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  • 7 bizarre Easter Eggs from across the Perfect Dark seriesIan Higton
    Perfect Dark has been in the news quite a lot recently. First there was the impressive gameplay reveal for the upcoming reboot at this month's Xbox Showcase and, literally yesterday, Nintendo announced that the original Perfect Dark is now available to play on Switch.All of this Perfect Dark news got me perfectly nostalgic, so I jumped back into the original three games and put together a little list video based on some of the most bizarre (and naughty) Easter Eggs and features that Rare's seri

7 bizarre Easter Eggs from across the Perfect Dark series

19. Červen 2024 v 16:00

Perfect Dark has been in the news quite a lot recently. First there was the impressive gameplay reveal for the upcoming reboot at this month's Xbox Showcase and, literally yesterday, Nintendo announced that the original Perfect Dark is now available to play on Switch.

All of this Perfect Dark news got me perfectly nostalgic, so I jumped back into the original three games and put together a little list video based on some of the most bizarre (and naughty) Easter Eggs and features that Rare's series has to offer.

Give it a watch on the player above or there's the YouTube version embedded below if you'd prefer to push that one into your peepers. Enjoy!

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  • What have we learned from Perfect Dark's gameplay reveal trailer?John Linneman
    The art of the reveal is a difficult thing - and in our current industry, most publishers prefer trailers packed with pre-rendered CGI or snippets captured across the game. Yet, I've always preferred a different approach: a linear series of events showcasing what's possible in the game. This style was memorably used to reveal Metal Gear Solid 2, along with titles like Halo 2, Doom 3, The Last of Us and Killzone: Shadow Fall. It's designed to showcase the gameplay vision of a title contained wit

What have we learned from Perfect Dark's gameplay reveal trailer?

19. Červen 2024 v 15:59

The art of the reveal is a difficult thing - and in our current industry, most publishers prefer trailers packed with pre-rendered CGI or snippets captured across the game. Yet, I've always preferred a different approach: a linear series of events showcasing what's possible in the game. This style was memorably used to reveal Metal Gear Solid 2, along with titles like Halo 2, Doom 3, The Last of Us and Killzone: Shadow Fall. It's designed to showcase the gameplay vision of a title contained within a single location - a way to help the player understand what sort of game the developer is building. With the reboot of Perfect Dark, finally shown during this year's Xbox showcase, I was thrilled to see a return to this format.

There's little doubt that the lead-up to Perfect Dark has been fraught with challenges. First named six years ago in a simple teaser, the studio went radio-silent afterwards, with rumors suggesting it was in a rough state. With this new trailer, however, it finally feels like we have a vision for what the team wants to achieve. This is still very much a vertical slice - it wouldn't be surprising to learn that little else of the game's campaign has been built yet - but this trailer gives me hope that they're on the right track.

Creating a new entry in the Perfect Dark series is perhaps not as simple as it may seem. On the face of it, the original Perfect Dark is a type of shooter that largely doesn't really exist any longer. It's mission- and objective-driven, filled with gadgets and other unique scenarios, but the central mechanics, level design and flow are very much of the era. There is one contemporary game, known as Agent 64, which perfectly builds on this style of play - the demo is excellent and a fun throwback - but that's not necessarily what you'd want from a full reboot.

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  • Nintendo Switch Online adds "Mature" games selection, starting with Perfect Dark And TurokVictoria Kennedy
    Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Perfect Dark are heading to Nintendo Switch Online, as part of the Expansion pack's new "mature" games app. Nintendo made the announcement during this afternoon's Direct broadcast. Both N64 shooters are available from today. In addition, Perfect Dark will arrive with online multiplayer, so who is ready for a round or two later? As well as these mature games, Nintendo Switch Online users will be able to get their hands on GameBoy Advance's Metroid: Zero Mission a

Nintendo Switch Online adds "Mature" games selection, starting with Perfect Dark And Turok

18. Červen 2024 v 17:18

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Perfect Dark are heading to Nintendo Switch Online, as part of the Expansion pack's new "mature" games app.

Nintendo made the announcement during this afternoon's Direct broadcast. Both N64 shooters are available from today. In addition, Perfect Dark will arrive with online multiplayer, so who is ready for a round or two later?

As well as these mature games, Nintendo Switch Online users will be able to get their hands on GameBoy Advance's Metroid: Zero Mission and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Four Swords. You can see a little taste for what's in store via the video below.

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  • Špionážní thriller Perfect Dark oslňuje hratelností - INDIANMichal Burian
    Microsoft konečně ukázal nový Perfect Dark v gameplay záběrech, které nám dávají dobrou představu o tom, co máme od tohoto špionážního thrilleru vlastně čekat. Americká společnost na návrat této akce dost sází, vždyť kvůli němu otevřela úplně nové studio a najmula odborníky.Perfect Dark je thriller o tajném agentovi z blízké budoucnosti zasazený do světa plného špiónů, nových technologií a záhad.„V blízké budoucnosti postihne Zemi řada globálních katastrof, které přivedou ekosystémy po celém svě

Špionážní thriller Perfect Dark oslňuje hratelností - INDIAN

9. Červen 2024 v 20:38

Microsoft konečně ukázal nový Perfect Dark v gameplay záběrech, které nám dávají dobrou představu o tom, co máme od tohoto špionážního thrilleru vlastně čekat. Americká společnost na návrat této akce dost sází, vždyť kvůli němu otevřela úplně nové studio a najmula odborníky.

Perfect Dark je thriller o tajném agentovi z blízké budoucnosti zasazený do světa plného špiónů, nových technologií a záhad.

„V blízké budoucnosti postihne Zemi řada globálních katastrof, které přivedou ekosystémy po celém světě na pokraj zhroucení. Staňte se Joannou Dark, elitní agentkou společnosti DataDyne, která pátrá po nejhledanějším zločinci světa Danielu Carringtonovi. Odhalte tajemství převratných technologií, které mohou ohrozit životy milionů lidí,“ dočteme se v popisku.

Dnešní video naznačilo poslání tajné agenty Joanny Dark (hlas jí propůjčila Alix Regan a vizuální podobu Elissa Bibaud), ukázalo nám její sestup do prostředí Káhiry v blízké budoucnosti a poté nám poskytlo lákavý pohled na zcela novou hratelnost inspirovanou tajnými agenty.

Perfect Dark bude zážitek pro jednoho hráče se sérií misí, ovšem záleží pouze na vás, jak tyto mise splníte. Velkou možnost představuje pohyb. Vývojáři měli vytvořit intuitivní pohybový systém, na který navazuje bojový systém, který umožňuje boj zblízka i střelbu, stealth mechaniky a volné využití gadgetů. Cílem je nabídnout skutečnou fantazii tajného agenta - a klíčem k tomu je nechat hráče používat různé nástroje a schopnosti tak, jak chtějí.

Hra zatím nemá stanoveno datum vydání. Ve vývoji je pro PC a Xbox. Přečtěte si naše další aktuální novinky ze Summer Game Festu, včetně Xbox Games Showcase 2024.

  • Hra Perfect Dark konečně debutuje, představení stealth a gadgetůAdam Jacik
    Po letech od prvního oznámení se společnosti The Initiative a Crystal Dynamics konečně pochlubily prvním herním trailerem na hru Perfect Dark. V něm se dlouholetá hlavní hrdinka Joanna Dark vydává do Zahradního města v Káhiře, aby našla a zneškodnila Daniela Carringtona (který dříve sloužil jako její šéf). Podívejte se na něj níže. Po prozkoumání úkrytu se Carrington spojí s Joannou a začne filtrovat pochybné informace přes její systém rozšířené reality. Paranoia a podezřívavost nejsou ve světě

Hra Perfect Dark konečně debutuje, představení stealth a gadgetů

9. Červen 2024 v 20:41

Po letech od prvního oznámení se společnosti The Initiative a Crystal Dynamics konečně pochlubily prvním herním trailerem na hru Perfect Dark.

V něm se dlouholetá hlavní hrdinka Joanna Dark vydává do Zahradního města v Káhiře, aby našla a zneškodnila Daniela Carringtona (který dříve sloužil jako její šéf). Podívejte se na něj níže.

Po prozkoumání úkrytu se Carrington spojí s Joannou a začne filtrovat pochybné informace přes její systém rozšířené reality. Paranoia a podezřívavost nejsou ve světě Perfect Dark ničím novým a Joanna si opět bude muset dávat pozor, komu věří. Během své cesty může využívat nové vychytávky, jako je analýza hlasů k vytváření deepfakes, převlékání se za jiné NPC a další.

Stejně zkušená je Joanna samozřejmě i v boji, kde využívá smrtící i nesmrtící zbraně, boj na blízko a celou řadu zbraní k likvidaci nepřátel. Hráči mohou tyto přístupy kombinovat, a to i s využitím prostředí, aby splnili své cíle. Obojí s sebou nese rizika i odměny.

Hra Perfect Dark vychází na konzole Xbox Series X/S a PC. Zůstaňte naladěni na další podrobnosti, které se brzy dozvíte.

Článek Hra Perfect Dark konečně debutuje, představení stealth a gadgetů se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Perfect Dark reboot resurfaces with stealth, parkour, and spy gadgetry

I never played the original Perfect Dark, but the trailer for the reboot shown during this evening's Xbox Games Showcase instantly made it the most exciting game I've seen during not-E3. It's first-person, it's got stealth, it's got parkour, it's got hand-to-hand melee combat including slidekicks. It looks like a mashup of Mirror's Edge and something more immersive sim-y? What's not to like.

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  • Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"Matt Wales
    Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state". That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like

Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"

9. Květen 2024 v 01:32

Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state".

That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like it's in a very rough state. It doesn't sound like it's really come together in any way since then."

In the wake of Grubb's comments, several other industry pundits (as spotted by VGC) took to social media with similar claims. VG247's Alex Donaldson wrote, "I have some crazy stories about the development of that game I have not put in print out of respect for a team really trying hard to push a boulder up a steep hill. But my patience is getting thin." Meanwhile, video game historian Liam Robertson wrote, "From what little I have heard about the development of the new Perfect Dark, it sounds like... a big, protracted mess."

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  • Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"Matt Wales
    Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state". That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like

Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"

9. Květen 2024 v 01:32

Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state".

That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like it's in a very rough state. It doesn't sound like it's really come together in any way since then."

In the wake of Grubb's comments, several other industry pundits (as spotted by VGC) took to social media with similar claims. VG247's Alex Donaldson wrote, "I have some crazy stories about the development of that game I have not put in print out of respect for a team really trying hard to push a boulder up a steep hill. But my patience is getting thin." Meanwhile, video game historian Liam Robertson wrote, "From what little I have heard about the development of the new Perfect Dark, it sounds like... a big, protracted mess."

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  • Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"Matt Wales
    Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state". That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like

Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot reportedly in "a very rough state" and a "big, protracted mess"

9. Květen 2024 v 01:32

Closing in on four years since Microsoft's Perfect Dark reboot was announced, and a year since it was reported that "little meaningful progress" had been made on the project since its unveiling, it's now being claimed the reboot remains in "a very rough state".

That's according to journalist Jeff Grubb who, while discussing Xbox's surprise recent studio closures on the Giant Bombcast, told co-presenters, "I've been hearing for years that Perfect Dark is in a rough state, [but] it sounds like it's in a very rough state. It doesn't sound like it's really come together in any way since then."

In the wake of Grubb's comments, several other industry pundits (as spotted by VGC) took to social media with similar claims. VG247's Alex Donaldson wrote, "I have some crazy stories about the development of that game I have not put in print out of respect for a team really trying hard to push a boulder up a steep hill. But my patience is getting thin." Meanwhile, video game historian Liam Robertson wrote, "From what little I have heard about the development of the new Perfect Dark, it sounds like... a big, protracted mess."

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