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  • Starfield má naplánovány aktualizace na 2. rok, bude dostávat roční placená rozšířeníAdam Jacik
    Po delším období pomalého vývoje Bethesda v posledních týdnech zvýšila tempo aktualizací pro Starfield a v květnu a červnu vydala dvě velké aktualizace pro toto sci-fi RPG, přičemž další obsah a aktualizace – včetně placeného rozšíření Shattered Space – jsou také na cestě. Dá se však očekávat, že se Bethesda Game Studios bude držet takového tempa aktualizací i nadále? V nedávném rozhovoru s YouTuberem MrMattyPlays ředitel Todd Howard prozradil, že studio plánuje druhý rok aktualizací také pro St

Starfield má naplánovány aktualizace na 2. rok, bude dostávat roční placená rozšíření

17. Červen 2024 v 08:30

Po delším období pomalého vývoje Bethesda v posledních týdnech zvýšila tempo aktualizací pro Starfield a v květnu a červnu vydala dvě velké aktualizace pro toto sci-fi RPG, přičemž další obsah a aktualizace – včetně placeného rozšíření Shattered Space – jsou také na cestě.

Dá se však očekávat, že se Bethesda Game Studios bude držet takového tempa aktualizací i nadále?

V nedávném rozhovoru s YouTuberem MrMattyPlays ředitel Todd Howard prozradil, že studio plánuje druhý rok aktualizací také pro Starfield, ale uvedl, že kadence aktualizací se bude měnit.

Kadence věcí se bude lišit v závislosti na aktualizaci, kterou děláme, a na tom, kam se náš vývoj dostane,“ řekl. „Někdy budou kratší mezery, jindy větší mezery mezi většími aktualizacemi.

Howard dodal, že ačkoli poslední aktualizace hry byly v květnu a červnu vydány v těsném sousedství, do další aktualizace bude pravděpodobně větší mezera, zatímco v příštím roce budou následovat delší mezery, přičemž studio v současnosti plánuje „velké bitvy“ pro druhý rok bezplatných aktualizací hry.

Dodal: „Po tomto roce bude pravděpodobně větší mezera, v příštím roce budou větší mezery, protože se podíváme na ty velké údery pro ‚rok 2‘, které plánujeme, a ujistíme se, že to snad dobře sdělíme publiku.

Kromě bezplatných aktualizací plán Bethesdy pro Starfield zahrnuje také placená rozšíření. Kromě chystaného Shattered Space, který údajně vyjde v září, se podle Howarda Bethesda Game Studios zaměřuje na roční rozšíření. Jak dlouho to bude trvat, se teprve uvidí, ale studio už plánuje minimálně druhé rozšíření, které vyjde příští rok.

Řekl bych, že víceméně ano,“ řekl Howard. „Jak dlouho to bude pokračovat, doufám, že hodně dlouho, ale plánujeme další po tomto, takže bude další.

Hra Starfield je k dispozici pro konzole Xbox řady X/S a PC. Hra překonala hranici 14 milionů hráčů za dobu své životnosti na všech platformách.

Článek Starfield má naplánovány aktualizace na 2. rok, bude dostávat roční placená rozšíření se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇Kotaku
  • Nine Things We Learned From The Big Phil Spencer Xbox InterviewZack Zwiezen
    Xbox just had one of its best showcases in years and hot off the heels of that big event, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer sat down with IGN to chat more about some of the games the company revealed, as well as the current health of Xbox, Game Pass, and the closure of studios like Tango Gameworks.Read more...

Nine Things We Learned From The Big Phil Spencer Xbox Interview

10. Červen 2024 v 20:10

Xbox just had one of its best showcases in years and hot off the heels of that big event, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer sat down with IGN to chat more about some of the games the company revealed, as well as the current health of Xbox, Game Pass, and the closure of studios like Tango Gameworks.


  • ✇Kotaku
  • Starfield’s First Big DLC Looks Weird And WildKenneth Shepard
    Starfield, Bethesda’s latest open-world busywork simulator in space, has been out for about nine months. Bethesda has been putting out updates to make the game better, but fans have been waiting for the first big expansion called Shattered Space. Well, they won’t have to wait much longer, as the company put out a new…Read more...

Starfield’s First Big DLC Looks Weird And Wild

9. Červen 2024 v 19:20

Starfield, Bethesda’s latest open-world busywork simulator in space, has been out for about nine months. Bethesda has been putting out updates to make the game better, but fans have been waiting for the first big expansion called Shattered Space. Well, they won’t have to wait much longer, as the company put out a new…


  • ✇Kotaku
  • 13 Things You Should Never Say To A Fallout: New Vegas FanZack Zwiezen
    Following the release of Amazon’s live-action Fallout TV show, it seems everyone is playing a Fallout game again. From newer titles like Fallout 76 to older games like Fallout 3, Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic franchise is arguably bigger than ever thanks to the recently released hit series.Read more...

13 Things You Should Never Say To A Fallout: New Vegas Fan

10. Květen 2024 v 15:15

Following the release of Amazon’s live-action Fallout TV show, it seems everyone is playing a Fallout game again. From newer titles like Fallout 76 to older games like Fallout 3, Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic franchise is arguably bigger than ever thanks to the recently released hit series.


  • „Zaměřujeme se na hledání způsobů, jak zvýšit náš výkon,“ říká Todd HowardAdam Jacik
    RPG od Bethesdy jsou obvykle obrovskými zážitky, které hráči hrají roky a roky, a i když je to z velké části dáno jejich dlouhou životností, lze to přičíst také tomu, že nové díly těchto sérií vycházejí neúměrně dlouho. Například The Elder Scrolls 6 vstoupil do plné produkce teprve loni a Skyrim se blíží ke svému 13. výročí. Ačkoli úspěch televizního pořadu Fallout přinesl náhlý nárůst prodejů a zájmu o hry Fallout od Bethesdy, další hlavní díl série je přinejmenším vzdálen několik let. Jak si a

„Zaměřujeme se na hledání způsobů, jak zvýšit náš výkon,“ říká Todd Howard

30. Duben 2024 v 08:01

RPG od Bethesdy jsou obvykle obrovskými zážitky, které hráči hrají roky a roky, a i když je to z velké části dáno jejich dlouhou životností, lze to přičíst také tomu, že nové díly těchto sérií vycházejí neúměrně dlouho.

Například The Elder Scrolls 6 vstoupil do plné produkce teprve loni a Skyrim se blíží ke svému 13. výročí. Ačkoli úspěch televizního pořadu Fallout přinesl náhlý nárůst prodejů a zájmu o hry Fallout od Bethesdy, další hlavní díl série je přinejmenším vzdálen několik let.

Jak si asi dokážete představit, Bethesda Game Studios si je těchto dlouhých mezer vědoma stejně intenzivně jako fanoušci těchto sérií a Todd Howard během nedávného rozhovoru pro Kinda Funny Games řekl, že studio hledá způsoby, jak být schopno vydávat hry rychleji.

Trvá to dlouho, a tak si myslím, že jednou z věcí, na které se tu zaměřujeme, je samozřejmě zajištění nejvyšší kvality, ale také hledání způsobů, jak zvýšit naši produkci,“ řekl (prostřednictvím VGC). „Protože ani my nechceme čekat tak dlouho, že? Nikdy to není náš plán, ale chceme si být jisti, že to zvládneme.“

Na téma, zda by Bethesda mohla spolupracovat s externím partnerem a vydat tak spin-off Falloutu, podobně jako tomu bylo v případě slavného titulu Fallout: New Vegas od Obsidianu z roku 2010, Howard pouze řekl: „Řekl bych, že jsme o tom vždycky mluvili,“ a poté se rozpovídal o spolupráci Bethesdy s Amazonem na seriálu Fallout a o chystaném obsahu pro Fallout 76.

Během rozhovoru se také zdálo, že Howard naznačil, že Bethesda má rozpracované dva neoznámené projekty Falloutu. Více se o tom dočtete prostřednictvím tohoto odkazu.

Zajímavé je, že nedávné zprávy také tvrdily, že Microsoft hledá způsoby, jak co nejvíce urychlit proces vydání další hry Fallout.

Článek „Zaměřujeme se na hledání způsobů, jak zvýšit náš výkon,“ říká Todd Howard se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇Kotaku
  • Launching A $60+ Game Seems Like A Bad Idea Right NowZack Zwiezen
    While recent big-budget, $60+ games like Suicide Squad and Immortals of Aveum seem unable to find success, many smaller and weirder titles are exploding on Steam and developing large communities around them. Games like Helldivers 2, Palworld, Lethal Company, and Sons of the Forest are all major standouts for this…Read more...

Launching A $60+ Game Seems Like A Bad Idea Right Now

2. Květen 2024 v 22:00

While recent big-budget, $60+ games like Suicide Squad and Immortals of Aveum seem unable to find success, many smaller and weirder titles are exploding on Steam and developing large communities around them. Games like Helldivers 2, Palworld, Lethal Company, and Sons of the Forest are all major standouts for this…


Starfield Is Getting A Dune Buggy, Teases Bethesda

1. Květen 2024 v 19:30

Good news for Starfieldplayers who have wanted a faster and better way to travel across the game’s hundreds of planets: Bethesda is planning to add a drivable dune buggy to its massive open-world sci-fi RPG.


Fallout Will Never Leave The US And More Tidbits From Todd Howard

1. Květen 2024 v 19:00

Bethesda Softworks executive producer Todd Howard has been making the rounds conducting interviews since the release of Amazon’s adaptation of Fallout, one of the series he’s helped direct in his time there.


Next Starfield Update Adds Better Maps And 60 FPS Option To Xbox

1. Květen 2024 v 18:45

Starfield’s next big patch, 1.11.33, is now out for PC players on Steam via the game’s beta branch. This new update, which will go live later for everyone, adds performance options to Xbox, improved maps while walking around planets, new difficulty options, and a huge list of bug fixes.


Fallout 4 Players Are Using Mods, Guides To Remove The Next-Gen Update

1. Květen 2024 v 18:15

A new update for Fallout 4, intended to improve the game, has done quite the opposite for many players. As a result, many PC users are using Steam guides and downloading mods en masse to roll back the annoying “next-gen” update, making these Fallout 4 guides and mods extremely popular.


Todd Howard says Starfield's Shattered Space DLC arrives "in the fall", update fixing stupid map "really soon"

Wow, remember Starfield? I do, just about, although any interest in it feels like a distant dream now. But not to Todd Howard! The Bethesboss had a chat with Kinda Funny and confirmed that Shattered Space, the first big DLC for the brave little space RPG that could, has a release window of "in the fall". Shattered Space adds new locations and stories and gear, and is the sort of DLC that was announced before the game came out, and you got it bundled with some of the super mega hyper awesome pre-order editions (you can still get it bundled with the Starfield Premium Edition if you want to spend an extra 30 quid).

Before that, though, Howard says we should expect (via VGC via the video) "a big update that's coming really soon", and that "we redid the map stuff, so we have some city map stuff." This is the literal first thing I complained about when I reviewed Starfield. Vindication! This is one of a number of changes teased on Starfield's Reddit community at the end of last year.

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  • ✇Kotaku
  • Fallout Creator Shares His Theories On The Prime SeriesWilla Rowe
    Amazon Prime’s Fallout series has been out in its entirety for almost two weeks. In that time, the incredible adaptation has sparked endless conversations and theory-crafting from everybody who watched it. That includes Tim Cain, best known as the creator of Fallout. Cain took to YouTube to talk about what he thought…Read more...

Fallout Creator Shares His Theories On The Prime Series

22. Duben 2024 v 17:30

Amazon Prime’s Fallout series has been out in its entirety for almost two weeks. In that time, the incredible adaptation has sparked endless conversations and theory-crafting from everybody who watched it. That includes Tim Cain, best known as the creator of Fallout. Cain took to YouTube to talk about what he thought…


  • ✇Kotaku
  • Fallout TV Show Is So Popular It's Breaking Mod SitesLevi Winslow
    One of the year’s most popular shows is Amazon Prime’s Fallout, a television series based around the long-running post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG franchise. The show is fantastic thanks to great action, great characters, and great writing, and as a result of all this greatness, the Fallout titles have seen a resurgence in…Read more...

Fallout TV Show Is So Popular It's Breaking Mod Sites

22. Duben 2024 v 17:05

One of the year’s most popular shows is Amazon Prime’s Fallout, a television series based around the long-running post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG franchise. The show is fantastic thanks to great action, great characters, and great writing, and as a result of all this greatness, the Fallout titles have seen a resurgence in…


Hades 2 Hotties, Starfield Updates, And More Of This Week's Takes

20. Duben 2024 v 16:00

We got our first good look at the highly anticipated Hades 2 this week, and we have a lot to say about Supergiant Games’ first-ever direct sequel. But there’s also some Starfield news to get into and unpack, and some fan-casting to do. Read on for our spiciest opinions of the week.


Fallout TV Show Easter Eggs, Old Gaming Kiosks, And More Big News

20. Duben 2024 v 15:00

Fallout fans ate good this week, thanks to a kickass Amazon TV series and tons of people getting back into the games because of it. But a good video game adaptation isn’t all that went down this week, so read on for the biggest news.


  • ✇Kotaku
  • Starfield Feels Forgotten But Bethesda Promises Updates Are Still ComingEthan Gach
    Starfield’s updates have been sporadic and underwhelming since it arrived over seven months ago. It’s clear the team at Bethesda has been diligently fixing bugs and adding small improvements, but it doesn’t feel like the open-world RPG has gotten the same amount of post-launch love as some of its peers. Director Todd…Read more...

Starfield Feels Forgotten But Bethesda Promises Updates Are Still Coming

18. Duben 2024 v 16:50

Starfield’s updates have been sporadic and underwhelming since it arrived over seven months ago. It’s clear the team at Bethesda has been diligently fixing bugs and adding small improvements, but it doesn’t feel like the open-world RPG has gotten the same amount of post-launch love as some of its peers. Director Todd…


Todd Howard Clears Up Fallout Timeline, Including That Part From The Show

17. Duben 2024 v 19:45

Amazon’s Fallout TV series has made waves since it dropped last week, mostly due to the quality of the work. Fallout’s one of the best video game adaptations we’ve gotten and one that enhances the series greatly. It also is situated at the very end of the known timeline of the games, serving as a sort of sequel to the…


  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • War never changes: A Fallout fan’s spoiler-laden review of the new TV seriesSamuel Axon
    Enlarge / The nukes went off in 2077 in Fallout's universe. The show tells us more about this event than we've learned from the games before. (credit: Amazon) It's been just over a week since the Fallout TV series premiered on Amazon Prime, and one thing's for sure: It's a huge hit. You can hardly open a social media app without seeing content about it, the reviews are positive, and the active players for the Fallout games have doubled over the past week. A few days ago, I sh

War never changes: A Fallout fan’s spoiler-laden review of the new TV series

20. Duben 2024 v 14:20
The nukes went off in 2077 in Fallout's universe. The show tells us more about this event than we've learned from the games before.

Enlarge / The nukes went off in 2077 in Fallout's universe. The show tells us more about this event than we've learned from the games before. (credit: Amazon)

It's been just over a week since the Fallout TV series premiered on Amazon Prime, and one thing's for sure: It's a huge hit. You can hardly open a social media app without seeing content about it, the reviews are positive, and the active players for the Fallout games have doubled over the past week.

A few days ago, I shared some spoiler-free impressions of the first three episodes. I loved what I'd seen up to that point—the show seemed faithful to the games, but it was also a great TV show. A specific cocktail of tongue-in-cheek humor, sci-fi campiness, strong themes, great characters, and visceral violence really came together into a fantastic show.

Still, I had some questions at that point: Would the franchise's penchant for satire and its distinct political and social viewpoint come through? Where was all this headed?

Read 34 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇Kotaku
  • Dragon’s Dogma 2 Players Are Going Wild With The Character CreatorLevi Winslow
    Dragon’s Dogma 2 is dropping on March 22 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S, and in advance of that, Capcom has released the game’s character creator so folks can already enjoy the age-old tradition of spending hours tinkering with their in-game appearance. As is customary with these tools, players are having…Read more...

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Players Are Going Wild With The Character Creator

8. Březen 2024 v 16:45

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is dropping on March 22 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S, and in advance of that, Capcom has released the game’s character creator so folks can already enjoy the age-old tradition of spending hours tinkering with their in-game appearance. As is customary with these tools, players are having…


  • ✇Kotaku
  • Fallout TV Show Is ‘Almost’ Fallout 5, Creators SayWilla Rowe
    Jonathan Nolan, executive producer of Amazon’s upcoming Fallout TV show, is pretty hopeful that the series will live up to the games. More than that, he seems to think that the series is a continuation of the games, if not an outright sequel. In a recent interview with Total Film, Nolan says it’s “almost like we’re Fal…Read more...

Fallout TV Show Is ‘Almost’ Fallout 5, Creators Say

1. Březen 2024 v 18:00

Jonathan Nolan, executive producer of Amazon’s upcoming Fallout TV show, is pretty hopeful that the series will live up to the games. More than that, he seems to think that the series is a continuation of the games, if not an outright sequel. In a recent interview with Total Film, Nolan says it’s “almost like we’re Fal…

