Deep Dive: How Owlchemy adapted its VR titles for the Apple Vision Pro
Players don't have much control over their Quirks in Darkest Dungeon 2. With an expensive trip to the Field Surgeon, gamers can make a positive Quirk permanent but should only spend that kind of gold if the positive Quirk is truly contributing substantially to victory.
It’s easy to forget how big a leap Apple made when it moved away from Intel chips. The new Apple silicon has helped make the latest and best MacBooks, such as the 15-inch MacBook Air, beat the competition with ease, at least if you’re looking for simple speed, an all-rounder, or a creative workstation (Mac gaming still can’t beat the competition, of course).
But now we’re on the second generation of Apple silicon for Mac, Apple is finally extending its reach a bit. We have an M2 Pro and M2 Ultra chip to give the Mac Studio even more power and bring the Mac Pro into the silicon lineup once and for all.
Perhaps most excitingly, however, we also have a brand new product in the lineup: a 15-inch MacBook Air. It’s the 2022 Air, but bigger, and fills a gap among MacBooks that people have wanted for years – a large Mac that doesn’t break the bank. And it does it simply, with a well-rounded package that actually offers great value by Apple standards.
It's been a brutal summer - the perfect time to stay in and try out a few new games. While coverage of indie games has been dominated by the flood of quick-flip cash-baiting clickers, there were some more substantial titles on offer in July. That includes a nontraditional RPG, a nontraditional platformer, and a really traditional adventure game. Even if you overbought in the last Steam sale, you should at least give these a closer look.
If you'd like to see these games in action, check out the Find the Fabulist YouTube channel.
The world is full of creatures called schims, strange entities unnoticed by most that dwell in the shadows cast by people and objects. You are one such schim, living in a young man's shadow. One day, a fluke results in you becoming unmoored from that familiar shadow and launched into the world at large. Your goal is to navigate a world of light and shadow as you attempt to find your way back home.
SCHiM is a puzzle platformer seen from an isometric perspective, an unusual setup for a game like this. The player leaps from shadow to shadow while heading toward set objectives. A schim can last for short periods in direct light, but only enough time for one additional short jump. If the shadows are too far apart to reach by jumping alone, the player will need to hitch a ride with a moving object, find an alternate route, or solve a simple puzzle to create or move shadows.
The moment-to-moment gameplay in SCHiM is very simple. You might occasionally get stuck, but a minute of exploration is usually enough to get unstuck and keep the game moving forward. Similarly, the jumping mechanics are extremely forgiving, letting a typical player move between shadows quickly and with few errors. It is, overall, a very easygoing experience.
The main selling point for SCHiM might be its style. The high-contrast monochrome world is striking, with a remarkable amount of detail in the environments and animations. Many screens are also built around a wordless narrative - a simple story told through people's actions, vehicles, and even the weather. While a skillful player can hop through SCHiM in short order, it's worth taking the occasional moment to soak in the little details.
SCHiM is available for PC via Steam, PlayStation consoles, and Nintendo Switch. A copy was provided for this review.
Galactic Glitch is a twin-stick shooter with a physics-based twist. In addition to the genre-standard armaments, the player's ship comes equipped with a gravity beam that can be used to grab debris, missiles, and even small enemies and fling them as projectiles. Using the gravity beam is strictly optional, one of several offensive choices offered to the player, but it's certainly a satisfying tool to use.
The objective is to reach a boss area at the end of a procedurally generated maze of rooms. Those rooms can contain enemies, shops, or teleporters that can be used for quick travel across the maze. A few rooms are also guaranteed to contain optional challenges yielding items that can be used to upgrade the player's ship later on. There is an emphasis on exploration, but a speed-minded player can also make a beeline for the boss and earn a separate bonus for being quick.
While there is a bit of a play-it-as-you-want vibe to Galactic Glitch, it's a pretty typical twin-stick shooter at heart. It is an above average shooter, one with solid controls and interesting visuals, but there's nothing revolutionary here. If you're a fan of arcade shooters and want something with some replay value, Galactic Glitch is a good choice, but it's going to offer less to those who are cold to the action roguelike boom.
Galactic Glitch is available for PC via Steam. A copy was provided for this review.
The remote Mondoton Island is home to a facility that exists for only one purpose - MonCon, the world's most celebrated convention. A young man named Joey has just arrived on Mondoton Island in hopes of getting an autograph from the island's reclusive owner, the game developer Mr. Miyashiro. There's one big problem: Joey is painfully introverted and can't bring himself to speak to anyone. With the help of some new friends - the excitable, somewhat delusional geek Karl and Marnie, a podcaster with anger issues - he'll have to figure out how to navigate the con, deal with celebrities, uncover a conspiracy, and finally meet the legend.
MonCon is an RPG built around rhythm mechanics. The framing of the combat is very unusual - no actual fighting takes place, as the combat is symbolic of the protagonist navigating stressful conversations. Both offense and defense are conducted through a DDR-style rhythm minigame, which is fairly generous with the timing and isn't usually too hard. Enemies have weaknesses to certain attacks but there's no clear RPS system here - the player needs to figure out whether flattery, insults, empathy, or geek chat are the best options against any foe.
While there are specific objectives, MonCon involves a lot of wandering. New floors of the convention center and hotel open up after key story moments, introducing new characters and mechanics. There are a lot of sidequests, including minigames that spoof popular video games, trading, collecting, and a cosplay contest. Most of these are optional but expect to get pulled into several of them over the course of the story.
Since it's a rhythm game, it's worth mentioning the music. While the overworld BGM is pretty standard, the combat music is quite distinctive. Standard music is bass-heavy, while attacks from both PCs and enemies have their own distinctive musical character, drawing from many different genres and styles.
MonCon is available for PC via Steam. A copy was provided for this review.
Dodger, a dishwasher on a space station, is about to become an unwitting hero. The station's computer has detected a temporal anomaly and with no one else available to deal with it, the computer drafts Dodger into the time engineering service. Armed with a time travel remote, Dodger will need to move across time periods and repair the damage to the time stream, all the while piecing together clues pointing to an undiscovered history.
Tachyon Dreams Anthology is a series of three short adventure games built around 1980s design principles. Visually, the game goes to great lengths to recreate the graphical style of a computer game released on a mid-80s system such as the Amiga or Atari ST. This carries over to the keyboard-only control scheme, with the player using the direction keys to move and a text parser to issue commands.
The games themselves are about what you'd expect. The player moves across different rooms scattered across space and time, collecting objects that are used to solve puzzles elsewhere. There are certainly some obtuse puzzles here and there, but most are fair and an experienced adventure game enthusiast should be able to finish the anthology in a reasonable amount of time.
Tachyon Dreams Anthology is available for PC via Steam. A copy was provided for this review.
That wraps up our look at the games that caught our attention during July, be sure to come back each month for more indie games you want to look out for!
For strategy fans, one of the biggest pieces of news from the barrage of summer showcases was the long-awaited announcement of a new Civilization game. We're certainly overdue; with Civ (like everything else) transitioning to a live service-lite model, brand-new releases are coming farther apart. The people who started frantically searching for Civilization VII around the time that Civilization VI launched can certainly sleep easy.
That being said, we don't have much information, or any specific information, aside from the fact that Civ VII is somewhere on the horizon. 2K and Firaxis have promised more details in August, which will inevitably lead to rounds of analysis, scrutiny, criticism, and planning. What are the key mechanics? Have they changed any of the things that people have complained about? Which countries will be available out of the gate? Will we once again be subjected to the worst people in the fandom complaining about how it "looks too much like a console game," whatever that even means? These are all questions waiting for answers.
I suspect that different people are anticipating different aspects. Some want to see what combat will look like. Some want to get a handle on unique units and civilization abilities. For me, it's all about the technology tree. As someone who's obsessed with being ahead of time in tech, this is what I always scope out first.
I anticipate being disappointed because no strategy game has ever gotten the tech tree exactly right. Frankly, I'm not sure perfection is even possible.
This isn't to say that they're not trying. Civilization VI featured two very profound changes to technology: The Eureka system, which added little mini-quests to speed up research on specific upgrades, and the splitting of "social" technologies into an entirely separate tree. Both of these were significant improvements, but they still failed to address all the problems I've noticed.
So let's discuss those problems and all the ways that a developer might address them.
Most people probably don't have serious problems with the Civilization tech tree. It's certainly a functional mechanic, and the trees have improved greatly from earlier versions, shedding useless upgrades and making the overall design more intuitive, for example. That doesn't mean there's no room for improvement, though.
The most obvious issue with tech trees is something that Firaxis has already been working on for a while now: balance issues. In older Civilization and Civ-type games, there were inevitably a handful of key technologies that any half-competent player would race toward, often ignoring everything else in the way. Often, these techs unlocked Wonders or their equivalents, which could be game-breakingly powerful in earlier games.
Both Civilization VI and Beyond Earth (and even Civ V to a lesser extent) showed signs of Firaxis trying to fix this. These games feature less powerful Wonders that are nice to have but not worth prioritizing, as well as more types of units to create more nuance in the combat. Even so, most victory types have certain essential developments that encourage this race for certain tech upgrades.
Strategy games in general can have some serious issues during the late game. Put bluntly, the end of any strategy campaign can be boring. Civilization games in particular suffer from the "next turn" problem, with a player pursuing a Space Race or other late-game victory type, absentmindedly tapping the "End Turn" button for the last thirty minutes or so.
While this isn't directly a tech tree problem, the two issues are tied together. End-game technologies should feel really impressive, but the player is far more likely to just ignore anything developed in the last fifty turns or so. Either you're already on track to hit a victory condition, or you're falling short and whatever unit or building you unlock isn't going to be around long enough to change that. Technologies developed in the fifty turns before are unlikely to play much of a role in the game, simply because everyone's strategy is largely set by that point.
The most abstract problem with the standard Civ tech tree is how artificial it feels.
This didn't matter all that much in older strategy games, which more resembled board games. However, strategy games have been developing in a more narrative-focused direction, and that includes Civilization. In Civ II, it was amusing that you could potentially start the Apollo program without having ever developed the wheel. It feels much more false in a modern game, and so does the idea that your country could so consciously focus its technological development.
While some variation on the tech tree is still standard in the strategy space, there have been plenty of games - ranging from very early 4X titles to recent indies - that took other approaches. Whether these are viable options depends on a wide range of factors, including the game's overall focus (big-picture strategy vs. turn-to-turn tactical), scope, setting (historical vs. speculative), speed, and complexity.
A few games have simplified their tech trees to the point where they feature linear tracks down which players can advance as far as they want.
An extreme example of this is Europa Universalis 4, which features three tracks for administrative, diplomatic, and military advancements. Each track consumes a different resource, so there are no real decisions beyond deciding when to unlock the next level. This is clearly too restrictive for a series like Civ; I'm not sure anyone would or should accept it. It works in EU4 because of that game's focus on strategy over tactics - technology isn't about specific choices, but rather a component of resource management.
A more robust version can be seen in some of the older Galactic Civilizations games, in which there are many tracks that represent specific upgrades - weapons, trade, industry, etc. This solves the problem of having to unlock undesired technologies - a player in need of happiness-generating buildings can simply pursue the appropriate track without needing to research anything else first. It's not a nice narrative fit for a historical game, though, and only feels natural in GalCiv because the upgrades are more abstract in its sci-fi setting. It's also worth noting that GalCiv has moved away from this in the most recent release.
Firaxis' own Beyond Earth experimented with a nonlinear tech tree. Rather than moving along in a fixed direction, players can develop their technology down three distinct paths representing not just different scientific disciplines, but different philosophical approaches to the relationship between humans and the alien planet. There's no specific endpoint, and many upgrades feature ample "leaf technologies" - nonessential upgrades that players only need to pursue if they are useful.
The tech web is a really interesting idea, but like most things in Beyond Earth, it's not exactly well-regarded.
I think one of the problems was the attempt to connect technology with philosophy. The idea was that players would select whatever upgrades were immediately useful, and this would guide them down one of the three paths. For example, a player in bad starting terrain would seek out technologies that helped clear that terrain and make it useful, pushing them down the Purity path. The problem is that there were perks (including unique victory conditions) that really required the player to commit to one of those three paths from an early point in the game, so it wasn't exactly a natural exploration.
Besides that, this is another situation where it just works better in a speculative setting than a historical one. Real-life technological development isn't as linear as people assume, but in a history-themed game, we still expect events to proceed in a manner similar to history.
The tiered approach, as far as I know, has never been tried in this context. Tiered upgrades have been used as a replacement for skill trees (for which a tech tree is just the strategy equivalent), and even the Civilization series has experimented with tiers, such as in the ideology system in Civ V. The notion is that the player would not need to research specific precursor technologies to unlock the next one, but would unlock a new era of technologies after researching enough from the previous era.
Tiered upgrades are sometimes used in other games (such as action RPGs) because they are seen as less restrictive than skill trees. With tiers, the player isn't forced to take unnecessary upgrades to gain access to desired ones. Such a system would allow for a lot of flexibility while still keeping clearly defined eras in place.
The drawback (and the reason I think this hasn't been tried) is that it doesn't seem all that narratively satisfying. Research is an iterative process, and a tiered system would allow a player to skip what would seem like keystone technologies. Honestly though, if it's done right, a tiered tech upgrade system might actually be more realistic than a conventional tree, as it would capture real-world concepts such as the advantage of backwardness. Every society didn't have to invent the wheel ex nihilo - you ultimately know what your neighbors know.
Alpha Centauri added an interesting twist to the tech tree, one that was radical enough that Firaxis enabled players to turn it off (and, full disclosure, I usually did). Technologies in Alpha Centauri are divided into four categories - Explore, Discover, Build, and Conquer, loosely mapping onto the 4X concept. Rather than researching specific techs, the player sets research priorities and then gets either a tech in that category or a precursor to one. Thus, a player looking to develop an economic base might set Discover and Build as priorities to gain new base facilities.
So what was so wrong with this concept that no one bothered trying it again for almost a quarter of a century? For one, Alpha Centauri has an old-school tech tree, with Secret Projects (their equivalent of Wonders) that can be so disgustingly powerful that some strategies are designed around them. When a single Project can make or break your playthrough, blind research is a massive disadvantage.
Alpha Centauri's tech tree is also big and messy, and that makes it too unintuitive for this system to work as intended. Say you're focusing on your military, so you do the sensible thing and focus on Conquer tech. You might not get a single Conquer tech for a while if you lack the prerequisites for them (which can include techs in the other three categories), but it doesn't matter because most of the weapons, armor, and unit types are unlocked by other tech types. It's simply not intuitive enough for blind research to work.
I think some variant of blind research could work with Civ's current style of tech tree. The more streamlined and balanced trees from the last few games are already split nicely into de facto categories (transport, civic, military) that make this much more sensible. But would players accept it? As I said, even the original version had an option to go back to the standard tree.
The most interesting prospect is foregoing a tech tree altogether. I don't mean eliminating tech upgrades altogether, though this has been done; tech-free strategy games are restricted to those with unorthodox settings, such as the high fantasy setting in Master of Magic. What I mean is getting rid of a purposeful tech tree in favor of tying tech upgrades directly to the player's actions.
This is another concept that Firaxis has played with. The Eurekas and Inspirations of Civ VI are kind of a lightweight version of this concept. Research speeds up based on how the player's civilization is growing - a country with cities on coasts will naturally develop sailing faster, those with lots of archers will gain access to better bows, and so on. It's an interesting way to blend mechanics and narrative in a way that really suits the new direction strategy games have been growing.
Would it be possible to go farther? I have seen games in which tech development is based wholly on the player's natural actions, but these tend to be city builders and base builders - distant cousins of strategy, with similar design principles but very different objectives and sensibilities. In a game that's innately competitive, a narrative-based tech tree becomes just another thing to manipulate, which is exactly what happened with Eurekas in Civ VI.
This is maybe the most interesting possibility, but also the hardest to put into effect. Maybe someday we'll see a system like this, but probably not in Civilization.
Most of the problems I've identified don't necessarily demand radical changes to the tech tree. A standard tree with some under-the-hood adjustments can accomplish the same thing without upsetting anyone.
I've already explained one way that Firaxis has done this - less powerful Wonders to discourage tech tree races. Other issues can be addressed in similar ways. Third-act issues can be overcome by staggering the emergence of game-changing developments. The slow pace of the endgame can be addressed with more flexible victory conditions that require more attention and input from the player. The narrative issue is trickier, but a few changes in how tech trading works and a sprinkling of random events could do wonders here.
Firaxis will almost certainly experiment with the tech tree, but I don't expect any game-changing differences. My guess is that you'll see an expansion and refinement of the Eureka system, more leaf techs to add flexibility, and perhaps some new mechanics to make the technology and civics trees feel more distinct. They may not even go that far, and could just move a few things around.
Why not make more profound changes? As much as we like to talk about "balance" as this perfect end-state of video games, it's not clear that the actual consumers really care. To the people who end up buying Civilization VII, what's important is that the tech tree be creative and intuitive, and these are things that Firaxis does reasonably well.
Honestly, it's probably for the best. I said at the beginning that perfection is likely impossible. It doesn't matter how flawlessly balanced your system is, someone is going to find a way to break it. For many strategy fans, that's the whole reason they gravitate toward these games in the first place. Make it perfect, and you're just going to encourage them to try harder.
So while I'm curious as to what Firaxis might pull, I'm not sweating too much over it. After all, I'll likely end up as one of those people trying to break the system.
For me, and I believe also for all gamers who find video games an opportunity to experience great adventures, discoveries and challenges, Mars has always been an ongoing source of fascination and mystery. Throughout history, many works of science fiction have placed the planet as the setting for epic adventures in books, films and, of course, video games.
And it’s precisely all of these references, spanning 40 years, since the core of our development team is comprised of ’80s kids (I’m almost 50 myself!), that have set the tone, theme and genre for the game Mars 2120, out today.
In Mars 2120 you’ll face an adventure that tries to bring back the nostalgia of the action and science fiction films of the ’80s and ’90s, as well as a loving homage to the genre known as metroidvania, a mix of RPG elements, platforming and non-linear exploration. And nothing could be more appropriate than encouraging exploration in a game whose main theme is space exploration and the scientific curiosity that drives us as innate explorers towards incredible discoveries about our universe.
Every time you play a game, there is a rich story from the very first sketches to its final form. Mars 2120 was no different. With a very small team and dividing our time between our other projects and games, it took us almost five years to finish the game that we’d love you to experience, explore and feel like, again or for the first time, depending on your age, watching the movies that fascinated us when we were young, or playing the games of the genre that left you in front of the screen for hours trying to find that special item or power up to overcome a challenge that seemed insurmountable at first.
All that time may seem like a lot to you, but for us it also represented a giant step forward. For the first time, we faced a project four times bigger than any other before, as you do in a game that puts you in front of great challenges, while learning and experiencing a new development technology with which we were not completely unfamiliar.
Step into the shoes of Sergeant Anna “Thirteen” Charlotte and traverse scenarios reminiscent of the planet seen in “Total Recall”, feel the fear of facing gigantic enemies like Ellen Ripley did with the queen of the xenomorphs in “Alien”, throw punches like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in his classic action films (Yes! Mars 2120 has hand-to-hand combat!) and feel the abandonment and uncertainty of being lost in space like the character of Willis Davidge (Dennis Quaid) felt in the 1985 movie “Enemy Mine”.
I think you get the message here. We have taken everything that amused us when we were young and brought it back especially for you, in the form of a game. Because we want you to have fun with everything that sparked our desire to make entertainment our job – games! So I’m not exaggerating when I say Mars 2120 is a dream we have been building since we were kids.
The games industry is for everyone, you just have to jump in and make the game you want to play. And that’s exactly what we did and what you can do too! Now it’s time to put on your spacesuit, get your fists ready and go on a great adventure knowing that Mars 2120 is not just a game, it’s also a dream, a piece of our lives that we really want to share with you.
Are you ready to defeat terrifying enemies and discover all the secrets of the first human colony on Mars?
I dare you! And then come back and tell us how it went. Good luck and have a good adventure!
The post Mars 2120: How a Veteran Indie Team Turned their ’90s Dream into Martian Reality appeared first on Xbox Wire.
In two weeks, you’ll be able to play Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse on your Xbox for the very first time. The final season of Telltale’s episodic Sam & Max trilogy was never ported to Xbox when it first came out in 2010, leaving fans of this comedy adventure series hanging for all these years.
For the uninitiated, Sam & Max are the Freelance Police, a pair of dog and rabbity-thing detectives whose esoteric wit and unconventional crime-fighting techniques have amused and baffled the unwashed masses for the past 37 years. Their credits include indie comics, a Saturday morning cartoon, and, of course, video games.
LucasArts was the first studio to make Sam & Max games, and I was working there as a producer when Sam & Max: Freelance Police was cancelled in 2004. If you were an adventure game fan at the time, you probably remember the uproar—the game was almost finished, previews were glowing, and 32,000 pissed off fans signed an online petition to try to reverse the decision.
The petition didn’t work, but it inspired me and several other Freelance Police team members to start a new studio, Telltale Games. After LucasArts’ rights to make a game about the dog and rabbity-thing crime fighters expired, we teamed up with the series creator, Steve Purcell, to make our own episodic Sam & Max games.
One reason for Freelance Police’s cancellation was that it was a PC game, and all the best-sellers at the time were for consoles. Telltale also started out as a PC developer (it was still the biggest platform for adventure games, our favorite genre), but as the studio grew, we also branched out to consoles. In 2009 we ported the first two Sam & Max seasons, Sam & Max Save the World and Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space, to Xbox 360.
Telltale went on to make one more Sam & Max season, subtitled The Devil’s Playhouse, which came out episodically from April to August 2010—but this one never made it to Xbox. At that point in the studio’s history (before we really hit it big with The Walking Dead), we had our hands full as we refined our vision for interactive storytelling and took on new licenses. We couldn’t support more than one or two platforms at a time back then, and though we always intended to port The Devil’s Playhouse to Xbox, it just never happened… until now!
In a sad twist of fate, Telltale ran into financial trouble in 2018 and the studio shut down. I was no longer working there, but I saw an opportunity to go back to this series that had been so central to my career. (Even before I worked on Sam & Max: Freelance Police, one of my very first games as a QA lead was LucasArts’ 1994 adventure game Sam & Max Hit the Road.) I called up some of the same friends who were there at the beginning of Telltale and we bought the rights to the episodic Sam & Max trilogy.
Since then, we’ve been remastering these games—a real labor of love to get them looking as good and playing as well as we always wanted but didn’t have the resources or expertise to achieve at the time. If you’ve played our Sam & Max Save the World or Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space remasters, you know what a vast improvement they are over the originals, with added widescreen and gamepad support, higher quality visuals and audio, 4K graphics and HDR support on Xbox One X and newer, and lots more additions and refinements.
The remastered version of Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse will close out the trilogy on August 14, and you can preorder it today with a 10% discount. Compared to the first two seasons (which were some of Telltale’s earliest games), The Devil’s Playhouse was made by a larger team that had hit its stride. It’s definitely the weirdest and most ambitious of the three games, and we’re always hearing from fans that it’s their favorite.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but the basic storyline is that Max (the rabbity-thing) stumbles upon a magic toy that gives him random glimpses of the future. His newfound psychic powers attract the attention of an alien warlord named General Skun-ka’pe, who wants the Toys of Power for his own not-so-altruistic purposes… and things quickly spiral out of control.
Across five episodes (released all at once, Netflix-style), you’ll get to mess around with Max’s psychic powers, play as Sam & Max’s great-grandfathers, plunder an Egyptian tomb, confront Lovecraftian monsters, and fend off an army of Sam clones wearing sparkly gold underwear.
If you need to get caught up before playing this final entry in the Sam & Max trilogy, the first two remasters are 40% off on Xbox through August 12 (our deepest discount to date).
And on August 14, we invite you to take your seats, turn off your cell phones, and prepare yourselves for an epic comedy saga. The lights have dimmed, the curtains are opened… the show’s about to begin in Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse!
The post Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Makes its Xbox Debut August 14 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
After a successful landing on PC back in October, AirportSim, the advanced airport ground handling simulator, arrives on Xbox Today. For the past few months, Polish studio MS Games have been hard at work bringing their highly-detailed airport experience to console. With the release of AirportSim on Xbox now on the horizon, Iceberg Interactive’s Ben Kobs sat down with producer Krzysztof Stabryła to talk about their journey so far!
Can you tell us a little bit about the history of AirportSim? How long have you been working on it and how did the development go?
We’ve been working on AirportSim since late 2021. We’re all aviation fans at MS Games, but Mateusz, our CEO, has been a devoted aviation enthusiast since childhood. Not only does he have a pilot’s license, but he has also been creating software for flight simulators since 2008. The idea of developing a ground handling simulator has been floating around in his head for a long time and we felt like that area was generally unexplored in the sim space, so we were eager to get to work on a sim focussing on ground operations.
The development had its ups and downs, but it was a lot of fun. We had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and collaborate with them to create our game. From actual ground handling companies to vehicle manufacturers, we were lucky to get access to meticulous technical documentation and first-hand insights into the intricacies of airport life, which made the development process a lot easier.
How exciting is it for you to be able to bring your game to a console like Xbox?
We are very excited to introduce AirportSim and the world of ground handling to Xbox. This will help us reach aviation enthusiasts who may not have access to the game otherwise. Bringing our game to a console like Xbox is a thrilling milestone for us, as it allows us to share our passion for aviation with a wider community!
What role does an active community play in the development of the game? How does fan feedback affect you?
During production, we received enormous amounts of support and feedback from our community. We launched a couple of demos for people to try out, and their feedback was invaluable in fine-tuning some features and fixing key issues before launch. The aviation community has always been a huge help in creating projects like this one, and their insights were crucial to our development process.
How important was it for you to give players a realistic experience in AirportSim? Can you elaborate on how realistic the game is compared to real-life ground handling?
It was important for us to deliver a realistic ground handling experience in AirportSim. We are proud to say that our mechanics are nearly identical to real life! We visited many airports and ground handling firms, and, during production, partnered with Welcome Airport Services, LS Airport Services, Warsaw Chopin Airport, and countless others. These partnerships provided us with enormous support.
Of course, some procedures can vary from country to country, airline to airline, and even city to city. This means there may be some discrepancies as certain tasks might be performed differently than what some players are used to. That’s why we decided to standardize these procedures. We wanted to keep things realistic, but also needed to ensure the game was cohesive and enjoyable for players.
What challenges have you faced in the design and execution?
Before we partnered with industry experts, one of the biggest challenges we faced was the lack of documentation and clear and detailed photos. Creating and recreating these models took a lot of time and effort and it was tough to start working on accurate models and representations. We dug through thousands of pages of documentation. It was a tedious and time-consuming task, but essential for the level of realism we were aiming for.
Sound recording was another big hurdle. Airports are incredibly loud places! It’s difficult to get clear audio recordings. But our sound designer, Łukasz, did an amazing job navigating this and made sure everything sounds just right in the game.
So, what’s next?
For now it’s focussing on Xbox! The game is out today and we’re stoked to see how it goes. We’re proud of how it turned out, so make sure to check out AirportSim on Xbox and enjoy the fulfilling experience of the duties of a ground crew member at various airports!
The post AirportSim Has Landed on Xbox: The Journey So Far appeared first on Xbox Wire.
In Spartanburg County, South Carolina, on Interstate 85, police officers stop vehicles for traveling in the left lane while not actively passing, touching the white fog line, or following too closely. This annual crackdown is called Operation Rolling Thunder, and the police demand perfection.
Any infraction, no matter how minor, can lead to a roadside interrogation and warrantless search. However, a 21-month fight for transparency shows participating agencies play loose with South Carolina's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which requires the government to perform its business in an "open and public manner."
Motorists must follow state laws with exactness. But the people in charge of enforcement give themselves a pass.
Deny, Deny, Deny
The drawn-out FOIA dispute started on October 11, 2022, less than one week after a five-day blitz that produced nearly $1 million in cash seizures. Our public-interest law firm, the Institute for Justice, requested access to incident reports for all 144 vehicle searches that occurred during the joint operation involving 11 agencies: The Cherokee, Florence, Greenville, and Spartanburg County sheriff's offices; the Duncan, Gaffney, and Wellford police departments; the South Carolina Highway Patrol, Law Enforcement Division, and State Transport Police; and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Our intent was simple. We wanted to check for constitutional violations, which can multiply in the rush to pull over and search as many vehicles as possible within a set time frame. South Carolina agencies have conducted the operation every year since 2006, yet no one has ever done a systematic audit.
Rather than comply with its FOIA obligation, Spartanburg County denied our request without citing any provision in the law. We tried again and then recruited the help of South Carolina resident and attorney Adrianne Turner, who filed a third request in 2023.
It took a lawsuit to finally pry the records loose. Turner filed the special action with outside representation.
Key Findings
The incident reports, released in batches from March through July 2024, show why Spartanburg County was eager to prevent anyone from obtaining them.
Working in the Shadows
While these records shine a light on police conduct, still more secrets remain.
By policy, the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office and partner agencies do not create incident reports for every search. They only document their "wins" when they find cash or contraband. They do not document their "losses" when they come up empty.
Thanks to this policy, Spartanburg County has no records for 102 of the 144 searches that occurred during Operation Rolling Thunder in 2022. Nowhere do officers describe how they gained probable cause to enter the vehicles where nothing was found. The police open and close investigations and then act like the searches never happened.
This leaves government watchdogs in the dark—by design. They cannot inspect public records that do not exist. Victims cannot cite them in litigation. And police supervisors cannot review them when evaluating job performance.
Even if body camera video exists, there is no paper trail. This lack of recordkeeping undercuts the intent of FOIA. Agencies dodge accountability by simply not summarizing their embarrassing or potentially unconstitutional conduct.
The rigged system is rife with abuse. Available records show that officers routinely order drivers to exit their vehicles and sit in the front seat of a patrol car. If people show signs of "labored breathing," "nervousness," or being "visibly shaken," the police count this toward probable cause.
Officers overlook that anxiety is normal when trapped in a police cruiser without permission to leave. Even people who value their Fourth Amendment right to be "secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures" can break under pressure and consent to a search.
If travelers refuse, officers can bring K9 units to the scene for open-air sniffs. Having no drugs in the vehicle does not always help. False positives occurred during Operation Rolling Thunder, but the lack of recordkeeping makes a complete audit impossible.
Intimidation, harassment, and misjudgment are easily hidden. The police tell travelers: "If you have nothing to hide, you should let us search." But when the roles are reversed and the public asks questions, agencies suddenly want to remain silent.
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For me, and I believe also for all gamers who find video games an opportunity to experience great adventures, discoveries and challenges, Mars has always been an ongoing source of fascination and mystery. Throughout history, many works of science fiction have placed the planet as the setting for epic adventures in books, films and, of course, video games.
And it’s precisely all of these references, spanning 40 years, since the core of our development team is comprised of ’80s kids (I’m almost 50 myself!), that have set the tone, theme and genre for the game Mars 2120, out today.
In Mars 2120 you’ll face an adventure that tries to bring back the nostalgia of the action and science fiction films of the ’80s and ’90s, as well as a loving homage to the genre known as metroidvania, a mix of RPG elements, platforming and non-linear exploration. And nothing could be more appropriate than encouraging exploration in a game whose main theme is space exploration and the scientific curiosity that drives us as innate explorers towards incredible discoveries about our universe.
Every time you play a game, there is a rich story from the very first sketches to its final form. Mars 2120 was no different. With a very small team and dividing our time between our other projects and games, it took us almost five years to finish the game that we’d love you to experience, explore and feel like, again or for the first time, depending on your age, watching the movies that fascinated us when we were young, or playing the games of the genre that left you in front of the screen for hours trying to find that special item or power up to overcome a challenge that seemed insurmountable at first.
All that time may seem like a lot to you, but for us it also represented a giant step forward. For the first time, we faced a project four times bigger than any other before, as you do in a game that puts you in front of great challenges, while learning and experiencing a new development technology with which we were not completely unfamiliar.
Step into the shoes of Sergeant Anna “Thirteen” Charlotte and traverse scenarios reminiscent of the planet seen in “Total Recall”, feel the fear of facing gigantic enemies like Ellen Ripley did with the queen of the xenomorphs in “Alien”, throw punches like Arnold Schwarzenegger did in his classic action films (Yes! Mars 2120 has hand-to-hand combat!) and feel the abandonment and uncertainty of being lost in space like the character of Willis Davidge (Dennis Quaid) felt in the 1985 movie “Enemy Mine”.
I think you get the message here. We have taken everything that amused us when we were young and brought it back especially for you, in the form of a game. Because we want you to have fun with everything that sparked our desire to make entertainment our job – games! So I’m not exaggerating when I say Mars 2120 is a dream we have been building since we were kids.
The games industry is for everyone, you just have to jump in and make the game you want to play. And that’s exactly what we did and what you can do too! Now it’s time to put on your spacesuit, get your fists ready and go on a great adventure knowing that Mars 2120 is not just a game, it’s also a dream, a piece of our lives that we really want to share with you.
Are you ready to defeat terrifying enemies and discover all the secrets of the first human colony on Mars?
I dare you! And then come back and tell us how it went. Good luck and have a good adventure!
The post Mars 2120: How a Veteran Indie Team Turned their ’90s Dream into Martian Reality appeared first on Xbox Wire.
In two weeks, you’ll be able to play Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse on your Xbox for the very first time. The final season of Telltale’s episodic Sam & Max trilogy was never ported to Xbox when it first came out in 2010, leaving fans of this comedy adventure series hanging for all these years.
For the uninitiated, Sam & Max are the Freelance Police, a pair of dog and rabbity-thing detectives whose esoteric wit and unconventional crime-fighting techniques have amused and baffled the unwashed masses for the past 37 years. Their credits include indie comics, a Saturday morning cartoon, and, of course, video games.
LucasArts was the first studio to make Sam & Max games, and I was working there as a producer when Sam & Max: Freelance Police was cancelled in 2004. If you were an adventure game fan at the time, you probably remember the uproar—the game was almost finished, previews were glowing, and 32,000 pissed off fans signed an online petition to try to reverse the decision.
The petition didn’t work, but it inspired me and several other Freelance Police team members to start a new studio, Telltale Games. After LucasArts’ rights to make a game about the dog and rabbity-thing crime fighters expired, we teamed up with the series creator, Steve Purcell, to make our own episodic Sam & Max games.
One reason for Freelance Police’s cancellation was that it was a PC game, and all the best-sellers at the time were for consoles. Telltale also started out as a PC developer (it was still the biggest platform for adventure games, our favorite genre), but as the studio grew, we also branched out to consoles. In 2009 we ported the first two Sam & Max seasons, Sam & Max Save the World and Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space, to Xbox 360.
Telltale went on to make one more Sam & Max season, subtitled The Devil’s Playhouse, which came out episodically from April to August 2010—but this one never made it to Xbox. At that point in the studio’s history (before we really hit it big with The Walking Dead), we had our hands full as we refined our vision for interactive storytelling and took on new licenses. We couldn’t support more than one or two platforms at a time back then, and though we always intended to port The Devil’s Playhouse to Xbox, it just never happened… until now!
In a sad twist of fate, Telltale ran into financial trouble in 2018 and the studio shut down. I was no longer working there, but I saw an opportunity to go back to this series that had been so central to my career. (Even before I worked on Sam & Max: Freelance Police, one of my very first games as a QA lead was LucasArts’ 1994 adventure game Sam & Max Hit the Road.) I called up some of the same friends who were there at the beginning of Telltale and we bought the rights to the episodic Sam & Max trilogy.
Since then, we’ve been remastering these games—a real labor of love to get them looking as good and playing as well as we always wanted but didn’t have the resources or expertise to achieve at the time. If you’ve played our Sam & Max Save the World or Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space remasters, you know what a vast improvement they are over the originals, with added widescreen and gamepad support, higher quality visuals and audio, 4K graphics and HDR support on Xbox One X and newer, and lots more additions and refinements.
The remastered version of Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse will close out the trilogy on August 14, and you can preorder it today with a 10% discount. Compared to the first two seasons (which were some of Telltale’s earliest games), The Devil’s Playhouse was made by a larger team that had hit its stride. It’s definitely the weirdest and most ambitious of the three games, and we’re always hearing from fans that it’s their favorite.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but the basic storyline is that Max (the rabbity-thing) stumbles upon a magic toy that gives him random glimpses of the future. His newfound psychic powers attract the attention of an alien warlord named General Skun-ka’pe, who wants the Toys of Power for his own not-so-altruistic purposes… and things quickly spiral out of control.
Across five episodes (released all at once, Netflix-style), you’ll get to mess around with Max’s psychic powers, play as Sam & Max’s great-grandfathers, plunder an Egyptian tomb, confront Lovecraftian monsters, and fend off an army of Sam clones wearing sparkly gold underwear.
If you need to get caught up before playing this final entry in the Sam & Max trilogy, the first two remasters are 40% off on Xbox through August 12 (our deepest discount to date).
And on August 14, we invite you to take your seats, turn off your cell phones, and prepare yourselves for an epic comedy saga. The lights have dimmed, the curtains are opened… the show’s about to begin in Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse!
The post Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse Makes its Xbox Debut August 14 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
After a successful landing on PC back in October, AirportSim, the advanced airport ground handling simulator, arrives on Xbox Today. For the past few months, Polish studio MS Games have been hard at work bringing their highly-detailed airport experience to console. With the release of AirportSim on Xbox now on the horizon, Iceberg Interactive’s Ben Kobs sat down with producer Krzysztof Stabryła to talk about their journey so far!
Can you tell us a little bit about the history of AirportSim? How long have you been working on it and how did the development go?
We’ve been working on AirportSim since late 2021. We’re all aviation fans at MS Games, but Mateusz, our CEO, has been a devoted aviation enthusiast since childhood. Not only does he have a pilot’s license, but he has also been creating software for flight simulators since 2008. The idea of developing a ground handling simulator has been floating around in his head for a long time and we felt like that area was generally unexplored in the sim space, so we were eager to get to work on a sim focussing on ground operations.
The development had its ups and downs, but it was a lot of fun. We had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and collaborate with them to create our game. From actual ground handling companies to vehicle manufacturers, we were lucky to get access to meticulous technical documentation and first-hand insights into the intricacies of airport life, which made the development process a lot easier.
How exciting is it for you to be able to bring your game to a console like Xbox?
We are very excited to introduce AirportSim and the world of ground handling to Xbox. This will help us reach aviation enthusiasts who may not have access to the game otherwise. Bringing our game to a console like Xbox is a thrilling milestone for us, as it allows us to share our passion for aviation with a wider community!
What role does an active community play in the development of the game? How does fan feedback affect you?
During production, we received enormous amounts of support and feedback from our community. We launched a couple of demos for people to try out, and their feedback was invaluable in fine-tuning some features and fixing key issues before launch. The aviation community has always been a huge help in creating projects like this one, and their insights were crucial to our development process.
How important was it for you to give players a realistic experience in AirportSim? Can you elaborate on how realistic the game is compared to real-life ground handling?
It was important for us to deliver a realistic ground handling experience in AirportSim. We are proud to say that our mechanics are nearly identical to real life! We visited many airports and ground handling firms, and, during production, partnered with Welcome Airport Services, LS Airport Services, Warsaw Chopin Airport, and countless others. These partnerships provided us with enormous support.
Of course, some procedures can vary from country to country, airline to airline, and even city to city. This means there may be some discrepancies as certain tasks might be performed differently than what some players are used to. That’s why we decided to standardize these procedures. We wanted to keep things realistic, but also needed to ensure the game was cohesive and enjoyable for players.
What challenges have you faced in the design and execution?
Before we partnered with industry experts, one of the biggest challenges we faced was the lack of documentation and clear and detailed photos. Creating and recreating these models took a lot of time and effort and it was tough to start working on accurate models and representations. We dug through thousands of pages of documentation. It was a tedious and time-consuming task, but essential for the level of realism we were aiming for.
Sound recording was another big hurdle. Airports are incredibly loud places! It’s difficult to get clear audio recordings. But our sound designer, Łukasz, did an amazing job navigating this and made sure everything sounds just right in the game.
So, what’s next?
For now it’s focussing on Xbox! The game is out today and we’re stoked to see how it goes. We’re proud of how it turned out, so make sure to check out AirportSim on Xbox and enjoy the fulfilling experience of the duties of a ground crew member at various airports!
The post AirportSim Has Landed on Xbox: The Journey So Far appeared first on Xbox Wire.
It’s not the most fun, but reliability goes a long way.
Look, fun is fun and all, but sometimes boring is better.
A flip phone dripping with nostalgia that comes in bold colors and lets you run apps all willy-nilly on the cover screen? With inviting wallpapers and playful UI touches? That’s fun. It’s also not the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6. But while I thoroughly enjoyed using the Motorola Razr Plus — the fun flip phone — reliability wins out in the end.
Samsung’s newest clamshell-style foldable is a light update on last year’s model. It costs $1,099, which is a hundred dollars more than last year but also just what flagship phones cost these days. The inner and outer screens get a little brighter in direct sunlight, there’s a slightly bigger battery, and there’s an upgraded main camera, plus the latest Qualcomm chipset, naturally.
That paragraph could describe any number of new Android phones this year. And in the case of the Z Flip 6, that’s actually a good indication of how far Samsung’s flip phone has come. Last year’s update from a small cover screen to the current 3.4-inch OLED took the Flip series from “eh, it’s kinda cool” to “okay this is something.” It’s a far cry from Samsung’s earliest attempts.
But the Z Flip 6 hasn’t totally reached parity with slab phones; it’s certainly not the most fun flip phone. Sure, it’s the best Samsung flip phone — I just wish it would borrow a few ideas from some of the competition.
If I’d never picked up the Motorola Razr Plus, I’d think the Z Flip 6’s outer screen was pretty darn good. But the Razr’s bigger, higher-res screen wraps all the way around the punchouts for the lenses and flash. It makes the Flip 6’s cover screen, which keeps well away from that whole area, look stodgy and cramped by comparison.
And not to get too caught up about wallpapers, but Samsung’s best idea about new wallpapers for the outer screen is… a donut that bounces around when your phone moves? There’s so much more fun stuff you could do with this! Moto’s wallpapers are colorful and inviting, there’s an adorable turntable that spins when you’re playing audio, and I swear one of the background options is blurple. The Z Flip 6 comes with a proper always-on display this time around, but it lacks the sense of fun that I’d expect from a flip phone. Motorola has a mode that turns the whole phone into a retro flip phone, for Pete’s sake. Let’s live a little.
The Flip 6’s cover screen is a little more customizable than last year’s, which limited you to swiping through a bunch of full-screen widgets. Now, it’s more like a traditional home screen. You can still opt for a full-screen widget or add multiple smaller widgets to the same panel. The result feels much more streamlined; I don’t have to dedicate a whole panel to a timer; I can just add it as a smaller widget on a screen with weather info and my calendar.
And as much as I loved the playfulness of Motorola’s cover screen treatment, Samsung’s widgets are more reliable. Specifically, the Spotify panel on the Razr Plus cover screen often needs to refresh before it’ll actually work. The Spotify controls on the Z Flip 6 work flawlessly. Fun only goes so far.
Still, Motorola’s method for approving apps to run on the cover screen is much better than Samsung’s. Out of the box, Samsung will only allow you to run a handful of full apps on the small screen. To add any others, you need to go through a convoluted process: downloading Good Lock and another module from the Galaxy Store and then adding a launcher as a cover screen widget. Motorola doesn’t require any of that futzing about.
This is worth complaining about because I still think that being able to run a full app on the outer screen is one of the best things about a folding phone. Is it an ideal experience opening Strava on a tiny square? No! But I can tap, like, two things to start recording a bike ride without having to come face-to-face with everything else on my phone. It’s glorious.
Typing out messages on the small screen’s keyboard is still a little ridiculous, but it’s another feature I appreciate about a flip phone even if it is an objectively worse user experience. It’s perfect for when I’m in the middle of something and want to send a short response to a text. As an alternative to tapping on those tiny keys, Samsung uses AI to suggest some responses based on previous messages in your thread. Like a lot of generative AI, the responses seem almost normal but are never quite right.
This is the part of the review where I’d normally tell you about a lot of other stuff, like performance and display quality, but you know what? It’s all fine. It’s 2024, and it’s hard to buy a bad phone at the flagship level. The inner screen? Fine. The crease is still there, but you don’t really see it when you’re looking at the phone straight-on, and it never bothered me much. Processing speed? Connectivity? Mouthfeel? Kidding about that last one. But they’re all fine.
Even battery life is fine, which is an achievement compared to the flip phones of just a few years ago. The Z Flip 6 will manage a full day of heavy use, but you’ll be cruising down to the single digits by bedtime. There are lots of other $1,000 phones with better battery life, starting with Samsung’s own Galaxy S24 Plus. If top-notch battery life is a priority, then a flip phone may not be for you.
Getting sand in your crease will really ruin your day — and the same goes for a folding phone. The Flip 6 comes with an IP48 rating, meaning it’s fully water resistant but lord help you if that hinge sucks up a grain of sand. That “4” looks a lot better than the Razr Plus’ nonexistent dust rating, but it just means the phone is protected against foreign objects bigger than 1mm. That said, I’ve been pretty rough with my Z Flip 6 review unit over the past week. It’s survived being thrown into the bottom of some dusty bags, but I can’t say how well it would stand up to years of that kind of abuse.
Flip phone cameras are still catching up to slab phones, too. This year, Samsung has addressed that by upgrading the Z Flip 6 to a 50-megapixel main camera sensor. Image quality looks about as good as any flagship phone, though there’s no telephoto lens if you want to get closer to your subject — just digital zoom and a secondary ultrawide camera. Motorola went the opposite direction with the Razr Plus, trading its ultrawide for a 2x tele lens. That’s a nice move in theory if you like shooting portraits more than sweeping landscapes, but Motorola’s overall image processing isn’t as good as Samsung’s. Samsung phones really do take the best portrait photos, and the Z Flip 6 is no exception.
Samsung is working hard to sell the idea that flip phones work just as well as any other phone, and didn’t you see those Olympians taking pictures with one? Don’t you want that, too? But while there are things I love about the Z Flip 6, it’s still not a phone I would recommend to just anyone. Day-to-day durability is fine, but how it holds up against dust in the long run is still unclear. There’s a 12-month warranty on the Z Flip 6 when you buy it from Samsung in the US, but that doesn’t cover damage caused by dust exposure.
The Galaxy Z Flip 6 makes sense if you really want the benefits of the cover screen — less so if you just find the novelty appealing. You can easily find better battery life and cameras from a garden-variety slab phone. The Moto Razr Plus is more fun. But if you are sold on the idea of the flip phone, Samsung’s slow and steady approach is your best bet.
I find that outer screen incredibly useful, and while Samsung’s take on the UI lacks a little imagination, it works consistently, unlike Moto’s. Likewise, Samsung’s track record for software support is excellent: flagship phones get timely updates, and the Z Flip 6 will keep getting OS upgrades for seven years. Motorola makes a charming flip phone, but it comes with just four years of software support, and new OS updates can be slow to arrive.
Software updates, reliability, and camera processing: not the most fun stuff. But in this case, boring might just be better.
Photography by Allison Johnson / The Verge
A Barcelona-based startup called Inbrain Neuroelectronics has produced a novel brain implant made of graphene and is gearing up for its first in-human test this summer.
The technology is a type of brain-computer interface. BCIs have garnered interest because they record signals from the brain and transmit them to a computer for analysis. They have been used for medical diagnostics, as communication devices for people who can’t speak, and to control external equipment, including robotic limbs. But Inbrain intends to transform its BCI technology into a therapeutic tool for patients with neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease.
Because Inbrain’s chip is made of graphene, the neural interface has some interesting properties, including the ability to be used to both record from and stimulate the brain. That bidirectionality comes from addressing a key problem with the metallic chips typically used in BCI technology: Faradaic reactions. Faradaic reactions are a particular type of electrochemical processes that occurs between a metal electrode and an electrolyte solution. As it so happens, neural tissue is largely composed of aqueous electrolytes. Over time, these Faradaic reactions reduce the effectiveness of the metallic chips.
That’s why Inbrain replaced the metals typically used in such chips with graphene, a material with great electrical conductivity. “Metals have Faraday reactions that actually make all the electrons interact with each other, degrading their effectiveness...for transmitting signals back to the brain,” said Carolina Aguilar, CEO and cofounder of Inbrain.
Because graphene is essentially carbon and not a metal, Aguilar says the chip can inject 200 times as much charge without creating a Faradic reaction. As a result, the material is stable over the millions of pulses of stimulation required of a therapeutic tool. While Inbrain is not yet testing the chip for brain stimulation, the company expects to reach that goal in due time.
The graphene-based chip is produced on a wafer using traditional semiconductor technology, according to Aguilar. At clean-room facilities, Inbrain fabricates a 10-micrometer-thick chip. The chip consists of what Aguilar terms “graphene dots” (not to be confused with graphene quantum dots) that range in size from 25 to 300 micrometers. “This micrometer scale allows us to get that unique resolution on the decoding of the signals from the brain, and also provides us with the micrometric stimulation or modulation of the brain,” added Aguilar.
The first test of the platform in a human patient will soon be performed at the University of Manchester, in England, where it will serve as an interface during the resection of a brain tumor. When resecting a tumor, surgeons must ensure that they don’t damage areas like the brain’s language centers so the patient isn’t impaired after the surgery. “The chip is positioned during the tumor resection so that it can read, at a very high resolution, the signals that tell the surgeon where there is a tumor and where there is not a tumor,” says Aguilar. That should enable the surgeons to extract the tumor with micrometric precision while preserving functional areas like speech and cognition.
Aguilar added, “We have taken this approach for our first human test because it is a very reliable and quick path to prove the safety of graphene, but also demonstrate the potential of what it can do in comparison to metal technology that is used today.”
Aguilar stresses that the Inbrain team has already tested the graphene-based chip’s biocompatibility. “We have been working for the last three years in biocompatibility through various safety studies in large animals,” said Aguilar. “So now we can have these green lights to prove an additional level of safety with humans.”
While this test of the chip at Manchester is aimed at aiding in brain tumor surgery, the same technology could eventually be used to help Parkinson’s patients. Toward this aim, Inbrain’s system was granted Breakthrough Device Designation last September from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as an adjunctive therapy for treating Parkinson’s disease. “For Parkinson’s treatment, we have been working on different preclinical studies that have shown reasonable proof of superiority versus current commercial technology in the [reduction] of Parkinson’s disease symptoms,” said Aguilar.
For treating Parkinson’s, Inbrain’s chip connects with the nigrostriatal pathway in the brain that is critical for movements. The chip will first decode the intention message from the brain that triggers a step or the lifting of the arm—something that a typical BCI can do. But Inbrain’s chip, with its micrometric precision, can also decode pathological biomarkers related to Parkinson’s symptoms, such as tremors, rigidity, and freezing of the gait.
By determining these biomarkers with great precision, Inbrain’s technology can determine how well a patient’s current drug regimen is working. In this first iteration of the Inbrain chip, it doesn’t treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s directly, but instead makes it possible to better target and reduce the amount of drugs that are used in treatment.
“Parkinson’s patients take huge amounts of drugs that have to be changed over time just to keep up with the growing resistance patients develop to the power of the drug,” said Aguilar. “We can reduce it at least 50 percent and hopefully in the future more as our devices become precise.”
Mika’s beloved tale comes to Xbox for the first time, with updated graphics and a new photo mode. Explore Kaltenbach, bond with Windstorm, and uncover hidden secrets.
Embark on a journey like no other as Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship – Remastered gallops onto Xbox for the first time! Dive into the captivating world of Windstorm and experience the heartwarming tale of Mika, a young girl with a remarkable gift for understanding horses. As Mika forms an unbreakable bond with the magnificent black stallion, Windstorm, players are invited to join them on an unforgettable adventure.
Based on the beloved “Windstorm” movies and bestselling books, this Xbox release promises an immersive experience like never before. With fully updated graphics and a brand-new photo mode, players can explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Kaltenbach estate in stunning detail.
Engage in exhilarating riding tasks alongside Windstorm, as you navigate the picturesque Alpine area and uncover hidden treasures scattered throughout the terrain. Feel the thrill of horseback riding as you interact naturally with Windstorm, learning to communicate and understand each other’s movements with ease.
But the journey doesn’t end there. Care for Windstorm like a true friend, tending to his needs with love and dedication. From grooming to training, ensure Windstorm is in peak condition as you forge an unbreakable bond that will withstand any challenge.
Experience the world of Windstorm like never before with this Unreal Engine 5-powered remaster that boasts updated graphics, enhanced character details, and new animations for all creatures, including Windstorm himself. Explore every corner of the game world to discover new collectibles and hidden surprises, all while capturing stunning moments with the new photo mode.
Windstorm: Start of Great Friendship – Remastered on Xbox promises to deliver an unforgettable gaming experience. So, saddle up, embrace the adventure, and write with every gallop legends of your own.
The post Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship – Remastered Gallops onto Xbox appeared first on Xbox Wire.
As an indie game developer with a passion for filmmaking, I’ve always sought to blend the cinematic with the interactive. My latest project, NightGhast, is a testament to this fusion. NightGhast is a first-person horror game that delves into the eerie world of wicked witches and sinister widows. Developed using Unreal Engine 5, this game stands out not just for its chilling narrative but also for the innovative techniques we employed during its creation. A significant part of this process involved working with real-life theatre actors, filming them on green screen, and integrating their performances into the game. This approach not only enhanced the game’s realism but also opened new doors for future projects.
My background in filmmaking has always driven me to create visually compelling and narratively rich experiences. Even though I have self-developed and self-published many indie games, NightGhast is special because it allowed me to merge my two passions: filmmaking and game development. The game’s story required a level of emotional depth and authenticity that could only be achieved through the nuanced performances of real actors. This led us to explore the use of real-time theatre actor shooting on green screen as a core part of our development process.
The journey of NightGhast was significantly supported by the ID@Xbox program, which assists indie developers in bringing their games to Xbox platforms. The ID@Xbox team was instrumental during the certification process, providing invaluable support and resources. Their assistance ensured that NightGhast met all technical and quality standards, allowing us to focus on the creative aspects of the game.
The use of Unreal Engine 5’s virtual production and cinematic tools allowed us to push the boundaries of traditional game development. We collaborated with talented theatre actors, filming their performances against a green screen. This process involved capturing a wide range of emotions and actions that were essential to the game’s narrative. The actors’ performances as image sequences were then imported into Unreal Engine 5, where we utilized advanced virtual production techniques to seamlessly integrate them into the game world. Although our budget was limited, for an indie game, I’m happy how their performance enhanced the narrative. Naturally, for future reference, if we ever have a chance to shoot real-time actors over a sophisticated virtual set, the results would be much more compelling.
The inclusion of real actors brought a level of realism to NightGhast that would have been difficult to achieve with purely digital characters. The subtle nuances of human performance added depth to the characters, making the horror elements more impactful and the story more engaging.
Using real actors helped create more believable interactions and heightened the emotional connection between the player and the game. The actors’ performances were not just visual; they conveyed the underlying tension and fear essential to a horror game, drawing players deeper into the experience. For example, one of the main adversaries in the game is inspired from Alpen folklore, a mystical character named “Schnabelperchten”. We experimented with great detail for her costume and make up, which would be nearly impossible if we wanted to develop that character as a 3D model, within our very limited budget.
This project demonstrated the potential of combining traditional filmmaking techniques with modern game development tools. By using green screen and virtual production, we were able to create complex scenes and character interactions more efficiently and with greater creative freedom.
While the process was incredibly rewarding, it was not without its challenges. Filming on a green screen requires precise lighting and camera work to ensure that the actors’ performances are captured accurately. Additionally, integrating these performances into a real-time engine like Unreal Engine 5 involved overcoming some problems like “video codes”. Initially, we had certain problems with video and audio codecs on different platforms, and in the end, we had to develop new workflows and pipelines to manage the data and ensure that the final product was seamless.
The success of NightGhast has opened up new possibilities for future projects. The technique of using real actors filmed on green screen can be applied to various genres and game types, offering a way to bring more lifelike characters and performances into the gaming world. This approach not only enhances the storytelling potential of games but also provides opportunities for actors to explore new forms of performance art.NightGhast is a pioneering blend of traditional filmmaking and cutting-edge game development, creating a unique and immersive horror experience. This innovative approach sets NightGhast apart and paves the way for future projects that will continue to push the boundaries of interactive storytelling. As an indie developer, this journey has been incredibly fulfilling, and I hope you, too, will soon be immersed in a strange and eerie world as you jump in to NightGhast, out now on Xbox.
The post How Working with Theatre Actors Enhanced our Indie Horror/Mystery NightGhast appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) have revolutionized the way players interact with games by breaking the fourth wall, blending fiction with reality, and creating immersive experiences that extend beyond traditional gaming boundaries. Trust No One epitomizes this innovative approach, engaging you on a deeper level by integrating real-world elements into its narrative.
In traditional media, breaking the fourth wall refers to characters acknowledging the audience’s existence, thereby disrupting the imaginary “wall” separating them from the viewer. Trust No One pushes this further by dissolving the boundary between the game and the real world. Players are not just passive consumers of a story; they become active participants, influencing the narrative and engaging with real-world elements to advance the plot.
Trust No One, developed by Triomatica Games, is a prime example enhancing player engagement by breaking the fourth wall. Set in Kyiv, you take on the role of a journalist investigating a mysterious AI company. You must use external resources such as internet searches and real-world clues to solve puzzles, creating a seamless blend of digital and physical realities.
This immersive approach to gameplay makes you feel like you are part of the game’s world. By stepping outside the confines of the game itself, you engage more deeply with the narrative, experiencing a sense of involvement and urgency that traditional games often lack. The real-world interaction fosters a connection to the game’s story, making the experience more personal and impactful.
ARGs often rely on community collaboration to solve complex puzzles and uncover hidden narratives. Trust No One encourages players to share discoveries and work together to piece together the story. This collaborative aspect builds a sense of community among players. Online forums, social media groups, and dedicated websites become integral parts of the gaming experience, where players can exchange information, theories, and solutions.
The social dimension of Trust No One transforms the gaming experience into a collective journey, where you feel part of a larger effort. But what if your cooperative mate is one of the game’s characters? You are going to communicate with one of the game characters via real email in order to progress in Trust No One.
By breaking the fourth wall, Trust No One also enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You must think creatively, analyze real-world information, and connect disparate clues to progress. You are going to analyze in-game clues and connect them to real-world information, like addresses of real places in Kyiv. By the way, all game locations have their real-world prototypes and even have their real addresses, so you can check them all on Bing Maps.
In Trust No One, the puzzles are designed to be challenging and require you to engage with various external sources. This level of complexity and the need for real-world research encourages you to develop a more analytical and resourceful mindset, benefiting your problem-solving abilities both within and outside the game.
Would you Like to Try It?
Breaking the fourth wall in Trust No One significantly enhances your engagement by merging the fictional world with reality, fostering community collaboration, and encouraging critical thinking. This unique and immersive experience will captivate you and keeps you invested in the narrative long after you’ve put down you controller. By continuing to innovate and blur the lines between game and reality, Trust No One is at the forefront of interactive storytelling, offering you new ways to engage with and influence the worlds you explore.
Only you decide what your next step will be. Trust No One has a completely open world with more than 300 locations to explore. Try it and see where it leads you.
Feel like a journalist in the real Kyiv, unravelling a mysterious web of clues that lead you to an unexpected finale.
Available on Xbox Series and Xbox One Today.
And remember: Trust No One.
The post Breaking the Fourth Wall: Fiction Meets Reality in ARG Trust No One appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Humanity is an action-puzzle game that puts you in the role of a Shiba Inu trying to rebuild mankind after its destruction at the hands of a rogue AI, and it launches today on Xbox. If you’ve got Xbox Game Pass or PC Game Pass, you can download and play right now! If you’re not yet familiar with Humanity, check our announcement Xbox Wire post here.
When you’ve got a job as big as single-handedly (paw-edly?) saving the human race, you could probably use a few pointers. We’ve got you covered. Here are seven tips to ensure you start off on the right foot—er, paw.
In each Humanity stage, you place commands on the ground to direct the humans over obstacles and solve puzzles to get them into a goal. The goals fill with light as humans stream into them. But sometimes, you may notice a goal isn’t filling or only fills partially. This means you need a bigger flow of humans to trigger it. Check your route and make sure no people are straying off the path and that you have a steady number walking in.
Humanity‘s story takes place in a hub area called the Testing Grounds, with AI “Cores” running experiments to rebuild mankind. The humans you lead are made of light—so when they perish, they turn back into light and walk through the door again. So don’t feel bad when you (inevitably!) lose a few to cliffs or falling blocks or weapons. The only human-shaped characters you should be worried about losing are the bonus Goldy, which unlock game progression, cosmetics, and more. And for them, consider…
The never-ending, always forward-moving line of people doesn’t need to be stressful. If theme parks have taught us anything, putting humans in a queue can save everyone from headaches. Make the queue work for you by directing the humans into a circular or back-and-forth pattern when you need to temporarily hold something safely. It’s perfect for ensuring you don’t lose any bonus Goldy mid-stage.
At the end of the game’s Prologue, you learn a very important technique—diving. When you hit the jump button in mid-air, you’ll dive into the horde of humans and can traverse among them as if they were water. It’s a great way to travel around stages quickly, but there’s a more advanced trick to it. You can use momentum as you emerge from a dive (pressing jump again) to jump higher than you normally can. This allows you to scale walls that are three blocks high with ease.
Not long into Story Mode you’ll unlock the ability to Retry a stage but keep the commands you’ve already laid down in place. It’s called Retry Keep Commands, and it’s maybe the most important option when you’re puzzling out a route for the humans to take. Because if you realize you’ve made a mistake that there’s no time to correct, you can simply reset the flow of humans with Retry Keep Commands and make fixes (you can also optionally use Retry Clear Commands to clear the stage entirely).
Humanity is a puzzle game; sometimes you might need a hint—a push in the right direction. We didn’t want you to get stuck on a puzzle. Select Solution Video from the pause menu and watch as much or as little of the clip as you want. It won’t spoil how to get the Goldy though. That’s up to you!
Here’s one of the biggest tips of all. If you love a particular type of puzzle in Humanity or just want to play more even after you finish the story, go to Play Stages from the title screen. Here, you’ll find playlists of user-made levels—almost 10,000 have already been uploaded. Each stage even indicates how difficult it is so you can find stages that meet you at your puzzling skill level. You can search by specific puzzle types and sort by the highest-rated, clear rate, or newest uploads. For launch, we have a specially selected playlist of stages inspired by Xbox.
And there you have it, seven essential tips to get the very best experience from Humanity. It’s available right now on Xbox, and with Game Pass and PC Game Pass. Best of luck saving mankind!!
The post Master Humanity: 7 Essential Tips for Saving Mankind appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Pocket Stables, which is available for pre-order today, is a game where you can raise your very own racehorse. If you are a horse racing fan, you have probably dreamed of owning a racehorse. In this game, you are the owner and rancher, and you can produce everything from facilities and training methods to jockeys and horse breeding.
Improved facilities are also essential for the training of racehorses. In addition to training facilities, you should also develop facilities for tourists visiting your ranch. If the ranch becomes an attractive tourist destination, funds and other resources for raising racehorses will increase.
This game is packed with not only the excitement of sports, but also a relaxing element.
The colorful scenery of the ranch and the sight of horses and trainers training together will leave you feeling enriched. Also, it will be exciting to see the racehorses you have worked so hard on win the race!
Raise your dream Triple Crown horse with your own hands and reach the pinnacle of glory.
Pocket Stables will be available on Xbox from June 6, 2024. Pre-order the game today!
The post Dream Racehorse Training Game Pocket Stables is Out Now on Xbox appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Greetings Survivors! I’m Julia Wolbach, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Dead Drop Studios. Today we are launching a two-game pack, Outbreak The Fedora Files: What Lydia Knows, on Xbox Series X|S. This includes our first ever visual novel as well as the rogue-like Outbreak RPG!
Up until now, you may know the Outbreak series for its survival horror gameplay. We love daring players to carefully manage their resources, explore, and conquer unspeakable monsters by the skin of their teeth. This sort of tense gameplay is one way to experience the compelling world of horror, but for this project, I wanted to do something very different.
The horror genre is about more than fun scares and over-the-top gore; character-driven drama drives a compelling story that sticks with players long after it’s over. This switch to the visual novel format allowed me to meaningfully expand on the characters and the universe that we’ve created in a way we simply can’t in a traditional survival horror game. As a woman, I’m also excited to have written our main character as an empowered female lead; instead of serving as a damsel in distress or a mere plot point, Lydia is a passionate heroine with a strong sense of justice and a “can do” ’attitude. She is the type of character that I myself would like to see more of in video games!
The primary draw of What Lydia Knows is its deep and interactive story. In this canon prequel to the upcoming Outbreak: Shades of Horror, Detective Lydia Daniels is desperately trying to solve the mystery behind her partner’s disappearance. There are so many paths the story can take; not only are there a whopping 24 endings to discover, but there are also constant choices to make and mini-games to complete along the way. This isn’t simply like reading a book or watching a movie; our visual novel takes full advantage of the interactivity of video games to put you and your personality in the driver’s seat. Even the order that you choose to prioritize different parts of your investigation will affect the outcome.
Throughout the journey, you’ll meet a diverse cast of shady characters who may either lend a hand or put a wrench in Lydia’s plans. Depending on how you treat these characters and the route you take, aspects of the story will change and lead you to a different destiny. As such, Lydia’s fate is in your hands; if you make the wrong choice, her life may come to an early and tragic end! Completionists will want to replay the game to discover each and every possible epilogue.
On the other side of the coin, Outbreak RPG represents yet another way we’ve challenged ourselves to do something different with the Outbreak series. This is a rogue-like, turn-based adventure where survival is far from guaranteed. While most of our games explore survival horror gameplay from an action-oriented perspective, Outbreak RPG instead approaches this from a slower-paced, cerebral point-of-view.
The premise is simple; embark on a quest to evacuate survivors out of Cypress Ridge as the city has fallen to a zombie apocalypse. In this game, though, you need to manage a four-character party, complete with character-specific strengths and weaknesses, to take out deadly foes strategically. Do you attack with Lydia’s handgun for a higher chance of critically injuring monsters, or do you use Hank’s shotgun to hurt multiple ghouls with a single blast? Do you spend a turn to search for supplies or heal, or do you attempt to run away from an encounter entirely? Is it best to use a precious grenade when you’re out of ammo, or should you try to whittle down your opponent with a melee attack? These are the types of questions you’ll constantly need to answer correctly if you’re going to emerge from the city victorious.
In between random battles, you will stumble into events that may aid you in your fight or even deal damage to your party. The timing of your choices in and out of combat will also impact your initiative, which affects your luck. As you rescue each Survivor scattered throughout Cypress Ridge, you’ll receive perks ranging from increased health to powered-up weapons. Once you find all ten civilians, endure a final boss encounter and victory is yours! No play-through of Outbreak RPG is the same, however, and with four difficulty settings, you can re-enter the hellscape for a fresh challenge.
Aside from the two distinct games included in What Lydia Knows, players can enjoy a variety of extra features! Use the Scene Studio to make and save your own custom scenes using characters and locations you encounter during Lydia’s adventure. Unlock music from across the Outbreak series (including our smash hit Railbreak) and behind-the-scenes concept art as you discover more endings. Once you finish the visual novel, you can even enjoy a preview of the next episode. No matter where you look, What Lydia Knows has so much to see and explore!
Explore a seedy city teeming with the undead when Outbreak The Fedora Files: What Lydia Knows launches for Xbox Series X|S on May 17. Pre-orders begin on May 10th with a 20% discount available for pre-orders and the launch window. Do you have what it takes to solve Cypress Ridge’s latest mystery?
The post What Lydia Knows, a Deep Visual Novel and RPG Double-Game Pack, Arrives on Xbox appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Beware, citizens… A three-headed shadow looms above the sky while acidic mist suffocates the air below. What doom has crossed over to the GigaBash world? Introducing the latest additions to the GigaBash roster from the Godzilla universe, King Ghidorah and Hedorah! Let’s take a closer look at what they are capable of.
As seen in “Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991)”, you play as Godzilla’s most formidable rival. Your supersonic wings allow you to fly and rain destructive Gravity Beams from above. You can also wind up your wings to produce a powerful shockwave that sends buildings hurling towards the enemy with a single flap. Each of your colossal, horned heads can blast destructive lightning bolt-like Gravity Beams capable of tearing through entire skyscrapers.
As Hedorah, you play as the smog monster that stands taller than Godzilla and can match the King of the Monsters blow for blow. As seen in “Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)”, you can spit Acidic Sludge, pollute the air with Acidic Sulfuric Mist, throw deadly mud balls, and even shoot a Hedrium Ray from one of your eyes. You can also dodge oncoming attacks by shifting into your Flying Stage, leaving behind a pool of Acidic Sludge that damages and slows the enemy.
Don’t you have that Kaiju battle matchup idea in mind that has yet to be realized on film? With the additional purchase of the Godzilla 4 Kaiju Pack DLC, you can pit Godzilla, Gigan, Mechagodzilla, and Destoroyah against King Ghidorah and Hedorah to recreate your ultimate Kaiju fantasy.
Check out the new GigaBash Godzilla DLCs All-in-One Showcase video.
Play as the superstar and the OG of the Tokusatsu genre. This version from the 1990s Godzilla movies , features a more predatory-looking head with a sleeker and more powerful body. As Godzilla, you can grab hold of your enemies and ram them toward skyscrapers for big damage. You can fire its iconic heat ray from across the map, incinerating anyone in your way with additional burn damage to enemies when performed as an S-Class!
As Gigan, your razor-sharp claws can dice up enemies in a jiffy. They also apply a deadly Bleeding Status that deals additional damage if your victim tries to move around. You can rev up the buzz saw on its abdomen to devastate anything and anyone who comes too close. You can also fire a destructive laser beam that explodes into multiple clusters, keeping enemies at bay while you scheme your next approach.
This version is Nicknamed Kiryu, an anti-Godzilla weapon as seen in the film “Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (2002)”. Its Weapon Control System allows it to wield a wide arsenal of weapons such as wrist blade, rockets, homing missiles, and railguns, Hyper Maser Cannon and Absolute Zero Cannon. Unique to Mechagodzilla, each of its weapons consumes one of two different types of energy, making it one of the more difficult characters to master. However, in the right hands, it can swiftly annihilate its foes with a merciless display of firepower.
As seen in “Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995),” these microcellular organisms evolve into larger and more destructive stages, ultimately reforming into a single terrible but awesome creature. As Destoroyah, you use your pincer tail to snag and drag enemies across the battlefield. Also your Micro-Oxygen beam can , easily vaporize anything caught in its path.
The hallmark of any epic Kaiju film is definitely… Beam Clash! That’s right, you can trigger one whenever two beam attacks collide. Mash the attack button to increase your power before this tug-of-war ends in a massive explosion, just like in the movies.
With two of Godzilla’s most fearsome nemeses crossing over into GigaBash along with the characters from the Godzilla 4 Kaiju DLC, that’s a total of six kaijus from the Godzilla universe, along with ten original GigaBash characters from the base game for fans to enjoy. So, will you sow terror as the Nemeses of Godzilla? Or will you team up with old adversaries out of sheer survival instinct to fight off these formidable foes? We await your answer in the arena!
The post Godzilla: Nemesis DLC – King Ghidorah & Hedorah Invade GigaBash appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Crafted with meticulous attention to player feedback, this electrifying track is a direct response to the clamor for more verticality in our racing experience. We heard you loud and clear after the release of our first Racing circuit, and Titans’ Alley delivers in spades. Prepare to navigate hairpin turns, dizzying ascents, and heart-stopping descents as you vie for victory in this thrilling new desertic environment.
Harness the power of your Dragons and ascend to victory in the ultimate test of speed and skill!
Ready for an unparalleled adrenaline rush? Get set to soar with the wind and command the strength of Dragons as you plunge into the depths of the Titan’s Alley desert.
The Circuit of Champions event not only unveils the new desert-themed circuit, but also two new Pick Ups:
You can also experiment with two new features added to the Dragon Racing game mode:
The swiftest Dragoneers will not only claim victory but also unlock amazing prizes as a testament to their triumph!
As Dragoneers take flight atop their majestic dragons, navigating through challenging laps and outmaneuvering rivals, their quest extends beyond mere glory. They’re racing towards the promise of incredible prizes, awaiting those bold enough to seize victory with skill and determination.
Dragoneers will not only etch their names into the annals of dragon racing history but also gain access to exclusive rewards that will leave them in awe. From legendary Dragon gear, legendary and epic chests to scarce in-game currency and beyond, every triumph in the Circuit of Champions event propels you closer to a vault of jolly rewards.
Don’t wait another moment—leap into action today and claim your place as the quickest Dragoneer in this time-limited challenge!
The post Join the Circuit of Champions Event Now through May 23 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Experience a magical convergence of strategy and chance in Spellcats, where mystical felines rule and tactics triumph. In this innovative roguelike deckbuilder, you are the catalyst in a spellbound world dominated by a group of humans called Nekocasters. Dare to venture into mysterious dungeons and the shadowy lairs where you must use your strategic skills to overcome your adversaries and free your four-legged siblings. Traverse mysterious dungeons, make card combos, and free your companions combining cards and cats.
Harness the raw power of over 100 diverse cat cards. Each cat comes to life with extraordinary abilities, from the stealthy Alley Pouncer to the majestic Thunderclaw. Build your deck with a mix of tactical prowess and random fortune, ensuring each dungeon run is filled with thrilling unpredictability.
Spellcats also offers a unique gaming experience with five different elements: Water, Electricity, Fire, Ice, and Earth, each with its unique gameplay style that enriches the player’s experience through a myriad of mystical landscapes. Additionally, over 20 amulets await to be discovered and used. These will enhance the army of kittens and give an advantage in battles.
Empower your journey with unique trinkets, each adding layers of depth to your strategic maneuvers. These artifacts are imbued with capabilities that amplify your feline summons, turning the tide of battles. Dive into the heart of darkness and light in Spellcats, where each play is a step towards liberation or doom. The fate of the Nekos rests upon your shoulders—will you rise as their savior, or will the shadows of Nekocasters eclipse the land forever? Prepare to cast, conquer, and ascend in this enchanting saga of survival and sorcery, launching this May. Are you ready to unleash the true power of the paw?
The post Magical Felines Collide in Strategy Deckbuilder Spellcats, Launching May 17 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Solving crime is no walk in the pond.
We’re very excited to announce that Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is coming to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and the Windows Store! Duck Detective is Aggretsuko meets Return of the Obra Dinn, in a cozy mystery setting where a down-on-his-luck duck is tasked with exposing a sinister sausage-based conspiracy.
You play as Eugene McQuacklin, part-time private investigator, full-time duck. As a recent divorcee and ex-police detective, you must use your supreme powers of deduc(k)tion to save your ailing career and maybe, just maybe, pay next month’s rent.
Our small team at Happy Broccoli Games have been greatly inspired by the classic Agatha Christie novels. While they take a darker and more suspenseful approach, we wanted to create something that would keep you guessing as much as it will make you smile. It has been fantastic fun for our team to write such an energetic and twisty tale. A pompous detective, mismatched characters, and cramped environment, all mixed together surely makes for a big hoot!
Justice is a dish best served at the bottom of a pond. And you’re sure to get your flippers wet when it comes to the case of The Secret Salami.
We are very much looking forward to having all you detectives quack the case on release! We don’t have a firm date just yet, but we’ll work hard to get it in your hands as quackly as possible. Please look forward to more puns and more fun when the game launches on Xbox!
The post Use Your Powers of De-duck-tion in Duck Detective: The Secret Salami appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Welcome to the colorful and unpredictable world of Athens. Athenian Rhapsody releases May 14 on Xbox One & Series X|S systems, and with it, the chance to build your very own Rhapsody! Inspired heavily by a mixture of retro RPGs, choose-your-own-adventure books, and numerous other inspirations, Athenian Rhapsody is a unique blend of traditional RPG mechanics, player-focused narrative and exploration, and surprises such as varied minigames and a unique online system. No playthroughs will be the same – find out why in the brand new launch trailer above!
The world of Athens is weird, highly unusual, and filled with a host of surprises. Along the way, you’ll meet tons of friends (and foes)! As you navigate the world in your own unique way, you’ll decide how you want to interact not only with those you meet, but also the world itself. As the world shifts and you interact with denizens, you’ll begin to flesh out your very own rhapsody. You can meet 16 potential party members, all with tons of depth – the very world will change depending on who you have in your party when. Plus, every single enemy can be fought or befriended! You’ll also find smaller friends and foes to commune with, and find tons of unlockable outfits to deck yourself and your party out with.
The game also features a unique combat system, which mixes traditional JRPG-esque turn-based combat alongside real-time bullet-hell elements. However, that’s not all! The game throws a monkey wrench in this formula by introducing a vast assortment of distinct ways of battling through an eclectic mix of unique minigames. This may include playing basketball, cooking, dancing your heart out, working out, playing old arcade games, drawing pictures, and more! And that’s not even mentioning the unique conversations and personalities of each enemy you can find throughout the game.
As you explore Athens, you’ll come across tons of different biomes, all with their own unique feel and residents (both friendly and not)! Not only will your party members play a role in how you explore these biomes, but so will the choices you make throughout the game and how you interact with those around you. You’ll find yourself in situations that range from odd (such as fighting an arrogant fly) to utterly bizarre (helping out in an Italian restaurant). What other secrets does the world of Athens hold? You’ll have to explore every nook and cranny to find out!
Last but not least, what’s up with that online system we mentioned? The complexity and deep variety of the game’s design means no two playthroughs will ever be the same. As you wrap up each playthrough of the game, you’ll be awarded your very own “rhapsody”, something of a unique memento that contains your player character and each and every nuance of how you experienced Athens. These rhapsodies can be collected and viewed, but also traded to friends! Collected rhapsodies can also be stacked/combined to give them additional effects. Plus, some rare rhapsodies exist, which may grant special in-game bonuses or allow for unique experiences to pop up in game.
Developed by Nico Papalia with co-development help, porting assistance for Xbox, and publishing by Top Hat Studios, Athenian Rhapsody is launching May 14 on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, with a 15% launch discount until May 28th.
The post Athenian Rhapsody Brings Laughs, Community, and IBS appeared first on Xbox Wire.
The past few months have made one thing crystal clear: phones remain undefeated.
The AI gadgets that were supposed to save us from our phones have arrived woefully underbaked — whatever illusions we might have held that the Humane AI pin or the Rabbit R1 were going to offer any kind of salve for the constant rug burn of dealing with our personal tech is gone. Hot Gadget Spring is over and developer season is upon us, starting with Google I/O this coming Tuesday.
It also happens to be a pivotal time for Android. I/O comes on the heels of a major re-org that put the Android team together with Google’s hardware team for the first time. The directive is clear: to run full speed ahead and put more AI in more things. Not preferring Google’s own products was a foundational principle of Android, though that model started shifting years ago as hardware and software teams collaborated more closely. Now, the wall is gone and the AI era is here. And if the past 12 months have been any indication, it’s going to be a little messy.
So far, despite Samsung and Google’s best efforts, AI on smartphones has really only amounted to a handful of party tricks. You can turn a picture of a lamp into a different lamp, summarize meeting notes with varying degrees of success, and circle something on your screen to search for it. Handy, sure, but far from a cohesive vision of our AI future. But Android has the key to one important door that could bring more of these features together: Gemini.
Gemini launched as an AI-fueled alternative to the standard Google Assistant a little over three months ago, and it didn’t feel quite ready yet. On day one, it couldn’t access your calendar or set a reminder — not super helpful. Google has added those functions since then, but it still doesn’t support third-party media apps like Spotify. Google Assistant has supported Spotify for most of the last decade.
But the more I come back to Gemini, the more I can see how it’s going to change how I use my phone. It can memorize a dinner recipe and talk me through the steps as I’m cooking. It can understand when I’m asking the wrong question and give me the answer to the one I’m looking for instead (figs are the fruit that have dead wasp parts in them; not dates, as I learned). It can tell me which Paw Patrol toy I’m holding, for Pete’s sake.
Again, though — party tricks. Gemini’s real utility will arrive when it can integrate more easily across the Android ecosystem; when it’s built into your earbuds, your watch, and into the very operating system itself.
Android’s success in the AI era rides on those integrations. ChatGPT can’t read your emails or your calendars as readily as Gemini; it doesn’t have easy access to a history of every place you’ve visited in the past decade. Those are real advantages, and Google needs every advantage right now. We’ve seen plenty of signals that Apple plans to unveil a much smarter Siri at WWDC this year. Microsoft and OpenAI aren’t sitting still either. Google needs to lean into its advantages to deliver AI that’s more than a party trick — even if it’s a little un-Android-like.
Crafted with meticulous attention to player feedback, this electrifying track is a direct response to the clamor for more verticality in our racing experience. We heard you loud and clear after the release of our first Racing circuit, and Titans’ Alley delivers in spades. Prepare to navigate hairpin turns, dizzying ascents, and heart-stopping descents as you vie for victory in this thrilling new desertic environment.
Harness the power of your Dragons and ascend to victory in the ultimate test of speed and skill!
Ready for an unparalleled adrenaline rush? Get set to soar with the wind and command the strength of Dragons as you plunge into the depths of the Titan’s Alley desert.
The Circuit of Champions event not only unveils the new desert-themed circuit, but also two new Pick Ups:
You can also experiment with two new features added to the Dragon Racing game mode:
The swiftest Dragoneers will not only claim victory but also unlock amazing prizes as a testament to their triumph!
As Dragoneers take flight atop their majestic dragons, navigating through challenging laps and outmaneuvering rivals, their quest extends beyond mere glory. They’re racing towards the promise of incredible prizes, awaiting those bold enough to seize victory with skill and determination.
Dragoneers will not only etch their names into the annals of dragon racing history but also gain access to exclusive rewards that will leave them in awe. From legendary Dragon gear, legendary and epic chests to scarce in-game currency and beyond, every triumph in the Circuit of Champions event propels you closer to a vault of jolly rewards.
Don’t wait another moment—leap into action today and claim your place as the quickest Dragoneer in this time-limited challenge!
The post Join the Circuit of Champions Event Now through May 23 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Experience a magical convergence of strategy and chance in Spellcats, where mystical felines rule and tactics triumph. In this innovative roguelike deckbuilder, you are the catalyst in a spellbound world dominated by a group of humans called Nekocasters. Dare to venture into mysterious dungeons and the shadowy lairs where you must use your strategic skills to overcome your adversaries and free your four-legged siblings. Traverse mysterious dungeons, make card combos, and free your companions combining cards and cats.
Harness the raw power of over 100 diverse cat cards. Each cat comes to life with extraordinary abilities, from the stealthy Alley Pouncer to the majestic Thunderclaw. Build your deck with a mix of tactical prowess and random fortune, ensuring each dungeon run is filled with thrilling unpredictability.
Spellcats also offers a unique gaming experience with five different elements: Water, Electricity, Fire, Ice, and Earth, each with its unique gameplay style that enriches the player’s experience through a myriad of mystical landscapes. Additionally, over 20 amulets await to be discovered and used. These will enhance the army of kittens and give an advantage in battles.
Empower your journey with unique trinkets, each adding layers of depth to your strategic maneuvers. These artifacts are imbued with capabilities that amplify your feline summons, turning the tide of battles. Dive into the heart of darkness and light in Spellcats, where each play is a step towards liberation or doom. The fate of the Nekos rests upon your shoulders—will you rise as their savior, or will the shadows of Nekocasters eclipse the land forever? Prepare to cast, conquer, and ascend in this enchanting saga of survival and sorcery, launching this May. Are you ready to unleash the true power of the paw?
The post Magical Felines Collide in Strategy Deckbuilder Spellcats, Launching May 17 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Solving crime is no walk in the pond.
We’re very excited to announce that Duck Detective: The Secret Salami is coming to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and the Windows Store! Duck Detective is Aggretsuko meets Return of the Obra Dinn, in a cozy mystery setting where a down-on-his-luck duck is tasked with exposing a sinister sausage-based conspiracy.
You play as Eugene McQuacklin, part-time private investigator, full-time duck. As a recent divorcee and ex-police detective, you must use your supreme powers of deduc(k)tion to save your ailing career and maybe, just maybe, pay next month’s rent.
Our small team at Happy Broccoli Games have been greatly inspired by the classic Agatha Christie novels. While they take a darker and more suspenseful approach, we wanted to create something that would keep you guessing as much as it will make you smile. It has been fantastic fun for our team to write such an energetic and twisty tale. A pompous detective, mismatched characters, and cramped environment, all mixed together surely makes for a big hoot!
Justice is a dish best served at the bottom of a pond. And you’re sure to get your flippers wet when it comes to the case of The Secret Salami.
We are very much looking forward to having all you detectives quack the case on release! We don’t have a firm date just yet, but we’ll work hard to get it in your hands as quackly as possible. Please look forward to more puns and more fun when the game launches on Xbox!
The post Use Your Powers of De-duck-tion in Duck Detective: The Secret Salami appeared first on Xbox Wire.
Welcome to the colorful and unpredictable world of Athens. Athenian Rhapsody releases May 14 on Xbox One & Series X|S systems, and with it, the chance to build your very own Rhapsody! Inspired heavily by a mixture of retro RPGs, choose-your-own-adventure books, and numerous other inspirations, Athenian Rhapsody is a unique blend of traditional RPG mechanics, player-focused narrative and exploration, and surprises such as varied minigames and a unique online system. No playthroughs will be the same – find out why in the brand new launch trailer above!
The world of Athens is weird, highly unusual, and filled with a host of surprises. Along the way, you’ll meet tons of friends (and foes)! As you navigate the world in your own unique way, you’ll decide how you want to interact not only with those you meet, but also the world itself. As the world shifts and you interact with denizens, you’ll begin to flesh out your very own rhapsody. You can meet 16 potential party members, all with tons of depth – the very world will change depending on who you have in your party when. Plus, every single enemy can be fought or befriended! You’ll also find smaller friends and foes to commune with, and find tons of unlockable outfits to deck yourself and your party out with.
The game also features a unique combat system, which mixes traditional JRPG-esque turn-based combat alongside real-time bullet-hell elements. However, that’s not all! The game throws a monkey wrench in this formula by introducing a vast assortment of distinct ways of battling through an eclectic mix of unique minigames. This may include playing basketball, cooking, dancing your heart out, working out, playing old arcade games, drawing pictures, and more! And that’s not even mentioning the unique conversations and personalities of each enemy you can find throughout the game.
As you explore Athens, you’ll come across tons of different biomes, all with their own unique feel and residents (both friendly and not)! Not only will your party members play a role in how you explore these biomes, but so will the choices you make throughout the game and how you interact with those around you. You’ll find yourself in situations that range from odd (such as fighting an arrogant fly) to utterly bizarre (helping out in an Italian restaurant). What other secrets does the world of Athens hold? You’ll have to explore every nook and cranny to find out!
Last but not least, what’s up with that online system we mentioned? The complexity and deep variety of the game’s design means no two playthroughs will ever be the same. As you wrap up each playthrough of the game, you’ll be awarded your very own “rhapsody”, something of a unique memento that contains your player character and each and every nuance of how you experienced Athens. These rhapsodies can be collected and viewed, but also traded to friends! Collected rhapsodies can also be stacked/combined to give them additional effects. Plus, some rare rhapsodies exist, which may grant special in-game bonuses or allow for unique experiences to pop up in game.
Developed by Nico Papalia with co-development help, porting assistance for Xbox, and publishing by Top Hat Studios, Athenian Rhapsody is launching May 14 on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, with a 15% launch discount until May 28th.
The post Athenian Rhapsody Brings Laughs, Community, and IBS appeared first on Xbox Wire.
The past few months have made one thing crystal clear: phones remain undefeated.
The AI gadgets that were supposed to save us from our phones have arrived woefully underbaked — whatever illusions we might have held that the Humane AI pin or the Rabbit R1 were going to offer any kind of salve for the constant rug burn of dealing with our personal tech is gone. Hot Gadget Spring is over and developer season is upon us, starting with Google I/O this coming Tuesday.
It also happens to be a pivotal time for Android. I/O comes on the heels of a major re-org that put the Android team together with Google’s hardware team for the first time. The directive is clear: to run full speed ahead and put more AI in more things. Not preferring Google’s own products was a foundational principle of Android, though that model started shifting years ago as hardware and software teams collaborated more closely. Now, the wall is gone and the AI era is here. And if the past 12 months have been any indication, it’s going to be a little messy.
So far, despite Samsung and Google’s best efforts, AI on smartphones has really only amounted to a handful of party tricks. You can turn a picture of a lamp into a different lamp, summarize meeting notes with varying degrees of success, and circle something on your screen to search for it. Handy, sure, but far from a cohesive vision of our AI future. But Android has the key to one important door that could bring more of these features together: Gemini.
Gemini launched as an AI-fueled alternative to the standard Google Assistant a little over three months ago, and it didn’t feel quite ready yet. On day one, it couldn’t access your calendar or set a reminder — not super helpful. Google has added those functions since then, but it still doesn’t support third-party media apps like Spotify. Google Assistant has supported Spotify for most of the last decade.
But the more I come back to Gemini, the more I can see how it’s going to change how I use my phone. It can memorize a dinner recipe and talk me through the steps as I’m cooking. It can understand when I’m asking the wrong question and give me the answer to the one I’m looking for instead (figs are the fruit that have dead wasp parts in them; not dates, as I learned). It can tell me which Paw Patrol toy I’m holding, for Pete’s sake.
Again, though — party tricks. Gemini’s real utility will arrive when it can integrate more easily across the Android ecosystem; when it’s built into your earbuds, your watch, and into the very operating system itself.
Android’s success in the AI era rides on those integrations. ChatGPT can’t read your emails or your calendars as readily as Gemini; it doesn’t have easy access to a history of every place you’ve visited in the past decade. Those are real advantages, and Google needs every advantage right now. We’ve seen plenty of signals that Apple plans to unveil a much smarter Siri at WWDC this year. Microsoft and OpenAI aren’t sitting still either. Google needs to lean into its advantages to deliver AI that’s more than a party trick — even if it’s a little un-Android-like.
Get ready to suit up and command your Wanzers because Front Mission 2: Remake is landing on Xbox Series S|X and Xbox One!
This strategic turn-based classic returns with a stunning visual overhaul and refined gameplay, ready to reignite the hearts of its fans once again.
The People’s Republic of Alordesh, already struggling financially, has been pushed to the brink by the devastating Second Huffman Conflict. This war has left the nation deeply impoverished, fueling widespread public frustration.
Follow the O.C.U.’s elite military squads – the “Muddy Otters,” “Dull Stags,” and the “O.C.U. Ground Defense Force Intelligence Agency” – as they navigate the war-torn nation of Alordesh and fight to end the brutal civil war.
Beyond the gripping story, Front Mission 2: Remake offers a deep and engaging strategic combat system. Take complete control of your Wanzers, customizing them to your tactical preferences. Enhance the original experience with two new Wanzers: Uisk and Igel Eins H, along with two powerful weapons: Storm Trident and Heavy Trident, and explore new camo options!
Refine your tactics by equipping different weapons, armor parts, and special abilities. Master the battlefield with a free camera system, allowing you to survey the environment and exploit enemy weaknesses.
Front Mission 2: Remake isn’t just about a visual upgrade. The game boasts a complete overhaul, featuring: modernized battle scenes, improved loading times, modern in-game effects, a renewed soundtrack, and localization into nine languages to make the story accessible to a wider audience.
Brand new content added to the remake version also includes the free camera option, allowing you to freely hover around the map to gain an even greater overview of your battlefield. Additionally, a brand new game mode called “New Game+” lets you keep all your gathered weapons, parts, and progress, allowing you to start the game anew and challenge your opponents once again! Whether you’re a seasoned Front Mission veteran or a newcomer to the series, Front Mission 2: Remake offers a captivating story, deep strategic gameplay, and a chance to rewrite the fate of Huffman Island. Prepare to deploy!
The post Front Mission 2: Remake is Available Now on Xbox appeared first on Xbox Wire.
We are so excited to announce that we’re bringing the award-winning action-puzzle game Humanity to Xbox and Windows 10 on May 30, 2024. Starting today, you can pre-order and pre-load. Even better, it’s launching into Game Pass for console, cloud, and PC. If you love a beautifully crafted, chill puzzle game that’s a little bit platforming, a little bit strategy, has a 90-stage story mode, and a near-endless amount of user-generated content, this one is worth playing.
Become a Dog, Save the World
You wake up as a Shiba Inu and are told that it’s your job to save mankind and lead a horde of ever-forward-marching humans to the light. As you play, you discover that a rogue AI (hmm, timely?) wiped us out, and to rebuild, this same AI is running experiments to reconstruct what makes us all human. That sounds like a heavy burden, but remember, you’re a dog made of light!
At the beginning of the game, a never-ending stream of people emerge from a gate in each stage. They’ll walk forward until you place a command on the ground that they can follow. Command them to turn, jump, jump higher, jump farther, branch, etc. Each stage is an obstacle course, and you’ll need to puzzle out the best path to reach the goal. Direct them towards climbable walls to make them climb, water to swim, fans(!) to make them float through the air, and more.
The great thing about Humanity is that the gameplay constantly evolves throughout the game. Challenges like limited commands, Start Switch puzzles that make you plan everything out first, and you’ll even arm your humans later to fight opposing factions (more about that in a second).
See the tall, statuesque golden idols in these screenshots? They’re called Goldy. Along the way, when you direct your humans over a square occupied by one, they’ll begin walking with your group. Getting Goldy to the goals unlocks some game features, cosmetics (that turn your people into teddy bears, robots, etc.), and more.
Friendly Rivalry Turns into All-Out War
Of course, saving the world can get a little complicated. You’ll soon meet another faction—the Others. These Others are much like your people but do not share the same language or culture. They do want Goldy, though. The friendly rivalry quickly turns more aggressive, and both sides take up arms. But is this an “are we the baddies?” situation? Something to ponder as you play.
Even deeper into the game you meet The Machines—which bring more firepower, turrets, lasers, etc. to the party.
Test Your Skill in Boss Stages
Remember that rogue AI we mentioned that decimated humanity? It’s divided into four Cores. They have different personalities, and each is responsible for rebuilding one aspect of humanity. When you reach the end of each one’s set of challenges, you must destroy them via a final test. Sometimes, it’s reliant on your puzzle-solving skills, but later, these get more action-y—including gigantic boss fights.
An Endless Library of User-Made Stages Awaits
In addition to the 90 stages in story mode, you can also play stages/puzzles made by other players. We hand-curate playlists of the best stages, or you can dive in and search/sort through the massive library (8,700+ stages and counting!) yourself. Users have taken Humanity’s core gameplay and created racing stages, time trials, platforming challenges, and more, remixing things in new and exciting ways.
Make and Share Your Own Stages
Plus, you can create your own stages using the stage creator. We walk you through the basics in a tutorial, then set you and your imagination free to explore. Make your masterpiece and share it with the community. Stages are playable across all platforms!
With visuals and design from celebrated visual designer Yugo Nakamura, a mesmerizing soundscape from Jemapur, and gameplay from tha ltd. and Enhance (Rez Infinite, Tetris Effect: Connected) you will not want to miss this unforgettable puzzle experience. We hope to see you playing on Xbox console, PC, cloud, and with Game Pass on May 30!
The post Help Rogue AI Rebuild Humankind in Humanity, with Xbox Game Pass May 30 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
The Frostpunk 2 development team is excited to offer players a chance to return to the unforgiving Frostlands and experience a glimpse of our ambitious sequel, where in addition to the need to survive, you face the new, deadly threat of human nature and its insatiable thirst for power. The Beta features a part of the sandbox mode called the Utopia Builder Preview.
While the original Frostpunk launched without a sandbox mode, it quickly became one of the community’s top requests. Hence, we introduced the Endless mode, allowing players to expand endlessly. Witnessing players spend over 500 hours or more in the game has been truly inspiring for us.
From the outset, we knew a variation of the sandbox mode was essential for Frostpunk 2. As we believe Frostpunk 2 represents a significant step forward for the franchise, each aspect of the game needed expansion. For the sandbox experience, we aimed to infuse it with a richer narrative and other unique aspects specific to Frostpunk 2.
Thirty years after the Great Storm, which concluded the first game’s storyline, humanity has partially tamed the weather. So making a blizzard in a sequel even bigger than the one in the first Frostpunk wouldn’t feel satisfying, creative, or exciting for you as a player. It is impossible to tell the story of social change of ambitions without changing the scale. Thus, the time flow in the game transitions from hours and days to weeks, months, and years, and players oversee the creation of entire districts, emphasizing societal survival and shaping. Frostpunk 2 continues an approach to be a society survival type of strategy game but also places greater emphasis on how this society is shaped.
With the absence of immediate survival pressure, citizens began to contemplate a different future, leading to varied visions among factions. As the new Steward, you are tasked with building a council representative of these factions. The ideological conflict is also present in the Utopia Builder Preview mode, demanding players reconcile conflicting interests and navigate societal complexities.
Mismanagement could lead to catastrophe while allowing ambitions to grow unchecked can foster social conflicts. Ultimately, human nature can lead to the city’s downfall, where one’s utopia may become another’s dystopia.
Preorder Frostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition today, and unlock the Utopia Builder mode with sandbox Beta for PC. Explore, create, and survive through April 22!
The post Sample Frostpunk 2’s New Sandbox Mode with the New Beta, Available Now Through April 22 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
The Frostpunk 2 development team is excited to offer players a chance to return to the unforgiving Frostlands and experience a glimpse of our ambitious sequel, where in addition to the need to survive, you face the new, deadly threat of human nature and its insatiable thirst for power. The Beta features a part of the sandbox mode called the Utopia Builder Preview.
While the original Frostpunk launched without a sandbox mode, it quickly became one of the community’s top requests. Hence, we introduced the Endless mode, allowing players to expand endlessly. Witnessing players spend over 500 hours or more in the game has been truly inspiring for us.
From the outset, we knew a variation of the sandbox mode was essential for Frostpunk 2. As we believe Frostpunk 2 represents a significant step forward for the franchise, each aspect of the game needed expansion. For the sandbox experience, we aimed to infuse it with a richer narrative and other unique aspects specific to Frostpunk 2.
Thirty years after the Great Storm, which concluded the first game’s storyline, humanity has partially tamed the weather. So making a blizzard in a sequel even bigger than the one in the first Frostpunk wouldn’t feel satisfying, creative, or exciting for you as a player. It is impossible to tell the story of social change of ambitions without changing the scale. Thus, the time flow in the game transitions from hours and days to weeks, months, and years, and players oversee the creation of entire districts, emphasizing societal survival and shaping. Frostpunk 2 continues an approach to be a society survival type of strategy game but also places greater emphasis on how this society is shaped.
With the absence of immediate survival pressure, citizens began to contemplate a different future, leading to varied visions among factions. As the new Steward, you are tasked with building a council representative of these factions. The ideological conflict is also present in the Utopia Builder Preview mode, demanding players reconcile conflicting interests and navigate societal complexities.
Mismanagement could lead to catastrophe while allowing ambitions to grow unchecked can foster social conflicts. Ultimately, human nature can lead to the city’s downfall, where one’s utopia may become another’s dystopia.
Preorder Frostpunk 2: Deluxe Edition today, and unlock the Utopia Builder mode with sandbox Beta for PC. Explore, create, and survive through April 22!
The post Sample Frostpunk 2’s New Sandbox Mode with the New Beta, Available Now Through April 22 appeared first on Xbox Wire.
At any given time, there are between five and eight phones on my desk. And by “my desk,” I mean any combination of tables and countertops throughout my house. So when I watched the Humane AI Pin reviews start pouring in last week, I did what any logical person would do: grab the closest phone and try to turn it into my own AI wearable.
Humane would like you to believe that its AI Pin represents consumer tech at its most cutting edge. The reviews and the guts of the pin say otherwise: it uses a Snapdragon processor from four years ago and seems to run a custom version of Android 12.
“It’s a midrange Android phone!” I declared at our next team meeting, waving around a midrange Android phone for effect. “You could just download Gemini and stick this to your shirt!” Simple. Trivial. Give me 10 minutes, and I’ll have a more powerful AI gadget whipped up, I said.
Hardware is hard, y’all.
Ideally, I wanted an outward-facing camera and a decent voice assistant I could use hands-free. An iPhone in a shirt pocket was an intriguing solution but a nonstarter because a) none of my shirts have pockets, and b) Siri is just not that smart. Thus, my earliest prototype was a Motorola Razr Plus clamped to the neckline of my shirt. This, unsurprisingly, did not work but for reasons I did not anticipate.
First off, you can’t download Gemini from the Play Store on a folding phone. That was news to me. But even once I’d sideloaded it and set it as the default assistant, I ran into another barrier: it’s really hard to use a voice assistant from the cover screen of a flip phone. The Razr wants you to flip the phone open before you can do anything aside from get its attention with “Hey Google.”
Running Gemini in Chrome on the cover screen actually got me closer to what I was looking for. But trying to tap buttons on the screen to trigger the assistant wasn’t working very well, and neither was operating Google Lens out of the corner of my eye. Also, Gemini misread “recycle” on a tube of toothpaste as “becicle,” which it confidently told me was an old-timey word for eyeglasses. It is not!
Prototype two was the same Razr flip phone running ChatGPT in conversation mode on the cover screen. This meant the app was constantly running and always listening, so it wasn’t practical. But I gave it a shot anyway, and it was a strange experience talking to an AI chatbot that I couldn’t see.
ChatGPT is a decent conversationalist, but we ran out of things to talk about pretty quickly once I’d exhausted my chatbot go-to’s: dinner recipes and plant care tips. I want an AI that can do things for me, not just brainstorm stir-fry ingredients.
I ditched the foldable concept and picked up a Pixel 8 and a Pixel Watch 2 instead. I set up Gemini as the default assistant on the phone and figured that would somehow apply to the watch, too. Wrong. I had one more card to play, though: a good old pair of wireless earbuds. Life on the cutting edge of technology, baby.
You know what, though? It kind of worked. I had to leave Gemini open and running on my phone since Google doesn’t fully support Gemini Assistant on headphones. But I took a picture of a Blue Apron recipe I was making for dinner, told Gemini to remember it, and left my phone on the counter. As I moved around the kitchen, I asked Gemini questions I’d normally have to peek back at the recipe to answer like “How long do I roast the vegetables for?” and “How do I prep the fish?” It gave me the right answers every time.
What was more impressive is that I could ask it tangential questions. It helped me use pantry ingredients to recreate a seasoning mix I didn’t have on hand. I asked why the recipe might have me divide the sauce into two portions, and it gave me a plausible answer. And it did something the Humane pin can’t do yet: set a timer.
It wasn’t perfect. First, I had to unplug the Google Home puck sitting on the counter because it kept trying to butt in. Gemini also told me that it couldn’t play an album on Spotify, something that that Google Home speaker has been doing for the better part of a decade. The watch came in handy for that, at least.
What started as a goofy stunt has convinced me of two things: I really do think we’re going to use AI to get more things done in the future, and also, the future of AI gadgets is just phones. It’s phones!
I love a gadget, but guys, I lived through the era of camera companies trying to convince us that we all needed to carry a compact camera and our phones everywhere. Phones won. Phones already come with powerful processors, decent heat dissipation, and sophisticated wireless connectivity. An AI gadget that operates independently from your phone has to figure all of that out.
And you know what looks a lot less doofy than a pin with a laser on your chest? Earbuds. People willingly wear them throughout the day right now. And the doofy factor definitely matters when it comes to wearables. I’m having a hard time seeing how a separate gadget can beat the humble phone plus a pair of earbuds or something like the Meta Ray Bans. Maybe there’s room in our lives and our pockets for dedicated AI hardware — the gadget lover in me is all for it. But I think it’s more likely that we have all of the ingredients we need to make good AI hardware right in front of us.
Here at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, we believe that it’s important that our academic research has a practical application. An important area of research we are engaged in is broadening participation in computing education by investigating how the subject can be made more culturally relevant — we have published several studies in this area.
However, we know that busy teachers do not have time to keep abreast of all the latest research. This is where our Pedagogy Quick Reads come in. They show teachers how an area of current research either has been or could be applied in practice.
Our new Pedagogy Quick Reads summarises the central tenets of culturally relevant pedagogy (the theory) and then lays out 10 areas of opportunity as concrete ways for you to put the theory into practice.
Computing remains an area where many groups of people are underrepresented, including those marginalised because of their gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, additional educational needs, or age. For example, recent stats in the BCS’ Annual Diversity Report 2023 record that in the UK, the proportion of women working in tech was 20% in 2021, and Black women made up only 0.7% of tech specialists. Beyond gender and ethnicity, pupils who have fewer social and economic opportunities ‘don’t see Computing as a subject for somebody like them’, a recent report from Teach First found.
The fact that in the UK, 94% of girls and 79% of boys drop Computing at age 14 should be of particular concern for Computing educators. This last statistic makes it painfully clear that there is much work to be done to broaden the appeal of Computing in schools. One approach to make the subject more inclusive and attractive to young people is to make it more culturally relevant.
As part of our research to help teachers effectively adapt their curriculum materials to make them culturally relevant and engaging for their learners, we’ve identified 10 areas of opportunity — areas where teachers can choose to take actions to bring the latest research on culturally relevant pedagogy into their classrooms, right here, right now.
The Pedagogy Quick Read gives teachers ideas for how they can use the areas of opportunity (AOs) to begin to review their own curriculum, teaching materials, and practices. We recommend picking one area initially, and focusing on that perhaps for a term. This helps you avoid being overwhelmed, and is particularly useful if you are trying to reach a particular group, for example, Year 9 girls, or low-attaining boys, or learners who lack confidence or motivation.
For example, one simple intervention is AO1 ‘Finding out more about our learners’. It’s all too easy for teachers to assume that they know what their students’ interests are. And getting to know your students can be especially tricky at secondary level, when teachers might only see a class once a fortnight or in a carousel.
However, finding out about your learners can be easily achieved in an online survey homework task, set at the beginning of a new academic year or term or unit of work. Using their interests, along with considerations of their backgrounds, families, and identities as inputs in curriculum planning can have tangible benefits: students may begin to feel an increased sense of belonging when they see their interests or identities reflected in the material later used.
The Quick Read presents two practical case studies of how we’ve used the 10 AO to adapt and assess different lesson materials to increase their relevance for learners.
As we’ve shared before, we implemented culturally relevant pedagogy as part of UK primary school teachers’ professional development in a recent research project. The Quick Read provides details of how we supported teachers to use the AOs to adapt teaching material to make it more culturally relevant to learners in their own contexts. Links to the resources used to review 2 units of work, lesson by lesson, to adapt tasks, learning material, and outcomes are included in the Quick Read.
In a different project, we used the AOs to reflect on our adaptation of classroom materials from The Computing Curriculum, which we had designed for schools in England originally. Partnering with Amala Education, we adapted Computing Curriculum materials to create a 100-hour course for young adults at Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya who wanted to develop vocational digital literacy skills.
The diagram below shows our ratings of the importance of applying each AO while adapting materials for this particular context. In this case, the most important areas for making adaptations were to make the context more culturally relevant, and to improve the materials’ accessibility in terms of readability and output formats (text, animation, video, etc.).
You can use this method of reflection as a way to evaluate your progress in addressing different AOs in a unit of work, across the materials for a whole year group, or even for your school’s whole approach. This may be useful for highlighting those areas which have, perhaps, been overlooked.
The ‘Areas of opportunity’ Pedagogy Quick Read aims to help teachers apply research to their practice by summarising current research and giving practical examples of evidence-based teaching interventions and resources they can use.
The set of AOs was developed as part of a wider research project, and each one is itself research-informed. The Quick Read includes references to that research for everyone who wants to know more about culturally relevant pedagogy. This supporting evidence will be useful to teachers who want to address the topic of culturally relevant pedagogy with senior or subject leaders in their school, who often need to know that new initiatives are evidence-based.
Our goal for the Quick Read is to raise awareness of tried and tested pedagogies that increase accessibility and broaden the appeal of Computing education, so that all of our students can develop a sense of belonging and enjoyment of Computing.
Let us know if you have a story to tell about how you have applied one of the areas of opportunity in your classroom.
To date, our research in the field of culturally relevant pedagogy has been generously supported by funders including Cognizant and Google. We are very grateful to our partners for enabling us to learn more about how to make computing education inclusive for all.
The post New resource to help teachers make Computing culturally relevant appeared first on Raspberry Pi Foundation.
It’s the last week of Black History Month 2024 in the USA, but by no means is the celebration over. The beautiful thing about history is that it’s not an isolated narrative about the past, but an ongoing dialogue in which we talk about how our collective past informs our present, and what more can be achieved in the future. The fact is this: we make history every single day. That’s why it’s so important for everyone to actively engage with history, and for us to celebrate the achievements of all.
When we talk about the history of STEM and computing, it’s necessary to highlight the achievements of people from groups that are still underrepresented in these fields: communities of colour, female and gender non-conforming people, people with disabilities, and underresourced communities. When we highlight their achievements, everyone can gain a fuller understanding of this history, and more young people from these groups can see they have a place in these fields and in moving them forward.
[When young kids of colour help inform the technology they use,] we end up with technology that is more inclusive to diverse communities […], and we help the kids become creators instead of just consumers.
Qumisha Goss
So to keep the conversation going about Black history in STEM and computing and how people make it every day, today we’re highlighting stories of Black community members. You’ll find out how they got involved in coding and creating with technology, and who their Black role models in tech are — past and present.
Meet Qumisha Goss, a brilliant source of inspiration and a shining light for youth in the ‘Motor City’ of Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Growing up, Qumisha always had an interest in tech, often tinkering and putting projects together, and her interest quickly transformed into a dream of becoming an engineer one day. Fast forward to now, and Qumisha has done exactly that and so much more.
She’s the Interim Executive Director of Peer 2 Peer University, the Digital Literacy Subject Matter Expert for Connect 313, the Creator and Lead Instructor of Code Grow, and a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator. Talk about impact! We asked Qumisha a few questions to explore her incredible story and to learn how she’s giving back to her community today:
Qumisha: “When I was a kid, my grandmas, Gloria and Cassandra, helped my brother and I make a shrinking machine out of a cardboard box, some batteries, and some lights. There was a minimum of science used, but my grandma swapped out our test ear of corn for a baby corn and my curiosity was rewarded with success. In elementary school, my ‘hero’ was Mae Carol Jemison, engineer, doctor, and astronaut. She was the first African American woman to go to space, in 1992 on the Endeavor. I found someone who looked like me who was doing something that I wanted to do, and that was encouraging.”
Qumisha: “It’s important that young kids of colour help inform the technology that they use. The benefits are twofold: we end up with technology that is more inclusive to diverse communities because it is informed by them, and we help the kids become creators instead of just consumers.”
Qumisha: “I eventually went to college to study engineering. I ended up switching majors and studying history and classical languages, but later returned to the tech world when I joined the Python and Raspberry Pi communities. I learned how to code outside of a traditional classroom and have been running physical computing classes and workshops for kids in my hometown of Detroit.”
Qumisha: “Even if kids don’t stick with it, they learn that coding — and lots of things — are not beyond them. The next Bill Gates might be sitting on the library stoop. The difference between them being able to make it or not is: ‘Did they ever get the opportunity to touch the thing that really sparks their genius?’ And for me, I want to help as many kids as possible interact with tech in a fun and engaging way so that they know that they can be technologists too.”
The difference between [kids] being able to make it or not is: ‘Did they ever get the opportunity to touch the thing that really sparks their genius?’
Qumisha Goss
To connect with Qumisha and learn how you can support the incredible, history-making work that she’s doing, follow her on X at @QatalystGoss.
Keep reading to meet more Black history makers across the USA, and to find resources to learn how you can help increase diversity in the technology sector in your community.
Explore our research seminars for educators who want to learn how to make computer science more accessible to all.
Listen to the stories of other Black community members who are making history all over the US. Siblings Sophia and Sebastian, researcher Randi Williams, and aspiring filmmaker Jordan chatted to us about their interest in coding, tech, and getting creative with digital tools.
Try out one of our guided projects for young people to get creative with tech. Check out Coolest Projects, our free online showcase for young tech creators, and how you can get young people involved.
And if you want to share the story of how you got into tech and how you’re inspiring kids to do the same, reach out to us on social media so we can amplify your voice.
Happy Black History Month!
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Right now, you need a Galaxy S24 phone to use the very latest AI features from Samsung, but that’s changing next month. In late March, Samsung will extend Galaxy AI features to the S23 series — including the S23 FE — as well as recent foldables and tablets as part of the One UI 6.1 update. It’s all free for now, but after 2025 you might have to pay up.
The Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Z Flip 5 are slated to get the update, as well as the Galaxy Tab S9, S9 Plus, and S9 Ultra. If Samsung wants to ship Galaxy AI to 100 million phones this year like it says it will, that’s a solid start. The One UI 6.1 update will include the much-touted AI features on the S24 series, including live translation capabilities, generative photo and video editing, and Google’s Circle to Search feature. This suite of features includes a mix of on- and off-device processing, just like it does on the S24 series.
An older phone learning new tricks is unequivocally a good thing, even if Galaxy AI is a little bit of a mixed bag right now. But my overall impression is that these features do occasionally come in handy, and when they go sideways they’re mostly harmless. One UI 6.1 will also include a handful of useful non-AI updates, such as lockscreen widgets and the new, unified Quick Share.
If you’d like to upgrade to One UI 6.1 but want to avoid the AI features, you can always turn them off. That’s one easy way to avoid ever coming face to face with something like Pillow Arm.
Quantum computing is a devilishly complex technology, with many technical hurdles impacting its development. Of these challenges two critical issues stand out: miniaturization and qubit quality.
IBM has adopted the superconducting qubit road map of reaching a 1,121-qubit processor by 2023, leading to the expectation that 1,000 qubits with today’s qubit form factor is feasible. However, current approaches will require very large chips (50 millimeters on a side, or larger) at the scale of small wafers, or the use of chiplets on multichip modules. While this approach will work, the aim is to attain a better path toward scalability.
Now researchers at MIT have been able to both reduce the size of the qubits and done so in a way that reduces the interference that occurs between neighboring qubits. The MIT researchers have increased the number of superconducting qubits that can be added onto a device by a factor of 100.
“We are addressing both qubit miniaturization and quality,” said William Oliver, the director for the Center for Quantum Engineering at MIT. “Unlike conventional transistor scaling, where only the number really matters, for qubits, large numbers are not sufficient, they must also be high-performance. Sacrificing performance for qubit number is not a useful trade in quantum computing. They must go hand in hand.”
The key to this big increase in qubit density and reduction of interference comes down to the use of two-dimensional materials, in particular the 2D insulator hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). The MIT researchers demonstrated that a few atomic monolayers of hBN can be stacked to form the insulator in the capacitors of a superconducting qubit.
Just like other capacitors, the capacitors in these superconducting circuits take the form of a sandwich in which an insulator material is sandwiched between two metal plates. The big difference for these capacitors is that the superconducting circuits can operate only at extremely low temperatures—less than 0.02 degrees above absolute zero (-273.15 °C).
Superconducting qubits are measured at temperatures as low as 20 millikelvin in a dilution refrigerator.Nathan Fiske/MIT
In that environment, insulating materials that are available for the job, such as PE-CVD silicon oxide or silicon nitride, have quite a few defects that are too lossy for quantum computing applications. To get around these material shortcomings, most superconducting circuits use what are called coplanar capacitors. In these capacitors, the plates are positioned laterally to one another, rather than on top of one another.
As a result, the intrinsic silicon substrate below the plates and to a smaller degree the vacuum above the plates serve as the capacitor dielectric. Intrinsic silicon is chemically pure and therefore has few defects, and the large size dilutes the electric field at the plate interfaces, all of which leads to a low-loss capacitor. The lateral size of each plate in this open-face design ends up being quite large (typically 100 by 100 micrometers) in order to achieve the required capacitance.
In an effort to move away from the large lateral configuration, the MIT researchers embarked on a search for an insulator that has very few defects and is compatible with superconducting capacitor plates.
“We chose to study hBN because it is the most widely used insulator in 2D material research due to its cleanliness and chemical inertness,” said colead author Joel Wang, a research scientist in the Engineering Quantum Systems group of the MIT Research Laboratory for Electronics.
On either side of the hBN, the MIT researchers used the 2D superconducting material, niobium diselenide. One of the trickiest aspects of fabricating the capacitors was working with the niobium diselenide, which oxidizes in seconds when exposed to air, according to Wang. This necessitates that the assembly of the capacitor occur in a glove box filled with argon gas.
While this would seemingly complicate the scaling up of the production of these capacitors, Wang doesn’t regard this as a limiting factor.
“What determines the quality factor of the capacitor are the two interfaces between the two materials,” said Wang. “Once the sandwich is made, the two interfaces are “sealed” and we don’t see any noticeable degradation over time when exposed to the atmosphere.”
This lack of degradation is because around 90 percent of the electric field is contained within the sandwich structure, so the oxidation of the outer surface of the niobium diselenide does not play a significant role anymore. This ultimately makes the capacitor footprint much smaller, and it accounts for the reduction in cross talk between the neighboring qubits.
“The main challenge for scaling up the fabrication will be the wafer-scale growth of hBN and 2D superconductors like [niobium diselenide], and how one can do wafer-scale stacking of these films,” added Wang.
Wang believes that this research has shown 2D hBN to be a good insulator candidate for superconducting qubits. He says that the groundwork the MIT team has done will serve as a road map for using other hybrid 2D materials to build superconducting circuits.