Mae hi\'n 2065, ac mae gan bob catref "BOT".
Robotiaid clyfar sy\'n helpu\'r teulu gyda thasgau dydd-i-ddydd yw\'r BOTiaid. Ond, cyn iddyn nhw gwblhau tasg, mae\'n rhaid i\'r teulu eu rhaglennu nhw. Gelwir hyn yn "BOTio".
Ond, mae\'r BOT yma AR GOLL. Mae ar goll yn y gofod a does neb i\'w raglennu! Druan bach.
Roedd BOT yn joio gwyliau yn y gofod gyda\u2019i deulu, ond digwyddodd rhywbeth ofnadwy. Aeth ei deulu yn \xf4l i\u2019r Ddaear hebddo \u2013 arswyd y gofod!
Tybed allwch chi helpu BOT i chwilota\u2019r gofod am blanedau newydd ac od, drwy ei raglennu?
Mae 10 o blanedau i\'w chwilota, ac mae 5 ardal o fewn pob planed. Tipyn o dasg.
Pob lwc!
The year is 2065 and every household owns a "BOT".
BOTs are handy robots that help their owners with everyday tasks. But, before they can complete a task, they first need to be programmed. For that, BOTs need their owners to program them, we call that "Botio".
But this BOT is LOST, lost in space with no one to program it!!!
Whilst travelling on a \'space vacation\', BOT was accidentally left behind. Can you help BOT explore the galaxy by programming it?
We have 10 planets to explore, each has 5 zones to visit, investigate and complete.
Good luck!
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