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  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Co-op Misadventures: An Unappreciated “Hero”?Finding God in Video Games
    Anyone who has played a cooperative game has most likely experienced this… a teammate swooping in to “save” us, only to inadvertently cause our demise.  I have attempted playing “the hero” on many occasions, only to have the completely undesired opposite impact.  Even though my heart was in the right place, when my good intentions aren’t aligned with their willingness to receive my help, the only result is frustration and disappointment for all sides.  Our desire to help our teammate must be mat

Co-op Misadventures: An Unappreciated “Hero”?

Anyone who has played a cooperative game has most likely experienced this… a teammate swooping in to “save” us, only to inadvertently cause our demise.  I have attempted playing “the hero” on many occasions, only to have the completely undesired opposite impact.  Even though my heart was in the right place, when my good intentions aren’t aligned with their willingness to receive my help, the only result is frustration and disappointment for all sides.  Our desire to help our teammate must be matched with their willingness to receive it. 

It can be very discouraging when our good intentions and well-meaning actions are misunderstood or rejected by those closest to us… but we can be encouraged knowing that we are experiencing the same reaction Christ Himself received.  Let’s not take it personally if those we love the most are the least receptive to our mission… even Christ’s family didn’t accept or appreciate His. The battleground we were given may result in reaching someone else’s family, and that person may be the one to reach ours… and we will work together in harmony to reach all of them for the Lord!

“Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Mark 6:3-4

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Destructoid
  • Halo Infinite weapons Tier List: All weapons, rankedDaniel Morris
    Halo Infinite's sandbox lives and dies by its weapons. If the gunplay isn't solid and the weapons don't feel fun, then little else matters. It's something that the series has nailed over the years, and luckily, Infinite is no different. In Halo Infinite, multiple old favorites return. You can find classic weapons like the Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer, helping the game feel familiar to long-time series fans. However, it also introduces several new weapons such as the Mangler and the Cinder

Halo Infinite weapons Tier List: All weapons, ranked

20. Srpen 2024 v 23:57

Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite's sandbox lives and dies by its weapons. If the gunplay isn't solid and the weapons don't feel fun, then little else matters. It's something that the series has nailed over the years, and luckily, Infinite is no different.

In Halo Infinite, multiple old favorites return. You can find classic weapons like the Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer, helping the game feel familiar to long-time series fans. However, it also introduces several new weapons such as the Mangler and the Cindershot, which keep the sandbox fresh, even for Halo veterans.

Halo Infinite
Image via 343 Industries

Halo Infinite Weapons Tier List

Halo Infinite has 23 weapons in total across its campaign and multiplayer. This is more than enough to give you a ton of variety, because not all of the weapons will appear on every Halo Infinite map. Frankly, this is for the best. We couldn't cope with every player on the server having power weapons all at the same - that might be a little too chaotic.

When ranking Halo Infinite's weapons into a definitive Tier List, there are a few things to consider. First of all - fun. We're asking the question, "Do these weapons feel fun to use?" After all, it's Halo, a series known for its iconic armory of weapons, so the best of Infinite's offerings will likely be the ones that are the most fun to use.

It's important that we consider weapon efficiency, too. Sure, a weapon can feel fun, but it's hardly any use if you can't actually kill anyone with it. Pick up the weapons near the top of our Tier List to ensure you're at the top of the leaderboard in every multiplayer match.

S Tier

  • BR75 (Battle Rifle)
  • Energy Sword
  • Gravity Hammer
  • M41 SPNKR (Rocket Launcher)
  • S7 Sniper Rifle
  • VK78 Commando

A Tier

  • M392 Bandit
  • M50 Sidekick
  • MA40 AR (Assault Rifle)
  • Needler
  • Sentinel Beam
  • Shock Rifle
  • Skewer

B Tier

  • Cindershot
  • CQS48 Bulldog
  • Heatwave
  • Hydra
  • Plasma Pistol
  • Ravager
  • Stalker Rifle

C Tier

  • Disruptor
  • Mangler
  • Pulse Carbine

The fact that so many of Halo Infinite's weapons are in the S and A tiers here is a compliment to 343 Industries' balancing. Overall, the studio did a solid job making sure the game's armory feels fun and powerful, yet rarely overpowered. This isn't to say that weapons in the B and C tiers can't be well-utilized by skilled players. Still, the average gamer will likely have a tougher time trying to dominate multiplayer lobbies while using them.

With Halo Infinite still receiving updates years after its launch, even more weapons may be added in the future. The M392 Bandit is the most recent addition to the game, arriving in early 2023.

The post Halo Infinite weapons Tier List: All weapons, ranked appeared first on Destructoid.

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo Reach: A Purpose Built in SacrificeFinding God in Video Games
    Halo Reach, Bungie’s final “swan song” in the Halo universe, was a prequel that set up the entire Halo conflict through the eyes of a brave fireteam of Spartans named “Noble Team”. As members of the squad lived up to their name and paid the ultimate price to complete their mission, it slowly became clear that none of us were going to survive the events of Reach… but we WERE going to shape the future. As the game built to a powerful, inevitable crescendo, the pain in our journey all finally made

Halo Reach: A Purpose Built in Sacrifice

Halo Reach, Bungie’s final “swan song” in the Halo universe, was a prequel that set up the entire Halo conflict through the eyes of a brave fireteam of Spartans named “Noble Team”. As members of the squad lived up to their name and paid the ultimate price to complete their mission, it slowly became clear that none of us were going to survive the events of Reach… but we WERE going to shape the future. As the game built to a powerful, inevitable crescendo, the pain in our journey all finally made sense… our sacrifice preserved the life of the one and only Master Chief, the Spartan who would one day go on to finish this fight. We didn’t win this battle, but our faithful obedience won the war. 

Our struggles in life serve purposes that aren’t immediately obvious while we’re going through them, and many will not reveal their full impact until after our race has reached its’ conclusion. But if we will obediently yield our lives to the unique challenges our Master has called us to, we’ll find the meaning behind our mission… we are part of a sacrificial relay race, carrying this baton as far as we can before passing it on to the next teammate until the race is finally won.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 1 Corinthians 9:24-26

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo and a Humble SpiritFinding God in Video Games
    We’ve all done it… maybe it was at the end of a Mario Kart race, a last second touchdown in Madden, or squeezing out a win after a grueling Halo match.  Most of us who have played and won a competitive game are guilty of at least a LITTLE showboating or smack talk at the end. While most post-game celebrations are done with good-natured and humorous intent, excessive gloating or boastful behavior not only reflects poorly on our sportsmanship, but also fails to recognize the contributions of all t

Halo and a Humble Spirit

We’ve all done it… maybe it was at the end of a Mario Kart race, a last second touchdown in Madden, or squeezing out a win after a grueling Halo match.  Most of us who have played and won a competitive game are guilty of at least a LITTLE showboating or smack talk at the end. While most post-game celebrations are done with good-natured and humorous intent, excessive gloating or boastful behavior not only reflects poorly on our sportsmanship, but also fails to recognize the contributions of all the others that led to that winning result.

Humility is not just a virtue… it is an expected trait for followers of Christ.  Any success we experience is not simply a reflection of our own hard work and commitment, but also a demonstration of the Lord’s favor on our lives as well as the result of countless souls who have prayed for us and supported us to attain this result.  Rather than patting ourselves on the back, let’s celebrate a win by pointing one hand towards heaven to give God the glory for His gifts, and use the other hand to reach behind us and pull others up to the top of the mountain alongside us to share in the victory.

Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 3 ODST: A Vulnerable, Relatable ExperienceFinding God in Video Games
    While the jazzy, rain-soaked, vibe of Halo 3: ODST has become one of my favorite overall Halo experiences, I don’t think I ever felt more vulnerable in a Halo game than I did dropping into this one. After years spent behind the visor of the unstoppable and nearly indestructible Master Chief, playing as an ODST trooper felt like a dramatically different and unwelcome experience. From taking damage from falls to falling in battle to opposition that I used to mow down with ease, I suddenly understo

Halo 3 ODST: A Vulnerable, Relatable Experience

While the jazzy, rain-soaked, vibe of Halo 3: ODST has become one of my favorite overall Halo experiences, I don’t think I ever felt more vulnerable in a Halo game than I did dropping into this one. After years spent behind the visor of the unstoppable and nearly indestructible Master Chief, playing as an ODST trooper felt like a dramatically different and unwelcome experience. From taking damage from falls to falling in battle to opposition that I used to mow down with ease, I suddenly understood just how powerful the Master Chief truly was… and how fragile and weak I am in comparison.

There are few things more amazing than the Son of God coming down and choosing to experience the fullness of our human reality… our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our pains, and even death. And because He walked in our shoes, He understands us far better than we realize… He can relate to every limitation we possess and fully sympathize with our sorrows. He suffered like us so He can not only support us in our times of need, but He also gave us a pattern to follow so all of us fellow ODST’s can face our battles and overcome them with Him.

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 4:12-13

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 3: A Beautiful, Merciful DelayFinding God in Video Games
    Halo 3 was all about “finishing the fight” that was left incomplete at the end of Halo 2, and after years of painful waiting gamers dropped into the conclusion of the original Halo trilogy to see how Bungie would finally resolve the conflict with Covenant. While it seemed like a long time between installments for us, for the developer it was a relatively short development cycle for a AAA game… especially one that had to live up to such high expectations and would conclude this story arc for mult

Halo 3: A Beautiful, Merciful Delay

Halo 3 was all about “finishing the fight” that was left incomplete at the end of Halo 2, and after years of painful waiting gamers dropped into the conclusion of the original Halo trilogy to see how Bungie would finally resolve the conflict with Covenant. While it seemed like a long time between installments for us, for the developer it was a relatively short development cycle for a AAA game… especially one that had to live up to such high expectations and would conclude this story arc for multiple characters. The wait felt long, but the stakes were high… so the “delay” was necessary.

While waiting on the Lord is one of my least favorite activities in life, He has a reason for what appears to be a “delay” in what we are seeking. The doors that He opens for us may represent the closure of a door for someone else, and in His infinite mercy He will wait until the perfect time for both of those to occur by holding the door open to the last possible moment. And in the meantime, He wants us to find the beauty and purpose in the places we are currently occupying as we continue on the path He has designed for us to its’ conclusion.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:8-9

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 2’s Arbiter: The Answer We Didn’t Ask ForFinding God in Video Games
    One of the most controversial moments in Halo 2 was the developer’s decision to switch the  player’s perspective in the middle of the game from our beloved Master Chief to a brand new character… the Arbiter. While this felt like a classic “bait and switch” at first, playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Chief from a different point of view enhanced our understanding and appreciation for both characters, adding some much needed depth to the stoic character of the Master Chief in the process. Look

Halo 2’s Arbiter: The Answer We Didn’t Ask For

One of the most controversial moments in Halo 2 was the developer’s decision to switch the  player’s perspective in the middle of the game from our beloved Master Chief to a brand new character… the Arbiter. While this felt like a classic “bait and switch” at first, playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Chief from a different point of view enhanced our understanding and appreciation for both characters, adding some much needed depth to the stoic character of the Master Chief in the process. Looking back, I didn’t appreciate the change in the moment… but those Arbiter levels ended up becoming some of my favorite levels in the entire game.

Much to my chagrin, the Lord doesn’t always answer my prayers in the manner that I asked or the way that I hoped He would… but that is because He is telling a bigger story than the one I can see. He hears all of our prayers, but He only answers them in consistency with His divine will and character… and in those times when it seems like His response is at odds with my desires, I’ve found that these unwanted detours He takes me on end up becoming some of my favorite parts of my entire journey. 

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:1-4

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14-15

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Twinfinite
  • The 13 Best Retro Video Game Posters Of All-Time, RankedConnor Wright
    Classic titles may get a lot of flack, but their designs were second to none, so we’ve decided to rank them! These posters highlight some of the best classic titles out there – along with some beautifully recreated and original illustrations. For the sake of transparency, ‘retro’ has been defined here as anything that was released before the eighth console generation. So, before the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch’s release.

The 13 Best Retro Video Game Posters Of All-Time, Ranked

2. Srpen 2024 v 15:00

Classic titles may get a lot of flack, but their designs were second to none, so we’ve decided to rank them! These posters highlight some of the best classic titles out there – along with some beautifully recreated and original illustrations.

For the sake of transparency, ‘retro’ has been defined here as anything that was released before the eighth console generation. So, before the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch’s release.

Dr Disrespect Returns, Bungie Hit By Massive Layoffs, And More Of The Week's Biggest Gaming News

3. Srpen 2024 v 15:00

This week, Destiny 2 maker Bungie was hit by massive layoffs, leaving the future of the company’s popular looter shooter in some doubt and spurring waves of criticism of its CEO, who remains at the studio. We also saw streamer Dr Disrespect once again posting online, just 36 days after he confessed to sending…


  • ✇Kotaku
  • The Best (And Worst) Xbox 360 MomentsZack Zwiezen
    Earlier this week, Microsoft shut down the Xbox 360’s digital store, effectively putting the final nail in the beloved console’s coffin. While it’s a shame that the nearly 20-year-old console’s marketplace is gone, it doesn’t take away from the Xbox 360’s legacy as a popular, innovative, and weird machine that paved…Read more...

The Best (And Worst) Xbox 360 Moments

31. Červenec 2024 v 21:30

Earlier this week, Microsoft shut down the Xbox 360’s digital store, effectively putting the final nail in the beloved console’s coffin. While it’s a shame that the nearly 20-year-old console’s marketplace is gone, it doesn’t take away from the Xbox 360’s legacy as a popular, innovative, and weird machine that paved…


Bungie CEO Seemingly Spent Over $2.3 Million On Classic Cars After Sony Acquisition

31. Červenec 2024 v 21:20

Sony purchased Bungie, the original studio behind Halo and the maker of Destiny 2, for a whopping $3.6 billion in 2022. Following the sale, Bungie CEO Pete Parsons purchased over 20 classic cars in online auctions costing millions of dollars, according to his account on the website Bring A Trailer. He continued buying…


  • ✇DSOGaming
  • Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5John Papadopoulos
    Halo fans, get ready for a treat. Ex-Halo: Infinite dev, Kaleb Nekumanesh, is currently working on a free Halo fan game in Unreal Engine 5. Kaleb plans to release this free game to everyone really soon, and below you can find its debut gameplay trailer. In this free Halo game, players will return to Alpha Halo … Continue reading Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5 → The post Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5 appear

Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5

22. Červen 2024 v 11:56

Halo fans, get ready for a treat. Ex-Halo: Infinite dev, Kaleb Nekumanesh, is currently working on a free Halo fan game in Unreal Engine 5. Kaleb plans to release this free game to everyone really soon, and below you can find its debut gameplay trailer. In this free Halo game, players will return to Alpha Halo … Continue reading Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5

The post Ex-Halo: Infinite dev will soon release a free Halo game in Unreal Engine 5 appeared first on DSOGaming.

Classic Sci-Fi Shooter Marathon From The Makers Of Halo Now Free

10. Květen 2024 v 21:05

Marathon is now available on Steam! But wait, I don’t mean the Marathon revival that Bungie is currently working on. I mean the original Marathon from 1994. The studio announced the shadow drop on X (formerly Twitter) on May 10 with one extra bit of good news—It’s free!


Cancellation Watch: Resident Alien Improves for Season Finale, Fallout May Be Headed to a Second Season, and More

Od: johnnyjay
10. Duben 2024 v 14:26

Cancellation Watch: Status updates for the sci fi and fantasy shows on the broadcast networks, cable channels, and streaming services as well as breaking news on the currently airing, returning, and upcoming genre entries. 

Status Updates

Resident Alien (Syfy, Status: Renewal Possible): This show improved for its season finale, pulling a 0.08 rating based on same-day viewing for the 18-49 demographic with 622K total viewers. Its third-year numbers have been nowhere near where it was in its first season and the first half of its second season, but it did see an upward trend the last couple of weeks. The first two seasons just started streaming on Netflix and have performed well there, and that could be boosting the viewership. That could also help it get to a fourth season, and the showrunners do have plans for where the show will go next, but some help from fans on the social networks would give it a boost as well.

Fallout (Prime Video, Status: Renewal Possible): This show premieres today on Amazon’s Prime Video and it may already be headed to a second-season renewal. Word is that it has been offered a $25 million tax credit to relocate filming from New York to California. That does not guarantee that a second season will happen, but it will certainly act as a strong incentive, especially as the streaming services try to keep costs down. We will have to see how this much-anticipated show performs in viewership, but consider its prospects good at this point.

Halo (Paramount+, Status: Renewal Possible): This video-game-based series has wrapped up its second season, and it had a four-week run in the Nielsen Streaming Rankings, averaging an estimated 377 million minutes of viewing per week. That is good for a Paramount+ entry and should help get this one to a third-season renewal.

Not Dead Yet (ABC, Status: On the Bubble): The numbers for this supernatural comedy have been slipping, and it hit a series-low 0.15 rating in the demo with 1.4 million total viewers with its latest episode. It is also losing a fair amount of the audience each week from its lead-in The Conners. It is firmly On the Bubble and fans will certainly want to make some noise on the social networks to support it if they hope for it to stick around for a third season.

American Horror Story (FX, Status: Renewed): This horror anthology barely registered in the ratings with its return for the second half of its twelfth season, posting a series low 0.03 rating in the demo with 243K total viewers. This was once among the top-rated shows on cable, but its audience has certainly diminished over the years. It has been renewed through its thirteenth season, but could be wrapping up at that point.

3 Body Problem (Netflix, Status: Renewal Possible): This sci fi entry held at Number 1 in the Netflix Top 10 for a second week in a row, but its viewership dropped almost in half from week to week, from 116 million hours to 61 million hours. That may suggest that the completion rate is not where Netflix execs want it to be, and this is an expensive show to produce. But it is also a high-profile series, so the streamer will have an incentive to keep it going if the cost can be justified.

You can see the status of all the shows from the current season at our Cancellation Watch Page.

Go to r/SciFiTV to join the discussion on sci fi and fantasy television and to keep up with the latest news, trailers, schedule announcements and more

Cancellation/Renewal Score:

NBC announced last week that its Quantum Leap revival will not be continuing to a third season (more on that at this link). That brings the current score to ten cancelled and ending sci fi and fantasy entries (20% of shows tracked) vs. twenty renewals (39%). Below are this season’s numbers, and you can see the list of shows and keep up with the score throughout the week at our Cancellation Watch Page.

Show Count 51
Cancelled 6 11.8%
Ending 4 7.8% 19.6%
Renewed 20 39.2%
On the Bubble 5 9.8%
Renewal Possible 16 31.4%
Mini-Series 5

Be sure to follow the Cancelled Sci Fi Twitter Site  for breaking news and updates. And for the latest news and discussions on sci fi and fantasy television, follow r/SciFiTV

Follow our Sci Fi TV Schedule for all the currently airing and upcoming sci fi and fantasy television shows, and you can see the premieres for all the upcoming genre entries at this link.

The post Cancellation Watch: Resident Alien Improves for Season Finale, Fallout May Be Headed to a Second Season, and More appeared first on Cancelled Sci Fi.

Helldivers 2 director says there's no need to "compare" it with Halo - "just let gamers enjoy both"

3. Březen 2024 v 19:20

Helldivers 2 creative director has hit back at fans pitting the Helldivers 2 franchise against Halo, saying we "need more compassion and union in the world, and less rivalry."

Responding to the rivalry on X/Twitter, Arrowhead Game Studios' CEO and Helldivers 2's creative director, Johan Pilestedt, said that we should just "let gamers love and enjoy both, either or neither".

Read more

  • ✇Kotaku
  • Helldivers 2, Palworld, And More Of The Week's Essential TipsKotaku Staff
    Love is in the air this week at Kotaku Towers, and the PS3-era charms ofHelldivers 2 have us totally smitten. Meanwhile, the Palworld hype train charges on, but we’re still keeping an eye on old loves and frenemies like Baldur’s Gate 3 and Overwatch 2. These are the week’s can’t-miss tips and guides. Read more...

Helldivers 2, Palworld, And More Of The Week's Essential Tips

17. Únor 2024 v 16:30

Love is in the air this week at Kotaku Towers, and the PS3-era charms ofHelldivers 2 have us totally smitten. Meanwhile, the Palworld hype train charges on, but we’re still keeping an eye on old loves and frenemies like Baldur’s Gate 3 and Overwatch 2. These are the week’s can’t-miss tips and guides.

