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My Nintendo News
Sonic x Shadow Generations trailer showcases Shadow’s Doom Powers
Today, in support of SEGA’s return to gamescom 2024, Sonic Team released a new Sonic x Shadow Generations trailer focused on Shadow’s all-new Doom Powers. From surfing on water to flying over obstacles, the trailer is filled with high-speed gameplay and highlights the new abilities, stages such as Chaos Island from Sonic Frontiers, and boss challenges fans can… Read More »Sonic x Shadow Generations trailer showcases Shadow’s Doom Powers Source
ViewSonic představuje nové projektory M1X a M1S: Dokonalá projekce snadno a rychle
Společnost ViewSonic oznamuje uvedení nejnovějších přenosných projektorů M1X a M1S na trh. Nové projektory M1X a M1S navazují na charakteristický design řady ViewSonic M1 a jsou vybaveny patentovaným inteligentním stojanem 3 v 1, který umožňuje projekci v rozsahu 360 stupňů. Tyto projektory jsou také vybaveny komplexní horizontální a vertikální korekcí lichoběžníkového zkreslení, která umožňuje projekci ze strany a větší flexibilitu nastavení. Díky reproduktorům Harman Kardon a vestavěné bateri
ViewSonic představuje nové projektory M1X a M1S: Dokonalá projekce snadno a rychle
Společnost ViewSonic oznamuje uvedení nejnovějších přenosných projektorů M1X a M1S na trh. Nové projektory M1X a M1S navazují na charakteristický design řady ViewSonic M1 a jsou vybaveny patentovaným inteligentním stojanem 3 v 1, který umožňuje projekci v rozsahu 360 stupňů.
Tyto projektory jsou také vybaveny komplexní horizontální a vertikální korekcí lichoběžníkového zkreslení, která umožňuje projekci ze strany a větší flexibilitu nastavení. Díky reproduktorům Harman Kardon a vestavěné baterii zajišťují nepřetržitý zážitek ve vnitřním i venkovním prostředí.
„Pozorujeme, jak se mění životní styl zákazníků, kteří stále více vyžadují dynamické vizuální zážitky a pohodlí na cestách,” říká Dean Tsai, generální ředitel divize projektorů a LED displejů společnosti ViewSonic. „Když jsme v roce 2019 uvedli na trh první generaci projektoru M1, neustále jsme dostávali pozitivní ohlasy z trhu. Nyní, v rámci našeho závazku k inovacím a zaměření na uživatele, s potěšením uvádíme na trh nové projektory M1X a M1S. Tyto nové modely byly navrženy s ohledem na pohodlí uživatelů a díky vylepšeným funkcím rozšiřují možnosti nastavení a přinášejí všestrannější audiovizuální zážitek pro zábavu kdekoli.”

Dokonalá a snadná projekce v jakémkoli prostředí
Přenosné projektory M1X a M1S jsou vybaveny patentovaným chytrým stojanem 3 v 1 a automatickou vertikální korekcí lichoběžníkového zkreslení, což uživatelům umožňuje bez námahy promítat obsah na strop, stěny nebo jakýkoli jiný povrch a nabízí projekci v rozsahu 360 stupňů. Díky nově přidané horizontální korekci lichoběžníkového zkreslení a nastavení 4 rohů mohou uživatelé promítat dokonale tvarovaný obraz. Ať už umístíte projektor na noční stolek vedle postele nebo na terase na zahradě, modely M1X a M1S vám snadno poskytnou filmový požitek kdekoli.
Zábava na cestách se spolehlivým audiovizuálním výkonem
Díky integrovaným reproduktorům Harman Kardon si uživatelé mohou vychutnat vysoce kvalitní zvuk, který zaplní celou místnost, a užít si tak pohlcující zážitek z kompaktního projektoru. Novinky jsou také vybaveny technologií Cinema SuperColor+, která poskytuje 125% pokrytí barevného gamutu Rec.709 pro živý a realistický obraz. Projektory mají lehkou konstrukci s hmotností menší než 1 kg, vestavěnou baterii a jsou kompatibilní s powerbankou. Uživatelé si je tak mohou vzít kamkoli s sebou a snadno proměnit jakýkoli vnitřní nebo venkovní prostor v centrum zábavy.

Bezproblémové připojení k oblíbeným streamovacím zařízením
Ať už hrajete hry na Nintendu Switch nebo voláte přes FaceTime na nejnovějším iPhonu, projektory M1X a M1S umožňují bezproblémové připojení k široké škále zařízení prostřednictvím USB-C. Jsou také kompatibilní s oblíbenými streamovacími zařízeními, jako jsou Google Chromecast, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV a přehrávače Roku, což zvyšuje pohodlí. Port USB-A umožňuje nabíjení streamovacích zařízení, což eliminuje potřebu samostatných napájecích adaptérů.
Projektor M1X jde ještě dál díky chytrým funkcím, jako je zrcadlení obrazovky přes Wi-Fi a přenos zvuku přes Bluetooth, a poskytuje tak maximální flexibilitu a pohodlí pro všechny projekční potřeby.
Projektory by měly být na českém trhu dostupné od září 2024. M1S bude v prodeji za doporučenou maloobchodní cenu 8 890 Kč a M1X za 10 190 Kč.
Článek ViewSonic představuje nové projektory M1X a M1S: Dokonalá projekce snadno a rychle se nejdříve objevil na MOBILE PRESS.
Článek ViewSonic představuje nové projektory M1X a M1S: Dokonalá projekce snadno a rychle se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
Mega Visions
Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog games
Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog – the blue speedster who simply can’t sit still. Oh, no. Not when he’s got box office records to smash, Netflix binge watches to facilitate, and multi-million dollar games to sell. Over the years, he’s dashed through countless loops, collected more rings than you’ve had hot meals (I would hope), and faced an eccentric assortment of dastardly rogues. Arguably, Sonic’s star shines brighter these days than ever before, buoyed by multimedia success upon success. To celebrat
Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog games
Ah, Sonic the Hedgehog – the blue speedster who simply can’t sit still. Oh, no. Not when he’s got box office records to smash, Netflix binge watches to facilitate, and multi-million dollar games to sell. Over the years, he’s dashed through countless loops, collected more rings than you’ve had hot meals (I would hope), and faced an eccentric assortment of dastardly rogues.
Arguably, Sonic’s star shines brighter these days than ever before, buoyed by multimedia success upon success. To celebrate – and to shamelessly drum up some hype for our Sonic Superstars coverage – we’ve gathered some of the more notable games from his zippy career, ranked them, and added a dash of Mega Visions Snark (patent pending) for flavor. Hot takes and cold takes abound, so get comfy and prepare to disagree with us!
Honourable Mention: Sonic and the Black Knight

Kicking off our list, but just barely missing the actual ranking, is The One Where Sonic Has A Sword. Don’t lie, that’s how you remember it; because nothing says “gotta go fast” quite like a medieval fantasy makeover. Ah, those Lord of the Rings movies. Well known for their frenetic, high-speed, wisecracking action! While it’s indeed amusing to see Sonic dueling with a blade, this storybook game (a series consisting of a grand total of two games) strayed quite far from his roots, leaving most players feeling like they’d taken a wrong turn at Green Hill Zone.
Seeing Sonic’s band of mates cosplaying in armor mostly just feels that one medieval-themed party everyone’s been to at some stage – it seemed like a fun idea at the time, but in the end you just spend two hours standing around awkwardly. But hey, at least it’s got a killer soundtrack; and its story, which sees Sonic weighing the ramifications of mortality, was Jason Griffith’s finest hour.
10: Sonic Heroes

Even a legend needs backup sometimes. Next, we’ve got Sonic Heroes, which sees the ‘hog shack up with 12 other characters to take down a traitorous Metal Sonic. This “team” aspect injected some freshness into the series, but controlling three characters at once (each with a different ability, be it flying or punching) felt about as coordinated as a cat in a laser pointer factory. Or, to use a more series-appropriate analogy, it’s like trying to herd echidnas; and trust me, that’s no easy feat. I speak from experience.
What ultimately salvages the endeavor are some inspired level designs, which finally translate the whimsy of 2D Sonic into a three-dimensional space, and another requisite banging soundtrack. Crush 40 bring their A-game to the vocals too, and there’s no denying that in those moments where it all comes together, Heroes is a blast.
9: Sonic CD

Now we’re grooving with Sonic CD, a game that introduced time travel to Sonic’s already wild repertoire of skills. Because when you’ve explored every other creative avenue, that’s of course the well you go to. After Eggman chains up Little Planet, it’s up to the Blue Blur to recover the Time Stones, rescue newcomer Amy Rose, and try to avert a few paradoxes while he’s at it.
Again, the music is stellar, and the pixel art is some of the finest you’ll ever see. Sadly, CD is quite badly let down by its level design, which has an odd fixation with verticality and a general inability to get out of your way long enough to build speed (necessary to timewarp). Between hopping through the ages and hunting down those bloody robot generators, just to ensure a good ending, it all got to be a bit much. Simplicity is key, SEGA.
8: Sonic Lost World

Sonic Lost World decided it wanted a piece of the Mario platforming pie, and who could blame it? Nintendo and SEGA had become snugger than bugs in an especially warm rug in the 2010s, to the point where they signed an exclusivity deal together. This, of course, would lead to the fateful Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric – but its first-born, Lost World, was rather fun. Granted, controlling Sonic in a 2.5D platformer (when usually he’d either gone 3 or 2) was slightly off-kilter, but once you settle into the controls, things begin to click. It doesn’t help that the game refuses to clue you in on some of the core moves you can pull off, like the roll or vault, instead hiding the tutorials away on the Wii U GamePad.
And that’s without even mentioning the “parkour” mechanics – Sonic channels his inner Cirque du Soleil as you swing, climb and wall-run across suspiciously Italian plumber-esque worlds. The story isn’t great shakes, and neither are the Deadly Six, the conga line of stereotypes passing as villains. But if you can get into the right headspace, you’ll enjoy yourself. Plus, the Zelda DLC was rad.
7: Sonic Colors

Ah, Sonic Colors. What a conundrum you are. Everyone continually declares this one “the ultimate return to form” for 3D Sonic, but I’ve always just gone: huh? The game’s 90% 2D! Every 3D segment is just a corridor that lasts 30 seconds, and then it’s back to stiff, single-block platforming levels made from crates and other copy-pasted assets. Sure, the game did introduce inventive power-ups in the form of Wisps; but honestly, if I wanted to collect aliens, I’d just raid Area 51. Easy enough to do. I have connections.
That’s not to say I can’t dig the positives. The visuals are lovely, especially in the remastered version. The music, as ever, slaps. The Saturday morning feel to the script was novel at the time (though Pontac and Graff would eventually pummel this into the dirt), and the final boss was so good that SEGA just copied it repeatedly for the next decade. Overall, the Colors feel… alright.
6: Sonic Generations

Now, this is what I’m talking about. Sonic Generations is what I thought I was getting with Colors, based on the hype: a true step forward for the Boost formula that spent the majority of its time in the third dimension, and which, most importantly, was just sheer fun. Generations brought past and present versions of Sonic together, proving that even hedgehogs can suffer from identity crises given the right circumstances. The blend of classic and modern levels, and the ability to alternate between them at will, was like enjoying your grandma’s homemade cookies while flipping NFTs – a mix of old-school charm and high-speed modernity.
Classic Sonic had yet to outstay his welcome, and the jukebox of Sonic tunes you could unlock just added to the value. All told, it was a trip down memory lane, albeit one so fast-paced that we barely had time to pause and marvel at the history we were zooming through. An all-timer (heh), to be sure.
5: Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the game that launched a million memes. In this classic Genesis adventure (with state of the art lock-on tech!), Sonic teams up with a redeemed Knuckles, fresh off another naïve double-crossing, to thwart Robotnik’s schemes. Initially developed as one single game, deadlines and budget got in the way – and presumably execs realised two games means a 100% profit increase. Hence, the two halves were split asunder, and it’s only in digital re-releases that it’s available as the gargantuan package it was always meant to be.
Come on, you know these zones. Sky Sanctuary, Angel Island, Hydrocity. Almost every single one is iconic, and the soundtrack, provided at least in part by Michael Jackson, remains a highlight. Too bad most subsequent releases replace these tunes with subpar imitations due to legal woes. S3&K, all the same, represents the pinnacle of the Genesis Sonic formula.
4: Sonic Mania

Just below bronze is Sonic Mania, a love letter to a particular subset of fans who cherished the hedgehog’s early days, and who patiently (oh so patiently) awaited another day in the sun. And boy, did the sun come out. Spearheaded by indie dev Christian Whitehead, and developed mostly outside Sonic Team’s jurisdiction, it’s perhaps quite telling that it promptly became the highest-rated new series entry in yonks.
With pixel-perfect precision platforming and a sumptuous symphony of nostalgic sounds, Mania resurrected the classics in the respectful way that Generations did almost a decade prior to it (Christ, we’re getting old). It’s so good, such a warm, pixelated hug from your childhood, that you tell yourself it must be a fluke. Surely they couldn’t have pulled this off? But oh yes, they did. It ain’t perfect – sod the special stages and the final fights, specifically – but it’s very, very close. Dust off your copy and remember why you fell in love with this little blue bugger in the first place.
3: Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2

Now for a quick detour to the Adventure series, which I’m treating as a collective as they’re very rarely discussed individually – Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. These games were analogous to the teenage years of the franchise; experimental, rebellious, and with the occasional embarrassing stumble of one’s voice (“YOU’RE GONNA CRASH – AAAAAGH.”). Yet, they hold a special place in our hearts, reminding us of a simpler time when we were all obsessed with numbers and 3D platforming was the shiniest new thing on the block.
From the iconic City Escape skateboard run, to the multiple Chaos evolutions that were doing crappy Pokémon forms way ahead of the curve, these games blended the typical speedy action with character-driven stories for the first time. They showcased Sonic’s unique knack for keeping us on the edge of our seats, always in flux and delivering something new with the times. Let’s also not forget that 2 brought us Shadow, one of the most iconic antiheroes in gaming history. I raise a chili dog in tribute; now where’s that HD remaster?
2: Sonic Frontiers

Wait, what’s this? An open-world Sonic game? Jesus wept, finally! After decades of begging, someone at SEGA at last sat down, listened to the clamoring of fans and said “hey, maybe we ought to give this unholy speed demon some room to stretch those legs?” And so it was. And we saw that it was… pretty good. Sonic Frontiers is like an extended visit to a skate park for hedgehogs, with sprawling environments to explore and countless stage gimmicks strewn across the map to boing, bounce and ricochet the poor battered rodent through the air.
Watching our blue boy burst out of his confining side-scrolling shell and zip across breathtaking vistas is a sight to behold, as are the showstopping Titan fights and the surprisingly emotional narrative. No, you will NOT elicit tears from me, Mike Pollock. Stop right there.
1: Sonic Unleashed

Drum roll please… aw, who am I kidding? In the number one spot, we’ve got Sonic Unleashed – to the surprise of precisely nobody that follows my articles. I’m not going to wax lyrical about this, mainly because I spent some 4000 words doing so a year and a bit ago, but suffice to say I think Unleashed is very nearly a masterpiece. Certainly it’s the best 3D offering in the franchise to date. Sue me.
Yeah, yeah, the Werehog looks daft and probably doesn’t really belong in Sonic. Got that out of your system? Good, because you’re in for a treat. Unleashed is a game of two halves that complement one another marvellously. The day stages offer breakneck speeds that make Usain Bolt look arthritic, while the night stages will have you quite literally howling with delight as you mow down minion after minion with a cavalcade of absurd attacks. Toss in the best visuals in the franchise, a gripping narrative and the finest hubs Sonic Team ever mustered, and you’ve got a truly special concoction.
Sonic Superstars zooms in this October!
So, there you have it, brave readers – the ultimate countdown of the finest Sonic the Hedgehog games ever to grace our (small) screens. It’s one of those franchises where, if asked, I’d struggle to name its genre. This beast has dabbled in sword fights, team dynamics, time travel, open-world romps, RPGs, brawlers, and everything else besides. Indeed, Sonic’s journey has been as wild as his antics; and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Not to say that said journey is over. Far from it, as Sonic Superstars, an all-new nostalgia-tugging co-op adventure, lands this October 17 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.
Whether you’re a lifelong fan or just hopping onto the Sonic bandwagon (and whether we’ve royally cheesed you off or not with our order), there’s no stopping the Blue Blur when he’s revved up and ready to roll. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m popping off to Five Guys – all this ranking has me craving a taste of Sonic’s fuel of choice.
The post Top 10 Sonic the Hedgehog games appeared first on Mega Visions.
Indie Retro News
Sonic GX - Sonic the Hedgehog looks stunning on the Amstrad GX4000 and Amstrad Plus
In the early 90's I had the pleasure of playing the fantastic platformer of Sonic the Hedgehog on both the Sega Megadrive and Sega Master System. A game by Sega which featured a ring collecting blue hedgehog, that could spin, run, jump and roll about, at the fastest of speeds in a battle against a number of menacing enemies and the main antagonist Doctor Eggman. Well if you also remember this
Sonic GX - Sonic the Hedgehog looks stunning on the Amstrad GX4000 and Amstrad Plus
Semiconductor Engineering
Chip Industry Week in Review
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology proposed a new EUV litho technology using only four reflective mirrors and a new method of illumination optics that it claims will use 1/10 the power and cost half as much as existing EUV technology from ASML. Applied Materials may not receive expected U.S. funding to build a $4 billion research facility in Sunnyvale, CA, due to internal government disagreements over how to fund chip R&D, according to Bloomberg. SEMI published a position paper this
Chip Industry Week in Review
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology proposed a new EUV litho technology using only four reflective mirrors and a new method of illumination optics that it claims will use 1/10 the power and cost half as much as existing EUV technology from ASML.
Applied Materials may not receive expected U.S. funding to build a $4 billion research facility in Sunnyvale, CA, due to internal government disagreements over how to fund chip R&D, according to Bloomberg.
SEMI published a position paper this week cautioning the European Union against imposing additional export controls to allow companies, encouraging them to be “as free as possible in their investment decisions to avoid losing their agility and relevance across global markets.” SEMI’s recommendations on outbound investments are in response to the European Economic Security Strategy and emphasize the need for a transparent and predictable regulatory framework.
The U.S. may restrict China’s access to HBM chips and the equipment needed to make them, reports Bloomberg. Today those chips are manufactured by two Korean-based companies, Samsung and SK hynix, but U.S.-based Micron expects to begin shipping 12-high stacks of HBM3E in 2025, and is currently working on HBM4.
Synopsys executive chair and founder Dr. Aart de Geus was named the winner of the Semiconductor Industry Association’s Robert N. Noyce Award. De Geus was selected due to his contributions to EDA technology over a career spanning more than four decades.
The top three foundries plan to implement high-NA EUV lithography as early as 2025 for the 18 angstrom generation, but the replacement of single exposure high-NA (0.55) over double patterning with standard EUV (NA = 0.33) depends on whether it provides better results at a reasonable cost per wafer.
Quick links to more news:
Market Reports and Earnings
Education and Training
Product News
Events and Further Reading
Belgium-based Imec released part 2 of its chiplets series, addressing testing strategies and standardization efforts, as well as guidelines and research “towards efficient ESD protection strategies for advanced 3D systems-on-chip.”
Also in Belgium, BelGan, maker of GaN chips, filed for bankruptcy according to the Brussels Times.
TSMC‘s Dresden, Germany, plant will break ground this month.
The UK will dole out more than £100 million (~US $128 million) in funding to develop five new quantum research hubs in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Oxford, and London.
MassPhoton is opening Hong Kong‘s first ultra-high vacuum GaN epitaxial wafer pilot line and will establish a GaN research center.
Infineon completed the sale of its manufacturing sites in the Philippines and South Korea to ASE.
Israel-based RAAAM Memory Technologies received a €5.25 million grant from the European Innovation Council (EIC) to support the development and commercialization of its innovative memory solutions. This funding will enable RAAAM to advance its research in high-performance and energy-efficient memory technologies, accelerating their integration into various applications and markets.
Semiconductor Engineering published its Automotive, Security and Pervasive Computing newsletter this week, featuring these top stories and video:
- Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain
- Defining Chip Threat Models To Determining Security Risks
- Post-Quantum Computing Threatens Fundamental Transport Protocols
- Where Power Savings Really Count
- Making Electronics More Efficient (video)
Market Reports and Earnings
The semiconductor equipment industry is on a positive trajectory in 2024, with moderate revenue growth observed in Q2 after a subdued Q1, according to a new report from Yole Group. Wafer Fab Equipment revenue is projected to grow by 1.3% year-on-year, despite a 12% drop in Q1. Test equipment lead times are normalizing, improving order conditions. Key areas driving growth include memory and logic capital expenditures and high-bandwidth memory demand.
Worldwide silicon wafer shipments increased by 7% in Q2 2024, according to SEMI‘s latest report. This growth is attributed to robust demand from multiple semiconductor sectors, driven by advancements in AI, 5G, and automotive technologies.
The RF GaN market is projected to grow to US $2 billion by 2029, a 10% CAGR, according to Yole Group.
Counterpoint released their Q2 smartphone top 10 report.
Renesas completed their acquisition of EDA firm Altium, best known for its EDA platform and freeware CircuitMaker package.
It’s earnings season and here are recently released financials in the chip industry:
AMD Advantest Amkor Ansys Arteris Arm ASE ASM ASML
Cadence IBM Intel Lam Research Lattice Nordson NXP Onsemi
Qualcomm Rambus Samsung SK Hynix STMicro Teradyne TI
Tower TSMC UMC Western Digital
Industry stock price impacts are here.
Education and Training
Rochester Institute of Technology is leading a new pilot program to prepare community college students in areas such as cleanroom operations, new materials, simulation, and testing processes, with the intent of eventual transfer into RIT’s microelectronic engineering program.
Purdue University inked a deal with three research institutions — University of Piraeus, Technical University of Crete, and King’s College London —to develop joint research programs for semiconductors, AI and other critical technology fields.
The European Chips Skills Academy formed the Educational Leaders Board to help bridge the talent gap in Europe’s microelectronics sector. The Board includes representatives from universities, vocational training providers, educators and research institutions who collaborate on strategic initiatives to strengthen university networks and build academic expertise through ECSA training programs.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is encouraging Apple users to review and apply this week’s recent security updates.
Microsoft Azure experienced a nearly 10 hour DDoS attack this week, leading to global service disruption for many customers. “While the initial trigger event was a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, which activated our DDoS protection mechanisms, initial investigations suggest that an error in the implementation of our defenses amplified the impact of the attack rather than mitigating it,” stated Microsoft in a release.
NIST published:
- “Recommendations For Increasing U.S. Participation and Leadership in Standards Development,” a report outlining cybersecurity recommendations and mitigation strategies.
- Final guidance documents and software to help improve the “safety, security and trustworthiness of AI systems.”
- Cloud Computing Forensic Reference Architecture guide.
Delta Air Lines plans to seek damages after losing $500 million in lost revenue due to security company CrowdStrike‘s software update debacle. And shareholders are also angry.
Recent security research:
- Physically Secure Logic Locking With Nanomagnet Logic (UT Dallas)
- WBP: Training-time Backdoor Attacks through HW-based Weight Bit Poisoning (UCF)
- S-Tune: SOT-MTJ Manufacturing Parameters Tuning for Secure Next Generation of Computing ( U. of Arizona, UCF)
- Diffie Hellman Picture Show: Key Exchange Stories from Commercial VoWiFi Deployments (CISPA, SBA Research, U. of Vienna)
Product News
Lam Research introduced a new version of its cryogenic etch technology designed to enhance the manufacturing of 3D NAND for AI applications. This technology allows for the precise etching of high aspect ratio features, crucial for creating 1,000-layer 3D NAND.
Fig.1: 3D NAND etch. Source: Lam Research
Alphawave Semi launched its Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express Die-to-Die IP. The subsystem offers 8 Tbps/mm bandwidth density and supports operation at 24 Gbps for D2D connectivity.
Infineon introduced a new MCU series for industrial and consumer motor controls, as well as power conversion system applications. The company also unveiled its new GoolGaN Drive product family of integrated single switches and half-bridges with integrated drivers.
Rambus released its DDR5 Client Clock Driver for next-gen, high-performance desktops and notebooks. The chips include Gen1 to Gen4 RCDs, power management ICs, Serial Presence Detect Hubs, and temperature sensors for leading-edge servers.
SK hynix introduced its new GDDR7 graphics DRAM. The product has an operating speed of 32Gbps, can process 1.5TB of data per second and has a 50% power efficiency improvement compared to the previous generation.
Intel launched its new Lunar Lake Ultra processors. The long awaited chips will be included in more than 80 laptop designs and has more than 40 NPU tera operations per second as well as over 60 GPU TOPS delivering more than 100 platform TOPS.
Brewer Science achieved recertification as a Certified B Corporation, reaffirming its commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices.
Panasonic adopted Siemens’ Teamcenter X cloud product lifecycle management solution, citing Teamcenter X’s Mendix low-code platform, improved operational efficiency and flexibility for its choice.
Keysight validated its 5G NR FR1 1024-QAM demodulation test cases for the first time. The 5G NR radio access technology supports eMBB and was validated on the 3GPP TS 38.521-4 test specification.
In a 47-page deep-dive report, the Center for Security and Emerging Technology delved into all of the scientific breakthroughs from 1980 to present that brought EUV lithography to commercialization, including lessons learned for the next emerging technologies.
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute developed a high-performance X-ray tomography technique using burst ptychography, achieving a resolution of 4nm. This method allows for non-destructive imaging of integrated circuits, providing detailed views of nanostructures in materials like silicon and metals.
MIT signed a four-year agreement with the Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme at University of Copenhagen, focused on accelerating quantum computing hardware research.
MIT’s Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) developed a mechanically flexible wafer-scale integrated photonics fabrication platform. This enables the creation of flexible photonic circuits that maintain high performance while being bendable and stretchable. It offers significant potential for integrating photonic circuits into various flexible substrate applications in wearable technology, medical devices, and flexible electronics.
The Naval Research Lab identified a new class of semiconductor nanocrystals with bright ground-state excitons, emphasizing an important advancement in optoelectronics.
Researchers from National University of Singapore developed a novel method, known as tension-driven CHARM3D, to fabricate 3D self-healing circuits, enabling the 3D printing of free-standing metallic structures without the need for support materials and external pressure.
Find more research in our Technical Papers library.
Events and Further Reading
Find upcoming chip industry events here, including:
Event | Date | Location |
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024) | Aug 4 – 7 | Helsinki |
Flash Memory Summit | Aug 6 – 8 | Santa Clara, CA |
USENIX Security Symposium | Aug 14 – 16 | Philadelphia, PA |
SPIE Optics + Photonics 2024 | Aug 18 – 22 | San Diego, CA |
Cadence Cloud Tech Day | Aug 20 | San Jose, CA |
Hot Chips 2024 | Aug 25- 27 | Stanford University/ Hybrid |
Optica Online Industry Meeting: PIC Manufacturing, Packaging and Testing (imec) | Aug 27 | Online |
SEMICON Taiwan | Sep 4 -6 | Taipei |
DVCON Taiwan | Sep 10 – 11 | Hsinchu |
AI HW and Edge AI Summit | Sep 9 – 12 | San Jose, CA |
GSA Executive Forum | Sep 26 | Menlo Park, CA |
SPIE Photomask Technology + EUVL | Sep 29 – Oct 3 | Monterey, CA |
Strategic Materials Conference: SMC 2024 | Sep 30 – Oct 2 | San Jose, CA |
Find All Upcoming Events Here | ||
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The post Chip Industry Week in Review appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.
Semiconductor Engineering
Chip Industry Week in Review
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology proposed a new EUV litho technology using only four reflective mirrors and a new method of illumination optics that it claims will use 1/10 the power and cost half as much as existing EUV technology from ASML. Applied Materials may not receive expected U.S. funding to build a $4 billion research facility in Sunnyvale, CA, due to internal government disagreements over how to fund chip R&D, according to Bloomberg. SEMI published a position paper this
Chip Industry Week in Review
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology proposed a new EUV litho technology using only four reflective mirrors and a new method of illumination optics that it claims will use 1/10 the power and cost half as much as existing EUV technology from ASML.
Applied Materials may not receive expected U.S. funding to build a $4 billion research facility in Sunnyvale, CA, due to internal government disagreements over how to fund chip R&D, according to Bloomberg.
SEMI published a position paper this week cautioning the European Union against imposing additional export controls to allow companies, encouraging them to be “as free as possible in their investment decisions to avoid losing their agility and relevance across global markets.” SEMI’s recommendations on outbound investments are in response to the European Economic Security Strategy and emphasize the need for a transparent and predictable regulatory framework.
The U.S. may restrict China’s access to HBM chips and the equipment needed to make them, reports Bloomberg. Today those chips are manufactured by two Korean-based companies, Samsung and SK hynix, but U.S.-based Micron expects to begin shipping 12-high stacks of HBM3E in 2025, and is currently working on HBM4.
Synopsys executive chair and founder Dr. Aart de Geus was named the winner of the Semiconductor Industry Association’s Robert N. Noyce Award. De Geus was selected due to his contributions to EDA technology over a career spanning more than four decades.
The top three foundries plan to implement high-NA EUV lithography as early as 2025 for the 18 angstrom generation, but the replacement of single exposure high-NA (0.55) over double patterning with standard EUV (NA = 0.33) depends on whether it provides better results at a reasonable cost per wafer.
Quick links to more news:
Market Reports and Earnings
Education and Training
Product News
Events and Further Reading
Belgium-based Imec released part 2 of its chiplets series, addressing testing strategies and standardization efforts, as well as guidelines and research “towards efficient ESD protection strategies for advanced 3D systems-on-chip.”
Also in Belgium, BelGan, maker of GaN chips, filed for bankruptcy according to the Brussels Times.
TSMC‘s Dresden, Germany, plant will break ground this month.
The UK will dole out more than £100 million (~US $128 million) in funding to develop five new quantum research hubs in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Oxford, and London.
MassPhoton is opening Hong Kong‘s first ultra-high vacuum GaN epitaxial wafer pilot line and will establish a GaN research center.
Infineon completed the sale of its manufacturing sites in the Philippines and South Korea to ASE.
Israel-based RAAAM Memory Technologies received a €5.25 million grant from the European Innovation Council (EIC) to support the development and commercialization of its innovative memory solutions. This funding will enable RAAAM to advance its research in high-performance and energy-efficient memory technologies, accelerating their integration into various applications and markets.
Semiconductor Engineering published its Automotive, Security and Pervasive Computing newsletter this week, featuring these top stories and video:
- Chip Security Now Depends On Widening Supply Chain
- Defining Chip Threat Models To Determining Security Risks
- Post-Quantum Computing Threatens Fundamental Transport Protocols
- Where Power Savings Really Count
- Making Electronics More Efficient (video)
Market Reports and Earnings
The semiconductor equipment industry is on a positive trajectory in 2024, with moderate revenue growth observed in Q2 after a subdued Q1, according to a new report from Yole Group. Wafer Fab Equipment revenue is projected to grow by 1.3% year-on-year, despite a 12% drop in Q1. Test equipment lead times are normalizing, improving order conditions. Key areas driving growth include memory and logic capital expenditures and high-bandwidth memory demand.
Worldwide silicon wafer shipments increased by 7% in Q2 2024, according to SEMI‘s latest report. This growth is attributed to robust demand from multiple semiconductor sectors, driven by advancements in AI, 5G, and automotive technologies.
The RF GaN market is projected to grow to US $2 billion by 2029, a 10% CAGR, according to Yole Group.
Counterpoint released their Q2 smartphone top 10 report.
Renesas completed their acquisition of EDA firm Altium, best known for its EDA platform and freeware CircuitMaker package.
It’s earnings season and here are recently released financials in the chip industry:
AMD Advantest Amkor Ansys Arteris Arm ASE ASM ASML
Cadence IBM Intel Lam Research Lattice Nordson NXP Onsemi
Qualcomm Rambus Samsung SK Hynix STMicro Teradyne TI
Tower TSMC UMC Western Digital
Industry stock price impacts are here.
Education and Training
Rochester Institute of Technology is leading a new pilot program to prepare community college students in areas such as cleanroom operations, new materials, simulation, and testing processes, with the intent of eventual transfer into RIT’s microelectronic engineering program.
Purdue University inked a deal with three research institutions — University of Piraeus, Technical University of Crete, and King’s College London —to develop joint research programs for semiconductors, AI and other critical technology fields.
The European Chips Skills Academy formed the Educational Leaders Board to help bridge the talent gap in Europe’s microelectronics sector. The Board includes representatives from universities, vocational training providers, educators and research institutions who collaborate on strategic initiatives to strengthen university networks and build academic expertise through ECSA training programs.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is encouraging Apple users to review and apply this week’s recent security updates.
Microsoft Azure experienced a nearly 10 hour DDoS attack this week, leading to global service disruption for many customers. “While the initial trigger event was a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, which activated our DDoS protection mechanisms, initial investigations suggest that an error in the implementation of our defenses amplified the impact of the attack rather than mitigating it,” stated Microsoft in a release.
NIST published:
- “Recommendations For Increasing U.S. Participation and Leadership in Standards Development,” a report outlining cybersecurity recommendations and mitigation strategies.
- Final guidance documents and software to help improve the “safety, security and trustworthiness of AI systems.”
- Cloud Computing Forensic Reference Architecture guide.
Delta Air Lines plans to seek damages after losing $500 million in lost revenue due to security company CrowdStrike‘s software update debacle. And shareholders are also angry.
Recent security research:
- Physically Secure Logic Locking With Nanomagnet Logic (UT Dallas)
- WBP: Training-time Backdoor Attacks through HW-based Weight Bit Poisoning (UCF)
- S-Tune: SOT-MTJ Manufacturing Parameters Tuning for Secure Next Generation of Computing ( U. of Arizona, UCF)
- Diffie Hellman Picture Show: Key Exchange Stories from Commercial VoWiFi Deployments (CISPA, SBA Research, U. of Vienna)
Product News
Lam Research introduced a new version of its cryogenic etch technology designed to enhance the manufacturing of 3D NAND for AI applications. This technology allows for the precise etching of high aspect ratio features, crucial for creating 1,000-layer 3D NAND.
Fig.1: 3D NAND etch. Source: Lam Research
Alphawave Semi launched its Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express Die-toDie IP. The subsystem offers 8 Tbps/mm bandwidth density and supports operation at 24 Gbps for D2D connectivity.
Infineon introduced a new MCU series for industrial and consumer motor controls, as well as power conversion system applications. The company also unveiled its new GoolGaN Drive product family of integrated single switches and half-bridges with integrated drivers.
Rambus released its DDR5 Client Clock Driver for next-gen, high-performance desktops and notebooks. The chips include Gen1 to Gen4 RCDs, power management ICs, Serial Presence Detect Hubs, and temperature sensors for leading-edge servers.
SK hynix introduced its new GDDR7 graphics DRAM. The product has an operating speed of 32Gbps, can process 1.5TB of data per second and has a 50% power efficiency improvement compared to the previous generation.
Intel launched its new Lunar Lake Ultra processors. The long awaited chips will be included in more than 80 laptop designs and has more than 40 NPU tera operations per second as well as over 60 GPU TOPS delivering more than 100 platform TOPS.
Brewer Science achieved recertification as a Certified B Corporation, reaffirming its commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices.
Panasonic adopted Siemens’ Teamcenter X cloud product lifecycle management solution, citing Teamcenter X’s Mendix low-code platform, improved operational efficiency and flexibility for its choice.
Keysight validated its 5G NR FR1 1024-QAM demodulation test cases for the first time. The 5G NR radio access technology supports eMBB and was validated on the 3GPP TS 38.521-4 test specification.
In a 47-page deep-dive report, the Center for Security and Emerging Technology delved into all of the scientific breakthroughs from 1980 to present that brought EUV lithography to commercialization, including lessons learned for the next emerging technologies.
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute developed a high-performance X-ray tomography technique using burst ptychography, achieving a resolution of 4nm. This method allows for non-destructive imaging of integrated circuits, providing detailed views of nanostructures in materials like silicon and metals.
MIT signed a four-year agreement with the Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme at University of Copenhagen, focused on accelerating quantum computing hardware research.
MIT’s Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) developed a mechanically flexible wafer-scale integrated photonics fabrication platform. This enables the creation of flexible photonic circuits that maintain high performance while being bendable and stretchable. It offers significant potential for integrating photonic circuits into various flexible substrate applications in wearable technology, medical devices, and flexible electronics.
The Naval Research Lab identified a new class of semiconductor nanocrystals with bright ground-state excitons, emphasizing an important advancement in optoelectronics.
Researchers from National University of Singapore developed a novel method, known as tension-driven CHARM3D, to fabricate 3D self-healing circuits, enabling the 3D printing of free-standing metallic structures without the need for support materials and external pressure.
Find more research in our Technical Papers library.
Events and Further Reading
Find upcoming chip industry events here, including:
Event | Date | Location |
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2024) | Aug 4 – 7 | Helsinki |
Flash Memory Summit | Aug 6 – 8 | Santa Clara, CA |
USENIX Security Symposium | Aug 14 – 16 | Philadelphia, PA |
SPIE Optics + Photonics 2024 | Aug 18 – 22 | San Diego, CA |
Cadence Cloud Tech Day | Aug 20 | San Jose, CA |
Hot Chips 2024 | Aug 25- 27 | Stanford University/ Hybrid |
Optica Online Industry Meeting: PIC Manufacturing, Packaging and Testing (imec) | Aug 27 | Online |
SEMICON Taiwan | Sep 4 -6 | Taipei |
DVCON Taiwan | Sep 10 – 11 | Hsinchu |
AI HW and Edge AI Summit | Sep 9 – 12 | San Jose, CA |
GSA Executive Forum | Sep 26 | Menlo Park, CA |
SPIE Photomask Technology + EUVL | Sep 29 – Oct 3 | Monterey, CA |
Strategic Materials Conference: SMC 2024 | Sep 30 – Oct 2 | San Jose, CA |
Find All Upcoming Events Here | ||
Upcoming webinars are here, including topics such as quantum safe cryptography, analytics for high-volume manufacturing, and mastering EMC simulations for electronic design.
Find Semiconductor Engineering’s latest newsletters here:
Automotive, Security and Pervasive Computing
Systems and Design
Low Power-High Performance
Test, Measurement and Analytics
Manufacturing, Packaging and Materials
The post Chip Industry Week in Review appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.
ViewSonic představuje laserový RGB projektor LX700-4K RGB, který utváří budoucnost domácího kina
První domácí projektor na světě, který lze nainstalovat ke stropu a dosahuje barevného gamutu BT.2020 pro barvy v kino kvalitě. Společnost ViewSonic představuje projektor LX700-4K RGB. Tento inovativní projektor nastavuje nový standard vizuálního výkonu pro domácí zábavu. Jako první stropní domácí projektor na světě s laserovou RGB technologií dosahuje LX700-4K RGB 100% pokrytí barevného gamutu BT.2020, jednoho z nejpokročilejších barevných standardů současnosti. Díky tomu projektor poskytuje o
ViewSonic představuje laserový RGB projektor LX700-4K RGB, který utváří budoucnost domácího kina
První domácí projektor na světě, který lze nainstalovat ke stropu a dosahuje barevného gamutu BT.2020 pro barvy v kino kvalitě.
Společnost ViewSonic představuje projektor LX700-4K RGB. Tento inovativní projektor nastavuje nový standard vizuálního výkonu pro domácí zábavu. Jako první stropní domácí projektor na světě s laserovou RGB technologií dosahuje LX700-4K RGB 100% pokrytí barevného gamutu BT.2020, jednoho z nejpokročilejších barevných standardů současnosti. Díky tomu projektor poskytuje ohromující škálu živých, realistických barev, které výrazně zvyšují pohlcující zážitek ze sledování. V kombinaci se skutečným rozlišením 4K UHD a podporou HDR a HLG poskytuje obraz v kvalitě jako v kině a pro spotřebitele představuje všestrannou investici do budoucnosti.
„ViewSonic se snaží být v čele nových definic domácí zábavy, neustále překonávat očekávání a nastavovat nové standardy v oboru. Chápeme rostoucí poptávku po pohlcujícím zážitku ze sledování filmů z pohodlí domova a jsme odhodláni dodávat špičková řešení, která zlepšují každodenní život,“ říká Dean Tsai, generální ředitel divize projektorů a LED displejů společnosti ViewSonic. „Projektor LX700-4K RGB je ukázkou našeho odhodlání inovovat a uspokojovat potřeby zákazníků v oblasti špičkové domácí zábavy. Nabídkou výjimečné kvality obrazu a bezproblémové integrace do jakéhokoli domácího prostředí společnost ViewSonic pokračuje v posouvání hranic technologie domácího kina a zajišťuje, že naše produkty poskytují vynikající a dlouhodobou hodnotu pro milovníky domácího kina.“

Inovativní laserová RGB technologie pro vynikající zážitek z domácího kina
Projektor LX700-4K RGB nastavuje novou laťku v oblasti projektorů pro domácí kino díky výjimečnému barevnému výkonu a plynulému obrazu pro domácí sledování s velkým obrazem. Jeho jádrem je špičková laserová RGB technologie, která vytváří živý obraz se 100% pokrytím barevné škály BT.2020 a přináší realističtější a pohlcující zážitek ze sledování. Díky vysoké sytosti barev a kontrastu se projektor může pochlubit 5 200 RGB laser lm, které zajišťují živé a jasné detaily i za různých světelných podmínek. To zvyšuje celkovou kvalitu obrazu, takže je ideální pro milovníky domácího kina.
Projektor poskytuje rozlišení 4K spolu s podporou HDR/HLG, což zajišťuje výjimečně ostrý a hluboký obraz. Vysoký nativní kontrastní poměr, poháněný 0,65palcovým čipem DMD (Digital Micromirror Device), zvýrazňuje detaily, zejména v tmavých scénách, a poskytuje tak v různých domácích prostředích skutečný zážitek jako v kině. Využívá technologii Digital Light Processing (DLP), stejnou důvěryhodnou technologii, která se používá v kinech IMAX a ve více než 90 % digitálních kin po celém světě. To zajišťuje dlouhotrvající kvalitu obrazu pro nekonečný požitek.
Zábava a herní dokonalost
Kromě toho, že LX700-4K RGB vyniká při zprostředkování filmových zážitků, splňuje také vysoce kvalitní herní standardy pro oblíbené konzole, jako jsou Xbox a PlayStation. Kombinace rozlišení QHD 1440p při 120 Hz zajišťuje dokonalou rovnováhu mezi rozlišením a obnovovací frekvencí pro pohlcující herní zážitek. Poskytuje plynulý a detailní obraz i během rychlých akcí, takže si hráči mohou vychutnat plynulý výkon bez ztráty kvality obrazu. Projektor se může pochlubit 4,2ms ultrarychlým vstupem, hyperreaktivní obnovovací frekvencí 240 Hz a dobou odezvy na úrovni mikrosekund, takže poskytuje bezproblémový domácí herní zážitek pro všechny hráče.
Projektor LX700-4K RGB by měl být na českém trhu dostupný od druhé poloviny srpna 2024 za doporučenou maloobchodní cenu 48 390 Kč (včetně DPH).
Článek ViewSonic představuje laserový RGB projektor LX700-4K RGB, který utváří budoucnost domácího kina se nejdříve objevil na MOBILE PRESS.
Článek ViewSonic představuje laserový RGB projektor LX700-4K RGB, který utváří budoucnost domácího kina se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble: The Kotaku Review
I play the original 2001 Super Monkey Ball almost every day, and if you’ll allow me one brag, I’m pretty good at it. Sometimes I play to jumpstart my brain in the morning, sometimes to unwind during my lunch break, sometimes to fill some time in the evening. Usually, I choose the fifty-stage-long Expert difficulty,…Read more...
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble: The Kotaku Review

I play the original 2001 Super Monkey Ball almost every day, and if you’ll allow me one brag, I’m pretty good at it. Sometimes I play to jumpstart my brain in the morning, sometimes to unwind during my lunch break, sometimes to fill some time in the evening. Usually, I choose the fifty-stage-long Expert difficulty,…
Sonic Team Boss Explains Why Shadow The Hedgehog Doesn't Use Guns Anymore
2005’s Shadow the Hedgehog game is a fever dream to look back on because of its dark tone, a striking departure from Sonic series norms. It included swearing in its dialogue, had its titular antihero use vehicles when it would have been faster to run, and most infamously had him using firearms to take out baddies (and…Read more...
Sonic Team Boss Explains Why Shadow The Hedgehog Doesn't Use Guns Anymore

2005’s Shadow the Hedgehog game is a fever dream to look back on because of its dark tone, a striking departure from Sonic series norms. It included swearing in its dialogue, had its titular antihero use vehicles when it would have been faster to run, and most infamously had him using firearms to take out baddies (and…
Everything We Saw At Summer Game Fest 2024
Today, we got nearly two hours of new trailers for upcoming games courtesy of Geoff Keighley and his annual Summer Game Fest showcase. It was a lot to sit through, but if you missed out on the live stream or just want a recap of everything shown off today, we’ve got you covered. Read more...
Everything We Saw At Summer Game Fest 2024

Today, we got nearly two hours of new trailers for upcoming games courtesy of Geoff Keighley and his annual Summer Game Fest showcase. It was a lot to sit through, but if you missed out on the live stream or just want a recap of everything shown off today, we’ve got you covered.
Nintendo And Sega Raid Longstanding ROM Sanctuary To Remove Tons Of Classic Games
Vimm’s Lair, one of the oldest places on the web to find and download classic video game ROMs and emulators, recently announced the removal of many titles due to requests from Sega, Nintendo, Sony, the Entertainment Software Association, and Lego. Read more...
Nintendo And Sega Raid Longstanding ROM Sanctuary To Remove Tons Of Classic Games

Vimm’s Lair, one of the oldest places on the web to find and download classic video game ROMs and emulators, recently announced the removal of many titles due to requests from Sega, Nintendo, Sony, the Entertainment Software Association, and Lego.
There Are ‘Hours’ Of Official Recordings Of Shadow The Hedgehog Saying ‘F***’
When Shadow the Hedgehog launched in 2005 as an edgier take on the Sonic series, it was lambasted for including firearms, vehicles, and swearing in what was typically seen as a family-friendly franchise. Sure, it never quite went the route of the M-rated Conker’s Bad Fur Day, but he’d let out a “damn” upon getting hit…Read more...
There Are ‘Hours’ Of Official Recordings Of Shadow The Hedgehog Saying ‘F***’

When Shadow the Hedgehog launched in 2005 as an edgier take on the Sonic series, it was lambasted for including firearms, vehicles, and swearing in what was typically seen as a family-friendly franchise. Sure, it never quite went the route of the M-rated Conker’s Bad Fur Day, but he’d let out a “damn” upon getting hit…
Minecraft Animated Series Coming To Netflix
In celebration of Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, Netflix has a new animated series set in its world. This series will be the second adaptation of the hugely popular survival sandbox game known for its blocky textures currently in development, as a movie starring Jack Black is also in the works. The series doesn’t have…Read more...
Minecraft Animated Series Coming To Netflix

In celebration of Minecraft’s 15th anniversary, Netflix has a new animated series set in its world. This series will be the second adaptation of the hugely popular survival sandbox game known for its blocky textures currently in development, as a movie starring Jack Black is also in the works. The series doesn’t have…
The Sonic The Hedgehog Movies And Shows, Ranked From Worst To Best
The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has seen significantly more television and film adaptations than most video game series can claim. While it’s having its most widespread moment ever with its current live-action movie franchise, the blue blur has been starring in animated series for over 30 years. Each of these…Read more...
The Sonic The Hedgehog Movies And Shows, Ranked From Worst To Best

The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has seen significantly more television and film adaptations than most video game series can claim. While it’s having its most widespread moment ever with its current live-action movie franchise, the blue blur has been starring in animated series for over 30 years. Each of these…
Super Sonic joins Lego for the first time this summer
Lego has revealed three new Sonic the Hedgehog sets coming this summer, including Super Sonic for the first time. Super Sonic is the first new Lego Sonic minifigure since Knuckles, Rogue and Shadow, who were teased last October and are now all available in various sets. As with the Sonic minifigure, Super Sonic comes with a speed sphere (in yellow, of course) to launch him at enemies and Badniks. This is as part of a set with Dr Robotnik's Egg Drillster, inspired by his iconic boss vehicle
Super Sonic joins Lego for the first time this summer

Lego has revealed three new Sonic the Hedgehog sets coming this summer, including Super Sonic for the first time.
Super Sonic is the first new Lego Sonic minifigure since Knuckles, Rogue and Shadow, who were teased last October and are now all available in various sets.
As with the Sonic minifigure, Super Sonic comes with a speed sphere (in yellow, of course) to launch him at enemies and Badniks. This is as part of a set with Dr Robotnik's Egg Drillster, inspired by his iconic boss vehicle in Sonic the Hedgehog 2's Emerald Hill Zone. Careful where you put that.
The 3D Sonic The Hedgehog Games, Ranked From Worst To Best
Much like a Sonic the Hedgehog level, Sega’s platforming franchise has had its ups, downs, loop-de-loops, and bottomless chasms. With the Knuckles show out, a third live-action movie premiering in December, and Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out this year, what better time to look back at the Sonic franchise’s best…Read more...
The 3D Sonic The Hedgehog Games, Ranked From Worst To Best

Much like a Sonic the Hedgehog level, Sega’s platforming franchise has had its ups, downs, loop-de-loops, and bottomless chasms. With the Knuckles show out, a third live-action movie premiering in December, and Sonic X Shadow Generations coming out this year, what better time to look back at the Sonic franchise’s best…
Five Years Ago, The First Sonic Movie Trailer Broke The Internet
Looking at the original trailer for the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie is like looking into a portal to a different timeline, one where the film itself likely doesn’t herald the arrival of a massively successful film franchise that eventually spawns a bad Paramount+ spin-off. At best, it results in a Morbius-leve…Read more...
Five Years Ago, The First Sonic Movie Trailer Broke The Internet

Looking at the original trailer for the live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie is like looking into a portal to a different timeline, one where the film itself likely doesn’t herald the arrival of a massively successful film franchise that eventually spawns a bad Paramount+ spin-off. At best, it results in a Morbius-leve…
Why I Make Myself In Every Video Game Character Creator
On the day I started here at Kotaku back in 2022, the very first post I wrote had an image of a character who looked like me right at the top. It was my custom V from Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s appeared more than a few times on this site as I’ve covered the game and its Phantom Liberty expansion. But he’s not the only…Read more...
Why I Make Myself In Every Video Game Character Creator

On the day I started here at Kotaku back in 2022, the very first post I wrote had an image of a character who looked like me right at the top. It was my custom V from Cyberpunk 2077, and he’s appeared more than a few times on this site as I’ve covered the game and its Phantom Liberty expansion. But he’s not the only…
Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics
The best vlogging cameras for 2024
If you’re a content creator or YouTuber, camera companies increasingly want your business. Last year was no exception, with several new vlogging-specific models released by Canon, Sony, DJI and others. That means there are now over a dozen on sale, alongside regular mirrorless cameras that also do the job well.Models specifically designed for vlogging include Sony’s new ZV-E1 full-frame mirrorless that launched last year, DJI’s Osmo Pocket 3 or Canon’s compact PowerShot V10. Others, like the new
The best vlogging cameras for 2024
If you’re a content creator or YouTuber, camera companies increasingly want your business. Last year was no exception, with several new vlogging-specific models released by Canon, Sony, DJI and others. That means there are now over a dozen on sale, alongside regular mirrorless cameras that also do the job well.
Models specifically designed for vlogging include Sony’s new ZV-E1 full-frame mirrorless that launched last year, DJI’s Osmo Pocket 3 or Canon’s compact PowerShot V10. Others, like the new Panasonic G9 II and last year’s Canon EOS R6 II are hybrid mirrorless cameras that offer vlogging as part of a larger toolset.
All of them have certain things in common, like flip-around screens, face- and/or eye-detect autofocus and stabilization. Prices, features and quality can vary widely, though. To that end, we’ve updated our guide with all the latest vlogging cameras designed for novice to professional creators, in all price ranges. Engadget has tested all of these to give you the best possible recommendations.
Factors to consider before buying a vlogging camera
Vlogging cameras are designed for filmmakers who often work alone and either use a tripod, gimbal, vehicle mount or just their hands to hold a camera. It must be good for filming yourself as well as other “B-roll” footage that helps tell your story. The biggest requirement is a flip-around screen so you can see yourself while filming. Those can rotate up, down or to the side, but flipping out to the side is preferable so a tripod or microphone won’t block it.
Continuous autofocus (AF) for video with face and eye detection is also a must. It becomes your camera “assistant,” keeping things in focus while you concentrate on your content. Most cameras can do that nowadays, but some (notably Canon and Sony) do it better than others.
If you move around or walk a lot, you should look for a camera with built-in optical stabilization. Electronic stabilization is another option as long as you’re aware of its limitations. You’ll also need a camera with a fast sensor that limits rolling shutter, which can create a distracting jello “wobble” with quick camera movements.

4K recording is another key feature. All cameras nowadays can shoot 4K up to at least 24 fps, but if possible, it’s better to have 4K at 60 or even 120 fps. If you shoot sports or other things involving fast movement, look for a model with at least 1080p at 120 fps for slow-motion recording.
Video quality is another important consideration, especially for skin tones. Good light sensitivity helps for night shooting, concerts and so on, and a log profile helps improve dynamic range in very bright or dark shooting conditions. If you want the best possible image quality and can afford it, get a camera that can record 4K with 10-bits (billions) of colors. That will give you more options when it’s time to edit the footage.
Don’t neglect audio either — if the quality is bad, your audience will disengage. Look for a camera with a microphone port so you can plug in a shotgun or lapel mic for interviews, or at least one with a good-quality built-in microphone. It’s also nice to have a headphone port to monitor sound so you can avoid nasty surprises after you’ve finished shooting.
You’ll also want good battery life and, if possible, dual memory card slots for a backup. Finally, don’t forget about your camera’s size and weight. If you’re constantly carrying one while shooting, especially at the end of a gimbal or gorillapod, it might actually be the most important factor. That’s why tiny GoPro cameras are so popular for sports, despite offering lower image quality and fewer pro features.
The best action and portable cameras
If you’re just starting out in vlogging or need a small, rugged camera, an action cam might be your best bet. In general, they’re easy to use as you don’t have to worry about things like exposure or focus. Recent models also offer good electronic stabilization and sharp, colorful video at up to 4K and 60 fps. The downsides are a lack of control; image quality that’s not on par with larger cameras; and no zooming or option to change lenses.
The best compact vlogging cameras
Compact cameras are a step up from smartphones or action cameras, with larger sensors and much better image quality. At the same time, they’re not quite as versatile as mirrorless or DSLR cameras (and not necessarily cheaper) and they lack advanced options like 10-bit video. For folks who want the best possible quality without needing to think too much about their camera, however, they’re the best option.
The best mirrorless/DSLR vlogging cameras
This is the class that has changed the most over the past couple of years, particularly in the more affordable price categories. Interchangeable lens cameras give you the most options for vlogging, offering larger sensors than compact cameras with better low-light sensitivity and shallower depth of field to isolate you or your subject. They also offer better control of your image with manual controls, log recording, 10-bit video and more. The drawbacks are extra weight compared to action or compact cameras, more complexity and higher prices.
© Steve Dent/Engadget
Engadget is a web magazine with obsessive daily coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics
The best vlogging cameras for 2024
If you’re a content creator or YouTuber, camera companies increasingly want your business. Last year was no exception, with several new vlogging-specific models released by Canon, Sony, DJI and others. That means there are now over a dozen on sale, alongside regular mirrorless cameras that also do the job well.Models specifically designed for vlogging include Sony’s new ZV-E1 full-frame mirrorless that launched last year, DJI’s Osmo Pocket 3 or Canon’s compact PowerShot V10. Others, like the new
The best vlogging cameras for 2024
If you’re a content creator or YouTuber, camera companies increasingly want your business. Last year was no exception, with several new vlogging-specific models released by Canon, Sony, DJI and others. That means there are now over a dozen on sale, alongside regular mirrorless cameras that also do the job well.
Models specifically designed for vlogging include Sony’s new ZV-E1 full-frame mirrorless that launched last year, DJI’s Osmo Pocket 3 or Canon’s compact PowerShot V10. Others, like the new Panasonic G9 II and last year’s Canon EOS R6 II are hybrid mirrorless cameras that offer vlogging as part of a larger toolset.
All of them have certain things in common, like flip-around screens, face- and/or eye-detect autofocus and stabilization. Prices, features and quality can vary widely, though. To that end, we’ve updated our guide with all the latest vlogging cameras designed for novice to professional creators, in all price ranges. Engadget has tested all of these to give you the best possible recommendations.
Factors to consider before buying a vlogging camera
Vlogging cameras are designed for filmmakers who often work alone and either use a tripod, gimbal, vehicle mount or just their hands to hold a camera. It must be good for filming yourself as well as other “B-roll” footage that helps tell your story. The biggest requirement is a flip-around screen so you can see yourself while filming. Those can rotate up, down or to the side, but flipping out to the side is preferable so a tripod or microphone won’t block it.
Continuous autofocus (AF) for video with face and eye detection is also a must. It becomes your camera “assistant,” keeping things in focus while you concentrate on your content. Most cameras can do that nowadays, but some (notably Canon and Sony) do it better than others.
If you move around or walk a lot, you should look for a camera with built-in optical stabilization. Electronic stabilization is another option as long as you’re aware of its limitations. You’ll also need a camera with a fast sensor that limits rolling shutter, which can create a distracting jello “wobble” with quick camera movements.

4K recording is another key feature. All cameras nowadays can shoot 4K up to at least 24 fps, but if possible, it’s better to have 4K at 60 or even 120 fps. If you shoot sports or other things involving fast movement, look for a model with at least 1080p at 120 fps for slow-motion recording.
Video quality is another important consideration, especially for skin tones. Good light sensitivity helps for night shooting, concerts and so on, and a log profile helps improve dynamic range in very bright or dark shooting conditions. If you want the best possible image quality and can afford it, get a camera that can record 4K with 10-bits (billions) of colors. That will give you more options when it’s time to edit the footage.
Don’t neglect audio either — if the quality is bad, your audience will disengage. Look for a camera with a microphone port so you can plug in a shotgun or lapel mic for interviews, or at least one with a good-quality built-in microphone. It’s also nice to have a headphone port to monitor sound so you can avoid nasty surprises after you’ve finished shooting.
You’ll also want good battery life and, if possible, dual memory card slots for a backup. Finally, don’t forget about your camera’s size and weight. If you’re constantly carrying one while shooting, especially at the end of a gimbal or gorillapod, it might actually be the most important factor. That’s why tiny GoPro cameras are so popular for sports, despite offering lower image quality and fewer pro features.
The best action and portable cameras
If you’re just starting out in vlogging or need a small, rugged camera, an action cam might be your best bet. In general, they’re easy to use as you don’t have to worry about things like exposure or focus. Recent models also offer good electronic stabilization and sharp, colorful video at up to 4K and 60 fps. The downsides are a lack of control; image quality that’s not on par with larger cameras; and no zooming or option to change lenses.
The best compact vlogging cameras
Compact cameras are a step up from smartphones or action cameras, with larger sensors and much better image quality. At the same time, they’re not quite as versatile as mirrorless or DSLR cameras (and not necessarily cheaper) and they lack advanced options like 10-bit video. For folks who want the best possible quality without needing to think too much about their camera, however, they’re the best option.
The best mirrorless/DSLR vlogging cameras
This is the class that has changed the most over the past couple of years, particularly in the more affordable price categories. Interchangeable lens cameras give you the most options for vlogging, offering larger sensors than compact cameras with better low-light sensitivity and shallower depth of field to isolate you or your subject. They also offer better control of your image with manual controls, log recording, 10-bit video and more. The drawbacks are extra weight compared to action or compact cameras, more complexity and higher prices.
© Steve Dent/Engadget