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  • RECENZE: System Shock (PS5) – Shodan vás již očekáváJiří Morávek
    Legendární System Shock od studia LookingGlass je bylo jedním z mých herních restů, za které jsem se styděl. Hra, která před 30 lety položila základy dalším kultovním titulům jako série BioShock či DeusEx, se před rokem dočkala remasterované verze na PC. Letos se vylepšená verze dostává i na konzole PlayStation a já obrán o jakékoliv výmluvy jsem neměl na výběr a vydal se zjistit, kdo že je ta Shodan a proč tak touží po naší smrti. Recenzovaná verze: PlayStation 5 Ještě než jsem se ale do hraní

RECENZE: System Shock (PS5) – Shodan vás již očekává

19. Červen 2024 v 22:15

Legendární System Shock od studia LookingGlass je bylo jedním z mých herních restů, za které jsem se styděl. Hra, která před 30 lety položila základy dalším kultovním titulům jako série BioShock či DeusEx, se před rokem dočkala remasterované verze na PC. Letos se vylepšená verze dostává i na konzole PlayStation a já obrán o jakékoliv výmluvy jsem neměl na výběr a vydal se zjistit, kdo že je ta Shodan a proč tak touží po naší smrti.

Recenzovaná verze: PlayStation 5

Ještě než jsem se ale do hraní pustil, musel jsem si udělat menší průzkum, abych si trochu připomenul do čeho jdu. A dobře jsem udělal. I díky tomu jsem hned viděl ty nejmarkantnější rozdíly mezi verzí z roku 1994 a tou aktuální. U všemožných remasterů či remaků značnou část hráčů samozřejmě nejvíce zajímá to, jak hra vypadá. Vývojáři se v nové verzi vydali cestou, která sice vylepšuje veškeré textury a nahání frame-rate do výšin, ale přitom zachovává stylizaci hry, na které tolik hráčů vyrostlo. Všimnout si toho můžete již v úvodu hry, kdy se hlavní postava snaží hacknout sít TriOptimum.

Jako hráč, kterého původní hra zcela minula, jsem byl na začátku slušně řečeno zmaten. Kolegové a kamarádi mě varovali, že se jedná o velmi náročnou hru, ale s ohledem na odehraná léta jsem jejich varovaní nebral příliš v potaz. První momenty na orbitální stanici Citadela tak byly nervózní a zbrklé. Nedělal mi problém soubojový systém a s prvními nepřáteli jsem si poradil bez problémů. Trable mi ovšem dělali první rébusy a především orientace na lodi. Můj průzkum a snahu se ve hře zorientovat potají sledovala Shodan pomocí všudypřítomných kamer, což nejenže pomáhalo stupňovat mou nervozitu, ale budovalo to i creepy atmosféru, kterou jsem docenil až o několik hodin později.

Hratelnost je obecně jedním z nejdůležitějších aspektů videoher a tak mě zajímalo, jak se hra popasuje s dnešními standardy. Dlužno uznat, že převedení hratelnosti se vývojářům povedlo a třeba takový pohyb či míření nepůsobí ani zdaleka kostrbatě. Větší problém jsem měl ale s pohybem v inventáři. Hra vám totiž nic nevysvětlí a neprozradí ani to, co dělají různá tlačítka. Několikrát se mi tak na začátku hry stalo, že jsem si inventář nechtěně vymazal. Zatímco melee souboje mě příliš neoslovily, tak střelba je v System Shocku skvělým retro zážitkem, a to myslím upřímně. Střelba a řešení rébusů mě na celé hře totiž bavili nejvíce.

Zpět ale ke grafické stránce hry. Ta už z podstaty remaku prošla výraznou proměnou a k vidění jsou pochopitelně vylepšené textury, nasvícení scén, stínování a v neposlední řadě také vyšší rozlišení. To vše a mnohem více přispívá k atmosféře, která na Citadele vládne. Vše je atmosférické a místy dokonce klaustrofobické. Za každým rohem na vás číhá nebezpečí a onen pocit napětí je společně s grafikou dalším faktorem, kterým si hra získá nové hráče a udrží pozornost navrátilců.

System Shock ale není jen o strachu o vlastní život, ale také o příběhové kampani, jejíž hlavní záporák byla ve své době neskutečně originální postava. Hra je plná dialogů, které je radno pozorně poslouchat a číst. Váš „vztah“ se Shodan se totiž neustále vyvíjí a je tak potřeba mít se na pozoru. Shodan vám bude hraní často znepříjemňovat a psychologickým nátlakem vás terorizovat, takže jsem si užíval každý okamžik, kdy mi její mrazivý hlas nezněl v uších.

Celkově pro mě byla hra vítaným zážitkem. Největší překážkou na cestě k novým hráčům a širší veřejnosti může být zmiňovaná obtížnost. Pokud se do System Shocku pustíte, tak po vás bude hra vyžadovat neustále soustředění a slušnou dávku trpělivosti. Problémová může být především orientace na vesmírné stanici, u čehož jsem nejednou upouštěl páru pomocí sprostých slov. Ano, co se týče obtížnosti tak je System Shock old-school gamesou, která umí být frustrující a i pro zkušené hráče je bezesporu výzvou.

System Shock je intenzivní zážitek a vývojářům se v tomto remaku podařilo extrahovat to nejlepší z původní verze a s citem to navléci do modernějšího hávu. Hra si ponechala svou stylizaci, atmosféru a převzala i nemilosrdné zacházení s hráčem. Abyste Shodan zabránili k Zemi vystřelit smrtící paprsek, tak se budete muset hodně ohánět, a taky si dávat pozor, abyste ten paprsek nespustili vy sami… 

Vývojáři: Nightdive Studios

Vydavatelství: Prime Matter

Datum vydání: 21.5.2024

Česká lokalizace: Ne

Článek RECENZE: System Shock (PS5) – Shodan vás již očekává se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

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  • That PS2-Era Thing Game Is Getting A Fancy RemasterZack Zwiezen
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That PS2-Era Thing Game Is Getting A Fancy Remaster

7. Červen 2024 v 22:13

Announced today, The Thing, a 2002 video game sequel to the 1982 film The Thing—yes, they both have the same name, it’s weird—is being remastered by the experts over at Nightdive Studios and will be released on consoles and PC later this year.


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    In 2024, I doubt most people have played or even heard of PO’ed, a’90s first-person shooter featuring strange aliens, bizarre weapons (like a frying pan), and hard-to-navigate levels. The odd Doom-like shooter was released first on 3DO in 1995 and later ported to the original PlayStation in 1996. And since then,…Read more...

The Story Behind PO’ed, 2024’s Weirdest Remaster

30. Květen 2024 v 19:05

In 2024, I doubt most people have played or even heard of PO’ed, a’90s first-person shooter featuring strange aliens, bizarre weapons (like a frying pan), and hard-to-navigate levels. The odd Doom-like shooter was released first on 3DO in 1995 and later ported to the original PlayStation in 1996. And since then,…


Next Week on Xbox: New Games for May 21 to 24

Next Week on Xbox: New Games for May 21 to 24

Next Week on Xbox Hero Image

Welcome to Next Week on Xbox! In this weekly feature we cover all the games coming soon to Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, and Game Pass! Get more details on these upcoming games below and click their profiles for further info (release dates subject to change). Let’s jump in!

Xbox Live
Xbox Play Anywhere

Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters

Idea Factory International

Neptunia: Sisters vs Sisters – May 21
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery / Xbox Play Anywhere

Neptune has been missing since her mission to the PC Continent, and in the absence of its Goddess and Candidate, Planeptune was ravaged by a strange new phenomenon, the Trendi Outbreaks. Suddenly finding herself robbed of home and family, Nepgear falls into a deep depression. This is a story about finding hope in the midst of despair, and the rebirth of a Goddess in the wake of destruction.

Xbox Live

Paper Trail Demo

Newfangled Games


Paper Trail – May 21
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

Paper Trail is a top-down puzzle adventure about leaving home, set in a foldable, paper world. You play as Paige, a budding academic, leaving home for the first time to pursue her studies. On the journey, you learn to fold the world, merging two sides to solve puzzles, explore new areas and uncover long-lost secrets. Try the free Demo today.

Xbox Live
Xbox Play Anywhere

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II

Xbox Games Studios


Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – May 21
Game Pass / Xbox Play Anywhere

The sequel to the award winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Senua returns in a brutal journey of survival through the myth and torment of Viking Iceland. Intent on saving those who have fallen victim to the horrors of tyranny, Senua faces a battle of overcoming the darkness within and without.

Xbox Live

System Shock

Prime Matter

System Shock – May 21
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

The fully fledged remake of the groundbreaking original from 1994, combining cult gameplay with all-new HD visuals, updated controls, an overhauled interface, and all-new sounds & music; it even has the original voice actor of SHODAN, one of gaming’s most iconic villains. Witness the rebirth of one of the greatest and most influential games ever created.

Xbox Live




XDefiant – May 21
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

A free-to-play, first-person online arena shooter where you compete in fast-paced clashes. With cross-play available at launch, you will be able to play with friends on a variety of platforms. Choose from a large arsenal of weapons, attachments, and devices to optimize the way you play. Combine any weapon with any Faction and unlock new options as you play to perfect your playstyle.

Xbox Live

Doug's Nightmare

Eastasiasoft Limited

Doug’s Nightmare – May 22
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A cartoony, hand-drawn bullet hell where your job is to help Doug the banana overcome his worst fears by pounding them into oblivion! Part top-down twin-stick shooter and part beat ’em up, Doug’s Nightmare pits you against swarms of bugs, mushrooms, floating brains and more!

Xbox Live
Xbox Play Anywhere

Survive on Raft

Megame Studio

$19.99 $15.99

Survive on Raft – May 22
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery / Xbox Play Anywhere

A terrible plane crash took the lives of all the passengers and crew… except for one. You survive in the middle of the endless ocean and now you must challenge fate and fight for your life. The burning sun, terrible thunderstorms, and a hungry shark are ready to challenge you and your raft.

Xbox Live

Ultra Foodmess 2

Silesia Games

Ultra Foodmess 2 – May 22

Grab your controller, and if you want, bring up to three of your friends — you’re going on a tasty, chaotic, and fun trip around the world! Everyone’s favorite foods are back in an even more epic competition – now with an extra spicy dash ability to shake things up!

Xbox Live

Cat Pipes

Afil Games

Cat Pipes – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A game that will challenge your mental skills as you help adorable cats find their way through soothing and captivating puzzles. Rotate the pieces and create the perfect path for the cats so they can reach their destination.

Xbox Live

Crown Wars: The Black Prince Pre-order



Crown Wars: The Black Prince – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

Knights and brigands run rampant throughout the land, sowing destruction. But an even greater evil is lurking and plotting in the shadows. At the helm of your domain, lead the fight against the forces of evil in this turn-based tactics and strategy game.

Xbox Live

Eternal Threads

Secret Mode

Eternal Threads – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

A single-player, first-person story-driven puzzle game of time manipulation, choice, and consequence. As an operative tasked with fixing corruption in the timestream, you have been sent to the North of England in May 2015, where six people died in a house fire. Prohibited from simply stopping the fire, you must instead manipulate the choices made by the housemates in the week leading up to it so that they all survive the event.

Xbox Live


CULT Games

Galacticare – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

You are the Director of Galacticare! Manage your own interstellar healthcare company, and (try to) save the Galaxy. Galacticare takes you on a colorful and bizarre journey, from humble beginnings orbiting 23rd-century Earth to the internal world of an extra-dimensional deity. It’s time to save the galaxy – one patient at a time!

Xbox Live
Xbox Play Anywhere



Hauntii – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery / Xbox Play Anywhere

Play as Hauntii, a naive but brave ghost on a relentless quest for answers. A mysterious race of glowing creatures, known as Eternians, guides lost souls to an ominous central tower where they appear to ascend to a higher plane. Unleash ghostly powers to possess both inhabitants and environment, unveiling various solutions to combat and puzzle challenges.

Xbox Live

Rocket Rumble

PixelNAUTS Games

Rocket Rumble – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S

Rocket Rumble is a 1-4 player party racing brawler. Pick your favorite animal, blast off in a jetpack, and compete across 7 ever-changing obstacle courses. Compete for points by racing, brawling, and using items all on one screen. Earn coins and collect customization items and make your character look fabulous. Play online or on the couch in the ultimate party game.

Xbox Live

Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

Digital Eclipse

$39.99 $35.99

Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord – May 23
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

The first party-based RPG video game ever released, Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord was a direct inspiration to series like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Digital Eclipse’s revival preserves the appeal of the classic, with many upgrades for modern role-playing game fans.

Xbox Live


Silver Line Games

Delusion – May 24
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

An unusual puzzle game that tells a story about a beautiful world, full of life and colors, which changed beyond recognition after a series of unexplainable events had taken place. Uncover the truth, help restore the world, and save its inhabitants across five chapters and 100 carefully crafted puzzles waiting to be solved.

Xbox Live

The Glass Staircase

Puppet Combo


The Glass Staircase – May 24
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S / Smart Delivery

The Glass Staircase is a homage to retro-console survival horror and Italian zombie movies. Uncover the horrible secrets of the manor as your friends disappear one by one.

Xbox Live

Paper Dash – City Hustle

EpiXR Games

Xbox One X Enhanced

Paper Dash – City Hustle – May 24
Xbox One X Enhanced

Start an adventure as a courageous paper plane that hunts evil ghosts across vibrant worlds. Soar through mystical forests and scary mansions, utilizing your flying skills and reflexes to shoot evil entities.

Xbox Live

TP Bullet

Ratalaika Games S.L.

TP Bullet – May 24

As a secret agent marksman, you are the only hope against the evil Skeleton King and his minions who attack the city in this puzzle platformer where you need to shoot your one shot to solve each puzzle and clear the level.

The post Next Week on Xbox: New Games for May 21 to 24 appeared first on Xbox Wire.

Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake launches May 21 – devs discuss 1994 original’s influence on modern games

16. Květen 2024 v 17:00

With Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake releasing May 21 on PS5 and PS4, it’s a perfect opportunity to look back and celebrate the original PC game that changed everything. 

The original System Shock was developed by Looking Glass Studios and released by Origin Systems on PC in 1994. It was a groundbreaking first-person adventure that has come to be considered one of the most influential games ever. Modern classics such as BioShock, Dishonored, Dead Space, the Deus Ex series, and many others drew inspiration from its pioneering gameplay.

All gameplay and screenshots featured in this article are from Nightdive’s System Shock remake.

System Shock’s distinctive features became the hallmarks of what many now consider to be a genre called “immersive sims”: games with large, nonlinear environments that afford players a wide degree of freedom in how they overcome challenges, whether by combat, stealth, or other means.

To mark the occasion of Nightdive’s System Shock remake heading to PS5 and PS4 next week, we reached out to some of the gaming industry’s most acclaimed developers to highlight the influence of 1994’s System Shock on the first-person shooter genre and trace its impact to the modern day.

System Shock pioneered the genre that we now call ‘immersive sims’, which combines gameplay elements from multiple genres to immerse players in a simulated experience where their choices matter and they have the flexibility to interact with and unravel the game world.

Stephen Kick, CEO, Nightdive Studios

In addition to adding layers of complexity to gameplay systems, System Shock left a lasting impact on video game narrative and storytelling.

The biggest influence of the original System Shock on BioShock (and of course the sequel we made, System Shock 2) was the sense of a world inhabited by normal people in abnormal situations. We also loved the broad range of tools the game gave the player and, of course, one of the best videogame inventions of all time: the audio log. I still remember the thrill of hearing actual human voices come out of my computer conveying their incredible circumstances in a way that felt so grounded and real. I’ve never made a first-person game without them and I’m not sure I ever will.

 Ken Levine, Creative Director, Ghost Story Games

System Shock also innovated by using physics to govern the player’s movement and interaction with the world. Players could look up and down, crouch, jump, and lean around corners — hardly groundbreaking stuff by 2024 standards, but revolutionary in 1994.

The depth of the combat system made even the most common encounters exercises in choice and consequence — the physics of mass and velocity drove everything from weapon recoil to the arc of thrown objects and hit effects on the player character. Even head movement when running and stopping was physics-driven. Because of the focus on physics and a systems-based approach to feature implementation rather than scripting, System Shock was one of the first games that delivered on the promise of emergent gameplay. As a result, no two players had the same playing experience.

Warren Spector, Chief Creative Officer, Otherside Entertainment. & Producer, System Shock (1994), Looking Glass Studios, Inc.

Now, 30 years later, Nightdive Studios is expanding upon the classic original game with a fully rebuilt PS5 and PS4 remake that includes updated visuals, new music, and modern controls. The upcoming remake also features Terri Brosius, the original voice actor of AI mastermind SHODAN, one of the most iconic videogame villains of all time.

Discover (or rediscover) a gaming classic when Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake launches May 21 on PS5 and PS4.

Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake launches May 21 – devs discuss 1994 original’s influence on modern games

16. Květen 2024 v 17:00

With Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake releasing May 21 on PS5 and PS4, it’s a perfect opportunity to look back and celebrate the original PC game that changed everything. 

The original System Shock was developed by Looking Glass Studios and released by Origin Systems on PC in 1994. It was a groundbreaking first-person adventure that has come to be considered one of the most influential games ever. Modern classics such as BioShock, Dishonored, Dead Space, the Deus Ex series, and many others drew inspiration from its pioneering gameplay.

All gameplay and screenshots featured in this article are from Nightdive’s System Shock remake.

System Shock’s distinctive features became the hallmarks of what many now consider to be a genre called “immersive sims”: games with large, nonlinear environments that afford players a wide degree of freedom in how they overcome challenges, whether by combat, stealth, or other means.

To mark the occasion of Nightdive’s System Shock remake heading to PS5 and PS4 next week, we reached out to some of the gaming industry’s most acclaimed developers to highlight the influence of 1994’s System Shock on the first-person shooter genre and trace its impact to the modern day.

System Shock pioneered the genre that we now call ‘immersive sims’, which combines gameplay elements from multiple genres to immerse players in a simulated experience where their choices matter and they have the flexibility to interact with and unravel the game world.

Stephen Kick, CEO, Nightdive Studios

In addition to adding layers of complexity to gameplay systems, System Shock left a lasting impact on video game narrative and storytelling.

The biggest influence of the original System Shock on BioShock (and of course the sequel we made, System Shock 2) was the sense of a world inhabited by normal people in abnormal situations. We also loved the broad range of tools the game gave the player and, of course, one of the best videogame inventions of all time: the audio log. I still remember the thrill of hearing actual human voices come out of my computer conveying their incredible circumstances in a way that felt so grounded and real. I’ve never made a first-person game without them and I’m not sure I ever will.

 Ken Levine, Creative Director, Ghost Story Games

System Shock also innovated by using physics to govern the player’s movement and interaction with the world. Players could look up and down, crouch, jump, and lean around corners — hardly groundbreaking stuff by 2024 standards, but revolutionary in 1994.

The depth of the combat system made even the most common encounters exercises in choice and consequence — the physics of mass and velocity drove everything from weapon recoil to the arc of thrown objects and hit effects on the player character. Even head movement when running and stopping was physics-driven. Because of the focus on physics and a systems-based approach to feature implementation rather than scripting, System Shock was one of the first games that delivered on the promise of emergent gameplay. As a result, no two players had the same playing experience.

Warren Spector, Chief Creative Officer, Otherside Entertainment. & Producer, System Shock (1994), Looking Glass Studios, Inc.

Now, 30 years later, Nightdive Studios is expanding upon the classic original game with a fully rebuilt PS5 and PS4 remake that includes updated visuals, new music, and modern controls. The upcoming remake also features Terri Brosius, the original voice actor of AI mastermind SHODAN, one of the most iconic videogame villains of all time.

Discover (or rediscover) a gaming classic when Nightdive Studios’ System Shock remake launches May 21 on PS5 and PS4.

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  • Deus Ex Director Says Future Of Immersive Sims Is MultiplayerMoises Taveras
    Immersive sims are traditionally thought of as single-player titles. They can be really dense and systems-heavy games in which having even one player introduces an incredible number of variables, as that one player uses the freedom they’re afforded to tackle situations in any number of ways. It takes no small amount…Read more...

Deus Ex Director Says Future Of Immersive Sims Is Multiplayer

17. Duben 2024 v 23:05

Immersive sims are traditionally thought of as single-player titles. They can be really dense and systems-heavy games in which having even one player introduces an incredible number of variables, as that one player uses the freedom they’re afforded to tackle situations in any number of ways. It takes no small amount…

