and numerous tactile feedback features in all modes. The game is easily playable without sound and is fully accessible.

Remappable Controls: No, the game’s controls are not remappable.

  • The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game RetrospectiveGavin Annand
    Whenever I speak to someone visiting Australia from overseas, there's one activity I always recommend without hesitation: get down to Melbourne, and as long as it's between March and September, get yourself tickets to an Australian Football League (AFL) game. I'm not a particularly "sporty" person; I've got the coordination of a drunk octopus, and I'm generally not a big watcher of sports either. But, like many other Australians (particularly those from the southern states), "footy" is more than

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective

10. Srpen 2024 v 17:00
The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective

Whenever I speak to someone visiting Australia from overseas, there's one activity I always recommend without hesitation: get down to Melbourne, and as long as it's between March and September, get yourself tickets to an Australian Football League (AFL) game. I'm not a particularly "sporty" person; I've got the coordination of a drunk octopus, and I'm generally not a big watcher of sports either. But, like many other Australians (particularly those from the southern states), "footy" is more than a sport, it's a thoroughly ingrained part of our cultural identity.

What is AFL?

The first ever game of Australian rules football was played on 15 June 1858 in Melbourne, Australia. It was a match between Melbourne Grammar School and Scotch College. Though the true origins of footy are mysterious, the game's creator is generally credited as Tim Wills, who was born in the New South Wales countryside near the modern-day Australian capital of Canberra. Wills was sent to England in 1850 by his father to attend the prestigious Rugby School, where the sport of Rugby had been born in 1845. Wills earned a reputation for his athletic prowess and love of sport, and upon his return to Australia in 1856, he became involved in local social sporting clubs. There were a number of nascent football-type games with varied rules played in Melbourne at the time, and by 1858, Wills, likely influenced by some of these games, began to codify the rules of what would eventually become Australian rules football.

The "speccie" is the most spectacular (hence the name) display of athleticism in AFL - when a player climbs or leaps up another's back in order to "mark" the ball, earning a free kick. Source: YouTube.

Over the following years, the sport built a devoted following in the city of Melbourne. It spread to South Australia almost immediately, and eventually to the other colonies - Tasmania, Western Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland. By the 1870s, the rules had developed a degree of consistency, and the game had become a huge part of Australian culture. Crowds in these early days regularly numbered between two and three thousand, with many games attracting 10,000 or more spectators, at the time making it one of the largest sporting events by attendance globally. Though the game was initially favoured in the colonies of New South Wales and Queensland, Australian rules footy eventually gave way to rugby - a divide that persists to this day. The geographic divide between rugby and Australian rules football is known as the "Barassi Line", with rugby being the predominant football code in the northeast, and Australian rules football being dominant in the south, west, and north-west.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The Barassi Line divides Australian football codes. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

It's hard to understate the cultural significance of Australian rules footy. Since the mid-1990s, attendance at games has consistently sat between 30-40 thousand spectators, with that number jumping to 65-75 thousand during the finals season in late August and September. By attendance numbers alone, AFL is one of the largest sports in the world - impressive considering that the sport is barely known outside its small nation of 26 million people. Footy is a defining element in the culture of cities like Melbourne and Adelaide and has long acted as an avenue of assimilation for each wave of immigration. Many clubs maintain deep and enduring ties with ethnic groups in Australia, such as the long association of Carlton Football Club with Italian migrants in Melbourne, or the Western Bulldogs' ties with the Vietnamese community.

The birth of footy games

AFL has a rich history in Melbourne, and it is impossible to go more than a day without hearing some sort of heated debate about the weekend game. And while not as old as footy, video game game development too has deep roots in Melbourne. Most notable of the developers is Beam Software / Melbourne House, a prominent studio throughout the 1980s and 1990s, producing games like The Hobbit (1982), Double Dragon (1987), MechWarrior (1993), Bug! (1995), Gex (1995), and KKND: Krush, Kill n Destroy (1997).

Surprisingly, it wasn't a Melbourne developer that produced the first AFL game - rather, it was the creation of UK developer Clockwize and UK publisher Again Again. Australian Rules Football was released for the Commodore 64, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, and Amstrad CPC in 1989. At the time, the "Australian Football League" hadn't been established - the national contest was still under the banner of the Victorian Football League (VFL), even though it welcomed teams from other states. So Clockwize's game wasn't technically an "AFL" game.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective

Australian Rules Football on the Amstrad CPC (left), Commodore 64 (centre) and Sinclair ZX Spectrum (right). Source: MobyGames.

In a somewhat entertaining review from Your Sinclair magazine in 1990, reviewer Rich stated:

"Australian Rules Footie is supposedly the most violent 'sport' around - probably because there aren't actually any rules."

Rich wasn't far off either - AFL has traditionally been regarded as a fairly rough sport, though like many contact sports, concerns in recent years about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) have driven rule changes aimed at reducing injuries. And while the statement that footy is a lawless game is a bit of a misrepresentation, the comment does highlight a challenge that AFL games continue to face to this day - the somewhat dynamic and subjective nature of the rules.

Like in other sports, the referee (known as an umpire in AFL) is the arbiter of fair play. However, the fast-paced and dynamic nature of play, unpredictable movement of the ball, physical contact between players, and the fact that there are 36 players on the field at a given time creates a chaotic environment where umpires are frequently required to exercise their judgement. Modern technology has started to erode the singular reliance on the umpire (with assisted decision review technology), but many fans of AFL regard the unpredictability as one of the great hallmarks of the game. That doesn't make a programmer's life any easier though.

The birth of the AFL

In 1990, the VFL renamed itself to more accurately reflect the national reach of the game, and footy games soon followed suit. Melbourne studio Beam Software released the first game under the new league name in 1991, Aussie Rules Footy, on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was one of only two titles for the NES released exclusively in Australia (the other being International Cricket), but it was well received, and still comes up in AFL social media feeds.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective

Source: MobyGames.

A five-year hiatus followed the release of Aussie Rules Footy. Though the reception to Beam Software's AFL title was positive, the financial numbers might not have looked good enough for Mattel to invest in a follow-up for the SNES. But in 1996, footy re-emerged on the gaming scene bigger than ever with AFL Finals Fever, from Blue Tongue Entertainment.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL Finals Fever. Source: MobyGames.

AFL Finals Fever was my first exposure to an AFL game. This time, all 16 AFL teams were there in their full glory, along with up-to-date player and coach rosters, photos, team songs, and official AFL branding all over the product. Unfortunately, as professional as this game looked, the gameplay was a little lacking, as was the performance. Despite having stats for all the players, all the character sprites on the ground looked identical, so picking a player to kick to was an exercise in luck rather than strategy.

The EA Sports era

Sports gaming in the late '90s was a fairly common story: Electronics Arts' EA Sports division gobbled up sporting codes worldwide and released titles that, at least at the time, had a reputation for being polished, approachable, and enjoyable. AFL was no different, and in 1998, EA Sports published AFL 98, from developer Creative Assembly (who would eventually achieve widespread recognition for their Total War series).

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL 98. Source: MobyGames.

Like AFL Finals Fever, AFL 98 was an officially licensed AFL product, and also like Finals Fever, was only available for Windows. Sports games are typically best enjoyed on the couch with a few friends, so the decision to once again release only for PC was rather limiting, but it was soon rectified a year later with AFL 99.

AFL 98 and 99 were the dawn of a "golden era" for AFL games; the production value was better than ever before thanks to the high product standard associated with EA Sports. The switch to 3D graphics was also a boon, with the 2D graphics of previous generations inherently limiting to a game with a significant vertical element. AFL 98 gameplay was positively received, and many criticisms were addressed in the 1999 follow-up. Most importantly though, this is when AFL games began to earn a true stamp of authenticity, with up-to-date player lists, and audio commentary from famous Australian broadcaster Bruce McAvaney and retired football legend Leigh Matthews.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL 99. Source: Author.

The IR Gurus era

For whatever reason, AFL 99 was the last footy game from EA Sports. The next generation of games would be created by sports game developer IR Gurus, starting with the management sim, Kevin Sheedy's AFL Coach 2002 for Windows. "Forgettable" would be an understatement for this game - outside of a few forum posts and a listing in Wikipedia, there seems to be little evidence this game ever existed. Was it any good? I can't honestly say, because outside of a few abandonware sites, it's difficult to track this one down, and even when you do, good luck running it on modern hardware.

However, it wasn't Kevin Sheedy's AFL Coach 2002 that gave the IR Gurus era its reputation as one of footy gaming's great highlights - it was their AFL Live/Premiership series. Starting in 2002, IR Gurus released AFL Live 2003, followed by AFL Live 2004, AFL Live: Premiership Edition, AFL Premiership 2005, AFL Premiership 2006 and finally AFL Premiership 2007. The IR Gurus games were the first truly multi-platform AFL games, with most being released on PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. The graphics were (for the time) spectacular, the production value was high, but most importantly the gameplay was solid. AFL Live 2004 in particular is regarded among many fans as the best AFL game ever made, and the addition of Aussie band Grinspoon's "Lost Control" as the theme song added a truly authentic sense of modern Australiana to the experience.

Absolute banger. Source: YouTube.

The games in this era were sitting in a sweet spot. Gameplay was approachable and engaging, but not overly complex. Visual fidelity was detailed enough to communicate all the aspects of the game - tackles, height, and distance. Finally, after 15 years of footy games, IR Gurus had nailed the formula, and all they had to do was tweak it.

And that's mostly all they did, to the chagrin of reviewers. AFL Premiership Edition (essential AFL Live 2004 with updated player lists for the 2004 season) was criticised for making very few changes to the gameplay for the asking price. IR Gurus apparently responded to this with AFL Premiership 2005, but the result was derided as a buggy, poorly produced mess. AFL Premiership 2006 jumped up in the review scores again, yet it is barely mentioned by fans today. Then, AFL Premiership 2007 looked to capitalise on this success with the "don't fix what isn't broken" approach - and, like AFL Premiership Edition, IR Gurus were once again criticised for not changing enough.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL Premiership 2007. Source: MobyGames.

The latter half of the IR Gurus custodianship of the AFL licence was marked with off-field drama. Publisher Acclaim Entertainment was facing bankruptcy in 2004, disrupting the release of Premiership 2005 and complicating distribution, which was split between THQ and Sony. Sony Computer Entertainment took over as publisher from then on, with Premiership 2006 and 2007 being PlayStation 2 exclusives, without a nod at the seventh generation Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

The modern era

As AFL games entered the seventh generation era with the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, they fell into a fairly predictable pattern - passable gameplay and middling review scores. From here on, AFL video games would be (mostly) developed by one of two Melbourne-based studios - Wicked Witch Software and Big Ant Studios. Wicked Witch kicked things off with AFL Challenge for the PlayStation Portable in 2009, as well as the rather bizarre Nintendo DS title AFL Mascot Manor, a 3D platformer adventure that seemed to be aimed at younger players.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
The West Coast Eagle in AFL Mascot Manor: Source: MobyGames.

This is where things get confusing. In 2011 Big Ant Studios released AFL Live for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and Wicked Witch released AFL for the Nintendo Wii. In 2012, Wicked Witch followed up with AFL: Game of the Year Edition, which featured an updated roster of players for the 2012 season, and AFL: Gold Edition, a mobile port for iOS. Also in 2012, Big Ant Studios released AFL Live: Game of the Year Edition. 2013 saw the release of AFL Live 2 for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 - by Big Ant Studios, right? Nope. AFL Live 2 was made by Wicked Witch Software. Only the sports genre could produce this sort of licensing shenanigans.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL Live 2. Source: MobyGames.

I should also note here that the 2010 - 2020 period saw no less than four obscure and unofficial football management sims for PC released - Premiership Coach 2010 and 2011 from Southern Cross Studios, and Australian Football Coach 2014 and 2020 by Statto Software.

This highly congested and muddled mess of releases was followed by an extended hiatus until the next console generation, when Wicked Witch Software released AFL Evolution (2017) for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. Another three-year hiatus followed before Wicked Witch released AFL Evolution 2 in 2020, this time adding the Nintendo Switch to the supported platforms. On the management front, Statto Software has continued to plug away with Australian Football Coach 2023-24, and finally in May 2023, Big Ant Studios returned with AFL 23, an unfortunately buggy mess on release, but now vastly improved thanks to post-release support.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
AFL 23. Source: Steam.

The problem with footy games

For over three decades, footy games have struggled to translate to the video game medium. Review scores have been mostly average at best, and sales have never been spectacular, with studios relying on the devotion of die-hard Australian fans south and west of the Barassi Line who treat the game of footy like a religion.

The real issue with making a footy game is two-fold. First of all, the market for them is always going to be niche. As much as a studio can bank on sales to the cross-section of gamers who are AFL diehards, that number is still pretty small. Sports titles like EA's FIFA/FC series and 2K's NBA series are polished and impressive thanks to massive production budgets that are only possible due to annual revenues in the billions.

The other side of the footy game problem is the sport's unstructured complexity. As I've already mentioned, AFL is extremely dynamic. The bounce of the oddly shaped ball adds chaos to an already chaotic game. Players use their hands and feet in equal measure and weave the ball between them during play. Tackles involve unseen jostling that requires a close-in perspective for the gamer, but the kicks can be huge - over 50 metres - requiring the ability for players to easily switch to a wide angled view. The rules of the game are complex, requiring an extensive tutorial mode, but even then, many of the rulings made by umpires in a match are judgment calls that might be difficult to coherently communicate to a player not already familiar with the rules of the game.

Some great examples footy chaos in action. Source: YouTube.

Delivering a high-fidelity footy experience on par with NBA 2k, FC24, or Madden might very well be a pipedream; the required budgets are too large and the potential revenue too small to justify it. Perhaps the way forward isn't about striving for the sort of high-fidelity experience one expects of EA Sports or 2K, but about looking backward, focusing on gameplay rather than fidelity.

The future

What comes next for the officially licensed AFL games is anyone's guess. Big Ant has committed to further updates for AFL 23, but who knows whether Wicked Witch Software is about to deliver the next game. In the meantime, indie developer Boot Mode Games is slowly chipping away at Footy Showdown, and until we see some innovative design changes to more effectively translate AFL to the video game medium, I think this might be the way forward.

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
Footy Showdown. Source: Steam.

Footy Showdown harks back to the early days of footy games, most notably Aussie Rules Footy and AFL Finals Fever. The great thing about this approach is that you can ignore sinking development time into accurately modeling close-in contests, and just focus on making an arcade game that is fun to play. The other great thing about this is the knowledge that there's a market of die-hard AFL fans who have shown time and again that they are prepared to devour anything that looks remotely like their beloved game. For a small indie developer with low overheads, that's a pretty lucrative combination.

Full-time siren

When I think of footy games, I like to compare them to my beloved North Melbourne Football Club, the Kangaroos. They've got a long history, with moments of greatness, but plenty of pitfalls. They're not wealthy and successful - they're the underdogs. Most criticism is driven by the fact that everyone wants to see them succeed. They have a small but extremely loyal following. And most importantly, they have a promising future and they're here to stay.

So, I'll wrap this brief history of footy games with one final, obligatory statement:

The Bounce: An Australian Rules Footy Game Retrospective
Source: WikiMedia Commons.

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Cosmic Royale: Eden Games Unveils First Web3 Title

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French developer Eden Games, known for popular racing games like Gear.Club and Test Drive Unlimited, announced its acquisition by Animoca Brands in 2022. The team has now introduced its debut web3 native title, Cosmic Royale, as part of the Motorverse ecosystem of racing games. In a recent interview with Eden Games co-founder David Nadal, he […]
  • ✇Operation Sports
  • What's Going on With eFootball?Kevin Groves
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What's Going on With eFootball?

21. Srpen 2024 v 09:59

It’s been a while since we here at OS touched on Konami’s eFootball series and with good reason. The once beloved franchise PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) has slowly faded into obscurity after its rebrand in 2021 to eFootball.

Despite starting off with a strong initial release of PES 2021 Season Update where PC modders are still working wonders, the subsequent releases (eFootball 2022 – present) have seen the popularity of the game diminish to nearly an afterthought in the football gaming community, getting lapped by EA’s EA FC franchise and facing a new challenger in Strikerz Inc.’s UFL. Before we touch on the current state of eFootball, let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.

eFootball Roadmap

Do you remember this? I know, I almost forgot too because shortly after it was released in fall of 2022 it was derailed and thus forgotten by early 2023. While Konami did get cross-generation (PS4 -> PS5, Xbox Series X/S -> Xbox One) working, there’s still no true cross-platform (PlayStation vs. Xbox vs. PC) available yet as Konami appears to be squeezing the juice out of its eSports Tournaments while still skimping on modes that we came to associate with PES over the years.

Konami doubled down here:

Paid Content
– The number of teams that can be used in leagues and club teams will be expanded and distributed as additional paid content by the end of 2022
– Master League will be available as additional paid content during 2023

— eFootball (@play_eFootball) May 31, 2022

Back in February of 2023, Konami updated the community about what was on the horizon, and to their credit, they did deliver on everything they planned for — although there’s absolutely nothing worth bragging about in this list with updates like “additional player slots” and “additional number of substitutes for Dream Team.” These are simple fixes that shouldn’t require too many resources. Now the list on the bottom is where we should start to hold Konami accountable:

  • Master League – MISS
  • Co-op Mode – HIT
  • Edit Mode – MISS
  • Additional selectable teams in Authentic Mode (Exhibition) – MISS
  • Cross-platform compatibility on console – MISS
  • Cross-platform compatibility between console and mobile – MISS
  • Mobile controller compatibility and support – MISS

In football terms, if you convert 1 of your 7 chances, chances are you won’t be around too long. And that right there is only a PORTION of the long list of neglected features and modes that were in eFootball 2021 Season Update yet still haven’t made it to eFootball.

What’s To Come With eFootball?

Well, for starters, Konami has rebranded the name again, dropping the “2024” or in this case what would be “eFootball 2025” to simply eFootball.


We will be making an update to eFootball™ 2024 in mid-September 📅

After this, the name of the game will change to simply "eFootball™".

eFootball™ v4.0.0 will include updates to reflect promotions/relegations of domestic leagues and player transfers ⬆🔄⬇

— eFootball (@play_eFootball) August 8, 2024

So back to square one figuratively, but as EA proved, a name is just a name and considering that digital sales exceed hard copies, changing a brand name isn’t the no-no it once was.

What’s Coming With eFootball (2024)?

If we’re being honest, it’s hard to say as Konami teases the new September update with assurances that assets will carry over (eFootball coins and points, GP, and so on). What’s not carrying over you ask? Well, for starters, it seems like the never-ending carousel of top-flight Italian teams sees Napoli, Roma, and Monza going over to EA FC, with rumors of both Milan-based top-flight clubs (AC Milan and Inter Milan) heading back to eFootball.

Considering Konami’s past history with incorporating legendary players into their various modes, this actually bodes well with both Milan clubs boasting a long history of iconic players (Maldini, R9, and Seedorf to name a few). As is the case with losing licenses, the removal of players comes with the territory as Konami confirms on their official website:

“Due to changes in licenses and available content, some players and managers may become unavailable.
Unavailable players and managers cannot participate in matches, but you can still earn GP and items for releasing them.”

And folks, that’s about all we know as Konami, true to their past, drops this tidbit on the bottom of their 2024 update page:

Large-scale maintenance for License Update: We will conduct a large-scale maintenance in mid-September as part of the eFootball™ v4.0.0 update.

So if you’re wondering about a game that will update in what could be less than two weeks then rest assured, you’re not alone.

Bottom Line

Football games are always in a precarious position when it comes to release dates. With most top-flight European seasons starting this past weekend, there’s the thought that it would be nice to beat market-leader EA FC to the punch but then you have the transfer window shutting at the end of August, which requires a lot of resources to swap players to new teams, create new players, and the like.

Release your game after EA FC and you run the risk of no one noticing. Konami seems to have their base players set and don’t seem to be in that much of a rush to add PES staples like Master League and Edit Mode. If I were a betting man, I’d wager that we’ll see neither of those two modes as Konami would have made a major announcement by now, especially with the rumors that when they do come they’ll be available via paid DLCs. As for now, my expectations are at an all-time low with this franchise, but the lure of the old ways will always have me tempting fate.

The post What's Going on With eFootball? appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 51 - 70 Players Steve Noah
    Yesterday, 2K revealed the top 71-100 rated players in NBA 2K25. Ratings week continues today with the top 51-70. Last week, the team highlighted various attribute ratings, showcasing the top 5 in three-point shooting, ball handling, steals, dunks and more, along with ratings for WNBA players and rookies. Let's keep the #NBA2KTop100 going with 20 more players— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) August 20, 2024 NBA 2K25 releases on September 6 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4

NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 51 - 70 Players 

21. Srpen 2024 v 03:39

Yesterday, 2K revealed the top 71-100 rated players in NBA 2K25. Ratings week continues today with the top 51-70. Last week, the team highlighted various attribute ratings, showcasing the top 5 in three-point shooting, ball handling, steals, dunks and more, along with ratings for WNBA players and rookies.

Let's keep the #NBA2KTop100 going with 20 more players 🔥

— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) August 20, 2024

NBA 2K25 releases on September 6 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Fans who purchase before September 6 can play up to two days early, starting on Wednesday, September 4 at 5 AM ET. Players who previously pre-ordered any edition on compatible platforms at participating retailers are automatically eligible for the Early Tip-Off benefit. The PC version will have feature parity with the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 version of the game.

The post NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 51 - 70 Players  appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • Backyard Sports Franchise is BackSteve Noah
    Playground Productions has revealed the return of the Backyard Sports franchise, announcing it on their official website along with an embedded video seen below. Some of you might recall back in February when Jason and Travis Kelce reminisced about the classic Backyard Football and Baseball games on their New Heights podcast. Jason even hinted that he was quietly exploring the possibility of purchasing the rights to both games to revive them. However, sources confirmed to Sports Illustrated that

Backyard Sports Franchise is Back

21. Srpen 2024 v 03:21

Playground Productions has revealed the return of the Backyard Sports franchise, announcing it on their official website along with an embedded video seen below. Some of you might recall back in February when Jason and Travis Kelce reminisced about the classic Backyard Football and Baseball games on their New Heights podcast. Jason even hinted that he was quietly exploring the possibility of purchasing the rights to both games to revive them. However, sources confirmed to Sports Illustrated that the Kelce bros are not involved in the relaunch. Either way, it’s exciting to see the franchise making a comeback.

According to Variety, video games aren’t the only focus for Playground Productions. They’re aiming to expand across multiple verticals, including film, television, merchandise and more. There hasn’t been any official announcement regarding release dates or platforms yet, but fans are encouraged to sign up on the official website to be the first to hear about upcoming projects.

“We’re incredibly excited to reintroduce Backyard Sports to a new generation of players,” Chris Waters, chief product officer at Playground Productions, said in a statement. “We’re taking great care to preserve the look and feel that made the original games so special while updating them with modern features and gameplay that today’s audience expects. I can’t wait for fans to see what we’re building on the Playground.”

The post Backyard Sports Franchise is Back appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 71 - 100 PlayersSteve Noah
    2K is set to reveal the top 100 players in NBA 2K25 this week, starting today with the announcement of players ranked 71 through 100. Last week, the team shared some attribute ratings, highlighting the top 5 in three point shooting, handles, steals, dunks and more, as well as WNBA and rookie ratings. The #NBA2KTop100 starts NOW!Drop your takes on this first group of #NBA2K25 ratings— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) August 19, 2024 NBA 2K25 releases on September 6 for Pla

NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 71 - 100 Players

20. Srpen 2024 v 03:52

2K is set to reveal the top 100 players in NBA 2K25 this week, starting today with the announcement of players ranked 71 through 100. Last week, the team shared some attribute ratings, highlighting the top 5 in three point shooting, handles, steals, dunks and more, as well as WNBA and rookie ratings.

🗣 The #NBA2KTop100 starts NOW!

Drop your takes on this first group of #NBA2K25 ratings ✍

— NBA 2K (@NBA2K) August 19, 2024

NBA 2K25 releases on September 6 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Fans who purchase before September 6 can play up to two days early, starting on Wednesday, September 4 at 5 AM ET. Players who previously pre-ordered any edition on compatible platforms at participating retailers are automatically eligible for the Early Tip-Off benefit. The PC version will have feature parity with the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 version of the game.

The post NBA 2K25 Player Ratings Week - Top 71 - 100 Players appeared first on Operation Sports.

Manchester United and eFootball Renew Partnership, Bringing Virtual Glory to the Red Devils

20. Srpen 2024 v 11:42

Konami have now confirmed renewal of their partnership with Manchester United FC, ensuring that they remain one of the principal clubs in eFootball; Konami's free-to-play offering. 

The post Manchester United and eFootball Renew Partnership, Bringing Virtual Glory to the Red Devils appeared first on TheXboxHub.

  • ✇IGN India Pc
  • Activision Killed A Call of Duty Multiplayer Mod, and Fans Are Pissed - IGN Daily FixIGN India
    In today's Daily Fix:Popular Call of Duty Mod “H2M” was pulled just hours before its release time after a cease and desist letter from game publisher, Activision. Though sources are mixed on the reasoning, fans are nonetheless unhappy with H2M, which would have brought back the multiplayer mode from 2009’s Modern Warfare 2, being pulled. And, Backyard Sports announced they’ll be coming back with a trailer. The owners of Backyard Sports, which includes titles like Backyard Baseball and Backyard F

Activision Killed A Call of Duty Multiplayer Mod, and Fans Are Pissed - IGN Daily Fix

Od: IGN India
21. Srpen 2024 v 01:01
In today's Daily Fix:Popular Call of Duty Mod “H2M” was pulled just hours before its release time after a cease and desist letter from game publisher, Activision. Though sources are mixed on the reasoning, fans are nonetheless unhappy with H2M, which would have brought back the multiplayer mode from 2009’s Modern Warfare 2, being pulled. And, Backyard Sports announced they’ll be coming back with a trailer. The owners of Backyard Sports, which includes titles like Backyard Baseball and Backyard Football, plan to bring back the gaming franchise and could possibly bring “Backyard” to new mediums as well. Presented by NHTSA.

College Football 25 August Title Update Introduces Gameplay Changes & Dynasty Improvements

College Football 25 August Title Update Introduces Gameplay Changes & Dynasty Improvements - Main Image

The College Football 25 August title update is here, and it introduced a lot of changes, which affect the gameplay, Dynasty mode, and Ultimate Team, and also fixed a plethora of bugs.

This update aims to continue to make College Football 25 feel fresh, while at the same time tackling most of the problems players have encountered recently.

Gameplay Changes

Gameplay changes are always the most important thing in any update, as they affect all modes in the game. This College Football 25 title update introduced a lot of gameplay changes, with many being bug fixes, but plenty of others were adjustments or new features.

The biggest gameplay change was the addition of eight new shotgun formations to 35 teams, such as Texas Tech, Kansas State, and Florida, among others.

After that, we have the AI adjustments made to QB behavior and offensive line behavior. This was done for the AI QBs to throw more lob throws instead of bullet passes on shot plays, and for them to be less aggressive, based on their awareness rating.

As for the offensive line AI, it was adjusted so that fewer illegal man downfield penalties will happen during RPO plays.

DBs will now be more effective at shedding blocks on the perimeter, QBs will lose stamina at a faster rate when scrambling behind the line, and the speed penalty for running out of stamina in a play was also increased.

Abilities were rebalanced, especially the juke and spin move Gold and Platinum abilities. The effectiveness of the Quick Jump Ability on Gold and Platinum tiers was also balanced.

Recruiting Became More Realistic in Dynasty Mode

Recruiting is a big part of Dynasty mode, so it's understandable why most of the changes implemented were made with that feature in mind.

This title update fixed many bugs players were experiencing on recruiting, such as not being able to schedule visits, or AI schools going after way too many quarterbacks.

But the two biggest changes to recruiting this update introduced are, reducing the number of unrecruited four and five-star players early in the season, and increasing the number of prospects that the AI will go after at the same time.

With this, it will be harder for players of smaller colleges to recruit fours star players, or find ones that aren't being targeted by AI schools, which was a very popular, and effective, recruiting tactic until now.

But this title update didn't focus only on Recruiting when it comes to the Dynasty mode, as SuperSim was massively improved, to make the gap between bad and good teams, and players, feel bigger and more realistic.

This was one of the biggest problems in Dynasty mode, especially in the first few weeks after launch, with FCS schools winning games against much stronger opponents, resulting in a plethora of unrealistic results. Since then, many changes have been made to make SuperSim as realistic as possible, and this is just one more.

Many fixes to Road to Glory and Ultimate Team

This title update addressed a lot of problems in the Road to Glory and Ultimate Team modes, fixing a plethora of bugs, such as the game crashing when players exited a Position Battle, or not being able to equip a mental ability when creating a Road to Glory character.

Apart from the fixes, there weren't any huge changes or improvements made to both modes. However, the fact many bugs were fixed will undoubtedly make the modes better and more entertaining, so you can consider that a big improvement.

It's also worth noting that new uniforms were added and that many stadiums received updates, as well as other presentation changes, which can make the modes more immersive.

You can check the College Football 25 August Title Update gridiron notes, to see all the changes introduced.

What do you think of all these changes, and is there something that his title update forgot about? Let us know in the comments below!

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

Horizon Integrates Sequence Web3 Tech Solution into ApeCoin DAO’s ApeChain

Horizon, a blockchain gaming company, has announced the integration of its web3 tech solution, Sequence, into ApeCoin DAO’s Arbitrum L3 ApeChain. This integration intends to act as the infrastructure layer for future games and decentralized applications (dApps) within the ApeCoin ecosystem, which is currently preparing for its mainnet release. ApeChain’s key component is Sequence’s full-stack […]

Laguna Games and Crypto Unicorns DAO Announce Closure of Unicorn Party

US developer Laguna Games and the Crypto Unicorns DAO have made a joint announcement regarding the closure of the Unicorn Party. Unicorn Party was a collection of games based on the intellectual property of the Crypto Unicorns, aimed at expanding the audience by providing simpler gameplay and reward systems. The titles included in Unicorn Party, […]

Pixels Launches Guild Crop Wars Event Featuring $85k PIXEL In Rewards

Pixels, the popular Web3 game, has announced the launch of Guild Crop Wars, an exciting new event where guilds compete to grow the most cave mushrooms to win a share of an $85,000 PIXEL prize pool. The event has already started and will run until August 5th at 16:00 UTC. Participation is limited to Pixels […]


Welcome to Pixels! A world of magic, wonder, and a whole lot of farming! Get started by playing the game now, or joining our community.Head to our channel to...

Manchester United Launches Fantasy Soccer Game Fantasy United Alongside an NFT Collection

Manchester United, one of the Premier League’s most historical teams, has recently unveiled a new web3 fantasy soccer game called Fantasy United. Alongside this game, the club has introduced a set of collectible NFTs for the upcoming 2024/25 season. These NFT cards, featuring all first-team male players, are available in Classic, Rare, and Ultra-Rare editions. […]

Earn Alliance Launches New Reward System After Successful Ally Token Airdrop Campaign

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  • ✇ - P2E NFT Games Portal
  • Cronos and Revolut to Offer Cryptocurrency EducationNews Team
    Cronos, a blockchain ecosystem, has announced a partnership with the global neobank Revolut. The partnership will provide cryptocurrency education to users of both platforms by introducing the new Cronos Learn course, which is now accessible on the Revolut application. The goal is to make cryptocurrency knowledge more readily available to a broader audience. Revolut, one of […]

Cronos and Revolut to Offer Cryptocurrency Education

Cronos, a blockchain ecosystem, has announced a partnership with the global neobank Revolut. The partnership will provide cryptocurrency education to users of both platforms by introducing the new Cronos Learn course, which is now accessible on the Revolut application. The goal is to make cryptocurrency knowledge more readily available to a broader audience. Revolut, one of […]
  • ✇ - P2E NFT Games Portal
  • Action Game Cosmic Bomber Launched for Moca ID HoldersNews Team
    The Mocaverse network, with 1.8 million Moca ID holders, is introducing a new game called Cosmic Bomber exclusively for its community members. nWay, an Animoca subsidiary developer, has launched a new casual multiplayer game called Cosmic Bomber exclusively for Moca ID holders. The game, part of Mocaverse’s social game hub Cosmic Club, features real-time PVP […]

Action Game Cosmic Bomber Launched for Moca ID Holders

The Mocaverse network, with 1.8 million Moca ID holders, is introducing a new game called Cosmic Bomber exclusively for its community members. nWay, an Animoca subsidiary developer, has launched a new casual multiplayer game called Cosmic Bomber exclusively for Moca ID holders. The game, part of Mocaverse’s social game hub Cosmic Club, features real-time PVP […]
  • ✇Operation Sports
  • Hoop Land Update Adds Bully Ball, Improved Transitions, Rim Hangs and More - Patch NotesSteve Noah
    Koality Game has released another Hoop Land update for iOS and Android devices adding bully ball from the AI bigs in the paint, improved CPU offensive and defensive transitions, CPU fades and rim hangs. They have also added improved coaches, player regression, game simulation sliders, ability to edit player awards and much more. Career mode is coming later this year with plans to port over to Steam and consoles afterwards. Check out the patch notes below. New Hoop Land Update Version 1.

Hoop Land Update Adds Bully Ball, Improved Transitions, Rim Hangs and More - Patch Notes

6. Srpen 2024 v 00:05

Koality Game has released another Hoop Land update for iOS and Android devices adding bully ball from the AI bigs in the paint, improved CPU offensive and defensive transitions, CPU fades and rim hangs. They have also added improved coaches, player regression, game simulation sliders, ability to edit player awards and much more. Career mode is coming later this year with plans to port over to Steam and consoles afterwards. Check out the patch notes below.

New Hoop Land Update Version 1.07.2 highlights all in one clip! Improved CPU offensive and defensive transitions, CPU bigs playing bully ball in the paint, and CPU fades and rim hangs. What's your favorite new feature? #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #basketball #screenshotsaturday

— Koality Game (@KoalityGame) August 4, 2024

New Features

  • Added Advanced Season Mode settings
  • Added game simulation sliders
  • Added player regression toggle to Commissioner mode
  • Added coach archetypes, attributes, and tendencies
  • Added ability to create and edit head coaches
  • Added ability to import free agents in Commissioner Mode
  • Added ability to edit All-Star and All-Star MVP awards
  • Added ability to edit player awards earned
  • Added ability to edit player career stats and highs
  • Added ability to edit player tendency to fade
  • Added Times Won (Voter Fatigue) to advanced award weighting
  • Added additional years of experience options to award qualifications
  • Added country selection button when changing locations

Season Mode Improvements

  • Added player regression
  • Added ability to save lineup and minutes adjustments
  • Added ability for coaches to get fired
  • Added coach contract negotiations
  • Added coach progression to Post Game Progression screen
  • Added single season records screen
  • Added draft prospects button to home screen before the draft
  • Added XP progression text to player upgrades screen
  • Added head-to-head tie breakers
  • Added previous head-to-head matchups on Game Preview screen
  • Added ability to revert to a backed up season save file
  • Improved team stats to display playoffs on Game Preview screen
  • Improved team star rankings
  • Improved lineup optimization
  • Improved player position ranking
  • Improved player appearance generation
  • Improved file naming when exporting season save files
  • Reduced maximum games missed from major injury
  • Reduced minimum possible salary cap to 50M
  • Removed ability to rest players with minor injuries
  • Facial hair color now matches hair color when aging

Gameplay Enhancements

  • Added jump delay when attempting to jump after landing
  • Added chance for opponent to fall while backing down
  • Added ability to spin move out of a post up while in triple threat position
  • Added ability for CPU to take fadeaway shots
  • Added ability for CPU to hang on the rim
  • Added full crowds for playoffs and play-in games
  • Added matching crowd shirt colors during playoff games
  • Added player shot tendencies to simulated games
  • Improved CPU shot selection
  • Improved CPU box-out positioning on free throws
  • Improved offensive and defensive transitioning after shot releases
  • Improved defensive help rotations
  • Improved visual contact on shooting fouls
  • Increased time before referee inbounds the ball after a timeout
  • Increased maximum height on broadcast angle
  • Adjusted player collider size depending on player weight
  • Reduced frequency of layup adjustments
  • Reduced injuries from low stamina
  • Reduced border around billboard graphics
  • Removed lobs from behind the hoop during inbounds passes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed player-lock in shootaround
  • Fixed player teleporting from out of bounds in practice mode
  • Fixed CPU not substituting after making a manual substitution in shootaround
  • Fixed CPU not passing out backcourt violations
  • Fixed losing fire when missing after a shooting foul occurs
  • Fixed ability to block free throws
  • Fixed player scoring basket also receiving an assist
  • Fixed player celebration delay after a game winner
  • Fixed crowd distortion in broadcast angle
  • Fixed championship celebration camera flashes occurring for the road team
  • Fixed championship celebration camera reset position in broadcast angle
  • Fixed icon passing sprites in broadcast angle
  • Fixed play-by-play period buttons in broadcast angle
  • Fixed blurry team logos, courts, and table images
  • Fixed player id assignment
  • Fixed players with season stats from the future
  • Fixed players with one season of experience winning Most Improved award
  • Fixed ability to switch to college league settings during team select
  • Fixed teams having the same pick during the draft
  • Fixed drafted player regimen set to auto
  • Fixed undrafted players not showing college attended in profile screen
  • Fixed inability to trade players in the offseason
  • Fixed player regimen not resetting to Auto when signed to another team
  • Fixed freeze when starting lineup contains injured players
  • Fixed optimize lineup resting healthy players
  • Fixed optimize lineup assigning two players to the same line position
  • Fixed player with major injury but zero games out
  • Fixed ability to play through major injuries
  • Fixed ability to edit players not on own team in Franchise mode
  • Fixed retired players appearing on Free Agents list
  • Fixed inability to scout players in the pro league when scouts are available
  • Fixed game type header on team matchup screen during play-in games
  • Fixed current day being greater than the maximum days on the schedule
  • Fixed team history and retired numbers when importing an expansion team
  • Fixed conference button text on Team Select screen
  • Fixed player hair overlapping on Team Select screen
  • Fixed countries not cycling in alphabetical order
  • Fixed team sort order when cycling through teams
  • Fixed missing sfx when toggling autosave in Customize


The post Hoop Land Update Adds Bully Ball, Improved Transitions, Rim Hangs and More - Patch Notes appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • Madden NFL 25 Gameplay Tomorrow at 11:00 AM ETSteve Noah
    EA Sports will release their first look at Madden NFL 25 gameplay tomorrow, August 5 at 11:00 AM ET, featuring Dallas Cowboys Micah Parsons and the first-ever Madden millionaire, Henry Leverette. The Standard Edition of Madden NFL 25 will release on August 16 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. The Deluxe Edition and EA Play trial will release on August 12 at 4:00 PM ET. Of course, there’s also the MVP Bundle that comes with the Deluxe Editions of bot

Madden NFL 25 Gameplay Tomorrow at 11:00 AM ET

5. Srpen 2024 v 03:17

EA Sports will release their first look at Madden NFL 25 gameplay tomorrow, August 5 at 11:00 AM ET, featuring Dallas Cowboys Micah Parsons and the first-ever Madden millionaire, Henry Leverette.

The Standard Edition of Madden NFL 25 will release on August 16 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. The Deluxe Edition and EA Play trial will release on August 12 at 4:00 PM ET. Of course, there’s also the MVP Bundle that comes with the Deluxe Editions of both Madden NFL 25 and EA Sports College Football 25.

An extended look at #Madden25 Gameplay hits tomorrow with @MicahhParsons11 vs. @Henry773_

🎮 :

— Madden NFL 25 (@EAMaddenNFL) August 4, 2024

The post Madden NFL 25 Gameplay Tomorrow at 11:00 AM ET appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • Madden NFL 25 Player Ratings - Top 10 Quarterbacks and LinebackersSteve Noah
    Madden NFL 25 ratings continue to roll out as EA Sports revealed the top 10 quarterbacks and linebackers in the game this year. More player ratings for the rest of the quarterbacks and linebackers, including rookies, can be seen on the official ratings page. Patrick Mahomes joins Travis Kelce, Trent Williams, Christian McCaffrey and Tyreek Hill in the 99 Club. A closer look at some of the personalized gifts for our #99Club Athletes Congrats to all the #Madden25 99 OVR Players! pic.twitt

Madden NFL 25 Player Ratings - Top 10 Quarterbacks and Linebackers

3. Srpen 2024 v 03:05

Madden NFL 25 ratings continue to roll out as EA Sports revealed the top 10 quarterbacks and linebackers in the game this year. More player ratings for the rest of the quarterbacks and linebackers, including rookies, can be seen on the official ratings page. Patrick Mahomes joins Travis Kelce, Trent Williams, Christian McCaffrey and Tyreek Hill in the 99 Club.

A closer look at some of the personalized gifts for our #99Club Athletes 🔥

Congrats to all the #Madden25 99 OVR Players! 👑

— Madden NFL 25 (@EAMaddenNFL) August 2, 2024

Top 10 Quarterbacks

  • Patrick Mahomes (99 Overall)  
  • Lamar Jackson (98 Overall)  
  • Joe Burrow (93 Overall)  
  • Josh Allen (92 Overall)  
  • Dak Prescott (90 Overall)  
  • Tua Tagovailoa (88 Overall)  
  • Justin Herbert (87 Overall)  
  • Jalen Hurts (86 Overall)  
  • Brock Purdy (85 Overall)  
  • Kirk Cousins (84 Overall)  

Top 10 Linebackers

  • Fred Waner (97 Overall)  
  • Roquan Smith (95 Overall)  
  • Demario Davis (92 Overall)  
  • Lavonte David (90 Overall)  
  • C.J. Mosley (90 Overall)  
  • Foyesade Oluokun (89 Overall)  
  • Dre Greenlaw (87 Overall)  
  • Matt Milano (87 Overall)  
  • Bobby Wagner (87 Overall)  
  • Bobby Okereke (86 Overall)  

The Standard Edition of Madden NFL 25 will release on August 16 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. The Deluxe Edition and EA Play trial will release on August 12 at 4:00 PM ET. Of course, there’s also the MVP Bundle that comes with the Deluxe Editions of both Madden NFL 25 and EA Sports College Football 25.

The post Madden NFL 25 Player Ratings - Top 10 Quarterbacks and Linebackers appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Operation Sports
  • Madden NFL 25 Developers Worked with Mike Tomlin on New Kickoff RulesSteve Noah
    As the NFL season approaches, there’s considerable interest in how the new kickoff rules will affect the game, with coaches particularly curious about their impact. Mike Tomlin, the Super Bowl-winning Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers and a member of the NFL Rules Committee, was keen to see how these rules would play out in practice. To get ahead of the curve, he used Madden NFL 25 to better understand and strategize around the changes. The new Dynamic Kickoff rule is going into acti

Madden NFL 25 Developers Worked with Mike Tomlin on New Kickoff Rules

2. Srpen 2024 v 04:27

As the NFL season approaches, there’s considerable interest in how the new kickoff rules will affect the game, with coaches particularly curious about their impact. Mike Tomlin, the Super Bowl-winning Head Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers and a member of the NFL Rules Committee, was keen to see how these rules would play out in practice. To get ahead of the curve, he used Madden NFL 25 to better understand and strategize around the changes.

The new Dynamic Kickoff rule is going into action tonight at the @ProFootballHOF Game.

Before you see it, get a full breakdown of the new play, the coaches who helped shape the rules and how it was integrated into #Madden25. @EAMaddenNFL

— NFL (@NFL) August 1, 2024

The Madden NFL Development Team integrated the new kickoff rules into Madden NFL 25 with visual aids, commentary and new kick types to help fans grasp the adjustments. Coach Tomlin, who regards Madden NFL as a “real simulator,” collaborated with Clint Oldenburg, Production Director, and the development team over several weeks to explore the new special teams setup. All of this happened after the Madden team had already finished production of the game.

The Standard Edition of Madden NFL 25 will release on August 16 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC. The Deluxe Edition and EA Play trial will release on August 12 at 4:00 PM ET. Of course, there’s also the MVP Bundle that comes with the Deluxe Editions of both Madden NFL 25 and EA Sports College Football 25.

The post Madden NFL 25 Developers Worked with Mike Tomlin on New Kickoff Rules appeared first on Operation Sports.

  • ✇Attack of the Fanboy
  • Blade Ball Codes (August 2024)Jean-Pierre van Wyk
    Updated: August 12, 2024 Checked for new codes! Whenever I get nostalgic about PE classes, Blade Ball makes me feel that familiar adrenaline rush that used to accompany every dodgeball match. Well, back in the day, we didn’t have cool features such as customizable swords and explosions in our regular boring dodgeball games—features that make this Roblox experience incredibly addictive and fun. Just like in the real deal, mastering gameplay in Blade Ball is somewhat challenging at firs

Blade Ball Codes (August 2024)

12. Srpen 2024 v 11:48

Updated: August 12, 2024

Checked for new codes!

Whenever I get nostalgic about PE classes, Blade Ball makes me feel that familiar adrenaline rush that used to accompany every dodgeball match. Well, back in the day, we didn’t have cool features such as customizable swords and explosions in our regular boring dodgeball games—features that make this Roblox experience incredibly addictive and fun.

Just like in the real deal, mastering gameplay in Blade Ball is somewhat challenging at first, particularly when your opponents have powerful skills such as Wind Cloak and Freeze and you don’t. The game offers a ton of features to unlock but never enough coins. Thankfully, with some help from Blade Ball codes, you will get your hands on some of that sweet currency and other exclusive Skins and Swords. 

And if you don’t want the fun to end just yet, check out our Roblox Fireworks Playground Codes for more free rewards in that game as well. 

All Blade Ball Codes List

Blade Ball Codes (Working)

  • DELAYBALL—Redeem for a free Sword (New)
  • 4BVISITS—Redeem for a free Sword (New)
  • SHARKATTACK—Redeem for a free Spin
  • SUMMERWHEEL—Redeem for a free Spin
  • BPTEAMS—Redeem for a free Spin
  • SUMMERSTARTSHERE—Redeem for a free Spin
  • REBIRTHLTM—Redeem for x1 Rebirth Ticket
  • DRAGONS—Redeem for x1 Dragon Ticket
  • ENERGYSWORDS—Redeem for a free Spin
  • ROBLOXCLASSIC—Redeem for x1 Hacker Ticket
  • GIVEMELUCK—Redeem for x4 Luck Boost
  • GOODVSEVILMODE—Redeem for the Free Good vs Evil Crate
  • DUNGEONSRELEASE—Redeem for 50 Dungeon Runes
  • FROGS—Redeem for a Spin
  • GOODVSEVIL—Redeem for a free Spin
  • BATTLEROYALE—Redeem for a Storm Ticket
  • RNGEMOTES—Redeem for a Spin
  • FREESPINS—Redeem for a free Spin

Blade Ball Codes (Expired)

  • WEEK4
  • 500K
  • 200KLIKES
  • 50000LIKES
  • ThxForSupport
  • 1000LIKES
  • 5000LIKES
  • 10000LIKES

Related: Roblox Pixel Piece Codes

How to redeem codes in Blade Ball

To redeem codes in Blade Ball, follow the instructions below:

Image: Attack of the Fanboy
  1. Launch Blade Ball on Roblox.
  2. Click on the Extra icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Choose Codes when the drop-down menu appears.
  4. Enter your code into the Redeem Code text box.
  5. Press the checkmark icon to claim your rewards.

How can you get more Blade Ball codes?

If you want to look for codes on your own and get new updates directly from the developer, join the Blade Ball Discord Server. Devs occasionally release codes on their X account (@Blade_Ball), so feel free to give them a follow. The official YouTube channel (@Blade-Ball) exists, but the developers are not very active on there at the moment.

However, the easiest way to catch the latest codes is to bookmark this page and visit it occasionally. We are constantly looking for and collecting new codes in one place, so you don’t have to waste your time and energy.

Why are my Blade Ball codes not working?

If you tried redeeming codes manually, you probably met Roblox players’ number one enemy—typos. Always double-check the spelling of your codes and be careful with the details, such as capitalization. Copying and pasting codes directly into the game is an excellent way to avoid this problem.

It’s also possible that the code you’re trying to redeem has expired. Developers often don’t specify expiration dates for every code, so an expired one can overstay its welcome on our Working list. If you find a code that no longer works, let us know in the comments, and we’ll investigate the issue.

Other ways to get free rewards in Blade Ball

The more rounds you play, the more freebies you’ll get. If you click the Quests button on the left side of the screen, you’ll open a menu with three Daily Quests. That way, you can claim some extra Coins simply by progressing through the game. Tasks are usually pretty straightforward, such as completing a certain amount of matches.

You can get even more Coins and Wheel Spins by playing the game for a particular amount of time. Press the Extra button in the top left corner of the screen, then click on Playtime Awards in the drop-down menu to claim your rewards.

What is Blade Ball?

Blade Ball is Roblox’s unique twist on dodgeball, where players can dive into competitive multiplayer matches using special abilities. The goal is simple: hit and block the ball and be the last player eliminated from the Arena. Focus and timing are the key if you want to rise through the ranks. Unlock new abilities and find the ones that most suit your game style. 

In need of more Roblox codes? Check out our Roblox Codes section for more free goodies in the most popular experiences across all genres!

  • ✇Attack of the Fanboy
  • Latest Dragon Ball Daima Trailer Reveals Fall 2024 Release DateAnna Williams
    The latest installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball Daima, was originally announced during the Dragon Ball Special Panel during New York Comic-Con in 2023, and we finally have confirmation for when fans will be able to enjoy the late Akira Toriyama’s final project. Toei Animation Toei Animation recently dropped a new trailer filled with details about the anime, including its official release date. Dragon Ball Daima Will Officially Drop In October 2024 Toei Animation

Latest Dragon Ball Daima Trailer Reveals Fall 2024 Release Date

19. Červenec 2024 v 18:53

The latest installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, Dragon Ball Daima, was originally announced during the Dragon Ball Special Panel during New York Comic-Con in 2023, and we finally have confirmation for when fans will be able to enjoy the late Akira Toriyama’s final project.

Toei Animation

Toei Animation recently dropped a new trailer filled with details about the anime, including its official release date.

Dragon Ball Daima Will Officially Drop In October 2024

Toei Animation

The trailer shows of Daima‘s flashy animation style and high-energy vibe, once again showing a child version of Goku taking on the upcoming anime’s biggest threats. In addition to the new trailer, the official Dragon Ball X account dropped a new key visual for the anime.

Dragon Ball DAIMA
Unveiling new characters & a main visual
Plus a highly anticipated new trailer!#DAIMA #DragonBall

— DRAGON BALL OFFICIAL (@DB_official_en) July 19, 2024

The new visual is reminiscent of early Dragon Ball manga cover artwork, injecting the project with a rush of nostalgia.

  • ✇Kowl Gaming
  • AFCON 2024 Schedule: Groupings, Fixtures, Results And VenuesAbhijit
    AFCON 2024 In the 34th edition of the Africa Cup of Nations, 24 national teams from the Confederation of African Football (CAF) are competing to become the Kings of the Continent. The tournament, happening in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), kicks off on Saturday, January 13, 2024. Nigeria, making their 19th AFCON appearance this year, has previously clinched the championship three times—in 2013, 1994, and 1980. Under the guidance of head coach José Pese

AFCON 2024 Schedule: Groupings, Fixtures, Results And Venues

Od: Abhijit
13. Leden 2024 v 14:30

AFCON 2024

In the 34th edition of the Africa Cup of Nations, 24 national teams from the Confederation of African Football (CAF) are competing to become the Kings of the Continent. The tournament, happening in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), kicks off on Saturday, January 13, 2024.

Nigeria, making their 19th AFCON appearance this year, has previously clinched the championship three times—in 2013, 1994, and 1980. Under the guidance of head coach José Peseiro, the Super Eagles are eager to bounce back from recent setbacks, especially after missing out on qualification for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

In the last AFCON in 2019, Nigeria secured a third-place finish, losing 2-1 to eventual champions Algeria in the semi-final. This time around, Nigeria is placed in Group A alongside Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and the host nation Côte d'Ivoire.

Senegal aims to be the first team to win the Africa Cup of Nations twice in over a decade. They're defending their title in Ivory Coast this winter. In the last tournament, it was an all-Liverpool showdown in the final. Sadio Mane, a former Liverpool player, scored the decisive penalty in a shootout against Egypt, led by Mohamed Salah.

This year's AFCON will feature several Premier League stars, including Salah, Manchester United goalkeeper Andre Onana, Tottenham midfielders Pape Sarr and Yves Bissouma, West Ham's new sensation Mohammed Kudus, and Fulham duo Alex Iwobi and Calvin Bassey.

AFCON 2024 Dates And Groups

The Africa Cup of Nations in 2024 is going to start from Saturday, January 13 to Sunday, February 11. The teams that finish on top in each group, along with the four best third-placed teams, move on to the round of 16.

Here are the groups:
  • Group A: Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau
  • Group B: Egypt, Ghana, Cape Verde, Mozambique
  • Group C: Senegal, Cameroon, Guinea, Gambia
  • Group D: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Angola
  • Group E: Tunisia, Mali, South Africa, Namibia
  • Group F: Morocco, DR Congo, Zambia, Tanzania

AFCON 2024 Venues

AFCON 2024 will be held at different stadiums across Ivory Coast. Here are the venues:
  • Alassane Ouattara Stadium in Abidjan (Capacity: 60,000)
  • Felix Houphouet-Boigny Stadium in Abidjan (Capacity: 33,000)
  • Charles Konan Banny Stadium in Yamoussoukro (Capacity: 20,000)
  • Stade de la Paix in Bouake (Capacity: 40,000)
  • Amadou Gon Coulibaly Stadium in Korhogo (Capacity: 20,000)
  • Laurent Pokou Stadium in San Pedro (Capacity: 20,000)

AFCON 2024 Matches And Schedule

AFCON 2024 is packed with exciting matches. Here's the schedule for the group stage:

Group Stage

January 13:
  • Ivory Coast vs Guinea-Bissau (8pm)
January 14:
  • Nigeria vs Equatorial Guinea (2pm)
  • Egypt vs Mozambique (5pm)
  • Ghana vs Cape Verde (8pm)
January 15:
  • Senegal vs Gambia (2pm)
  • Cameroon vs Guinea (5pm)
  • Algeria vs Angola (8pm)
January 16:
  • Burkina Faso vs Mauritania (2pm)
  • Tunisia vs Namibia (5pm)
  • Mali vs South Africa (8pm)
January 17:
  • Morocco vs Tanzania (5pm)
  • DR Congo vs Zambia (8pm)
January 18:
  • Equatorial Guinea vs Guinea-Bissau (2pm)
  • Ivory Coast vs Nigeria (5pm)
  • Egypt vs Ghana (8pm)
January 19:
  • Cape Verde vs Mozambique (2pm)
  • Senegal vs Cameroon (5pm)
  • Guinea vs Gambia (8pm)
January 20:
  • Algeria vs Burkina Faso (2pm)
  • Mauritania vs Angola (5pm)
  • Tunisia vs Mali (8pm)
January 21:
  • Morocco vs DR Congo (2pm)
  • Zambia vs Tanzania (5pm)
  • South Africa vs Namibia (8pm)
January 22:
  • Equatorial Guinea vs Ivory Coast (5pm)
  • Guinea-Bissau vs Nigeria (5pm)
  • Cape Verde vs Egypt (8pm)
  • Mozambique vs Ghana (8pm)
January 23:
  • Gambia vs Cameroon (5pm)
  • Guinea vs Senegal (5pm)
  • Angola vs Burkina Faso (8pm)
  • Mauritania vs Algeria (8pm)
January 24:
  • Namibia vs Mali (5pm)
  • South Africa vs Tunisia (5pm)
  • Tanzania vs DR Congo (8pm)
  • Zambia vs Morocco (8pm)

Round Of 16

January 27:
  • Group D Winner vs Third Place Group B/E/F (5pm)
  • Group A Second vs Group C Second (8pm)
January 28:
  • Group A Winner vs Third Place Group C/D/E (5pm)
  • Group B Second vs Group F Second (8pm)
January 29:
  • Group B Winner vs Third Place Group A/C/D (5pm)
  • Group C Winner vs Third Place Group A/B/F (8pm)
January 30:
  • Group E Winner vs Group D Second (5pm)
  • Group F Winner vs Group E Second (8pm)


February 2:
  • Winner R2 vs Winner R1 (5pm)
  • Winner R4 vs Winner R3 (8pm)
February 3:
  • Winner R7 vs Winner R6 (5pm)
  • Winner R5 vs Winner R8 (8pm)


February 7:
  • Winner QF1 vs Winner QF4 (5pm)
  • Winner QF3 vs Winner QF2 (8pm)

Third Place Play-Off

February 10:
  • Loser SF1 vs Loser SF2 (8pm)


February 11:
  • Winner SF1 vs Winner SF2 (8pm)

  • ✇Techdirt
  • New York State Community-Owned Broadband Networks Get $60 Million In FundingKarl Bode
    We’ve mentioned a few times that there are more than $42 billion in broadband subsides about to drop in the laps of state leaders thanks to the 2021 infrastructure bill. Since the bill gives individual states leeway on how this money is spent, a lot of states (like Pennsylvania) are simply throwing the money in the laps of giant telecom monopolies with long histories of subsidy fraud and abuse. Some states, like California and New York, are, thankfully, doing things a little differently. Hopefu

New York State Community-Owned Broadband Networks Get $60 Million In Funding

Od: Karl Bode
3. Srpen 2024 v 04:39

We’ve mentioned a few times that there are more than $42 billion in broadband subsides about to drop in the laps of state leaders thanks to the 2021 infrastructure bill. Since the bill gives individual states leeway on how this money is spent, a lot of states (like Pennsylvania) are simply throwing the money in the laps of giant telecom monopolies with long histories of subsidy fraud and abuse.

Some states, like California and New York, are, thankfully, doing things a little differently. Hopefully.

California, for example, is spending $3 billion of its funding on a massive open access “middle mile” network that should drive down access costs and boost competition. There’s been some consternation as to how transparently and inclusively California leaders are doing this, but it’s a strong idea.

New York, meanwhile, is directing a lot of its COVID relief and infrastructure bill funding to community owned and operated broadband networks, which saw a massive surge in popularity during the home education broadband headaches during COVID lockdowns. Said lockdowns illustrated that broadband is an essential utility, and that widespread monopolization has clearly led to market failure.

New York just announced that $70 million of a broader $228 million program will be headed to community-owned broadband networks. Like the one being built in Dryden, New York, which is offering locals previously stuck under a Charter cable broadband monopoly symmetrical 400 Mbps, 700 Mbps, and 1 Gbps connections for $45, $75, and $90 a month, respectively.

According to a New York state announcement, many of these areas will be getting affordable fiber broadband for the first time ever:

“These awards through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant Program will connect tens of thousands of homes and businesses across Upstate New York and deliver reliable high-speed internet service to areas of the state that are unserved and underserved while addressing ConnectALL’s mandate to develop a robust, equitable broadband marketplace across New York State.”

A good chunk of the funding is being spent on “open access” fiber networks, which effectively provide multiple providers — municipally owned or private –the low cost ability to provide service. That boosts competition, and in most places where it’s implemented, results in cheaper, better service (I wrote a report on this phenomenon for the Copia Institute last year in case you missed it).

Contrary to what big telecom and its assorted mouthpieces like to claim, community broadband is an organic, grass roots response to monopoly power and market failure, and sees broad, bipartisan support. Which is why telecom giants like AT&T and Comcast tried to have House Republicans impose a national ban in the middle of a national health emergency that was busy highlighting its importance.

Community broadband isn’t magic. It needs to be implemented and funded intelligently. It can take on many forms, from an extension of your local power utility or a cooperative, to a municipally owned network or a hybrid public-private partnership. These creative, popular, local solutions are again a direct result of decades of apathy by regional telecom monopolies that have lobbied many leaders into apathy.

There Are At Least 7 More Game Of Thrones Spin-Offs Coming, George R.R. Martin Says

5. Srpen 2024 v 19:55

The author behind A Song of Fire and Iceis busy finishing the final two volumes in that acclaimed fantasy series, but not so busy that he doesn’t have time to tease audiences about all of the new Game of Thrones spin-offs currently being made for TV. By George R.R. Martin’s count there are seven in the works,…


  • ✇Kotaku
  • We Got Our First Look At The Next Game Of Thrones ShowAlyssa Mercante
    If you were worried that last night’s season finale of House of the Dragon would leave a giant Game of Thrones-shaped hole in your life, have no fear. We got a brief teaser for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a spin-off series based on the Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas by George R. R. Martin, and confirmation that…Read more...

We Got Our First Look At The Next Game Of Thrones Show

5. Srpen 2024 v 19:08

If you were worried that last night’s season finale of House of the Dragon would leave a giant Game of Thrones-shaped hole in your life, have no fear. We got a brief teaser for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, a spin-off series based on the Tales of Dunk and Egg novellas by George R. R. Martin, and confirmation that…


College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program - Everything You Need to Know

College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program - Everything You Need to Know - Main Image

The Ultimate Alumni program has arrived at College Football 25 Ultimate Team and brought some legendary players with it.

This program allows users to earn the cards of icons of college football, by completing challenges or acquiring them through packs.

The cards of the Ultimate Alumni program possess some great attributes and abilities and can help players significantly upgrade their squad.

Latest: Ultimate Alumni Release 3 Announced!

Release 3 of the Ultimate Alumni program has been revealed, and it will introduce some fantastic cards to the College Ultimate Team mode. This new batch of cards will arrive at College Football 25 on 2 August at around 1:30 pm ET/ 6:30 pm GMT.

Just like what happened with the first two editions of this program, new challenges will be added, allowing players to earn a plethora of rewards, and use them to upgrade their squad.

Without further ado, let's take a look at all the cards in the Ultimate Alumni release 3:

Heroes (81 & 82 OVRs)

  • Andrej Karic - LG - Tennessee
  • Holden Staes - TE - Tennessee
  • Eugene Asante - ROLB - Auburn
  • Tai Felton - WR - Maryland
  • Brice Pollock - CB - Mississippi State
  • Renato Brown - RG - Louisville
  • Ryland Goede - TE - Georgia Tech
  • Aaron Alexander - LOLB - Michigan State

Elites (83 OVRs)

  • Jordan Watkins - WR - Ole Miss Rebels
  • Zion Childress - SS - Kentucky
  • Julian Humphrey - CB - Georgia
  • Olaivavega Ioane - RG - Penn State

Champions (86 OVRs)

  • Micah Parsons - LOLB - Penn State
  • Saquon Barkley - HB - Penn State

LTD's (87 OVRs)

  • A.J. Brown - WR - Ole Miss Rebels
  • Sauce Gardner - CB - Cincinnati Bearcats

College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program

As mentioned above, the Ultimate Alumni program introduces legendary college players to the Ultimate Team mode, which players can use to upgrade their squad.

By completing the Ultimate Alumni challenges, users will earn three Madden MVP Reward tokens, which will then be converted into player items, and added to the player Madden 25 Ultimate Team account, once the game releases.

Ultimate Alumni Release 2

The Ultimate Alumni program release 2 arrived at Ultimate Team on 26 July at around 1:30 pm ET/ 6:30 pm GMT, introducing some great cards. More challenges, and great rewards, were also added.

So without further ado, let's take a look at all the cards in the Ultimate Alumni release 2:

Heroes (81 & 82 OVRs)

  • Aaron Turner - WR - Cincinnati
  • Fitzgerald West JR. - RE - Ragin Cajuns
  • Dylan Carpenter - LOLB - LSU
  • Elijah Alston - RE - Miami
  • Venly Tatafu - LG - UTSA Roadrunners
  • Cade Uluave - MLB - California Golden Bears
  • Rod Moore - FS - Michigan Wolverines
  • Eugene Wilson III - WR - Florida Gators

Elites (83 OVRs)

  • Joshua Farmer - DT - Florida State
  • Shemar Turner - DT - Texas A&M
  • Trevor Mayberry - LG - Stanford Cardinal
  • Riley Leonard - QB - Notre Dame

Champions (86 OVRs)

  • Lamar Jackson - QB - Louisville Cardinals
  • Myles Garrett - RE - Texas A&M

LTD's (87 OVRs)

  • Christian McCaffrey - HB - Stanford
  • Roquan Smith - MLB - Georgia

Ultimate Alumni Release 1

The first batch of cards from the Ultimate Alumni program arrived at College Football 25 Ultimate Team on 19 July, with some spectacular cards arriving at the game.

Release 1 of the Ultimate Alumni program introduced entertaining challenges and great rewards, and also gifted players with a welcome pack that contained 85 OVR Malik Nabers, and one Ultimate Alumni token.

Here are all the Ultimate Alumni Release 1 cards:

Heroes (80 & 81 OVRs)

  • 80 OVR Jeremiah Hunter - WR - Washington
  • 80 OVR Kobe King - MLB - Penn State
  • 81 OVR Fernando Carmona - LT - Arkansas
  • 81 OVR Andre Jordan Jr. - CB - Oregon State

Elites (82 & 83 OVRs)

  • 82 OVR Andrew Mukuba - FS - Texas
  • 82 OVR Kamren Fabiculanan - SS - Washington
  • 82 OVR Lake McRee - TE - USC
  • 83 OVR Garrett Greene - QB - West Virginia
  • 83 OVR Kain Medrano - ROLB - UCLA
  • 83 OVR Donovan McMillon - SS - Pittsburgh
  • 83 OVR Reuben Fatheree II - LT - Texas A&M
  • Jordan James - HB - Oregon

Champions (85 OVRs)

  • Mike Evans - WR - Texas A&M
  • Eric Kendricks - MLB - UCLA

LTD's (86 OVRs)

  • Marcus Mariota - QB - Oregon
  • Jalen Ramsey - CB - Florida State

We hope this article answers all of your questions about the Ultimate Alumni program.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇RealSport101 - Breaking Gaming News, Leaks, Guides, Reviews and more
  • Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?
    Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay? - Main ImageDynasty is the most popular game mode in College Football 25, as it allows players to pick a college and try to build a dynasty, by recruiting great players and winning national championships. By creating an online league, the Dynasty mode can be played with friends, allowing players to compete against each other, which is incredibly fun. However, many College Football players have been wondering if the Dynasty mode is cross-platform,

Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?

Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay? - Main Image

Dynasty is the most popular game mode in College Football 25, as it allows players to pick a college and try to build a dynasty, by recruiting great players and winning national championships.

By creating an online league, the Dynasty mode can be played with friends, allowing players to compete against each other, which is incredibly fun.

However, many College Football players have been wondering if the Dynasty mode is cross-platform, or if you can only enjoy this mode with friends who play on the same platform.

Is Dynasty mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?

Unfortunately, Dynasty mode isn't cross-platform in College Football 25, which means PlayStation 5 players can't play with their Xbox Series X/S friends.

This is a huge letdown, and fans weren't happy about this, especially because the Franchise mode in Madden is cross-platform, so there really isn't a good reason for Dynasty not being cross-platform.

College Football 25 is only available on two platforms, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, and one of the main features of the Dynasty mode was that you could play it with your friends. However, that isn't totally true, since you can only play with friends who own the same platform you do.

It's incredibly disappointing, especially for the players who were very excited about the release of College Football 25 and couldn't wait to create an online Dynasty league with their friends.

The fact the Madden franchise has cross-play on Franchise mode, which is the equivalent mode of Dynasty, makes this even more disappointing, and confusing at the same time.

Hopefully, EA Sports can introduce a crossplay feature soon, as the community deserves that.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | How to Redshirt in College Football 25 | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇RealSport101 - Breaking Gaming News, Leaks, Guides, Reviews and more
  • Is College Football 25 down?
    Is College Football 25 down? - Main ImageCollege Football 25 was one of the most anticipated games of 2024, and the return of the franchise was well received by the fans, who have spent countless hours playing the popular Dynasty mode, or the brand-new Ultimate Team mode.Just like every single modern sports game, College Football 25 forces you to be connected to its servers to access most of its content. Unfortunately, sometimes the College Football servers face problems and shut down for a per

Is College Football 25 down?

Is College Football 25 down? - Main Image

College Football 25 was one of the most anticipated games of 2024, and the return of the franchise was well received by the fans, who have spent countless hours playing the popular Dynasty mode, or the brand-new Ultimate Team mode.

Just like every single modern sports game, College Football 25 forces you to be connected to its servers to access most of its content. Unfortunately, sometimes the College Football servers face problems and shut down for a period of time.

Is College Football 25 Down?

As of the time of writing, the College Football 25 servers are operating without any trouble, and players can access all the online content in the game, such as Ultimate Team, Team Builder, and their online Dynasty league, among many other things.

The servers underwent a maintenance period on July 25 at 6 AM ET. During that time all online game modes were disabled, as well as the Team Builder feature. Fortunately, the maintenance period wasn't that long.

However, it's worth noting that College Football 25 has been affected by its fair share of server problems, even though the game has just been recently released. Some fans have even joked about the situation, calling the game "Server Maintenace 25".

College Football 25 Server Status

The College Football 25 servers are currently up and running without any problems. You can check the status of the game's server on the EA games servers status webpage.

Following the CFBDirect and EA Help X accounts is a great way to know the server status of College Football 25.

These accounts will let you know when the servers are down, the reason they are down, what developers are doing to fix the problem, and when you can expect to have the servers up again.

We will update this article regularly so make sure to bookmark this article.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | How to Redshirt in College Football 25 | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇Techdirt
  • New York State Community-Owned Broadband Networks Get $60 Million In FundingKarl Bode
    We’ve mentioned a few times that there are more than $42 billion in broadband subsides about to drop in the laps of state leaders thanks to the 2021 infrastructure bill. Since the bill gives individual states leeway on how this money is spent, a lot of states (like Pennsylvania) are simply throwing the money in the laps of giant telecom monopolies with long histories of subsidy fraud and abuse. Some states, like California and New York, are, thankfully, doing things a little differently. Hopefu

New York State Community-Owned Broadband Networks Get $60 Million In Funding

Od: Karl Bode
3. Srpen 2024 v 04:39

We’ve mentioned a few times that there are more than $42 billion in broadband subsides about to drop in the laps of state leaders thanks to the 2021 infrastructure bill. Since the bill gives individual states leeway on how this money is spent, a lot of states (like Pennsylvania) are simply throwing the money in the laps of giant telecom monopolies with long histories of subsidy fraud and abuse.

Some states, like California and New York, are, thankfully, doing things a little differently. Hopefully.

California, for example, is spending $3 billion of its funding on a massive open access “middle mile” network that should drive down access costs and boost competition. There’s been some consternation as to how transparently and inclusively California leaders are doing this, but it’s a strong idea.

New York, meanwhile, is directing a lot of its COVID relief and infrastructure bill funding to community owned and operated broadband networks, which saw a massive surge in popularity during the home education broadband headaches during COVID lockdowns. Said lockdowns illustrated that broadband is an essential utility, and that widespread monopolization has clearly led to market failure.

New York just announced that $70 million of a broader $228 million program will be headed to community-owned broadband networks. Like the one being built in Dryden, New York, which is offering locals previously stuck under a Charter cable broadband monopoly symmetrical 400 Mbps, 700 Mbps, and 1 Gbps connections for $45, $75, and $90 a month, respectively.

According to a New York state announcement, many of these areas will be getting affordable fiber broadband for the first time ever:

“These awards through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant Program will connect tens of thousands of homes and businesses across Upstate New York and deliver reliable high-speed internet service to areas of the state that are unserved and underserved while addressing ConnectALL’s mandate to develop a robust, equitable broadband marketplace across New York State.”

A good chunk of the funding is being spent on “open access” fiber networks, which effectively provide multiple providers — municipally owned or private –the low cost ability to provide service. That boosts competition, and in most places where it’s implemented, results in cheaper, better service (I wrote a report on this phenomenon for the Copia Institute last year in case you missed it).

Contrary to what big telecom and its assorted mouthpieces like to claim, community broadband is an organic, grass roots response to monopoly power and market failure, and sees broad, bipartisan support. Which is why telecom giants like AT&T and Comcast tried to have House Republicans impose a national ban in the middle of a national health emergency that was busy highlighting its importance.

Community broadband isn’t magic. It needs to be implemented and funded intelligently. It can take on many forms, from an extension of your local power utility or a cooperative, to a municipally owned network or a hybrid public-private partnership. These creative, popular, local solutions are again a direct result of decades of apathy by regional telecom monopolies that have lobbied many leaders into apathy.

College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program - Everything You Need to Know

College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program - Everything You Need to Know - Main Image

The Ultimate Alumni program has arrived at College Football 25 Ultimate Team and brought some legendary players with it.

This program allows users to earn the cards of icons of college football, by completing challenges or acquiring them through packs.

The cards of the Ultimate Alumni program possess some great attributes and abilities and can help players significantly upgrade their squad.

Latest: Ultimate Alumni Release 3 Announced!

Release 3 of the Ultimate Alumni program has been revealed, and it will introduce some fantastic cards to the College Ultimate Team mode. This new batch of cards will arrive at College Football 25 on 2 August at around 1:30 pm ET/ 6:30 pm GMT.

Just like what happened with the first two editions of this program, new challenges will be added, allowing players to earn a plethora of rewards, and use them to upgrade their squad.

Without further ado, let's take a look at all the cards in the Ultimate Alumni release 3:

Heroes (81 & 82 OVRs)

  • Andrej Karic - LG - Tennessee
  • Holden Staes - TE - Tennessee
  • Eugene Asante - ROLB - Auburn
  • Tai Felton - WR - Maryland
  • Brice Pollock - CB - Mississippi State
  • Renato Brown - RG - Louisville
  • Ryland Goede - TE - Georgia Tech
  • Aaron Alexander - LOLB - Michigan State

Elites (83 OVRs)

  • Jordan Watkins - WR - Ole Miss Rebels
  • Zion Childress - SS - Kentucky
  • Julian Humphrey - CB - Georgia
  • Olaivavega Ioane - RG - Penn State

Champions (86 OVRs)

  • Micah Parsons - LOLB - Penn State
  • Saquon Barkley - HB - Penn State

LTD's (87 OVRs)

  • A.J. Brown - WR - Ole Miss Rebels
  • Sauce Gardner - CB - Cincinnati Bearcats

College Football 25 Ultimate Alumni Program

As mentioned above, the Ultimate Alumni program introduces legendary college players to the Ultimate Team mode, which players can use to upgrade their squad.

By completing the Ultimate Alumni challenges, users will earn three Madden MVP Reward tokens, which will then be converted into player items, and added to the player Madden 25 Ultimate Team account, once the game releases.

Ultimate Alumni Release 2

The Ultimate Alumni program release 2 arrived at Ultimate Team on 26 July at around 1:30 pm ET/ 6:30 pm GMT, introducing some great cards. More challenges, and great rewards, were also added.

So without further ado, let's take a look at all the cards in the Ultimate Alumni release 2:

Heroes (81 & 82 OVRs)

  • Aaron Turner - WR - Cincinnati
  • Fitzgerald West JR. - RE - Ragin Cajuns
  • Dylan Carpenter - LOLB - LSU
  • Elijah Alston - RE - Miami
  • Venly Tatafu - LG - UTSA Roadrunners
  • Cade Uluave - MLB - California Golden Bears
  • Rod Moore - FS - Michigan Wolverines
  • Eugene Wilson III - WR - Florida Gators

Elites (83 OVRs)

  • Joshua Farmer - DT - Florida State
  • Shemar Turner - DT - Texas A&M
  • Trevor Mayberry - LG - Stanford Cardinal
  • Riley Leonard - QB - Notre Dame

Champions (86 OVRs)

  • Lamar Jackson - QB - Louisville Cardinals
  • Myles Garrett - RE - Texas A&M

LTD's (87 OVRs)

  • Christian McCaffrey - HB - Stanford
  • Roquan Smith - MLB - Georgia

Ultimate Alumni Release 1

The first batch of cards from the Ultimate Alumni program arrived at College Football 25 Ultimate Team on 19 July, with some spectacular cards arriving at the game.

Release 1 of the Ultimate Alumni program introduced entertaining challenges and great rewards, and also gifted players with a welcome pack that contained 85 OVR Malik Nabers, and one Ultimate Alumni token.

Here are all the Ultimate Alumni Release 1 cards:

Heroes (80 & 81 OVRs)

  • 80 OVR Jeremiah Hunter - WR - Washington
  • 80 OVR Kobe King - MLB - Penn State
  • 81 OVR Fernando Carmona - LT - Arkansas
  • 81 OVR Andre Jordan Jr. - CB - Oregon State

Elites (82 & 83 OVRs)

  • 82 OVR Andrew Mukuba - FS - Texas
  • 82 OVR Kamren Fabiculanan - SS - Washington
  • 82 OVR Lake McRee - TE - USC
  • 83 OVR Garrett Greene - QB - West Virginia
  • 83 OVR Kain Medrano - ROLB - UCLA
  • 83 OVR Donovan McMillon - SS - Pittsburgh
  • 83 OVR Reuben Fatheree II - LT - Texas A&M
  • Jordan James - HB - Oregon

Champions (85 OVRs)

  • Mike Evans - WR - Texas A&M
  • Eric Kendricks - MLB - UCLA

LTD's (86 OVRs)

  • Marcus Mariota - QB - Oregon
  • Jalen Ramsey - CB - Florida State

We hope this article answers all of your questions about the Ultimate Alumni program.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇RealSport101 - Breaking Gaming News, Leaks, Guides, Reviews and more
  • Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?
    Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay? - Main ImageDynasty is the most popular game mode in College Football 25, as it allows players to pick a college and try to build a dynasty, by recruiting great players and winning national championships. By creating an online league, the Dynasty mode can be played with friends, allowing players to compete against each other, which is incredibly fun. However, many College Football players have been wondering if the Dynasty mode is cross-platform,

Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?

Is Dynasty Mode in College Football 25 Crossplay? - Main Image

Dynasty is the most popular game mode in College Football 25, as it allows players to pick a college and try to build a dynasty, by recruiting great players and winning national championships.

By creating an online league, the Dynasty mode can be played with friends, allowing players to compete against each other, which is incredibly fun.

However, many College Football players have been wondering if the Dynasty mode is cross-platform, or if you can only enjoy this mode with friends who play on the same platform.

Is Dynasty mode in College Football 25 Crossplay?

Unfortunately, Dynasty mode isn't cross-platform in College Football 25, which means PlayStation 5 players can't play with their Xbox Series X/S friends.

This is a huge letdown, and fans weren't happy about this, especially because the Franchise mode in Madden is cross-platform, so there really isn't a good reason for Dynasty not being cross-platform.

College Football 25 is only available on two platforms, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S, and one of the main features of the Dynasty mode was that you could play it with your friends. However, that isn't totally true, since you can only play with friends who own the same platform you do.

It's incredibly disappointing, especially for the players who were very excited about the release of College Football 25 and couldn't wait to create an online Dynasty league with their friends.

The fact the Madden franchise has cross-play on Franchise mode, which is the equivalent mode of Dynasty, makes this even more disappointing, and confusing at the same time.

Hopefully, EA Sports can introduce a crossplay feature soon, as the community deserves that.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | How to Redshirt in College Football 25 | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇RealSport101 - Breaking Gaming News, Leaks, Guides, Reviews and more
  • Is College Football 25 down?
    Is College Football 25 down? - Main ImageCollege Football 25 was one of the most anticipated games of 2024, and the return of the franchise was well received by the fans, who have spent countless hours playing the popular Dynasty mode, or the brand-new Ultimate Team mode.Just like every single modern sports game, College Football 25 forces you to be connected to its servers to access most of its content. Unfortunately, sometimes the College Football servers face problems and shut down for a per

Is College Football 25 down?

Is College Football 25 down? - Main Image

College Football 25 was one of the most anticipated games of 2024, and the return of the franchise was well received by the fans, who have spent countless hours playing the popular Dynasty mode, or the brand-new Ultimate Team mode.

Just like every single modern sports game, College Football 25 forces you to be connected to its servers to access most of its content. Unfortunately, sometimes the College Football servers face problems and shut down for a period of time.

Is College Football 25 Down?

As of the time of writing, the College Football 25 servers are operating without any trouble, and players can access all the online content in the game, such as Ultimate Team, Team Builder, and their online Dynasty league, among many other things.

The servers underwent a maintenance period on July 25 at 6 AM ET. During that time all online game modes were disabled, as well as the Team Builder feature. Fortunately, the maintenance period wasn't that long.

However, it's worth noting that College Football 25 has been affected by its fair share of server problems, even though the game has just been recently released. Some fans have even joked about the situation, calling the game "Server Maintenace 25".

College Football 25 Server Status

The College Football 25 servers are currently up and running without any problems. You can check the status of the game's server on the EA games servers status webpage.

Following the CFBDirect and EA Help X accounts is a great way to know the server status of College Football 25.

These accounts will let you know when the servers are down, the reason they are down, what developers are doing to fix the problem, and when you can expect to have the servers up again.

We will update this article regularly so make sure to bookmark this article.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | How to Redshirt in College Football 25 | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings | What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

  • ✇RealSport101 - Breaking Gaming News, Leaks, Guides, Reviews and more
  • What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?
    What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25? - Main ImageRecruiting is one of the most important, and complex, things in College Football 25 Dynasty mode, as that is the best way to make your college into a powerhouse program and contend for national championships. When you fully scout a player in the recruiting process, a green diamond might sometimes appear alongside them. However, many players wonder what this means, and how it affects the recruiting process. What are Green Diamonds in Co

What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25?

What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25? - Main Image

Recruiting is one of the most important, and complex, things in College Football 25 Dynasty mode, as that is the best way to make your college into a powerhouse program and contend for national championships.

When you fully scout a player in the recruiting process, a green diamond might sometimes appear alongside them. However, many players wonder what this means, and how it affects the recruiting process.

What are Green Diamonds in College Football 25

In the Dynasty mode of College Football 25, green diamonds indicate the player is a literal diamond in the rough, can play way above his attributes, and has a higher star rating than the one stated.

Green diamond recruits are the ones you want to commit to your college since they will help you significantly improve your squad from the get-go, but also long term.

How Important are Green Diamonds

It's very important you try to make green diamond recruits commit to your college as fast as possible, as there is a really good chance other colleges will offer him a scholarship, and do whatever it takes to secure him once they know he is a green diamond.

If you scout a 3-start recruit and he happens to be a green diamond, it means he is actually a four-star recruit, which means you can get a 4-star prospect for the price of a 3-star one.

Finding green diamonds is a great way to take your college program to the next level, especially if you are coaching a 1-star program. It can also be useful if you are trying to break into the elite of college football and become a 5-star rated program.

Green diamond players will have a huge impact on your college, on and off the field. Since they make your team significantly better, your college will have better results, which in turn makes it easier to recruit better players, as your team's prestige will increase. So make sure you try to recruit green diamond players whenever possible.

However, if you see there is too much competition, and the chances of that recruiter committing to you are very low, then move on to another player, otherwise, you will be just wasting recruiting hours on a player that won't commit to your college.

We hope this article answered all of your questions about green diamonds in College Football 25, and how important they are.

How many green diamonds have you recruited so far, and what is the impact they had in your college program? Let us know in the comments below.

Best Playbooks in EA Sports College Football 25 | EA Sports College Football 25 Controls Guide | How to Redshirt in College Football 25 | College Football 25 Best Sliders for Realistic Gameplay |College Football 25 Team Builder - Everything You Need to Know About It | What are Red Diamonds in College Football 25? | Best College Football 25 Passing Settings

Here's a free demo for Cleanfall, horrible "alchemic" lovechild of Spelunky, Noita and tower defence

In Cleanfall you essentially play a Roomba that is trying to reverse the apocalypse because the apocalypse is messy. A Roomba capable of tunnelling through miles of procedurally generated, monster-infested crust so as to reorganise the Earth's core and bring about its ultimate objective - a sparkling living room. I enjoy the militant reductiveness of this character motivation. There are sprawling underground ecosystems to discover, yes, weird plants to harvest, fractious clumps of tentacles to appraise, avoid or slaughter. But all of these things are contemptible details to be swept up and bagged and thrown in the dumpster.

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Here's a free demo for Cleanfall, horrible "alchemic" lovechild of Spelunky, Noita and tower defence

30. Červenec 2024 v 12:07

In Cleanfall you essentially play a Roomba that is trying to reverse the apocalypse because the apocalypse is messy. A Roomba capable of tunnelling through miles of procedurally generated, monster-infested crust so as to reorganise the Earth's core and bring about its ultimate objective - a sparkling living room. I enjoy the militant reductiveness of this character motivation. There are sprawling underground ecosystems to discover, yes, weird plants to harvest, fractious clumps of tentacles to appraise, avoid or slaughter. But all of these things are contemptible details to be swept up and bagged and thrown in the dumpster.

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  • ✇
  • Arkane Austin head says the feedback to Redfall's final update has given him "a burst of energy"Vikki Blake
    Former Arkane Austin studio head, Harvey Smith, says hearing fan feedback after playing the "cleaned up, final version" of Redfall has given him "a burst of energy".After reflecting on Game Update 4 – which introduced offline mode, "ReVamped" neighbourhood and nest systems, and the ability to pause amongst other things – Smith also teased that he was "looking forward to talking about" his plans post-Arkane Austin's sad closure."Hearing from the people playing the cleaned up, final version of Re

Arkane Austin head says the feedback to Redfall's final update has given him "a burst of energy"

22. Červen 2024 v 16:03

Former Arkane Austin studio head, Harvey Smith, says hearing fan feedback after playing the "cleaned up, final version" of Redfall has given him "a burst of energy".

After reflecting on Game Update 4 – which introduced offline mode, "ReVamped" neighbourhood and nest systems, and the ability to pause amongst other things – Smith also teased that he was "looking forward to talking about" his plans post-Arkane Austin's sad closure.

"Hearing from the people playing the cleaned up, final version of Redfall is such a burst of energy," Smith wrote. "I'm looking forward to talking about what I'll be doing next."

Read more

  • ✇
  • Microsoft has started reimbursing players who bought cancelled Redfall DLCVictoria Kennedy
    In the wake of devastating closures at Bethesda, Microsoft has started refunding those who purchased Redfall's premium Bite Back edition.This edition of Arkane Austin's vampire shooter was set to provide players with the Redfall Hero Pass, which would have added a further two characters to the game. In November, the studio said it was "continuing development of The Hero Pass and we're excited to share more about Redfall's new heroes and other updates later next year".However, following the stud

Microsoft has started reimbursing players who bought cancelled Redfall DLC

20. Červen 2024 v 12:44

In the wake of devastating closures at Bethesda, Microsoft has started refunding those who purchased Redfall's premium Bite Back edition.

This edition of Arkane Austin's vampire shooter was set to provide players with the Redfall Hero Pass, which would have added a further two characters to the game. In November, the studio said it was "continuing development of The Hero Pass and we're excited to share more about Redfall's new heroes and other updates later next year".

However, following the studio's closure last month, Arkane Austin confirmed the Hero Pass DLC for Redfall would no longer be released. At this time, the studio said those who had purchased the DLC via either the Bite Back edition or base game upgrade would instead receive credit to the same value as the pass.

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"I wouldn't wish it on anyone": Baseball legend Reggie Jackson describes racism early in career

22. Červen 2024 v 13:00
Screengrab: I Am Grambling /

As part of the coverage of a major league baseball game being played in the former Negro League venue Ridgewood Field in Birmingham, Alabama, Hall of Fame baseball star Reggie Jackson was asked how emotional it was to return to the field. — Read the rest

The post "I wouldn't wish it on anyone": Baseball legend Reggie Jackson describes racism early in career appeared first on Boing Boing.

  • ✇Kotaku
  • Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble: The Kotaku ReviewCole Kronman
    I play the original 2001 Super Monkey Ball almost every day, and if you’ll allow me one brag, I’m pretty good at it. Sometimes I play to jumpstart my brain in the morning, sometimes to unwind during my lunch break, sometimes to fill some time in the evening. Usually, I choose the fifty-stage-long Expert difficulty,…Read more...

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble: The Kotaku Review

24. Červen 2024 v 16:00

I play the original 2001 Super Monkey Ball almost every day, and if you’ll allow me one brag, I’m pretty good at it. Sometimes I play to jumpstart my brain in the morning, sometimes to unwind during my lunch break, sometimes to fill some time in the evening. Usually, I choose the fifty-stage-long Expert difficulty,…


  • ✇ Home for all Gamers
  • Titanfall 2: An Entertaining Sequel to PS3 Legend with Familiar ThrillsPetko
    Title: Titanfall 2Developer: Respawn EntertainmentPublisher: Electronic ArtsReleased: October 28, 2016Platforms Available: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC GamePlatform Reviewed: PlayStation 4Article Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction The first installment of Titanfall was a gem that blew many people’s minds. The new studio of the spiritual fathers of Call of Duty created a title that achieved a perfect compromise between a traditional shooter and innovative action, which makes the second ins

Titanfall 2: An Entertaining Sequel to PS3 Legend with Familiar Thrills

Od: Petko
19. Červen 2024 v 23:04

Title: Titanfall 2
Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: October 28, 2016
Platforms Available: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC Game
Platform Reviewed: PlayStation 4
Article Reading Time: 6 minutes


The first installment of Titanfall was a gem that blew many people’s minds. The new studio of the spiritual fathers of Call of Duty created a title that achieved a perfect compromise between a traditional shooter and innovative action, which makes the second installment all the more surprising as it lacks this level of imagination. It’s a safe bet that doesn’t offend but doesn’t impress.

A Safe Sequel

In short, it’s a safe sequel. The most significant new features in Titanfall 2 are the single-player campaign and the release of the PlayStation 4 version. The rest are rather cosmetic changes that could easily have been conveyed by an update to the first installment. Thus, the best benefit of the second installment was the expansion of the player base, which did not happen due to the unfortunate choice of release date. The title hit the shelves between Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1. And as they say, pride goes before a fall. As a result, the game sold worse than the first installment released in March 2014, which didn’t even come out in a PlayStation 4 version.

The Single-Player Campaign

Before release, the developers tried to convince the community that the solo game would be more than just a bombastic Call of Duty-style ride. However, the opposite is true, and the result resembles only a slightly more imaginative variation of the previous brand. The action is enlivened by a sophisticated movement system, allowing the developers to alternate between shooting passages and calmer moments that test your acrobatic skills. Titanfall 2, however, tries to set itself apart from the competition. As such, it only sometimes warns players which way the following path leads. While the hint can be activated via the assigned button, you can ignore it if you prefer to discover the progress yourself.

Sci-Fi Setting and Enemy Types

The sci-fi setting suits the game and makes for a more dynamic mix than most modern war action has been able to offer. In fact, the enemy types are more varied. Some have energy shields, others fire projectiles that fly in spirals, and there are exploding robots and melee-only opponents. Due to the imaginative nature of the fights, they are reminiscent of the second episode of Half-Life. A significant part of the story campaign are the titans, i.e. combat robots, which the player can mount and control. You also have one at your disposal, and its majesty is hinted at in scenes where swarms of enemies prefer to run away from it. Yours is called BT, and the story revolves partly around him. So you’re dealing with moments in the middle of the campaign when he disappears, and you have to search for him. Or you repeatedly repair it. It makes the game more varied. Sometimes, you take out opponents like a regular infantryman. Sometimes, they’re rained down by the titan’s volleys of missiles or crushed by his gigantic legs. BT is also a source of humorous moments. His brusque commentary, combined with an uncompromising pilot, leads to some charming dialogue.

Familiar Principles, New Dynamics

The solo part of the play feels like a compilation of tried and tested principles from foreign brands. Few surprises surprise and feel innovative. Most situations, on the other hand, make you feel like you’ve experienced them before. Still, the result works in a way that successfully avoids stereotypes. The game simply has the proper dynamics and momentum. One of the passages, for example, features imaginative games with gravity that obviously reference the film Inception. This is confirmed by the success the game gives you upon completion.

Multiplayer Excellence with Caveats

The multiplayer game is excellent. However, with one major caveat… Titanfall remains primarily a multiplayer experience. In that regard, the second installment delivers an addictive mix of gameplay principles and “one more game” moments. In other words, it’s tremendous fun. Titanfall 2 is thus a fantastic game in its own right, but it offers only minimal innovation over its predecessor. And not all of them are changes for the better. Once again, two teams are battling each other, and the action is made extra special by the presence of the titans. Again, an excellent movement system is present, with which you can run up walls perform double jumps and chain tricks with almost perfect grace. Once again, the primary mode is Hardpoint, where you take three key points and try to reach a pre-set score before the enemy team. New features include a tug-of-war rope, one of the optional extras. It makes moving around the environment even faster and perfectly complements the earlier movement elements.

Weapon Unlocks and Gameplay Tweaks

The weapon unlocking system has also changed. You can access your arsenal by gaining levels and then modify specific pieces after “leveling up” this or that piece. The gradual unlocking of weapons is spot on, thanks to a decent selection, and motivates you to explore the arsenal. However, the need to acquire individual upgrades is annoying and often forces you to play several matches exclusively with just one weapon. The result is usually a miserable score and a losing team. The rodeo, or cowboy jump on the enemy titan, also works differently. In the first game, this was a way of taking him down, but the opponent could leave the titan and shoot you down from the outside. This time, the rodeo is only used to steal a battery that can be used to boost a friendly robot. And as a result, it could be more helpful. The escape to the spaceship, which ends every match for one team, also works differently. In the first game, you had to jump into the transporter precisely, but in Titanfall 2, you only needed to get roughly close. For example, jumping twenty meters underneath to teleport into the craft. The original concept led to more fun action.

Visuals and Technical Observations

Titanfall 2 is a great game, but it only builds on the shoulders of the first installment. And without the slightest ambition to outshine it. The sequel came out a year and a half after the first installment, and it feels a bit rushed, whether due to the lack of significant innovations or the game’s optimization. Furthermore, closely examining the environment reveals some areas that feel stripped down. The sides of the buildings are often made of flat surfaces on which 3D details are merely simulated by graphical trickery. Moreover, many of the materials are reminiscent of the level of games from a few years ago. Titanfall 2’s visuals are inconsistent because of this. At times, it can conjure up impressive scenery. At other times, it looks miserable. In addition, textures are repeated in some rooms in a more reminiscent style of 1999. So, there is no significant graphical shift between the two works. On the other hand, the almost breathtaking character animation deserves to be highlighted. They often give a truly realistic impression.


As a result, Titanfall 2 is a title that can be recommended to two groups of players. The first are the die-hard fans of the first installment, whose player base has thinned out considerably. The other is people who missed the first game for whatever reason. For example, because it didn’t come out for PlayStation 4.

My impressions of the game are a little embarrassing, but I am glad I played it. If I disregarded the existence of the first installment, I was treated to an exceptionally entertaining action game. But after my experience with the previous title, Titanfall 2, apart from the story campaign, feels more like a first game but on asteroids.

Purchase Titanfall 2

  1. Steam (PC Game): Available for $29.99. You can purchase the game directly from Steam Store
  2. PlayStation Store (PS4): The game is priced at $19.99 (currently on sale for $4.99. Check it out on the PlayStation Store
  3. Xbox Store (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S): Available for $19.99 . Purchase it from the Xbox Store

The post Titanfall 2: An Entertaining Sequel to PS3 Legend with Familiar Thrills appeared first on Home for Top Gamers.
