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  • ✇CGMagazine
  • Jackbox Naughty Pack Preview: The Game Goes “Rated-M”Joe Findlay
    Jackbox is back with the new Jackbox Naughty Pack. Jackbox has long been a go-to party game for anyone looking for a good laugh. Their games are interactive, thus letting the players fill out the provided material, which means that you can play the game over and over again with many different results. This is also true of the group that is playing. A combination of adults and kids produces a much different game than an adults-only game, and this is who Jackbox is playing to with their latest pa

Jackbox Naughty Pack Preview: The Game Goes “Rated-M”

21. Srpen 2024 v 18:00
Jackbox Naughty Pack Preview: The Game Goes “Rated-M”

Jackbox is back with the new Jackbox Naughty Pack. Jackbox has long been a go-to party game for anyone looking for a good laugh. Their games are interactive, thus letting the players fill out the provided material, which means that you can play the game over and over again with many different results. This is also true of the group that is playing. A combination of adults and kids produces a much different game than an adults-only game, and this is who Jackbox is playing to with their latest pack, the Jackbox Naughty Pack.

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is the company’s first pack directed solely to adults and has an M rating. The games themselves, despite having slightly different names geared towards the tone of the pack, are games that exist within the Jackbox universe already. The difference lies with the questions and prompts that move the game along. According to Creative Director and Product Manager at Jackbox Games Brooke Breit, “The tone of the questions inform the level of spicy answers.” Of the impact that the mature content has on the game, Breit added, “The tone feels very Jackbox. It is our voice but for a more mature-related game.”

Jackbox Naughty Pack Preview: The Game Goes “Rated-M”

One obvious question was raised during our preview event with Jackbox Games, “Isn’t any Jackbox game a mature game depending on the people playing it?” The CEO at Jackbox Games, Mike Bilder, sort of agreed, saying, “If you’ve played a game of Drawful without any kids around, it can get pretty blue. This is just us leaning into that.” He reiterated Breit’s comments on the questions and prompts, leading you into that tone of gameplay.

There are three games in the Jackbox Naughty Pack:

  • Fakin’ It All Night Long, a game where one person (The Faker) is answering different questions than the rest of the players and needs to justify why their answer works for their question.
  • Dirty Drawful, which is Jackbox’s Drawful, but dirty. You are given a prompt and your goal is to correctly guess other people’s prompts based on their drawing and ensure people vote for yours when your drawing comes up.
  • Let Me Finish, which tests your skills as a talker when the game asks the tough questions, like “Where is the Mailbox’s butt?” You circle where you think it is and justify your choice to the other players. The winner of each round is the one with the most votes.
Jackbox Naughty Pack Preview: The Game Goes “Rated-M”

With games working with this subject matter, Jackbox Games wanted to be sure that their own staff assigned to the game was comfortable working with that material. “We made sure folks who were working on the title were comfortable working on the title,” said Bilder, who also noted that the sensitivity level of the work varied over different areas of the game’s development.

We had the opportunity to play a couple of sample rounds of the games during the preview and the same fun of your everyday Jackbox game is there with questions that sometimes make you say, “Wow, they went there?”

The Jackbox Naughty Pack releases on September 12 on Steam via the Jackbox Picker, Xbox, Playstation and the Nintendo Switch. Expect a full review to come in a few weeks, but prepare for a game that may give your dirty mind a run for its money.

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Sora and Roxas: Hearts DividedFinding God in Video Games
    Sora and Roxas exist in a unique duality in the Kingdom Hearts series… two distinct beings originally connected by a single heart and seeking control of their own destiny. As the “Nobody” that was created when Sora briefly became a Heartless, Roxas simply wanted to live his own life in his own way… but his will was at odds with the destiny Sora possessed. It was only when Roxas chose to yield his body and be absorbed into Sora’s purpose that he finally found what he was looking for… a life and m

Sora and Roxas: Hearts Divided

Sora and Roxas exist in a unique duality in the Kingdom Hearts series… two distinct beings originally connected by a single heart and seeking control of their own destiny. As the “Nobody” that was created when Sora briefly became a Heartless, Roxas simply wanted to live his own life in his own way… but his will was at odds with the destiny Sora possessed. It was only when Roxas chose to yield his body and be absorbed into Sora’s purpose that he finally found what he was looking for… a life and meaning beyond simply existing.

Much like the struggle between Sora and Roxas, we will all find a war within us each day for control of our thoughts and actions, and this duality can make us feel like competing minds in one body trying to live two different lives. Fighting a war from within may seem impossible to win, and without the power of Christ it is a battle we are doomed to lose. But when we willingly submit our minds and bodies to the will of Christ in these times of conflict, a solution can be found… only by bending our knee to His Spirit and denying our desires do we become who we were truly meant to be.

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? James 4:1

I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:21-25

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  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Axel: From Heartless to HeroFinding God in Video Games
    Axel might’ve began his journey on the villains side in the Kingdom Hearts series, but he is the poster child for starting wrong yet still finishing strong. Despite serving Organization XIII and antagonizing Sora and his party for much of the series, he experienced a change of heart (which is hard to do when you are a Heartless) and chose to serve as an ally to those he once persecuted going forward. While his past left much to be desired, he was meant to wield a Keyblade of his own all along… a

Axel: From Heartless to Hero

Axel might’ve began his journey on the villains side in the Kingdom Hearts series, but he is the poster child for starting wrong yet still finishing strong. Despite serving Organization XIII and antagonizing Sora and his party for much of the series, he experienced a change of heart (which is hard to do when you are a Heartless) and chose to serve as an ally to those he once persecuted going forward. While his past left much to be desired, he was meant to wield a Keyblade of his own all along… and Axel’s redemptive journey gives hope to all who have “lost heart” due to the sins of their past.

If you are anything like me, it can be difficult to forget our “unworthy” past and serve the Lord in the presence of those who knew what we once were… but our redemption is meant to give hope to those who share a challenging backstory like ours and are searching for more than just forgiveness and absolution. We aren’t meant to simply embrace His grace and sit on the sidelines… we were given a fresh start as well as a Keyblade of our own so we can push back against the same darkness that once oppressed us and set our fellow Heartless free.

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:13-14

And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight. Colossians 1:21-22

“There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.” Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” Luke 7:41-43, 47

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  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Hey, LISTEN!Finding God in Video Games
    In most of my favorite video games I find that the famous “less is more” adage typically applies… I appreciate when a game sticks to what it does best and avoids the temptation to artificially pad the length of the game with broken mini-games or pointless fluff.  While side quests that add to the lore of the world are fun, excessive filler content or meaningless “follow this guy” missions only water down an otherwise excellent gaming experience… and may even dilute the story so much that a fanta


In most of my favorite video games I find that the famous “less is more” adage typically applies… I appreciate when a game sticks to what it does best and avoids the temptation to artificially pad the length of the game with broken mini-games or pointless fluff.  While side quests that add to the lore of the world are fun, excessive filler content or meaningless “follow this guy” missions only water down an otherwise excellent gaming experience… and may even dilute the story so much that a fantastic game is completely unenjoyable.

In our real world we often find “less is more” as well… each and every word we speak or write carries resonance far beyond what we may have intended, and even a well-meaning point of view can be diminished by the unintended context of the words that surround it.  The words we speak are powerful, and when we exhibit self-control over our written and spoken words we can deliver a message from the Lord with His love, grace, and clarity.  If we struggle with “opening our mouth and inserting our feet”, remember that short and sweet ensures His words are heard clear and complete.

In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:17-18

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Disrupting the Peace?Finding God in Video Games
    Over the years I have developed a very consistent and methodical approach to my multiplayer games… I use the same load outs, I rush in the same predetermined order towards specific capture points, and I try to force my opponent to play to my strengths.  If you want to defeat me, the answer is simple… disrupt my game plan.  As long as I get to stick to my “script”, the odds are pretty good that my team and I will stand victorious at the end of the match.  If my teammates or my opposition throw me

Disrupting the Peace?

Over the years I have developed a very consistent and methodical approach to my multiplayer games… I use the same load outs, I rush in the same predetermined order towards specific capture points, and I try to force my opponent to play to my strengths.  If you want to defeat me, the answer is simple… disrupt my game plan.  As long as I get to stick to my “script”, the odds are pretty good that my team and I will stand victorious at the end of the match.  If my teammates or my opposition throw me off of my “routine”, my comfort zone implodes… and my defeat is much more likely.

We all have routines in life that provide us with a sense of peace and comfort, and our enemy knows those preferences and has plans each day to disrupt them and destroy our peace.  If maintaining our peace requires life to adhere to a perfectly choreographed rhythm, the truth is we won’t have many peaceful days.  Only a peace that comes from faith in Christ and His control over our drama will keep us calm when things go sideways.  Let’s expect that things may go differently than the plan today… and trust that the Lord is with us through it all.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3:16

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Counting the Cost, Carrying Our CrossFinding God in Video Games
    Launching a new console is neither easy nor cheap, and in order to remain relevant in the “console wars” a continuing price has to be paid… a price that Microsoft learned the hard way. But while hardware developers like Sega and Google were unwilling to pay the ongoing price and watched their dreams crumble as a result, Xbox doubled-down and continued to invest deeply in their commitment to the home console market every year… because while each iteration of their hardware has sold at a net loss,

Counting the Cost, Carrying Our Cross

Launching a new console is neither easy nor cheap, and in order to remain relevant in the “console wars” a continuing price has to be paid… a price that Microsoft learned the hard way. But while hardware developers like Sega and Google were unwilling to pay the ongoing price and watched their dreams crumble as a result, Xbox doubled-down and continued to invest deeply in their commitment to the home console market every year… because while each iteration of their hardware has sold at a net loss, the only path to the treasure they are seeking is to see the road through to the end.

The act of “taking up our cross” involves more than a one-time event of accepting Christ and His grace… it is an ongoing, self-sacrificial journey that will continue for the rest of our lives. Each step we take as we carry our cross will compel us to shed the layers of selfishness that once defined us, and it is a process that is guaranteed to be uncomfortable… crosses are costly, not cozy. But it is in our choice to carry a cross that we’d rather not carry that shows we’re actually following in His footsteps… and that is where the true treasure is finally found.

Whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it – lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:27-30, 33

And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:41-42

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Xbox Live Parties: A Friend for Every SeasonFinding God in Video Games
    One of the best features Xbox added before their competitors did was the ability to join an Xbox Live “party” with your friends and bounce from one game to another without ever leaving the group. But while this was an incredibly convenient feature to keep players together, the truth is not every player was able or willing to move forward with the party to the next game. Maybe it wasn’t a game they owned or wanted to play, or perhaps while some moved on to play Call of Duty, others preferred to c

Xbox Live Parties: A Friend for Every Season

One of the best features Xbox added before their competitors did was the ability to join an Xbox Live “party” with your friends and bounce from one game to another without ever leaving the group. But while this was an incredibly convenient feature to keep players together, the truth is not every player was able or willing to move forward with the party to the next game. Maybe it wasn’t a game they owned or wanted to play, or perhaps while some moved on to play Call of Duty, others preferred to continue running raids on Destiny. It didn’t mean we were no longer friends… it just meant this was the place where our paths diverged because not every teammate was meant to join us on the next part of our adventures.

Christ had 72 who served as ministers for Him, 12 who followed Him closely as disciples, and 3 who He trusted to accompany Him in His garden of prayer… because each was meant to join Him for different parts of His journey. Not every friend is meant to take the next step in our story with us, but let’s not become bitter of disappointed when these times come. Their destiny just lies on a different path than ours 🙂

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4-5

And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” And he departed and began to proclaim in Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him; and all marveled. Mark 5:18-20

As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.” And He permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James. Mark 5:36-37 

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • “The Duke”: Making the Light Accessible to AllFinding God in Video Games
    As most new consoles typically do, the original Xbox console launched with an entirely new design for their controller that was… well, let’s just say it was unique. The “Duke”, as it was affectionately nicknamed, was nearly THREE times the size of Sony’s PlayStation controller, making it incredibly bulky and difficult to use for gamers with smaller hands. While this over-sized controller certainly had its’ fans (and still does), it wasn’t a fit for every gamer’s hands, forcing Microsoft to pivot

“The Duke”: Making the Light Accessible to All

As most new consoles typically do, the original Xbox console launched with an entirely new design for their controller that was… well, let’s just say it was unique. The “Duke”, as it was affectionately nicknamed, was nearly THREE times the size of Sony’s PlayStation controller, making it incredibly bulky and difficult to use for gamers with smaller hands. While this over-sized controller certainly had its’ fans (and still does), it wasn’t a fit for every gamer’s hands, forcing Microsoft to pivot to the smaller and more universally accessible “Controller S”. The best games in the world still wouldn’t bring new players to their platform until they made a controller that every player could hold.

In His time here on earth, Christ routinely broke down complicated spiritual concepts by using parables to make His messages accessible to all who were seeking truth, and He’s called us to do the same. As the ambassadors of Christ on earth, we are called to submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s leading and share His truth in a manner that fits the learning needs of others, not our personal preferences. Let’s be the light that makes finding Him easier for others today.

For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Minecraft and Sharing the FieldFinding God in Video Games
    When Microsoft purchased Mojang, the studio responsible for Minecraft, fans were worried this would mean that this incredibly popular series would become an Xbox exclusive going forward. But Microsoft didn’t purchase this franchise to remove its’ access from other consoles… instead, they saw the value in continuing to support the growth of Minecraft on every platform available, including those they are technically “competing” against. Their goal wasn’t just to grow their Xbox brand… they wanted

Minecraft and Sharing the Field

When Microsoft purchased Mojang, the studio responsible for Minecraft, fans were worried this would mean that this incredibly popular series would become an Xbox exclusive going forward. But Microsoft didn’t purchase this franchise to remove its’ access from other consoles… instead, they saw the value in continuing to support the growth of Minecraft on every platform available, including those they are technically “competing” against. Their goal wasn’t just to grow their Xbox brand… they wanted Minecraft to be successful no matter where or how someone chose to play it.

We are each called to unique ministries and services to the Lord, but we’re all on the same side regardless of our “platform”… to shine the light of Christ in the darkness. Some may be called to positions that offer a larger audience with millions of views and thousands of “likes”, while others of us will quietly plant seeds in places that offer little recognition on this side of eternity… but we’re all working in the same field, just in different positions. Whether we plant or water, let’s serve with joy and support each other as we mine this field together.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Ephesians 4:4-6

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • GamePass Day One: Giving the Best or Just the Rest?Finding God in Video Games
    Microsoft made several expensive investments into the future with their GamePass service, but giving away their newest games such as Halo Infinite and Starfield on their launch days represents one of the most costly offerings they could make. While Sony waits to place their first-party titles on their PS Plus service for a time that is more convenient to them (and when the games are less relevant), Xbox demonstrates that they are fully invested in by giving every GamePass member the very best ga

GamePass Day One: Giving the Best or Just the Rest?

Microsoft made several expensive investments into the future with their GamePass service, but giving away their newest games such as Halo Infinite and Starfield on their launch days represents one of the most costly offerings they could make. While Sony waits to place their first-party titles on their PS Plus service for a time that is more convenient to them (and when the games are less relevant), Xbox demonstrates that they are fully invested in by giving every GamePass member the very best games that they possess on “Day One”.

Each day we will be brought into positions to give the Lord the best of our time, energy, and capabilities for the growth of His kingdom, and this honor will rarely come at a moment that we prefer or consider convenient. Following Christ will always come at a cost, and delaying in our obedience is the most expensive choice we can make. In our actions today, are we truly giving Him the best of what we possess or just the rest of what feel we can afford? It is in the price we are willing to pay to obey Him that our love and devotion is demonstrated… let’s give Him the best of ourselves in all we do today.

Then the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing.” 2 Samuel 24:24a

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24

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  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Co-op Misadventures: An Unappreciated “Hero”?Finding God in Video Games
    Anyone who has played a cooperative game has most likely experienced this… a teammate swooping in to “save” us, only to inadvertently cause our demise.  I have attempted playing “the hero” on many occasions, only to have the completely undesired opposite impact.  Even though my heart was in the right place, when my good intentions aren’t aligned with their willingness to receive my help, the only result is frustration and disappointment for all sides.  Our desire to help our teammate must be mat

Co-op Misadventures: An Unappreciated “Hero”?

Anyone who has played a cooperative game has most likely experienced this… a teammate swooping in to “save” us, only to inadvertently cause our demise.  I have attempted playing “the hero” on many occasions, only to have the completely undesired opposite impact.  Even though my heart was in the right place, when my good intentions aren’t aligned with their willingness to receive my help, the only result is frustration and disappointment for all sides.  Our desire to help our teammate must be matched with their willingness to receive it. 

It can be very discouraging when our good intentions and well-meaning actions are misunderstood or rejected by those closest to us… but we can be encouraged knowing that we are experiencing the same reaction Christ Himself received.  Let’s not take it personally if those we love the most are the least receptive to our mission… even Christ’s family didn’t accept or appreciate His. The battleground we were given may result in reaching someone else’s family, and that person may be the one to reach ours… and we will work together in harmony to reach all of them for the Lord!

“Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.” Mark 6:3-4

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25Bryan Finck
    We're back with another issue of Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, and this one marks the quarter-century point! We've gone monthly with this format, giving our writers the time to truly sink into the games they're playing. True to form, they've been toiling away at a wildly eclectic and diverse set of games, and they're dying to tell you about them! Enjoy this week's entries and we'll see you back here soon with more recommendations and odes to the games we love!Charlotte HustonI finished a replay of P

Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25

20. Srpen 2024 v 17:00
Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25

We're back with another issue of Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, and this one marks the quarter-century point! We've gone monthly with this format, giving our writers the time to truly sink into the games they're playing. True to form, they've been toiling away at a wildly eclectic and diverse set of games, and they're dying to tell you about them! Enjoy this week's entries and we'll see you back here soon with more recommendations and odes to the games we love!

Charlotte Huston

I finished a replay of Portal 2 the other day and I was impressed at how well it still holds up; it's the pinnacle of the puzzle genre to me. The way it respects your time, and keeps you engaged is genius, since it gives the player a reason to want to complete all the puzzles in their way.

The main thing I've been playing is Disco Elysium. I'm not the biggest CRPG person, but Disco Elysium presents itself in such a way that I've been thoroughly enjoying it. It somehow manages to be utterly engaging almost immediately. I really couldn't bring myself to look away from it, and I was utterly enthralled by its writing and atmosphere. I do think getting into the world-building is a tad hard to wrap your head around since this is a fictional town with fictional countries and history. I've had an issue trying to establish that in my head from what the game gives you.

Beyond that, I've thoroughly enjoyed what I've played of Disco Elysium so far. I'd highly recommend playing it but without any prior knowledge. This feels like something you just need to play and experience for yourself. It feels like a visual novel a lot of the time despite being a CRPG, especially since the dice rolls don't feel intrusive. Sometimes you'll have to fail a dice roll in order to figure out what to do next, and I think that just shows how good the game is at putting the player in their world right away while making sure they feel comfortable and not overwhelmed at all. I can't wait to play more of it.

I also intend to play Star Wars: Bounty Hunter's re-release after a friend gifted it as a birthday present, really looking forward to that as well.

Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25
Source: Press Kit.

C.S. Voll

I finished 428: Shibuya Scramble's main story and most of its side routes, bonus stories, and bad endings. It's easy to see why Famitsu gave the game a 40/40 review score back in the day; it convinces you to care about all the characters, including the ones that are initially quite irritating, too. The team accomplished that largely through still photos and text; quite the accomplishment. It really goes to show that, no matter how you tell it, a good story can elevate an experience. It must have been a mammoth effort to fill out all those branching storylines on a board (my playing time clocked in at over 30 hours, and I didn't even complete everything).

Now onto another visual novel: Steins;Gate. I first encountered Okabe's story through the anime, when I was much younger. Back then, I was about the same age as the protagonist, and I admired his frenetic, mad scientist energy. Now, playing the game with a couple of years of added life experience, I kind of feel sad when I watch him act out his delusions at the start. It's interesting how the passage of time can change one's perception of a complicated character. It's still a special, if somewhat melancholic experience to revisit this story in a different form, though. When I started up the game for the first time, the distinctive notes of the theme song played, and I had to sit back and soak it all in for a moment. This is going to be quite a ride.

Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25
Abiotic Factor. Source: IGDB.

Taylor Levesque

If 7 Days to Die and Half-Life had a baby, it’d be Abiotic Factor. Recently my husband and I have been trying this game out, and we are absolutely loving it! It’s an Early-Access game that’s still in the works, and the Deep Field Games team is actively looking for feedback to improve it. I’ve already gone and convinced a few family members to get it because I was already having so much fun.

As you may have guessed by my description – or from what you've maybe even seen in screenshots or videos – this game is survival-by-crafting. You’re a scientist (or group of scientists) trapped in a research facility, aliens are on the loose, and you’ll need to use everything at your disposal to craft your way to survival. Cook up some dead aliens to keep from starving, get enough sleep, find sources of clean water, and ensure you can find a toilet in time, all while destroying anything in sight that you think you can use to make your next big invention. It may sound simple, but good gods, it is addictive.

Priya Sridhar

I started playing Princess Peach Showtime! and am having a blast. Part of me wants to make some of the cookies that she assembles and bakes in the Festival of Sweets. Also, I can dive into another world with my basic gaming skillset and receive a lot of forgiveness for failing to dodge or jump at the right time.

Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25
KinitoPET. Source: IGDB.

Ignas Vieversys

Besides continuously getting my ass handed to me by the creatures of The Realm of Shadow - special shoutout goes to Bayle The Dread, the Brobdingnagian proto dragon, the ugly sibling of Deathwing with broken hitboxes, who made me change my entire gear and took around 40 attempts in total, but rewarded me with one of the most epic boss fights so far (Shadow of the Erdtree players don't miss out on this!) - this month I've been playing KinitoPET.

For those who don't watch Nexpo religiously, KinitoPET is a little horror game inspired by BonziBUDDY, the infamous desktop virtual assistant from the 90s (think Clippy but more sinister and hairy). The game can be finished in an hour or two (there are multiple endings, as per the tradition of other fantastic fourth-wall-breakers like Pony Island and IMSCARED), but the tricks that KinitoPET pulls off in that short time - like turning on your webcam and opening the command prompt - do make you uneasy in the best possible way, especially if you're playing this alone in the dark (my salute to those daredevils). One piece of advice: go into this experience blind. Don't watch any walkthroughs, nor read any reviews - just download KinitoPET, have a glass of holy water by your side (just in case), and start the game.

If you love the cheap thrills of obscure horror games as much as I do, this one will blow your socks off. The most insane part is that KinitoPET was created by a high school student with no prior coding or interactive design experience if we were to believe that one Reddit interview. As a person who went through a game design course myself, to see people work full time on much lesser projects with additional help from experienced developers, I'm both in awe of the young lad and frankly, a bit scared. If he was able to make some players believe that KinitoPET is an actual virus as a first-time developer, who knows what thrilling horrors await us in the future?

Now Playing at SUPERJUMP, Issue 25

Bryan Finck

Having polished off Dave the Diver not long after the last "Now Playing..." was published, I immediately jumped to another highly acclaimed title in my backlog - Tunic. I'd heard great things about the game while it was still an Xbox console-exclusive title, and I've been dying to get to it ever since it came to PS Plus. I'm happy to say it didn't disappoint, and I quite enjoyed getting one of several endings to the game's story. Though I found the game's main gimmick of playing rather blindly while you discover the instruction manual to be new and refreshing, it led to some WTF moments that seemed too cute by half. The minute-to-minute gameplay was almost always great though, and for me that is what matters most. I enjoyed my time with it and I can't ask more than that.

My most anticipated game of the year was EA Sports College Football '25. As a college football wonk and devotee of the games before their 11-year hiatus, I was beyond excited for the game to return. That said, I've barely played it because I was trying to finish Tunic, which I suppose is quite the recommendation for the diminutive fox and company. Now that I've had time to jump in though, the gridiron simulation is all I had hoped for and more. The on-field gameplay is a bit tougher than I remembered, which is appropriate, as defense can be a challenge even against "lesser" teams both in the game and in real life. Dynasty mode is where I'll spend most of my time, leading my beloved UCF Knights to an eventual College Football Playoff Championship with a side of world domination. Definitely pick it up if you're a fan of the sport.

Last but not least, the horrific reviews of the Borderlands film led me to jump back into Borderlands 2, which I started in 2020 and never finished. So now I'm (hopefully) about to face Handsome Jack for the final time, and I'm remembering why I loved (and occasionally hated) the game. Wave after wave of enemies can feel punishing to the extreme, but blasting them to bits is always mechanically pleasing. With death a mere blip with no real consequences, and each new weapon gives that sweet loot-filled hit of dopamine when you need it most. I wanted an FPS fix in the extreme and Gearbox's sequel hit the spot just right.

Be sure to tell us what you're playing in the comments and check back next month for more of what our team is getting into

House of Golf 2 brings wacky mini-golf to your couch on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

Od: Fin
17. Srpen 2024 v 15:54

Now available on Xbox, PlayStation and PC, House of Golf 2 is set within a sprawling house, and makes your golf ball very small indeed.

The post House of Golf 2 brings wacky mini-golf to your couch on Xbox, PlayStation and PC appeared first on TheXboxHub.

  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • AMD signs $4.9 billion deal to challenge Nvidia’s AI infrastructure leadFinancial Times
    Enlarge (credit: CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images) AMD has agreed to buy artificial intelligence infrastructure group ZT Systems in a $4.9 billion cash and stock transaction, extending a run of AI investments by the chip company as it seeks to challenge market-leader Nvidia. The California-based group said the acquisition would help accelerate the adoption of its Instinct line of AI data center chips, which compete with Nvidia’s popular graphics processing units (GPUs

AMD signs $4.9 billion deal to challenge Nvidia’s AI infrastructure lead

19. Srpen 2024 v 22:32
Visitors walk past the AMD booth at the 2024 Mobile World Congress

Enlarge (credit: CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images)

AMD has agreed to buy artificial intelligence infrastructure group ZT Systems in a $4.9 billion cash and stock transaction, extending a run of AI investments by the chip company as it seeks to challenge market-leader Nvidia.

The California-based group said the acquisition would help accelerate the adoption of its Instinct line of AI data center chips, which compete with Nvidia’s popular graphics processing units (GPUs).

ZT Systems, a private company founded three decades ago, builds custom computing infrastructure for the biggest AI “hyperscalers.” While the company does not disclose its customers, the hyperscalers include the likes of Microsoft, Meta, and Amazon.

Read 15 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇CGMagazine
  • Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or Home OfficesJoe Findlay
    As far as I have seen, no company has released a complete line of products all at once, allowing you to be fully broadcast-capable on day one. Companies have taken products that they have made separately and sold them as a combo after the fact, but until now, there has been no effort to create a complete ecosystem in one launch. Elgato, a pioneer in all things for content creators, has done it again with the Elgato Neo series. What’s most interesting about this move, though, is that it is not o

Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or Home Offices

7. Srpen 2024 v 18:00
Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or a Home Office

As far as I have seen, no company has released a complete line of products all at once, allowing you to be fully broadcast-capable on day one. Companies have taken products that they have made separately and sold them as a combo after the fact, but until now, there has been no effort to create a complete ecosystem in one launch. Elgato, a pioneer in all things for content creators, has done it again with the Elgato Neo series. What’s most interesting about this move, though, is that it is not only a perfect starter set for any creator but also a total setup for a home office, and it is simple enough for either to use.

The Elgato Neo series is a collection of slightly scaled-back versions of some of the products that made them famous, including the Elgato Facecam Neo, Stream Deck Neo, Wave Neo, Key Light Neo and Game Capture Neo. All of the Neo products are designed to be one aesthetic that, for the most part, is prettier than their original versions. They are generally specced down, but that is not to say they are inferior products. Rather, they are no more than someone purchasing products at this level may need.

Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or a Home Office

The Elgato Facecam Neo has a more rounded design for the webcam than their Facecam Mk. 2 or Facecam Pro, both of which have sharper lines. It comes with a slightly smaller sensor than the Facecam Mk. 2 and a slightly smaller field of view at 77 degrees, but still offers a 1080p/60fps resolution at a price where most webcams wouldn’t offer more than 30fps. The Facecam Neo sports a privacy shutter for its lens and a 1/4“ mount to attach either to its provided mount or anything else with the correctly sized screw. Quality-wise, it’s perfectly serviceable, particularly if you are well-lit.

Elgato Facecam Neo – Full HD Webcam with Easy-Slide Privacy Shutter, Light Correction, for Video Calls, Streaming, Teams/Zoom/Slack/OBS/Twitch/YouTube, and more – USB-C/Plug & Play on PC/Laptop/Mac
  • True HD image with smoother motion: Capture more detail in ultra-sharp 1080p video while moving naturally with less motion blur in 60 fps
  • Seamless Plug-and-Play Functionality: Ready out of the box with no software setup required. Ultra versatile, it works on laptops, desktops, setups with extra monitors, and in the apps you love
$99.99 Amazon Prime
Buy on Amazon

Speaking of well-lit, that brings us to the Elgato Key Light Neo, a beautifully diffused and simple to use light with, unlike any other light Elgato offers, controls on the light itself which  are easy as pie. With buttons to turn the light on/off, change colour temperature and a dial to adjust brightness all on the front of the light for easy access.

“There are huge savings for a complete set, making the Elgato Neo line the best option for a complete beginner’s setup.”

Since it is a much smaller light than the original Elgato Key Light (or the Key Light Air, for that matter), having it too close to your face will be a little more spot-light-like than you want it to be. It is perfect as a head-on camera light to give you some nice, even lighting or as a fill light if you want to get into specific lighting design, but the Key Light Neo equals the excellence in quality that made its predecessors the standard among many setups.

Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or a Home Office

The product with the least similarity in look to its original is the Elgato Wave Neo, their latest microphone and the first USB microphone to be released by the company since 2020. The clean pill design is gorgeous, and its single LED light/capacitive mute button is a beautiful highlight. The condenser microphone has a bit depth of 24 bits and up to 96kHz sample rate. With its raised mic stand and ability to mount to a mic arm, you can get the mic as close to your face as your specific needs dictate.

Elgato Wave Neo – USB Condenser Microphone, Tap to Mute, for Gaming, Streaming, Meetings, Voice Recording on Teams/Zoom/OBS/Twitch/YouTube & more, Plug-’n-Play, Works on Laptop, PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone
  • Sound Pro: Minimize distortion often associated with built-in microphones or ear/headphone mics, ensuring clear and pristine audio quality
  • Seamless integration: Ready out of the box with plug ‘n play functionality, and ultra versatile compatibility with laptops, iPads, PS5, iPhones, and more, all controlled effortlessly through the Stream Deck app
$89.99 Amazon Prime
Buy on Amazon

The foam pop filter is even replaceable with different coloured pop filters to better match your setup’s overall look. I’d say that, out of the whole Elgato Neo line, this is one of the products that is potentially a total improvement over its original.

The other device that I would call an improvement is the Stream Deck Neo. While it has fewer buttons than the original Stream Deck (although more than the Stream Deck Mini) with only 8 buttons, the Stream Deck Neo includes capacitive page navigation buttons that let you easily work your way through your options.

Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or a Home Office

Add to that the folder structure that you can create, and you can organize your way to near-unlimited button options. Also available on the Stream Deck Neo is a feature that exists on the Elgato Stream Deck +, but no other iteration of the device, is a beautiful, customizable display across the bottom. No part of the Stream Deck Neo feels like a cheaper version of the original.

“No part of the Stream Deck Neo feels like a cheaper version of the original.”

Lastly, we have the Elgato Game Capture Neo, a capture card which is in line with Elgato’s sleek, compact designs of the company’s external cards. With a status light on the front and well-organized I/O in the back of the device, the Capture Card Neo is capable of 1080p/60fps capture and 4K/60fps passthrough. It is even capable of connecting directly to an iPad for play and capture. The overall quality of the Game Capture Neo is on par with previous Elgato capture cards with similar specs, but it would be a lite version of most of their latest releases. It is also the most affordable capture card on offer from Elgato which contains a passthrough solution.

Elgato Game Capture Neo – USB Portable Capture Card 4K60 HDR Passthrough, 1080p60 Video Recording – For PS5/Xbox/Switch/iPhone – In OBS, Quicktime and more – Plug & Play/Works on Laptop, PC, Mac, iPad
  • Compact and powerful: Easily set up your gaming experience with premium Elgato Capture hardware, no larger than a smartphone, connecting your console, gaming screen, and computer or iPad effortlessly
  • Seamless integration: Enjoy super compatibility with the ability to capture gameplay from PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, or any console, coupled with zero limitations such as no time constraints, watermarks, or subscriptions
$119.99 −$20.00 $99.99 Amazon Prime
Buy on Amazon

The best part about all of these devices is that you have full access to Elgato’s software solutions, giving you the best control over your devices possible. The same Stream Deck App, Camera Hub, Wavelink Software, Control Center, and Capture Utility that are available to their highest-end products are available for the Elgato Neo series. So if you buy a Stream Deck Neo and then, some time down the road, decide to upgrade to a Stream Deck +, you already know the software and the transition will be seamless.

“The Elgato Neo Series also has the same level of connectivity to each other as is expected of all true ecosystems.”

The Elgato Neo series also has the same level of connectivity to each other as is expected of all true ecosystems. Your Stream Deck Neo, via the Stream Deck app, comes ready with controls for all of the other apps listed above. You can control your camera, microphone lights and capture card all from one place, and because they are built for each other, it will be a seamless operation. Nobody has come close to Elgato in terms of creating an ecosystem for creators and creating this simplified, more affordable version of a complete setup with the Elgato Neo lineup; it has become more accessible than ever before.

Elgato Neo Series: A Complete Set-up For New Creators or a Home Office

Looking at prices, the Elgato Facecam Neo is $99.99 USD compared to the Facecam Mk. 2’s MSRP of $149.95, the Wave Neo is $84.99 compared to the $199.99 price tag on the Wave 3. The Stream Deck Neo comes in at $99.99, between the Stream Deck Mini’s $59.99 and Stream Deck Mk. 2’s $149.99. The Elgato Key Light Neo is $89.99, whereas the comparable Key Light Air is $129.99. Finally, the Game Capture Neo is $119.99, whereas the closest offer by Elgato, the HD60 X, is $174.20. There are huge savings for a complete set, making the Elgato Neo line the best option for a complete beginner’s setup.

No matter what combination of products you get from the Elgato Neo line, you are getting solid products from a company that consistently delivers at a price point that few can beat. I’ve called this a beginner’s setup which, for a creator who may want to grow in the future, is true, but for people who stream for fun or anyone working from home, the Elgato Neo lineup is your one-stop shop.

Elgato Wave Neo Facecam Neo Key Light Neo Stream Deck Neo Bundle – Micro USB à Condensateur, Webcam Full HD, Éclairage Professionnel Pour Visio, 8 Touches Personnalisables
  • Son professionnel : limitez la distorsion souvent associée aux micros intégrés ou aux micros des casques et écouteurs, pour une qualité sonore impeccable.
  • Intégration parfaite : prêt à l’emploi, avec fonctionnement plug-and-play et compatibilité ultra polyvalente avec les ordinateurs portables, iPad, PS5, iPhone et plus encore, tous contrôlables facilement via l’application Stream Deck.
$364.96 Amazon Prime
Buy on Amazon
  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Xbox Console Names: A New CreationFinding God in Video Games
    While each current console developer has their own specific naming style for each version of their hardware, Microsoft’s has been, well… a little confusing. After their original system was simply called the “Xbox”, they went with Xbox 360 for their next console before completely descending into madness by naming their third hardware iteration the “Xbox One”… followed by the “Xbox One X” because why not. Sure, a progressive numbering system would be easier for everyone, but Microsoft didn’t see t

Xbox Console Names: A New Creation

While each current console developer has their own specific naming style for each version of their hardware, Microsoft’s has been, well… a little confusing. After their original system was simply called the “Xbox”, they went with Xbox 360 for their next console before completely descending into madness by naming their third hardware iteration the “Xbox One”… followed by the “Xbox One X” because why not. Sure, a progressive numbering system would be easier for everyone, but Microsoft didn’t see them as mere sequels to what came before… to them, each console was something entirely new.

In our rebirth in Christ, we are not just a new and enhanced version of what we once were… when we truly accept His Lordship in our life we become a new creation in His eyes. While our inner transformation is a lifelong process of continuing growth, we are not simply the same person with a clean slate and a new calling… we carry an entirely new name and can walk into the destiny He has for us with confidence. No matter what others call us or if we once identified as “forsaken” or “desolate”, He delights in us and He calls us “beautiful”.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married. Isaiah 62:4

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  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Giving Away The Plot?: Watching Our WordsFinding God in Video Games
    Stop me if you have heard this one before… you see a trailer or watch a publicity appearance for an upcoming movie that you are excited about, and in the course of about sixty seconds the entire plot of the movie and half of the cool surprises the movie contained are completely spoiled for you. “Teaser” trailers have become less of a taste of what a film has in store for us and more of a full meal, giving away their secrets like a classic movie villain who falls prey to their need to expla

Giving Away The Plot?: Watching Our Words

Stop me if you have heard this one before… you see a trailer or watch a publicity appearance for an upcoming movie that you are excited about, and in the course of about sixty seconds the entire plot of the movie and half of the cool surprises the movie contained are completely spoiled for you. “Teaser” trailers have become less of a taste of what a film has in store for us and more of a full meal, giving away their secrets like a classic movie villain who falls prey to their need to explain their entire evil plot to the one person in a position to stop them. We leave the experience feeling like we have a pretty good idea of who will win, who will lose, who will show up, and even what the “second act plot twist” will be. While I am no stranger to the importance of advertising and marketing products to support the largest possible audience for a movie, television show, video game, book, or any other form of consumable entertainment, I think we can all safely say that much of the mystery that exists in these media formats has moved from simply attracting fans with a slice of what they have in store for us to giving away the entire story.

But before I am too hasty in judging these companies, marketers, and publicists for doing their job, I have to reconcile another reality that I have found present in my own life more than I care to admit… I too have fallen pray to some “monologues” myself that have exposed some of the things to the wrong audience that should have been kept between me and the Lord. And if I give you a few examples, maybe you will find some of these in common as well. Have you ever caught yourself saying the words, “You know what I’m afraid of” to someone? Or perhaps share some personal information followed by sharing the knowledge that “if this happened, it would completely destroy me?” or “the only thing that will stop me from doing this is…”? While we might think we are simply having a conversation with a friend or a loved one about a personal concern or struggle we are dealing with, there is a sinister presence eavesdropping on these weaknesses we are exposing… and we just gave them the key to defeating us.

The tendency to give our enemy the most direct path to taking us out is certainly nothing new… over the years many of us have taken a turn at becoming the architects of our own demise, giving away our deepest fears and sharing our weaknesses with perhaps positive intentions but disastrous results. In my own life, I have made the mistake of giving my enemy the exact information that would destroy a relationship or pull me away from serving the Lord many times by speaking those words to a friend or trusted confidante… only to be faced with that exact combination of scenarios and attacks at a later time. And as I find myself reeling from what has occurred, I find myself feeling much like Job did when after he experienced an enemy attack like no other and he said, “The thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me”. In a moment of “sharing”, I exposed my deepest fears and vulnerabilities to more than simply my target audience… I gave my enemy the most direct path to shattering my world without even making them work for it.

Job 3:25 For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.

One of the saddest stories in all of Scripture is the fall of Samson, a man of exceptional physical power but very limited spiritual restraint. The climax of his story comes as we find him in the hands of Delilah… someone he had placed his trust in who was working for the other side. After years of waging war with the Philistines and being used by God to deliver his people, in a moment of weakness and frustration Samson exposed his only weakness to her… and within hours he found that his confidence had been misplaced. His head was shaved, his power removed, and the man who had withstood hundreds of soldiers single-handedly in combat was now over-powered in a living room… all because he gave away the plot to his story to an audience that couldn’t be trusted with it.

Judges 16:15-20 Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ when your heart is not with me? You have mocked me these three times, and have not told me where your great strength lies.” And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death, that he told her all his heart, and said to her, “No razor has ever come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother’s womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man.” When Delilah saw that he had told her all his heart, she sent and called for the lords of the Philistines, saying, “Come up once more, for he has told me all his heart.” So the lords of the Philistines came up to her and brought the money in their hand. Then she lulled him to sleep on her knees, and called for a man and had him shave off the seven locks of his head. Then she began to torment him, and his strength left him. And she said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” So he awoke from his sleep, and said, “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.

The Scriptures are clear that we have an active enemy in life (1 Peter 5:8) who seeks nothing more than to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10), but while the enemy of our soul is incredibly intelligent, they can’t read our minds. Our deepest concerns and fears are things that should be brought to the Lord in prayerful surrender so He can guide us through them (2 Corinthians 10:4-5), and when we open that door through casual conversation with others we are handing that key off to the very presence that has been trying to figure out the best way to break in, destroy us, and shipwreck our faith from day one.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Proverbs 10:19 In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise.

Proverbs 21:23 Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.

I wish I could take back the things I have said and shared that exposed my deepest fears and created the opportunity for them to be used against me, but unfortunately that isn’t possible. But in the stories of both Job and Samson we find that even after the enemy’s most brutal attacks, the faithfulness of the Lord was present to provide both restoration of their mission in the case of Samson (Judges 16:28-30) as well as what was lost in the case of Job (Job 42:12-13). And if we will yield our fears, concerns, and broken places to the Lord He will be faithful to not only restore them, but to rebuke the enemy and run them out of the space that we inadvertently gave them access to in the first place. Our words are more powerful than we realize, and they can and WILL be used against us by the enemy who is bent on destroying us. Let’s not make his job any easier by giving him the combination to the safe… let’s guard our words and give every concerning or fearful thought to the Lord in prayer… He is the only one who can help us overcome them.

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Backwards Compatibility: An Undeserved GraceFinding God in Video Games
    While I’m a huge fan of both Nintendo and PlayStation for different reasons, I’ve always appreciated one thing about each console that Xbox has released… backwards compatibility. Being able to pop a 360 disc into an Xbox One or even an original Xbox copy of Halo into their newest Series X model is a demonstration of support for their fans that isn’t free or cheap for them to provide… but they do it anyways, using the power of their current platform to reach backwards and invite even some “less t

Backwards Compatibility: An Undeserved Grace

While I’m a huge fan of both Nintendo and PlayStation for different reasons, I’ve always appreciated one thing about each console that Xbox has released… backwards compatibility. Being able to pop a 360 disc into an Xbox One or even an original Xbox copy of Halo into their newest Series X model is a demonstration of support for their fans that isn’t free or cheap for them to provide… but they do it anyways, using the power of their current platform to reach backwards and invite even some “less than worthy” games to rejoin the Xbox party. 

The unearned grace the Lord showers us with in our unworthy, unsaved state is amazing… but after we’ve enjoyed His forgiveness we can easily forget what we once were and judge others for the very sins we were once guilty of ourselves, deciding they are unworthy to play on our platform. But He loved us when we were far from lovable, no matter what platform we started on. If His mercy was fully backwards compatible enough to reach down and forgive a wretched sinner like me, then we should extend His mercy and grace to all who don’t deserve it… the same way He once did for us.

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved). Ephesians 2:1-5 

And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11

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  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Xbox Handheld? The Right Treasure to PursueFinding God in Video Games
    When Sony chose to challenge Nintendo, the reigning king of portable gaming, in a battle for handheld supremacy, Microsoft wisely chose to stay out of the fight. Rather than waste their precious time and resources pursuing a prize that belonged to someone else, they invested in purchasing entire studios that owned proven IP’s like Minecraft and focused on building up the Xbox Live platform that represented their future. By staying true to their “North Star”, they avoided a fruitless battle to po

Xbox Handheld? The Right Treasure to Pursue

When Sony chose to challenge Nintendo, the reigning king of portable gaming, in a battle for handheld supremacy, Microsoft wisely chose to stay out of the fight. Rather than waste their precious time and resources pursuing a prize that belonged to someone else, they invested in purchasing entire studios that owned proven IP’s like Minecraft and focused on building up the Xbox Live platform that represented their future. By staying true to their “North Star”, they avoided a fruitless battle to possess someone else’s destiny… while Sony paid a high price in their unsuccessful handheld war, Xbox bought entire franchises that will last.

There are many “treasures” on this planet to seek and acquire, and many offer temporary value and rewards that are beneficial. But our “North Star” in all things is to pursue treasure that will last, and that means we must seek God’s will on which pursuits are worthy of the time and attention we give them and offer rewards that are permanent. Rather than wasting time pursuing someone else’s dream, let’s prayerfully seek the unique destiny He has for us… that’s where the real treasure is found.

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:1-2

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo Reach: A Purpose Built in SacrificeFinding God in Video Games
    Halo Reach, Bungie’s final “swan song” in the Halo universe, was a prequel that set up the entire Halo conflict through the eyes of a brave fireteam of Spartans named “Noble Team”. As members of the squad lived up to their name and paid the ultimate price to complete their mission, it slowly became clear that none of us were going to survive the events of Reach… but we WERE going to shape the future. As the game built to a powerful, inevitable crescendo, the pain in our journey all finally made

Halo Reach: A Purpose Built in Sacrifice

Halo Reach, Bungie’s final “swan song” in the Halo universe, was a prequel that set up the entire Halo conflict through the eyes of a brave fireteam of Spartans named “Noble Team”. As members of the squad lived up to their name and paid the ultimate price to complete their mission, it slowly became clear that none of us were going to survive the events of Reach… but we WERE going to shape the future. As the game built to a powerful, inevitable crescendo, the pain in our journey all finally made sense… our sacrifice preserved the life of the one and only Master Chief, the Spartan who would one day go on to finish this fight. We didn’t win this battle, but our faithful obedience won the war. 

Our struggles in life serve purposes that aren’t immediately obvious while we’re going through them, and many will not reveal their full impact until after our race has reached its’ conclusion. But if we will obediently yield our lives to the unique challenges our Master has called us to, we’ll find the meaning behind our mission… we are part of a sacrificial relay race, carrying this baton as far as we can before passing it on to the next teammate until the race is finally won.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 1 Corinthians 9:24-26

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • The End of the Xbox 360 Marketplace: Perishable TreasureFinding God in Video Games
    The final closure of the Xbox 360 marketplace marks the end of an incredible era in gaming… and it also means the loss of the ability to buy any of the games that were available in an exclusively digital format on that platform ever again. While all things eventually come to an end as technology moves forward, because these titles never existed in a physical disc form they essentially cease to exist for those who didn’t buy them while they were available. And as more games become “digital-only”,

The End of the Xbox 360 Marketplace: Perishable Treasure

The final closure of the Xbox 360 marketplace marks the end of an incredible era in gaming… and it also means the loss of the ability to buy any of the games that were available in an exclusively digital format on that platform ever again. While all things eventually come to an end as technology moves forward, because these titles never existed in a physical disc form they essentially cease to exist for those who didn’t buy them while they were available. And as more games become “digital-only”, they will all face the same fate one day… only those who chose to acquire them while they could be found will possess them permanently.

How we choose to invest our time and what we choose to invest it into matters in both this life and beyond… and each turning page of the calendar represents perishable moments of time that we will wish we could have back. In all our pursuits in life, let’s chase treasure that will last eternally… treasure that is exclusively found in Christ and following His direction for our lives. Each new day provides a limited-time opportunity to spend with Him… let’s seek Him and share Him while He can still be found.

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Isaiah 55:6

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo and a Humble SpiritFinding God in Video Games
    We’ve all done it… maybe it was at the end of a Mario Kart race, a last second touchdown in Madden, or squeezing out a win after a grueling Halo match.  Most of us who have played and won a competitive game are guilty of at least a LITTLE showboating or smack talk at the end. While most post-game celebrations are done with good-natured and humorous intent, excessive gloating or boastful behavior not only reflects poorly on our sportsmanship, but also fails to recognize the contributions of all t

Halo and a Humble Spirit

We’ve all done it… maybe it was at the end of a Mario Kart race, a last second touchdown in Madden, or squeezing out a win after a grueling Halo match.  Most of us who have played and won a competitive game are guilty of at least a LITTLE showboating or smack talk at the end. While most post-game celebrations are done with good-natured and humorous intent, excessive gloating or boastful behavior not only reflects poorly on our sportsmanship, but also fails to recognize the contributions of all the others that led to that winning result.

Humility is not just a virtue… it is an expected trait for followers of Christ.  Any success we experience is not simply a reflection of our own hard work and commitment, but also a demonstration of the Lord’s favor on our lives as well as the result of countless souls who have prayed for us and supported us to attain this result.  Rather than patting ourselves on the back, let’s celebrate a win by pointing one hand towards heaven to give God the glory for His gifts, and use the other hand to reach behind us and pull others up to the top of the mountain alongside us to share in the victory.

Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3-4

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 3 ODST: A Vulnerable, Relatable ExperienceFinding God in Video Games
    While the jazzy, rain-soaked, vibe of Halo 3: ODST has become one of my favorite overall Halo experiences, I don’t think I ever felt more vulnerable in a Halo game than I did dropping into this one. After years spent behind the visor of the unstoppable and nearly indestructible Master Chief, playing as an ODST trooper felt like a dramatically different and unwelcome experience. From taking damage from falls to falling in battle to opposition that I used to mow down with ease, I suddenly understo

Halo 3 ODST: A Vulnerable, Relatable Experience

While the jazzy, rain-soaked, vibe of Halo 3: ODST has become one of my favorite overall Halo experiences, I don’t think I ever felt more vulnerable in a Halo game than I did dropping into this one. After years spent behind the visor of the unstoppable and nearly indestructible Master Chief, playing as an ODST trooper felt like a dramatically different and unwelcome experience. From taking damage from falls to falling in battle to opposition that I used to mow down with ease, I suddenly understood just how powerful the Master Chief truly was… and how fragile and weak I am in comparison.

There are few things more amazing than the Son of God coming down and choosing to experience the fullness of our human reality… our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities, our pains, and even death. And because He walked in our shoes, He understands us far better than we realize… He can relate to every limitation we possess and fully sympathize with our sorrows. He suffered like us so He can not only support us in our times of need, but He also gave us a pattern to follow so all of us fellow ODST’s can face our battles and overcome them with Him.

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 4:12-13

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
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  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 3: A Beautiful, Merciful DelayFinding God in Video Games
    Halo 3 was all about “finishing the fight” that was left incomplete at the end of Halo 2, and after years of painful waiting gamers dropped into the conclusion of the original Halo trilogy to see how Bungie would finally resolve the conflict with Covenant. While it seemed like a long time between installments for us, for the developer it was a relatively short development cycle for a AAA game… especially one that had to live up to such high expectations and would conclude this story arc for mult

Halo 3: A Beautiful, Merciful Delay

Halo 3 was all about “finishing the fight” that was left incomplete at the end of Halo 2, and after years of painful waiting gamers dropped into the conclusion of the original Halo trilogy to see how Bungie would finally resolve the conflict with Covenant. While it seemed like a long time between installments for us, for the developer it was a relatively short development cycle for a AAA game… especially one that had to live up to such high expectations and would conclude this story arc for multiple characters. The wait felt long, but the stakes were high… so the “delay” was necessary.

While waiting on the Lord is one of my least favorite activities in life, He has a reason for what appears to be a “delay” in what we are seeking. The doors that He opens for us may represent the closure of a door for someone else, and in His infinite mercy He will wait until the perfect time for both of those to occur by holding the door open to the last possible moment. And in the meantime, He wants us to find the beauty and purpose in the places we are currently occupying as we continue on the path He has designed for us to its’ conclusion.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:8-9

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
  • Twitter: @FindingGodIn_VG
  • Instagram: Finding God in Video Games
  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇Finding God in Video Games
  • Halo 2’s Arbiter: The Answer We Didn’t Ask ForFinding God in Video Games
    One of the most controversial moments in Halo 2 was the developer’s decision to switch the  player’s perspective in the middle of the game from our beloved Master Chief to a brand new character… the Arbiter. While this felt like a classic “bait and switch” at first, playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Chief from a different point of view enhanced our understanding and appreciation for both characters, adding some much needed depth to the stoic character of the Master Chief in the process. Look

Halo 2’s Arbiter: The Answer We Didn’t Ask For

One of the most controversial moments in Halo 2 was the developer’s decision to switch the  player’s perspective in the middle of the game from our beloved Master Chief to a brand new character… the Arbiter. While this felt like a classic “bait and switch” at first, playing as the Arbiter and seeing the Chief from a different point of view enhanced our understanding and appreciation for both characters, adding some much needed depth to the stoic character of the Master Chief in the process. Looking back, I didn’t appreciate the change in the moment… but those Arbiter levels ended up becoming some of my favorite levels in the entire game.

Much to my chagrin, the Lord doesn’t always answer my prayers in the manner that I asked or the way that I hoped He would… but that is because He is telling a bigger story than the one I can see. He hears all of our prayers, but He only answers them in consistency with His divine will and character… and in those times when it seems like His response is at odds with my desires, I’ve found that these unwanted detours He takes me on end up becoming some of my favorite parts of my entire journey. 

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:1-4

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. 1 John 5:14-15

  • Like us?  Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, or YouTube for our articles, podcasts, and videos!
  • Facebook: Finding God in Video Games
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  • Podcasts on Spotify/Apple/Google: Finding God in Video Games
  • TikTok: @FindingGodInVideoGames
  • YouTube: Finding God in Video games
  • Our Daily Devotional book “This is the Way Scripture of the Day” is available for purchase here!:

  • ✇TheXboxHub
  • Deadlink ReviewFin
    Deadlink is a well-polished, extensive FPS/roguelike experience that I can see being an absolute time-sink for many players. The post Deadlink Review appeared first on TheXboxHub.
  • ✇TheXboxHub
  • Exhausted Man ReviewFin
    Exhausted Man is a real hodge-podge of mixed ideas that don’t always work together. The post Exhausted Man Review appeared first on TheXboxHub.
  • ✇TheXboxHub
  • MotoGP 24 ReviewFin
    If you are a fan of MotoGP, or are interested in the sport, then MotoGP 24 is the best way to get involved virtually. The post MotoGP 24 Review appeared first on TheXboxHub.

Natsu-Mon! 20th Century Summer Kid Review – Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Loved Summer Break

5. Srpen 2024 v 19:01
The West’s closest to an official release of a Boku no Natsuyasumi game was with Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation – The Endless Seven-Day Journey. At first, you’d think mixing the crass antics of Shin Nohara and the childhood wonderment of summer break would have been a proverbial Reeses’ Peanut Butter Cup, […]


  • ✇Niche Gamer
  • Eden Genesis Review – Shallow cyberjunkFingal Belmont
    There is no shortage of cyberpunk games these days. It is a subgenre that has resonated with gamers in the 2010s and 2020s since it depicts a “the future is now” but also “the future sucks” ethos, but wrapped in a neon-soaked dystopia that looks cool. While many cyberpunk-themed games are legitimately thought-provoking and highly […] Source

Eden Genesis Review – Shallow cyberjunk

5. Srpen 2024 v 16:00
There is no shortage of cyberpunk games these days. It is a subgenre that has resonated with gamers in the 2010s and 2020s since it depicts a “the future is now” but also “the future sucks” ethos, but wrapped in a neon-soaked dystopia that looks cool. While many cyberpunk-themed games are legitimately thought-provoking and highly […]


  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • CrowdStrike claps back at Delta, says airline rejected offers for helpFinancial Times
    Enlarge / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JULY 23: Travelers from France wait on their delayed flight on the check-in floor of the Delta Air Lines terminal at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on July 23, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images) CrowdStrike has hit back at Delta Air Lines’ threat of litigation against the cyber security company over a botched software update that grounded thousands of flights, denying it was responsible for the carri

CrowdStrike claps back at Delta, says airline rejected offers for help

5. Srpen 2024 v 15:37
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JULY 23: Travelers from France wait on their delayed flight on the check-in floor of the Delta Air Lines terminal at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on July 23, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

Enlarge / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - JULY 23: Travelers from France wait on their delayed flight on the check-in floor of the Delta Air Lines terminal at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on July 23, 2024 in Los Angeles, California. (credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

CrowdStrike has hit back at Delta Air Lines’ threat of litigation against the cyber security company over a botched software update that grounded thousands of flights, denying it was responsible for the carrier’s own IT decisions and days-long disruption.

In a letter on Sunday, lawyers for CrowdStrike argued that the US carrier had created a “misleading narrative” that the cyber security firm was “grossly negligent” in an incident that the US airline has said will cost it $500 million.

Delta took days longer than its rivals to recover when CrowdStrike’s update brought down millions of Windows computers around the world last month. The airline has alerted the cyber security company that it plans to seek damages for the disruptions and hired litigation firm Boies Schiller Flexner.

Read 12 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇posts from MiniPCs, EmulationOnAndroid
  • ASUS Ryzen 7 4700U 16GB RAM Radeon Vega Graphics/u/InfiniteRepair8284
    I’m planning on getting a mini PC since my low spec MacBook Pro 2016 is starting to struggle, and can no longer run 4k videos (surprisingly, games are okay: I’m able to run GTA V on an external SSD running Windows 11 perfectly fine, but I thought I’d treat myself to an upgrade regardless) I found a used ASUS Ryzen 7 4700U for a decent price (approx £240). It’s got a 240GB SSD, which I’ll probably upgrade if it’s easy to do so How good is this mini PC for handling 4K video (which my MacBook now s

ASUS Ryzen 7 4700U 16GB RAM Radeon Vega Graphics

I’m planning on getting a mini PC since my low spec MacBook Pro 2016 is starting to struggle, and can no longer run 4k videos (surprisingly, games are okay: I’m able to run GTA V on an external SSD running Windows 11 perfectly fine, but I thought I’d treat myself to an upgrade regardless)

I found a used ASUS Ryzen 7 4700U for a decent price (approx £240). It’s got a 240GB SSD, which I’ll probably upgrade if it’s easy to do so

How good is this mini PC for handling 4K video (which my MacBook now struggles to do, idk why) and play games like GTA V, Euro Truck Sim 2 etc

I currently run Windows off of a Samsung T7 SSD on my MacBook, and it works, but a mini PC does seem like a cleaner & more efficient solution (assuming this model can run games properly)

I’m also open to other suggestions! But ideally I do not want to spend more than £250+, as I do also plan on replacing my MacBook soon to be my daily driver

submitted by /u/InfiniteRepair8284 to r/MiniPCs
[link] [comments]
  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • US probes Nvidia’s acquisition of Israeli AI startupFinancial Times
    Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) The US Department of Justice is investigating Nvidia’s acquisition of Run:ai, an Israeli artificial intelligence startup, for potential antitrust violations, said a person familiar with discussions the government agency has had with third parties. The DoJ has asked market participants about the competitive impact of the transaction, which Nvidia announced in April. The price was not disclosed but a report from TechCrunch estimated it at $700 mil

US probes Nvidia’s acquisition of Israeli AI startup

2. Srpen 2024 v 19:03
US probes Nvidia’s acquisition of Israeli AI startup

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

The US Department of Justice is investigating Nvidia’s acquisition of Run:ai, an Israeli artificial intelligence startup, for potential antitrust violations, said a person familiar with discussions the government agency has had with third parties.

The DoJ has asked market participants about the competitive impact of the transaction, which Nvidia announced in April. The price was not disclosed but a report from TechCrunch estimated it at $700 million.

The scope of the probe remains unclear, the person said. But the DoJ has inquired about matters including whether the deal could quash emerging competition in the up-and-coming sector and entrench Nvidia’s dominant market position.

Read 10 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇Twinfinite
  • Destiny 2 The Final Shape Review – A Transcendent DLCFinlay Cattanach
    Destiny 2 The Final Shape Review for PC Destiny 2 The Final Shape is, in a word, triumphant. For many, time and change mean the Bungie that built its name two decades ago has passed on from its legendary golden years. But it’s special moments like this that remind us – even in the face of such change – there is always new potential. With the conclusion to the Light and Darkness saga, Bungie has raised the bar, showing that its capacity to realize video gaming as an art form is far from lost.

Destiny 2 The Final Shape Review – A Transcendent DLC

10. Červen 2024 v 16:50

Destiny 2 The Final Shape Review for PC

Destiny 2 The Final Shape is, in a word, triumphant. For many, time and change mean the Bungie that built its name two decades ago has passed on from its legendary golden years. But it’s special moments like this that remind us – even in the face of such change – there is always new potential. With the conclusion to the Light and Darkness saga, Bungie has raised the bar, showing that its capacity to realize video gaming as an art form is far from lost. Without a doubt, I would call The Final Shape one of the studio’s greatest accomplishments this decade, and, unbelievably, a sign that Destiny 2’s future might be far brighter than we’d anticipated.

There’s nowhere else I could think to begin but with the narrative. For ten years, Bungie has slowly built up the universe of Destiny, the story of our Guardians, and humanity’s fight against the odds. It’s paid off here. From side characters like Caitl and Mithraxx, we gain purposeful insight into their convictions, their fears, and their hopes. From new characters like Luzaku, we gain new questions and possibilities. And from the main cast, we gain nothing short of a spectacle. Zavala has been on something of a character arc since the Witch Queen as his faith in The Traveler falters; it comes to a head here. Crow has been unsure of himself since the moment he was first risen, and he finds a new purpose here. Ikora at least gets some meaningful dialogue – something that’s been a rarity since the Curse of Osiris days. And of course, Cayde-6, voiced by the wonderful Nathan Fillion, steals the show, both as renewed comedic relief and the focus of some of the story’s most sincere, emotional moments.

  • ✇Recent Questions - Game Development Stack Exchange
  • Why is my Gouraud Shading not working correctly?Finn
    I am trying to write a 3d Renderer in C using SDL and cgml but my shading seems to be not working correctly. When rendering the teapot I get seams and when I want to render a cube I get a bright white line between my triangles. I am pretty sure that I calculate my normals correctly but I can show that code too if necessary. All my math functions like v3_normalise / cam_perspective should be correct too because they are just aliases for cgml functions. static void _draw_triangle(SDL_Renderer* re

Why is my Gouraud Shading not working correctly?

I am trying to write a 3d Renderer in C using SDL and cgml but my shading seems to be not working correctly. When rendering the teapot I get seams and when I want to render a cube I get a bright white line between my triangles. I am pretty sure that I calculate my normals correctly but I can show that code too if necessary. All my math functions like v3_normalise / cam_perspective should be correct too because they are just aliases for cgml functions.enter image description here

enter image description here

static void _draw_triangle(SDL_Renderer* renderer, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3) {
    SDL_RenderLine(renderer, x1, y1, x2, y2);
    SDL_RenderLine(renderer, x2, y2, x3, y3);
    SDL_RenderLine(renderer, x3, y3, x1, y1);

static int32_t _compare_triangles(const void* a, const void* b) {
    triangle_t* triangle_a = (triangle_t*)a;
    triangle_t* triangle_b = (triangle_t*)b;

    float z1 = (triangle_a->vertices[0].z + triangle_a->vertices[1].z + triangle_a->vertices[2].z) / 3.0f;
    float z2 = (triangle_b->vertices[0].z + triangle_b->vertices[1].z + triangle_b->vertices[2].z) / 3.0f;

    float comparison = z2 - z1;
    if (comparison < 0.0f) return 1;
    if (comparison > 0.0f) return -1;
    return 0;

static void _render_triangles_mesh(SDL_Renderer* renderer, triangle_t* triangles_to_render, size_t num_triangles_to_render) {
    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF);  // set color to pink

    for (size_t j = 0; j < num_triangles_to_render; j++) {
        triangle_t triangle = dynamic_array_at(triangles_to_render, j);

            triangle.vertices[0].x, triangle.vertices[0].y, 
            triangle.vertices[1].x, triangle.vertices[1].y,
            triangle.vertices[2].x, triangle.vertices[2].y

static v3i _calc_vertex_color(v3 normal, v3 light_direction) {
    float intensity = glm_max(0.1f, v3_dot(normal, light_direction)) * 1.5f;
    v3i color = v3i_of((int32_t)glm_clamp(255.0f * intensity, 0.0f, 255.0f));

    return color;

static void _render_triangles_filled(SDL_Renderer* renderer, triangle_t* triangles_to_render, size_t num_triangles_to_render, v3* vertex_normals, v3 light_direction) {
    /* convert to SDL_Vertex triangles and add to vertices to render */
    SDL_Vertex vertices[num_triangles_to_render * 3];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_triangles_to_render; i++) {
        triangle_t triangle = dynamic_array_at(triangles_to_render, i);

        for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            v3i color = _calc_vertex_color(vertex_normals[triangle.indices[j]], light_direction);

            /* add vertex to SDL vertices */
            SDL_Vertex vertex = {
                .position = {triangle.vertices[j].x, triangle.vertices[j].y}, 
                .color = {color.r, color.g, color.b, 0xFF}
            vertices[i * 3 + j] = vertex;
    /* render triangles */
    SDL_RenderGeometry(renderer, NULL, vertices, num_triangles_to_render * 3, NULL, 0); 

int32_t render(state_t* state, mesh_t* mesh, v3 object_offset) {
    static float alpha = 0;
    alpha += 0.6f * state->time.delta_sec;

    m4 rotation_matrix = glms_euler_xyz(v3_of(0.0f, alpha, 0.0f)); // glms_euler_xyz(v3_of(alpha * 0.5f, 0.0f, alpha));
    m4 translation_matrix = glms_translate_make(object_offset);
    m4 world_matrix = m4_mul(translation_matrix, rotation_matrix);

    v3 up = v3_of(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    v3 target = v3_add(state->, state->;
    m4 camera_matrix = cam_lookat(state->, target, up);
    m4 view_matrix = glms_inv_tr(camera_matrix);
    triangle_t* triangles_to_render = dynamic_array_create(triangle_t);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh->num_triangles; i++) {
        triangle_t triangle = dynamic_array_at(mesh->triangles, i);
        triangle_t triangle_transformed, triangle_projected, triangle_viewed;

        /* rotate and translate triangle */
        triangle_transformed = triangle;
        triangle_transformed.vertices[0] = m4_mulv(world_matrix, triangle.vertices[0]);
        triangle_transformed.vertices[1] = m4_mulv(world_matrix, triangle.vertices[1]);
        triangle_transformed.vertices[2] = m4_mulv(world_matrix, triangle.vertices[2]);
        /* world space to camera space */
        triangle_viewed = triangle_transformed;
        triangle_viewed.vertices[0] = m4_mulv(view_matrix, triangle_transformed.vertices[0]);
        triangle_viewed.vertices[1] = m4_mulv(view_matrix, triangle_transformed.vertices[1]);
        triangle_viewed.vertices[2] = m4_mulv(view_matrix, triangle_transformed.vertices[2]);

        /* 3d to 2d */
        triangle_projected = triangle_viewed;
        triangle_projected.vertices[0] = m4_mulv(state->engine.projection_matrix, triangle_viewed.vertices[0]);
        triangle_projected.vertices[1] = m4_mulv(state->engine.projection_matrix, triangle_viewed.vertices[1]);
        triangle_projected.vertices[2] = m4_mulv(state->engine.projection_matrix, triangle_viewed.vertices[2]);
        triangle_projected.vertices[0] = v4_divs(triangle_projected.vertices[0], triangle_projected.vertices[0].w);
        triangle_projected.vertices[1] = v4_divs(triangle_projected.vertices[1], triangle_projected.vertices[1].w);
        triangle_projected.vertices[2] = v4_divs(triangle_projected.vertices[2], triangle_projected.vertices[2].w);

        /* backface culling using winding order */
        v3 line1 = v3_sub(v3_from(triangle_projected.vertices[1]), v3_from(triangle_projected.vertices[0]));
        v3 line2 = v3_sub(v3_from(triangle_projected.vertices[2]), v3_from(triangle_projected.vertices[0]));
        float sign = line1.x * line2.y - line2.x * line1.y;
        if (sign > 0.0f) continue;
        /* scale into view */
        triangle_projected.vertices[0].x = map(triangle_projected.vertices[0].x, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, WIDTH);
        triangle_projected.vertices[0].y = map(triangle_projected.vertices[0].y, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, HEIGHT);
        triangle_projected.vertices[1].x = map(triangle_projected.vertices[1].x, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, WIDTH);
        triangle_projected.vertices[1].y = map(triangle_projected.vertices[1].y, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, HEIGHT);
        triangle_projected.vertices[2].x = map(triangle_projected.vertices[2].x, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, WIDTH);
        triangle_projected.vertices[2].y = map(triangle_projected.vertices[2].y, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0, HEIGHT);
        /* add triangle to list */
        dynamic_array_append(triangles_to_render, triangle_projected);

    /* transform vertex normals */
    v3* transformed_normals = malloc(sizeof(v3) * mesh->num_vertices);
    m3 normal_matrix = m3_inv(m4_pick3t(world_matrix));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < mesh->num_vertices; i++) {
        v3 normal = dynamic_array_at(mesh->vertex_normals, i);
        v3 normal_transformed = v3_normalize(m3_mulv(normal_matrix, normal));
        transformed_normals[i] = normal_transformed;

    /* sort triangles back to front */
    size_t num_triangles_to_render = dynamic_array_get_length(triangles_to_render);
    qsort(triangles_to_render, num_triangles_to_render, sizeof(triangle_t), _compare_triangles);

    /* draw triangles */
    #ifdef DEBUG
        _render_triangles_mesh(state->renderer, triangles_to_render, num_triangles_to_render);
        _render_triangles_filled(state->renderer, triangles_to_render, num_triangles_to_render, transformed_normals, state->engine.light.direction);
    /* cleanup */

    return state->retval;

EDIT: Image of the normals

enter image description here

  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • Russia and China are using OpenAI tools to spread disinformationFinancial Times
    Enlarge / OpenAI said it was committed to uncovering disinformation campaigns and was building its own AI-powered tools to make detection and analysis "more effective." (credit: FT montage/NurPhoto via Getty Images) OpenAI has revealed operations linked to Russia, China, Iran and Israel have been using its artificial intelligence tools to create and spread disinformation, as technology becomes a powerful weapon in information warfare in an election-heavy year. The San Francis

Russia and China are using OpenAI tools to spread disinformation

31. Květen 2024 v 15:47
OpenAI said it was committed to uncovering disinformation campaigns and was building its own AI-powered tools to make detection and analysis "more effective."

Enlarge / OpenAI said it was committed to uncovering disinformation campaigns and was building its own AI-powered tools to make detection and analysis "more effective." (credit: FT montage/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

OpenAI has revealed operations linked to Russia, China, Iran and Israel have been using its artificial intelligence tools to create and spread disinformation, as technology becomes a powerful weapon in information warfare in an election-heavy year.

The San Francisco-based maker of the ChatGPT chatbot said in a report on Thursday that five covert influence operations had used its AI models to generate text and images at a high volume, with fewer language errors than previously, as well as to generate comments or replies to their own posts. OpenAI’s policies prohibit the use of its models to deceive or mislead others.

The content focused on issues “including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the Indian elections, politics in Europe and the United States, and criticisms of the Chinese government by Chinese dissidents and foreign governments,” OpenAI said in the report.

Read 14 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇PlayStation.Blog
  • Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons brings Vecna into the Fog on June 3Mitch Findlay Brown
    Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons features one of the most iconic characters in the D&D mythos – the archlich Vecna – as well as the original Bard Survivor Aestri Yazar (and her playable counterpart, Baermar Uraz). Also coming is the Forgotten Ruins Map, a dark fantasy-inspired Realm befitting of The Whispered One’s presence. Countless players have immersed themselves in the world of Dungeons & Dragons – including many of us on the Dead by Daylight team – and it was importa

Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons brings Vecna into the Fog on June 3

14. Květen 2024 v 18:43

Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons features one of the most iconic characters in the D&D mythos – the archlich Vecna – as well as the original Bard Survivor Aestri Yazar (and her playable counterpart, Baermar Uraz). Also coming is the Forgotten Ruins Map, a dark fantasy-inspired Realm befitting of The Whispered One’s presence.

Countless players have immersed themselves in the world of Dungeons & Dragons – including many of us on the Dead by Daylight team – and it was important to capture the experience and characters players know and love. It was an exciting challenge for Principal Game Designer Janick Neveu, who was tasked with bringing the all-powerful Vecna to life. 

“We wanted to explore magic and really delve into the spellcasting aspect of the Killer,” he explains. “The first thing we did was look at Vecna’s recently updated lore and stat block from Wizards of the Coast. We then compiled a list of potential spells and tried to identify game mechanics that would translate to DbD.”

After deliberation and a few rounds of prototyping, the team ultimately landed on four distinct spells: Fly, Flight of the Damned, Dispelling Sphere, and Mage Hand. During a game, Vecna can cycle through his spell book and select whichever spell he wishes to use, with each one excelling at a different role.

“Fly allows Vecna to traverse the map quickly,” notes Neveu, citing the impact Killer mobility can have on a match. “Mobility is an interesting element that’s present on many other Killers, and it’s always appreciated by our players.”

“However, it was important that Fly wasn’t more effective than a Killer’s main mobility effect,” he continues. “Otherwise, we’d risk making an older Killer obsolete. During design, we had to carefully examine the values of traversal length, speed, and efficacy in chase.” 

Complementing this tool for quickly gaining ground on a Survivor, Vecna can use his projectile Flight of the Damned spell to zone them into a favourable location. “Flight of the Damned, which is a special ability unique to Vecna in D&D, allows him to cast undead spectral projectiles that propel forward, creating a bullet-hell effect,” explains Neveu. “Try shooting it through walls to catch Survivors unawares.” 

When Vecna catches up to a Survivor, he can use his Mage Hand spell to tip the scales in his favor. “Mage Hand allows you to tag a Pallet and block it if it’s already up,” explains Neveu. “If it’s been dropped, the Mage Hand will raise it instantly. It’s probably his most unique ability.” 

It also rewards skillful gameplay for both sides. “Pallets are a valuable resource to Survivors, and we built intricacies to ensure counterplay. Using Mage Hand effectively might sound simple on paper, but there’s reactivity involved. You must pre-emptively charge your Power and predict a Survivor’s pathing, which creates a fun battle of wits.”

“His last spell is the Dispelling Sphere, which was inspired by two existing D&D spells named Detect Magic and Dispel Magic,” says Neveu. “Using this allows Vecna to cast a large area effect that traverses through the level, revealing any Survivor and dispelling any Magic Items they might have found.”

Speaking of Magic Items…

“One of the big appeals of RPGs is hunting for loot and improving your character,” says Neveu. “As such, it was imperative to incorporate that into Dead by Daylight. In the end, the team decided on making Magic Items spawn in Treasure Chests whenever facing Vecna, giving Survivors tools to withstand his magical onslaught. If they’re lucky, they may even unearth Vecna’s cherished possessions: the Hand and Eye of Vecna.

“If a Survivor gets the Eye, when they do a fast Exit from a Locker, they’ll become unseen and unheard for a duration. If they have the Hand, when they fast jump into a Locker, they teleport to another random Locker. These can be tricky to use, and while they’re beneficial to the Survivor, they will take damage when using the effect.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be Dungeons & Dragons without one crucial element. “We absolutely needed a dice roll!” laughs Neveu. It manifested in determining the rarity of loot Survivors will find during the Trial – but as anyone knows, sometimes the rolls simply aren’t in your favor. 

“Even the best fighter with the best magic sword can miss an attack from time to time,” he continues. “We really wanted to capture that aspect, but not base the whole experience around it. The dice roll might randomize the experience, but it doesn’t affect the result.”

For fans of Dungeons & Dragons, this latest Chapter looks to be one of Dead by Daylight’s most ambitious to date and no doubt the perfect entry point for many to the long-running horror multiplayer. 

Revealed as part of Dead by Daylight’s 8th Anniversary celebrations, Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons will be released on PlayStation on June 3. 

Get up to 80% off premium games with Humble Bundle’s Epic Spring Sale! 

16. Květen 2024 v 20:54

This article is written in partnership with Humble Bundle. Click here to view the full catalog of games on sale.

Humble’s Spring Sale is here, offering colossal deals on some amazing gaming hits. From Alan Wake 2 through to Cyberpunk 2077 and Valheim, this is your chance to grab some video game greats without breaking the bank. Play your cards right, and you can save up to a massive 90%. 

  • ✇PlayStation.Blog
  • Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons brings Vecna into the Fog on June 3Mitch Findlay Brown
    Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons features one of the most iconic characters in the D&D mythos – the archlich Vecna – as well as the original Bard Survivor Aestri Yazar (and her playable counterpart, Baermar Uraz). Also coming is the Forgotten Ruins Map, a dark fantasy-inspired Realm befitting of The Whispered One’s presence. Countless players have immersed themselves in the world of Dungeons & Dragons – including many of us on the Dead by Daylight team – and it was importa

Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons brings Vecna into the Fog on June 3

14. Květen 2024 v 18:43

Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons features one of the most iconic characters in the D&D mythos – the archlich Vecna – as well as the original Bard Survivor Aestri Yazar (and her playable counterpart, Baermar Uraz). Also coming is the Forgotten Ruins Map, a dark fantasy-inspired Realm befitting of The Whispered One’s presence.

Countless players have immersed themselves in the world of Dungeons & Dragons – including many of us on the Dead by Daylight team – and it was important to capture the experience and characters players know and love. It was an exciting challenge for Principal Game Designer Janick Neveu, who was tasked with bringing the all-powerful Vecna to life. 

“We wanted to explore magic and really delve into the spellcasting aspect of the Killer,” he explains. “The first thing we did was look at Vecna’s recently updated lore and stat block from Wizards of the Coast. We then compiled a list of potential spells and tried to identify game mechanics that would translate to DbD.”

After deliberation and a few rounds of prototyping, the team ultimately landed on four distinct spells: Fly, Flight of the Damned, Dispelling Sphere, and Mage Hand. During a game, Vecna can cycle through his spell book and select whichever spell he wishes to use, with each one excelling at a different role.

“Fly allows Vecna to traverse the map quickly,” notes Neveu, citing the impact Killer mobility can have on a match. “Mobility is an interesting element that’s present on many other Killers, and it’s always appreciated by our players.”

“However, it was important that Fly wasn’t more effective than a Killer’s main mobility effect,” he continues. “Otherwise, we’d risk making an older Killer obsolete. During design, we had to carefully examine the values of traversal length, speed, and efficacy in chase.” 

Complementing this tool for quickly gaining ground on a Survivor, Vecna can use his projectile Flight of the Damned spell to zone them into a favourable location. “Flight of the Damned, which is a special ability unique to Vecna in D&D, allows him to cast undead spectral projectiles that propel forward, creating a bullet-hell effect,” explains Neveu. “Try shooting it through walls to catch Survivors unawares.” 

When Vecna catches up to a Survivor, he can use his Mage Hand spell to tip the scales in his favor. “Mage Hand allows you to tag a Pallet and block it if it’s already up,” explains Neveu. “If it’s been dropped, the Mage Hand will raise it instantly. It’s probably his most unique ability.” 

It also rewards skillful gameplay for both sides. “Pallets are a valuable resource to Survivors, and we built intricacies to ensure counterplay. Using Mage Hand effectively might sound simple on paper, but there’s reactivity involved. You must pre-emptively charge your Power and predict a Survivor’s pathing, which creates a fun battle of wits.”

“His last spell is the Dispelling Sphere, which was inspired by two existing D&D spells named Detect Magic and Dispel Magic,” says Neveu. “Using this allows Vecna to cast a large area effect that traverses through the level, revealing any Survivor and dispelling any Magic Items they might have found.”

Speaking of Magic Items…

“One of the big appeals of RPGs is hunting for loot and improving your character,” says Neveu. “As such, it was imperative to incorporate that into Dead by Daylight. In the end, the team decided on making Magic Items spawn in Treasure Chests whenever facing Vecna, giving Survivors tools to withstand his magical onslaught. If they’re lucky, they may even unearth Vecna’s cherished possessions: the Hand and Eye of Vecna.

“If a Survivor gets the Eye, when they do a fast Exit from a Locker, they’ll become unseen and unheard for a duration. If they have the Hand, when they fast jump into a Locker, they teleport to another random Locker. These can be tricky to use, and while they’re beneficial to the Survivor, they will take damage when using the effect.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be Dungeons & Dragons without one crucial element. “We absolutely needed a dice roll!” laughs Neveu. It manifested in determining the rarity of loot Survivors will find during the Trial – but as anyone knows, sometimes the rolls simply aren’t in your favor. 

“Even the best fighter with the best magic sword can miss an attack from time to time,” he continues. “We really wanted to capture that aspect, but not base the whole experience around it. The dice roll might randomize the experience, but it doesn’t affect the result.”

For fans of Dungeons & Dragons, this latest Chapter looks to be one of Dead by Daylight’s most ambitious to date and no doubt the perfect entry point for many to the long-running horror multiplayer. 

Revealed as part of Dead by Daylight’s 8th Anniversary celebrations, Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons will be released on PlayStation on June 3. 

  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • Sony Music opts out of AI training for its entire catalogFinancial Times
    Enlarge / The Sony Music letter expressly prohibits artificial intelligence developers from using its music — which includes artists such as Beyoncé. (credit: Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Parkwood via Getty Images) Sony Music is sending warning letters to more than 700 artificial intelligence developers and music streaming services globally in the latest salvo in the music industry’s battle against tech groups ripping off artists. The Sony Music letter, which has been seen by t

Sony Music opts out of AI training for its entire catalog

17. Květen 2024 v 15:16
picture of Beyonce who is a Sony artist

Enlarge / The Sony Music letter expressly prohibits artificial intelligence developers from using its music — which includes artists such as Beyoncé. (credit: Kevin Mazur/WireImage for Parkwood via Getty Images)

Sony Music is sending warning letters to more than 700 artificial intelligence developers and music streaming services globally in the latest salvo in the music industry’s battle against tech groups ripping off artists.

The Sony Music letter, which has been seen by the Financial Times, expressly prohibits AI developers from using its music—which includes artists such as Harry Styles, Adele and Beyoncé—and opts out of any text and data mining of any of its content for any purposes such as training, developing or commercializing any AI system.

Sony Music is sending the letter to companies developing AI systems including OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Suno, and Udio, according to those close to the group.

Read 12 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • Automakers hedge their bets with plug-in hybrids as EV sales slowFinancial Times
    Enlarge (credit: Honda) Global carmakers are stepping up their investment in hybrid technologies as consumers’ growing wariness over fully electric vehicles forces the industry to rapidly shift gear, according to top executives. A combination of still high interest rates and concern over inadequate charging infrastructure has chilled buyers’ enthusiasm for fully electric cars, prompting a rebound in sales of hybrid vehicles that most of the industry had long regarded as nothi

Automakers hedge their bets with plug-in hybrids as EV sales slow

10. Květen 2024 v 17:57
Automakers hedge their bets with plug-in hybrids as EV sales slow

Enlarge (credit: Honda)

Global carmakers are stepping up their investment in hybrid technologies as consumers’ growing wariness over fully electric vehicles forces the industry to rapidly shift gear, according to top executives.

A combination of still high interest rates and concern over inadequate charging infrastructure has chilled buyers’ enthusiasm for fully electric cars, prompting a rebound in sales of hybrid vehicles that most of the industry had long regarded as nothing more than a stop-gap.

Tapping the resurgent demand for hybrids was a priority, executives from General Motors, Nissan, Hyundai, Volkswagen and Ford told the Financial Times’ Future of the Car Summit this week.

Read 17 remaining paragraphs | Comments

Want to create your own gaming or streaming designs? Check out Placeit’s Logo Maker tool to take your visuals to the next level!

3. Květen 2024 v 19:03

Tired of wasting hours spent with different design tools trying to create the perfect visuals for your gaming stream? Not sure you have what it takes to build a professional-looking logo for your next big startup idea?

Placeit is here to help with their handy logo maker tool, which lets you easily create stunning logos in seconds without needing to hire an expensive designer to build them out for you.

The best apps and services for new graduates

New graduates have a lot to manage: applying for jobs or further education, staying on top of their finances, keeping healthy and maybe even finding a more permanent place to live. Instead of a gift basket full of food they don’t eat, consider giving them a subscription to a service they’ll use regularly instead. Be it a new service that can make their lives easier, or footing the bill for something they already pay for, your new grad will thank you for the thoughtful yet practical gift. Here are some of the best subscription services to consider gifting to new graduates this year.


Cloud storage and security




This article originally appeared on Engadget at

© Engadget

The best apps and services for new graduates
  • ✇posts from RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS, Purei
  • Why doesn't my Feather rp2040 UART work *only* on a breadboard?/u/WolfInABox
    Beginner to electronics, but I have Python experience. I'm working on a project, and I ultimately want to have two RP2040 based boards (feather rp2040 and kb2040 in this case, just what I had) communicate over UART, but I'm having some confusing issues. To simplify, I've connected the feather's TX and RX pins to each other on a breadboard (eliminating the other board for now). (I did also try just using 1 wire to bridge TX and RX instead; same problem). This is the code I'm using in CircuitPytho

Why doesn't my Feather rp2040 UART work *only* on a breadboard?

Beginner to electronics, but I have Python experience. I'm working on a project, and I ultimately want to have two RP2040 based boards (feather rp2040 and kb2040 in this case, just what I had) communicate over UART, but I'm having some confusing issues.

To simplify, I've connected the feather's TX and RX pins to each other on a breadboard (eliminating the other board for now). (I did also try just using 1 wire to bridge TX and RX instead; same problem). This is the code I'm using in CircuitPython:

import board import busio uart = busio.UART(board.TX, board.RX, baudrate=9600,timeout=4) data=bytes('hello world', 'ascii') while True: uart.write(data) print( 

This does not work, and after the 4s timeout None is printed. (Except for the first iteration, which prints b'\\x00').

My first thought was maybe there's a connection issue, but I confirmed with a multimeter that the RX and TX pins have continuity (so it's not like the breadboard is just broken).

The even weirder part is if I eliminate the breadboard, and just hold wires in place connecting TX and RX, it works! So... what am I missing here? Why does it only not work on the breadboard? I feel like an idiot haha, this seems like such a simple setup.

Is the added resistance from the breadboard causing a problem here, or something else? These wires measure around 0.2ohms, and a path between 2 wires going through the breadboard measured around 0.4ohms.

submitted by /u/WolfInABox to r/RASPBERRY_PI_PROJECTS
[link] [comments]
  • ✇Twinfinite
  • 10 Things We’re Most Excited to See In Destiny 2 The Final ShapeFinlay Cattanach
    The Destiny 2 Final Shape DLC is almost here after an extensive wait, and after seeing new gameplay footage, new trailers, and new updates from the development team at Bungie, there’s a cautious optimism on the rise. After a tumultuous year for the game, the conclusion to the Light and Darkness saga has high expectations to meet if it wants to win back fans and give the game a shot at continued longevity. But just what do we know so far that’s got us hyped for June 4? Here, we’re going to ra

10 Things We’re Most Excited to See In Destiny 2 The Final Shape

2. Květen 2024 v 11:30

The Destiny 2 Final Shape DLC is almost here after an extensive wait, and after seeing new gameplay footage, new trailers, and new updates from the development team at Bungie, there’s a cautious optimism on the rise. After a tumultuous year for the game, the conclusion to the Light and Darkness saga has high expectations to meet if it wants to win back fans and give the game a shot at continued longevity. But just what do we know so far that’s got us hyped for June 4?

Here, we’re going to rank our 10 most anticipated features and changes coming in the Destiny 2 Final Shape expansion based on everything we know so far. Keep in mind of course that there will be some slight spoilers ahead. But with any luck, you’ll be just as excited as us by the time you’re done reading. If you’re looking for things to do while we wait out the last few weeks, check out our list of 10 things to do before The Final Shape, too.

  • ✇Android Authority
  • How to set up and activate SiriRoger Fingas
    If you’ve got an Apple device like an iPhone or Apple Watch, you’ll probably want (or even need) Siri, the company’s voice assistant. Here’s how to set up Siri for the first time and activate Siri on any Apple product. Read more: The best Siri commands for productivity and more

How to set up and activate Siri

21. Duben 2024 v 05:53

If you’ve got an Apple device like an iPhone or Apple Watch, you’ll probably want (or even need) Siri, the company’s voice assistant. Here’s how to set up Siri for the first time and activate Siri on any Apple product.

Read more: The best Siri commands for productivity and more

  • ✇posts from MiniPCs, EmulationOnAndroid
  • MiniPC recommendations for streaming YT/Kodi, and running Plex?/u/chrisjfinlay
    I'm looking for a miniPC to use with a display in my sports bar-themed mancave, and its main use will be streaming - YouTube, Kodi, MLB/MiLB.TV etc - as well as running Plex on so that I no longer need to keep my laptop running all the time... I'm hoping to not spend a huge amount on it; I was thinking something like this but wondered if anyone had any thoughts? Any

MiniPC recommendations for streaming YT/Kodi, and running Plex?

I'm looking for a miniPC to use with a display in my sports bar-themed mancave, and its main use will be streaming - YouTube, Kodi, MLB/MiLB.TV etc - as well as running Plex on so that I no longer need to keep my laptop running all the time... I'm hoping to not spend a huge amount on it; I was thinking something like this but wondered if anyone had any thoughts? Any red flags about this device or other options I should look at?

submitted by /u/chrisjfinlay to r/MiniPCs
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