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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Upholding the Jedi Legacy Amidst Imperial Siege

Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts' latest title builds upon the strengths of its predecessor while addressing its weaknesses and embracing a grander scale. Cal Kestis returns, more seasoned and resolute than before, driven to dismantle the Empire. He now aligns himself with the Saw Guerrera rebel faction—an early incarnation of the resistance depicted in the movies. Where Fallen Order chronicled Cal's journey toward becoming a Jedi, Survivor focuses on upholding the Jedi Order's legacy. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor breaks new ground by delving into more nuanced themes. It's a departure from the simplicity of the first title, with its final storyline encompassing everything showcased, putting the characters and players through an emotionally charged experience. Along this journey, the allure of the visited planets, the companions met along the way, and even the NPCs are undeniable.

Story and Ambition

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor excellently portrays Cal Kestis' evolution into a Jedi Master. He retains some skills from the previous game while developing new ones as players progress. The level design structure remains consistent: often, obstacles require abilities or items unlocked later, encouraging replayability as players revisit planets to uncover more secrets. Adding a New Game+ mode adds to the game's replay value. The combat gameplay draws comparisons to titles like Star Wars Unleashed and Knights of the Old Republic, featuring acrobatic movements, Force-powered abilities, a diverse range of adversaries, and challenging gameplay. Although there are difficult options, the Hard Mode strikes a good balance. If you want to enhance your gaming experience, consider exploring places where you can buy cheap PS5 games. Despite some likening it to souls-like combat, Survivor leans more towards adventurous gameplay akin to Fallen Order.

A Look at the Storyline

Elevating the Gaming Experience

Players will find themselves immersed in hours of diverse and engaging content. They can delve into various challenges within the Tears of the Force arenas, embrace the role of a Bounty Hunter, pursue Legendary Creatures, cultivate their gardens, and partake in the captivating Holographic Matches minigame. Although the exploration is limited to a few planets, Koboh and Jedha are the primary settings, packed with numerous activities alongside the main storyline. Completing tasks and investing around 45 to 55 hours of gameplay is essential for those aiming to attain platinum status.

Inspiration from Uncharted 4 Elevates Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Quality

If you've managed to stick around through the whole analysis, you've probably realized that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is worth your time. For fans out there, you can be assured that alongside Mandalorian, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor stands as one of the finest recent creations within this universe, inviting players to explore and enjoy the experience, and if interested, consider where to buy cheap PS5 games to expand their gaming collection. The game's level design has also been improved, much better than in the previous Star Wars games, with more intricate and detailed environments to explore, and making use of the new hardware of PlayStation 5.

Gameplay Changes and Improvements


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is not a money grab by any means and it stands out among its competitors due to its ambitious scope (that you decide if it was reached or not). The game features significantly more content than before, and is better than Fallen Order in any case, with greater levels of detail throughout the game, not to mention an expansive world containing everything from frozen tundras to lush forests awaiting you for exploration. I recommend buying Star Wars Jedi: Survivor because it offers plenty of extra gameplay through hidden areas, puzzles, and collectibles, so it packs quite a lot of replayability with many hours of additional gaming fun for players who finished the game. Although Jedi: Survivor requires quite a lot of storage space (139GB on my device) it boasts impressive loading times and smooth frame rates, clearly a game made for the current generation of consoles, while its graphics are captivating with highly detailed environments (true, there are some glitches) and character models that stand out.

Star Wars Outlaws Is The First Canonical Appearance Of A Video Game In The Franchise

11. Červen 2024 v 01:15

Ubisoft says Star Wars Outlaws is the first open-world video game based on the popular sci-fi franchise. But it also offers another first: In a new trailer for Outlaws that debuted at Ubisoft Forward 2024, we see our first canonical example of an in-universe video game in Star Wars.


  • MudRunner VR vychází již příští týden!Jiří Morávek
    Původní MudRunner si srdce hráčů a nadšenců do hardcore simulátorů získal již v roce 2017. Od té doby jsme se dočkali pokračování v podobě masivního SnowRunner a čerstvé novinky Expeditions. Nově se tato série podívá i do světa virtuální reality. Hardcore simulátor převážení nadměrných nákladů v extrémních podmínkách si budou moci užít majitelé headsetů Meta Quest již velmi brzo, přesněji 30. května. Hráče čeká znatelně větší makačka, než tomu je u klasických verzí. Zapomenout můžete například n

MudRunner VR vychází již příští týden!

20. Květen 2024 v 21:46

Původní MudRunner si srdce hráčů a nadšenců do hardcore simulátorů získal již v roce 2017. Od té doby jsme se dočkali pokračování v podobě masivního SnowRunner a čerstvé novinky Expeditions. Nově se tato série podívá i do světa virtuální reality.

Hardcore simulátor převážení nadměrných nákladů v extrémních podmínkách si budou moci užít majitelé headsetů Meta Quest již velmi brzo, přesněji 30. května. Hráče čeká znatelně větší makačka, než tomu je u klasických verzí. Zapomenout můžete například na automatické chycení navijáku. Pokud budete potřebovat použít tuto vychytávku, tak prostě budete muset vystoupit, chytit hák a dojít k použitelnému stromu a vrátit se zpět do kabiny. V tomto duchu se ponese celá hra a ačkoliv to může pro někoho znít, jako neskutečná otrava, tak mnoha hráčům to zní jako pohádka, a to včetně mě.

Vývojáři již dříve slíbili propracované modely, které budou mít detailně vymodelované interiéry. Hra by měla při vydání obsahovat 8 vozidel různých tříd a zaměření. K dispozici bude volná jízda a příběhová kampaň, která poskytne řadu výzev. Očekávat můžeme klasické MudRunner zákeřnosti jako nedostatek paliva nebo nadměrné poškození vozidla.

Jeden z hlavních otazníků, který mi jako fanouškovi SnowRunneru vrtá hlavou je to, jak se vývojáři poperou s pohledem z první osoby ve chvíli, kdy se budeme brodit hlubokou řekou. Ve standardních hrách se totiž v tomto případě hra přepne do jiné kamery.

MudRunner VR vychází 30. května pro headsety Meta Quest.

Článek MudRunner VR vychází již příští týden! se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇
  • Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this yearEd Nightingale
    Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year. According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead. Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible. Read more

Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this year

7. Květen 2024 v 13:38

Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year.

According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead.

Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible.

Read more

  • ✇
  • Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this yearEd Nightingale
    Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year. According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead. Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible. Read more

Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this year

7. Květen 2024 v 13:38

Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year.

According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead.

Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible.

Read more

  • ✇
  • Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this yearEd Nightingale
    Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year. According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead. Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible. Read more

Beat Saber support on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets ending this year

7. Květen 2024 v 13:38

Beat Saber will no longer be supported on Meta Quest 1 VR headsets later this year.

According to an FAQ on the game's website, the developer is aiming to "raise the bar of what's possible", meaning it will focus on more recent and powerful devices instead.

Beat Saber will remain playable on Meta Quest 1 devices, but from 2nd November support will end. This means no multiplayer or leaderboard functionality, and no further updates, although the game will remain accessible.

Read more

  • Letos skončí podpora Beat Saberu pro první Meta Quest - INDIANMichal Burian
    Pokud patříte mezi majitele první verze headsetu Meta Quest a hrajete Beat Saber, tak pro vás nemám dobrou zprávu. České studio Beat Games oznámilo záměr ukončit podporu svého rytmického hitu.Podpora Beat Saberu pro Meta Quest 1 skončí 2. 11. 2024. Naštěstí po tomto datu bude možné hru nadále hrát, ale nebude k dispozici multiplayer a nebude dostávat žádné aktualizace. V budoucnu bude odstraněn ještě žebříček a nebude dostupná zákaznická podpora, dočteme se ve FAQ.Důvodem tohoto rozhodnutí je mo

Letos skončí podpora Beat Saberu pro první Meta Quest - INDIAN

7. Květen 2024 v 09:26

Pokud patříte mezi majitele první verze headsetu Meta Quest a hrajete Beat Saber, tak pro vás nemám dobrou zprávu. České studio Beat Games oznámilo záměr ukončit podporu svého rytmického hitu.

Podpora Beat Saberu pro Meta Quest 1 skončí 2. 11. 2024. Naštěstí po tomto datu bude možné hru nadále hrát, ale nebude k dispozici multiplayer a nebude dostávat žádné aktualizace. V budoucnu bude odstraněn ještě žebříček a nebude dostupná zákaznická podpora, dočteme se ve FAQ.

Důvodem tohoto rozhodnutí je možnost se více soustředit na ostatní, novější verze. Je tedy doporučeno přejít na novější headset pro virtuální realitu. Vývojáři ještě připomínají, že základní hra a všechny zakoupené dodatečné balíčky jsou vázány na hráčské účty, tudíž přechod v rámci platforem Meta Quest a Rift by měl být bezproblémový.

Beat Saber původně vyšel v roce 2019 pro počítače (Steam VR a Oculus VR) a později se rozšířil na PlayStation VR a PlayStation VR2. Podle nálady na sociálních sítích nadále spousta fanoušků hraje na Meta Questu 1.

Finally, The Galaxy's Coolest Character Arrives In Fortnite's Big Star Wars Update

1. Květen 2024 v 22:10

Billy Dee Williams’ Lando Calrissian is one of the coolest characters in Star Wars and now, finally, this cape-wearing, smooth-talking scoundrel will soon be available in Fortnite along with a lot of other Star Wars-related content, too.


  • ✇PC Archives - Siliconera
  • Beat Saber Daft Punk Music Pack Songs RevealedJenni Lada
    Daft Punk is the latest music group to get a Beat Saber Music Pack, and the full list of songs for the DLC appeared. It features 10 tracks from the duo.  The new Music Pack costs $12.99 on various storefronts. The DLC covers the performers’ careerfrom the early days. For example, the 1997 track “Around the World” appears, as does the 2013 track “Lose Yourself to Dance” with Pharrell Williams. Three of the songs are live versions from performances in 2007. Songs can be bought piecemeal for $1

Beat Saber Daft Punk Music Pack Songs Revealed

7. Březen 2024 v 19:30

Beat Saber Daft Punk Music Pack Song List Revealed

Daft Punk is the latest music group to get a Beat Saber Music Pack, and the full list of songs for the DLC appeared. It features 10 tracks from the duo. 

The new Music Pack costs $12.99 on various storefronts. The DLC covers the performers’ careerfrom the early days. For example, the 1997 track “Around the World” appears, as does the 2013 track “Lose Yourself to Dance” with Pharrell Williams. Three of the songs are live versions from performances in 2007. Songs can be bought piecemeal for $1.99 each.

Here’s the full list of songs in the Beat Saber Daft Punk Music Pack:

  • “Around the World”
  • “Around the World / Harder Better Faster Strong” (Live 2007)
  • “Da Funk / Daftendirekt” (Live 2007)
  • “Get Lucky” 
  • “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger”
  • “Lose Yourself to Dance”
  • “One More Time”
  • “The Prime Time of Your Life” (Live 2007)
  • “Technologic”
  • “Veridis Quo”

There’s also a teaser trailer for the Daft Punk Music Pack. However, it doesn’t offer an idea of how all 10 songs will look in the game. Instead, it only highlights part of “Get Lucky” with Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers.

The last music drop for Beat Saber involved some free songs being added. Original Soundtrack 6 appeared back in December 2023. 

Beat Saber is out on the PSVR and PSVR2, Meta Quest 2 and 3, and other VR headsets via Steam, and the Daft Punk Music Pack is available now.

The post Beat Saber Daft Punk Music Pack Songs Revealed appeared first on Siliconera.

  • ✇PlayStation.Blog
  • Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealedMichaela Dvorak
    Few artists have been more requested by our community than our latest release, Daft Punk. The wait is over, we are excited to announce the Daft Punk Music Pack is now available on Beat Saber for PS VR and PS VR 2! Play Video Formed in Paris in 1993, the duo quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time, spanning genres and inspiring the global music industry for many years. The iconic helmets and robot

Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealed

7. Březen 2024 v 18:01

Few artists have been more requested by our community than our latest release, Daft Punk. The wait is over, we are excited to announce the Daft Punk Music Pack is now available on Beat Saber for PS VR and PS VR 2!

Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealed

Formed in Paris in 1993, the duo quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time, spanning genres and inspiring the global music industry for many years. The iconic helmets and robot personas they adopted allowed more focus on their music and craft, and became an undeniable part of Daft Punk’s image and brand.

The Daft Punk Music Pack brings 10 of the band’s top hits so we can all celebrate their work through their almost 30-year history. We’re sure that everyone will find their favorites in our packed selection.

The tracklist includes:

  • Around The World
  • Around The World / Harder Better Faster Stronger (Live 2007)
  • Da Funk / Daftendirekt (Live 2007)
  • Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers)
  • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  • Lose Yourself to Dance (feat. Pharrell Williams)
  • One More Time
  • Technologic
  • The Prime Time of Your Life (Live 2007)
  • Veridis Quo

What’s even more exciting is that for the very first time ever, we’re launching live music in the game, bringing select high-energy tracks from the legendary live show Alive 2007. If you’re up for a challenge, this music pack features the longest song ever released on Beat Saber – The Prime Time of Your Life (Live 2007) – it’s 10 mins and 23 seconds long!

The music pack is accompanied by a new custom in-game environment in gold/silver color palette,  inspired by the band’s iconic triangle stage look from their live shows. We took it to the next level and created a beautiful space-y environment, surrounding the player with stars (some even orbit around you). The environment brings captivating new tech for lasers like physics and length.

Beat Saber players can get the 10-song Daft Punk Music Pack for 12.99 USD / 12.99 EUR, or if they don’t have Beat Saber just yet, they can jump in with a discounted bundle that includes the Beat Saber base game plus a full music pack for 39.99 USD / 39.99 EUR.

Let’s lose ourselves to dance!

  • ✇Kotaku
  • The Star Wars Cerveza Cristal Meme Is So Dang GoodZack Zwiezen
    The internet is obsessed with South American beer ads that were sneakily edited into Star Wars movies in the early 2000s, and has started sticking the beverage’s infectious jingle into other famous films. If you’ve been wondering why your timeline is covered in Cerveza Cristal jokes, here’s why. Read more...

The Star Wars Cerveza Cristal Meme Is So Dang Good

6. Březen 2024 v 19:15

The internet is obsessed with South American beer ads that were sneakily edited into Star Wars movies in the early 2000s, and has started sticking the beverage’s infectious jingle into other famous films. If you’ve been wondering why your timeline is covered in Cerveza Cristal jokes, here’s why.


  • ✇PlayStation.Blog
  • Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealedMichaela Dvorak
    Few artists have been more requested by our community than our latest release, Daft Punk. The wait is over, we are excited to announce the Daft Punk Music Pack is now available on Beat Saber for PS VR and PS VR 2! Play Video Formed in Paris in 1993, the duo quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time, spanning genres and inspiring the global music industry for many years. The iconic helmets and robot

Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealed

7. Březen 2024 v 18:01

Few artists have been more requested by our community than our latest release, Daft Punk. The wait is over, we are excited to announce the Daft Punk Music Pack is now available on Beat Saber for PS VR and PS VR 2!

Beat Saber Daft Punk music pack out today, full tracklist revealed

Formed in Paris in 1993, the duo quickly rose to prominence, becoming one of the most influential electronic music artists of all time, spanning genres and inspiring the global music industry for many years. The iconic helmets and robot personas they adopted allowed more focus on their music and craft, and became an undeniable part of Daft Punk’s image and brand.

The Daft Punk Music Pack brings 10 of the band’s top hits so we can all celebrate their work through their almost 30-year history. We’re sure that everyone will find their favorites in our packed selection.

The tracklist includes:

  • Around The World
  • Around The World / Harder Better Faster Stronger (Live 2007)
  • Da Funk / Daftendirekt (Live 2007)
  • Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers)
  • Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
  • Lose Yourself to Dance (feat. Pharrell Williams)
  • One More Time
  • Technologic
  • The Prime Time of Your Life (Live 2007)
  • Veridis Quo

What’s even more exciting is that for the very first time ever, we’re launching live music in the game, bringing select high-energy tracks from the legendary live show Alive 2007. If you’re up for a challenge, this music pack features the longest song ever released on Beat Saber – The Prime Time of Your Life (Live 2007) – it’s 10 mins and 23 seconds long!

The music pack is accompanied by a new custom in-game environment in gold/silver color palette,  inspired by the band’s iconic triangle stage look from their live shows. We took it to the next level and created a beautiful space-y environment, surrounding the player with stars (some even orbit around you). The environment brings captivating new tech for lasers like physics and length.

Beat Saber players can get the 10-song Daft Punk Music Pack for 12.99 USD / 12.99 EUR, or if they don’t have Beat Saber just yet, they can jump in with a discounted bundle that includes the Beat Saber base game plus a full music pack for 39.99 USD / 39.99 EUR.

Let’s lose ourselves to dance!
