"EYE" is a toy that shaped the eyes of a fashion now.
You are the owner of "EYE" factory!
Make lots of "EYE", make profits quickly and aim for a huge factory!
The factory can be customized freely!
Layout each conveyors and ship "EYE" efficiently!
If it spills from the conveyor, it will not be a product!
If you buy a new manufacturing machine you can manufacture various "EYE"!
Such "EYE" and this "EYE" \u2026
Furthermore, if you increase the product level of "EYE" you will be able to sell higher!
Let\'s raise the level steadily and earn money!
The factory is in operation even while closing the application and leaving it!
It is an incremental game so feel free to enjoy it everyday and perfect for killing time!
Recommended for those who like cultivating games, abandoned games, simulation games!
Funny management incremental game!
Now download the "EYE" factory!
Bezplatné online hry nejen pro Váš oblíbený prohlížeč. Zahrajte si třeba starou DOS hru, pecku z období FLASH technologie, nějakou nadupanou multiplayer hru, hru z Gameboye Advance či textovou hru. :) Přečtěte si články o hrách zdarma a prozkoumejte Open Source Hry. Online hry můžete vyhledat podle témat.
Poslední článek na blogu: Rail Nation: Komplexní Simulace Železničního Impéria.
Přeji vám hodně zábavy při hraní her! 🎮
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