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  • ✇Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed
  • I hope you've got a spare 190GB kicking about for God Of War Ragnarok on PCNic Reuben
    The new God Of War duology has my favourite snow in gaming. I can take or leave about 60% of everything else in them, but lawdy, that snow! In God Of War Ragnarok, the action kicks off a during the apocalyptic fimbulwinter, which is probably bad for some characters I don’t care about, but it is good for me personally, because there’s a lot of snow to play with. How much snow, you ask? 190 flippin’ gigs worth, apparently, according to Sony’s system requirements. Read more

I hope you've got a spare 190GB kicking about for God Of War Ragnarok on PC

The new God Of War duology has my favourite snow in gaming. I can take or leave about 60% of everything else in them, but lawdy, that snow! In God Of War Ragnarok, the action kicks off a during the apocalyptic fimbulwinter, which is probably bad for some characters I don’t care about, but it is good for me personally, because there’s a lot of snow to play with.

How much snow, you ask? 190 flippin’ gigs worth, apparently, according to Sony’s system requirements.

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  • ✇Rock, Paper, Shotgun
  • I hope you've got a spare 190GB kicking about for God Of War Ragnarok on PCNic Reuben
    The new God Of War duology has my favourite snow in gaming. I can take or leave about 60% of everything else in them, but lawdy, that snow! In God Of War Ragnarok, the action kicks off a during the apocalyptic fimbulwinter, which is probably bad for some characters I don’t care about, but it is good for me personally, because there’s a lot of snow to play with. How much snow, you ask? 190 flippin’ gigs worth, apparently, according to Sony’s system requirements. Read more

I hope you've got a spare 190GB kicking about for God Of War Ragnarok on PC

9. Srpen 2024 v 11:41

The new God Of War duology has my favourite snow in gaming. I can take or leave about 60% of everything else in them, but lawdy, that snow! In God Of War Ragnarok, the action kicks off a during the apocalyptic fimbulwinter, which is probably bad for some characters I don’t care about, but it is good for me personally, because there’s a lot of snow to play with.

How much snow, you ask? 190 flippin’ gigs worth, apparently, according to Sony’s system requirements.

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  • PC specifikace God of War Ragnarok vyžadují 190 GB volného místa na SSDAdam Jacik
    Společnost Sony se podělila o systémové požadavky pro nadcházející port hry God of War Ragnarok na PC a ty jsou na většině nastavení poměrně vysoké, přičemž některé konkrétní požadavky jsou až závratně vysoké. Například bez ohledu na předvolbu budete potřebovat SSD disk a také neuvěřitelných 190 GB volného úložného prostoru. V ultra nastavení při 4K a 60 FPS bude God of War Ragnarok vyžadovat buď RTX 4070 Ti, nebo RX 7900 XT spolu s i5-11600K, nebo Ryzenem 7 3700X. Zatímco na doporučené nastaven

PC specifikace God of War Ragnarok vyžadují 190 GB volného místa na SSD

9. Srpen 2024 v 07:28

god of war ragnarok photo mode 5

Společnost Sony se podělila o systémové požadavky pro nadcházející port hry God of War Ragnarok na PC a ty jsou na většině nastavení poměrně vysoké, přičemž některé konkrétní požadavky jsou až závratně vysoké.

Například bez ohledu na předvolbu budete potřebovat SSD disk a také neuvěřitelných 190 GB volného úložného prostoru.

V ultra nastavení při 4K a 60 FPS bude God of War Ragnarok vyžadovat buď RTX 4070 Ti, nebo RX 7900 XT spolu s i5-11600K, nebo Ryzenem 7 3700X. Zatímco na doporučené nastavení, při kterém hra poběží v rozlišení 1080p a 60 FPS, budete potřebovat buď RTX 2060 Super, nebo RX 5700 spolu s i5-8600 a Ryzenem 5 3600.

Všechna nastavení také vyžadují 16 GB RAM, s výjimkou nejnižšího nastavení, kde je tento požadavek snížen na 8 GB. Podrobné specifikace byly uvedeny také pro nastavení „High“ a „Performance“, v nichž hra poběží v rozlišení 1440p/60 FPS, respektive 4K/60 FPS. Úplné systémové specifikace hry God of War Ragnarok si můžete prohlédnout níže.

Společnost Sony navíc potvrdila, že port pro PC bude podporovat DLSS 3.7, FSR 3.1 a XeSS 1.3. Ti, kdo si hru předobjednají, obdrží také bonusové herní předměty v podobě Kratova brnění Risen Snow Armor a Atreovy kosmetické tuniky Risen Snow Tunic.

God of War Ragnarok vychází pro PC 19. září. Jak bylo potvrzeno dříve, bude vyžadovat účet PSN.

god of war ragnarok pc specs
Zdroj: Sony

Článek PC specifikace God of War Ragnarok vyžadují 190 GB volného místa na SSD se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇
  • Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 yearsVikki Blake
    God of War studio Sony Santa Monica is developing its first new IP in over 20 years.As spotted by a member of ResetEra, a developer at Sony Santa Monica mentioned they've been working at the studio "looking after the entire character development pipeline on their new IP".In the "about" section of their LinkedIn profile, a developer supervising character development said they were "thrilled to be back" at Santa Monica after a brief departure to work at Striking Distance and Unknown Worlds. Read

Sony Santa Monica is making its first new IP in over 20 years

5. Srpen 2024 v 16:48

God of War studio Sony Santa Monica is developing its first new IP in over 20 years.

As spotted by a member of ResetEra, a developer at Sony Santa Monica mentioned they've been working at the studio "looking after the entire character development pipeline on their new IP".

In the "about" section of their LinkedIn profile, a developer supervising character development said they were "thrilled to be back" at Santa Monica after a brief departure to work at Striking Distance and Unknown Worlds.

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  • Vývojáři God of War pracují na zcela nové IPAdam Jacik
    Příští hra studia Sony Santa Monica by mohla být zcela novou IP, jak se píše na stránce LinkedIn vedoucího charakterů, který se studiem spolupracuje. Studio SIE Santa Monica dalo jasně najevo, že i když God of War Ragnarok ukončil severskou ságu série, samotná hra God of War ještě zdaleka neskončila, což by většina lidí stejně tušila. Zajímavé však je, že dalším projektem studia nakonec možná nebude hra God of War, na rozdíl od toho, co někteří možná očekávali. Stránka na LinkedIn vývojáře, kter

Vývojáři God of War pracují na zcela nové IP

5. Srpen 2024 v 07:13

God of War Ragnarok 20221026013352

Příští hra studia Sony Santa Monica by mohla být zcela novou IP, jak se píše na stránce LinkedIn vedoucího charakterů, který se studiem spolupracuje.

Studio SIE Santa Monica dalo jasně najevo, že i když God of War Ragnarok ukončil severskou ságu série, samotná hra God of War ještě zdaleka neskončila, což by většina lidí stejně tušila. Zajímavé však je, že dalším projektem studia nakonec možná nebude hra God of War, na rozdíl od toho, co někteří možná očekávali.

Stránka na LinkedIn vývojáře, který pracuje pro Santa Monia Studios jako vedoucí postavy, byla spatřena uživatelem ResetEra a naznačuje, že vývojář v současné době pracuje na zcela nové IP. „Santa Monica Studios mi nabídlo možnost vrátit se na pozici Character Supervisor, starat se o celý vývoj postav, na jejich nové IP, takže jsem tady, nadšený, že jsem zpátky, znovu pracuji s týmem a společně posouváme postavy ve videohrách,“ stojí na stránce LinkedIn.

O tom, že SIE Santa Monica pracuje na neoznámeném novém titulu, svědčí několik pracovních inzerátů z posledních let, přičemž úniky naznačují, že se jedná o novou IP hru, kterou povede Cory Barlog, jenž režíroval God of War z roku 2018, ale na God of War Ragnarok z roku 2022 již ve stejné funkci nepracoval a režie pokračování se ujal Eric Williams.

Zda to znamená, že projekt, který Barlog vede, je nová IP, se můžeme jen dohadovat – i když v takovém případě by se nabízela otázka, jaká budoucnost čeká sérii God of War.

Článek Vývojáři God of War pracují na zcela nové IP se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇DSOGaming
  • God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player gameJohn Papadopoulos
    A couple of hours ago, Sony announced that God of War: Ragnarok will be coming to PC on  September 19th. This news excited a lot of PC GoW fans. However, the game will require a PSN account in order to play it on the PC. As we can clearly see on the Steam store page, … Continue reading God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player game → The post God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player game appeared first on DSOGaming.

God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player game

31. Květen 2024 v 01:20

A couple of hours ago, Sony announced that God of War: Ragnarok will be coming to PC on  September 19th. This news excited a lot of PC GoW fans. However, the game will require a PSN account in order to play it on the PC. As we can clearly see on the Steam store page, … Continue reading God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player game

The post God of War: Ragnarok will require a PSN account, even though it’s a single-player game appeared first on DSOGaming.

  • God of War Ragnarok vychází na PC 19. září a bude vyžadovat účet PSNAdam Jacik
    Nedávné úniky informací tvrdily, že po Ghost of Tsushima bude God of War Ragnarok další velkou hrou pro jednoho hráče od studia PlayStation, která se dostane na PC, a podle očekávání bylo toto oznámení oficiálně oznámeno na noční prezentaci State of Play společnosti Sony. God of War Ragnarok vyjde na PC letos v září spolu s bezplatným roguelike DLC Valhalla. PC port akční adventury vyvíjí stejně jako PC verzi jejího předchůdce společnost Jetpack Interactive a bude obsahovat podporu pro neomezený

God of War Ragnarok vychází na PC 19. září a bude vyžadovat účet PSN

31. Květen 2024 v 07:17

Nedávné úniky informací tvrdily, že po Ghost of Tsushima bude God of War Ragnarok další velkou hrou pro jednoho hráče od studia PlayStation, která se dostane na PC, a podle očekávání bylo toto oznámení oficiálně oznámeno na noční prezentaci State of Play společnosti Sony.

God of War Ragnarok vyjde na PC letos v září spolu s bezplatným roguelike DLC Valhalla. PC port akční adventury vyvíjí stejně jako PC verzi jejího předchůdce společnost Jetpack Interactive a bude obsahovat podporu pro neomezený počet snímků za sekundu, super ultrawide rozlišení, DLSS 3.7, FSR 3.1 a XESS 1.3. Níže se podívejte na oznamovací trailer PC verze.

Hra Helldivers 2 nedávno vzbudila rozsáhlou kontroverzi po zavedení povinného propojení s účtem PSN na Steamu, načež společnost Sony od uvedeného rozhodnutí ustoupila. Krátce poté, co byla hra Ghost of Tsushima uvedena na trh pro tuto platformu, však její kooperativní režim Legends skutečně vyžadoval ke hraní účet PSN.

Nyní společnost Sony v příspěvku na blogu PlayStation Blog potvrdila, že hra God of War Ragnarok bude také vyžadovat účet na síti PlayStation Network ve službě Steam, což je poněkud bizarní vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o hru pro jednoho hráče bez jakýchkoli funkcí pro více hráčů. Připravovaný remaster hry Until Dawn bude na PC rovněž vyžadovat účet PSN. Totéž potvrzuje i poznámka ve spodní části obrazovky v jeho nejnovějším traileru v čase zhruba 00:08. Podívejte se na něj prostřednictvím tohoto odkazu.

Otázkou samozřejmě je, zda stejně jako Helldivers 2 a Ghost of Tsushima nebudou God of War Ragnarok a Until Dawn k dispozici ke koupi na Steamu ve všech zemích, kde není k dispozici PSN.

God of War Ragnarok je v současné době k dispozici na PS5 a PS4. Od listopadu loňského roku se hry celosvětově prodalo přes 15 milionů kusů.

Článek God of War Ragnarok vychází na PC 19. září a bude vyžadovat účet PSN se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇
  • God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggestsVikki Blake
    God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be co

God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggests

11. Květen 2024 v 16:04

God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.

Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".

Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be confirmed – to be taking place later this month.

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  • ✇
  • Five of the Best: GodsRobert Purchese
    Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only',

Five of the Best: Gods

8. Květen 2024 v 13:37

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

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  • ✇
  • God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggestsVikki Blake
    God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be co

God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggests

11. Květen 2024 v 16:04

God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.

Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".

Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be confirmed – to be taking place later this month.

Read more

  • ✇
  • Five of the Best: GodsRobert Purchese
    Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only',

Five of the Best: Gods

8. Květen 2024 v 13:37

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

Read more

  • ✇
  • God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggestsVikki Blake
    God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be co

God of War: Ragnarök is the next Sony game coming to PC, leaker suggests

11. Květen 2024 v 16:04

God of War: Ragnarök is reportedly the next Sony game coming to PC.

Leaker billbil-kun – who has regularly, and correctly, let Sony-shaped cats out of the bag before – purports that they have "managed to determine" that a PC port of the hugely successful sequel to 2019's God of War will be announced "sometime in May".

Billbil-kun says they're unsure of the game's release date but reckons we may find out more at the next PlayStation State of Play showcase, which is also rumoured – but yet to be confirmed – to be taking place later this month.

Read more

  • ✇
  • Five of the Best: GodsRobert Purchese
    Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only',

Five of the Best: Gods

8. Květen 2024 v 13:37

Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!

Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.

The more I've tried to pin down the definition of a god in a game, the harder time I'm having with it. I began by thinking 'out-and-out gods only', the kind that represent the dominant powers in the games we play, whether we fight against them or with them. But the more I thought about it, the more that definition broadened, because aren't we always a kind of god when we play a game - don't we always have a kind of godlike power? We are able to die and keep trying until we've - usually - defeated a godlike boss or bosses, depending on what the game is. What does that make us if not a god? I am open to any and all arguments here, so have at it. Which gods in games do you think are the best?

Read more

  • ✇DSOGaming
  • God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PCJohn Papadopoulos
    Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC next week. And, according to industry insider ‘billbil-kun’, the next PlayStation game that will be released on PC is God of War: Ragnarok. 🚨 UPCOMING RELEASE 🚨 God of War Ragnarok is one of the next PlayStation exclusive titles to be ported on PC Announcement date is imminent. … Continue reading God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PC → The post God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PC appeared first on DSOGami

God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PC

10. Květen 2024 v 13:03

Ghost of Tsushima is coming to PC next week. And, according to industry insider ‘billbil-kun’, the next PlayStation game that will be released on PC is God of War: Ragnarok. 🚨 UPCOMING RELEASE 🚨 God of War Ragnarok is one of the next PlayStation exclusive titles to be ported on PC Announcement date is imminent. … Continue reading God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PC

The post God of War: Ragnarok seems to be the next PlayStation game for PC appeared first on DSOGaming.
