Start clicking on the first sweet, you'll have to try! For each sweet eaten or unwrapped (in the case of candy), coins will fall. Which you can spend on pumping click power, or auto-click on sweetness, which will help improve the score.
Candy, Click, Point And Click
There are so many different, sweet, delicious candies in the world ... mmm ... I wish I could try them all! You have such an opportunity in the game "Sweet Clicker"! Can you unwrap all packages? Let's see what's here. Choice: · Candies of course! Chocolate, lollipops, caramel and many more! · Cakes. Custard, with cream, chocolate, classic. Just a fairy tale! · For starters, exclusive desserts…but can you click for that long? The "Shop" section will come to the rescue, where you can improve the click power or build an auto-clicker that will unfold all the sweets for you! Click on more and more sweets, earn coins and improve your click power! Eat them all in Candy Clicker!
Nejnovější článek na blogu: Proč je v dnešní době fotbalové sázení tak populární?
Bezplatné online hry nejen pro Váš oblíbený prohlížeč. Zahrajte si třeba starou DOS hru, pecku z období FLASH technologie, nějakou nadupanou multiplayer hru, hru z Gameboye Advance či textovou hru. :) Přečtěte si články o hrách zdarma a prozkoumejte Open Source Hry. Online hry můžete vyhledat podle témat.
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