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  • ✇Massively Overpowered
  • The MOP Up: Spellfarers lets you dabble in moon magicJustin Olivetti
    The recently launched magic life sim Spellfarers Update 0.511 arrived with “lots of fixes, including to cooking, a new stove for Ilo’s kitchen, minor transmutations, and more. Witches can now properly specialize in moon magic by casting the magic specialization spell.” And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a […]

The MOP Up: Spellfarers lets you dabble in moon magic

18. Srpen 2024 v 22:00
The recently launched magic life sim Spellfarers Update 0.511 arrived with “lots of fixes, including to cooking, a new stove for Ilo’s kitchen, minor transmutations, and more. Witches can now properly specialize in moon magic by casting the magic specialization spell.” And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a […]
  • TEST: Monitor HP 727pq – univerzál na práci, multimédia, a dokonce i hraní herDominik Wetter
    Monitor HP 727pq se na první pohled tváří jako elegán, kterého zaparkujete na pracovním stole a bude věrně sloužit pro zobrazení vašich nápadů, dokumentů, tabulek a nějakému tomu filmu nebo videu. Zkrátka takový ten poctivý pracant pro produktivní jedince. Jenže pod elegantním designem se skrývá velmi příjemné překvapení.     Začněme tím, co je na první pohled nejvíce vidět – displej. Ten dosahuje úhlopříčky 27 palců a poskytuje komfortní plochu pro zobrazení obsahu. Místa je tu víc než dost, so

TEST: Monitor HP 727pq – univerzál na práci, multimédia, a dokonce i hraní her

19. Srpen 2024 v 11:34

monitor hp per

Monitor HP 727pq se na první pohled tváří jako elegán, kterého zaparkujete na pracovním stole a bude věrně sloužit pro zobrazení vašich nápadů, dokumentů, tabulek a nějakému tomu filmu nebo videu. Zkrátka takový ten poctivý pracant pro produktivní jedince. Jenže pod elegantním designem se skrývá velmi příjemné překvapení.  


Začněme tím, co je na první pohled nejvíce vidět – displej. Ten dosahuje úhlopříčky 27 palců a poskytuje komfortní plochu pro zobrazení obsahu. Místa je tu víc než dost, současně se můžete dívat ze vzdálenosti nějakého necelého metru a vše je dobře viditelné a čitelné. Tato velikost mi zkrátka přijde optimální jak na práci, tak multimediální zábavu, a to i ve spojení například se změnou velikosti okna prohlížeče. Quad HD rozlišení vykresluje text i obraz jasně, ostře a s čitelností nemám sebemenší problémy. 27palcová velikost je taky ideální pro komfortní sledování více oken nebo aplikací najednou. V mém případě typicky dvě.

monitor hp 2 monitor hp 3

Abychom se dostali taky k těm hrám, že, tak podporuje technologii AMD FreeSync Premium, takže se velmi dobře synchronizuje s obnovovací frekvencí grafické karty a zajišťuje plynulý obraz bez sekání nebo trhání. Samozřejmostí jsou také dle mého soudu velmi dobře kalibrované a bohaté barvy a umím si představit, že bych na monitoru HP 727pq dokázal dělat i nějaké ty náročnější editace digitálního obsahu, jako je úprava fotografií a obrázků. 


monitor hp 9 monitpr hp 7

Konektivita pro náročné 

Co musím ocenit dále, je konektorová výbava. V zadní části je k dispozici slušná plejáda portů pro připojení periferních zařízení. HDMI, USB, DisplayPort, USB-C. Okolo monitoru v pohodě postavíte pracovní, multimediální i herní stanici. Z výčtu rozhraní je zřejmé, že model HP 727pq cílí výhradně na moderní počítače a zařízení, ale zase k němu připojíte vše, co potřebujete. V podstatě není problém z něj vytvořit jakousi centrální stanici, kolem které nahodíte PC, notebook, herní konzoli, a ještě si nabijete mobil nebo jiné drobné elektro. 

monitor hp 5 monitor hp 4


Přesně tam, kde ho potřebujete 

Monitor HP 727pq se vyznačuje pokročilou ergonomií a zaujme přesně takovou pozici, jakou potřebujete. Ať už jde o nastavení výšky, úhlu náklonu, nebo otočení, ve všech směrech se s monitorem manipuluje rychle a jednoduše. Jediný nedostatek po této stránce vnímám v systému uchyceni displeje na stojan, respektive při jeho odnímání. Zasunutí a upevnění je v pohodě, ale když jsem zkoušel monitor opět uvolnit, konečky prstů to trochu odskákaly, protože při uvolňování je dlouhou, dlouho nic a pak najednou lup – a je to venku. Pravděpodobně nebudete sundávat displej každý den, to jen já jsem zkoušel, jak dobře se mi bude balit zase zpátky do krabice. Ve výsledku je to vlastně dobře. Chcete přece, aby displej pevně seděl na svém místě. A že tady sedí opravdu pevně.  

monitor hp 6


Celá konstrukce monitoru HP 727pq je pořádně masivní a pevná. Samotný stojan je solidní kus kovu, který na stole drží svoji pozici a jen tak s ním něco nehne. Jednotlivé části do sebe perfektně zapadají a montáž je velmi jednoduchá. Vlastní displej pak drží na otočném pantu, což umožňuje jeho nastavení. Tento pant by možná mohl být bytelnější, nicméně nemám obavu, že by se zničehonic zlomil. Rámečky okolo displeje jsou tenké a nesnižují celkovou plochu ani kvalitu sledování.

monitor hp 7 monitor hp 8

Za zmínku stojí také možnosti nastavení. Do hlavního menu se dostanete skrze ovladač, který je skrytý na spodní pravé straně. Tlačítka jsou oddělena tenkými jednotlivými linkami, takže se vše snadno ovládání pomocí hmatu.

Článek TEST: Monitor HP 727pq – univerzál na práci, multimédia, a dokonce i hraní her se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • Stray Gods is a Campy, Engrossing Visual Novel With a Song in its HeartLatonya "Penn" Pennington
    Developed by Summerfall Studios and published by Humble Games, Stray Gods: The Role Playing Musical was originally released in August 2023. Additional content known as "Stray Gods: Orpheus" was released in late June 2024 on all consoles. For the purpose of this review, I will only be reviewing the base game as I have not played the DLC yet.Stray Gods tells the epic tale of Grace, a young woman and college dropout who feels directionless. After meeting a mysterious young woman named Calliope, Gra

Stray Gods is a Campy, Engrossing Visual Novel With a Song in its Heart

26. Červenec 2024 v 17:00
Stray Gods is a Campy, Engrossing Visual Novel With a Song in its Heart

Developed by Summerfall Studios and published by Humble Games, Stray Gods: The Role Playing Musical was originally released in August 2023. Additional content known as "Stray Gods: Orpheus" was released in late June 2024 on all consoles. For the purpose of this review, I will only be reviewing the base game as I have not played the DLC yet.

Stray Gods tells the epic tale of Grace, a young woman and college dropout who feels directionless. After meeting a mysterious young woman named Calliope, Grace returns home only to have a fatally wounded Calliope die in her arms. From here, Grace finds herself becoming the last Muse, accused of murder by a chorus of Greek gods. Now, she has seven days to prove her innocence and find the true killer or be sentenced to death.

One of the first notable features in Stray Gods is the animated sequences. Consisting of 2D hand-illustrated visuals created by art director Benjamin Ee and illustrator Jess Lee, watching the animation feels almost like looking at a comic book. Characters are drawn realistically so that facial expressions and movement feel true to life. The designs are diverse in terms of race, gender, and body type and also vibrant and detailed enough to show facets of each character's personality.

Stray Gods is a Campy, Engrossing Visual Novel With a Song in its Heart
Source: Press Kit.

Characters are drawn realistically so that facial expressions and movement feel true to life.

Speaking of the characters, they are a pretty lively bunch. Grace will be relatable to anyone who has felt stuck in life, while her female best friend Freddie is cool, optimistic, and knowledgeable about Greek mythology. Then, there are the Greek gods themselves. Hermes is a cheerful nonbinary Asian messenger with magic doorways. Persephone is a tough-as-nails club owner with a soft side. Aphrodite is beautiful, soulful, and deeply troubled. Orpheus is vindictive and musically gifted. These characters and their personal stories are dynamically enhanced by a stellar international voice cast that includes Laura Bailey, Erika Ishii, Merle Dandridge, and Anthony Rapp.

Moreover, the characters, story, and animated sequences are brought to life through fabulous musical numbers that change lyrically and genre-wise depending on the dialogue you select out of a series of timed, color-coded choices. The musical numbers are also affected by the color-coded traits you select for Grace at the beginning and climax of the game, which range from charming (green), kick-ass (red), or clever (blue). On my first playthrough, I chose the Clever trait, which made the song "I Can Teach You" into a fun jazz track. On the other hand, the kick-ass trait turned this song into an angry solo jazz number.

Source: YouTube.

In addition to making choices during musical numbers, the dialogue choices you select influence which characters you romance. Some choices come with heart options that allow you to flirt with a character and at some point, you get choices with an exclamation point. Choosing the right one allows you to romance a character and later get a musical number. There are four romance options, including Apollo, Persephone, Freddie, and Pan. I romanced Freddie on my second playthrough and found their courtship poignant, down-to-earth, and sweet. However, other players might want to consider using a guide if you are going for a certain character to ensure that you pick the correct dialogue options, as it is possible to get locked out of romancing a character if you pick the wrong ones.

Stray Gods is a Campy, Engrossing Visual Novel With a Song in its Heart
Source: Author.

This brings me to the last two prominent aspects of the game. The first is the ability to reload your save from specific points in the game. If you dislike a choice you make in one musical number or a dialogue option, you can reload the chapter it is in and do it again. While you can't hit the "Y" button and fast forward through musical numbers you've already done, you can do this with the dialogue lines.

For those who want to do multiple routes, the replay value is very high. There are multiple save slots available for different playthroughs and the ability to skip dialogue lines assists with this. Not to mention, the rewards are worth it as you get to romance different characters, see what happens if you side with certain characters, and hear different versions of the songs.

All in all, this game is a campy and engrossing visual novel with a song in its heart. Visually striking animation, charismatic characters, and dramatic musical numbers come together to tell a magical story about gods learning to be human and finding a new place for themselves.

  • Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the SpotPriya Sridhar
    Thirsty Suitors is a unique, story rich game that features love, battles, and Asian family drama (and not the kind of drama that would end up in a soap, but the mundane ones that haunt a queer South Asian). Player character Jala is flawed, funny, and relatable. She has to skateboard through her hometown and battle her exes, even if they're cool. With a month to go before her sister's wedding, Jala has to make amends, and find out if she's invited. That isn't a lot of time for reconciliation!I've

Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the Spot

24. Červenec 2024 v 17:00
Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the Spot

Thirsty Suitors is a unique, story rich game that features love, battles, and Asian family drama (and not the kind of drama that would end up in a soap, but the mundane ones that haunt a queer South Asian).

Player character Jala is flawed, funny, and relatable. She has to skateboard through her hometown and battle her exes, even if they're cool. With a month to go before her sister's wedding, Jala has to make amends, and find out if she's invited. That isn't a lot of time for reconciliation!

I've been looking forward to the full release of Thirsty Suitors for a while since playing the demo two years ago. You can find my thoughts here in a compilation of Superjump's October 2022 Steam Demo fest recommendations. A friend was kind enough to gift it to me, and I finally got a chance to play it this June for Pride month.

What I love is that this game understands how hard it is to be queer and Asian in a diaspora world. Some family members refuse to comprehend the meaning of the word "bisexual". While Jala's parents are more understanding, with her dad providing unconditional love and support with bad puns, her grandmother has questions about why Jala is not happily settled down with someone. Namely, settled with an Indian guy who has a job and a career. For Jala to assert she doesn't just want to settle, she has to fight. Literally!

Beyond the diner scene in the demo

The Thirsty Suitors demo starts with a bus ride and tutorial. We also start there in the proper game. After a messy breakup, Jala is homeless, and without anything but a skateboard and her backpack. She scrounges up her pocket money to take the bus home to Timber Hills. A chance run-in with an ex may provide her a ride home, or an awkward battle as she and her opponent fight, flirt, and flex. The flexing is literal since Sergio has been working out since their elementary school days.

Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the Spot
Source: Steam.

Turns out that Jala has gotten around a lot, with enough exes to rival the ones that Ramona Flowers had in Scott Pilgrim. Some are not interested after she broke their hearts, while others seek revenge. A few, like Sergio, consider getting closure. Either way, it seems Jala will have to fight them with the power of thirsty or angry taunts.

So that's where the demo ended. But then the story really begins when Jala finds out over an awkward breakfast with her parents that her big sister Aruni is getting married. Their grandmother is coming for the wedding and has been sending suitors after Jala to court her. All Indian guys, of course, who have jobs and respectable backgrounds. Jala loves Patti but isn't ready for any sort of romance after her breakup. Heck, she doesn't even know if she's back in Timber Hills to make amends with the family she left behind or improvise a way forward. Talking to Aruni is a high priority, but so is avoiding all the Indian suitors. They appear in gift boxes around town last that I checked.

I'm so relieved that the game gives settings for adjusting the battle difficulty. The battles in the demo were difficult, especially for someone like me who is not coordinated in a 3D pixel world. I'm already having trouble managing Jala on her skateboard since it's easy to nearly run over people or crash into railings. Still, you get some time to practice and determine Jala's Thirstsona based on the points she earns from battles.

Caught between expectations and tradition

This game totally renders what it's like to be adult, South Asian, and queer. Specifically, when you are out of the closet and your family remains in denial. If you're a cis woman and Indian-Asian, you have to fit the mold that before you turn 35, you need to get married to an Indian guy. Sure, you may be able to avoid it if your sisters end up with non-Indian men and scandalize mothers with a divorce, but awkward questions will arise. And those who marry non-Indian guys will always face their parents' remorse about it.

Elephants in the room exist in the game. Jala's parents don't want to talk about the fact that she cut them off for three years following a nasty fight with her mother and moving in with a woman named Jennifer. Her mother instead expresses disappointment about how she didn't bother calling while her dad suggests activities to mend bonds with Aruni and other family members. Jala doesn't want to talk about why Jennifer kicked her out and didn't even let her pack clothes. She can admit that her mother was right about Jennifer, but that's about it. Time will tell if these people will open up about what really happened, without dramatic meltdowns.

Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the Spot

On the surface, Jala meets some of her parents' expectations. She's skinny owing to her constant skateboarding and wears clothes that some consider fashionable. In addition, she's been independent for a while and doesn't have chronic health conditions. When you hear meltdowns and needling remarks about any of these things, it sets the tone for impossible standards to meet.

In private, however, Jala's mother expresses some of the traditional views and disappointments that can hit any queer Indian adult. Her younger daughter doesn't have a high-power job that earns a lot of money or any sense of direction in life. Not to mention she's single, and her choice of romantic partners has been questionable at best. Jala has no future right now, and her past is sordid by conservative Indian standards. These small jabs hit close to home, even with her dad playing good cop. Jala internalizes all these criticisms and repeats them on loop, another thing that hits very close to home.

Then there's Aruni. The older responsible sister, who has found a decent guy, moved out but stayed within walking distance, and apparently has no issues. Jala wants to mend her bond with her older sister but doesn't know how, since they ghosted each other. She may not even have a wedding invitation! Conversation has to happen, along with answers. But Aruni also represents everything Jala isn't: the model daughter for South Asian parents. Jala implies that's why the two haven't spoken in months but someone has to break the ice.

Thirsty Suitors Shows How Diaspora Romance Culture Puts Queer Asians on the Spot
Source: Steam.

Skating to a new life

It will be interesting to see where the rest of the story will go. Jala is by no means perfect, but she is relatable to the Gen Y South Asian in the West. Her story is bound to have as many twists and turns as her skateboard routes.

I also can't wait to see how the game will address this awkward status that Jala has as a South Asian disaster bisexual. She will have to assert herself to her grandmother and figure out a way forward after a breakup.

  • ✇Latest
  • Will Biden Sleepwalk Into a War With Iran?Matthew Petti
    This week has been especially chaotic for the Middle East. On Saturday, a Lebanese rocket killed 12 children and youth at a soccer game in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. (The victims were Syrian citizens with Israeli residency.) On Tuesday night, Israel took revenge for the rocket by killing Fuad Shukr, a commander in the pro-Iranian militia Hezbollah, along with two children. A few hours later, a bomb killed Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Ha

Will Biden Sleepwalk Into a War With Iran?

1. Srpen 2024 v 20:30
Lebanese mourners carry the coffins of two children, Hassan and Amira Muhammed Fadallah, who were killed in the Israeli drone attack on Beirut on July 30, 2023. | Marwan Naamani/dpa/picture-alliance/Newscom

This week has been especially chaotic for the Middle East. On Saturday, a Lebanese rocket killed 12 children and youth at a soccer game in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. (The victims were Syrian citizens with Israeli residency.) On Tuesday night, Israel took revenge for the rocket by killing Fuad Shukr, a commander in the pro-Iranian militia Hezbollah, along with two children.

A few hours later, a bomb killed Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas' political bureau and the lead negotiator with Israel, while he was visiting Tehran for the Iranian president's inauguration. Israel is widely believed to be the culprit. Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah have both promised to take revenge.

The same night that Shukr and Haniyeh were killed, U.S. warplanes rained down fire on an Iraqi militia base, killing four pro-Iranian fighters. An anonymous U.S. official told reporters that the militiamen were launching an attack drone that "posed a threat" to U.S. and allied forces. It was not clear whether the Iraqi drone was really aimed at U.S. troops—or Israel.

Soon it may not matter. The Biden administration affirmed again on Wednesday that it will help defend Israel in case of a conflict with Lebanon or Iran, as it did during clashes this April. And the administration has hinted before that it will get involved directly if Israel faces military setbacks in Lebanon. Israeli leaders may have been betting on exactly that outcome.

Unnamed "sources in the security establishment" told The Jerusalem Post that they could have assassinated Haniyeh in Qatar, where he usually lives. Instead, those sources explained, "the choice to carry out the assassination in the heart of Tehran was precisely because Haniyeh was under Iranian security responsibility, which placed Iran at the heart of the world's focus as a host, director, and supplier of terrorism."

In other words, killing Haniyeh was possibly meant to turn the Israel-Hamas war into an international crisis involving Iran and Israel's allies.

Months before the October 2023 attacks, Israeli policy makers had gamed out an Israeli strike leading to a U.S.-Iranian war. The Institute for National Security Studies, a think tank close to the Israeli government, ran a simulation in July 2023 that was eerily similar to the current escalation. The scenario began with an Israeli assassination campaign in Tehran, which provoked Hezbollah and Iraqi militias into attacking Israel and ended with direct U.S. attacks on Iran.

"Former top political and military leaders from Israel, the United States and a number of European countries took part in the simulation," reported the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

For years before that, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders had been demanding U.S. support for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. It's not hard to understand why. Khamenei has called Israel a cancerous tumor that needs to be excised, and Israeli leaders have in turn said that Iran is the head of an evil octopus, which must be cut off.

The attacks on October 7, 2023, by Hamas seemed to confirm the Israeli perception. Whatever role Iran did or didn't have in planning the attacks—the U.S. government believes that Iranian leaders were just as surprised as everyone else—Iran's allies immediately jumped into the fray, attacking Israel in the name of the Palestinian cause.

And plenty of American politicians want conflict for their own reasons. Immediately after the October 7 attacks, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.) had called for bombing Iran whether or not there was evidence that Iran was behind the attacks. On Wednesday, he claimed to have intelligence that "Iran will, in the coming weeks or months, possess a nuclear weapon" and introduced a bill calling for war with Iran.

A conflict with Iran also helps Netanyahu alleviate some of the domestic political pressure on him. Before the October 7 attacks, he was facing protests over his proposal to defang the Israeli Supreme Court. And instead of rallying Israelis around Netanyahu, the attacks galvanized opposition, as many Israelis blamed Netanyahu for the security lapse and the failure to rescue hostages.

This week, those tensions exploded into an outright mutiny. After months of international pressure regarding the treatment of inmates at the Sde Teiman prison, Israeli military police began a probe into one of the most egregious cases. Nine soldiers had allegedly raped a Palestinian prisoner so hard that he was sent to the hospital with a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage, and broken ribs.

Police detained some of the accused soldiers, and Israeli nationalists accused the government of betraying its troops. Nationalist rioters, including members of parliament, stormed both Sde Teiman and the Beit Lid military courts in support of the accused rapists. The army was forced to pull three battalions away from the Palestinian territories to guard the courthouse.

Killing Shukr and Haniyeh, then, was a good political bet for Netanyahu. At the very least, Netanyahu got to drown out headlines about the Sde Teiman riot with a dashing military victory. And if Iran hits back hard enough, then Israel may be able to get the world's superpower to fight Israel's greatest enemy.

But a full-on U.S.-Iran war would be a disaster for the region and for Americans. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie warned The New Yorker in December 2021 that Iran has missile "overmatch in the theatre—the ability to overwhelm" U.S. air defenses. American troops would face attacks in Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and a few well-placed Iranian strikes on Tel Aviv or Abu Dhabi could do serious damage to the world economy.

It would be a disaster of the Biden administration's own making. Soon after the October 7 attacks, President Joe Biden embraced the "bear hug" theory of diplomacy. By giving Israel public reassurances and unlimited military support, the theory went, Biden would earn enough goodwill from Israelis to keep their war contained and eventually broker an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire.

Instead, the bear hug has turned out to be a sleepwalk. Netanyahu has taken U.S. support as a license to continue expanding the conflict. And the Biden administration seems to be at a loss for words about the latest escalation. Asked what impact the assassination of one side's chief negotiator would have on ceasefire negotiations, Secretary of State Antony Blinken played dumb.

"Well, I've seen the reports, and what I can tell you is this: First, this is something we were not aware of or involved in," Blinken told Channel News Asia. "It's very hard to speculate, and I've learned never to speculate, on the impact one event may have on something else. So I can't tell you what this means."

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  • ✇
  • Red Faction: Guerrilla sequel was another Embracer casualty, say former Fishlab devsVikki Blake
    Embracer reportedly killed a Red Faction: Guerrilla sequel.That's according to Rock Paper Shotgun, which reported this week that several former Fishlabs developers have confirmed that when Embracer killed off dozens of studios and projects after an investment deal collapsed, it also killed off a Red Faction sequel, too.Described as a "safe sequel" "with a familiar emphasis on wrecking buildings", the development team was keen to develop original creator Volition's blueprint with "open-ended pla

Red Faction: Guerrilla sequel was another Embracer casualty, say former Fishlab devs

22. Červen 2024 v 18:52

Embracer reportedly killed a Red Faction: Guerrilla sequel.

That's according to Rock Paper Shotgun, which reported this week that several former Fishlabs developers have confirmed that when Embracer killed off dozens of studios and projects after an investment deal collapsed, it also killed off a Red Faction sequel, too.

Described as a "safe sequel" "with a familiar emphasis on wrecking buildings", the development team was keen to develop original creator Volition's blueprint with "open-ended play experience" more in keeping with immersive sims, such as Arkane Austin's Dishonored. It's thought the game would have been set a century after the events of Guerrilla, featuring new and reimagined locations. As the female protagonist, players would have led an underground revolution, forging alliances and factions along the way.

Read more

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Chip Industry Week In ReviewThe SE Staff
    BAE Systems and GlobalFoundries are teaming up to strengthen the supply of chips for national security programs, aligning technology roadmaps and collaborating on innovation and manufacturing. Focus areas include advanced packaging, GaN-on-silicon chips, silicon photonics, and advanced technology process development. Onsemi plans to build a $2 billion silicon carbide production plant in the Czech Republic. The site would produce smart power semiconductors for electric vehicles, renewable energy

Chip Industry Week In Review

21. Červen 2024 v 09:01

BAE Systems and GlobalFoundries are teaming up to strengthen the supply of chips for national security programs, aligning technology roadmaps and collaborating on innovation and manufacturing. Focus areas include advanced packaging, GaN-on-silicon chips, silicon photonics, and advanced technology process development.

Onsemi plans to build a $2 billion silicon carbide production plant in the Czech Republic. The site would produce smart power semiconductors for electric vehicles, renewable energy technology, and data centers.

The global chip manufacturing industry is projected to boost capacity by 6% in 2024 and 7% in 2025, reaching 33.7 million 8-inch (200mm) wafers per month, according to SEMIs latest World Fab Forecast report. Leading-edge capacity for 5nm nodes and below is expected to grow by 13% in 2024, driven by AI demand for data center applications. Additionally, Intel, Samsung, and TSMC will begin producing 2nm chips using gate-all-around (GAA) FETs next year, boosting leading-edge capacity by 17% in 2025.

At the IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology & Circuits, imec introduced:

  • Functional CMOS-based CFETs with stacked bottom and top source/drain contacts.
  • CMOS-based 56Gb/s zero-IF D-band beamforming transmitters to support next-gen short-range, high-speed wireless services at frequencies above 100GHz.
  • ADCs for base stations and handsets, a key step toward scalable, high-performance beyond-5G solutions, such as cloud-based AI and extended reality apps.

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Wolfspeed postponed plans to construct a $3 billion chip plant in Germany, underscoring the EU‘s challenges in boosting semiconductor production, reports Reuters. The North Carolina-based company cited reduced capital spending due to a weakened EV market, saying it now aims to start construction in mid-2025, two years later than 0riginally planned.

Micron is building a pilot production line for high-bandwidth memory (HBM) in the U.S., and considering HBM production in Malaysia to meet growing AI demand, according to a Nikkei report. The company is expanding HBM R&D facilities in Boise, Idaho, and eyeing production capacity in Malaysia, while also enhancing its largest HBM facility in Taichung, Taiwan.

Kioxia restored its Yokkaichi and Kitakami plants in Japan to full capacity, ending production cuts as the memory market recovers, according to Nikkei. The company, which is focusing on NAND flash production, has secured new bank credit support, including refinancing a ¥540 billion loan and establishing a ¥210 billion credit line. Kioxia had reduced output by more than 30% in October 2022 due to weak smartphone demand.

Europe’s NATO Innovation Fund announced its first direct investments, which includes semiconductor materials. Twenty-three NATO allies co-invested in this over $1B fund devoted to address critical defense and security challenges.

The second meeting of the U.S.India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) was held in New Delhi, with various funding and initiatives announced to support semiconductor technology, next-gen telecommunications, connected and autonomous vehicles, ML, and more.

Amazon announced investments of €10 billion in Germany to drive innovation and support the expansion of its logistics network and cloud infrastructure.

Quantum Machines opened the Israeli Quantum Computing Center (IQCC) research facility, backed by the Israel Innovation Authority and located at Tel Aviv University. Also, Israel-based Classiq is collaborating with NVIDIA and BMW, using quantum computing to find the optimal automotive architecture of electrical and mechanical systems.

Global data center vacancy rates are at historic lows, and power availability is becoming less available, according to a Siemens report featured on Broadband Breakfast. The company called for an influx of financing to find new ways to optimize data center technology and sustainability.


Semiconductor Engineering published its Manufacturing, Packaging & Materials newsletter this week, featuring these top stories:

More reporting this week:

Market Reports

Renesas completed its acquisition of Transphorm and will immediately start offering GaN-based power products and reference designs to meet the demand for wide-bandgap (WBG) chips.

Revenues for the top five wafer fab equipment (WFE) companies fell 9% YoY in Q1 2024, according to Counterpoint. This was offset partially by increased demand for NAND and DRAM, which increased 33% YoY, and strong growth in sales to China, which were up 116% YoY.

The SiC power devices industry saw robust growth in 2023, primarily driven by the BEV market, according to TrendForce. The top five suppliers, led by ST with a 32.6% market share and onsemi in second place, accounted for 91.9% of total revenue. However, the anticipated slowdown in BEV sales and weakening industrial demand are expected to significantly decelerate revenue growth in 2024. 

About 30% of vehicles produced globally will have E/E architectures with zonal controllers by 2032, according to McKinsey & Co. The market for automotive micro-components and logic semiconductors is predicted to reach $60 billion in 2032, and the overall automotive semiconductor market is expected to grow from $60 billion to $140 billion in the same period, at a 10% CAGR.

The automotive processor market generated US$20 billion in revenue in 2023, according to Yole. US$7.8 billion was from APUs and FPGAs and $12.2 billion was from MCUs. The ADAS and infotainment processors market was worth US$7.8 billion in 2023 and is predicted to grow to $16.4 billion by 2029 at a 13% CAGR. The market for ADAS sensing is expected to grow at a 7% CAGR.


The CHERI Alliance was established to drive adoption of memory safety and scalable software compartmentalization via the security technology CHERI, or Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions. Founding members include Capabilities Limited, Codasip, the FreeBSD Foundation, lowRISC, SCI Semiconductor, and the University of Cambridge.

In security research:

  • Japan and China researchers explored a NAND-XOR ring oscillator structure to design an entropy source architecture for a true random number generator (TRNG).
  • University of Toronto and Carleton University researchers presented a survey examining how hardware is applied to achieve security and how reported attacks have exploited certain defects in hardware.
  • University of North Texas and Texas Woman’s University researchers explored the potential of hardware security primitive Physical Unclonable Functions (PUF) for mitigation of visual deepfakes.
  • Villanova University researchers proposed the Boolean DERIVativE attack, which generalizes Boolean domain leakage.

Post-quantum cryptography firm PQShield raised $37 million in Series B funding.

Former OpenAI executive, Ilya Sutskever, who quit over safety concerns, launched Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI).

EU industry groups warned the European Commission that its proposed cybersecurity certification scheme (EUCS) for cloud services should not discriminate against Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, reported Reuters.

Cyber Europe tested EU cyber preparedness in the energy sector by simulating a series of large-scale cyber incidents in an exercise organized by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA).

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a number of alerts/advisories.

Education and Training

New York non-profit NY CREATES and South Korea’s National Nano Fab Center partnered to develop a hub for joint research, aligned technology services, testbed support, and an engineer exchange program to bolster chips-centered R&D, workforce development, and each nation’s high-tech ecosystem.

New York and the Netherlands agreed on a partnership to promote sustainability within the semiconductor industry, enhance workforce development, and boost semiconductor R&D.

Rapidus is set to send 200 engineers to AI chip developer Tenstorrent in the U.S. for training over the next five years, reports Nikkei. This initiative, led by Japan’s Leading-edge Semiconductor Technology Center (LSTC), aims to bolster Japan’s AI chip industry.

Product News

UMC announced its 22nm embedded high voltage (eHV) technology platform for premium smartphone and mobile device displays. The 22eHV platform reduces core device power consumption by up to 30% compared to previous 28nm processes. Die area is reduced by 10% with the industry’s smallest SRAM bit cells.​

Alphawave Semi announced a new 9.2 Gbps HBM3E sub-system silicon platform capable of 1.2 terabytes per second. Based on the HBM3E IP, the sub-system is aimed at addressing the demand for ultra-high-speed connectivity in high-performance compute applications.

Movellus introduced the Aeonic Power product family for on-die voltage regulation, targeting the challenging area of power delivery.

Cadence partnered with Semiwise and sureCore to develop new cryogenic CMOS circuits with possible quantum computing applications. The circuits are based on modified transistors found in the Cadence Spectre Simulation Platform and are capable of processing analog, mixed-signal, and digital circuit simulation and verification at cryogenic temperatures.

Renesas launched R-Car Open Access (RoX), an integrated development platform for software-defined vehicles (SDVs), designed for Renesas R-Car SoCs and MCUs with tools for deployment of AI applications, reducing complexity and saving time and money for car OEMs and Tier 1s.

Infineon released industry-first radiation-hardened 1 and 2 Mb parallel interface ferroelectric-RAM (F-RAM) nonvolatile memory devices, with up to 120 years of data retention at 85-degree Celsius, along with random access and full memory write at bus speeds. Plus, a CoolGaN Transistor 700 V G4 product family for efficient power conversion up to 700 V, ideal for consumer chargers and notebook adapters, data center power supplies, renewable energy inverters, and more.

Ansys adopted NVIDIA’s Omniverse application programming interfaces for its multi-die chip designers. Those APIs will be used for 5G/6G, IoT, AI/ML, cloud computing, and autonomous vehicle applications. The company also announced ConceptEV, an SaaS solution for automotive concept design for EVs.

Fig. 1: Field visualization of 3D-IC with Omniverse. Source: Ansys

QP Technologies announced a new dicing saw for its manufacturing line that can process a full cassette of 300mm wafers 7% faster than existing tools, improving throughput and productivity.

NXP introduced its SAF9xxx of audio DSPs to support the demand for AI-based audio in software-defined vehicles (SDVs) by using Cadence’s Tensilica HiFi 5 DSPs combined with dedicated neural-network engines and hardware-based accelerators.

Avionyx, a provider of software lifecycle engineering in the aerospace and safety-critical systems sector, partnered with Siemens and will leverage its Polarion application lifecycle management (ALM) tool. Also, Dovetail Electric Aviation adopted Siemens Xcelerator to support sustainable aviation.


Researchers from imec and KU Leuven released a +70 page paper “Selecting Alternative Metals for Advanced Interconnects,” addressing interconnect resistance and reliability.

A comprehensive review article — “Future of plasma etching for microelectronics: Challenges and opportunities” — was created by a team of experts from the University of Maryland, Lam Research, IBM, Intel, and many others.

Researchers from the Institut Polytechnique de Paris’s Laboratory of Condensed Matter for Physics developed an approach to investigate defects in semiconductors. The team “determined the spin-dependent electronic structure linked to defects in the arrangement of semiconductor atoms,” the first time this structure has been measured, according to a release.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory-led researchers developed a small enclosed chamber that can hold all the components of an electrochemical reaction, which can be paired with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to generate precise views of a reaction at atomic scale, and can be frozen to stop the reaction at specific time points. They used the technique to study a copper catalyst.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved a clinical trial to test a device with 1,024 nanoscale sensors that records brain activity during surgery, developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego).

Events and Further Reading

Find upcoming chip industry events here, including:

Event Date Location
Standards for Chiplet Design with 3DIC Packaging (Part 2) Jun 21 Online
DAC 2024 Jun 23 – 27 San Francisco
RISC-V Summit Europe 2024 Jun 24 – 28 Munich
Leti Innovation Days 2024 Jun 25 – 27 Grenoble, France
ISCA 2024 Jun 29 – Jul 3 Buenos Aires, Argentina
SEMICON West Jul 9 – 11 San Francisco
Flash Memory Summit Aug 6 – 8 Santa Clara, CA
USENIX Security Symposium Aug 14 – 16 Philadelphia, PA
Hot Chips 2024 Aug 25- 27 Stanford University
Find All Upcoming Events Here

Upcoming webinars are here.

Semiconductor Engineering’s latest newsletters:

Automotive, Security and Pervasive Computing
Systems and Design
Low Power-High Performance
Test, Measurement and Analytics
Manufacturing, Packaging and Materials

The post Chip Industry Week In Review appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇Rock, Paper, Shotgun
  • How Embracer's cuts killed a potential Red Faction sequel and gutted a promising studioEdwin Evans-Thirlwell
    A phoenix is a mythological firebird that is periodically reborn from its own ashes, a symbol of cyclical renewal. It's also, according to several former employees of Chorus developers Fishlabs in Hamburg, an internal title for the massive cost-cutting project begun by Swedish conglomerate Embracer Group in June 2023. The current incarnation of a bewildering series of mergers, renamings and acquisitions that date back to the founding of Nordic Games in 2004, Embracer have spent much of the past

How Embracer's cuts killed a potential Red Faction sequel and gutted a promising studio

20. Červen 2024 v 18:00

A phoenix is a mythological firebird that is periodically reborn from its own ashes, a symbol of cyclical renewal. It's also, according to several former employees of Chorus developers Fishlabs in Hamburg, an internal title for the massive cost-cutting project begun by Swedish conglomerate Embracer Group in June 2023.

The current incarnation of a bewildering series of mergers, renamings and acquisitions that date back to the founding of Nordic Games in 2004, Embracer have spent much of the past decade buying up video game studios and licenses, from Deus Ex developers Eidos Montreal to the adaptation rights for The Lords Of The Rings. According to a February 2023 earnings report, by the end of December 2022 the conglomerate had 134 internal studios on the books (including table-top developers) and owned or controlled over 850 IPs, with 224 games in development. Our Graham warned of the perils of such consolidation in 2019, and his misgivings have been borne out. Following the reported collapse of a billion dollar Savvy Games investment deal, Embracer set out to recover their debts by cancelling projects, laying off staff and closing whole studios. Fishlabs - acquired by Embracer in 2018 alongside their parent company Koch Media, nowadays Plaion - were among those burned by "Project Phoenix", first losing a dozen people in September 2023, and then around half their remaining workforce in November. In the process of these reductions, Embracer also binned off two video game projects – a sumptuous sci-fi metroidvania that was in full development, and a "visual prototype" for a brand new Red Faction game.

Read more

How Embracer's cuts killed a potential Red Faction sequel and gutted a promising studio

A phoenix is a mythological firebird that is periodically reborn from its own ashes, a symbol of cyclical renewal. It's also, according to several former employees of Chorus developers Fishlabs in Hamburg, an internal title for the massive cost-cutting project begun by Swedish conglomerate Embracer Group in June 2023.

The current incarnation of a bewildering series of mergers, renamings and acquisitions that date back to the founding of Nordic Games in 2004, Embracer have spent much of the past decade buying up video game studios and licenses, from Deus Ex developers Eidos Montreal to the adaptation rights for The Lords Of The Rings. According to a February 2023 earnings report, by the end of December 2022 the conglomerate had 134 internal studios on the books (including table-top developers) and owned or controlled over 850 IPs, with 224 games in development. Our Graham warned of the perils of such consolidation in 2019, and his misgivings have been borne out. Following the reported collapse of a billion dollar Savvy Games investment deal, Embracer set out to recover their debts by cancelling projects, laying off staff and closing whole studios. Fishlabs - acquired by Embracer in 2018 alongside their parent company Koch Media, nowadays Plaion - were among those burned by "Project Phoenix", first losing a dozen people in September 2023, and then around half their remaining workforce in November. In the process of these reductions, Embracer also binned off two video game projects – a sumptuous sci-fi metroidvania that was in full development, and a "visual prototype" for a brand new Red Faction game.

Read more

  • ✇The Ancient Gaming Noob
  • Friday Bullet Points about June Happenings as a Hot Summer LoomsWilhelm Arcturus
    Summer is Coming! I live in California, so I don’t worry too much about winter as even when it is bad… storms and rain… that is generally good for us.  Summer though… it is going to be a hot one.  It was already up in the 90s this week and the first official day of summer, June 20th, hasn’t even arrived yet. On the good news front, we got a heat pump central forced air system for the house, so after 17 years in our place we will have air conditioning in the summer.  We’ll be getting solar instal

Friday Bullet Points about June Happenings as a Hot Summer Looms

7. Červen 2024 v 17:15

Summer is Coming!

I live in California, so I don’t worry too much about winter as even when it is bad… storms and rain… that is generally good for us.  Summer though… it is going to be a hot one.  It was already up in the 90s this week and the first official day of summer, June 20th, hasn’t even arrived yet.

On the good news front, we got a heat pump central forced air system for the house, so after 17 years in our place we will have air conditioning in the summer.  We’ll be getting solar installed at last early next month so we’ll have the electricity to drive the heat pump which, while it is energy efficient, still draws power.

But that is neither here nor there for this post.  I wanted to list out some things coming up in June.  I know, isn’t that what the “Coming Up” section of my month in review post is for?  Sure, but I forgot some things, found out about some new things, and I’ll put pictures and links in this post.  So let’s go!

  • WoW: The War Within Beta – June 5th

Yeah, that was Wednesday, but you’re not too late if you want to participate.  There is a whole page dedicated to the beta, what content will be available, and how to join here.

The War Within 30 minutes or it is free

The War Within is, of course, the next expansion due later this year for retail WoW.  Being somewhat divorced from retail since early in Shadowlands, I have some mild interest in the expansion, but going to retail these days is like going to a foreign country… they do all the same stuff as us… or classic… but it is all slightly different and awkward for a naive traveler like myself.  But I’ve been over all of that already, haven’t I?

But a beta… I haven’t done a retail WoW beta since Cataclysm, and we saw how that went.

  • Valheim on MacOS – June 10th

2021’s huge indy survival success, Valheim, will be making the move to MacOS as the developers look for new markets to conquer.

Are there apples in Valhalla?

I guess it will be on Steam.  Does Microsoft Games even support MacOS?  Maybe?  I don’t know.

But Iron Gate assures us that it will support cross-play, so if you setup a server for you PC buddies and a friend with a Mac shows up, they can play too.  I don’t have a Mac anymore… I mean, technically there are at least three MacOS computers in the house as I write this, but I do not actively work or play on the Mac these days.

  • EVE Online Equinox Expansion – June 11th

I suppose if I am listing things out I need to include this.  The big old Equinox expansion is coming on Tuesday.

Equinox – Seize Control – June 11, 2024

We shall see then who exactly is seizing control and whether or not null sec will be upended or if it is a great big nothing burger.  The ship SKINR should be neat, depending on how they plan to tax people to use it.

  • EverQuest II Anashti Sul Origins Server – After June 13th

The jump back to a more authentic 2006 experience with the EverQuest II Anashti Sul Origins Server is slated to land this month.  The beta is slated to end on June 13th… so maybe the following Tuesday, the 18th?  Or maybe the 14th?  We’ll have to see.

Anashti Sul is a mystery in her way

It may seem a bit odd to go back 18 years for a 20th anniversary celebration, but the 2006 experience marks the settling point for the game, where it finally decided what it was for the moment and moved forward with content.  I wrote my views on this decision a while back, and plan to give it a peek when it shows up.

  • Pax Dei Early Access – June 18th

Pax Dei is entering Early Access.  What does that mean?  All sorts of things I suppose and they have a whole post about it.

Coming to Early Access

As a title it has been kind of on my watch list… I subscribe to their Discord server news channel so updates there show up in the blog’s Discord server… you can join if you like here… but given all the other stuff I have on my list for June, I feel like Pax Dei might not make the cut… especially since they want $40 to be a founder.  I already have $40 unplayed games in Steam, I am not sure I need another.

Also, there will be pwipes.  I don’t have time for that.  Call me when it ships.

  • Steam Summer Sale – June 20th

The first day of summer, the summer solstice, and Steam is usually pretty good about kicking off the Steam Summer Sale on that day.

Will I buy anything?  That is always the question.  As noted above, I have my share of unplayed titles already, and I bought a bunch over the Winter Sale… and then ended up playing Valheim.

My Steam Played Stats

You can see your own Steam stats over at SteamDB.

Also, as it came out last week, when you cannot pass on your Steam titles.  You die, your account is dead… unless your give your kids your password and have family sharing on or something.  I am sure there is a work around, but it is just a reminder that nothing “digital” you buy is actually yours.  (Word is might let you pass things on to your heirs, but there is paperwork involved.)

You want to have access to something it needs a physical… though even that isn’t a guarantee.  Sonus loves to brick their older sound systems and Spotify is bricking their car player later this year… though you might get a refund after a lot of outrage at their “fuck you” attitude about the whole thing… and all sorts of “smart” home devices end up getting bricked by Google or whoever buys the company then discontinues them.

Anyway, side rant there.  But for our new heat pump I got a dumb Honeywell thermostat.  No Wi-Fi, no Bluetooth, no other connectivity or ability to host Russian bot nets, and no way for Honeywell to shut it down without showing up at my doorstep.

  • Tarisland Launch – June 21st

Tarisland, Tencent’s everybody-says-it-is-a-WoW-knockoff MMORPG title is set to go live on Windows, Android, and iOS on the second day of summer.

Coming soon and Free to Play

Tencent is promising all the things, diverse classes, challenging raids, a flexible talent system, excellent graphics, all in a free to play package with a cash shop that I am sure will have all the usual items in it.

Still, it is the first MMORPG from a big player to hit our market since maybe Lost Ark.

As with everything Tencent has a big post about joining in on the fun.  We’ll see if I can find the time for it come launch day.

  • ICQ Shutting Down – June 26th

Children of the 90s… or maybe those of us who were young-ish adults of the 90s… hear me and weep.  What might have been the first instant messenger platform I ever used, ICQ, is going away on June 26th!

ICQ Logo Evolution

This was one of those one-two punch bits of news where I was saddened to find that ICQ was going away, but first I was surprised it was even still around.

What to say?  Way back in the day we used to use it to tell people to log in for a zone in TorilMUD.  I kept the login going well into the 2000s with Trillian.  Somewhere along the line I let it go, forgot the password, couldn’t remember my number, and basically moved on.

Still, it was quite a thing back in the day.  I told somebody I had a 5 digit ICQ number… but it might have been a 6 digit number.  This was like 25 years ago or more, right?  I had it before I had a Yahoo account, and they sent me a 25 year anniversary notice last year. (I noted the 24th anniversary message they sent me, but decided that didn’t have to be an EVERY year thing.)

Anyway, that was all I had for June.  Did I miss anything?  I mean, at least anything there is a chance I might play?  I am not really primed for things like the Elden Ring expansion of whatever is going on in FFXIV.

  • Oznámen první host Comic-Conu Junior, potěší nejen fanoušky Star TrekuJiří Morávek
    Již potřetí se brněnské výstaviště zbarví do motivů českého Comic-Conu a otevře své brány všem fanouškům sci-fi a fantasy. Na své si přijdou dospělí, náctiletí i ti nejmenší nadšenci. První oznámený host potěší spíše ty starší z nás, a to především fandy seriálu Star Trek. Největší svátek popkultury se v Brně koná od 2. do 3. listopadu a těšit se můžeme na přehršel filmů, seriálů, videoher, deskovek, komiksů, knih a v neposlední řadě také Cosplay. Jedním z letošních tahounů je herecká hvězda Joh

Oznámen první host Comic-Conu Junior, potěší nejen fanoušky Star Treku

4. Červen 2024 v 19:14

Již potřetí se brněnské výstaviště zbarví do motivů českého Comic-Conu a otevře své brány všem fanouškům sci-fi a fantasy. Na své si přijdou dospělí, náctiletí i ti nejmenší nadšenci. První oznámený host potěší spíše ty starší z nás, a to především fandy seriálu Star Trek.

Největší svátek popkultury se v Brně koná od 2. do 3. listopadu a těšit se můžeme na přehršel filmů, seriálů, videoher, deskovek, komiksů, knih a v neposlední řadě také Cosplay. Jedním z letošních tahounů je herecká hvězda John de Lancie, který se zhostil role Q v legendární sérii Star Trek.

„Oproti jarní akci v Praze je Comic-Con Junior o něco více zaměřený na děti a náctileté. Nicméně i dospělí si určitě přijdou na své. Snažíme se akci koncipovat tak, aby ji mohly navštívit celé rodiny a každý se zabavil trochu jinak. Dospělí mohou zajít na zajímavé besedy s herci nebo třeba obejít zábavné výstavy a vyzkoušet si technologické novinky. Děti se jistě zabaví v deskoherně, ve videoherně a na mnoha speciálních workshopech. Program obsahuje víc aktivit, kdy je možné si leccos vyzkoušet na vlastní kůži a spoustu se toho naučit,“ láká na akci Pavel Renčín, marketingový ředitel z Active Radio, které akci pořádá. (zdroj: Tisková zpráva)

Spolehnout se můžete i na množství přednášek, soutěží a workshopů, na které jste zvyklí z pražského Comic-Conu. Tradičně se tyto eventy točí okolo videoher, komiksů, sci-fi či literatuře, populární vědě a technice. Nebude chybět ani tradiční Artist Alley, kde se budou prezentovat umělci nejen z Česka, ale i ze zahraničí.

Vstupenky je možné zakoupit už nyní, a to na stránkách Comic-Con Junior 2024. Vůbec poprvé je budete moci využít i pro návštěvu další akce, která se bude konat taktéž na brněnském výstavišti, a tou je veletrh Kniha Brno, který se koná od 1. do 3. listopad. 

Článek Oznámen první host Comic-Conu Junior, potěší nejen fanoušky Star Treku se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Joy of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Gaming

Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Joy of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Gaming

  • Team Xbox
A stylized Xbox Sphere in celebration of Pride featuring the sphere as a magic orb in a staff on a background including a castle with rainbow banners and a storybook border with an Xbox controller.


  • The Trevor Project and the Gaming Safety team are partnering to create a safer, more inclusive gaming community.
  • Explore Games Curated by LGBTQIA+ Communities at Microsoft.
  • Discover Pride Gear.

Games can be a powerful medium to express and explore one’s identity in a creative and safe environment. Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind allows players to romance and marry characters regardless of their gender. Overwatch features openly LGBTQIA+ characters, such as Tracer, who is heroic, strong, and prominently featured in the game. Tell Me Why tells the story of Tyler, a transgender man, with sensitivity and depth. Games can be a powerful way to explore identities within the safety of creative play while enabling all players to experience new perspectives that may be different from their own.

This Pride month, we invite you to join us on this journey of learning, growing, and thriving. Gaming is for everyone, and together, we can work towards creating a gaming community that is welcoming to everyone and is inclusive of people with a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. That meaningful work is achieved through people impacting others through education, appreciating the lived experiences of others and building empathy with members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

We believe it’s important to support organizations that uplift, empower, and address the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community. In the last 30 years, together with our employees, Microsoft has donated over $16M to organizations that support the LGBTQIA+ community, and in the last year alone, we donated over $1.3M. This year Xbox, along with Microsoft, is thrilled to continue these efforts with a $200K contribution to multiple organizations supporting the LGBQTIA+ community to help inspire conversations, rally community actions, and empower people to share their Pride.   

Additionally, Xbox Game Studios Publishing is proud to continue partnering with GLAAD to produce more inclusive games from conception to design to development. Xbox is partnering with The Trevor Project to help connect LGBTQIA+ players with valuable resources that help support well-being and safety as they play within the Xbox community. Every player has a unique story, and we look forward to future projects where people across the rainbow spectrum may experience the same empowerment. Read on to learn more about how we are celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community this month and beyond:


Spotlighting Xbox’s partnership with The Trevor Project

Three people in cartoon style sitting at a table with phones, a book, and a laptop.

Gaming has long been a source of fun, community, and self-expression for the LGBTQIA+ community. According to GLAAD, LGBTQIA+ gamers are 24% more likely to use gaming as a support to help get them through tough times – with 66% of LGBTQIA+ players sharing that gaming allows them to express themselves in a way they don’t feel comfortable doing in the real world.

This impact is not lost on us. At Xbox, we are committed to creating gaming experiences that are welcoming for all players, and that includes providing a safe and inclusive space where everyone can be their authentic selves.

That’s why we’re proud to spotlight Xbox’s standing partnership with The Trevor Project, a U.S. nonprofit that provides lifesaving and life-affirming services to LGBTQIA+ young people. Since 2019, Xbox and its safety teams have been partnering with The Trevor Project to connect players with resources to support their well-being and ensure they feel safe and welcome when they play on Xbox.

For us, it’s important players feel safe. Our ongoing partnership with The Trevor Project is one way for us to do that. More information on how Xbox supports player’s well-being can be found here.

In the spirit of Pride, we want to share the following safety tips to help players get the most out of their gaming experience:

  • Explore your user settings. Xbox offers settings that allow players choice in how they play. Players can select whether to make their friends list visible, choose to receive messages from people who aren’t friends, or block content they don’t wish to view.
  • Take comfort in knowing Xbox has your back. To support the broader player-base and LGBTQIA+ community, we take player safety seriously. This includes:
    • In-game reporting tools to help players flag issues of inappropriate behavior or content. Xbox invests in 24/7 coverage globally to help respond to and investigate reports.
    • Moderation tools that work across text, images video and voice, to block harmful content before it reaches players.
    • Access to automatic text filters, which empowers players to customize their gaming experience and decide what content is not okay to receive – these filters automatically block content before it reaches the player.
    • Continuing to create proactive measures to block hate speech and invest in technologies to help moderate potentially toxic communications, while allowing individual expression.

Gaming and Impact with Rewards with Xbox

Rewards members in the United States can earn and donate points to organizations supporting LGBTQIA+ communities with Xbox. The organizations below will be available on the Rewards hub:

  • GLAAD: Founded in 1985, GLAAD – the world’s largest LGBTQ media advocacy organization – works with television, film, video games, Spanish-language media, journalists, and social media to tell stories and consult on LGBTQ media representation. GLAAD tackles tough issues and provokes dialogue that leads to cultural change through increased media accountability, public campaigns, corporate engagement initiatives, and advocacy programs that help to ensure 100% inclusion and acceptance of the LGBTQ community. (US)
  • Outright International: Outright International is dedicated to working with partners around the globe to strengthen the capacity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) human rights movement, document and amplify human rights violations against LGBTIQ people, and advocate for inclusion and equality. (US)
  • National Center for Transgender Equality: The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) advocates to change policies and society to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender and non-binary people. In the nation’s capital and throughout the country, NCTE works to replace disrespect, discrimination, and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice. (US)

Xbox players can earn Rewards points in various ways, such as playing games, completing Game Pass Quests, and purchasing games and other eligible items at the Microsoft Store (exclusions apply). Start earning today and redeem your points for great rewards. Donate your points on the Rewards hub or on the Rewards redeem page.


Tell Me Why Available for Free in June on Xbox Consoles, Microsoft Store, and Steam!

Michael, a young man wearing a beige knitted sweater, walks next to Tyler and Alyson Ronan in a snowy residential area.

Tell Me Why, the award-winning narrative adventure from Don’t Nod Entertainment and Xbox Game Studios Publishing, will be available for free on Xbox consoles, Windows PC, and Steam for the entire month of June 2024. As in past years, the Tell Me Why team encourages players to give what they would have spent on Tell Me Why to an independent trans creator or a trans-inclusive charity in their community.

Explore Games Curated by LGBTQIA+ Communities at Microsoft

A compilation image featuring game box art for Need for Speed Unbound, Starfield, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical, The Quarry, and The Bed We Made on a background including the Xbox Sphere styled in recognition for Pride featuring a rainbow sky, castle, and various pride flags.

Xbox invites you to play with pride.

During June and beyond, check out a variety of game collections that showcase LGBTQIA+ creators, lead characters, and games with inclusive gender and relationship options. Available on the Microsoft Stores on Xbox and Windows, check out the transgender and non-binary community games collection and the LGBTQIA+ community games collection. These collections will exist year-round as part of our ongoing work to create more inclusive gaming ecosystems and elevate content that resonates with communities. For Xbox Game Pass members, explore what games are available to play in the Xbox Game Pass collection and the PC Game Pass collection.

Featured titles within the collections include:

Need for Speed Unbound (Available with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate on Console, PC, and Cloud) Need for Speed Unbound’s character creator allows for multiple gender expressions via clothing, hair, and voice options that aren’t limited to the gender binary. The game also features racing rival, Justicia, a trans woman voiced by trans actress, Sena Bryer, in addition to including LGBTQIA+ iconography in the streets and as decals for your cars.

Starfield (Available with Xbox Game Pass on Console, PC, and Cloud) – In this role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey. Starfield boasts an impressive character creation tool with multiple body types, skin tones, hairstyles, non-gendered features, and they/them pronoun options. Exploration options include pursuing romantic relationships regardless of gender.

Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical (Available on Console) – Play as star and stagehand as you determine the story through conversation and song in this video game for musical lovers. Written by the iconic and openly gay narrative designer, David Gaider, you’ll craft not only a unique narrative, but a soundtrack to your own musical experience based on your choices. Forge your own story and decide who to romance.

The Quarry (Available with Xbox Game Pass on Console and Cloud) – Play solo or in a group of friends as any of nine camp counselors in this thrilling cinematic experience that leads down a tangled web of possibilities based on your choices. Enjoy a night of fun before a party quickly turns into an unpredictable night of horror and your relationships are tested by unimaginable life-or-death decisions.

This Bed We Made (Available on Console) –   Chloe Lussier, CEO and co-founder of Lowbirth Games, wants to tell impactful stories that feature unconventional heroes. Set in the 1950s, the story that unfolds in This Bed We Made is tied to real history when being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community was criminalized. Step into the role of Sophie, an indiscreet chambermaid at a hotel filled with secrets, in this third-person mystery narrative game that explores the lengths people have had to go to pursue loving relationships as their authentic self.

Celebrate Pride in Forza Horizon 5

Screenshot from Forza Horizon 5 shows players in a group of colorful cars cruising through a narrow curving street in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico.

This year’s Pride-themed Xbox art will be added to Forza Horizon 5 as a vinyl: an in-game decal that you can use to customize any car. Show off this unique design on your car using #ForzaRainbow on social media for a chance to be featured! (The vinyl will be available starting June 7 from the Forza Horizon accounts on Instagram and X.)

Overwatch 2 Celebrates Pride with In-Game Map and Calling All Heroes

Heroes Lifeweaver, Tracer, and Venture standing in front of a Pride rainbow

Overwatch 2 celebrates Pride this month with the return of a fan-favorite map and Calling All Heroes. All month long, the Pride festival returns to Overwatch 2’s Midtown map. Players can look forward to playing on this map as they queue for Unranked and Competitive games and directly in a dedicated play card on the Arcade. Calling All Heroes is Overwatch 2’s competitive Esports series that provides an inclusive environment to aspiring competitors of marginalized genders, including those who present themselves as Trans, Non-Binary, and Genderqueer. This competition returned last weekend, and everyone who tunes in at will be able to earn new drops like the new Monarch Venture skin.


Xbox Gear Shop

Xbox Gear Shop Pride 2024 Collection GIF showcasing various Pride t-shirts.

Show your love and support for Pride 2024 with our new limited-edition t-shirts, hoodies and more – designed by and with the LGBTQIA+ communities. Get your Pride gear now!

Two people wearing the 2024 Blizzard Pride Collection apparel

Celebrate Pride with the new 2024 Pride Collection exclusively on the Blizzard Gear Store! Led through the Blizzard LGBT+ Employee Network, the Blizzard Pride Collection features Pride-themed apparel benefitting The Trevor Project from May 15 through June 30, 2024.

Explore Xbox’s Kingdom of Color

A custom rainbow Xbox sphere with a castle showcasing various Pride flags.

In celebration of Pride, the Xbox logo was reimagined as a crystal radiating with power at the top of a magic staff. The storybook-inspired image also includes a castle with festive rainbow banners and fireworks. The artist, who is part of the LGBTQIA+ community, imagines the Kingdom of Color as a place where people who identify as LGBTQIA+ rule and the magic of Pride is spread to every corner of the realm. Right from the pages of a leather-bound book filled with colorful art and calligraphy text, this image evokes not only familiar stories of dragons, knights, and wizards, but launches those stories into a more inclusive future in which all players find their magic.

Xbox Ambassadors Celebrate Pride 2024

White Xbox controller icon with white laurels surrounding it layers over a blurred rainbow background

The Xbox Ambassadors Program is celebrating Pride by spotlighting members of the Xbox Ambassadors community who responded to a recent survey about their experiences as gamers. Read the Xbox Ambassadors blog to hear community members sharing their favorite memories playing video games, recommending games that do a good job representing LGBTQIA+ people and experiences, and offering tips on how to stay safe when gaming online.

Pride Dynamic Background and Wallpaper Available Now

The Pride Month Xbox design is available today as an Xbox wallpaper and dynamic background on console – follow these steps to apply the dynamic background:

  • Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide.
  • Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Personalization > My background > Dynamic backgrounds.

You can choose between Games, Xbox, or Abstract dynamic backgrounds. Choose the background art that you want with the A button.

Radical Joy with Microsoft

In the face of adversity, existence itself can be resistance and spark change. This Pride, LGBTQIA+ people at Microsoft share the meaning of joy and invite everyone to spread acceptance, abundance, and harmony everywhere. Join us and discover more at

The post Together We Thrive: Celebrating the Joy of the LGBTQIA+ Community in Gaming appeared first on Xbox Wire.

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Chip Industry Week In ReviewThe SE Staff
    JEDEC and the Open Compute Project rolled out a new set of guidelines for standardizing chiplet characterization details, such as thermal properties, physical and mechanical requirements, and behavior specs. Those details have been a sticking point for commercial chiplets, because without them it’s not possible to choose the best chiplet for a particular application or workload. The guidelines are a prerequisite for a multi-vendor chiplet marketplace. AMD, Broadcom, Cisco, Google, HPE, Intel, Me

Chip Industry Week In Review

31. Květen 2024 v 09:01

JEDEC and the Open Compute Project rolled out a new set of guidelines for standardizing chiplet characterization details, such as thermal properties, physical and mechanical requirements, and behavior specs. Those details have been a sticking point for commercial chiplets, because without them it’s not possible to choose the best chiplet for a particular application or workload. The guidelines are a prerequisite for a multi-vendor chiplet marketplace.

AMD, Broadcom, Cisco, Google, HPE, Intel, Meta, and Microsoft proposed a new high-speed, low-latency interconnect specification, Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink), between accelerators and switches in AI computing pods. The 1.0 specification will enable the connection of up to 1,024 accelerators within a pod and allow for direct loads and stores between the memory attached to accelerators.

Arm debuted a range of new CPUs, including the Cortex-X925 for on-device generative AI, and the Cortex-A725 with improved efficiency for AI and mobile gaming. It also announced the Immortalis-G925 GPU for flagship smartphones, and the Mali-G725/625 GPUs for consumer devices. Additionally, Arm announced Compute Subsystems (CSS) for Client to provide foundational computing elements for AI smartphone and PC SoCs, and it introduced KleidiAI, a set of compute kernels for developers of AI frameworks. The Armv9-A architecture also added support for the Scalable Matrix Extension to accelerate AI workloads.

TSMC said its 2nm process is on target to begin mass production in 2025. Meanwhile, Samsung is expected to release its 1nm plan next month, targeting mass production for 2026 — a year ahead of schedule, reports Business Korea.

CHIPs for America and NATCAST released a 2024 roadmap for the U.S. National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC), identifying priorities for facilities, research, workforce development, and membership.

China is investing CNY 344 billion (~$47.5 billion) into the third phase of its National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund, also known as the Big Fund, to support its semiconductor sector and supply chain, according to numerous reports.

Malaysia plans to invest $5.3 billion in seed capital and support for semiconductor manufacturing in an effort to attract more than $100 billion in foreign investments, reports Reuters. Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim announced the effort to create at least 10 companies focused on IC design, advanced packaging, and equipment manufacturing.

imec demonstrated a die-to-wafer hybrid bonding flow for Cu-Cu and SiCN-SiCN at pitches down to 2µm at the IEEE’s ECTC conference. This breakthrough could enable die and wafer-level optical interconnects.

The chip industry is racing to develop glass for advanced packaging, setting the stage for one of the biggest shifts in chip materials in decades — and one that will introduce a broad new set of challenges that will take years to fully resolve.

Quick links to more news:

Product News
Markets and Money
Research and Training
Events and Further Reading


Semiconductor Engineering published its Systems & Design newsletter featuring these top stories:


STMicroelectronics is building a fully integrated SiC facility in Catania, Italy.  The high-volume 200mm facility is projected to cost over $5 billion.

Siliconware Precision Industries Co. Ltd.(SPIL) broke ground on an RM 6 billion (~$1.3 billion) advanced packaging and testing facility in Malaysia. Also, Google will invest $2 billion in Malaysia for its first data center, and a Google Cloud hub to meet growing demand for cloud services and AI literacy programs, reports AP.

In an SEC filing, Applied Materials received additional subpoenas from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (DoC) Bureau of Industry and Security related to shipments of advanced semiconductor equipment to China. This comes on the heels of similar subpoenas issued last year.

A Chinese contractor working for SK hynix was arrested in South Korea and is being charged with funneling more than 3,000 copies of a paper on solving process failure issues to Huawei, reports South Korea’s Union News.

VSORA, CEA-Grenoble, and Valeo were awarded $7 million from the French government to build low-latency, low-power AI inference co-processors for autonomous driving and other applications.

In the U.S., the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is investigating unexpected driving behaviors of vehicles equipped with Waymo‘s 5th Generation automated driving system (ADS), with details of nine new incidents on top of the first 22.

Product News

ASE introduced powerSIP, a power delivery platform designed to reduce signal and transmission loss while addressing current density challenges.

Infineon announced a roadmap for energy-efficient power supply units based on Si, SiC, and GaN to address the energy needs of AI data centers, featuring new 8 kW and 12 kW PSUs, in addition to the 3 kW and 3.3 kW units available today. The company also released its CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V family, specially developed for use in the AC/DC stage of AI servers, complementing the PSU roadmap.

Fig. 1: Infineon’s 8kW PSU. Source: Infineon

Infineon also introduced two new generations of high voltage (HV) and medium voltage (MV) CoolGaN TM devices, enabling customers to use GaN in voltage classes from 40 V to 700 V. The devices are built using Infineon’s 8-inch foundry processes.

Ansys launched Ansys Access on Microsoft Azure to provide pre-configured simulation products optimized for HPC on Azure infrastructure.

Foxconn Industrial Internet used Keysight Technology’s Open RAN Studio solution to certify an outdoor Open Radio Unit (O-RU).

Andes Technology announced an SoC and development board for the development and porting of large RISC-V applications.

MediaTek uncorked a pair of mobile chipsets built on a 4nm process that use an octa-core CPU consisting of 4X Arm Cortex-A78 cores operating at up to 2.5GHz paired with 4X Arm Cortex-A55 cores.

The NVIDIA H200 Blackwell platform is expected to begin shipping in Q3 of 2024 and will be available to data centers by Q4, according to TrendForce.

A room-temperature direct fusion hybrid bonding system from Be Semiconductor has shipped to the NHanced advanced packaging facility in North Carolina. The new system offers faster throughput for copper interconnects with submicron pad sizes, greater accuracy and reduced warpage.

Markets and Money

Frore Systems raised $80 million for its solid-state active cooling module, which removes heat from the top of a chip without fans. The device in systems ranging from notebooks and network edge gateways to data centers.

Axus Technology received $12.5 million in capital equity funding to make its chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) equipment for semiconductor wafer polishing, thinning, and cleaning, including of silicon carbide (SiC) wafers.

Elon Musk’s xAI announced a series B funding round of $6 billion.

Micron was ordered to pay $445 million in damages to Netlist for patent infringement of the company’s DDR4 memory module technology between 2021 and 2024.

Global revenue from AI semiconductors is predicted to total $71 billion in 2024, up 33% from 2023, according to Gartner. In 2025, it is expected to jump to $91.9 billion. The value of AI accelerators used in servers is expected to total $21 billion in 2024 and reach $33 billion by 2028.

NAND flash revenue was $14.71 billion in Q1 2024, an increase of 28.1%, according to TrendForce.

The optical transceiver market dipped from $11 billion in 2022 to $10.9 billion in 2023, but it is predicted to reach $22.4 billion by 2029, driven by AI, 800G applications, and the transition to 200G/lane ecosystem technologies, reports Yole.

Yole also found that ultra-wideband technical choices and packaging types used by NXP, Apple, and Qorvo vary considerably, ranging from 7nm to 90nm, with both CMOS and finFET transistors.

The global market share of GenAI-capable smartphones increased to 6% in Q1 2024 from 1.3% in the previous quarter, reports Counterpoint. The premium segment accounted for over 70% of sales with Samsung on top and contributing 58%. Meanwhile, global foldable smartphone shipments were up 49% YoY in Q1 2024, led by Huawei, HONOR, and Motorola.


The National Science Foundation awarded Worcester Polytechnic Institute researcher Shahin Tajik almost $0.6 million to develop new technologies to address hardware security vulnerabilities.

The Hyperform consortium was formed to develop European sovereignty in post-quantum cryptography, funded by the French government and EU credits. Members include IDEMIA Secure Transactions, CEA Leti, and the French cybersecurity agency (ANSSI).

In security research:

  • University of California Davis and University of Arizona researchers proposed a framework leveraging generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) models to automate the obfuscation process.
  • Columbia University and Intel researchers presented a secure digital low dropout regulator that integrates an attack detector and a detection-driven protection scheme to mitigate correlation power analysis.
  • Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) researchers analyzed threshold switch devices and their performance in hardware security.

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeks proposals for its AI Quantified program to develop technology to help deploy generative AI safely and effectively across the Department of Defense (DoD) and society.

Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) partnered to develop dependable AI for national security applications.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a number of alerts/advisories.

Research and Training

New York continues to amp up their semiconductor offerings. NY CREATES and Raytheon unveiled a semiconductor workforce training program. And Syracuse  University is hosting a free virtual course focused on the semiconductor industry this summer.

In research news:

  • A team of researchers at MIT and other universities found that extreme temperatures up to 500°C did not significantly degrade GaN materials or contacts.
  • University of Cambridge researchers developed adaptive and eco-friendly sensors that can be directly and imperceptibly printed onto biological surfaces, such as a finger or flower petal.
  • Researchers at Rice University and Hanyang University developed an elastic material that moves like skin and can adjust its dielectric frequency to stabilize RF communications and counter disruptive frequency shifts that interfere with electronics when a substrate is twisted or stretched, with potential for stretchable wearable electronic devices.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded $36 million to three projects chosen for their potential to revolutionize computing. The University of Texas at Austin-led project aims to create a next-gen open-source intelligent and adaptive OS. The Harvard University-led project targets sustainable computing. The University of Massachusetts Amherst-led project will develop computational decarbonization.


Singapore will invest close to S$300 million (~$222 million) into its National Quantum Strategy to support the development and deployment of quantum technologies, including an initiative to design and build a quantum processor within the country.

Several quantum partnerships were announced:

  • Riverlane and Alice & Bob will integrate Riverlane’s quantum error correction stack within Alice & Bob’s larger quantum computing system based on cat qubit technology.
  • New York University and the University of Copenhagen will collaborate to explore the viability of hybrid superconductor-semiconductor quantum materials for the production of quantum chips and integration with CMOS processes.
  • NXP, eleQtron, and ParityQC showed off a full-stack, ion-trap based quantum computer demonstrator for Germany’s DLR Quantum Computing Initiative.
  • Photonic says it demonstrated distributed entanglement between quantum modules using optically-linked silicon spin qubits with a native telecom networking interface as part of a quantum internet effort with Microsoft.
  • Classiq and HPE say they developed a rapid method for solving large-scale combinatorial optimization problems by combining quantum and classical HPC approaches.

Events and Further Reading

Find upcoming chip industry events here, including:

Event Date Location Security Trainings and Conference USA 2024 May 28 – Jun 1 Santa Clara, CA
SWTest Jun 3 – 5 Carlsbad, CA
IITC2024: Interconnect Technology Conference Jun 3 – 6 San Jose, CA
VOICE Developer Conference Jun 3 – 5 La Jolla, CA
CHIPS R&D Standardization Readiness Level Workshop Jun 4 – 5 Online and Boulder, CO
SNUG Europe: Synopsys User Group Jun 10 – 11 Munich
IEEE RAS in Data Centers Summit: Reliability, Availability and Serviceability Jun 11 – 12 Santa Clara, CA
3D & Systems Summit Jun 12 – 14 Dresden, Germany
PCI-SIG Developers Conference Jun 12 – 13 Santa Clara, CA
AI Hardware and Edge AI Summit: Europe Jun 18 – 19 London, UK
DAC 2024 Jun 23 – 27 San Francisco
Find All Upcoming Events Here

Upcoming webinars are here, including integrated SLM analytics solution, prototyping and validation of perception sensor systems, and improving PCB designs for performance and reliability.

Semiconductor Engineering’s latest newsletters:

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The post Chip Industry Week In Review appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

The Assassin’s Creed Heroes, Ranked From Worst To Best

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is adding two new heroes to the pantheon of brave and stealthy killers that span the centuries of the series’ historical fiction. One is Naoe, a ninja who will don the hood and hidden blade commonly associated with the titular Assassins of Ubisoft’s open-world action franchise. The other is Y…


  • ✇Ars Technica - All content
  • Why are groups of university students modifying Cadillac Lyriq EVs?Ars Contributors
    Enlarge / For the previous EcoCar 3 competition, student teams turned Camaro sportscars into hybrids. For the EcoCar EV challenge, their job is to improve on the Cadillac Lyriq. (credit: EcoCar) Across the country, teams of students at 15 different universities are in the middle of a four-year project, dissecting an electric vehicle and figuring out ways to make it even better. The program, called the EcoCar EV Challenge, was founded more than three decades ago by the US Depa

Why are groups of university students modifying Cadillac Lyriq EVs?

20. Duben 2024 v 13:00
A Cadillac Lyriq EV

Enlarge / For the previous EcoCar 3 competition, student teams turned Camaro sportscars into hybrids. For the EcoCar EV challenge, their job is to improve on the Cadillac Lyriq. (credit: EcoCar)

Across the country, teams of students at 15 different universities are in the middle of a four-year project, dissecting an electric vehicle and figuring out ways to make it even better. The program, called the EcoCar EV Challenge, was founded more than three decades ago by the US Department of Energy and is run by the DOE's Argonne National Laboratory.

Over the last 35 years, more than 30,000 students from 95 universities have participated in the EcoCar Challenge, part of the DOE's Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition. Each segment spans four years, with the most recent cycle beginning in 2023 with a new Cadillac Lyriq donated by the General Motors automaker.

The students take this competition very seriously, as participation alone brings a lot of benefits, including the potential for a lifelong career path.

Read 19 remaining paragraphs | Comments

  • ✇Semiconductor Engineering
  • Chip Industry Week In ReviewThe SE Staff
    By Adam Kovac, Gregory Haley, and Liz Allan. Cadence plans to acquire BETA CAE Systems for $1.24 billion, the latest volley in a race to sell multi-physics simulation and analysis across a broad set of customers with deep pockets. Cadence said the deal opens the door to structural analysis for the automotive, aerospace, industrial, and health care sectors. Under the terms of the agreement, 60% of the purchase would be paid in cash, and the remainder in stock. South Korea’s National Intelligence

Chip Industry Week In Review

8. Březen 2024 v 09:01

By Adam Kovac, Gregory Haley, and Liz Allan.

Cadence plans to acquire BETA CAE Systems for $1.24 billion, the latest volley in a race to sell multi-physics simulation and analysis across a broad set of customers with deep pockets. Cadence said the deal opens the door to structural analysis for the automotive, aerospace, industrial, and health care sectors. Under the terms of the agreement, 60% of the purchase would be paid in cash, and the remainder in stock.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service reported that North Korea was targeting cyberattacks at domestic semiconductor equipment companies, using a “living off the land” approach, in which the attacker uses minimal malware to attack common applications installed on the server. That makes it more difficult to spot an attack. According to the government, “In December last year, Company A, and in February this year, Company B, had their configuration management server and security policy server hacked, respectively, and product design drawings and facility site photos were stolen.”

As the memory market goes, so goes the broader chip industry. Last quarter, and heading into early 2024, both markets began showing signs of sustainable growth. DRAM revenue jumped 29.6% in Q4 for a total of $17.46 billion. TrendForce attributed some of that to  new efforts to stockpile chips and strategic production control. NAND flash revenue was up 24.5% in Q4, with solid growth expected to continue into the first part of this year, according to TrendForce. Revenue for the sector topped $11.4 billion in Q4, and it’s expected to grow another 20% this quarter. SSD prices rebounded in Q4, as well, up 15% to $23.1 billion. Across the chip industry, sales grew 15.2% in January compared to the same period in 2023, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA). This is the largest increase since May 2022, and that trend is expected to continue throughout 2024 with double-digit growth compared to 2023.

Marvell said it is working with TSMC to develop a technology platform for the rapid deployment of analog, mixed-signal, and foundational IP. The company plans to sell both custom and commercial chiplets at 2nm.

The Dutch government is concerned that ASML, the only maker of EUV/high-NA EUV lithography equipment in the world, is considering leaving the Netherlands, according to De Telegraaf.

Quick links to more news:

Design and Power
Manufacturing and Test
Automotive and Batteries
Pervasive Computing and AI

Design and Power

AMD appears to have hit a roadblock with the U.S. Department of Commerce (DoC) over a new AI chip it designed for the Chinese market, as reported by Bloomberg. U.S. officials told the company the new chip is too powerful to be sold without a license.

JEDEC released its new memory standard as a free download on its website. The JESD239 Graphics Double Data Rate SGRAM can reach speeds of 192 GB/s and improve signal-to-noise ratio.

Accellera rolled out its IEEE Std. 1800‑2023 Standard for SystemVerilog—Unified Hardware Design, Specification, and Verification Language, which is now available for free download. The decision to offer it at no cost is due to Accellera’s participation in the IEEE GET Program, which was founded in 2010 with the intention of providing  open access to some standards. Accellera also announced it had approved for release the Verilog-AMS 2023 standard, which offers enhancements to analog constructs, dynamic tolerance for event control statements, and other upgrades.

Chiplets are a hot topic these days. Six industry experts discuss chiplet standards, interoperability, and the need for highly customized AI chiplets.

Optimizing EDA hardware for the cloud can shorten the time required for large and complex simulations, but not all workloads will benefit equally, and much more can be done to improve those that can.

Flex Logix is developing InferX DSP for use with existing EFLX eFPGA from 40nm to 7nm. InferX achieves about 30 times the DSP performance/mm² than eFPGA.

The number of challenges is growing in power semiconductors, just as it is in traditional chips. This tech talk looks at integrating power semiconductors with other devices, different packaging impacts, and how these devices will degrade over time.

Vultr announced it will use NVIDIA’s HGX H100 GPU clusters to expand its Seattle-based cloud data center. The company said the expansion, which will be powered by hydroelectricity, will make the facility one of the cleanest, most power efficient data centers in the country.

Amazon Web Services will expand its presence in Saudi Arabia, announcing a new $5.3 billion infrastructure region in the country that will launch in 2026. The new region will offer developers, entrepreneurs and companies access to healthcare, education and other services.

Google is teaming up with the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) to launch the XPRIZE Quantum Applications, with a $5 million in prizes for winners who can demonstrate ways to use quantum computing to solve real-world problems. Teams must submit a proposal that includes analysis of how long their algorithm would need to run before reaching a solution to a problem, such as improving drug development or designing new battery materials.

South Korea’s nepes corporation has turned to Siemens EDA for solutions in the development of advanced 3D-IC packages. The deal will see nepes incorporating several Siemens technologies, including the Calibre nmPlatform, Hyperlynx software and Xpedition Substrate Integrator software.

Siemens also formalized a partnership with Nuclei System Technology in which the pair of companies will work together on solution support for Nuclei’s RISC-V processor cores. The collaboration will allow clients to monitor CPU program execution in real-time via Nuclei’s RISC-V CPU Ips.

Keysight and ETS-Lindgren announced a breakthrough test solution for cellular devices using non-terrestrial networks. The solution is capable of measuring and validating the performance of both the transmitter and receiver of devices capable of supporting the network.

Nearly fifty companies raised $800 million for power electronics, data center interconnects, and more last month.

Manufacturing and Test

SEMI Europe issued a position statement to the European Union, warning against additional export controls or rules on foreign investment. SEMI argued that free trade partnerships are a better method for ensuring security than bans or restrictions.

Revenues for the top five wafer fab equipment manufacturers declined 1% YoY in 2023 to $93.5 billion, according to Counterpoint Research. The drop was attributed to weak spending on memory, inventory adjustments, and low demand in consumer electronics. The tide is changing, though.

Bruker closed two acquisitions. One involved Chemspeed Technologies, a Switzerland-based provider of automated laboratory R&D and QC workflow solutions. The second involved Phasefocus, an image processing company based in the UK.

A Swedish company, SCALINQ, released a commercially available large-scale packaging solution capable of controlling quantum devices with hundreds of qubits.

Solid Sands, a provider of testing and qualification technology for compilers and libraries, will partner with California-based Emprog to establish a representative presence in the U.S.


Tesla halted production at its Brandenberg, Germany, gigafactory after an environmental activist group attacked an electricity pylon, reports the Guardian.

Stellantis will invest €5.6 billion (~$6.1B) in South America to support more than 40 new products, decarbonization technologies, and business opportunities.

The amount of data being collected, processed, and stored in vehicles is exploding, and so is the value of that data. That raises questions that are still not fully answered about how that data will be used, by whom, and how it will be secured.

While industry experts expect many benefits of V2X technology, technological and social hurdles to cross. But there is progress.

Infineon released its next-gen silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET trench technology with 650V and 1,200V options improving stored energies and charges by up to 20%, ideal for power semiconductor applications such as photovoltaics, energy storage, DC EV charging, motor drives, and industrial power supplies.

Hyundai selected Ansys to supply structural simulation solutions for vehicle body system analysis, providing end-to-end, predictively accurate capabilities for virtual performance validation.

ION Mobility used the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio for styling, mechanical engineering, and electric battery pack development for its ION M1-S electric motorbike.

Ethernovia sampled a family of automotive PHY transceivers that scale from 10 Gbps to 1 Gbps over 15 meters of automotive cabling.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved Waymo’s plan to expand its driverless robotaxi services to Los Angeles and other cities near San Francisco, reports Reuters.

By 2027, next-gen battery EVs (BEVs) will on average be cheaper to produce than comparable gas-powered cars, reports Gartner. But the firm noted that average cost of EV accident repair will rise by 30%, and 15% of EV companies founded in the last decade will be acquired or bankrupt.

University of California San Diego (UCSD) researchers developed a cathode material for solid-state lithium-sulfur batteries that is electrically conductive and structurally healable.

ION Storage Systems announced its anodeless and compressionless solid-state batteries (SSBs) achieved 125 cycles with under 5% capacity degradation in performance. ION has been working with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) to test its SSB before expanding into markets such as EVs, energy storage, consumer electronics, and aerospace.


Advanced process nodes and higher silicon densities are heightening DRAM’s susceptibility to Rowhammer attacks, as reduced cell spacing significantly decreases the hammer count needed for bit flips. A multi-layered, system-level approach is crucial to DRAM protection.

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University and Rafael Defense Systems proposed an analytical electromagnetic model for IC shielding against hardware attacks.

Keysight acquired the IP of Firmalyzer, whose firmware security analysis technology will be integrated into the Keysight IoT Security Assessment and Automotive Security solutions, providing analysis into what is happening inside the IoT device itself.

Flex Logix joined the Intel Foundry U.S. Military Aerospace Government (USMAG) Alliance, ensuring U.S. defense industrial base and government customers have access to the latest technology, enabling successful designs for mission critical programs.

The EU Council presidency and European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on a Cyber Solidarity Act and an amendment to the Cybersecurity Act (CSA) concerning managed security services.

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and partners updated the compendium on elections cybersecurity in response to issues such as AI deep fakes, hacktivists-for-hire, the sophistication of threat actors, and the current geopolitical context.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) launched efforts to help secure the open source software ecosystem; updated its Public Safety Communications and Cyber Resiliency Toolkit; and issued other alerts including security advisories for VMware, Apple, and Cisco.

Pervasive Computing and AI

Johns Hopkins University engineers used natural language prompts and ChatGPT4 to produce detailed instructions to build a spiking neural network (SNN) chip. The neuromorphic accelerators could power real-time machine intelligence for next-gen embodied systems like autonomous vehicles and robots.

The global AI hardware market size was estimated at $53.71 billion in 2023, and is expected to reach about $473.53 billion by 2033, at a compound annual growth rate of 24.5%, reports Precedence Research.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researchers and partners built compact chips capable of converting light into microwaves, which could improve navigation, communication, and radar systems.

Fig. 1: NIST researchers test a chip for converting light into microwave signals. Pictured is the chip, which is the fluorescent panel that looks like two tiny vinyl records. The gold box to the left of the chip is the semiconductor laser that emits light to the chip. Credit: K. Palubicki/NIST

The Indian government is investing 103 billion rupees ($1.25B) in AI projects, including computing infrastructure and large language models (LLMs).

Infineon is collaborating with Qt Group, bringing Qt’s graphics framework to Infineon’s graphics-enabled TRAVEO T2G cluster MCUs to optimize graphical user interface (GUI) development.

Keysight leveraged fourth-generation AMD EPYC CPUs to develop a new benchmarking methodology to test mobile and 5G private network performance. The method uses realistic traffic generation to uncover a CPU’s true power and scalability while observing bandwidth requirements.

The AI industry is pushing a nuclear power revival, reports NBC, and Amazon bought a nuclear-powered data center in Pennsylvania from Talen Energy for $650 million, according to WNEP.

Bank of America was awarded 644 patents in 2023 for technology including information security, AI, machine learning (ML), online and mobile banking, payments, data analytics, and augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR).

Mistral AI’s large language model, Mistral Large, became available in the Snowflake Data Cloud for customers to securely harness generative AI with their enterprise data.

China’s smartphone unit sales declined 7% year over year in the first six weeks of 2024, with Apple declining 24%, reports Counterpoint.

Shipments of LCD TV panels are expected to reach 55.8 million units in Q1 2024, a 5.3% quarter over quarter increase, reports TrendForce. And an estimated 5.8 billion LED lamps and luminaires are expected to reach the end of their lifespan in 2024, triggering a wave of secondary replacements and boosting total LED lighting demand to 13.4 billion units.

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) researchers mined high-purity gold from electrical and electronic waste.

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and the University of Utah launched a National Data Platform pilot project, aimed at making access to and use of scientific data open and equitable.


Find upcoming chip industry events here, including:

Event Date Location
ISS Industry Strategy Symposium Europe Mar 6 – 8 Vienna, Austria
GSA International Semiconductor Conference Mar 13 – 14 London
Device Packaging Conference (DPC 2024) Mar 18 – 21 Fountain Hills, AZ
GOMACTech Mar 18 – 21 Charleston, South Carolina
SNUG Silicon Valley Mar 20 – 21 Santa Clara, CA
SEMICON China Mar 20 – 22 Shanghai
OFC: Optical Communications & Networking Mar 24 – 28 Virtual; San Diego, CA
DATE: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference Mar 25 – 27 Valencia, Spain
SEMI Therm Mar 25- 28 San Jose, CA
MemCon Mar 26 – 27 Silicon Valley
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The post Chip Industry Week In Review appeared first on Semiconductor Engineering.

  • ✇
  • Original Stalker trilogy makes its way to Xbox and PlayStationVictoria Kennedy
    For those who want to prepare for the release of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl later this year by replaying the series' original trilogy, I have good news. They are now on Xbox and Playstation, making it the first time these games have been available on console.The Legends of the Zone bundle groups together Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat in one nice package. If you would rather just pick the games up one at a time, you are able to do that as well.The Legends of the Zone bun

Original Stalker trilogy makes its way to Xbox and PlayStation

6. Březen 2024 v 19:45

For those who want to prepare for the release of Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl later this year by replaying the series' original trilogy, I have good news. They are now on Xbox and Playstation, making it the first time these games have been available on console.

The Legends of the Zone bundle groups together Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat in one nice package. If you would rather just pick the games up one at a time, you are able to do that as well.

The Legends of the Zone bundle retails at £33.50, while the games individually cost £9.99 each, on the Microsoft Store. Over on the PlayStation Store, the trilogy is currently listed for £15.99. [UPDATE: I rechecked the PlayStation Store this morning, and the pricing has changed. The Legends of the Zone bundle is now listed for £32.99.]

Read more

  • ✇Destructoid
  • Check out the new Alone in the Dark teaser, plus PC specs revealedAndrew Heaton
    Derceto Manor is where we return for our scene, in the upcoming reboot (again) of Alone in the Dark. In the latest teaser shown by publisher THQ Nordic, we get some hints of plot, some talking points from Emily and Edward's respective voice actors, and we now have the hardware specs for PC. The new trailer once again leave survival horror fanatics hungry for more, as we take a quick peek at the reimagining of this classic. Actor David Harbour – who voices Edward – talks about his love of gam

Check out the new Alone in the Dark teaser, plus PC specs revealed

29. Únor 2024 v 16:41

Alone in the Dark: Emily and Edward stood in front of car headlights.

Derceto Manor is where we return for our scene, in the upcoming reboot (again) of Alone in the Dark. In the latest teaser shown by publisher THQ Nordic, we get some hints of plot, some talking points from Emily and Edward's respective voice actors, and we now have the hardware specs for PC.

The new trailer once again leave survival horror fanatics hungry for more, as we take a quick peek at the reimagining of this classic. Actor David Harbour – who voices Edward – talks about his love of games that let you "choose your own adventure," while Jodie Comer – AKA Emily Hartwood – is impressed by how "fully fleshed out" the characters are.

We also get to hear from Mikael Hedberg, Alone in the Dark's writer and director, who some of you will know through his work on Amnesia and SOMA (this is honestly one of the reasons I'm so excited for the game). Hedberg likens the new reimagining to a classic "haunted mansion" story, so it was imperative the team were able to recreate the atmosphere Derceto Manor is known for.

Hardware? I hardly knew her

You can also see the requirements for the PC version over on Steam. A lot of mid-range systems should be okay with running it at minimum specs. You definitely won't need a current-gen Nvidia or AMD graphics card, that's for sure.

Alone in the Dark is scheduled to release on March 20, after a delay last year pushed it beyond its originally intended release last October. It was then delayed a second time in order to avoid any Christmas crunch for the team before finally landing on this now-definitely-for-realsies launch date.

For those who want a little bit of nostalgia with their rebooted survival horror, there's going to be a 1992 filter that brings back the low-poly models of the 1992 original. Because nothing says blood-curdling mystery like pointy shoulders.

Alone in the Dark full PC specs


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10, 64 Bit
  • Processor: Ryzen 3 3100 / Core i3-8300
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti / Radeon RX 570
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 50 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: SSD recommended


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10, 64 Bit
  • Processor: Ryzen 7 3700X / Core i5-12400
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce RTX 2060 / Radeon RX 5700 XT
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Storage: 50 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: SSD recommended

The post Check out the new Alone in the Dark teaser, plus PC specs revealed appeared first on Destructoid.

  • TEST: Lenovo LOQ – herní notebook, který klame (nejen) tělemDominik Wetter
    Může mít herní notebook v sobě něco jiného než dedikovanou grafiku od NVIDIA nebo AMD? Notebook Lenovo LOQ ukazuje, že to možné je, a ještě k tomu za velmi pěkné peníze.   S modelovou řadou LOQ od Lenova jsem se potkal poprvé. Nicméně v rámci rešerše nemohu nezmínit, že už loni tato série zaznamenala velmi kladná hodnocení, a to zejména díky vysokému výkonu za přívětivou cenovku. Zdá se, že i letos Lenovo sází na toto osvědčené kombo a přináší ještě o fous levnější verzi s grafickou kartel Intel

TEST: Lenovo LOQ – herní notebook, který klame (nejen) tělem

21. Únor 2024 v 18:53

Může mít herní notebook v sobě něco jiného než dedikovanou grafiku od NVIDIA nebo AMD? Notebook Lenovo LOQ ukazuje, že to možné je, a ještě k tomu za velmi pěkné peníze.


S modelovou řadou LOQ od Lenova jsem se potkal poprvé. Nicméně v rámci rešerše nemohu nezmínit, že už loni tato série zaznamenala velmi kladná hodnocení, a to zejména díky vysokému výkonu za přívětivou cenovku. Zdá se, že i letos Lenovo sází na toto osvědčené kombo a přináší ještě o fous levnější verzi s grafickou kartel Intel Arc. Dokáže ale prorazit na herní scéně?

Lenovo LOQ nijak nezastírá, že patří mezi levnější herní notebooky. Neobsahují špičkovou výbavu ani blyštivé pozlátko. Vlastně musím říct, že na pohled vypadá velmi elegantně a nečekal bych, že je určen ke gamingu. Primárně by měl sloužit jako ideální poměr ceny a výkonu pro běžné hráče nebo uživatele, kteří chtějí začít hrát a hledají něco finančně dostupného a současně univerzálně použitelného.

Za málo peněz hodně muziky… a plastu

Když už jsem se zmínil o designu, pojďme to trochu rozvést. Na pohled působí opravdu hezky. Nepotrpím si na výstřelky, designové novinky a barevný kolotoč, takže po této stránce jsem byl spokojen. Současně ale nelze očekávat 100 % dílenské zpracování. Nejvíc je to poznat na touchpadu. Při první zmáčknutí plochy pro tlačítka to ucítíte, uslyšíte a taky uvidíte. Tam mám opravdu obavy z dlouhodobého používání. Ale budu také trochu shovívaví – při hraní touchpad opravdu nepoužívám, ale je potřeba to zmínit. Jinak se jedná o velmi důkladné provedení – od víka a tělo z tvrzeného plastu až po klávesnici.

Víko se pohodlně zvedá jednou rukou. Klávesy jsou příjemné na dotek a pohodlné při hraní i psaní. Potěší přítomnost numerické části. Zde jsou klávesy užší, ale při používání mě to zásadně neomezovalo. Líbila se mi také funkce ovládání podsvícení umístěna na Fn + mezerníku. Pohodlně jsem ji zapnul jednou rukou, což je mi mnohem příjemnější než přes Fn + tlačítko kdesi nahoře. Praktická dioda uprostřed signalizuje aktuální výkonnostní režim a pomocí integrované aplikace můžete parametry jednoduše sledovat a ladit. Solidní panty víka. Konektory na zadní straně. Takových detailů je více a kromě laciného touchpadu se mi vše zamlouvalo.

Nejlepší herní notebook ve své třídě?

Notebook je osazen procesorem Intel Core i5 dvanácté generace, který je doplněn 16GB RAM. O grafický výkon se stará především dedikovaná grafická karta Intel Arc Arc A530M. Notebook LOQ nabízí komfortní 15palcový displej s Full HD rozlišením. Ve spojení s obnovovací frekvencí se jedná o výbavu, která je určena pro běžné hráče nebo ne tak náročné uživatele. Není to tedy žádná darda, ale na standardní hraní her, multimédia, práci a multitasking to bohatě stačí.

Tajemství se skrývá v precizně sladěných komponentách, kterým po provozní stránce vyšší zátěž nedělá problém. To už se ovšem nedá říct o chlazení, respektive ventilátorech, které při vyšší zátěži uslyšíte. Pouze při základní práci, surfování po internetu nebo třeba sledování seriálu neuslyšíte nic. Vše doplňuje SSD jednotka a notebook Lenovo LOQ reaguje svižně při spouštění aplikací a celého systému. Po stránce chodu není žádný problém.

Co je naopak slaší, je ozvučení. Reproduktory mohou být pro někoho tiché a osobně mě mnohdy neuspokojily ani na plnou intenzitu. Pokud sedíte v malé místnosti a notebook máte přímo před sebou, je všechno v pohodě. Pokud ale notebook umístíte do větší vzdálenosti dvou nebo se díváte ležmo před spaním a slyšíte takříkajíc na jedno ucho, je výsledek o poznání horší. Nejde ani tak o poslech hudby, ale spíše mluvené slovo podcastů nebo sportovních přenosů. Optimálně se nejeví ani baterka. Při vypojení ze zásuvky ukazuje dobu provozu zhruba 2 hodiny. Při přehrávání multimédií mi přišlo, že je to déle, zhruba kolem 3 hodin, ale už tehdy kontrolka signalizovala úsporný režim baterie.

Grafika to táhne slušně

Kruciální otázkou zůstává dedikovaná grafická karta Intel Arc A530M. To je velmi zajímavá volba, která – jak se ukázalo – není vůbec špatným řešením pro středně náročný gaming ve Full HD. Z hlediska dostupného výkonu se řadí někam na úroveň grafické karty NVIDIA GeForce 3050, respektive ji lehce převyšuje. Což za tu prodejní cenu není vůbec špatné. S přehledem tak postačí na středně náročné hry při stabilní snímkové frekvenci 60 fps, u náročných titulů je dobré snížit detaily, ale pořád se jedná pohodlné a plynulé zážitky. V dalším řádu už je pak třeba vzít v potaz kompromisy po stránce razantnějšího snížení detailů a celkové kvality.

Článek TEST: Lenovo LOQ – herní notebook, který klame (nejen) tělem se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • Nové produkty ZOWIE a BenQ Mobiuz se představí na veletrhu IEM Katowice 2024Adam Jacik
    Společnost BenQ oznamuje, že návštěvníci veletrhu IEM Katowice EXPO 2024 budou mít poprvé možnost vyzkoušet si nejnovější produkty ZOWIE by BenQ, profesionální značky pro esport včetně monitoru XL2546X s obnovovací frekvencí 240 Hz a zcela nové bezdrátové myši U2. K vyzkoušení bude také několik prémiových herních monitorů BenQ Mobiuz. V polských Katovicích se od 9. do 11. února uskuteční veletrh IEM Katowice EXPO 2024 a BenQ nebude chybět se svým stánkem C8, ve kterém všem nadšeným hráčům umožní

Nové produkty ZOWIE a BenQ Mobiuz se představí na veletrhu IEM Katowice 2024

12. Únor 2024 v 08:13

Společnost BenQ oznamuje, že návštěvníci veletrhu IEM Katowice EXPO 2024 budou mít poprvé možnost vyzkoušet si nejnovější produkty ZOWIE by BenQ, profesionální značky pro esport včetně monitoru XL2546X s obnovovací frekvencí 240 Hz a zcela nové bezdrátové myši U2. K vyzkoušení bude také několik prémiových herních monitorů BenQ Mobiuz.

V polských Katovicích se od 9. do 11. února uskuteční veletrh IEM Katowice EXPO 2024 a BenQ nebude chybět se svým stánkem C8, ve kterém všem nadšeným hráčům umožní ponořit se do hry na maximum díky nejnovější generaci špičkových displejů a dalšího příslušenství.

„V BenQ neustále usilujeme o to, abychom hráčům poskytli dokonalou audiovizuální zkušenost při hraní a inovace v oblasti umělé inteligence, a zajistili tak maximální herní zážitek. Touto cestou můžeme hráčům pomoci dosahovat výkonů na té nejvyšší úrovni,“ říká Steve Chu, prezident BenQ Europe.

Nový přírůstek do rodiny monitorů ZOWIE nabízí obnovovací frekvenci 240 Hz, Fast-TN panel a exkluzivní technologii DyAc 2 s duálním podsvícením. Design modelu XL2546X se dočkal vylepšení v podobě ložisek v noze monitoru pro hladké výškové nastavení bez zadrhávání, což dále umocňuje celkovou ergonomii nastavení. Uživatelský komfort při používání dále podpoří funkce automatického nastavení herního režimu Auto Game Mode dostupná přes aplikaci XL Setting to Share, která zpřístupní automatické přepínání režimů na základě hry.

Na stánku se představí také nová bezdrátová herní myš ZOWIE U2, která byla navržena na základě sportovně-vědeckého výzkumu a zpětné vazbě hráčů. Tvar myši ZOWIE U2 zajišťuje pevný a stabilní úchop při zvedání myši díky spodnímu zakřivení, které je více vykrojené směrem dovnitř.

Mezi dalšími vystavenými produkty budou například 360Hz monitor ZOWIE XL2566K nebo bezdrátové myši řady EC-CW.

Značku BenQ Mobiuz bude reprezentovat model EX3210U. Prémiový herní 4k monitor s IPS panelem, obnovovací frekvencí 144 Hz, odezvou 1 ms a exkluzivní technologií HDRi navržené tak, aby zvyšovala kontrast automatickou úpravou sytosti barev v závislosti na okolním osvětlení. Tento monitor je vybaven oceňovanými 2.1kanálovými reproduktory s 5W. Sekundovat mu bude také model EX270QM s 27palcovým QHD displejem s certifikací VESA HDR600 a připojením HDMI 2.1. Oba monitory mají dálkový ovladač, nabízí možnost mapování režimů a nastavení intenzity světlých oblastí zatímco Black eQualizer má vliv na tmavá místa obrazu.

BenQ pro řadu Mobiuz vyvinula speciální Color Shuttle software, který dále optimalizuje vizuální zážitek bez nutnosti odborné znalosti ruční kalibrace barev. K dispozici jsou ke stažení různé předvolené režimy speciálně připravené pro oblíbené hry.

Více informací o produktech BenQ je k dispozici na webových stránkách, resp. o produktech ZOWIE na webových stránkách

Článek Nové produkty ZOWIE a BenQ Mobiuz se představí na veletrhu IEM Katowice 2024 se nejdříve objevil na GAME PRESS.

  • ✇Techdirt
  • Prominent MAGA Supporter Is Worried New KOSA Won’t Suppress Enough LGBTQ SpeechMike Masnick
    By now you know that Senator Richard Blumenthal has released a new version of KOSA, the misleadingly named Kids Online Safety Act, that he pretends fixes all the problems. It doesn’t. It still represents a real threat to speech online, and in particular speech from LGBTQ users. This is why Blumenthal, a prominent Democrat, is putting out press releases including supportive quotes from infamous anti-LGBTQ groups like the Institute for Family Studies and the “American Principles Project” (one of t

Prominent MAGA Supporter Is Worried New KOSA Won’t Suppress Enough LGBTQ Speech

21. Únor 2024 v 18:27

By now you know that Senator Richard Blumenthal has released a new version of KOSA, the misleadingly named Kids Online Safety Act, that he pretends fixes all the problems. It doesn’t. It still represents a real threat to speech online, and in particular speech from LGBTQ users. This is why Blumenthal, a prominent Democrat, is putting out press releases including supportive quotes from infamous anti-LGBTQ groups like the Institute for Family Studies and the “American Principles Project” (one of the leading forces behind anti-trans bills across the US). Incredibly, it also has an approving quote from NCOSE, formerly known as “Morality in Media,” a bunch of prudish busybodies who believe all pornography should be banned, and who began life trying to get “salacious” magazines banned.

When a bill is getting supportive quotes from NCOSE, an organization whose entire formation story is based around an attempt to ban books, you know that bill is not good for speech.

Why is a Democratic Senator like Blumenthal lining up with such regressive, censorial, far right nonsense peddlers? Well, because he doesn’t give a shit that KOSA is going to do real harm to LGBTQ kids or violate the Constitution he swore an oath to protect: he just wants to get a headline or two claiming he’s protecting children, with not a single care about how much damage it will actually do.

Of course, as we noted, the latest bill does make it marginally more difficult to directly suppress LGBTQ content. It removed the ability of state Attorneys General to enforce one provision, the duty of care provision, though still allows them to enforce other provisions and to sue social media companies if those state AGs feel the companies aren’t complying with the law.

Still, at least some of the MAGA crowd feel that this move, making it marginally more difficult for state AGs to try to force LGBTQ content offline means the bill is no longer worth supporting. Here’s Charlie Kirk, a leading MAGA nonsense peddler who founded and runs Turning Point USA, whining that the bill is no longer okay, since it won’t be used to silence LGBTQ folks as easily:


If you can’t read that, it’s Charlie saying:

The Senate is considering the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a bill that looks to protect underage children from groomers, pornographers, and other predators online.

But the bill ran into trouble because LGBT groups were worried it would make it too easy for red state AGs to target predators who try to groom children into mutilating themselves or destroying themselves with hormones and puberty blockers.

So now, the bill has been overhauled to take away power from from state AGs (since some of them might be conservatives who care about children) and instead give almost all power to the FTC, currently read by ultra-left ideologue Lina Khan. Sure enough, LGBT groups have dropped all their concerns.

We’ve seen this pattern before. What are the odds that this bill does zero to protect children but a lot to vaguely enhance the power of Washington bureaucrats to destroy whoever they want, for any reason?

If you can get past his ridiculous language, you can see that he’s (once again, like the Heritage Foundation and KOSA co-sponsor Senator Marsha Blackburn before him) admitting that the reason the MAGA crowd supports KOSA is to silence LGBTQ voices, which he falsely attacks as “groomers, pornographers, and other predators.”

He’s wrong that the bill can’t still be used for this, but he’s correct that the bill now gives tremendous power to whoever is in charge of the FTC, whether its Lina Khan… or whatever MAGA incel could be put in place if Trump wins.

Meanwhile, if Kirk is so concerned about child predators and groomers, it’s odd you never see him call out the Catholic church. Or, his former employee who was recently sentenced to years in jail for his “collection” of child sexual abuse videos. Or the organization that teamed up with Turning Point USA to sponsor an event, even though the CEO was convicted of “coercing and enticing” a minor. It’s quite interesting that Kirk is so quick to accuse LGBTQ folks of “grooming” and “predation,” when he keeps finding actual such people around himself, and he never says a word.

Either way, I’m curious if watching groups like TPUSA freak out about this bill not being censorial enough of LGBTQ content will lead Republicans to get cold feet on supporting this bill.

At the very least, though, it’s a confirmation that Republican support for this bill is based on their strong belief that it will censor and suppress LGBTQ content.

  • ✇Kotaku
  • A Final Fantasy XIV Beginner’s Guide For XboxWilla Rowe
    After over a decade of waiting, Xbox players can finally play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. The game was previously only available on PC and PlayStation, but starting today Xbox gamers can take part in an open beta. If you have never tried out Final Fantasy 14 then you will be able to make an…Read more...

A Final Fantasy XIV Beginner’s Guide For Xbox

21. Únor 2024 v 19:00

After over a decade of waiting, Xbox players can finally play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. The game was previously only available on PC and PlayStation, but starting today Xbox gamers can take part in an open beta. If you have never tried out Final Fantasy 14 then you will be able to make an…


  • ✇Crunch Hype
  • Most Frequently Asked Questions About Affiliate Marketing[email protected] (Unknown)
    There are lots of questions floating around about how affiliate marketing works, what to do and what not to do when it comes to setting up a business. With so much uncertainty surrounding both personal and business aspects of affiliate marketing. In this post, we will answer the most frequently asked question about affiliate marketing1. What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a way to make money by promoting the products and services of other people and companies. You don't need to c

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Affiliate Marketing

1. Červen 2022 v 15:03

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Affiliate Marketing

There are lots of questions floating around about how affiliate marketing works, what to do and what not to do when it comes to setting up a business. With so much uncertainty surrounding both personal and business aspects of affiliate marketing. In this post, we will answer the most frequently asked question about affiliate marketing

1. What is affiliate marketing?

 Affiliate marketing is a way to make money by promoting the products and services of other people and companies. You don't need to create your product or service, just promote existing ones. That's why it's so easy to get started with affiliate marketing. You can even get started with no budget at all!

2. What is an affiliate program?

 An affiliate program is a package of information you create for your product, which is then made available to potential publishers. The program will typically include details about the product and its retail value, commission levels, and promotional materials. Many affiliate programs are managed via an affiliate network like ShareASale, which acts as a platform to connect publishers and advertisers, but it is also possible to offer your program directly.

3. What is an affiliate network and how do affiliate networks make money? 

 Affiliate networks connect publishers to advertisers.  Affiliate networks make money by charging fees to the merchants who advertise with them; these merchants are known as advertisers. The percentage of each sale that the advertiser pays is negotiated between the merchant and the affiliate network.

4. What's the difference between affiliate marketing and dropshipping?

 Dropshipping is a method of selling that allows you to run an online store without having to stock products. You advertise the products as if you owned them, but when someone makes an order, you create a duplicate order with the distributor at a reduced price. The distributor takes care of the post and packaging on your behalf. As affiliate marketing is based on referrals and this type of drop shipping requires no investment in inventory when a customer buys through the affiliate link, no money exchanges hands.

 5. Can affiliate marketing and performance marketing be considered the same thing?

 Performance marketing is a method of marketing that pays for performance, like when a sale is made or an ad is clicked This can include methods like PPC (pay-per-click) or display advertising. Affiliate marketing is one form of performance marketing where commissions are paid out to affiliates on a performance basis when they click on their affiliate link and make a purchase or action.

 6. Is it possible to promote affiliate offers on mobile devices?

 Smartphones are essentially miniature computers, so publishers can display the same websites and offers that are available on a PC. But mobiles also offer specific tools not available on computers, and these can be used to good effect for publishers. Publishers can optimize their ads for mobile users by making them easy to access by this audience. Publishers can also make good use of text and instant messaging to promote their offers. As the mobile market is predicted to make up 80% of traffic in the future, publishers who do not promote on mobile devices are missing out on a big opportunity.

7. Where do I find qualified publishers?

 The best way to find affiliate publishers is on reputable networks like ShareASale Cj(Commission Junction), Awin, and Impact radius. These networks have a strict application process and compliance checks, which means that all affiliates are trustworthy.

8. What is an affiliate disclosure statement?

 An affiliate disclosure statement discloses to the reader that there may be affiliate links on a website, for which a commission may be paid to the publisher if visitors follow these links and make purchases.

 9. Does social media activity play a significant role in affiliate marketing?

 Publishers promote their programs through a variety of means, including blogs, websites, email marketing, and pay-per-click ads. Social media has a huge interactive audience, making this platform a good source of potential traffic.

10. What is a super affiliate?

 A super affiliate is an affiliate partner who consistently drives a large majority of sales from any program they promote, compared to other affiliate partners involved in that program.  Affiliates make a lot of money from affiliate marketing Pat Flynn earned more than $50000 in 2013 from affiliate marketing.

11. How do we track publisher sales activity?

 Publishers can be identified by their publisher ID, which is used in tracking cookies to determine which publishers generate sales. The activity is then viewed within a network's dashboard.

 12. Could we set up an affiliate program in multiple countries?

 Because the Internet is so widespread, affiliate programs can be promoted in any country. Affiliate strategies that are set internationally need to be tailored to the language of the targeted country.

13. How can affiliate marketing help my business?

Affiliate marketing can help you grow your business in the following ways:

  •  It allows you to save time and money on marketing, which frees you up to focus on other aspects of your business.
  •  You get access to friendly marketers who are eager to help you succeed. 
  • It also helps you to promote your products by sharing links and banners with a new audience.
  •  It offers high ROI(Return on investment) and is cost-effective.

 14. How do I find quality publishers?

 One of the best ways to work with qualified affiliates is to hire an affiliate marketing agency that works with all the networks. Affiliates are carefully selected and go through a rigorous application process to be included in the network.

15. How Can we Promote Affiliate Links?

 Affiliate marketing is generally associated with websites, but there are other ways to promote your affiliate links, including:

  • A website or blog
  • Through email marketing and newsletter
  • Social media, like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
  •  Leave a comment on blogs or forums.
  • Write an e-book or other digital product.
  • Youtube

 16. Do you have to pay to sign up for an affiliate program?

 To build your affiliate marketing business, you don't have to invest money in the beginning. You can sign up for free with any affiliate network and start promoting their brands right away.

17. What is a commission rate?

 Commission rates are typically based on a percentage of the total sale and in some cases can also be a flat fee for each transaction. The rates are set by the merchant.

Who manages your affiliate program?

 Some merchants run their affiliate programs internally, while others choose to contract out management to a network or an external agency.

18. What is a cookie?

 Cookies are small pieces of data that work with web browsers to store information such as user preferences, login or registration data, and shopping cart contents. When someone clicks on your affiliate link, a cookie is placed on the user's computer or mobile device. That cookie is used to remember the link or ad that the visitor clicked on. Even if the user leaves your site and comes back a week later to make a purchase, you will still get credit for the sale and receive a commission it depends on the site cookies duration

19. How long do cookies last?

 The merchant determines the duration of a cookie, also known as its “cookie life.” The most common length for an affiliate program is 30 days. If someone clicks on your affiliate link, you’ll be paid a commission if they purchase within 30 days of the click.

Final Saying

Most new affiliates are eager to begin their affiliate marketing business. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad information out there that can lead inexperienced affiliates astray. Hopefully, the answer to your question will provide clarity on how affiliate marketing works and the pitfalls you can avoid. Most importantly, keep in mind that success in affiliate marketing takes some time. Don't be discouraged if you're not immediately making sales or earning money. It takes most new affiliates months to make a full-time income.

  • ✇Crunch Hype
  • Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)[email protected] (Unknown)
     Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.1) What is an NFT?NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockc

Most Frequently Asked Questions About NFTs(Non-Fungible Tokens)

6. Únor 2022 v 11:04



Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are the most popular digital assets today, capturing the attention of cryptocurrency investors, whales and people from around the world. People find it amazing that some users spend thousands or millions of dollars on a single NFT-based image of a monkey or other token, but you can simply take a screenshot for free. So here we share some freuently asked question about NFTs.

1) What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible  token, which is a cryptographic token on a blockchain with unique identification codes that distinguish it from other tokens. NFTs are unique and not interchangeable, which means no two NFTs are the same. NFTs can be a unique artwork, GIF, Images, videos, Audio album. in-game items, collectibles etc.

2) What is Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed digital ledger that allows for the secure storage of data. By recording any kind of information—such as bank account transactions, the ownership of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), or Decentralized Finance (DeFi) smart contracts—in one place, and distributing it to many different computers, blockchains ensure that data can’t be manipulated without everyone in the system being aware.

3) What makes an NFT valuable?

The value of an NFT comes from its ability to be traded freely and securely on the blockchain, which is not possible with other current digital ownership solutionsThe NFT points to its location on the blockchain, but doesn’t necessarily contain the digital property. For example, if you replace one bitcoin with another, you will still have the same thing. If you buy a non-fungible item, such as a movie ticket, it is impossible to replace it with any other movie ticket because each ticket is unique to a specific time and place.

4) How do NFTs work?

One of the unique characteristics of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is that they can be tokenised to create a digital certificate of ownership that can be bought, sold and traded on the blockchain. 

As with crypto-currency, records of who owns what are stored on a ledger that is maintained by thousands of computers around the world. These records can’t be forged because the whole system operates on an open-source network. 

NFTs also contain smart contracts—small computer programs that run on the blockchain—that give the artist, for example, a cut of any future sale of the token.

5) What’s the connection between NFTs and cryptocurrency?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't cryptocurrencies, but they do use blockchain technology. Many NFTs are based on Ethereum, where the blockchain serves as a ledger for all the transactions related to said NFT and the properties it represents.5) How to make an NFT?

Anyone can create an NFT. All you need is a digital wallet, some ethereum tokens and a connection to an NFT marketplace where you’ll be able to upload and sell your creations

6) How to validate the authencity of an NFT?

When you purchase a stock in NFT, that purchase is recorded on the blockchain—the bitcoin ledger of transactions—and that entry acts as your proof of ownership.

7) How is an NFT valued? What are the most expensive NFTs?

The value of an NFT varies a lot based on the digital asset up for grabs. People use NFTs to trade and sell digital art, so when creating an NFT, you should consider the popularity of your digital artwork along with historical statistics.

In the year 2021, a digital artist called Pak created an artwork called The Merge. It was sold on the Nifty Gateway NFT market for $91.8 million.

8) Can NFTs be used as an investment?

Non-fungible tokens can be used in investment opportunities. One can purchase an NFT and resell it at a profit. Certain NFT marketplaces let sellers of NFTs keep a percentage of the profits from sales of the assets they create.

9) Will NFTs be the future of art and collectibles?

Many people want to buy NFTs because it lets them support the arts and own something cool from their favorite musicians, brands, and celebrities. NFTs also give artists an opportunity to program in continual royalties if someone buys their work. Galleries see this as a way to reach new buyers interested in art.

10) How do we buy an NFTs?

There are many places to buy digital assets, like opensea and their policies vary. On top shot, for instance, you sign up for a waitlist that can be thousands of people long. When a digital asset goes on sale, you are occasionally chosen to purchase it.

11) Can i mint NFT for free?

To mint an NFT token, you must pay some amount of gas fee to process the transaction on the Etherum blockchain, but you can mint your NFT on a different blockchain called Polygon to avoid paying gas fees. This option is available on OpenSea and this simply denotes that your NFT will only be able to trade using Polygon's blockchain and not Etherum's blockchain. Mintable allows you to mint NFTs for free without paying any gas fees.

12) Do i own an NFT if i screenshot it?

The answer is no. Non-Fungible Tokens are minted on the blockchain using cryptocurrencies such as Etherum, Solana, Polygon, and so on. Once a Non-Fungible Token is minted, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain and the contract or license is awarded to whoever has that Non-Fungible Token in their wallet.

12) Why are people investing so much in NFT?

 Non-fungible tokens have gained the hearts of people around the world, and they have given digital creators the recognition they deserve. One of the remarkable things about non-fungible tokens is that you can take a screenshot of one, but you don’t own it. This is because when a non-fungible token is created, then the transaction is stored on the blockchain, and the license or contract to hold such a token is awarded to the person owning the token in their digital wallet.

You can sell your work and creations by attaching a license to it on the blockchain, where its ownership can be transferred. This lets you get exposure without losing full ownership of your work. Some of the most successful projects include Cryptopunks, Bored Ape Yatch Club NFTs, SandBox, World of Women and so on. These NFT projects have gained popularity globally and are owned by celebrities and other successful entrepreneurs. Owning one of these NFTs gives you an automatic ticket to exclusive business meetings and life-changing connections.

Final Saying

That’s a wrap. Hope you guys found this article enlightening. I just answer some question with my limited knowledge about NFTs. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below. Also I have a question for you, Is bitcoin an NFTs? let me know in The comment section below

  • ✇Crunch Hype
  • Most Frequently Asked Questions About Email Marketing[email protected] (Unknown)
    1. Why is email marketing important?Email is the marketing tool that helps you  create a seamless, connected, frictionless buyer journey. More importantly, email marketing allows you to build relationships with prospects, customers, and past customers. It's your chance to speak  to them right in their inbox, at a time that suits them. Along with the right message, email can become one of your most powerful marketing channels.2. What is benefits of email marketing?Email marketing is best way for

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Email Marketing

29. Leden 2022 v 13:45

1. Why is email marketing important?

Email is the marketing tool that helps you  create a seamless, connected, frictionless buyer journey. More importantly, email marketing allows you to build relationships with prospects, customers, and past customers. It's your chance to speak  to them right in their inbox, at a time that suits them. Along with the right message, email can become one of your most powerful marketing channels.

2. What is benefits of email marketing?

Email marketing is best way for creating long term relationship with your clients, and increasing sales in our company.

Benefits of email marketing for bussiness:
  • Better brand recognition
  • Statistics of what works best
  • More sales
  • Targeted audience
  • More traffic to your products/services/newsletter
  • Build credibility
Most  bussinesses are using email marketing and making tons of money with email marketing.

3. What is the simplest day and time to send my marketing emails?

Again, the answer to this question varies from company to company. And again, testing is the way to find out what works best. Typically, weekends and mornings seem to be  times when multiple emails are opened, but since your audience may have different habits, it's best to experiment and then use your  data to decide.

 4. Which metrics should I be looking at?

The two most important metrics for email marketing are  open rate and click-through rate. If your emails aren't opened, subscribers will never see your full marketing message, and if they open them but don't click through to your site, your emails won't convert.

5. How do I write a decent subject line?

The best subject lines are short and to the point, accurately describing  the content of the email, but also catchy and intriguing, so the reader wants to know more. Once Again, this is the perfect place for  A/B testing, to see what types of subject lines work best with your audience. Your call to action should be clear and  simple. It should be somewhere at the top of your email for those who haven't finished reading the entire email,  then repeated  at the end for those reading all the way through. It should state exactly what you want subscribers to do, for example "Click here to download the premium theme for free.

6. Is email marketing still effective?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for a business to reach its customers directly. Think about it. You don't post something on your site  hoping people will visit it. You don't even post something on a social media page and hope fans  see it. You're sending something straight to each person's inbox, where they'll definitely  see it! Even if they don't open it, they'll still see your subject line and business name every time you send an email, so you're still communicating directly with your audience.

7. However do I grow my email subscribers list? Should i buy an email list or build it myself?

Buying an email list is  waste of time & money. These email accounts are unverified and not interested in your brand. The mailing list is useless if your subscribers do not open your emails. There are different ways to grow your mailing list. 

Give them a free ebook and host it on a landing page where they have to enter the email to download the file and also create a forum page on your website, asks your visitors what questions they might have about your business, and collects email addresses to follow up with them.

8. How do I prevent audience from unsubscribing?

If the  subject line of the email is irrelevant to  customers, they will ignore it multiple times. But, if it keeps repeating, they are intercepted and unsubscribed from your emails. So, send relevant emails for the benefit of the customer. Don't send emails that often only focus  on sales, offers and discounts. 
Submit information about your business and offers so you can connect with customers. You can also update them on recent trends in your industry. The basic role of an email is first and foremost to  connect with customers, get the most out of this tool.

9. What is the difference between a cold email and a spam email?

Cold emails are mostly sales emails that are sent with content align to the needs of the recipient. It is usually personalized and includes a business perspective. However, it is still an unsolicited email. And all unsolicited emails are marked as SPAM. 
Regularly receiving this type of unsolicited email in your users' inboxes, chances are  your emails will soon be diverted to  spam or junk folders. The most important thing to prevent this from happening is to respect your recipients' choice to opt-out of receiving emails from you. You can add the links to easily unsubscribe. You must be familiar with the CAN-SPAM Act and its regulations.

10. Where can I find email template?

Almost all email campaign tools provide you with ready-made templates. Whether you use MailChimp or Pardot, you'll get several email templates ready to use.
 However, if you want to create a template from scratch, you can do so.Most of email campaign tools have option to paste the HTML code of your own design. 

11. What email marketing trend will help marketers succeed in 2022?

Is it a trend to listen to  and get to know your customers? I think people realize how bad it feels for a brand or a company to obsess over themselves without knowing their customers personal needs. People who listen empathetically and then provide value based on what they learn will win.

Final Saying

 You can approach email marketing in different ways. We have compiled a list of most frequently asked questions to help you understand how to get started, what constraints you need to keep in mind, and what future development you will need, we don’t have 100% answers to every situation and there’s always a chance you will have something new and different to deal with as you market your own business. 

  • ✇Techdirt
  • Don’t Fall For The Latest Changes To The Dangerous Kids Online Safety Act Mike Masnick
    The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) unveiled an amended version last week, but it’s still an unconstitutional censorship bill that continues to empower state officials to target services and online content they do not like. We are asking everyone reading this to oppose this latest version, and to demand that their representatives oppose it—even if you have already done so.  KOSA remains a dangerous bill that would allow the government to decide what types of information ca

Don’t Fall For The Latest Changes To The Dangerous Kids Online Safety Act 

20. Únor 2024 v 19:52

The authors of the dangerous Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) unveiled an amended version last week, but it’s still an unconstitutional censorship bill that continues to empower state officials to target services and online content they do not like. We are asking everyone reading this to oppose this latest version, and to demand that their representatives oppose it—even if you have already done so. 

KOSA remains a dangerous bill that would allow the government to decide what types of information can be shared and read online by everyone. It would still require an enormous number of websites, apps, and online platforms to filter and block legal, and important, speech. It would almost certainly still result in age verification requirements. Some of its provisions have changed over time, and its latest changes are detailed below. But those improvements do not cure KOSA’s core First Amendment problems. Moreover, a close review shows that state attorneys general still have a great deal of power to target online services and speech they do not like, which we think will harm children seeking access to basic health information and a variety of other content that officials deem harmful to minors.  

We’ll dive into the details of KOSA’s latest changes, but first we want to remind everyone of the stakes. KOSA is still a censorship bill and it will still harm a large number of minors who have First Amendment rights to access lawful speech online. It will endanger young people and impede the rights of everyone who uses the platforms, services, and websites affected by the bill. Based on our previous analyses, statements by its authors and various interest groups, as well as the overall politicization of youth education and online activity, we believe the following groups—to name just a few—will be endangered:  

  • LGBTQ+ Youth will be at risk of having content, educational material, and their own online identities erased.  
  • Young people searching for sexual health and reproductive rights information will find their search results stymied. 
  • Teens and children in historically oppressed and marginalized groups will be unable to locate information about their history and shared experiences. 
  • Activist youth on either side of the aisle, such as those fighting for changes to climate laws, gun laws, or religious rights, will be siloed, and unable to advocate and connect on platforms.  
  • Young people seeking mental health help and information will be blocked from finding it, because even discussions of suicide, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders will be hidden from them. 
  • Teens hoping to combat the problem of addiction—either their own, or that of their friends, families, and neighbors, will not have the resources they need to do so.  
  • Any young person seeking truthful news or information that could be considered depressing will find it harder to educate themselves and engage in current events and honest discussion. 
  • Adults in any of these groups who are unwilling to share their identities will find themselves shunted onto a second-class internet alongside the young people who have been denied access to this information. 

What’s Changed in the Latest (2024) Version of KOSA 

In its impact, the latest version of KOSA is not meaningfully different from those previous versions. The “duty of care” censorship section remains in the bill, though modified as we will explain below. The latest version removes the authority of state attorneys general to sue or prosecute people for not complying with the “duty of care.” But KOSA still permits these state officials to enforce other part of the bill based on their political whims and we expect those officials to use this new law to the same censorious ends as they would have of previous versions. And the legal requirements of KOSA are still only possible for sites to safely follow if they restrict access to content based on age, effectively mandating age verification.   

KOSA is still a censorship bill and it will still harm a large number of minors

Duty of Care is Still a Duty of Censorship 

Previously, KOSA outlined a wide collection of harms to minors that platforms had a duty to prevent and mitigate through “the design and operation” of their product. This includes self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, substance abuse, and bullying, among others. This seemingly anodyne requirement—that apps and websites must take measures to prevent some truly awful things from happening—would have led to overbroad censorship on otherwise legal, important topics for everyone as we’ve explained before.  

The updated duty of care says that a platform shall “exercise reasonable care in the creation and implementation of any design feature” to prevent and mitigate those harms. The difference is subtle, and ultimately, unimportant. There is no case law defining what is “reasonable care” in this context. This language still means increased liability merely for hosting and distributing otherwise legal content that the government—in this case the FTC—claims is harmful.  

Design Feature Liability 

The bigger textual change is that the bill now includes a definition of a “design feature,” which the bill requires platforms to limit for minors. The “design feature” of products that could lead to liability is defined as: 

any feature or component of a covered platform that will encourage or increase the frequency, time spent, or activity of minors on the covered platform, or activity of minors on the covered platform. 

Design features include but are not limited to 

(A) infinite scrolling or auto play; 

(B) rewards for time spent on the platform; 

(C) notifications; 

(D) personalized recommendation systems; 

(E) in-game purchases; or 

(F) appearance altering filters. 

These design features are a mix of basic elements and those that may be used to keep visitors on a site or platform. There are several problems with this provision. First, it’s not clear when offering basic features that many users rely on, such as notifications, by itself creates a harm. But that points to the fundamental problem of this provision. KOSA is essentially trying to use features of a service as a proxy to create liability for speech online that the bill’s authors do not like. But the list of harmful designs shows that the legislators backing KOSA want to regulate online content, not just design.   

For example, if an online service presented an endless scroll of math problems for children to complete, or rewarded children with virtual stickers and other prizes for reading digital children’s books, would lawmakers consider those design features harmful? Of course not. Infinite scroll and autoplay are generally not a concern for legislators. It’s that these lawmakers do not likesome lawful content that is accessible via online service’s features. 

What KOSA tries to do here then is to launder restrictions on content that lawmakers do not like through liability for supposedly harmful “design features.” But the First Amendment still prohibits Congress from indirectly trying to censor lawful speech it disfavors.  

We shouldn’t kid ourselves that the latest version of KOSA will stop state officials from targeting vulnerable communities.

Allowing the government to ban content designs is a dangerous idea. If the FTC decided that direct messages, or encrypted messages, were leading to harm for minors—under this language they could bring an enforcement action against a platform that allowed users to send such messages. 

Regardless of whether we like infinite scroll or auto-play on platforms, these design features are protected by the First Amendment; just like the design features we do like. If the government tried to limit an online newspaper from using an infinite scroll feature or auto-playing videos, that case would be struck down. KOSA’s latest variant is no different.   

Attorneys General Can Still Use KOSA to Enact Political Agendas 

As we mentioned above, the enforcement available to attorneys general has been narrowed to no longer include the duty of care. But due to the rule of construction and the fact that attorneys general can still enforce other portions of KOSA, this is cold comfort. 

For example, it is true enough that the amendments to KOSA prohibit a state from targeting an online service based on claims that in hosting LGBTQ content that it violated KOSA’s duty of care. Yet that same official could use another provision of KOSA—which allows them to file suits based on failures in a platform’s design—to target the same content. The state attorney general could simply claim that they are not targeting the LGBTQ content, but rather the fact that the content was made available to minors via notifications, recommendations, or other features of a service. 

We shouldn’t kid ourselves that the latest version of KOSA will stop state officials from targeting vulnerable communities. And KOSA leaves all of the bill’s censorial powers with the FTC, a five-person commission nominated by the president. This still allows a small group of federal officials appointed by the President to decide what content is dangerous for young people. Placing this enforcement power with the FTC is still a First Amendment problem: no government official, state or federal, has the power to dictate by law what people can read online.  

The Long Fight Against KOSA Continues in 2024 

For two years now, EFF has laid out the clear arguments against this bill. KOSA creates liability if an online service fails to perfectly police a variety of content that the bill deems harmful to minors. Services have little room to make any mistakes if some content is later deemed harmful to minors and, as a result, are likely to restrict access to a broad spectrum of lawful speech, including information about health issues like eating disorders, drug addiction, and anxiety.  

The fight against KOSA has amassed an enormous coalition of people of all ages and all walks of life who know that censorship is not the right approach to protecting people online, and that the promise of the internet is one that must apply equally to everyone, regardless of age. Some of the people who have advocated against KOSA from day one have now graduated high school or college. But every time this bill returns, more people learn why we must stop it from becoming law.   

We cannot afford to allow the government to decide what information is available online. Please contact your representatives today to tell them to stop the Kids Online Safety Act from moving forward. 

Republished from the EFF’s Deeplinks blog.

PlayStation Advert Features K-Drama Star Kim Sejeong Cosplaying To Highlight Sony PS5 Games Like Horizon, Final Fantasy, EA FC 24, More

20. Únor 2024 v 11:41
Happy Lunar New Year to all!

PlayStation's latest ad for the Southeast Asian market features the popular singer and actress Kim Sejeong.

The advertisement uploaded on PlayStation Asia's YouTube channel celebrates the arrival of the Lunar New Year with the Happy New Play-Year promotion. The 15-second-ad features Sejeong dressed up as several popular …

Metro Exodus is getting a sequel, shooter’s devs confirm - but only “when it’s ready” (hopefully before 2033)

Flashlights and grubby gas masks at the ready: there will be a sequel to Metro Exodus, the developers of the follow-up to Metro 2033 and Last Light have confirmed. Don’t expect it soon, though, as 4A Games say it’ll arrive “when it’s ready”.

Read more
