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  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Broad Impact For Accelerating Tech CyclesEd Sperling
    Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the impact of leading edge technologies such as generative AI in data centers, AR/VR, and security architectures for connected devices, with Michael Kurniawan, business strategy manager at Accenture; Kaushal Vora, senior director and head of business acceleration and ecosystem at Renesas Electronics; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; and Chowdary Yanamadala, technology strategist at Arm. What follows are ex

Broad Impact For Accelerating Tech Cycles

21. Únor 2024 v 09:01

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the impact of leading edge technologies such as generative AI in data centers, AR/VR, and security architectures for connected devices, with Michael Kurniawan, business strategy manager at Accenture; Kaushal Vora, senior director and head of business acceleration and ecosystem at Renesas Electronics; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketing at Expedera; and Chowdary Yanamadala, technology strategist at Arm. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. Panelists were chosen by GSA’s EMTECH Interest Group. To view part one of this discussion, click here.

L-R: Accenture’s Kurniawan; Renesas’ Vora; Expedera’s Karazuba; Arm’s Yanamadala.

SE: In the past, a lot of data center applications were for things like enterprise resource planning (ERP), and those were 10- or 15-year cycles. Cycles now are 1 or 2 years at most. With ChatGPT, that’s about six months. How do companies plan for this today?

Kurniawan: In the past, businesses were very focused on just the technology. But technology is everywhere today. ERP is there to support the business initiatives, and there is a very intimate relationship between technology and business at this point. So virtually all businesses are technology businesses. We advise clients before implementing their technologies to think first about, ‘What are your business initiatives? What’s the business strategy? What’s the business imperative for where you want to go? What’s your vision?’ And then, once you understand that and get alignment from the leaders, you can think about the technology. You kind of jump back and forth, because those are really two sides of the same coin. You cannot separate them anymore. And your vision encompasses everything you want to achieve in the future while providing room for flexibility and testing out the technology plan you want to put in place to see how that supports your business vision. With every challenge comes opportunity. Our job as a consultant is really to be able to see what’s happening out there, continuously scanning the market, and trying to get ahead of the curve to advise clients.

Yanamadala: The rapid evolution of advanced technologies like generative AI can present challenges to data centers due to the short technology cycles and demanding workloads. Some of the key challenges with advanced workloads include fluctuating resource needs, because they can demand bursts of high compute. That means static resource allocation will be inefficient in handling these demands. Additionally, the growing demand for heterogenous computing can also present additional challenges in deploying a flexible compute infrastructure. Data centers are adding flexibility through adoption of containerization and virtualization. Adopting hardware-agnostic software frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch also can help to facilitate switching between different computing architectures. So can the development of efficient hardware and specialized AI accelerators.

SE: A lot of technology advancements are incremental, but if you get enough of these incremental improvements they can be combined in ways most people never imagined. We’ve seen systems shrink from mainframes to PCs to smart phones, and now computing is happening just about everywhere. Are we at the on the cusp of moving beyond a box, which we’ve been tethered to since the start of computing, and particularly with AR/VR.

Vora: I find it fascinating that somebody could wear a pair of glasses, get immersed in that world, and get used to it. From a user experience perspective, it seems like an extreme shift. Although I do see some play in certain verticals, it’s not clear there will be mass consumerization or adoption of this technology.

Kurniawan: Right now, generative AI is getting a lot of attention. ChatGPT captured the attention of hundreds of millions of people in 60 days. That says something. You input a prompt and you get a response back. ChatGPT is super-intuitive. It’s a technology with potential for many killer use cases. AR/VR is promising technology with upside potential, but there’s still work that needs to be done to tie that technology to the use case. Virtual reality gaming is number one, for sure. But the path to leveraging that technology to enhance how we operate other stuff still needs more clarity. That said, we recently published a white paper talking about the build-outs around the globe, driven by the combination of public incentivies and private investments. Everywhere around the world, everybody wants to build up their manufacturing facilities. We conducted interviews with semiconductor experts, and touched on AR/VR when we asked what they did during COVID when the whole world shut down. Is AR/VR like a hammer looking for nails? The overall response we got was pretty positive. They said that AR/VR probably will be tremendously useful at some future date. But they like where the technologies are going. For example, there are constraints like heat dissipation and the size of the headset, but the belief is the technology will evolve. As it matures to become more user-centric, you might think about using an AR/VR device to control the operations of the equipment in a fab. But there is work needed from a value perspective — connectivity and processing, for example.

Karazuba: AR/VR in the past has largely been a victim of its own hype cycle. There’s a lot of promises people have made. We’ve spent a little bit of time with AR/VR folks. There’s certainly an acknowledgement that whatever success the Apple AR/VR headset has will largely set the tone for the next half decade for what the AR/VR market is. These folks are not undeterred by that. Are we at a point today where you can walk around all day with mixed reality? No. With a home gaming system, being tied to the wall is probably a small price to pay for the constant AC power and the performance advantages that will provide. This is going to take some time. The value proposition is there, but the timing may not be right today. We saw this with the watch and wearables. Now, everybody has one of these. But it took five to seven years before it really took off.

Vora: We’ve worn watches for decades, so it’s not something new. It’s just that what we wear now is different. But with AR/VR, we’ve never done that before. How do you suddenly expect massive change like that?

Karazuba: But most of us are wearing eyeglasses. If you have a form factor that is a version of what we have now, where information is just simply overlaid on what we’re seeing, it’s not that far of a jump for mixed reality or augmented reality. However, with virtual reality, I find it hard to believe that people are going to walk into a conference room with a bunch of other people and put a headset on.

Yanamadala: We’ve seen devices and sensors deployed practically everywhere. Platforms that offer high-performance computing, along with secure, power-efficient hardware and connectivity are available today, and they will make this trend possible. But untethered or ambient consumer experiences in the mass market will have their challenges. We will need to invest in substantial infrastructure to enable technology to operate invisibly in the background. So while consumer-facing technology deployments increasingly become untethered, the compute and connectivity infrastructure will still require connections for power and bandwidth.

SE: People have been sounding the alarm for hardware security for years, but with limited success. What’s changed today is that we have many more connected devices and more valuable data. Is the chip industry starting to take this seriously? Or is the problem now so immense and pervasive that anything we do is just going to be a drop in the bucket?

Yanamada: Security is fundamental from the chip level, and five years ago we saw an opportunity to proactively improve the quality of chip security. IoT was in its early stages, and each chip vendor had varied and fragmented approaches to security. They also rarely approached an independent evaluation lab to check the robustness of their security implementation. But with increasing connectivity and data becoming more valuable, hackers were paying close attention, and governments were considering what action to take to protect consumers. That’s why in 2019, we launched PSA Certified – to rally the ecosystem to be proactive with security best practices. It’s critically important that chip vendors, software platforms, OEMs, and CSPs can deploy and access standardized Root of Trust services. Security is complicated. You need the whole value chain to work together.

Vora: Security architectures, at least on the hardware side, have come a long way. We pretty much now have a semiconductor TPM-like [Trusted Platform Module] capability, with security capabilities built into even small microcontrollers. They have cryptographic engines, randomizers, and all sorts of security elements built in. The fundamental challenge with security is that just putting some security features on a chip and providing all the technology pieces won’t solve the security challenge. Security is more of a system challenge and a policy challenge. In many cases, people have to think about it within the context of the entire network. And then, it’s only as strong as the weakest link in the network. That piece of security is going to grow in complexity as we start seeing more complex use cases with AI coming into play with IoT. On the other side, though, as data handling of AI moves closer to the edge, we will start seeing more local inferencing and local data being worked on without the need to mindlessly transport data across layers of networks and across the cloud. We’re going to see some lower risk and improvements from a data-in-flight perspective, because of a lot of more localization of intelligence and compute happening at different layers of the edge. As we start moving more to the edge, AI starts getting more of a hold there. But as a whole, security will remain a challenge. The fundamental challenges with security have not changed. It’s just the context and the systems in which we will have to apply them are different.

Karazuba: The semiconductor industry is finally starting to understand the true nature of what security breaches could mean with the type of data we’re handling. Security is a day zero responsibility of anyone building a product, whether that product is a chip or a device, and security responsibilities proliferate across the entire lifecycle of the of any device, from the person who is architecting the chip, to the person designing the smartphone, to the carrier. I would argue that carrier responsibilities for security go as far as the stopping those robo calls that we all get, and the spam calls and phishing calls. The internet service providers have a responsibility to stop the phishing e-mails. That’s all part of security. Obviously, with banks and financial institutions, their security is generally pretty good. But it stretches the entire way, and in the security world, the weakest link is always the security profile of your device. We’re getting better. We always could be better. But I am more encouraged now than I’ve been at any point since I really started looking at security of devices. I’m more encouraged by the way chips are being designed, deployed, manufactured, and delivered to customers.

Kurniawan: There’s some certification for IoT devices before those are sent into the market to make sure there is some security standard they adhere to. But two key words I mentioned before, collaboration and flexibility, are applicable to security, as well. Collaboration involves where you see the rest of the system, including other components in the technology set, going to evolve in the future. And flexibility is required, because security is a moving target. It needs to evolve because as you upgrade your system, your software, a vulnerability will move, as well. You need flexibility and security-minded thinking infused into your chip design.

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Preparing For An AI-Driven Future In Chips (part 1 of above roundtable)
Designs need to be flexible enough to handle an onslaught of continuous and rapid changes, but secure enough to protect data.

The post Broad Impact For Accelerating Tech Cycles appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Blog Review: Feb. 21Jesse Allen
    Siemens’ John McMillan digs into physical verification maturity for high-density advanced packaging (HDAP) designs and major differences in the LVS verification flow compared to the well-established process for SoCs. Synopsys’ Varun Shah identifies why a cloud adoption framework is key to getting the most out of deploying EDA tools in the cloud, including by ensuring that different types of necessary compute are accessible for all stages of the design cycle. Cadence’s Reela Samuel suggests that

Blog Review: Feb. 21

21. Únor 2024 v 09:01

Siemens’ John McMillan digs into physical verification maturity for high-density advanced packaging (HDAP) designs and major differences in the LVS verification flow compared to the well-established process for SoCs.

Synopsys’ Varun Shah identifies why a cloud adoption framework is key to getting the most out of deploying EDA tools in the cloud, including by ensuring that different types of necessary compute are accessible for all stages of the design cycle.

Cadence’s Reela Samuel suggests that a chiplet-based approach will provide improved performance and reduced complexity for the automotive sector, enabling OEMs to construct a robust yet flexible electronic architecture.

Keysight’s Emily Yan finds that today’s chip design landscape is facing challenges reminiscent of those encountered by the Large Hadron Collider in managing data volume, version control, and global collaboration.

Ansys’ Raha Vafaei explains why the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, an algorithmic approach to solving Maxwell’s equations, is key for modeling nanophotonic devices, processes, and materials.

Arm’s Ed Player explains the different components of the Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) to help identify which are useful for particular Arm-based microcontroller projects.

SEMI’s Mark da Silva, Nishita Rao and Karim Somani check out the state of digital twins in semiconductor manufacturing and challenges such as the need for standardization and communication between different digital twins.

Plus, check out the blogs featured in the latest Low Power-High Performance newsletter:

Rambus’ Lou Ternullo looks at why performance demands of generative AI and other advanced workloads will require new architectural solutions enabled by CXL.

Ansys’ Raha Vafaei shines a light on how the evolution of photonics engineering will encompass novel materials and cutting-edge techniques.

Siemens’ Keith Felton explains why embracing emerging approaches is essential for crafting IC packages that address the evolving demands of sustainability, technology, and consumer preferences.

Cadence’s Mark Seymour lays out how CFD simulation software can predict time-dependent aspects and various failure scenarios for data center managers.

Arm’s Adnan Al-Sinan and Gian Marco Iodice point out that LLMs already run well on small devices, and that will only improve as models become smaller and more sophisticated.

Keysight’s Roberto Piacentini Filho shows how a modular approach can improve yield, reduce cost, and improve PPA/C.

Quadric’s Steve Roddy finds that smart local memory in an AI/ML subsystem solves SoC bottlenecks.

Synopsys’ Ian Land, Kenneth Larsen, and Rob Aitken detail why the traditional approach using monolithic system-on-chips (SoCs) falls short when addressing the complex needs of modern systems.

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White-Box Fuzzer With Static Analysis To Detect And Locate Timing Vulnerabilities In RISC-V Processors 

A technical paper titled “WhisperFuzz: White-Box Fuzzing for Detecting and Locating Timing Vulnerabilities in Processors” was published by researchers at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Texas A&M University, and
Technische Universität Darmstadt.


“Timing vulnerabilities in processors have emerged as a potent threat. As processors are the foundation of any computing system, identifying these flaws is imperative. Recently fuzzing techniques, traditionally used for detecting software vulnerabilities, have shown promising results for uncovering vulnerabilities in large-scale hardware designs, such as processors. Researchers have adapted black-box or grey-box fuzzing to detect timing vulnerabilities in processors. However, they cannot identify the locations or root causes of these timing vulnerabilities, nor do they provide coverage feedback to enable the designer’s confidence in the processor’s security.
To address the deficiencies of the existing fuzzers, we present WhisperFuzz–the first white-box fuzzer with static analysis–aiming to detect and locate timing vulnerabilities in processors and evaluate the coverage of microarchitectural timing behaviors. WhisperFuzz uses the fundamental nature of processors’ timing behaviors, microarchitectural state transitions, to localize timing vulnerabilities. WhisperFuzz automatically extracts microarchitectural state transitions from a processor design at the register-transfer level (RTL) and instruments the design to monitor the state transitions as coverage. Moreover, WhisperFuzz measures the time a design-under-test (DUT) takes to process tests, identifying any minor, abnormal variations that may hint at a timing vulnerability. WhisperFuzz detects 12 new timing vulnerabilities across advanced open-sourced RISC-V processors: BOOM, Rocket Core, and CVA6. Eight of these violate the zero latency requirements of the Zkt extension and are considered serious security vulnerabilities. Moreover, WhisperFuzz also pinpoints the locations of the new and the existing vulnerabilities.”

Find the technical paper here. Published February 2024 (preprint).

Borkar, Pallavi, Chen Chen, Mohamadreza Rostami, Nikhilesh Singh, Rahul Kande, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Chester Rebeiro, and Jeyavijayan Rajendran. “WhisperFuzz: White-Box Fuzzing for Detecting and Locating Timing Vulnerabilities in Processors.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.03704 (2024).

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RISC-V Micro-Architectural Verification
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What’s Required To Secure Chips
There is no single solution, and the most comprehensive security may be too expensive.

The post White-Box Fuzzer With Static Analysis To Detect And Locate Timing Vulnerabilities In RISC-V Processors  appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Impact of Scaling and BEOL Technology Solutions At The 7nm Node On MRAMTechnical Paper Link
    A technical paper titled “Impact of Technology Scaling and Back-End-of-the-Line Technology Solutions on Magnetic Random-Access Memories” was published by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology. Abstract: “While magnetic random-access memories (MRAMs) are promising because of their nonvolatility, relatively fast speeds, and high endurance, there are major challenges in adopting them for the advanced technology nodes. One of the major challenges in scaling MRAM devices is caused by the eve

Impact of Scaling and BEOL Technology Solutions At The 7nm Node On MRAM

A technical paper titled “Impact of Technology Scaling and Back-End-of-the-Line Technology Solutions on Magnetic Random-Access Memories” was published by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology.


“While magnetic random-access memories (MRAMs) are promising because of their nonvolatility, relatively fast speeds, and high endurance, there are major challenges in adopting them for the advanced technology nodes. One of the major challenges in scaling MRAM devices is caused by the ever-increasing resistances of interconnects. In this article, we first study the impact of shrunk interconnect dimensions on MRAM performance at various technology nodes. Then, we investigate the impact of various potential back-end-of-the-line (BEOL) technology solutions at the 7 nm node. Based on interconnect resistance values from technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulations and MRAM device characteristics from experimentally validated/calibrated physical models, we quantify the potential array-level performance of MRAM using SPICE simulations. We project that some potential BEOL technology solutions can reduce the write energy by up to 34.6% with spin-orbit torque (SOT) MRAM and 29.0% with spin-transfer torque (STT) MRAM. We also observe up to 21.4% reduction in the read energy of the SOT-MRAM arrays.”

Find the technical paper here. Published January 2024.

P. Kumar, D. E. Shim, S. Narla and A. Naeemi, “Impact of Technology Scaling and Back-End-of-the-Line Technology Solutions on Magnetic Random-Access Memories,” in IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, vol. 10, pp. 13-21, 2024, doi: 10.1109/JXCDC.2024.3357625.

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The post Impact of Scaling and BEOL Technology Solutions At The 7nm Node On MRAM appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

Rapid Exchange Cooling With Trapped Ions For Implementation In A Quantum Charge-Coupled Device

A technical paper titled “Rapid exchange cooling with trapped ions” was published by researchers at Georgia Tech Research Institute.


“The trapped-ion quantum charge-coupled device (QCCD) architecture is a leading candidate for advanced quantum information processing. In current QCCD implementations, imperfect ion transport and anomalous heating can excite ion motion during a calculation. To counteract this, intermediate cooling is necessary to maintain high-fidelity gate performance. Cooling the computational ions sympathetically with ions of another species, a commonly employed strategy, creates a significant runtime bottleneck. Here, we demonstrate a different approach we call exchange cooling. Unlike sympathetic cooling, exchange cooling does not require trapping two different atomic species. The protocol introduces a bank of “coolant” ions which are repeatedly laser cooled. A computational ion can then be cooled by transporting a coolant ion into its proximity. We test this concept experimentally with two 40Ca+ ions, executing the necessary transport in 107 μs, an order of magnitude faster than typical sympathetic cooling durations. We remove over 96%, and as many as 102(5) quanta, of axial motional energy from the computational ion. We verify that re-cooling the coolant ion does not decohere the computational ion. This approach validates the feasibility of a single-species QCCD processor, capable of fast quantum simulation and computation.”

Find the technical paper here. Published February 2024.  A related news release, including a video, can be found here.

Fallek, S.D., Sandhu, V.S., McGill, R.A. et al. Rapid exchange cooling with trapped ions. Nat Commun 15, 1089 (2024).

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The Race Toward Quantum Advantage
Enormous amounts of money have been invested into quantum computing, but so far it has not surpassed conventional computers. When will that change?

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  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Ultra-Low Power CiM Design For Practical Edge ScenariosTechnical Paper Link
    A technical paper titled “Low Power and Temperature-Resilient Compute-In-Memory Based on Subthreshold-FeFET” was published by researchers at Zhejiang University, University of Notre Dame, Technical University of Munich, Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and the Laboratory of Collaborative Sensing and Autonomous Unmanned Systems of Zhejiang Province. Abstract: “Compute-in-memory (CiM) is a promising solution for addressing the challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) and th

Ultra-Low Power CiM Design For Practical Edge Scenarios

A technical paper titled “Low Power and Temperature-Resilient Compute-In-Memory Based on Subthreshold-FeFET” was published by researchers at Zhejiang University, University of Notre Dame, Technical University of Munich, Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and the Laboratory of Collaborative Sensing and Autonomous Unmanned Systems of Zhejiang Province.


“Compute-in-memory (CiM) is a promising solution for addressing the challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) hardware such as ‘memory wall’ issue. Specifically, CiM employing nonvolatile memory (NVM) devices in a crossbar structure can efficiently accelerate multiply-accumulation (MAC) computation, a crucial operator in neural networks among various AI models. Low power CiM designs are thus highly desired for further energy efficiency optimization on AI models. Ferroelectric FET (FeFET), an emerging device, is attractive for building ultra-low power CiM array due to CMOS compatibility, high ION /IOF  ratio, etc. Recent studies have explored FeFET based CiM designs that achieve low power consumption. Nevertheless, subthreshold-operated FeFETs, where the operating voltages are scaled down to the subthreshold region to reduce array power consumption, are particularly vulnerable to temperature drift, leading to accuracy degradation. To address this challenge, we propose a temperature-resilient 2T-1FeFET CiM design that performs MAC operations reliably at subthreahold region from 0 to 85 Celsius, while consuming ultra-low power. Benchmarked against the VGG neural network architecture running the CIFAR-10 dataset, the proposed 2T-1FeFET CiM design achieves 89.45% CIFAR-10 test accuracy. Compared to previous FeFET based CiM designs, it exhibits immunity to temperature drift at an 8-bit wordlength scale, and achieves better energy efficiency with 2866 TOPS/W.”

Find the technical paper here. Published January 2024 (preprint).

Zhou, Yifei, Xuchu Huang, Jianyi Yang, Kai Ni, Hussam Amrouch, Cheng Zhuo, and Xunxhao Yin. “Low Power and Temperature-Resilient Compute-In-Memory Based on Subthreshold-FeFET.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.17442 (2023).

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The post Ultra-Low Power CiM Design For Practical Edge Scenarios appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Electronic Noise in vdW Layered AFMS (UCLA)Technical Paper Link
    A technical paper titled “Electronic Noise Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors” was published by researchers at University of California Los Angeles. Abstract: “We investigated low-frequency current fluctuations, i.e. electronic noise, in FePS3 van der Waals, layered antiferromagnetic semiconductor. The noise measurements have been used as noise spectroscopy for advanced materials characterization of the charge carrier dynamics affected by spin ordering and tr

Electronic Noise in vdW Layered AFMS (UCLA)

A technical paper titled “Electronic Noise Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors” was published by researchers at University of California Los Angeles.


“We investigated low-frequency current fluctuations, i.e. electronic noise, in FePS3 van der Waals, layered antiferromagnetic semiconductor. The noise measurements have been used as noise spectroscopy for advanced materials characterization of the charge carrier dynamics affected by spin ordering and trapping states. Owing to the high resistivity of the material, we conducted measurements on vertical device configuration. The measured noise spectra reveal pronounced Lorentzian peaks of two different origins. One peak is observed only near the Neel temperature and it is attributed to the corresponding magnetic phase transition. The second Lorentzian peak, visible in the entire measured temperature range, has the characteristics of the trap-assisted generation-recombination processes similar to those in conventional semiconductors but shows a clear effect of the spin order reconfiguration near the Neel temperature. The obtained results contribute to understanding the electron and spin dynamics in this type of antiferromagnetic semiconductors and demonstrate the potential of electronic noise spectroscopy for advanced materials characterization.”

Find the technical paper here. Published January 2024 (preprint).

Ghosh, Subhajit, Zahra Ebrahim Nataj, Fariborz Kargar, and Alexander A. Balandin. “Electronic Noise Spectroscopy of Quasi-2D van der Waals Antiferromagnetic Semiconductors.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.12432 (2024).

The post Electronic Noise in vdW Layered AFMS (UCLA) appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Why Chiplets Are So Critical In AutomotiveJohn Koon
    Chiplets are gaining renewed attention in the automotive market, where increasing electrification and intense competition are forcing companies to accelerate their design and production schedules. Electrification has lit a fire under some of the biggest and best-known carmakers, which are struggling to remain competitive in the face of very short market windows and constantly changing requirements. Unlike in the past, when carmakers typically ran on five- to seven-year design cycles, the latest

Why Chiplets Are So Critical In Automotive

Od: John Koon
20. Únor 2024 v 09:10

Chiplets are gaining renewed attention in the automotive market, where increasing electrification and intense competition are forcing companies to accelerate their design and production schedules.

Electrification has lit a fire under some of the biggest and best-known carmakers, which are struggling to remain competitive in the face of very short market windows and constantly changing requirements. Unlike in the past, when carmakers typically ran on five- to seven-year design cycles, the latest technology in vehicles today may well be considered dated within several years. And if they cannot keep up, there is a whole new crop of startups producing cheap vehicles with the ability to update or change out features as quickly as a software update.

But software has speed, security, and reliability limitations, and being able to customize the hardware is where many automakers are now putting their efforts. This is where chiplets fit in, and the focus now is on how to build enough interoperability across large ecosystems to make this a plug-and-play market. The key factors to enable automotive chiplet interoperability include standardization, interconnect technologies, communication protocols, power and thermal management, security, testing, and ecosystem collaboration.

Similar to non-automotive applications at the board level, many design efforts are focusing on a die-to-die approach, which is driving a number of novel design considerations and tradeoffs. At the chip level, the interconnects between various processors, chips, memory, and I/O are becoming more complex due to increased design performance requirements, spurring a flurry of standards activities. Different interconnect and interface types have been proposed to serve varying purposes, while emerging chiplet technologies for dedicated functions — processors, memories, and I/Os, to name a few — are changing the approach to chip design.

“There is a realization by automotive OEMs that to control their own destiny, they’re going to have to control their own SoCs,” said David Fritz, vice president of virtual and hybrid systems at Siemens EDA. “However, they don’t understand how far along EDA has come since they were in college in 1982. Also, they believe they need to go to the latest process node, where a mask set is going to cost $100 million. They can’t afford that. They also don’t have access to talent because the talent pool is fairly small. With all that together comes the realization by the OEMs that to control their destiny, they need a technology that’s developed by others, but which can be combined however needed to have a unique differentiated product they are confident is future-proof for at least a few model years. Then it becomes economically viable. The only thing that fits the bill is chiplets.”

Chiplets can be optimized for specific functions, which can help automakers meet reliability, safety, security requirements with technology that has been proven across multiple vehicle designs. In addition, they can shorten time to market and ultimately reduce the cost of different features and functions.

Demand for chips has been on the rise for the past decade. According to Allied Market Research, global automotive chip demand will grow from $49.8 billion in 2021 to $121.3 billion by 2031. That growth will attract even more automotive chip innovation and investment, and chiplets are expected to be a big beneficiary.

But the marketplace for chiplets will take time to mature, and it will likely roll out in phases.  Initially, a vendor will provide different flavors of proprietary dies. Then, partners will work together to supply chiplets to support each other, as has already happened with some vendors. The final stage will be universally interoperable chiplets, as supported by UCIe or some other interconnect scheme.

Getting to the final stage will be the hardest, and it will require significant changes. To ensure interoperability, large enough portions of the automotive ecosystem and supply chain must come together, including hardware and software developers, foundries, OSATs, and material and equipment suppliers.

Momentum is building
On the plus side, not all of this is starting from scratch. At the board level, modules and sub-systems always have used onboard chip-to-chip interfaces, and they will continue to do so. Various chip and IP providers, including Cadence, Diode, Microchip, NXP, Renesas, Rambus, Infineon, Arm, and Synopsys, provide off-the-shelf interface chips or IP to create the interface silicon.

The Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) Consortium is the driving force behind the die-to-die, open interconnect standard. The group released its latest UCIe 1.1 specification in August 2023. Board members include Alibaba, AMD, Arm, ASE, Google Cloud, Intel, Meta, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Samsung, and others. Industry partners are showing widespread support. AIB and Bunch of Wires (BoW) also have been proposed. In addition, Arm just released its own Chiplet System Architecture, along with an updated AMBA spec to standardize protocols for chiplets.

“Chiplets are already here, driven by necessity,” said Arif Khan, senior product marketing group director for design IP at Cadence. “The growing processor and SoC sizes are hitting the reticle limit and the diseconomies of scale. Incremental gains from process technology advances are lower than rising cost per transistor and design. The advances in packaging technology (2.5D/3D) and interface standardization at a die-to-die level, such as UCIe, will facilitate chiplet development.”

Nearly all of the chiplets used today are developed in-house by big chipmakers such as Intel, AMD, and Marvell, because they can tightly control the characteristics and behavior of those chiplets. But there is work underway at every level to open this market to more players. When that happens, smaller companies can begin capitalizing on what the high-profile trailblazers have accomplished so far, and innovating around those developments.

“Many of us believe the dream of having an off-the-shelf, interoperable chiplet portfolio will likely take years before becoming a reality,” said Guillaume Boillet, senior director strategic marketing at Arteris, adding that interoperability will emerge from groups of partners who are addressing the risk of incomplete specifications.

This also is raising the attractiveness of FPGAs and eFPGAs, which can provide a level of customization and updates for hardware in the field. “Chiplets are a real thing,” said Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix. “Right now, a company building two or more chiplets can operate much more economically than a company building near-reticle-size die with almost no yield. Chiplet standardization still appears to be far away. Even UCIe is not a fixed standard yet. Not all agree on UCIe, bare die testing, and who owns the problem when the integrated package doesn’t work, etc. We do have some customers who use or are evaluating eFPGA for interfaces where standards are in flux like UCIe. They can implement silicon now and use the eFPGA to conform to standards changes later.”

There are other efforts supporting chiplets, as well, although for somewhat different reasons — notably, the rising cost of device scaling and the need to incorporate more features into chips, which are reticle-constrained at the most advanced nodes. But those efforts also pave the way for chiplets in automotive, and there is strong industry backing to make this all work. For example, under the sponsorship of SEMI, ASME, and three IEEE Societies, the new Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) looks at various microelectronics design, materials, and packaging issues to come up with a roadmap for the semiconductor industry. Their current focus includes 2.5D, 3D-ICs, wafer-level packaging, integrated photonics, MEMS and sensors, and system-in-package (SiP), aerospace, automotive, and more.

At the recent Heterogeneous Integration Global Summit 2023, representatives from AMD, Applied Materials, ASE, Lam Research, MediaTek, Micron, Onto Innovation, TSMC, and others demonstrated strong support for chiplets. Another group that supports chiplets is the Chiplet Design Exchange (CDX) working group , which is part of the Open Domain Specific Architecture (ODSA) and the Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP). The Chiplet Design Exchange (CDX) charter focuses on the various characteristics of chiplet and chiplet integration, including electrical, mechanical, and thermal design exchange standards of the 2.5D stacked, and 3D Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs). Its representatives include Ansys, Applied Materials, Arm, Ayar Labs, Broadcom, Cadence, Intel, Macom, Marvell, Microsemi, NXP, Siemens EDA, Synopsys, and others.

“The things that automotive companies want in terms of what each chiplet does in terms of functionality is still in an upheaval mode,” Siemens’ Fritz noted. “One extreme has these problems, the other extreme has those problems. This is the sweet spot. This is what’s needed. And these are the types of companies that can go off and do that sort of work, and then you could put them together. Then this interoperability thing is not a big deal. The OEM can make it too complex by saying, ‘I have to handle that whole spectrum of possibilities.’ The alternative is that they could say, ‘It’s just like a high speed PCIe. If I want to communicate from one to the other, I already know how to do that. I’ve got drivers that are running my operating system. That would solve an awful lot of problems, and that’s where I believe it’s going to end up.”

One path to universal chiplet development?

Moving forward, chiplets are a focal point for both the automotive and chip industries, and that will involve everything from chiplet IP to memory interconnects and customization options and limitations.

For example, Renesas Electronics announced in November 2023 plans for its next-generation SoCs and MCUs. The company is targeting all major applications across the automotive digital domain, including advance information about its fifth-generation R-Car SoC for high-performance applications with advanced in-package chiplet integration technology, which is meant to provide automotive engineers greater flexibility to customize their designs.

Renesas noted that if more AI performance is required in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), engineers will have the capability to integrate AI accelerators into a single chip. The company said this roadmap comes after years of collaboration and discussions with Tier 1 and OEM customers, which have been clamoring for a way to accelerate development without compromising quality, including designing and verifying the software even before the hardware is available.

“Due to the ever increasing needs to increase compute on demand, and the increasing need for higher levels of autonomy in the cars of tomorrow, we see challenges in monolithic solutions scaling and providing the performance needs of the market in the upcoming years,” said Vasanth Waran, senior director for SoC Business & Strategies at Renesas. “Chiplets allows for the compute solutions to scale above and beyond the needs of the market.”

Renesas announced plans to create a chiplet-based product family specifically targeted at the automotive market starting in 2025.

Standard interfaces allow for SoC customization
It is not entirely clear how much overlap there will be between standard processors, which is where most chiplets are used today, and chiplets developed for automotive applications. But the underlying technologies and developments certainly will build off each other as this technology shifts into new markets.

“Whether it is an AI accelerator or ADAS automotive application, customers need standard interface IP blocks,” noted David Ridgeway, senior product manager, IP accelerated solutions group at Synopsys. “It is important to provide fully verified IP subsystems around their IP customization requirements to support the subsystem components used in the customers’ SoCs. When I say customization, you might not realize how customizable IP has become over the course of the last 10 to 20 years, on the PHY side as well as the controller side. For example, PCI Express has gone from PCIe Gen 3 to Gen 4 to Gen 5 and now Gen 6. The controller can be configured to support multiple bifurcation modes of smaller link widths, including one x16, two x8, or four x4. Our subsystem IP team works with customers to ensure all the customization requirements are met. For AI applications, signal and power integrity is extremely important to meet their performance requirements. Almost all our customers are seeking to push the envelope to achieve the highest memory bandwidth speeds possible so that their TPU can process many more transactions per second. Whenever the applications are cloud computing or artificial intelligence, customers want the fastest response rate possible.”

Fig 1: IP blocks including processor, digital, PHY, and verification help developers implement the entire SoC. Source: Synopsys

Fig 1: IP blocks including processor, digital, PHY, and verification help developers implement the entire SoC. Source: Synopsys

Optimizing PPA serves the ultimate goal of increasing efficiency, and this makes chiplets particularly attractive in automotive applications. When UCIe matures, it is expected to improve overall performance exponentially. For example, UCIe can deliver a shoreline bandwidth of 28 to 224 GB/s/mm in a standard package, and 165 to 1317 GB/s/mm in an advanced package. This represents a performance improvement of 20- to 100-fold. Bringing latency down from 20ns to 2ns represents a 10-fold improvement. Around 10 times greater power efficiency, at 0.5 pJ/b (standard package) and 0.25 pJ/b (advanced package), is another plus. The key is shortening the interface distance whenever possible.

To optimize chiplet designs, the UCIe Consortium provides some suggestions:

  • Careful planning consideration of architectural cut-lines (i.e. chiplet boundaries), optimizing for power, latency, silicon area, and IP reuse. For example, customizing one chiplet that needs a leading-edge process node while re-using other chiplets on older nodes may impact cost and time.
  • Thermal and mechanical packaging constraints need to be planned out for package thermal envelopes, hot spots, chiplet placements and I/O routing and breakouts.
  • Process nodes need to be carefully selected, particularly in the context of the associated power delivery scheme.
  • Test strategy for chiplets and packaged/assembled parts need to be developed up front to ensure silicon issues are caught at the chiplet-level testing phase rather than after they are assembled into a package.

The idea of standardizing die-to-die interfaces is catching on quickly but the path to get there will take time, effort, and a lot of collaboration among companies that rarely talk with each other. Building a vehicle takes one determine carmaker. Building a vehicle with chiplets requires an entire ecosystem that includes the developers, foundries, OSATs, and material and equipment suppliers to work together.

Automotive OEMs are experts at putting systems together and at finding innovative ways to cut costs. But it remains to seen how quickly and effectively they can build and leverage an ecosystem of interoperable chiplets to shrink design cycles, improve customization, and adapt to a world in which the leading edge technology may be outdated by the time it is fully designed, tested, and available to consumers.

— Ann Mutschler contributed to this report.

Related Reading
Automotive Relationships Shifting With Chiplets
As the automotive ecosystem balances the best approaches for designing in increasingly advanced features, how companies interact is still evolving.

The post Why Chiplets Are So Critical In Automotive appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Latency, Interconnects, And PokerEd Sperling
    Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Larry Pileggi, Coraluppi Head and Tanoto Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and the winner of this year’s Phil Kaufman Award for Pioneering Contributions. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: When did you first get started working in semiconductors — and particularly, EDA? Pileggi: This was 1984 at Westinghouse research. We were making ASICs — analog and digital — and with digital you had logic si

Latency, Interconnects, And Poker

20. Únor 2024 v 09:09

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Larry Pileggi, Coraluppi Head and Tanoto Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and the winner of this year’s Phil Kaufman Award for Pioneering Contributions. What follows are excerpts of that conversation.

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Larry Pileggi, Coraluppi Head and Tanoto Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and the winner of this year's Phil Kaufman Award for Pioneering Contributions. What follows are excerpts of that conversation.SE: When did you first get started working in semiconductors — and particularly, EDA?

Pileggi: This was 1984 at Westinghouse research. We were making ASICs — analog and digital — and with digital you had logic simulators. But for analog, there was no way to simulate them at Westinghouse. They didn’t even have SPICE loaded onto the machine. So I got a copy of SPICE from Berkeley and loaded that tape, and I was the first to use it in the research center. I saw how limited it was and thought, ‘There must be more mature things than this.’ While I was working there, I was taking a class with Andrzej Strojwas at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University). He came up to me after a few weeks in that class and said, ‘I really think you should come back to school for a PhD.’ I had never considered it up until that point. But getting paid to go to school? That was cool, so I signed up.

SE: Circuit simulation in analog is largely brute force, right?

Pileggi: The tools that are out there are really good. There are many SPICEs out there, and they all have their niches that can do really great things. But it’s not something you can easily scale. That’s really been a challenge. There’s brute force in the innermost loop, but you can accelerate it with hardware.

SE: What was the ‘aha’ moment for you with regard to dealing with latency of interconnect as interconnect continued to scale?

Pileggi: There was some interest in looking at RC networks that appeared on chips as sort of a special class of problem. Paul Penfield and others at MIT did this Elmore approximation of RC lines using the first moment of the impulse response. It’s from a 1930s Elmore paper about estimating the delay of amplifiers. Mark Horowitz, a student of Penfield, tried to extend that to a few moments. What we did was more of a generalized approach, using many moments and building high-order approximations that you could apply to these RC lines. So you’re really using this to calculate that the dominant time constants, or the dominant poles, in the network. And for RC circuits, what’s really interesting is that the bigger the network gets, the more dominant the poles get. So you could have a million nodes out there — and it’s a million capacitors and a million poles — but for an RC line, three of them will model it really well. That makes things really efficient, providing you can capture those three efficiently. I was naive, not knowing that French mathematicians like [Henri] Pade already had attempted Pade approximations long before. I dove in like, ‘Oh, this should work.’ And I ran into a lot of the realities for why it doesn’t work. But then I was able to apply some of the circuit know-how to squeeze it into a place where it worked very effectively.

SE: A lot of that early work was around radio signals. But as you move that into the computing world, what else can you do with that? And if you now don’t have to put everything onto a single chip, does that change things?

Pileggi: Let’s take the power distribution for an IC, for example. That’s primarily dominated on the chip by RC phenomenon. The resistance far dominates the jωL impedance — the inductance. But as you move to a package, that’s different. If you put different chips together, whether you stack them or you put them on an interposer, inductance starts to rear its ugly head. Inductance is extraordinarily nasty to model and simulate. The problem is that when you when you look at capacitances, that’s a that’s a potential matrix where you take the nearest couplings, and say, ‘Okay, I have enough of this capacitance to say this is going to dominate the behavior.’ You’re essentially throwing away what you don’t need. With inductance, there’s a one-over relationship as compared to capacitance. Now, if you want the dominant inductance effect, that’s not so easy to get. If you have mutual couplings from everything to everything else, and if you say I’m going to throw away the couplings to faraway things, that’s a seemingly reasonable thing to do from an accuracy standpoint, but it affects the stability of the approximation. Essentially it can violate conservation of flux, such that you get positive poles. So you can actually create unstable systems by just throwing away small inductance terms. Usually when you see someone calculating inductance, it’s really just an estimate — or they’ve done some things to crunch it into a stable model.

SE: Is that simulation based on the 80/20 rule, or 90/10?

Pileggi: Even for the packages we had before we started doing the multi-chip stuff, power distribution was RC, but when you flip it into a package with many layers of metal, it’s LC. We had the same problem for the past 20 years, but what happens has been managed by good engineers. They apply very conservative methods to make sure the chips will work.

SE: So now, when you pile that into advanced nodes and packages and eliminate all that margin, you’ve got serious challenges, right?

Pileggi: Yes, and that’s why it was a good time for me to switch to electric power grids.

SE: Power grids for our communities have their own set of problems, though, like localization and mixing direct and alternating current, and a bunch of inverters.

Pileggi: It’s a fascinating problem. When I first stepped into it, a student of mine started telling me about how they did simulation. I said, ‘Wow, that doesn’t make any sense.’ I naively thought it was just like a big circuit, but it’s much more than that. It’s a very cool problem to work on. We’ve developed a lot of really exciting technology for that problem. With inverters, there’s a whole control loop. There isn’t the inertia that you have with big rotating machines that are fed by coal. But you have all these components on the same grid. How the grid behaves dynamically is a daunting problem.

SE: Does that also vary by weather? You’ve got wide variations in ambient temperature and all sorts of noise to contend with.

Pileggi: Yes, absolutely. In fact, how the lines behave is very much a function of temperature. That affects how resistant the transmission lines are. Frequency is very low, but the lengths are very long, so you have similar problems, but even more so with renewables. There’s sun, then a cloud, then sun. Or the wind changes direction. How do you store energy for use later? That’s where they talk about heavy batteries in the ground and things like that. Doing this with an old grid, like the one we have, is challenging. I’d much rather be starting from scratch.

SE: When you got started in electronics, was it largely the domain of some very big companies with very big research budgets?

Pileggi: Yes, and this is where you saw where management really makes a difference. Some of those companies, like Westinghouse Research, had these incredible R&D facilities, but they didn’t utilize them effectively, like all the gallium arsenide research where I was working. It seemed that every time we would develop something to improve something, the management didn’t always know what to do with it. I worked with some of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and they had worked on projects like the first camera in space, but they were living in obscurity. Nobody knew anything about their work, but it was just amazing.

SE: One other math-related question. You apparently have a reputation for being a very strong poker player. How did these two worlds collide?

Pileggi: I was in Las Vegas for a DARPA meeting and I had an afternoon off and there was a Texas Hold’em poker tournament going on. I thought it would be kind of fun, so I played four or five hours, got knocked out, and it cost me 100 bucks. I was intrigued by it, though. I went back to Pittsburgh and found our local casino had started a poker room with tournaments. I started getting better, probably because I read like 30 books on the subject. The more you play, the more you realize there are lots of layers to this. I ultimately played in the World Series in Vegas, because it’s like a bucket-list thing, and that first time I made it to day two of the main event. That’s equivalent to finishing in the top 40% of the field. When I was back in Pittsburgh, there was a ‘Poker Night in America’ event at the casino. There were about 300 people and some pros. I played in that, and won first place. That was a Saturday around Thanksgiving in 2013. We played from noon until just after midnight, and then you start again on Sunday. We played until maybe 5 a.m.

SE: That must have taken a toll.

Pileggi: Yes, because I was chairing the search for new department heads. I had a Monday morning meeting scheduled that I couldn’t miss, so I e-mailed everyone to say I would be an hour late and asked if they could push back the meeting. I went home and ate something, slept for an hour, and went to campus to do the final vote. They asked, what happened? I said I was in a poker tournament. They thought I was joking. But then they saw me on TV. All the local news stations covered it like, ‘Local professor skips school.’ I got a call from someone I hadn’t talked to in 34 years. My dean said his son thought engineering was stupid. But then he found out than this engineer won this poker tournament, and now he thinks engineering is really cool.’

SE: How did that affect your engineering classes?

Pileggi: I introduced myself to a group of students here two years ago when I became the department head and asked if they had any questions. One young lady raised her hand and said, ‘Yeah, can you teach us how to play poker?’ So now I do a poker training session with students once a semester.

The post Latency, Interconnects, And Poker appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Research Bits: Feb. 19Jesse Allen
    DNA assembly of 3D nanomaterials Scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Columbia University, and Stony Brook University developed a method that uses DNA to instruct molecules to organize themselves into targeted 3D patterns and produce a wide variety of designed metallic and semiconductor 3D nanostructures. “We have been using DNA to program nanoscale materials for more than a decade,” said corresponding author Oleg Gang, a professor of chemical engineering and of applied physics and ma

Research Bits: Feb. 19

19. Únor 2024 v 09:01

DNA assembly of 3D nanomaterials

Scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Columbia University, and Stony Brook University developed a method that uses DNA to instruct molecules to organize themselves into targeted 3D patterns and produce a wide variety of designed metallic and semiconductor 3D nanostructures.

“We have been using DNA to program nanoscale materials for more than a decade,” said corresponding author Oleg Gang, a professor of chemical engineering and of applied physics and materials science at Columbia Engineering, in a release. “Now, by building on previous achievements, we have developed a method for converting these DNA-based structures into many types of functional inorganic 3D nano-architectures, and this opens tremendous opportunities for 3D nanoscale manufacturing.”

Researchers program strands of DNA to “direct” the self-assembly process towards molecular arrangements that give rise to properties such as electrical conductivity, photosensitivity, and magnetism, which can then be scaled up to functional materials.

The team used the method to grow silica on a DNA lattice, which helped to create a robust structure. They then used vapor-phase infiltration and liquid-phase infiltration, which bonds a precursor chemical in vapor or liquid form to a nanoscale lattice, to produce a variety of 3D metallic structures.

Scientists used a new, universal method to create a variety of 3D metallic and semiconductor nanostructures, including this structure revealed by an electron microscope. The scale bar represents one micrometer. The superimposed graphics convey that the researchers combined multiple techniques to layer silicon dioxide, then alumina-doped zinc oxide, and finally platinum on top of a DNA “scaffolding.” This complex structure represents new possibilities for advanced manufacturing at small scales. (Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory)

“Stacking these techniques showed much more depth of control than has ever been accomplished before,” said Aaron Michelson, a postdoctoral researcher at Brookhaven’s Center for Functional Nanomaterials, in a release. “Whatever vapors are available as precursors for vapor-phase infiltration can be coupled with various metal salts compatible with liquid-phase infiltration to create more complex structures. For example, we were able to combine platinum, aluminum, and zinc on top of one nanostructure.”

They were also able to add on semiconducting metal oxides, such as zinc oxide, to an insulating nanostructure, providing it with electrical conductivity and photoluminescent properties. [1]

Mott insulator transistor

Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Brookhaven National Laboratory, University of the Basque Country, and NYU Shanghai propose a way to make transistors out of Mott insulators.

The researchers were able to direct the Mott transition from insulator to metal and back again by topping a Mott insulator with a gate insulator made of a ferroelectric material and using a voltage to flip the ferroelectric material’s polarization. A third layer beneath the Mott channel that allows charges to migrate from the Mott down to it improved control over the insulator-metal transition with an on-off ratio of 385.

Additionally, the researchers claim that the Mott-ferroelectric pairing is more energy-efficient than other non-volatile but magnetism-based memory, including MRAM.

“We can have very high-performance devices, retaining many manufacturing processes of conventional semiconductors and overcoming some fundamental limitations of them,” said Xia Hong, professor of physics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in a release. “I think it’s ready. It’s really competitive with other non-volatile memory technologies.” [2]

Faster wireless data speeds

Researchers from Osaka University and IMRA America suggest a way to increase wireless data transmission speeds by reducing the noise in the system using lasers.

Future 6G transmitters and receivers are expected to use the sub-terahertz band, which extends from 100 GHz to 300 GHz, using an approach called “multi-level signal modulation” to further increase the data transmission rate. However, this approach is highly sensitive to noise at the upper end of the frequency range.

“This problem has limited 300-GHz communications so far,” said Keisuke Maekawa of Osaka University in a statement. “However, we found that at high frequencies, a signal generator based on a photonic device had much less phase noise than a conventional electrical signal generator.”

The team used a stimulated Brillouin scattering laser, which employs interactions between sound and light waves, to generate a precise signal. They then set up a 300 GHz-band wireless communication system that employs the laser-based signal generator in both the transmitter and receiver. The system also used on-line digital signal processing (DSP) to demodulate the signals in the receiver and increase the data rate.

“Our team achieved a single-channel transmission rate of 240 gigabits per second,” said Tadao Nagatsuma, a professor at Osaka University, in a release. “This is the highest transmission rate obtained so far in the world using on-line DSP.” The researchers expect that with multiplexing techniques and more sensitive receivers, the data rate can be increased to 1 terabit per second. [3]


[1] Aaron Michelson et al., Three-dimensional nanoscale metal, metal oxide, and semiconductor frameworks through DNA-programmable assembly and templating. Sci. Adv. 10, eadl0604 (2024).

[2] Hao, Y., Chen, X., Zhang, L. et al. Record high room temperature resistance switching in ferroelectric-gated Mott transistors unlocked by interfacial charge engineering. Nat Commun 14, 8247 (2023).

[3] Keisuke Maekawa, Tomoya Nakashita, Toki Yoshioka, Takashi Hori, Antoine Rolland, Tadao Nagatsuma, Single-channel 240-Gbit/s sub-THz wireless communications using ultra-low phase noise receiver, IEICE Electronics Express, Article ID 20.20230584, Advance online publication December 25, 2023, Online ISSN 1349-2543,

The post Research Bits: Feb. 19 appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.
