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Visions of Mana Preview – A Promising Pilgrimage
The demo for Visions of Mana was recently released across platforms, allowing me to check out a chapter of the upcoming RPG from Square Enix and Ouka Studios. Given my experience with the Mana series, I had an approximate knowledge of what to expect from this demo, though it exceeded these expectations in quite a […]
Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1862
This week’s Famitsu review scores are in. goHELLgo: Tsukiotoshiteko (PS4, Switch) – 7/8/7/8 [30/40]KAMiBAKO: Mythology … Source
Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1862
NekoJonez's Gaming Blog
First Impression: Trinity Trigger (Nintendo Switch – eShop) ~ Just A Bit More
Wikipedia page – Official site – Official microsite I love how the store credit system works on the Nintendo eShop. When you purchase games, you get golden coins that you can use as a discount for other games. If you have enough coins, you can even buy the game outright. One of the games I have bought with this system is Trinity Trigger. From the description, it sounded like an interesting and unique action JRPG, and I’m always interested to play new and unique games. Especially since key
First Impression: Trinity Trigger (Nintendo Switch – eShop) ~ Just A Bit More

Wikipedia page – Official site – Official microsite
I love how the store credit system works on the Nintendo eShop. When you purchase games, you get golden coins that you can use as a discount for other games. If you have enough coins, you can even buy the game outright. One of the games I have bought with this system is Trinity Trigger. From the description, it sounded like an interesting and unique action JRPG, and I’m always interested to play new and unique games. Especially since key staff on this game worked on amazing games like Chrono Cross and the Mana series. Now, is it any good and should you pick up this game, or is it a game that you should skip? Well, in this first impression I have after playing 1/4th of the game, I want to tell you my opinion so far. I’m also curious to hear your opinion on the game and/or the content of this article in the comment section down below. And with that said, let’s dive right into Trinity Trigger.
Just A Bit More

In this game, we take on the role of Cyan. Cyan is an average boy from a small village. He is also a treasure hunter that one day learns he is chosen by the God of Chaos as his Warrior of Chaos.
In the fantasy world of Trinitia, there are two main Gods. The God of Order and the God of Chaos. In ancient times, they used to wage war for control of the lands. Now, they chose a warrior each to represent them and fight the other warrior to the death for dominance. Cyan doesn’t know what that even means, but it might explain why he has amnesia, those weird dreams and that special glowing mark in his eye. In search for answers, he sets out on a journey, and that’s how this game starts.
When this game was originally teased, the main setup for this game was to create a game and story that was nostalgic to those who played old school JRPG’s. A lot of talent who worked on other big titles like Xenoblade, Pokémon and Bravely Default II were working on this game as well. I always find it dangerous to mention these things, since it might set the expectations of players way too high. What if this isn’t going to work out or when the story just doesn’t hit the mark?
You can never predict how the chemistry is between people, and it’s possible that they are unable to work together. But, it’s also possible they hit it off big and make something extremely unique and special. I remember how a game like World’s End Club could have been so much more with two amazing directors behind it, Kazutake Kodaka from Danganronpa fame and Kotaro Uchikoshi from the Zero Escape fame. Yet, that game was decent but could have been so much more if it had more depth and polish.
If I’m honest with myself, Trinity Trigger falls into the same boat then World’s End Club. Take the story, for example. When I started playing this game, an amazing world was being setup and I started to get interested and immersed in this new world. But, it didn’t take long before I noticed that this game hits all the familiar story beats you expect from a JRPG. But the biggest issue in this story is that it doesn’t do anything special during its journey. I have already visited a couple of towns and each time it’s the exact same basic premise that happens.
The best way I can describe the story is that it’s unoffensively bland. It does what it’s supposed to do, but nothing more. It’s a shame, since the amazing voice cast behind this game brought this game to live so much. I have nothing to critique there. The only thing that can be a bit annoying is hearing the same grunts over and over again while you are fighting in the dungeons, but that’s part of the course in JRPG’s.
Playing it safe

For some people, having a bland story in a JRPG’s is a dealbreaker. But, I can handle that if the main gameplay loop is enjoyable. In this game, you go from town to town and explore the town dungeon to become stronger and get new unique abilities.
The battles in this game aren’t turn based like in other JRPG’s. This is an action JRPG, after all, so you have to dodge and time your attacks well. You can even choose to ignore battles if you want to, apart from scripted fights or boss battles, that is. The combat system is decent and does the job. The only complaint I have is that your stamina drains a bit too fast, making your attacks quite weak against enemies. So, you have to use other mechanics like having better damage when you dodge roll an attack in time.
After each dungeon, you unlock a new weapon that has a slightly different playstyle. You can choose between which weapon you use on the fly with a weapon wheel. It works quite well, and it’s fun to figure out which enemies are weak against which weapons. Especially the bosses, since hitting them with the right weapon creates even more damage.
During your exploration, you can find hidden chests with items. Underneath the mini-map, you can find a counter with how many hidden treasures are still left in the area. I find it quite enjoyable to explore the whole map to find these hidden treasures. Some of the hidden passages are hidden away extremely well, and finding them was a blast.
Something I also really enjoy is that you can easily choose between which character you control. Some characters have unique skills and being able to quickly switch between them is amazing. Since, some enemies have a long range attack, and then it’s a blast being able to switch to a character that can use a bow to take them out more easily.
Enemies also drop various items that you can use to craft items in shops or at special stations. And crafting these items actually cost in game money. The amount you have to spend for crafting is a lot lower, but this is a mechanic I’m hesitant about. It would have been quite a lot of fun to be able to craft healing items during your exploration. Maybe these healing items were less effective than the potions you can buy in the shops. But then again, it might break the balance of the game and make you a bit overpowered.
You can only carry so many potions and to be very honest, I never really had problems with a boss battle or a dungeon when I was stocked up on potions. When you don’t do anything crazy and keep your stock high and manage your stat boosting items well, this game becomes quite easy. So easy in fact that boss battles become an endurance test and extremely repetitive.
Each boss battle has the same basic premise. You have to dodge their attacks and use the right weapon to break the shield of the boss. In most cases, this is the newly unlocked weapon. After you have broken the shield, you can damage the boss. If you have broken the shield 4 to 5 times, and kept hitting the boss, you have beaten the fight.
Now, the dungeons play like your typical The Legend of Zelda dungeon to a degree. There is one main theme and puzzle mechanic for you to solve. Once you reached the final room of the dungeon, you fight a final boss and progress in the game. When I think about it, the structure of this game resembles 2D Zelda games here and there. And maybe, the structure of a Zelda game would have fit the game better than an action JRPG. Since, I wouldn’t be surprised if players drop this game and call it repetitive. Since, it really is. I tried to play this game in longer sessions, but I started to feel bored after playing it for an hour or two. Yet, I kept enjoying myself with the game while playing it on my 30-minute train ride from and to work.
Middle of the Road

The more I play this game, the more I feel like this game could have been so much more. The basic foundation of this game is rock solid, and I barely have anything to critique there. Like the controls and the UI for example. The controls are extremely responsive and a blast to work with.
Now, the other characters are AI controlled. Overall, the AI does an okay job following you and aiding you in combat, but it can do some brain-dead actions as well. One of the dungeons where it frustrated me to no end was the ice dungeon, where your AI allies slid into the spikes every single time.
Visually, this game looks pretty decent. There is quite a lot of detail put into this world and the underused area exclusive mechanics are quite a lot of fun to play with. For example, I love how in the forest area the mushrooms can have different effects depending on the color. Especially the one that allows you to light up the area.
But then you have moments where some textures are bland and look like they are from an earlier generation, creating a mismatch. And on top of that, some battle animations can’t be canceled. And the final attack of the bow is just silly. Yet, if a certain attack is in progress, you can’t switch weapons. This is something that annoyed me quite a lot as well.
The soundtrack of this game is quite enjoyable. It fits the atmosphere of the game like a glove. Overall, this orchestral soundtrack is a joy to listen too. But, there are some tracks that are a bit too short and the rather repetitive melody isn’t it doing any favors. Thankfully, these tracks don’t appear to often so I don’t mind it too hard.
The sound effects are pretty good too. I’d recommend that you use the option menu to tweak the sound balancing to your liking, since the basic sound balancing is a bit off when it comes to the balance between sound effects and music. I had to lower the music a little bit so I could hear the important sound effects better during battles.
This game really feels like it’s walking the middle of the road here. My biggest complaint with this game is that it lacks depth in almost every aspect of the game. And it’s just that lack of depth that’s hurting this game. This game has a lot of great idea’s like how easy to read the UI is, but it barely does anything with the stat boosting items.
The game also has local co-op, but I don’t see a reason why to play this game in co-op. There aren’t enough elements to justify for me to have a friend over and play this game. It’s just too bland for that. It’s a shame, since if the combat system was more in depth, it would have been an amazing feature. Now, it’s just another ticked box of features this game has.
Just like how some of the monster design is amazing and sometimes even looks somewhat creepy. They also telegraph their attacks quite well, so you can easily dodge them. Dodging attacks in time is quite important, since you can do special attacks or even more damage. Now, you also have your typical enemies like your slimes and bees, but they look unique and fit their setting quite well.
To be honest, this game is the perfect entry game for young childern to get into roleplaying games. I think that if you have played other more expansive JRPG’s, you will notice the cracks this game has and feel mixed about the game like the whole reception is for this game.
This brings me to the price. To be honest, I wouldn’t pay the full price for this game. The asking price for this game is 40€. And if you want all the DLC, it’s even more. Around 50€. Now, I don’t recommend buying all the DLC apart from the one that comes with the Deluxe edition. The other DLC is just a one time booster pack you can buy to make the game even easier than it already is.
The asking price is too high for this game and it’s length. This game can be beaten in 15 hours and it doesn’t really have replay value. I personally feel that 25€ would have been a better price for the base game and Deluxe edition should have been 40€. If you are interested by this game, I’d buy it if it were on sale. While this game isn’t doing anything new or innovate, it still manages to be enjoyable.
I’m happy that I gave this game a chance. While I expected a lot more from it, I don’t think it’s a bad game. I can totally understand why people don’t like this game or drop it. Since, it’s a very basic middle of the road JRPG that could do something unique but doesn’t. Now, the Japanese publishers of this game FuRyu have developed a game that became the basis for another larger game (The Legend of Legacy feels like the basis for The Alliance Alive). Maybe this game is creating the basis for another larger and better game.
If that’s the case, I’d love to see more unique puzzles in the dungeons for a start. The dungeons were so easy to beat and didn’t provide too much challenge. Maybe some puzzles were only the unique dungeon weapon has to be used to progress or even exit the dungeon.
I’d also love to see more expansion on the armor and stat items. I felt they barely had any impact in this game and I often forgot you could change the stones in your equipement to increase the damage output in certain cases or decrease the taken damage in certain cases.
The biggest thing I’d love to see improved is more depth in the game. Develop the town more and make them more memorable, instead of just a stop to stock up on supplies to go to the next dungeon. The side quests were introduced too late into the game.
I could go on for a while giving examples of what they can expand or improve, but I want to avoid that you get the impression that this game is bad. This game is decent, but not great. That’s the best way to describe this game. I’d recommend it to younger players who want to give an action JRPG a try. If you are in love with the action JRPG games, I’d highly advice you to lower your expecations. I’d compare to that animated summer blockbuster movie that everybody forgets about in a few months. It didn’t do anything memorable but it a fun time while it lasted. It’s a great snack inbetween games for me and I’m curious to see what the developer does next. Since, the potential is there.
With that said, I have said everything I wanted to say about the game for now. I want to thank you for reading this article and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to be able to welcome you in another article, but until then have a great rest of your day and take care.
Visions of Mana running in 6DoF VR lets us live out the fantasy of a hybrid future
I'm a big old dreamer, me. I see a thing that I love, like VR, and I like to imagine the best outcomes for it. You know, like Sony actually bringing a new Astrobot to the PS VR2, or say, smaller, lighter, cheaper headsets for all. Obviously I'm disappointed every time - newer headsets seem to be getting impossibly expensive and, well, of course Sony's gone done a Sony with the PS VR2.One of my biggest dreams though, is that one day, in the future, every game released would come with a hybrid VR
Visions of Mana running in 6DoF VR lets us live out the fantasy of a hybrid future

I'm a big old dreamer, me. I see a thing that I love, like VR, and I like to imagine the best outcomes for it. You know, like Sony actually bringing a new Astrobot to the PS VR2, or say, smaller, lighter, cheaper headsets for all. Obviously I'm disappointed every time - newer headsets seem to be getting impossibly expensive and, well, of course Sony's gone done a Sony with the PS VR2.
One of my biggest dreams though, is that one day, in the future, every game released would come with a hybrid VR mode. A simple toggle at the start, like Capcom put in Resident Evil 7, that gives players the choice to either experience the game in VR, or enjoy it in flat screen on whatever TV or monitor they choose.
While this dream seems like a distant improbability, we do at least get to enjoy a taster of this fantasy thanks to Praydog's magical UEVR mod, which lets you convert any UE4 or UE5 game into VR at the click of a button. Sure, not every game runs perfectly and there's plenty of fiddling that can be done in the mod's menus to iron out the creases but still, for this week's VR Corner I was able to play a demo of a game that's not even fully released yet in both third person and first person VR.
Visions of Mana demo now available ahead of August launch
Square Enix has today released a demo for its forthcoming Action-RPG Visions of Mana. Included in the demo are story, battle, and exploration elements, plus players who complete it will receive three weapons for main character Val in the full game. It takes place partway through the first chapter, but progress won't carry over to the main game as the demo has been specially created. The demo was surprise-released, with a new trailer below showing off some new gameplay. Read more
Visions of Mana demo now available ahead of August launch

Square Enix has today released a demo for its forthcoming Action-RPG Visions of Mana.
Included in the demo are story, battle, and exploration elements, plus players who complete it will receive three weapons for main character Val in the full game. It takes place partway through the first chapter, but progress won't carry over to the main game as the demo has been specially created.
The demo was surprise-released, with a new trailer below showing off some new gameplay.
August Game Releases, Elden Ring Help, And More Tips
Unsure of what new games to pick up this month? Still suck on an Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree boss, or a Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail baddie? We’ve got you covered with the best tips of this final week in July. Click through for them all. Read more...
August Game Releases, Elden Ring Help, And More Tips

Unsure of what new games to pick up this month? Still suck on an Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree boss, or a Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail baddie? We’ve got you covered with the best tips of this final week in July. Click through for them all.
Visions of Mana demo now available ahead of August launch
Square Enix has today released a demo for its forthcoming Action-RPG Visions of Mana. Included in the demo are story, battle, and exploration elements, plus players who complete it will receive three weapons for main character Val in the full game. It takes place partway through the first chapter, but progress won't carry over to the main game as the demo has been specially created. The demo was surprise-released, with a new trailer below showing off some new gameplay. Read more
Visions of Mana demo now available ahead of August launch

Square Enix has today released a demo for its forthcoming Action-RPG Visions of Mana.
Included in the demo are story, battle, and exploration elements, plus players who complete it will receive three weapons for main character Val in the full game. It takes place partway through the first chapter, but progress won't carry over to the main game as the demo has been specially created.
The demo was surprise-released, with a new trailer below showing off some new gameplay.
Visions of Mana dostává demoverzi, která nabízí kousek od každého - INDIAN
Pro PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 a Xbox Series X/S bez předešlého oznámení vyšla demoverze Visions of Mana. Společnost Square Enix si pro hráče připravila překvapení. Všechny zájemce zve, aby si vyzkoušeli část příběhu, průzkum světa a první bitvy.Ti, kteří si demo zahrají, se mohou v plné verzi těšit na odměny v podobě tří zbraní:Gladius (krátký meč pro Val) - lze jej vybavit, jakmile je Val hratelná v 1. kapitole.Falx (dlouhý meč pro Val) - lze vybavit, jakmile se vám podaří změnit třídu n
Visions of Mana dostává demoverzi, která nabízí kousek od každého - INDIAN
Pro PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 a Xbox Series X/S bez předešlého oznámení vyšla demoverze Visions of Mana. Společnost Square Enix si pro hráče připravila překvapení. Všechny zájemce zve, aby si vyzkoušeli část příběhu, průzkum světa a první bitvy.
Ti, kteří si demo zahrají, se mohou v plné verzi těšit na odměny v podobě tří zbraní:
- Gladius (krátký meč pro Val) - lze jej vybavit, jakmile je Val hratelná v 1. kapitole.
- Falx (dlouhý meč pro Val) - lze vybavit, jakmile se vám podaří změnit třídu na Wind.
- Hornlance (kopí pro Val) - lze vybavit, jakmile si můžete změnit třídu na Moon.
Do plné verze není možné přenést postup z dema. Hra Visions of Mana vyjde 29. 8. tohoto roku a zve na podmanivé fantasy dobrodružství zasazené do kouzelného světa plného magie a tajemství. Tady se ujmete odvážných hrdinů, kteří jsou vybráni, aby obnovili rovnováhu sil a zachránili zemi před hrozící temnotou.
Every Change Coming In Diablo IV's New Season Of Infernal Hordes
Diablo IV’s next big update arrives in just a few days and it’s adding another cool mode: Infernal Hordes. It seems aimed at leaning even more into the action RPG’s strengths of letting you blow up a whole screen full of enemies in mere seconds. Read more...
Every Change Coming In Diablo IV's New Season Of Infernal Hordes

Diablo IV’s next big update arrives in just a few days and it’s adding another cool mode: Infernal Hordes. It seems aimed at leaning even more into the action RPG’s strengths of letting you blow up a whole screen full of enemies in mere seconds.
What Is The Best Way To Play Secret Of Mana?
Few games evoke retro gaming nostalgia quite like Secret of Mana. Released in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, this Squaresoft action-RPG is likely to have been the first RPG for many Western gamers. s. Secret of Mana begged to be a memorable experience with its vibrant graphics, memorable soundtrack…Read more...
What Is The Best Way To Play Secret Of Mana?

Few games evoke retro gaming nostalgia quite like Secret of Mana. Released in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, this Squaresoft action-RPG is likely to have been the first RPG for many Western gamers. s. Secret of Mana begged to be a memorable experience with its vibrant graphics, memorable soundtrack…
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed
Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release
As the first Something Of Mana game to come out in 15 years, Visions Of Mana is bound to be exciting some of you out there. Well, funnel all that anticipation into your mouse-clicking finger, because developers Square Enix have just put up a playable demo of the bright JRPG on Steam. I'm not sure how much the demo offers, as we're only told it includes "a section of the story, battles and exploration." But that's better than nothing, and with a full month before release, you have plenty of time
Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release

As the first Something Of Mana game to come out in 15 years, Visions Of Mana is bound to be exciting some of you out there. Well, funnel all that anticipation into your mouse-clicking finger, because developers Square Enix have just put up a playable demo of the bright JRPG on Steam. I'm not sure how much the demo offers, as we're only told it includes "a section of the story, battles and exploration." But that's better than nothing, and with a full month before release, you have plenty of time to scope it out.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release
As the first Something Of Mana game to come out in 15 years, Visions Of Mana is bound to be exciting some of you out there. Well, funnel all that anticipation into your mouse-clicking finger, because developers Square Enix have just put up a playable demo of the bright JRPG on Steam. I'm not sure how much the demo offers, as we're only told it includes "a section of the story, battles and exploration." But that's better than nothing, and with a full month before release, you have plenty of time
Grassy green JRPG Visions Of Mana gets free demo a month ahead of release

As the first Something Of Mana game to come out in 15 years, Visions Of Mana is bound to be exciting some of you out there. Well, funnel all that anticipation into your mouse-clicking finger, because developers Square Enix have just put up a playable demo of the bright JRPG on Steam. I'm not sure how much the demo offers, as we're only told it includes "a section of the story, battles and exploration." But that's better than nothing, and with a full month before release, you have plenty of time to scope it out.
Ubisoft oznámil Anno 117: Pax Romana, které vyjde příští rok pro PC a konzole
Na prezentaci Ubisoft Forward nabídl Ubisoft rozsáhlé pohledy na některé ze svých hlavních chystaných titulů v podobě Star Wars Outlaws a Assassin’s Creed Shadows, a přestože tyto dva tituly rozhodně zaujaly, akce s sebou přinesla také nový díl v podobě nového dílu série Anno. Pod názvem Anno 117: Pax Romana, další díl série 4X strategií o budování měst, který hráče zavede do Říma roku 117 n. l. a vžije se do role guvernéra, jehož úkolem je vybudovat prosperující města v provinciích Latium a Alb
Ubisoft oznámil Anno 117: Pax Romana, které vyjde příští rok pro PC a konzole
Na prezentaci Ubisoft Forward nabídl Ubisoft rozsáhlé pohledy na některé ze svých hlavních chystaných titulů v podobě Star Wars Outlaws a Assassin’s Creed Shadows, a přestože tyto dva tituly rozhodně zaujaly, akce s sebou přinesla také nový díl v podobě nového dílu série Anno.
Pod názvem Anno 117: Pax Romana, další díl série 4X strategií o budování měst, který hráče zavede do Říma roku 117 n. l. a vžije se do role guvernéra, jehož úkolem je vybudovat prosperující města v provinciích Latium a Albion. Jak už to u her Anno bývá, můžete očekávat spoustu rozhodnutí, která ovlivní váš postup, silný příběhový náboj a vrstevnaté strategické mechanismy. Níže se podívejte na oznamovací trailer hry.
Anno 117: Pax Romana vyjde pro PS5, Xbox Series X/S a PC někdy v roce 2025.
Článek Ubisoft oznámil Anno 117: Pax Romana, které vyjde příští rok pro PC a konzole se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
Anno 117: Pax Romana is taking the economic city builder to ancient Rome next year
Ubisoft has unveiled Anno 117: Pax Romana, a new entry in Ubisoft Blue Byte's long-running economic city builder series, which is set to whisk PC and console players back to ancient Rome and the Roman Empire when it launches next year. "It is the year 117 AD," Ubisoft explains, "as a Roman Governor of twin provinces of the Empire, your choices matter to your citizens. Build, trade, expand. Seize opportunities and harness the unique advantages and challenges that Albion and Latium provinces pr
Anno 117: Pax Romana is taking the economic city builder to ancient Rome next year

Ubisoft has unveiled Anno 117: Pax Romana, a new entry in Ubisoft Blue Byte's long-running economic city builder series, which is set to whisk PC and console players back to ancient Rome and the Roman Empire when it launches next year.
"It is the year 117 AD," Ubisoft explains, "as a Roman Governor of twin provinces of the Empire, your choices matter to your citizens. Build, trade, expand. Seize opportunities and harness the unique advantages and challenges that Albion and Latium provinces present."
"Will you encourage economic growth or expand your rule through dominance?," it continues. "Lead with rebellion or unite a diverse culture? The cost of peace is yours to decide."
Anno 117: Pax Romana nás zavede do starověké Římské říše - INDIAN
Ubisoft se pochlubil novým dílem oblíbené budovatelské série Anno. Dnes na Ubisoft Forward oznámil Anno 117: Pax Romana, které nás v roce 2025 zavede do starověké Římské říše. Hra byla potvrzena pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S.Zatím máme k dispozici jen krátký teaser trailer avizující příchod nového guvernéra, jenž bude mít na starost provincie Albion a Latium. Právě na našich rozhodnutích bude záležet, budeme budovat, obchodovat a rozšiřovat Římskou říši. Bude pouze na vás, zda se více
Anno 117: Pax Romana nás zavede do starověké Římské říše - INDIAN
Ubisoft se pochlubil novým dílem oblíbené budovatelské série Anno. Dnes na Ubisoft Forward oznámil Anno 117: Pax Romana, které nás v roce 2025 zavede do starověké Římské říše. Hra byla potvrzena pro PC, PlayStation 5 a Xbox Series X/S.
Zatím máme k dispozici jen krátký teaser trailer avizující příchod nového guvernéra, jenž bude mít na starost provincie Albion a Latium. Právě na našich rozhodnutích bude záležet, budeme budovat, obchodovat a rozšiřovat Římskou říši. Bude pouze na vás, zda se více zaměříme na Latium, tedy oblast kolem samotného Říma, nebo keltskou zemi Albion. Je více než jasné, že pocítíme následky našich rozhodnutích.
Albion je popisován jako země plná tajemství, kde žádný civilizovaný Říman nechce být, zatímco v Latium se budeme cítit jako v Římě. Jde o odlišné země, ale nakonec je budeme moci spojit dohromady pod jednu vlajku.
„Anno 117: Pax Romana si klade za cíl být největší a nejdetailnější simulací Říma,“ stojí v popisu, který dále láká na správu úplně všeho, včetně akvaduktů i fiktivních námořních bitev. „Záleží jen na vás, zda budete šířit římskou kulturu, nebo přijmete keltské tradice,“ dodávají vývojáři s tím, že chtějí vyprávět nevyprávěný příběh o tom, jak se vládlo římským provinciím.
Bohužel, na záběry z hraní si musíme ještě počkat.
Anno 117: Pax Romana will let you build ancient Roman cities next year
During the Ubisoft Forward 2024 showcase, Ubisoft Mainz introduced the latest entry in the Anno series, Anno 117: Pax Romana. Following a live-action teaser trailer, the studio revealed its next city-builder has a broad release window for some time in 2025. The Anno franchise is a series of city-builders taking place during various historical periods, with the previous entry, Anno 1800, set during the Industrial Era. Anno 117: Pax Romana is
Anno 117: Pax Romana will let you build ancient Roman cities next year
During the Ubisoft Forward 2024 showcase, Ubisoft Mainz introduced the latest entry in the Anno series, Anno 117: Pax Romana. Following a live-action teaser trailer, the studio revealed its next city-builder has a broad release window for some time in 2025.
The Anno franchise is a series of city-builders taking place during various historical periods, with the previous entry, Anno 1800, set during the Industrial Era. Anno 117: Pax Romana is here to focus on Ancient Rome, where you'll play as a Roman Governor during the year 117. For the first time in the series' history, you'll also be able to choose your starting province, allowing you to challenge yourself by trying a few locations.
As of now, no further details regarding its release date are available. The trailer and follow-up announcement revealed its launch date for some time next year, but the month and day are currently unknown.
Anno 117: Pax Romana will launch on Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and PC via the Ubisoft Store and Epic Games storefront.
The post Anno 117: Pax Romana will let you build ancient Roman cities next year appeared first on Destructoid.
Anno 117: Pax Romana announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PC, and Luna
Publisher Ubisoft and developer Ubisoft Mainz has announced Anno 117: Pax Romana, the latest entry … Source
Anno 117: Pax Romana announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PC, and Luna
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed
Anno 117: Pax Romana takes the city-builder series back to Ancient Rome next year
It’s been five years since Anno 1800, but we’ve finally seen what’s next for Ubisoft’s history-hopping city-building series. Anno 117: Pax Romana will be the earliest period for the franchise yet, travelling back to the time of a peaceful Ancient Rome. After the biggest gap between Anno games yet, we at least won’t have to wait too long for the newly revealed entry: it’s out next year. Read more
Anno 117: Pax Romana takes the city-builder series back to Ancient Rome next year

It’s been five years since Anno 1800, but we’ve finally seen what’s next for Ubisoft’s history-hopping city-building series. Anno 117: Pax Romana will be the earliest period for the franchise yet, travelling back to the time of a peaceful Ancient Rome. After the biggest gap between Anno games yet, we at least won’t have to wait too long for the newly revealed entry: it’s out next year.
Legendary strategy city builder series heads back to the Roman Empire
There have been rumors for a long time about precisely where the Anno series will go next. A fan-favorite destination ripe for speculation has always been the Roman Empire, and finally it’s happening. Anno 117: Pax Romana is sending strategy players back to the second century, and even though there’s not much announced yet there’s still plenty to be excited about. Continue reading Legendary strategy city builder series heads back to the Roman Empire MORE FROM PCGAMESN
Legendary strategy city builder series heads back to the Roman Empire

There have been rumors for a long time about precisely where the Anno series will go next. A fan-favorite destination ripe for speculation has always been the Roman Empire, and finally it’s happening. Anno 117: Pax Romana is sending strategy players back to the second century, and even though there’s not much announced yet there’s still plenty to be excited about.
MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Best city building games, Best strategy games, Best simulation games-
IGN India Pc
Anno 117: Pax Romana - Live Action Teaser | Ubisoft Forward 2024
Check out the live action trailer for Anno 117: Pax Romana, Ubisoft's upcoming strategy game.
Anno 117: Pax Romana - Live Action Teaser | Ubisoft Forward 2024

IGN India Pc
Anno 117: Pax Romana Finally Brings the City-Builder Franchise to the Ancient Roman Empire - Ubisoft Forward 2024
We had the chance to talk to Ubisoft to learn much more about Anno 117 and why it's the biggest step yet. Ubisoft has revealed the beloved city-builder franchise Anno will finally be taking fans to the Ancient Roman Empire in Anno 117: Pax Romana. Furthermore, it will be released in 2025 on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.While the team wasn't ready to show off gameplay, it did share a …
Anno 117: Pax Romana Finally Brings the City-Builder Franchise to the Ancient Roman Empire - Ubisoft Forward 2024

Ubisoft has revealed the beloved city-builder franchise Anno will finally be taking fans to the Ancient Roman Empire in Anno 117: Pax Romana. Furthermore, it will be released in 2025 on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.
While the team wasn't ready to show off gameplay, it did share a …
Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Character Models Have Fans Divided
It seems like every time Konami shows off the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake, something doesn’t sit right with fans. It started with the game’s announcement when it was revealed Layers of Fear and The Medium developer Bloober Team would be helming the reimaging of the seminal survival horror title, which did not…Read more...
Silent Hill 2 Remake’s Character Models Have Fans Divided

It seems like every time Konami shows off the upcoming Silent Hill 2 remake, something doesn’t sit right with fans. It started with the game’s announcement when it was revealed Layers of Fear and The Medium developer Bloober Team would be helming the reimaging of the seminal survival horror title, which did not…
Visions of Mana won't have co-operative multiplayer, despite series history
Visions of Mana, the next entry in Square Enix's Mana series, sadly won't have co-operative multiplayer. 1993's Secret of Mana was celebrated for allowing players to join forces against its hordes of squidgy, colourful enemies and many games in the series since have played similarly. Visions of Mana, though, will be single player only due to the impact multiplayer would have on design and pacing. Read more
Visions of Mana won't have co-operative multiplayer, despite series history

Visions of Mana, the next entry in Square Enix's Mana series, sadly won't have co-operative multiplayer.
1993's Secret of Mana was celebrated for allowing players to join forces against its hordes of squidgy, colourful enemies and many games in the series since have played similarly.
Visions of Mana, though, will be single player only due to the impact multiplayer would have on design and pacing.
Visions of Mana won't have co-operative multiplayer, despite series history
Visions of Mana, the next entry in Square Enix's Mana series, sadly won't have co-operative multiplayer. 1993's Secret of Mana was celebrated for allowing players to join forces against its hordes of squidgy, colourful enemies and many games in the series since have played similarly. Visions of Mana, though, will be single player only due to the impact multiplayer would have on design and pacing. Read more
Visions of Mana won't have co-operative multiplayer, despite series history

Visions of Mana, the next entry in Square Enix's Mana series, sadly won't have co-operative multiplayer.
1993's Secret of Mana was celebrated for allowing players to join forces against its hordes of squidgy, colourful enemies and many games in the series since have played similarly.
Visions of Mana, though, will be single player only due to the impact multiplayer would have on design and pacing.