It’s time for Gamescom, friendos. Geoff Keighley is back to host another big video game showcase, and this time it’s the Opening Night Live presentation before Gamescom. The German event is taking place from August 21 to 25 in Cologne, but before fans, press, and developers explore the showfloor, we get to see a big…Read more...
It’s time for Gamescom, friendos. Geoff Keighley is back to host another big video game showcase, and this time it’s the Opening Night Live presentation before Gamescom. The German event is taking place from August 21 to 25 in Cologne, but before fans, press, and developers explore the showfloor, we get to see a big…
Práce fanoušků je obdivuhodná. Nedávno takhle vznikla modifikace Fallout London pro Fallout 4. Pokud místo postapokalyptické atmosféry vyhledáváte spíše fantasy, tak pravděpodobně sledujete Skyblivion. Remake dnes už kultovního The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion vzniká jako mod pro Skyrim.V novém videu je nám předvedeno necelých 20 minut. Podívat se můžeme na lokace, bitvy, dialogy s NPC a úkoly odehrávající se ve městě Chorrol a jeho okolí, včetně velkého lesa.Příznivci Oblivionu si pochvalují zejm
Práce fanoušků je obdivuhodná. Nedávno takhle vznikla modifikace Fallout London pro Fallout 4. Pokud místo postapokalyptické atmosféry vyhledáváte spíše fantasy, tak pravděpodobně sledujete Skyblivion. Remake dnes už kultovního The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion vzniká jako mod pro Skyrim.
V novém videu je nám předvedeno necelých 20 minut. Podívat se můžeme na lokace, bitvy, dialogy s NPC a úkoly odehrávající se ve městě Chorrol a jeho okolí, včetně velkého lesa.
Příznivci Oblivionu si pochvalují zejména nostalgickou atmosféru, kterou se týmu podařilo zachovat. Někteří píšou, že modifikace vypadá neuvěřitelně.
Vydání Skyblivionu se blíží. V plánu je v roce 2025 a fungovat bude jak se Skyrim Legacy Edition, tak se Skyrim Special Edition. V obou případech se bavíme jen o PC, na konzole se podobné mody nedostávají.
IN THIS VIDEO: The Thieves Guild is running a protection scheme in Riften.
Some of the business owners were delinquent from paying their protection fees.
It's time to collect the money and give them some reminders. With no
protection fee, there is no protection from the ones protecting them.
Protection Guaranteed
In the cobblestone-laden city of Riften, a silent pact binds the
shadows to the marketplace. The Thieves Guild, cloaked in sec
IN THIS VIDEO: The Thieves Guild is running a protection scheme in Riften.
Some of the business owners were delinquent from paying their protection fees.
It's time to collect the money and give them some reminders. With no
protection fee, there is no protection from the ones protecting them.
Protection Guaranteed
In the cobblestone-laden city of Riften, a silent pact binds the
shadows to the marketplace. The Thieves Guild, cloaked in secrecy,
orchestrates a protection racket that weaves through the city’s
commerce like a hidden thread. Yet, whispers of dissent have begun to
stir; some business owners have faltered in their payments, their
contributions to the Guild’s coffers waning like the waning moon.
The time has come to reaffirm the unspoken agreement, to remind the
merchants of the delicate balance that holds their world together.
Without the Guild’s discreet vigilance, the safety they have grown
accustomed to would dissipate into the night air, leaving them
vulnerable to the very dangers from which they sought refuge.
The Guild’s envoys move through the city with purpose, their presence
a subtle reminder of obligations unmet. They are not brutes or thugs;
they are the unseen guardians, the silent sentinels who demand
respect, not through fear, but through the certainty of their
protection. Their approach is not one of menace, but of a stern
reminder that the shield they provide is not without its price.
As they visit each establishment, their message is clear: the Guild’s
protection is a privilege, a safeguard against the chaos that lurks
beyond the city’s walls. It is a service rendered, a shield against
the unpredictable tides of fortune that could, at any moment, sweep
through their doors. The fee is not a burden, but an investment in the
continuity of their prosperity.
Yet, the Guild’s methods are not without compassion. They understand
the ebb and flow of commerce, the trials that each season brings.
Their reminders are not threats, but prompts to uphold a mutual
understanding. For those who have simply forgotten, a gentle nudge
suffices. For the truly delinquent, a firmer hand is employed, not to
harm, but to impress upon them the gravity of their oversight.
The Guild does not seek to rule through fear, but to offer a bastion
of stability in a world riddled with uncertainty. They are the unseen
weavers of safety, the quiet architects of a peace that allows the
city to thrive. Their protection is an invisible barrier, a ward
against the darkness that would otherwise consume the light of
commerce and community.
In the end, the collection of the protection fees is not a mere
transaction; it is the renewal of a covenant between the Guild and the
heartbeat of Riften’s economy. It is an affirmation that the Guild’s
shadowy embrace is a mantle of security, a guarantee that the
merchants’ wares and livelihoods will continue to flourish under their
watchful gaze.
And so, the cycle continues, the dance of shadow and coin playing out
beneath the surface of Riften’s bustling life. The Thieves Guild
remains a force unseen, yet ever-present, a reminder that in the
intricate tapestry of the city’s existence, every thread has its
place, every merchant their role. With each coin collected, the silent
symphony of protection weaves on, a harmony of assurance that
resonates through the stone and timber of Riften’s storied streets.
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game
with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces
features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode.
A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
IN THIS VIDEO: The objective was to survive the Rat Way and find the Ragged
Flagon. It's the hideout of the Thieves Guild and it's in Riften's sewers.
The Ragged Flaggon
In the shadowy underbelly of Riften, a network of tunnels known as the
Rat Way sprawls like the roots of an ancient tree. It is here that one
must venture with a singular goal: to endure the labyrinthine
passageways and locate the elusive Ragged Flagon. T
IN THIS VIDEO: The objective was to survive the Rat Way and find the Ragged
Flagon. It's the hideout of the Thieves Guild and it's in Riften's sewers.
The Ragged Flaggon
In the shadowy underbelly of Riften, a network of tunnels known as the
Rat Way sprawls like the roots of an ancient tree. It is here that one
must venture with a singular goal: to endure the labyrinthine
passageways and locate the elusive Ragged Flagon. This clandestine
tavern, shrouded in secrecy, serves as the sanctuary for the infamous
Thieves Guild.
The journey is not for the faint of heart. The Rat Way is a
treacherous maze, its corridors echoing with the whispers of the past
and the scurrying of unseen creatures. The air hangs heavy with
dampness, the walls slick with the city’s forgotten stories. To
navigate this subterranean world requires more than mere courage; it
demands cunning, stealth, and an unwavering resolve.
As one delves deeper into the Rat Way, the darkness seems to press in
from all sides. Torches flicker, casting long shadows that dance with
the rhythm of an unseen danger. The path is fraught with traps and
pitfalls, remnants of the Guild’s ingenuity to deter unwelcome
visitors. Each step must be measured, each breath calculated, for the
slightest misstep could lead to a swift and silent end.
Yet, amidst the peril, there is a pulse of life that thrums through
the tunnels. The Thieves Guild, a brotherhood bound by secrecy and
survival, thrives in the depths. Their whispers carry tales of heists
and escapades, of treasures won and lost. They are the unseen
architects of the city’s fortunes, the silent movers of fate’s
To find the Ragged Flagon is to discover the heart of this hidden
world. It is said that the tavern’s lanterns burn with a light that is
not of this realm, casting a warm glow that beckons the weary
traveler. Inside, the air is thick with the scent of spiced mead and
the murmur of hushed conversations. The patrons, a tapestry of faces
marked by time and toil, share their stories in the currency of trust.
The Ragged Flagon is more than a mere meeting place; it is a testament
to the resilience of those who dwell in the shadows. It is a haven
where alliances are forged, where the currency of secrets holds more
value than gold. Here, in the embrace of the Guild, one can find a
peculiar sense of belonging—a fellowship forged in the crucible of the
Rat Way’s trials.
To emerge victorious from the Rat Way, to stand within the Ragged
Flagon’s storied walls, is to claim a place among legends. It is to
join the ranks of those who walk the fine line between the seen and
unseen, between the law and the lore. For in the end, the journey
through the Rat Way is not just about survival—it is about discovering
the indomitable spirit that resides within, the unquenchable thirst
for adventure that defines the essence of the Thieves Guild.
And so, the quest beckons: to brave the darkness, to unravel the
enigma of the Rat Way, and to uncover the secrets that lie within the
Ragged Flagon. For those who dare to answer the call, the path ahead
is rife with danger and discovery. But for those who succeed, the
reward is a story etched in the annals of Riften—a tale of cunning,
camaraderie, and the unyielding pursuit of the shadows’ embrace.
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game
with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces
features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode.
A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
IN THIS VIDEO: Sapphire was speaking to Shadr. She was collecting her money
from Shadr but Shadr was not able to pay Sapphire because Sapphire did
something bad that affected Shadr's financial status.
In the dimly lit room, Sapphire faced Shadr with a mixture of anticipation
and trepidation. The air was thick with tension, as the moment of reckoning
had arrived. Sapphire, with her hands clasped tightly in front of her, was
there to collect the debt owed to her, a su
IN THIS VIDEO: Sapphire was speaking to Shadr. She was collecting her money
from Shadr but Shadr was not able to pay Sapphire because Sapphire did
something bad that affected Shadr's financial status.
In the dimly lit room, Sapphire faced Shadr with a mixture of anticipation
and trepidation. The air was thick with tension, as the moment of reckoning
had arrived. Sapphire, with her hands clasped tightly in front of her, was
there to collect the debt owed to her, a sum that had been agreed upon under
much different circumstances.
Shadr, on the other hand, sat slumped in his chair, his eyes avoiding
Sapphire's steady gaze. The room was silent except for the ticking of the
clock, marking the seconds that felt like hours to both of them. Shadr's
financial situation had taken a turn for the worse, a direct consequence of
an indiscretion committed by Sapphire. It was an act that she had thought
inconsequential at the time, but its ripples had extended far and wide,
eventually crashing into Shadr's life with the force of a tsunami.
The money that Sapphire sought was no longer within Shadr's grasp. His
business, once thriving and prosperous, was now a shadow of its former self.
The clients had disappeared, the contracts had been canceled, and the steady
stream of income had dried up to nothing more than a trickle. All because
Sapphire, in a moment of weakness, had made a choice that now haunted both
their lives.
Sapphire remembered the day all too well. It was a decision made in haste, a
solution to a problem that seemed insurmountable at the time. But the
solution had been a poison, one that had seeped into the foundation of
Shadr's enterprise and eroded it from within. She had not meant to cause
harm, yet the damage was done, and the cost was more than just monetary.
As they sat in silence, the weight of guilt pressed heavily on Sapphire's
shoulders. She knew that demanding payment from Shadr was futile, yet she
was bound by her own needs, her own debts that clamored for attention. The
cycle of cause and effect, of action and consequence, was playing out before
her, and she was powerless to stop it.
Shadr finally looked up, his eyes meeting Sapphire's. There was no anger
there, only resignation and a deep, unspoken understanding. Words were
unnecessary; their shared history spoke volumes more than any conversation
could. Sapphire slowly unclasped her hands and placed them on her lap, her
posture softening.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, the words barely audible. It was an apology for
more than just the current predicament. It was an acknowledgment of the pain
she had caused, the trust she had broken, and the friendship she had
Shadr nodded, a gesture of forgiveness that was as much for himself as it
was for Sapphire. They both knew that some debts went beyond money, beyond
the tangible. They were debts of the heart, of the soul, and those were the
ones that took the longest to repay.
In the end, Sapphire left without the money she had come for, but with
something much more valuable. She left with the hope of redemption and the
possibility of rebuilding what had been broken. And as she stepped out into
the fading light of the day, she made a silent vow to right the wrongs of
the past, not with words, but with actions.
For Shadr, the path ahead was uncertain, but he was not alone. The bonds
that had been strained were not broken, and in the darkness that surrounded
him, he found a glimmer of light. It was the light of forgiveness, of second
chances, and of new beginnings. And with that light to guide him, he knew
that the road to recovery, though long and arduous, was one he was ready to
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game
with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces
features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode.
A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
IN THIS VIDEO: Saw Mjoll speaking with Aerin. After they spoke, had a chat
with Mjoll about what's happening in Riften.
In the bustling city of Riften, a place teeming with intrigue and
clandestine affairs, I observed Mjoll the Lioness engaged in a deep
conversation with Aerin. Their exchange seemed earnest and hushed, as if the
walls themselves were eavesdropping. Once their dialogue concluded, I
approached Mjoll, a warrior whose reputation for bravery and justic
IN THIS VIDEO: Saw Mjoll speaking with Aerin. After they spoke, had a chat
with Mjoll about what's happening in Riften.
In the bustling city of Riften, a place teeming with intrigue and
clandestine affairs, I observed Mjoll the Lioness engaged in a deep
conversation with Aerin. Their exchange seemed earnest and hushed, as if the
walls themselves were eavesdropping. Once their dialogue concluded, I
approached Mjoll, a warrior whose reputation for bravery and justice
precedes her, to inquire about the current state of affairs within the
city's limits.
Mjoll, with her usual candor, began to unravel the tapestry of events that
had been unfolding in Riften. She spoke of the city's underbelly, a network
of thieves and scoundrels that lurk in the shadows, preying on the innocent
and unwary. The Thieves Guild, she explained, had tightened its grip on the
city, their influence seeping into every corner like a pervasive fog.
Despite the efforts of the city guard, these rogues remained elusive, their
schemes as intricate as the webs of frost spiders.
As Mjoll recounted her tales, it became clear that her heart ached for the
city she called home. She lamented the corruption that had taken root within
the city's leadership, a rot that allowed the Thieves Guild to flourish. Her
eyes, usually filled with the fire of determination, now flickered with a
hint of sorrow for the citizens caught in this struggle between power and
Yet, amidst the turmoil, Mjoll's resolve remained unshaken. She spoke of her
own endeavors to combat the criminal elements, her every patrol a defiant
stand against the tide of lawlessness. With Aerin by her side, a loyal
friend and confidant, she continued to fight for the soul of Riften, her
spirit as indomitable as the mountains that cradle the city.
Our conversation then turned to the future, to the hope that one day Riften
would be free from the clutches of the Guild. Mjoll's vision was one of
peace and prosperity, where honest folk could walk the streets without fear,
and where justice would be more than just a whispered dream. It was a future
she was willing to fight for, to lay down her life if necessary, to ensure
that the generations to come would inherit a city worthy of its name.
As we parted ways, Mjoll's words lingered in the air, a solemn vow to
restore Riften to its former glory. And though the path ahead was fraught
with peril, her unwavering spirit was a beacon of hope in the encroaching
darkness. For in the heart of Mjoll the Lioness, the flame of Riften's
future burned bright, a testament to the enduring strength of the human
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base
game with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It
introduces features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher
difficulty mode. A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
IN THIS VIDEO: Arrived at Riften and upon entering one of the guards wanted
something but got nothing.
The Shakedown Riften's GateAs the gates of Riften loomed before me, their towering presence a stark reminder of the city’s storied past, I was greeted not by the welcoming smiles of merchants or the playful banter of children, but by the stern visage of a city guard. His armor gleamed dully in the fading light, and his hand, outstretched with an air of expectancy, spoke of a tradition as
IN THIS VIDEO: Arrived at Riften and upon entering one of the guards wanted
something but got nothing.
The Shakedown Riften's Gate
As the gates of Riften loomed before me, their towering presence a stark reminder of the city’s storied past, I was greeted not by the welcoming smiles of merchants or the playful banter of children, but by the stern visage of a city guard. His armor gleamed dully in the fading light, and his hand, outstretched with an air of expectancy, spoke of a tradition as old as the city itself.
“Welcome to Riften, traveler,” he intoned, his voice betraying a hint of weariness. “The roads are fraught with danger, and the city’s peace is a precious commodity. A small offering to ensure your safety within these walls would not go amiss.” The implication was clear: this was no mere suggestion, but a thinly veiled demand for a toll.
Yet, as I stood before this sentinel of stone and steel, I felt a resolve stir within me. I had journeyed far, through valleys shrouded in mist and over mountains crowned with snow, and not once had I yielded to the whims of those who sought to profit from my passage. With a polite shake of my head, I offered the guard nothing but a smile, a silent rebuke to his unsanctioned toll.
The guard’s eyes narrowed, a flicker of surprise—or was it respect?—passing fleetingly across his features. He stepped aside, albeit reluctantly, and I passed through the gates of Riften unburdened by tribute. The guard remained at his post, his hand still empty, a silent witness to the fact that not all who wander are lost, and not all who resist are without cause.
Within the city’s embrace, I found a tapestry of life rich with color and complexity. The market square buzzed with the energy of commerce, the docks whispered of secrets and smugglers, and the alleys echoed with the footsteps of those who moved in the shadows. Riften was a city of layers, each one peeling back to reveal a new story, a new challenge.
As night descended upon the city, wrapping its cloak of stars tightly around the sleeping buildings, I reflected on the day’s encounter. The guard had sought to take something from me, but in the end, he had received nothing. It was a small victory, perhaps, but one that spoke volumes of the journey I had undertaken—a journey not just of distance, but of principle.
For in the grand tapestry of Skyrim, every thread has its place, every weave its purpose. And as I settled into the rhythm of Riften’s heartbeat, I knew that my own thread, though once solitary and unassuming, was now interwoven with the vibrant, enduring fabric of this city. And so, with a heart unburdened and a spirit unchained, I embraced the adventures that awaited, under the watchful gaze of the guard who wanted something but got nothing.
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game
with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces
features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode.
A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
IN THIS VIDEO: Lucia was thankful for her new home and wanted to share her
treasures as a way of saying "thank you".
Lucia ThankfulIn the mystical realm of Skyrim, Lucia found herself enveloped in the warmth of a new beginning. Her journey had been fraught with peril, but it had led her to a place she could finally call home. The quaint cottage, nestled amidst the whispering pines and overlooking the serene waters of Lake Ilinalta, was more than just a shelter; it was a sanctuary, a tangib
IN THIS VIDEO: Lucia was thankful for her new home and wanted to share her
treasures as a way of saying "thank you".
Lucia Thankful
In the mystical realm of Skyrim, Lucia found herself enveloped in the warmth of a new beginning. Her journey had been fraught with peril, but it had led her to a place she could finally call home. The quaint cottage, nestled amidst the whispering pines and overlooking the serene waters of Lake Ilinalta, was more than just a shelter; it was a sanctuary, a tangible testament to the kindness she had encountered on her path.
Lucia’s heart swelled with gratitude, and she knew she could not keep this joy to herself. The treasures she had amassed during her adventures – gleaming gemstones, ancient artifacts, and enchanted armaments – were not merely to adorn her dwelling or to serve as reminders of her trials. They were symbols of her perseverance, her victories, and the friendships forged in the fires of adversity.
With a resolve as steadfast as the mountains surrounding her, Lucia decided to share her bounty. She organized a gathering, inviting the very souls who had aided her, those who had offered a helping hand when the shadows of her past loomed large. The townsfolk of Riverwood, the wandering bards who had sung tales of hope, the brave companions who had stood by her side in battle – all were welcome.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the land, Lucia’s home came alive with laughter and camaraderie. The tables were laden with the finest fare from the reaches of Whiterun to the shores of Solitude. Mead flowed freely, sweet as the honey from the apiaries of Riften, and the air was filled with melodies that danced on the breeze.
Each guest was presented with a token, a piece of Lucia’s treasure, carefully chosen and imbued with her deepest appreciation. To some, she gave jewels that sparkled like the stars that guided nocturnal travelers. To others, she bestowed weapons, each with a tale as sharp as their blades. And to the children, she offered trinkets of wonder, sparking imaginations and dreams of their own quests.
The night grew long, and the fire’s glow waned, but the warmth within Lucia’s home never faltered. She watched as her guests departed, each carrying a piece of her legacy, a fragment of her story. In their smiles, she saw reflections of her own contentment, and in their eyes, the promise of enduring bonds.
Lucia’s act of sharing was more than a gesture of thanks; it was a declaration of unity, a celebration of life’s interwoven tapestry. Her treasures, once hidden away, now found new purpose, kindling joy in the hearts of others. And as the moon ascended to its throne in the heavens, Lucia retired to her hearth, her spirit as serene as the lake outside her window.
For in giving, she had received the greatest gift of all – the affirmation that in the world of Skyrim, where dragons soared and magic coursed through the very air, kindness was the most powerful force, one that could transform a house of stone and wood into a true home. And Lucia, once a solitary wanderer, had found her place not just in the landscape, but in the tapestry of lives that made Skyrim a land worth fighting for.
Hello fellow gamers! I'm here playing and livestreaming Skyrim Legendary
Edition. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition combines the base game
with three DLC add-ons: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. It introduces
features like legendary skills, mounted combat, and a higher difficulty mode.
A must-play for fans of epic fantasy adventures!
For comments, questions or reactions then please post them in the comments
section below. Also, please like the video, share the video, follow the
channel and enable notifications.
Board games are a great social activity that brings people together by disconnecting everyone from their screens. But what if your favorite stories and worlds from the screen could be a part of board game night too? With these ten great board games based on video games, it’s now possible to enjoy your favorite digital titles in an exciting new tabletop setting.
1. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim- The Adventure Game
Image via Modiphius
The iconic adventures and exploration of Skyrim await you in
Board games are a great social activity that brings people together by disconnecting everyone from their screens. But what if your favorite stories and worlds from the screen could be a part of board game night too? With these ten great board games based on video games, it’s now possible to enjoy your favorite digital titles in an exciting new tabletop setting.
The iconic adventures and exploration of Skyrim await you in the game’s excellent tabletop adaption. As opposed to the classic video game, Skyrim- The Adventure Gameis a cooperative experience for up to four players, which affects both the combat and dungeon loot systems. Each player’s character is suitably unique, and the strategic decisions you make throughout the game’s two campaigns can trigger exclusive story outcomes as well.
The Fallout Board Gamedoes just about everything right in adapting this classic video game franchise. An unknown post-apocalyptic world awaits you outside your vault, along with deadly enemies and warring factions. The art style is most faithful to the series’ more recent adaptions, and the storylines are appropriately thematic and recognizable to anyone who’s played Fallout before. Interactions between players are semi-cooperative; while everyone has their own objectives, they also need to work together to prevent any one of the non-player factions from taking over the wasteland.
Kingdom Rush is a classic tower defense game in which you place archers and other troops to defend against waves of oncoming enemies. Whereas the original video game is a fast-paced race, Rift in Timeinstead features more calculated, strategic gameplay. The game comes with a booklet of scenarios that you can play against, which makes it easy to adjust the difficulty. In addition, the miniatures look great and are fun to paint.
Establish your kingdom, expand your territories, and build the great monuments of man in Civilization: A New Dawn, the most recent tabletop adaption of Sid Meier's Civilization. Though the original video game draws its roots back to a 1980s board game, the video games that followed have evolved significantly. A New Dawn utilizes many of the newer technology and city upgrade options from the most recent titles. Playtime is thankfully shorter than the 2010 edition of the board game, and to top it all off, the game tiles are gorgeous.
Small World of Warcraftis a WoW-themed adaption of the popular board game Small World. Players take control of the major races in Azeroth, including everything from Orcs to Worgen, and attempt to conquer as much territory as possible on the game’s various islands. Once one of the races you control is overextended, you can take charge of another to continue the conquest and hopefully have the most points by the end of the final round.
With its outstanding deck-building and strategy elements, Slay the Spire feels like the perfect video game to bring to the tabletop environment. Contention Games has done just that via Kickstarter, with the recently released adaption gathering nearly four million dollars worth of pledges. All the best elements of the original title are here, including, of course, the absolutely iconic six-eyed whale Neow. The biggest change here is the cooperative multiplayer, but it's a welcome change that's more befitting a board game.
Survival is the name of the game in This War of Mine: The Board Game, which does a fantastic job of bringing the war-torn surroundings and impactful storylines of the original video game to the table. During the day, you’ll build up your shelter and gather the resources you need to scrape by. During the night, you’ll have to fight off bandits to protect what little you have. The mechanics of exploring new locations work really well, with risks and rewards to be found in every corner of the war-torn city.
Dead by Daylight: The Board Gameleans heavily on hidden movement mechanics to represent the Killer’s stalking presence and the four Survivor’s attempts to escape. All the basic elements of the video game work surprisingly well in the tabletop environment, and there are also plenty of props and other tools that the Survivors can use as they work to stay alive. Most importantly, the competitive thrill of the original remains.
The cozy confines of Stardew Valley come to the table with immersive, cooperative gameplay and faithful attention to detail, though the board game does have some key differences from its source material. The players have a set number of turns in which they can complete their goal cards and rebuild the community center, but if the season cards run out, the players lose. Thankfully there’s still lots of farming, fishing, and mining fun to be had, along with plenty of interaction with the Valley’s most recognizable inhabitants.
God of War’s most iconic characters come to the table in style in the God of War card game. You’ll need to complete a series of scenes and quest cards to survive Ragnarok and win. It’s primarily a deck-building game, though you’ll be up against a set of randomly selected monsters and bosses rather than the other players at the table. It’s a must-have collectible for fans of the God of War franchise. We're also looking forward to finding out if the upcoming God of War Gamefound project will be an even better tabletop adaption than this one.
What are the Skyrim console commands and cheats? A lot is going on under the hood of Bethesda's seminal game, and if you're feeling a bit technical you can start messing around with what you find. Using only a few commands, you can instantly complete quests, teleport across the world, or even access spells that never made it into the final version of the game.
Whether you want to skip through some of the acclaimed RPG’s busywork, drastically alter your character build, or nerf the livin
What are the Skyrim console commands and cheats? A lot is going on under the hood of Bethesda's seminal game, and if you're feeling a bit technical you can start messing around with what you find. Using only a few commands, you can instantly complete quests, teleport across the world, or even access spells that never made it into the final version of the game.
Whether you want to skip through some of the acclaimed RPG’s busywork, drastically alter your character build, or nerf the living daylights out of a giant, we’ve got the Skyrim console commands and cheats for you. Our list is broken down into a few key categories, starting with basic cheats and working down toward granular tweaks you can employ in the open-world game. Just be sure to check out what each console command does before popping it into the developer console - you know what they say: with great Skyrim console commands comes great responsibility.
Despite being a huge success, Oblivion has no doubt been overshadowed both by time and its loftier successor, Skyrim. Still, The Elder Scrolls 4 exists as a major player in the RPG genre, but that hasn't stopped someone from wanting to blend the two games together. Sort of.
The "Skyrim Border" mod comes from the mind of Nexus Mods user JoopvanDie, and is essentially a way of bringing a bit of TES5 to Cyrdoiil, the province where Oblivion takes place. Anyone who knows the map of Tamriel is aw
Despite being a huge success, Oblivion has no doubt been overshadowed both by time and its loftier successor, Skyrim. Still, The Elder Scrolls 4 exists as a major player in the RPG genre, but that hasn't stopped someone from wanting to blend the two games together. Sort of.
The "Skyrim Border" mod comes from the mind of Nexus Mods user JoopvanDie, and is essentially a way of bringing a bit of TES5 to Cyrdoiil, the province where Oblivion takes place. Anyone who knows the map of Tamriel is aware that the latter game borders the former, though players are unable to cross.
Image via JoopvanDie/Nexus Mods.
However, JoopvanDie invites us to step a little bit into Skyrim, giving us a small area to trek around in, perhaps breathe in a bit of that cold, dragon-y air.
Just a quick pop by to say hello
As the name suggests, the mod by no means allows you to traverse the whole of Skyrim's landscape or cross over into any other part of Tamriel that's not officially part of the game. That would be far too ambitious. And, in fact, there is already a fan-made project that covers that idea.
What this does is bring just a little bit of the border within our grasp inside Oblivion. While there's not a huge amount there – no new quests, for example – there's enough that's worth a quick visit. This includes:
an area for you to explore
one small village with NPCs
few small caves
two ingredients
one new creature (Frost troll)
new armor and a medieval Scandinavian(ish) helmet
treasure hunting
If you want to get to the area, the description says to go to the Echo Cave (shown just west of Bruma, which you can see in the image above) and follow the road to the northwest. Say hi to Paarthurnax for me if he's there.
V roce 2011 přišla na světlo světa hra The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, kterou vydala společnsot Bethesda. Tato hra se stala jedním z největších milníků v historii videoher a získala si miliony fanoušků po celém světě. Na PlayStation 3 jsem strávil hodiny ponořený do tohoto rozsáhlého světa plného zajímavých postav, vedlejších úkolů a nelítostných dungeonů. I po letech, kdy jsem přešel na PlayStation 4 a Nintendo Switch, mě Skyrim stále fascinuje a objevuji nové a nové questy a jeskyně. Představa př
V roce 2011 přišla na světlo světa hra The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, kterou vydala společnsot Bethesda. Tato hra se stala jedním z největších milníků v historii videoher a získala si miliony fanoušků po celém světě. Na PlayStation 3 jsem strávil hodiny ponořený do tohoto rozsáhlého světa plného zajímavých postav, vedlejších úkolů a nelítostných dungeonů. I po letech, kdy jsem přešel na PlayStation 4 a Nintendo Switch, mě Skyrim stále fascinuje a objevuji nové a nové questy a jeskyně. Představa přenést tak bohatý a otevřený svět do podoby deskové hry mě nenechala chladným a jsem moc rád, že se mi tato velká příběhová hra dostala do rukou.
Na pultech obchodů najdete tento titul pod přesným názvem The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dobrodružná hra plně v českém jazyce díky společnosti ADC Blackfire, která se v posledních měsících, možná i letech odhodlala portfolio rodinných deskových her obohatit o velké deskové hry inspirované videoherními předlohami a servíruje nám jednu za druhou. Namátkou zmíním Zaklínač: Starý svět, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood of Venice – české vydání, Cyberpunk 2077: Gangy Night City a mnoho dalších. Pro úplnost zmíním, že Skyrim je kooperativní hra pro 1 až 4 hráče s doporučeným věkem od 14 let a jedna partie zabere 60 až 120 minut podle zvoleného scénáře a množství hrdinů okolo stolu.
První dojmy z této deskové hry byly pro mě trochu smíšené. Nechápejte to špatně: produkční hodnota je na vysoké úrovní, a navíc je v krabici i použitelný insert. Velká herní mapa, karty a kostky jsou dobře zpracované a detailní plastové figurky postav přinášejí atmosféru videoherního světa. Při pohledu na grafické ilustrace na kartách se mi vybavují vzpomínky na stovky hodin s ovladačem v ruce. To vše musím chválit. Horší je to s pochopením pravidel, které nejsou nikterak náročná. Přestože jsou dle mého názoru přeložená dobře, bohužel v některých ohledech jsou nedostatečně vysvětlena a vyžadují časté konzultace na fórech. Jakmile se je však naučíte, hra plyne přirozeně a snadno.
Skyrim – Dobrodružná hra nabízí hráčům možnost ponořit se do příběhu odehrávající se před událostmi videoherní předlohy. Hráči se ujmou role členů organizace zvané Čepele a budou čelit výzvám ve světě rozervaném občanskou válkou. Každý hráč si vybere postavu s různými schopnostmi, jenž se během hry dále rozvíjejí. Hráči sledují své zdraví, výdrž a magii na individuálních deskách hráčů, zatímco sbírají vybavení, vylepšují je a očarovávají své zbraně a brnění.
Hratelnost Skyrimu se točí kolem tahových akcí hráčů. Hráči mohou spolupracovat na plnění různých úkolů, které hra nabízí, nebo se věnovat svým osobním cílům. Každá kapitola přináší nové dobrodružství, jenž musí hráči překonat společně, a přitom prozkoumávat dungeony. Herní plán je rozdělen do různých oblastí s pevnostmi a jeskyněmi, které jsou hráčům dobře známé z videoherní předlohy. Mimochodem, jestli se mě osobně líbila herní mapa u Zaklínače: Starý svět, tak u Skyrimu je to ještě o level výše. Hráči se neustále potýkají s hrozbami od nepřátel a různých událostí, jenž jsou ve hře reprezentovány žetony hrozby. Tyto žetony fungují jako časovače způsobující selhání při plnění úkolů nebo uzavření pevností, pokud nejsou včas odstraněny.
Každé kolo začíná otočením karty událostí, která může přidat nové globální úkoly, dočasné efekty nebo příval nepřátel, jako jsou trollové a upíři. Poté hráči mohou přesunout své postavy na herním plánu směrem k svým cílům. Místo, kde se hráči zastaví, určuje, jaké akce mohou provést, ať už jde o interakci s úkoly, boj s nepřáteli nebo prozkoumání dungeonu. Boj je řešen pomocí hodu kostkami, kde každý typ zbraně nabízí unikátní možnosti. Hráči mohou spojit své síly v boji a využít výhod svých speciálních schopností a zvýšit pravděpodobnost úspěchu.
Jednou z mých oblíbených částí hry je možnost levelování postav. Jak hráči plní úkoly a vítězí v bojích, získávají zkušenostní body umožňující zlepšovat své dovednosti a získávat nové schopnosti. Každá dovednost přidává kostky do testů nebo poskytuje další výhody, což přidává další možnosti rozvoje postavy. Když dosáhnete maximální úrovně dovedností, hráči mohou povýšit ještě na legendární úroveň, což ještě více zvyšuje účinnost a z hráčů se stávají chodící monstra.
Příběh hry je prezentován číslovanými kartami, které se mění podle rozhodnutí hráčů a úspěchů či neúspěchů v úkolech. Tím se otevírají nové cesty a možnosti, což přidává na znovuhratelnosti. Každé rozhodnutí má dopad na další vývoj příběhu a umožňuje hráčům vytvářet vlastní unikátní příběhy v rámci herního světa. Nemohu říct, že bych si tento systém neužil nebo že by nefungoval efektivně, jen na mě některé příběhy působily trochu plitce. Což pramení z mé „nemlsnosti“ tohoto univerza. Možná by pomohlo více textu, což by však už vyžadovalo jiné řešení, například obří knihou, jak ji známe třeba z hry Cestou necestou apod. Ale to by se zase z tohoto titulu stala dlouhá a rozvláčná záležitost na čtyři a více hodin. Takže záleží jen na preferencích hráčů.
Nicméně, když odmyslím tuto věc, tak i tak mě samotný herní zážitek z deskového Skyrimu vrací zpět do digitálního světa, který jsem si tolik oblíbil. Možnost volby a rozvoj postavy, spolupráce s ostatními hráči a neustálé výzvy dělají z této hry jedinečný zážitek. I když některé prvky mohou být pro nové hráče obtížné a pravidla vyžadují čas na osvojení, je hra velmi přístupná a zábavná.
Skyrim: Dobrodružná hra nabízí hráčům mnoho hodin zábavy a je skvělým způsobem, jak se ponořit do světa Tamrielu mimo obrazovky. Fanoušci série The Elder Scrolls si tuto hru jistě oblíbí a ocení věrnost, s jakou byl digitální svět přenesen na stůl. Osobně jsem hru hrál v různých počtech hráčů, od sólo her až po hry se čtyřmi hráči, a každý zážitek byl unikátní. Zatímco sólo hra nabízí intenzivní výzvu, hry ve větším počtu hráčů přinášejí více plánování a spolupráce. Mně osobně nejvíce sedělo, když jsme se do jakéhokoliv dobrodružství pustili ve dvou. Vše přirozeně plynulo a bez zbytečných průtahů. Moje zkušenosti s oběma kampaněmi byly pozitivní, ačkoli druhá kampaň byla výrazně obtížnější, což kvituji pozitivně. Krom těchto kooperativních výzev pravidla počítají i s kompetetivní možností. Je toho zkrátka opravdu hodně co lze v této deskové hře dělat a strávit s ní desítky hodin.
CZ Distributor: ADC Blackfire
Počet hráčů: 1 – 4
Přibližná herní doba: 60 – 120 minut (většina scénářů je dohrána okolo 2 hodin. Ve větším počtu hráčů se může natáhnout)
Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series has been a staple of role-playing video games. In terms of mainline entries, we're five releases in, with a sixth one out there somewhere being worked on. But we're not here to talk about the future. We're going to be discussing just how successful each game in the franchise has been.
Make no mistake—as the years have gone by, The Elder Scrolls has only become more popular. But the series had to start somewhere, and I think it's interesting to compare the sale
Bethesda's Elder Scrolls series has been a staple of role-playing video games. In terms of mainline entries, we're five releases in, with a sixth one out there somewhere being worked on. But we're not here to talk about the future. We're going to be discussing just how successful each game in the franchise has been.
Make no mistake—as the years have gone by, The Elder Scrolls has only become more popular. But the series had to start somewhere, and I think it's interesting to compare the sales figures of each one side-by-side to really hammer home this success story.
6. The Elder Scrolls: Arena - 3,000 copies
Image via Destructoid.
At the time of release, Arena sold around 3,000 copies, according to former lead designer Ted Peterson. While these numbers have probably gone up since then, there doesn't seem to be any indication of how many the first TES game has sold overall. The fact that you can get it free these days makes it a moot point.
Cast your minds back three decades if you can. A small studio from Maryland, which had been developing sports games and a couple of Terminator adaptations, unleashed the first Elder Scrolls entry into the world. Called Arena, the crew had no idea just how big their fantasy universe was going to become.
Arena may represent the seeds of The Elder Scrolls as a franchise, but gaming wasn't the corporate-driven beast we know it as today, which is probably why the sales figures don't look that impressive.
Still, Arena made an impression, setting into motion new ways of creating interactive stories with detailed role-playing elements. The fact that it had a procedurally generated world was also hugely impressive for the time.
5. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - 700,000+ copies
Image via Destructoid.
Selling 120,000 copies upon launch, Daggerfall easily surpassed Arena. By mid-2000, former Vice President of Bethesda Softworks Pete Hines said the game had sold over 700,000 copies, and that number would have gone up since.
Encompassing a world the size of Great Britain, The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall improved on Arena in just about every way possible. While it's perhaps not as big as its predecessor, it beefed up the role-playing aspects and made a huge splash in the genre.
That it won more awards than Arena shows that Bethesda was onto something. It had enormous scope and a world so huge that its in-game map had a search function! Daggerfall was the first Elder Scrolls game I played; its vastness was mind-blowing to me, and I still go back to it sometimes.
If you want to experience Daggerfall today, you're best off playing the Unity version from GOG. It's a complete revamp of the game, keeping the visuals and classic style of the original but giving it a few quality-of-life tweaks and allowing for mods. It's also free.
4. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - 4 million copies
Image via Destructoid.
Now we're getting into the big figures. Morrowind was a hit when it was first released, and people are still buying it more than 20 years later. By the end of its launch year, the game had shifted around 200,000 copies. By mid-2005, that number had gone up to more than 4 million in sales.
The leap in visual quality between Daggerfall and Morrowind is utterly staggering. The Elder Scrolls 3 – released at the start of the new millennium – was a triumph in terms of immersion and advanced graphics. Sure, it's aged horribly now, but back then, just seeing the teaser screenshots prior to release was all the evidence I needed to know that the new TES game was going to be something special.
Morrowind is one of the smallest entries in terms of map size, but that didn't matter. It had a detailed world filled with a host of NPCs encased in a uniquely built world that took things beyond the usual knights and gray castles we're used to seeing in fantasy.
Morrowind was also the first entry to get a console port. It was released on the original Xbox and PC and went down as one of the best-selling games on the system at the time, almost surpassing Halo. Look at most people's lists of favorite Elder Scrolls entries, and chances are high that Morrowind will be at the top.
3. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - 9.5 million copies
Image via Destructoid.
According to a 2015 report from Polygon, Oblivion sold around 9.5 million copies throughout its lifetime, turning the small, Ultima-inspired RPG series into a globally renowned video game franchise.
Oblivion was a phenomenal hit when it launched in 2006. Despite arriving just four years after Morrowind, it was yet another leap in just how advanced gaming visuals were becoming.
By now, The Elder Scrolls had a huge following, making Bethesda one of the biggest developers in the world. True, that Oblivion was when the series began to lean more towards action rather than deep role-playing aspects, but the sales numbers speak for themselves.
Oblivion has a Metacritic score of 94 on Xbox 360 and has gone down as one of the top 100 video game releases of all time. I mentioned how blown away I was by Morrowind, but Oblivion absolutely knocked it out of the park for me when I first saw it.
2. The Elder Scrolls Online - Over 15 million copies
Image via Destructoid.
The Elder Scrolls Online was one of the top-selling games in the UK when it was released in 2014, and it has sold millions since. According to Pete Hines, ESO sold more than 15 million units as of 2020.
There's an argument to be made that Elder Scrolls Online isn't part of the mainline series. However, I decided to include it because the numbers are still impressive.
The fact that this is an MMO is what sets it apart from the other Elder Scrolls games. The series is noteworthy for its focus on a single-player narrative. ESO instills players with a sense of power and destiny fulfillment, though that does sort of fall by the wayside when thousands of people are playing as the story's hero.
While I did play the beta – which was buggy – I never gave much attention to Elder Scrolls ONline. It's definitely brought in a lot more players over the years, thanks to it ditching the subscription model required to play it. But it must be doing something right, as it's generated around $2 billion in revenue as of 2024.
1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 60 million copies
Image via Destructoid.
There was never any doubt this was at the top, was there? The most recent figures show that Skyrim has sold over 60 million copies since 2011. That might not be enough to beat out the likes of Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto 5, or even Tetris, but what other game can boast being one of the most successful releases ever?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is considered by many to be not only the greatest RPG of all time but one of the best video games in history. At the time of writing, Skyrim is registering over 11,000 concurrent players, according to SteamDB. That's nearly four times the amount that bought the original Arena, let alone played it.
We can make a lot of arguments about how Oblivion is buggy as hell and has taken up too much real estate in the gaming sphere, but that doesn't change the facts. The game was a surefire hit before it was even released almost 13 years ago.
Today, it continues to attract a steady stream of players and modders and boasts a total of 229 awards, according to IMDb. Yeah, gamers may be sick of seeing and talking about Skyrim, but it's definitely going down as one of gaming's biggest achievements--at least, until The Elder Scrolls 6 dethrones it.
While we wait (and wait and wait and wait) for Bethesda to say literally anything about what's happening with The Elder Scrolls 6, let's talk about Skyrim. That should kill a bit more time. Specifically, let's talk about modding Skyrim.
Since time immemorial (well, 2011), TES5 fans have been modifying the game, improving it several folds, adding new content, fixing bugs...just generally getting as much life out of the ol' beast as they can. It's almost as if some people took one look at Sky
While we wait (and wait and wait and wait) for Bethesda to say literally anything about what's happening with The Elder Scrolls 6, let's talk about Skyrim. That should kill a bit more time. Specifically, let's talk about modding Skyrim.
Since time immemorial (well, 2011), TES5 fans have been modifying the game, improving it several folds, adding new content, fixing bugs...just generally getting as much life out of the ol' beast as they can. It's almost as if some people took one look at Skyrim in its vanilla form and went, "nah, mate."
Far be it from me to tell you there are countless ways to tinker with this aging epic RPG. But if you're new to playing, or you just want a quick rundown on some of the better mods out there, I've cobbled together a list of what I feel are some pretty essential ones. You may agree with this list. You may not. I will be answering no questions.
NOTE: I will attempt to provide links to mods that are for the Special Edition of Skyrim where possible.
Skyrim Script Extender
Screenshot via Destructoid.
When I talk about "essential mods," you can probably interpret that as just meaning a "generally solid modification that many players highly recommend." A lot of it will come down to personal preference and how you want to alter the game.
However, with Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE for short), this one is pretty vital. If you ask people in the community – especially the PC community – what to install first when it comes to modding Skyrim, this will likely be your first port of call.
As the description itself says: this is a tool "used by many Skyrim mods that expands scripting capabilities and adds additional functionality to the game." You'd be pretty lost without it. The version linked here has already been downloaded over 1.4 million times, and it was only uploaded in 2019.
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Image via Arthmoor/Nexus Mods.
Bethesda games have bugs. The sun is a large ball of burning gas. Everyone knows the uncomfortable sensation of having one shoe tied slightly tighter than the other. Microsoft is pure evil. Oh, sorry. I thought I was just listing things that can be filed under "the bleeding obvious."
Yes, Skyrim has been laden with glitches and issues since the day it landed in video game stores (remember them?) While over the years, the developer has attempted to quash some of the major ones, there are still plenty of bugs that exist, even in the Anniversary Edition which came out some tens after the vanilla release.
That's where the Unofficial Skyrim Patch comes into play. It is, as the name suggests, an unofficial mod for the game with an eventual goal of fixing every single bug TES5 has, and we all know that is quite the mammoth task. The most recent version was uploaded on April 18, which means the team is still hard at work. This is another must.
Image via schlangster/Nexus Mods.
As gorgeous as Skyrim is (or was) when it first came out, there were some criticisms aimed at the game's standard user interface. While I personally didn't have much of a problem with it, I could see why it wasn't everyone's favorite.
If you've played the game, you'll surely have your own opinion about it. Which is why we have SkyUI. This is described as an "elegant, PC-friendly interface mod with many advanced features." Even from the single image above, you can see the differences between the vanilla version and the mod.
Is it fair to say it's more "intuitive?" I'm bold enough to go along with that. While there hasn't been an update for SkyUI since 2017, Nexus Mods registers over 4.8 million downloads, so they must be doing something right.
Open Cities
Image via Arthmoor/Nexus Mods.
A game like Skyrim consistently delivers and entertains, largely because of its immersive quality. Forget the fact that it's now an older game. When it dropped all those years ago, it was a triumph. It drew people in with its utter splendor, enormous world, and cast of characters that were believable (well as believable as role-playing characters living in a fantasy world full of dragons can be).
However, some of that immersion does fall to the wayside slightly when you enter a new city, like Whiterun. Upon opening the main gate, you find yourself confronted with a black loading screen. It's understandable. Bethesda couldn't have put all the interior aspects of a city within the main world.
However, someone did just that. From the same modder that brought us the Unofficial Patch, we have Open Cities Skyrim. This is a mod that fluidly blends the game's city limits to whatever's outside its walls. The loading screens are now gone, which keeps you immersed. Plus, it means you can now ride your horse straight into places like Riften. That can only be a plus.
Alternative Start
Image via Arthmoor/Nexus Mods.
When I first got the game in 2011, I was enthralled by the opening. A few days later, a friend came round because they wanted to see it, so I booted the game up, loaded a new save, and proceeded to go through the intro cut scene again. Then some time later, another friend wanted to see what all the fuss was about. By this point, my character's head had been cut off enough times to satisfy a revolution.
What I'm saying is, even before Skyrim had the long legacy it enjoys today, I had seen the opening section dozens of times. If you are a bit bored with that lengthy introduction, say hello to Alternative Start. Oh look, it's another mod by Arthmoor.
With this, you get to opt for a different beginning to your Skyrim playthrough. You can choose to be a hunter living in the woods, a vampire hiding in a cave, or maybe you've been shipwrecked. The good thing about this mod is it doesn't just give you an alternative starting point, it changes things about your character and doesn't immediately put you on the main quest path.
Helgen Reborn
Image via Mike Hancho/Nexus Mods.
Speaking of that opening section, we don't get to experience Helgen much before it's terrorized by a dragon and left to burn in the ashes of its wake. It's there and then, in the blink of an eye, it's left in ruins as you run for your life and, presumably, bugger off to literally anywhere else.
With Helgen Reborn, the city gets a second chance. Modders Mike Hancho (aka Balok) didn't just turn the opening location on its head by rebuilding it. No, they went above and beyond, bringing something that is more than just a surface restructuring. The mod description tells it best:
Helgen Reborn is a fully voiced adventure with over 20 superb voice actors. As you help rebuild the town you'll reunite two old friends, uncover an underground slavery ring, battle in an arena and many other adventures!
A Quality World Map
Image via IcePenguin/Nexus Mods.
Skyrim's map is pretty good, says I. Not just a facsimile of the world you walk around. It's actually the real thing, just zoomed out immensely. It would have been easy for Bethesda to phone it in with a standard scroll-like map or something more cartoon-y. Well done to them, I say.
However, it can always be better, and that's what IcePenguin's A Quality World Map does. With over three million downloads on Nexus Mods, it presents itself as the last word in Skyrim topography. Consisting of high-detailed textures, AQWM (as I'm taking to call it) is a tasty visual addition to your game. I'd say it pairs nicely with SkyUI as well.
Also, it doesn't just have this 3D map, either. It comes in a vivid style and even a paper version, if you want something that's perhaps a bit more Lord of the Rings-y.
Towns and Villages Enhanced
Image via Aplestormy/Nexus Mods.
After a while, you start to see the same old Skyrim. It's pretty enough, even for a game that's 13 years old, but it would be nice to have something else to look at. If this is you, you may be interested in Aplestormy's Towns and Villages Enhanced mods.
The interesting thing about this project is that there isn't one single download that alters every location in the game. Instead, they come in separate files. There's one for Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, Riften, Riverwood, and some of the smaller villages.
As described, they basically "enhance" a lot of areas in Skyrim with tweaks and fresh design choices. Here's what the Whiterun mod adds and/or alters.
Trees (Including new GKB Models)
New Design - Less Trees, more Detail
Shrubs and other Foliage
Rocks and small Details
New Lighting
Alchemist Plants
Skyrim 202X
Image via Pfuscher/Nexus Mods.
I've said it a few times already, but Skryim is a pretty old game at this point. As such, it's not as visually arresting as it once was. Back in 2011, though...wowee. There wasn't much like it. However, things have changed. We want our collective eyes melted out of our faces with graphical brilliance.
If you want nothing more than to make Skyrim look prettier, maybe even more modern, there are a wide range of options available in the modding community. Howver, one that comes highly recommended is Pfuscher's Skyrim 202X. This is a high-resolution overhaul of how the game looks.
It boasts more than 2,000 files (which come in several parts) and is a visual feast. It's been worked on since 2016, with the latest version going live on April 15 this year. It has over 1.8 million unique downloads, and it's easy to see why. It's. Just. So. Pretty.
Immersive Interactions
Image via JaySerpa/Nexus Mods.
Anyone who's seen me talk about Skyrim mods before may be familiar with the name JaySerpa. They are, by far, one of my favorite modders working on the game currently, and it's mainly because of how they change the game to be that extra bit immersive.
I'm choosing Immersive Interactions to put in this list, but really, I could have selected any one at random to showcase how simple tweaks can up the alluring quality of role-playing in Skyrim. This one in particular allows your character to perform "context-aware animations," which includes being able to greet NPCs and generally interact with the world.
It's a kind of magic.
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a sprawling role-playing game that usually requires hundreds of hours of gameplay before players can reach Level 80 and fight the infamous Ebony Warrior, but one player has condensed all that down to less than 10 minutes.Speedrunner and YouTuber nucular …
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a sprawling role-playing game that usually requires hundreds of hours of gameplay before players can reach Level 80 and fight the infamous Ebony Warrior, but one player has condensed all that down to less than 10 minutes.
Earlier this week, Xbox announced that it would be shuttering several studios it had attained as part of its $7.5 billion purchase of Bethesda, including Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Games, and Roundhouse Studios, the last of which is being absorbed into another team. Collectively, the studios’ produced…Read more...
Earlier this week, Xbox announced that it would be shuttering several studios it had attained as part of its $7.5 billion purchase of Bethesda, including Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, Alpha Dog Games, and Roundhouse Studios, the last of which is being absorbed into another team. Collectively, the studios’ produced…
Bethesda Softworks executive producer Todd Howard has been making the rounds conducting interviews since the release of Amazon’s adaptation of Fallout, one of the series he’s helped direct in his time there.Read more...
Bethesda Softworks executive producer Todd Howard has been making the rounds conducting interviews since the release of Amazon’s adaptation of Fallout, one of the series he’s helped direct in his time there.
Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.There's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, a hole. Thank you, thank you, what a lovely rendition
Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!
There's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, a hole. Thank you, thank you, what a lovely rendition. The humble bucket, a stalwart of our day-to-day lives. We use them to slosh dirty water around in, and we use them to wee in if we're going camping and don't want to venture out during the night. No, don't you? We all have a bucket, I'd venture to say, and we all use them, so it's only fitting that games should include them too. But which games have made them feel like more than just props? In which game are buckets the best?
Reach for the sky.
An Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim speedrunner has reached level 80 and killed the infamous Ebony Warrior in under 12 minutes, setting a new world record in the process.As reported by GamesRadar, YouTuber nucular uploaded a video of the complex but efficient speedrun and …
An Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim speedrunner has reached level 80 and killed the infamous Ebony Warrior in under 12 minutes, setting a new world record in the process.
As reported by GamesRadar, YouTuber nucular uploaded a video of the complex but efficient speedrun and …
One of the year’s most popular shows is Amazon Prime’s Fallout, a television series based around the long-running post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG franchise. The show is fantastic thanks to great action, great characters, and great writing, and as a result of all this greatness, the Fallout titles have seen a resurgence in…Read more...
One of the year’s most popular shows is Amazon Prime’s Fallout, a television series based around the long-running post-apocalyptic sci-fi RPG franchise. The show is fantastic thanks to great action, great characters, and great writing, and as a result of all this greatness, the Fallout titles have seen a resurgence in…
Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!Oh and if you want to read more, you can - you can find our entire Five of the Best archive elsewhere on the site.There's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, a hole. Thank you, thank you, what a lovely rendition
Five of the Best is a weekly series for supporters of Eurogamer. It's a series that highlights some of the features in games that are often overlooked. It's also about having your say, so don't be shy, use the comments below and join in!
There's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza, there's a hole in your bucket, dear Liza, a hole. Thank you, thank you, what a lovely rendition. The humble bucket, a stalwart of our day-to-day lives. We use them to slosh dirty water around in, and we use them to wee in if we're going camping and don't want to venture out during the night. No, don't you? We all have a bucket, I'd venture to say, and we all use them, so it's only fitting that games should include them too. But which games have made them feel like more than just props? In which game are buckets the best?
Starfield’s updates have been sporadic and underwhelming since it arrived over seven months ago. It’s clear the team at Bethesda has been diligently fixing bugs and adding small improvements, but it doesn’t feel like the open-world RPG has gotten the same amount of post-launch love as some of its peers. Director Todd…Read more...
Starfield’s updates have been sporadic and underwhelming since it arrived over seven months ago. It’s clear the team at Bethesda has been diligently fixing bugs and adding small improvements, but it doesn’t feel like the open-world RPG has gotten the same amount of post-launch love as some of its peers. Director Todd…
With the Fallout live-action show now out and honestly far better than I was expecting, are Bethesda also brewing an adaptation of their other big RPG series, The Elder Scrolls? Not at present, according to Bethesda executive producer Todd Howard, and he says he'd "probably say no" if approached. Mind you, that was the stance he had until Fallout finally fell into place.
Read more
With the Fallout live-action show now out and honestly far better than I was expecting, are Bethesda also brewing an adaptation of their other big RPG series, The Elder Scrolls? Not at present, according to Bethesda executive producer Todd Howard, and he says he'd "probably say no" if approached. Mind you, that was the stance he had until Fallout finally fell into place.
It’s been a whirlwind week or so for Xbox. The weekend of February 3, rumors began swirling that major console exclusives like Starfield and the upcoming Indiana Jones game would head to other platforms, and Xbox fans’ reactions were intense, to say the least. The backlash prompted head honcho Phil Spencer to announce…Read more...